(2009/08) August 2009 MTBs

<font color="0000ff">mummies who signed up FBI or SBI plan with TMC</font>,
has the AXA personnel called u up to meet for the free 6-mth bb insurance coverage plan?

jules, yes... Going to opt for partial this round so that I can sleep through while in hosp as once get home, no such luxury. So hopefully can latch one last time late at nite then next one early morning lor. 2 hrs sleep is tongkor! I tried last round really feel like killing the nurse when she bring my son in every 3 hrs!
no i mean the current bra i wearin is cup C gettin tight have bott a few cup D but haven wear... goin to bring them to hosp keke..
not true abt keep eatin durin preg baby will become obese la.. my HB is born at 3.9kg but he is not fat or obese at all i tink is the diet after they r born... if u feed them with fast food often of cos they will be fat keke....

ya hope they will come out lighter at least easier to push but my gynae alr say his head above average also so i doubt even he is light i will have a easier time to push keke..
the AXA rep have met up with me few wk back... in fact they call me to meet up many mth back wor.. if u have not receive any calls better call up TMC to check fast maybe they miss u out..
so good! my hubby never nag at me to get mc de leh. like just now sneeze until there is no tomorrow. Zachary having requent earthquake inside haha. i kept saying sorry to him cos feel bad haha

I signed up for FBI and then didnt get any call at all. You can call TMC and ask them about it. Then they will ask your name/Ic/contact and will ask AXA agent to call you back. I am meeting one of the agent on next monday @ TMC.

i am a pig when comes to sleeping! lol i scared i bfd my son until i doze off then drop him or what omg...

I bought one cup C then when i go to motherhood fair, the lady suggest D cos more space haha. donno why i always like to wear 1 size smaller de... maybe used to it already *donno how to buy bra*

Zachary's head is exactly at his gestation age. I hope can be easier to push. Are you doing any exercise now to help pelvic bone expand a bit more? my gynae said it might help.
piggytoh, i just met with one 'uncle' from AXA just now. wasn't very pleasaant. i feel he's kinda pushy to sell his other plans to me! yikes!
1 size smaller? dun u feel tight? esp with underwire? for nursin bra becos wireless so even wearin a slightly smaller size is ok but with wire 1 smaller size hurt wor n no gd for breast..
think your hb just super kan cheong and worry for you. My mum and hb also keep urging to start ML but I tell them I haven give birth so waste of ML to stay at home and do nothing except wait :p

thot you want to try w/o epi this round? For me, I more kiasu, definitely want the epi even b4 waterbag burst if possile heehee...
huh the lady who meet me v nice leh.. they nv push any other plan to me even recommend me to take up 1 aviva plan as rider n tell me if me n my HB under tt plan my baby will be under it for FOC.. n explain the free plan to me nia...

hahah my mum ask me dun take ML so early wait at home bore ..
no need la after ur baby born gave tt agent a call jus sign for the FOC 6 mth after tt if he call up n promote other plan ignore him lor.. but tt AXA plan seems not bad...
I definitely want the epi for no.2.
No.1 wo epi was a nightmare for me.

Do post some pics....... and do rest well too!
true, coz start ML so early wait at home dunno what to do...

but I want to ask gynae can give me HL or not :p
hahah actually i rather stay at home den come to work.. i got many thing i can do at home hahah haven even open up my steriliser n lots of thing to pack also..

so hows was it manage to rent it out?
Congrats Cherrios, Smurfy &amp; Jules!

jus came bk frm gynae for my 38wk check-up. i din out on any weight since last wk. did a VE. i'm alreadi 1.5cm dilated and baby is facing the rite direction. baby's buttocks are still quite high up. (maybe it's becos i've a short body. haha!) gynae said baby's buttocks quite big. hahahhah! was told i shdn't be giving birth next wk so most likely it'll be more or less ard my EDD which is national day! hubby veri happy to hear tat.
Thanks for the assurance.

My EDD is supposedly 6Aug, but due to sudden increase in Pressure, i have to be admitted to TMC this coming sunday midnight to be induced...doc checked that my cervix is not open... he said induce may b a 50% success rate only...might have to go thru C-section if cervix not open...

Is there any way to get cervix to open? i have 2days only =(
yr hubby loves u &amp; baby so much lor tats y he so gan jiong. mine not worried abt H1N1 at all. i'm also still working till end of next wk. hubby also din ask me if i can still manage. he see me can walk here &amp; there, climb stairs, carry heavy things, he jus let me be.
u washed the soft toys alreadi ah? how to wash huh? u handwash or machine wash? the waterproof sheet also handwash ah? mine still all lying in the cupboard. i so lazy leh. i haven't even take out my breast pump to see &amp; sterilise. dunno if it's still working or not. cos passed down by my sil who gave birth end 07. i still relax relax here. haha!
so ur baby alr engaged? tt great to hear all is well
hahah maybe we will give birth ard the same time keke..

