(2009/08) August 2009 MTBs

hi kiki,
hope i can build up my milk ss too. been trying to be a gd moo moo. hee but latching now a bit painful after i gave her the bottle. she got no problem with latching tho...mabbe u might wanna check with the lactation consultant?

as for jaundice, my bb also has jaundice...can see her turning more yellowish by the day...gng to check on her bilirubin level tmr....meanwhile, pd asked me to sun her every day...so poor thing...2day we sun her, she was crying at the top of her lungs.

hi pris,
i did not have catheter...my birth process a bit "kok" up lar...my first delivery, i had the cathether...this one...i din have it but my gynae drained out the wee wee before she burst my water bag...she scared she will kanna...haha...then after that, i still wasn't given the catether.

hi cloudme,
i was given the thigh injection before my gynae stitch (i was also on epi). the nurse like not veri zai. i tink it came too late for it to take effect. i can still feel the stitches...owwwwww....

btw mummies, wanna check with you. Does your NB breath very hard? i find mine is....

I dun feel soo good. Tummy is aching like menstrual or tummy pain. But BB is stirring ard inside too. Cud be the movt making me feel nauseous too. This isn;t sign of labour right?
bring your bb to see the paed if you think your bb is yellow. dont delay.
I waited until my bb's checkup appointment day and the jaundice level is 25.6. Dr Tan says once reach above 25 must change blood already! In the end he recommended intensive light (4x stronger). I quite regret not going in to check earlier.

my bb is making piglet noises when he breath. I can see that his nose is block.
My massage lady is recommended by dolliepollie (also the same as Weishy)
her name is Tanti, 91000548.
She just bought the portable massage bed, so it's very comfortable and I dont have to mop the floor after every session already.
u try changing position or lying down...if its doesnt go away then it could b contractions...else u time it, contractions come in regular timing

Cannot lie down, working in office leh haha.

Just now 536, 542, 546,... But every time it tightens, the BB moves. Maybe it's his painful movt? Hiaz..
hi jul,
do u feel ur tummy hardening each time u exp the pain? then the hardening will cease together with the pain. tat's contraction.
i share the EXACT same sentiments with you! when Zachary stop sucking, i massage my breasts and he somehow will continue sucking. or i stroke his chin (from neck towards mouth not the other way round - taught by the bfding class).

for the short nipple, my CL is using cold cabbage leaves (put in fridge) to wrap my breasts. she said it will make my nipples not so short and i notice a different for my left nipple. right nipple is still quite short so tonight she is going to wrap my breasts with cold cabbage leaves again.

same! i dont even feel anything when i use the laughing gas besides thinking it SMELLS and piss me off. lol but the dr who did my epi for me was on his way cos he was outside. i was so desperate cos of the pain and the staff nurse asked "do you want to use the laughing gas to ease your pain before dr arrives?".

for epi, my tongue didnt feel numb. i remember they were using level 5 or something.

where do I buy syringe? when syringe,spoon or cup feed, do i pour the milk in his mouth? my cl ask me take a few drops using spoon and pour directly on his tongue. i almost bought the nipple shield, the one with a nipple coming out, plastic - avent. why is it a mistake? Mrs wong told me that i dont need too... but Zachary dont like my right breast.

yesterday when we first came home, Zachary was having nipple confusion and refuse to suckle. then my mil mentioned about buying FM and got a scold from me. Hate it when she says i have no milk! Both the LC from TMC (Mrs Wong & Lilian) as well as a few of the ward nurses said that i am bless with lots of colostrum (when they use their finger to express out). the problem is baby having nipple confusion and dont wanna suckle!

i just leaked some milk! got so shocked cos i am letting them air, then suddenly got liquid on my hand!

i try to make Zachary latch on my right breasts even if there wasnt much milk there. my boy also haha! when daddy and mommy hug him, he cry and cry as if bullying us. then when my CL carries him, he quite down le... i dont really feel sad but relief haha. rather he stop crying than cry and cry. now he is quite ok le but he wants my nipple to pacify him but i dont want him to suck pacifier or use my nipples as pacifier so i just let CL carries him.

now i am too tired to learn anything from my CL. just want to relax and rest till maybe end of this week since i only gave birth on tues.

yah please listen to Dr wong!!

my CL also says that too. that she has taken care of so many babies and the way she carry babies using her hands is like mould into what baby loves.

