(2009/08) August 2009 MTBs

joeey, my boy also refuse let me brush, he wants to hold himself, n then suck n play in the mouth...so quite hard to do too...i use spiffy wipes, he likes, but when i try use water with cotton wool, he refuses...so on n off clean teeth only. i also worried leh

how u mummies convince baby to let u brush their teeth? maybe i shld use the toothpaste too, then he may like the taste hor....i tried once with first teeth, he didn't quite like it at first...then after that wanted to suck n play with it himself.

if drink milk at 10pm before sleep, then when do u all brush the teeth?

also do your toddlers like to play n see handphone n insist to see it before bedtime..so much so, he will watch the handphone til he falls asleep....any advice how to stop this habit? scared bad for eyes, as i let him lie down to see, so he can fall asleep after that...or is it just normal that all toddlers like to play with phone? cos i getting worried if addicted to it...

It's been rather quiet here! Where's everyone?

Saw mashy's fb post on registering for her boy's pri school .... i know it's abit early to discuss this for our toddlers but how do you choose the right school for them? Do u take into consideration the CCAs available to them? Behaviour of the students? Or solely on the school's ranking?
jeni:: my sam sengs like to play with our hps too..n smtimes 'addicted' to ipad too. there was a period i had to rely on the ipad to 'buy' them over for me to make them sleep... but after awhile.. they like getting more n more awake from watching video clips. so then i try not to bring any device into the room when trying to make them sleep.

try other 'activities' to keep him occupied before the konk out? we will smtimes wrestle to burn out the energy.. or u could sing or watnot?

pegs:: haha..im a lazy mum.. i doubt i will be that wei da n hardworking to do research of the CCA, behaviour of students, etc.. i wld juz go for conveniences!! at this moment, my pri sch is still ard..n i will first try my pri sch. else will go by location le. no need too much hassle kind.
I didn't look at cca leh. Coz my boy also not excel in any so just choose whatever available lor. The one he's going was my hb's old sch, near my home and the most popular co-Ed sch in amk. Really won't know good or not till go in. Esp since it depends on the teachers. I guess reputation is also important. Go kiasuparents can find out more. If u have shortlisted any, and need to perform pv, remember to check early. At least 2-3 years before they go in. Some schs require early pv, some later. It's now very competitive. I see the stats I also scared. Luckily can go in at phase 2a else sure stress. The popular schs all left with only 20-30 places at phase 2c.
Really ah? Cos i heard stories from my fren who said her son learnt alot of vulgar words from classmates. Though i know there are bound to hv black sheeps everywhere, it just kind of freaks me out on the kind of kids ovann's gonna mix with.

Dun think i'm hardworking enuf to go do PV at those more reputable schools
That's why i'm keeping a lookout on schools around my area. Tentatively i've shortlisted 2, Mee Toh and Edgefield pri.

I'm more inclined to select Mee Toh as i've heard it's a reputable school. And the students i met are mostly pretty decent kind. The thing is the CCA they offered are SO BORING (at least to me!) They've got chinese dance, chess, chinese orchestra, malay dance and science club. The only sports they offered is badminton.

For edgefield, the students i met are all in a variety .. hahhaa .. and this is the school where my friend's son learnt all the bad words. However, they've got such a range of CCAs that i wished i was studying there during my time. They've got ballet, archery, horse riding, fencing, dancesport, gymnastics, violin etc, just to name a few.

As i was quite active in ECAs (as they were known in my time), i enjoyed myself alot. Was thinking now shld i put that into consideration when choosing school for ovann?

Tks for the link!
if it's popular, then prepare to do pv. Else u may risk balloting and end up not in the sch u want. My friend thought her choice sch is within 1km so no prob. Prev years also no balloting for those within 1km. Who knows her year got ballot within 1km and her dd lost the ballot and was sent much further away. She regretted not doing pv. Now a lot
of new citizens and pr fighting for places with our kids, so we gotta be more hardworking lor. Unless u really don't care where he goes. Edgefield's cca selection is so good! My boy's sch also very limited cca. They do guzheng. More for gals.