Joann S,
oh sorry to hear tt but i hear if cervix not open they will insert the pill down ther n drip to make it open wor... i also worry if mine not open how...
my baby was alreadi engaged last fri.
today dilated 1.5cm. but so far i haven't experienced BH or maybe i dunno wat it is.
Yes!!!! He's always asking me to take mc &amp; rest at home the moment i complain of any discomfort! Sometimes really pek chek lor, cos we know these discomforts comes from pregnancy and is natural de, but he sees it as discomfort = bad for bb.

Hahaha .. yr hubby very funny ... must purposely kiss so loudly

Hiaz ... dunno if it's good or bad lah ... he abit too kan cheong lor. I mean it's good that he cares lah, but abit too extreme lor.

Ooooh .. i'm waiting for bb's bed to arrive ... they r delivering it today

Mmm .. but my dog like not very happy cos we have to shift her bed to another corner to accommodate bb's bed
so far my gynae nv do VE for me so i got no idea if i start to dilate..so far no show &amp; blood..thik even dilate also minimum..thk for cherrios &amp; pris dilated abt 3cm then mucuos plug dropped out.
piggy, no leh..my gynae vy pro natural de..so he didn't do for me..mayb he's male gynae so he didn't do for me so far...jz ask if i got any prelabour signs...
is yr baby engaged alreadi? when is yr next check-up? yup yup, maybe we're giving birth ard the same time.
but mine will be close to full term.
the tenant is a single lady i doult so lor.. anyway as long got pple wanna view, will still hv to go open house to let them view.

tml my turn to go for doc.. so scare doc will say bb too big!!!! argh!!!!
i asked gynae before of the signs, he mention 5 mins apart regular contraction and pain
or water bag burst....so mine was 5 mins contraction and pain so i went in loh...but i guess the
pain is not strong enough..today felt bb pushing downwards and sharp pain and more bleeding and regular cramping with pain but i tell myself it's still not the sign yet..will lun and see if water bag burst then for sure i'll go in liaos

i hope so....

thanks! think a few mummies will go first before me

me not yet...still waiting!

i have dark pigmentation too!! will it go away after we give birth?

yes a lady called from AXA, i listen but never sign up

those who are keen to donate cord blood, you may want to quickly do so cos when you go into labour, cannot be done liaos.
my last checkup last wk haven engage but will induce ard NDP period but v worried if cervix not open dunno how... so envy those pp wk 37 cervix alr open

icic but i thot it is necessary to check for dilation etc so u will know ur body condition? maybe diff gynae diff practise..

Joann S,
Some say climb stair n walk more bt i got friend walk alot also no use so i tink depend on individual body.

me too nex wk my nex appt liao.. hopefully he dun gain a lot of weight again... today i feel my sharp pain gettin more intense esp when i std up hopefully it my baby tryin to engage..
piggy, u next week then appt, me tml ah!!!
last visit bb gain 500g in 1 week, nw 2 week apart already! i can feel tummy so tight thats mean he grow till no space for him already haha!!!
actually wat is enganed? bb head like 'stuck' to a position n ready to come out??
hi mummies, afternoon to all..

i kept having feelins that period is coming..

piggy, my gynae also have done any VE check for me..

For those mummies who wld be delivering soon, good luck... some of the mummies have really smooth delivery.. **envy**

hope that my delivery would be jus as smooth..

i'm going on leave after next week.. can't wait for 31/07.. so can rest at home..
cervix open means wat? so i'm alreadi 1.5cm dilated means my cervix is opened alreadi rite? i super blur when it comes to all these terms. i also felt some pain at pelvic area and told gynae during my last visit. then he checked &amp; told me baby engaged. so probably tats y i felt the pain. so maybe for u, baby is engaged?

ya, i think engaged means the baby 'stuck' in the position getting ready to come out liao. cos when i asked my gynae last visit if baby will still move around &amp; change his position, he said no.

my gynae also male. but today when he did the VE for me, he's veri gentle. asked me to let him know if i felt uncomfortable. to me, the test for Strep B is more uncomfortable.
Hello regg
Your checkup tom? My gynae is right. Growth slow down after 36 weeks. My bb only put on 100gm in a week. He is now 2.9kg. Gynae expect him to be around 3 kg next Tuesday at my scheded c.

Hi donkeymania

i went doc at 34w- bb 2.2, 35w- bb 2.7, tml going for 37w appt...
but i also read that bb will slow down growing at tis point of time.. so i hope so.
i very confuse nw! cos 1 hand i hope bb wont be too big so can go for norm delivery ( but scare pain), on the other hand also worry wat if doc tell me tml that ' oh bb grow very big, better CS!" argh! what a confuse MTB!!!!