ND's girl
hope you have a smooth delivery next tues!
hi kiki,
oh dear...tat's veri high. i'm gng to see the PD tmr...eyes are still not that yellowish...so see what he says.
my elder gal had jaundice for 2 mths.
haiz... now i am a bit scared of breastfeeding. everytime Zachary sucks my breasts, my nipples hurts like hell... almost 2 hrs since last fed, milk monster is coming. =( can feel my nipples aching le. i wonder if i can ren until i dont feel the pain mah?
ino, nd's gal

Yeah each time got pain, then tummy will tighten. Last round was long.. from 548 to 552.. *prays hard it is BH*
ND's girl,
how much did ur bb gain since last visit or totally no gain?
tink my bb also slow down...only gain 200g in 2 weeks...normally he gain alot more
hmmm...tink i need ask my gynae bout it

i also heard cold cabbage will reduce milk ss...yet its helps to relieve engorgement

then mebby u try shift ur position? seems quite regular timing...if still dun get well, tink u need call ur gynae to check
the sucking nipple pain is NOTHING compared to engorgement pain. Engorgement is like someone pinch your breast very hard and refuse to let go...

leaking breast
My breast are leaking so much that no matter what I do, it will leak. I already used 2 boxes of breast pads for 2 weeks!
Very wasted leh, I collected the leaked milk and measure, it is about 2 oz for each feed!
i oso want to add onz... engorgement pain is worse when it comes with high fever... i had fever twice in 15 days.... one coz of left breast engorge.. the other coz of right breast..
soooo scared it turned into mastitis each time

how much is the massage lady? How long each session and what does she do? I tried out Jules' massage lady and she did gua sha for me. End up next day even more achy.

ya, from what i know, cold cabbage leaves is to ease engorgement, not to help nipple longer.

latching shouldn't be painful leh. U sure u latch correctly?
you can temporarily use nipple shield to feed Zachary. For me, i did not use nipple shield in the hospital, then bb suck until it bled. when i came home, i use nipple shield for 2 days, the nipples will harden then can tahan the pain better.

theoretically, nipple should not hurt if latch on correctly but practically, very hard to do ...
alamak dun be demoralise by me la cos every1 is diff who knows u r 1 of the lucky 1 who can lose weight v fast? i tink quite a no. of the gals here manage to lose quite a lot alr

wah the nurse at TMC like not v pro wor...

wah ur milk SS is v gd leh.. tt v gd..
hi mummies and MTB...

have been reading the thread... have given birth on 4th Aug 2009 here's my details:
Nick: Coolqoo (Punggol)
Natural delivery
BB gender: F
BB wt at birth: 3.26KG
at Mt Alvernia
Doctor Name: Dr Woo Bit Hwa

My story:
On 4th Aug:
5.45pm - went to see Gyane for checkup in preparation to be induced on 5th Aug cos bb overdue. Told gynae that my pelvic area is painful that day but he say not much contraction and bb not engaged yet. So went to eat my "last dinner" before going to hospital at midnight for induction. Already 2cm dilated
7pm: Went Toa Payoh eat Hokkien Fried prawn noodle but was sold out that evening.. sad.. so ate satay only

8pm: On the way back to punggol home to bathe and get ready. Regular pain started with every 2 mins interval.. pain but bearerable..
830pm: Arrive home to check if got show or water bag burst or leak... but no lei... so tahan with the pain and watch TV.. went bathe.. still pain with 2 mins interval
9pm: told hubby i bth ... pain was getting unbearable.. we were thinking maybe can tahan till 11 plus then go hospital.. but really bth..so grab bag and rush to car to go hospital
9.50pm: Reached hospital deliver room.. changed and clear bowels.. checked already 4cm dilated.. nurse ask if wan epi or not... i was thinking i can tahan.. so tell her i consider first...
10pm: watch channel 8 news.. with contraction going on.. still 2 mins interval..nurse called doc and he say no need to induced le.. cos in labour already...
11pm: pain become intense.. asked for gas.. started crying after inhaling.. cos pain is really painful.. then nurse came and check already 8cm dlitated.. too late for any epi...i also didn;t expect so fast...doc came
1147pm... she is born!!

Dr Woo was really very good.. hubby very impressed by his skill and efficiency.

oh.. before i went to hospital.. i also went to open all drawers in my house.. hahha... cos got read this thread.. :p thanks for the advise!!

I discharged today and now at home doing my confinement. ^_^
Hi Mummies
Pls update for me
Nick : Yoko
Baby Name : Tiffany Koh
Gender : F
Date of Birth : 30th July 2009
Weight at birth: 3.05kg
Length: 47cm
Edd: 27 AUg
Add: 30 July
Place: TMC
Emer c sect
Anyone considering to get CL for additional month? I am afraid I can't cope with bb, so thinking of getting another CL for another month but not sure if it's absolutely necessary
I am still struggling with breastfeeding. My boy refuses to latch on at times..... So end up I have to pump. But without the latching on, the milk is coming on very slowly. Any suggestions?
Congrats to bobo & Yoko….

