(2009/08) August 2009 MTBs

Hi all,

I am selling the following items at a bundle price of $15.

- 2 boxes of Pigeon Disposable Breast Pads (42 pcs in each box)
- 2 boxes of Tollyjoy Disposable Breast Pads (48 pcs in each box)
- 1 box of Pigeon Diaper Liner (100 pcs)

Anyone interested, please email me at [email protected]

Dollie : me also poo poo everyday , alway hv this type of pain . I scare one day is labour pain and I also dunno
HI Celine
Congrats! and have a gd rest

OK, Booties Done for Joyful & Mashy


Have you manage to confirm which slot to take for the maternity makeover ?


Some suggestion, you could bring tube top so can show off your tummy or you could get your husband shirt, so that it can be unbutton to the right level, to hide n to reveal.....
bean, its really true that very hard to differentiate between real labour pain and other kinds of pain. Just before my water bag broke, I was having dinner with friends, but on and off keep having some pulling pain. I dismissed it as BH or normal ligament pains till I felt the water leaking, then realised its real contractions.

bbS, after hearing your friend's story, think I also scared to of going to the toilet!

I dunno leh ... BH shldn't be painful rite? The cramps last nite was painful and i sort of remember it as the kind of pain when i was induced the last time. Just that last nite was not as severe lah ... but the pain is the same kind of pain .... er ... something like gastric pain? But the pain is at the tummy instead of the chest area.

Hiaz ... i'll monitor again and see how ... if still have i'll call up Ah wong le.
congrats Celine!

Thanks for the lovely booties!

Just had a 2hr nap. Somehow feels that afternoon naps are so much more restful. Really feel so energised after that. But still going to get hb to buy back dinner. I'm going on a strike this last lap. No more cooking dinners. hehe.

feeling a bit 'sng sng' at the uterus. tummy not hard though.
I just play with facebook Morphbaby , so cute just cute your hb and your face and take will match both your look of your baby . heehee you all can go and try .

BabyS : scary leh hv leg hanging out when poo poo , scare me .
congrats on your newborn bb! You rest well ok!

are you around? Is it possible you pass my ergo carrier to Irene when you gals meet up for lunch this thursday? Thank you.

i listen to your contraction story i very scared wor.... I will sure panic dunno what to do... thou it is my 2nd time.

cramp like gastric pain? thot contraction is like stomach tighten very very hard? you got take proper meals or not?
ya nowadays driving my boy really wriggling ALOT in my tummy makes me quite worried. When do you think we should stop driving?

My #1 was induced so I dun really have those sudden contraction or water burst scenerio hence I also dunno what to expect this time...
mashy, don't drive long distances anymore...

celine, i see, there's still time to react even when the water bag breaks, or contractions starts... I even had time to finish packing my bag and bathe
me too.. my boy kick n punch alot while i drives n sometime quite painful but i dun intend to stop la cos walkin to work is worse unless i feel the risk of me continue driving..

I mean the cramp feels like gastric pain lor .. when u have gastric, it's also a squeezy feeling but it's below the chest area. The pain i felt last nite is something like dat but at my tummy .. it's like your insides kena squeezed till very tight, den released.

Aiyoh .. now my tummy is very hard now, and keep having this wanna poo kind of feeling but i know there's no poo poo cos i just did it this morning .... very uncomfy ...
Congrats Celine. You take care. Your baby is progressing well, you rest well now and soon you will have baby back in your arms liao.

Don't scare me huh ... now dun have the cramps le, just tummy hard and wanna poo kind of feeling.

When i had the cramps last nite, i tried to time the interval, it was abt a few mins. But the whole thing went off after abt 10mins.

I think .... shldn't be contractions hor?
Pegsfur, contraction should be painful enough to make you sweat and the hair stand. And it won't go away after a while. It will only get more intense.

ok lah, so long as go off then ok. But if it gets more intense, then time to go in. But prob if u tell your gynae next round u see him, u'll be put on the ctg to check for contractions.

They said haven engage. Im gg for checkup on the 17 July and they said by the time confirm engage liao le. Haha..

Huh.. u want to induce ah?
You don want to natural let the bb come out ma?

If you want to induce the bb earlier come out, are you gg to see fengshui or not?



I heard once bb can drink milk at ICU consider ok liao le.. so should be no problem...now u must rest a lot leh for this confinement period

ya i intend to drive as long as I could else if my hb overseas I dun drive i got to take cabs to work... :p

dun scare pegsfur... maybe you are just have braxton hicks thats all.
huh no such ting la usu if engage mean comin out soon mine head down for mths liao also haven engage... ya if possible i will induce 1st wk of Aug see if baby wanna come out himself if not will jus pick a date to induce cos now my gynae say mus monitor the cervix first not say u wan can induce... cos my Hb wan come back so if induce at least can pick a date..
even if u got sign of labour if ur body take v long to dilate ur gynae will also induce u 1...
arghh! My MIL just called and say coming to visit me in 10 mins... I better go and hide the oranges that she bought the last time. :p
good to hear that...rest well n take care...ard 3 weeks more...jiayou!

is ur throat better? mebby can drink starfruit juice wif some salt?

celine low,

if u inducing..then it bout another mth to go
oohhh...v fast!

really got such thing ar? im only into my 33 weeks lei...getting scary
she muz b gettin excited bout ur delivery...dats come visit so often...hope she dun buy more oranges for u tis time!
ya provided everything is smooth cos need my cervix to open n baby to engage mah... by then i wk38+ liao hopefully no need engage my water bag burst by itself lor keke..

oh btw my nex checkup is 18 Jul leh heheh...
Kikilala, next time hor, must be more prepared. If got caller ID, don't answer. If not, ask your mum to tell her you not around.

Not weird for MIL to come visit you at your mum's place meh?
alamak ur MIL comin again ah.. u shd lay out all the orange mah show u alr got a lot n u NOT EATIN keke... den she wun waste any more $$?
celine' wow congrats have a good rest n hope bb's well too.now making me scared too.........its a good thing

ladies' no probs.....all just phone calls away,impt is we get to know our future in laws ma hehehehe....jus joking

we'll be there so dun worry abt coming late......but will start first though,hope u guys dun mind......

oh ya just a,suggestion.....maybe those interested in sharing e angel wipes can order altogether n bring back too when we meet?
I counted... 25 oranges now hidden in the fridge! I very soft-hearted leh, dont dare to show her the oranges!

very weird! I just sit there to watch TV or play with my doggie while my mum entertain her... hehe!

ai yoh, maybe ask your other family members to eat the oranges? Or they also don't eat oranges? Maybe u just tell her say heard that eat oranges can cause jaundice lah. hahah. Altho it's not true, but she old folk probably would have heard the same thing.
poor thing.. like wat the rest of the gals say juice it up n drink lor.. for me i dun eat oranges but i drink orange juice hahah if ur family dun take gave neighbour?
hi all

<font color="0000ff">Celine</font>, congrats!! Do rest well and dun worry too much, your bb is doing well and drinking milk now. You will soon have him in your arms.