Ya, dats really scary ... i remembered looking at the statistics of those schools further away from my area and i was really surprised that a few of the neighbourhood schools still need to ballot for the early phase. I'm still quite resistant to the idea of doing PV but who knows, when the time comes, which is like next 2 yrs, i might change my mind!

And ya, edgefield's CCAs really comprehensive! That's why i'm willing to sort of shorlist it given some of the students' behaviour :p
u can try brushing together with him
my hb brushes teeth together with Ryan, so its a monkey see, monkey do thing

i tink sch ranking is quite impt, also need consider location, else its v tiring to travel for young kids? im v kiasu, must get into phase 2A1
my friend's colleague's son at P3 told the mummy he want drop out of sch! cos he is enrolled in not so good neighbourhood sch with bad peer pressure
hearing such stories, i tink choosing a good sch is v impt
wah talkin abt primary ah.. can i check it is ou kiddo will get a guarantee place if 1 of the parents is the old gal or boy of tt sch?
Sharon, you saying must get into 2A1 you or ur husband nit to be a former student & joined alumni or become a member of SA/MC lolz. which one u gonna be?

I also damn sian abt enroll primary school the one we shortlist happen is the most popular school in my area too. For 2A2 phase, left 56 vacancies nia.
Piggy, FYI

If I am an ex-student of the school, does it mean my child will get a place no matter how far away I live?

A child of an ex-student may register in the school under Phase 2A of the exercise, but is not guaranteed a place in the school. Should the number of applicants under Phase 2A of the registration exercise exceeds the number of vacancies, the school will conduct balloting among the eligible registrants.
hi mummies thanks for making the thread alive again

sharon, it's good to brush after milk but my kids immediately sleep after drinking the bottle of milk, no chance to brush ...

sbb, is it the white stains on the tongue that is making my gal's mouth smelly ? geez, so hard to brush the tongue ...

bobo, my gal also swallow all the toothpaste, like eating jelly ... faintz

jeni, i brush my gal's teeth before her milk at bedtime, ya, it's wierd but she sleeps immediately after milk, no chance to brush at all ...

cloudme, the links are very useful ! Thanks !
all the talks about P1 registration ... think i better start PV soon ...
From what i understand is old boys/girls falls under 2 category, 2A1 for alumni and 2A2 for ex-student. So far, it almost seems like a for-sure entry unless you really super suay and got loads of enrollment from ex-students.

I think most schools would accept parent volunteers but depending on their policy. To be safe, have to start enquiries early. I enquired for CHIJ before and they accept PV 1 year in advanced.

I just received news that my girl is accepted for Pei Chun. Kinda glad...
Liz, congrats that your girl has been accepted into Pei Chun. So you registered before you left?

Sharon, which school are you aiming for under Phase 2A1?

Joeey, think most schools will only accept PV when the kids are around 4 yrs old... so now can just call to enquire.

mashy, think even for some schools do PV also not much use. Another mummy I know did PV for some school that is popular in her area, but because there is a large number of applicants for Phase 1 and 2A, she may not even get to ballot at Phase 2B as she is between 1-2km. So only balloting for Phase 2B under 1km. So all that effort wasted and down the drain. So frustrating
Wow the topic now is about Pri school. I intend to send my gal to a school near my mum's place for her convenient. And that sch was been merge with my former sch... So hope not balleting needed...


Thanks Joey...
Mich: I authorised my bro-in-law to do for us since his kids are going there... MOE allows application by engaging proxy... Hubby is ex-student so i guess its much easier... now need to go apply for leave of absence for her...

i wanted to do PV for CHIJ but hubby was against it... he was worried that i end up doing for nothing and my girl end up with somewhere ulu...
congrats liz!

mich, looking at chongfu or ai tong
will be joinin SHHK or alumni next year to guarantee a place
wah.. Talking about primary school already.

my hb is the ks one... He joined hokkien huey kuan and even flew back to join their members meeting. Siao on one!

