(2009/08) August 2009 MTBs

piggytoh, oic..i know that nuh charges abt 700+ for epidural.. not sure how the breakdown is like for the anesthetist fee/medicine cost. anyway, for both my labours (abt 6 hrs), i didnt even finish 1 dose/bag of the epidural medicine leh. another forum mummy from my other thread needed top up only cos she was in labour 24 hrs (induced labour) - and that was just 1 top up only.
morning ladies and congrats to all who hav pop..
jus saw cherrios facebook.. she also pop liao..
yup...counting down liao...
cos today is 24jul...
1 mth to go...just crossing my fingers that my gynae is ok with bb's weight...
otherwise i can't think of inducing...
so far...epi is out of my mind...
kekeke...hope i dun need to give in the last min...
ya lor tt wat i scare if my labour long it would cost a bomb... hopefully i can manage the pain well n inject at ard 3-4cm dilated...

actually i saw hosp like MT A they have package with epi so dunno on top of tt any other charges anot.... btw is ur baby alr engage be4 u went into labour?
that's why to me epi is off my mind...

anyway...i can endure the last labour pain...
this round should not have any problem too...
save $$$ too...
Morning ladies…

Will be on MC today..
Yesterday got that kind of feeling again like want to come period again. But it’s a little bit mild than the night before.

Later got to call gynae up and see doc later on.

All mummies giving birth today, GAM BA TEH!!!

Mine also not that big.. I think have to try out myself than I know. Haha.. I see those Taiwan TV, they said if never pump out BM first hor.. will leak also. Haha..



Yesterday night sleep better but still feel that kind of feeling wor…
Later clinic opens at 10am than have to contact doc to see what time I can go down.

MIL I think all sama sama.. haha.. she like expects me to have almost same bb wt as my husband when born wor.. my husband said big also not good cos too much burden for me later to giv birth



You intend to put your son at chongfu ah?
Me too last time from chongfu. Haha..
I used to stay at block 265. pri sch behind me and sec in front of me. Haha..



Congrats!! This week me also 37 week liao le by Sunday.
If poking epidural painful? Cos most of them said it is painful but the giv birth is more painful



ya I try out w/o wearing bra first. Haha.. see how later. Anyway… my husband will be operating the washing machine. Haha..
morning!! the thread moves so fast as usual...

sharon, pls help to upldate table.
ADD: 23 July
Weight: 2.917kg
Delivery: Natural with epi

birth story before i forget..hehe...
3am: started to induce via drip (forgot the name)3cm dilated
4.30: still 3cm; increased dosage
5.25: still 3 to 3.5cm; increased dosage
6am: waterbag broke, contractions started kicking in, cldnt stand the pain, asked for epi
6.15am: 4cm dilated
6.30am: took epi
7am: told nurse i got the poopoo feeling, 8cm dilated!! nurse said gynea went off for csect, will take half an hr and i might need more time to dilate
7.20am: told nurse i got the urge to push alrdy! fully dilated....but muz ren cos gynea still not back!!!
7.50am: started pushing with nurse's help and gynea arrived after 2 pushes...
8.02: Bb Ellyse arrived into the world!
wow ur labour is short n sweet too

from wat i heard pokin epi not painful wor but when the fluid go in we feel the suan suan feelin..
oh ya, for 2nd time mummies...can i noe...when then we dare to poo ah? or shld i say when is a better time to poo so that not so pain?
Congratz to Cherrios, Smurfy & Jules

Wah!! 3 babies here shared the same birthday!!

and also jia you to KiKilala, kpc & babymaking
cherrios, i think i pooed around the 3rd day or so, can't remember well. mine wasn't so pleasant, cos last time the stitches didn't melt by itself. so for the whole week (before going back to gynae), i can feel those threads poking at me. ouch ouch!

but i remember after massage session, i will have loose stool and expelled lotsa wind, easier to pass out hehehe

sorry if i sound too yucky!
mrng mummies! wow! heard few mummies alr popped yesterday...when will b my turn? heehee

today is my last day of work gng to start ML next Mon

Cherrios, your bb is in good weight le..haha sometimes the scan really makes us worry hor..but seems like bb tends to cum out bigger than est right?

My gal was 3.1kgs as of yest dunno by then she cum out will hit 3.5kg or not...scarely :p but my gynae assure me no prob for big bb cos i'm tall woh!
cheerios, congrats on a really quick labour! for my #1, i poo on the 3rd day after delivery.. it was ok, not too bad. can always ask ur dr for some lactulose to make the poo softer if u are v scared..

bean, the below part heals fully in abt 2-3 wks.. but after few days the pain is minimal liao. i find the afterbirth pains from the uterus contracting more uncomfortable than the pain from the stitches.

epidural - i didnt feel any suan suan feeling when it went in leh.. maybe cos the skin all numb liao.
chintz, hehe..no, nt yucky to me....ya, i also kp farting eh...so thinking when can poo..hehee..i forgot to ask the doc abt the stiches! should be self dissolve wan right?

i saw this news before.
my bb will be sleeping at both sarong and bed.
but we are not getting those you know sarong stand cos i find that dangerous. better have those drill one better.
cherrios, most of my friends all self-dissolved one. dunno me suay bah, had to suffer the pain. but there's also another friend of mine felt the pain.

i think it's the skin reaction to the thread?? not very sure. i hope mine will dissolve by itself this round. that pain is really uncomfortable. apart from that, i don't feel any pain after birth!
no not necessary many bb i come across is smaller than est so it depends

Seems like so far those mummies who have pop have rather short labour wor...

so is pokin of waterbag painful?
Jules, I have been having a lot of BH recently and in fact, my tummy is harden 90% of the time. And lots of menstrual cramp feeling too. That’s why I ask you what is mild contraction.
Anyway I am going to see gynae later on so can see how’s the progress.

Huh…same as no.1 ah? Jialut…that is bad news for me!!!

BabyS, my pigmentation problem is quite bad too. In fact all my freckles turned into pigmentation. Ofcoz not forgetting the armpit. Its really like what Kikilala described too.

Sharon, hahaha…you noticed it! I was trying to keep quiet and not mentioned as I can see those around my EDD and even after my EDD has already delivered. But I know mine won’t be so soon as my boy was a full term baby so I expect my girl to be similar.

I will be going to see Ah Wong later in the afternoon so see what she says lor.

Kpc/Kikilala/bbmaking , all the best to you!!!

Piggy, that time my delivery was 13hrs and I use 2 dosage of epi. I think depends on how much they turn it to. If you don’t use full force maybe can last longer.

Sbb, the epi injection is more painful than normal injection. But really like what Jules said, its nothing compared to labour pain.

Cherrios, congrats to you!!! Your delivery process is fast too!!!
That time my gynae ask me must die die poo before I go back for followup in one week’s time. You can ask gynae to give you something to soften the stools so not so painful.
Irene : my armpit also see already abit sad , hopefully can go away after pregnant. My colleague say after give birth will go off

Bean, armpit still can hide by not raising our arms. Mine is on the cheeks ah...so ugly lor. In the end I went to see dermatologist to treat it. Pregnant already ugly enough and still got pigmentation...I cannot take it!