Weishy & Piggy

Jia You and have a smooth delivery…..


Yr MIL really not zhi dong leh. Sick still stay at yr mum place….


U went to Dr Adrian for checkup this evening. Me also leh….

ND’s girl

My baby weight also drop leh. Last wk was 3.1kg today was 2.96kg. Gynae just say can give birth anytime. Just wait and see when baby wana be born.


Welcome to the thread and congrats.... Why must open all the drawers? Any reason?


I have friend who engage the CL for 3 mths leh.... Cos she worry she cant handle the baby herself....
hi all, just went to gynae tis evening, my baby have grown from 3.1kg to 3.5kg le....faint : /

Dr. had asked me if I wanna go c-sect...how?

Tinking if go c-sect, may opt tis sat / sun. Suddenly find it to be so fast. Now so scared and excited...cant tink properly.
I had fever once already since delivery. I think could be due to engorgement cos that day I didnt express milk cos alot of visitors. Then after I express, the fever subside.
Carefreelife / Sharon

To stop gaining more weight for yourself and bb if both is enough kgs liao..
Those sweet stuff and high in carbo stuff have to reduce.

That means no chocolate, durains, cakes etc..
These are no no food wor..

Rice try to take brown rice with millets and don take too much white rice.
White rice sugar content is higher than brown rice.



gotten yr no liao le..
later I sms u my no. hehe..

if I weekend can seh than no problem..
but if not, sian.. but I think visiting does not restricted to mums ba??


my mum and i got discuss liao le.. when i given birth.. she will tel those who is going to visit me to visit only after i confinement finished.

so wan me to rest.. not to entertain ppl wor
hello mummies,

I gave birth to Baby Rayes on 4th Aug.
3.8kg 51cm
Natural w/o epi

Supposed to discharge today, but his jaundice very high. So i stayed wi him for another day. Hope his jaundice go down tmr.
My BB also had problem with latching but I realised that just a few minutes of latching can "clear" the milk "passage" and the next pumping can get more milk.

My left breast is quite strange, when I pump there's no milk, but it will leak alot. I try to latch more on the side and now can pump out already.

Also try to drink the papaya fish soup, it really works for me.
Hi All,

After 1 week plus of delivery and trying to adapt to all the changes and coping with a new born bb gal, I am able to come in here to share my birth story and nightmare of bf and mil...

Birth Story
27 Jul
2.30am - onset of menses like cramp and monitored for 30 mins and realised that the contraction interval was very close 5 mins apart. Felt something flowing from vaginal and saw its bleeding. Immediately woke hubby up to get ready. Took a shower and did a last packing of the bag.

3.45am - Reached Mt A and went to delivery suite. Midwife checked that dilation was 1cm and gosh the VE was killing me more than the contraction pain.
4.30am - Gynae came and again my poor V was being tortured..this time he broke my waterbag. Drips was given to induce labour.
4.45am - Epi was given
6am - 4cm dilated
10am - fully dilated and bb ready to come out. Gynae arrived and within 30 mins baby Eunice came to be with mummy n daddy


milk ss came only on 5th days but very very little..todate 11 days liao still not even 10 ml and i am very very demoralised..have drank alot of fluid and bu soup but sighhh... bb also dun suckle hard enough and always half sleep during feed..no choice have to supplement with fm.. really feel like giving up..sighhhhh

Like some of u here, my mil keeps saying i no milk tats y bb hungry n cried..in hospital also say tat and everytime comes my place also say tat that i damn fedup..and i told my hubby to tell his mum to shut up...to her when my gal cries it must b she hungry..she is not staying here to see wats gg on and like to comment..now i see her or hear her talk i super buay song liao...
yeah... it's was supppppper painful. when i ask for epi, the midwife did a VE and broke my water bag accidentally. it was too late for epi then... and i was told to PUSH PUSH PUSH after tat!

i was shocked by my lil BIG boy! he was est abt 3.3 only on last scan.
Congrat Cheryl!

Dont be demoralise and dont give up!
Your milk ss will come one... Actually cos my bb is warded from D5-D10 so I end up pumping and not latching. The ss started at only 1oz after lots of pumping and squeezing, then it slowly increase. have you tried pumping to stimulate?

I'm also having problems latching and my bb is quite confuse now as I also bottle feed him.

hahaha... jus alot twisting and squeezing of the nurses and hb's arms. luckily it was a fast one. I went into labour ward at 3am plus, gave birth at 6am. Looking back... it was quite scary!!! I told my hb we'll stop at #2.