Most prob i will put my boy at Tampines primary. It's just 1 minute walk from my mum's place and it's my old school. To my surprise, the ranking is very good too.

but the thing is i dont know where i will be staying in 5 years time...
woh! Kiki, your hb is more kan cheong than u! Hahahha... I ever consider joining Hokkien Huey Kuan cos i am thinking of Nan Chiau... But I am not within 1km... and I heard that even if u get into 2B u wont get a place due to the distance.

Pegsfur, you should be staying quite near me... U know just opp the punggol mrt, they are building a new primary school... not sure if it an entirely new school or some current school shifting over...
thanks me v blur abt all these... hmm i dun even know my Pri merge with which sch lo.. where to check huh?
thanks me v blur abt all these... hmm i dun even know my Pri merge with which sch lo.. where to check huh?
Puro, u stay in sengkang or punggol?
who are the mummies staying in sengkang? what's the next better school other than Nanchiau?

Wonder nanchiau do PV can get in or not? just missed the 1km mark by like 0.3km..crap....didn't check that when buying house that time...or how to join Hokkien Huey Kuan ? what do u have to do at the hui guan any idea? they accept anyone to join?? so join huey kuan more chance or do PV?

any other good primay school in sengkang? i saw their websites but think all not in ranking listed... n they don't post their PSLE results on their website, unlike some other schools.
you or your hb need to be a hokkien to join the huey kuan and need 2 existing members to recommend before you can join. Entrance fee is $500+ and I'm not sure if there's any annual membership fees (i never ask my hb)

there will be some spaces reserved for members in each of their schools and doing volunteering work in the huey kuan will increase the chances.
hi ladies!

The topic continues today kekeke

Happi, i looking at PEPS within 1km from my plc 2nd choice will be Keming but i thk more than 1km.
asking out of point questions
if i send my hb's shirt to the laundry once a week, will it be very hard to keep the shirts clean?
how do u all handle hubby's shirts if no maid?

usually hubby dun buy too exp shirts, so i will just wash as per normal.

only if is white ones, i will bleach it.. haha.. lazy wife..
Sharon, don't think its kiasu, better to look into it earlier, unlike me who only start to think when my girl is 5 yr old! Your hb is old boy of chongfu or Ai Tong? Think old boy definitely more chance than joining HK since HK member is Phase 2B and at that phase, some schools have balloting.

As for shirts, just wash and iron as per normal... I buy all the non crease kind to make life easier.

Piggy, think check with MOE?

Liz, are u homeschooling your girl over in the US?

donkeymami, what is PEPS?
last time when we just married, we will take turns to wash the clothes and he will have to iron on his own. I told him bringing home to his mum to iron is NOT an option!

now, he just sends to the laundry once a week. needs to buy alot of shirts and pants as 5 sets will always be at the shop. but I dont like the smell of the laundry leh... very fake!
kiki, ha ha, I agree that asking his mum to iron is not an option. Or else his mum will be thinking that the DIL is lazy or something!
Mich, ya i thk so think is the better one in bt batok tat's why quite popular. I heard school do not accept PV meaning we will b under 2C & mostly have to ballot sian!
Mich, thanks for ur link. but access denied think oli member then can see right?

Ya, 2C ballot high chance we wun be able to get a seat. act my hubby vy against abt PV liao if i tell him become RC he will faint hahaha

Piggy, not sure abt Dazhong for bt batok the betetr one is PEPS & Keming.
Mich: I bought the Primary school syllabus to homeschool her based on SG syllabus but she is also going to school here... She is like on long holiday now cos school only starts in end aug and my boxes have not reach yet...

Where is ur girl going for p1?
donkeymami, just sign up for an account and can see liao... yes, actually PV is quite ma fan indeed, but if serve RC, think of it as serving the community... very "wei da" hee hee

piggy, can always join back the GRC committee?

liz, registering next week for Marymount Convent under Phase 2B. I think their syllabus in the US is probably quite different, so its good she gets exposure to both systems.

sigh my side worse the more popular 1 r rulang n nan hua(if i move to my MIL place) but both damn tough to get in ... so considerin my HB PS Shuqun but dunno gd anot sigh.
