(2009/08) August 2009 MTBs

my gal opposite. She has small feet and tiny ankles. But she insists on wearing crocs! Same as her bro! When I tried to make her wear other shoes, she gets upset. Now her crocs are too big for her and she keeps tripping.

Now she also chooses my shoes for me everyday. She insists that I wear my ballet flats and refused to let me wear other shoes. She kept going bu Yao bu Yao and take away my chosen shoes and replace with her choice. Sigh.

They seem now to be at this stage where they will choose what they wana wear.
Can be a headache in the morning when rushing for time and she refuse to wear the dress..Only want that "apple dress" or that "bear bear dress". And she is always ok with Tee and shorts...only for dress that she is picky or resistant..
For shoes only give her two choices to choose from but nowadays she oni like to wear her "crocs", slightly bigger for her too

just received an email frm the cc principal -

Hi Shirley

You must be wondering most of the time how your twins are doing. Allow me to assure you that they are adjusting and are trying to follow through our centre’s rituals and routines. Yes, they both cried as your hubby and you left them at the centre but all was done in about 15-20 minutes. They do get anxious though when they sight other parents drop their children at the centre and Mattea would ask for ‘daddy’. She would whine but will stop as we try to divert her attention on some other things at the centre.

I was with them during the outdoor play this morning and all I can say that they are completely adorable as they played with other children. Our staff here can’t help but to often drop by their class just to steal a hug from them. I guess this is what happens when we have cute toddlers like Mattea and Keona in our centre.

Please feel free to call us at anytime you like or as many times you wish to if you want to find out how your girls are doing otherwise Teacher Hana would try to get in touch with you between 1 – 3 pm just to update you on the girls’ progress at the centre.


arrrrh.. omoz teared reading it.. indeed smtimes kept tinking if they will cry non-stop.. or cry till vomit or wat.... but din wana call the ctr so much to disrupt their operations.... but ya.... good ting they're getting a hang of it..n coping ok... hope they will be more settled in real soon.
good leh, the CC give such service.

my boy going to start in Jun and I'm starting to worry.

that's a nice cc to be in. First time I see the supervisor so hardworking writting u a personal letter to tell u how your kids are.
heng my boy is not so bothered about clothes, but he is super picky about shoes. he decides which pair to wear and he must carry his bag whenever we go out. Just go down to walk the dog also have to take the bag!
kiki/mashy:: ya.. i really appreciate that... but then agn.. oso prolly this is just the 2nd week.. so like juz nw their class teacher oso called ard 1pm to update me of their status, etc. but then agn.... prolly they oso see this partnership as a bigger stake one..cos 1 time 2 businesses mah.. bahahah~

kiki:: bahaha~ yr boy so cute.. stylo siah.. carry bag some more. lol~ my girls oso smtimes will 'reject' certain clothes we wana put on them.. sometimes 1st dun wan.. den we managed to put on the 2nd..the 1st will LL wana wear the clothes oso. there r times, both oso dun wan.
Your center principle so good ah?
You put at child at which center? Haha..

You had difficulty in finding shoes ma?
I always have so much trouble. The most good pairs I have is the one which I bought at orchard ion, call what Chocolate Schu.

Re: Stroller
I want to buy a second hand stroller Pegpergo.
Can I know the difference between Pegpergo Inglesina Zippy year 2009 and 2010 model?
Got ppl selling year 2009 at $350 and I don kw if its worth it to buy or not.
Haha.. my boy haven has any problem wearing clothing.
In fact he don’t even bother. I jst bring him what I choose and he jst wear them.

I realize that he don even care. But I realize that he knows when to put his feets and hands to dress and also, when I remove his clothings, he wans to remove his short and pamper too.
Hi fatbobo,
Saw u n ur girls at West Coast Plaza on Sat...did not approach u cos scared u dun recognice me n wonder who is this weird aunty! LOL. Ur girls are so cute!
ya lor. i jst realised only. haha..
so which one is better?
the Inglesina zippy also not bad leh. want to buy that one 2nd hand from the person.
Jagiebaby: ya weather going haywire. Btw, saw u bot many cars-related items, can share the links/contacts where u buy them? coz my boy like cars very much too. Thanks.

Dolcevita:,ya, wearing long-sleeved tee-shirt, 1 layer can already. Nite-time, then wear a
outer jacket. U starting sourcing for Reno ID?

Bobo: learning vision sounds very gd, they even update u such things. I am queueing for the LV near my workplace @moe building and @fusionopolis. Hope can get in.

I'm going genting in 2 weeks time. Where did u stay? I will be at first world. Going to squeeze 1 adult, 1 kid on 1 single bed. Sigh. Any good food there?
Mashy: I stay resort hotel for 1 nite because my sil got some Rws points to redeem, 2nd nite we stay at theme park hotel.
Resort hotel is gd, spacious & near to casino ;)
theme park hotel, room small and entrance is the outdoor theme park.

I tried the dim-sum at ah yat abalone restaurant at 2nd floor at first world hotel. Nice decent Chinese fd, very baby-frenly, they hv proper baby seats and give us a set of baby cutlery for my boy to eat, yes they hv tasty porridge too.

Oh ya, they hv a Old town outlet there, so glad to eat their Kaya toast , kuay teoy soup for my boy to eat while adults eat curry mee etc. Heehee . Then we eat 2 times of marrybrown, the malaysian version of kfc. They hv chicken porridg too.
Also ate mcdonald for breAkft , to let my boy eat hotcakes.
Single bed abit small leh.. Mayb u wan to request for queen size bed upon your check-in? U stAy first world is so convenient, the indoor theme park is within first world.

I miss the egg tarts at ah-yat.. Small but nice.

First world's room is very small ... i think abit difficult to squeeze 1 adult and 1 child together in single bed. Can ask for queen bed instead?
I've 2 kids lor. Difficult to squeeze 4 of us on the queen bed. 1+1 still feasible coz my boy always like to squeeze in the single bed with my hb. Regretted not booking 2 rooms for ourselves though since it's only $3 per night. Argh. But no choice lor. Unless we bump one kid over to my ils. However I think my two kids won't wanna sleep with them. They are very close to us.
Food at genting: the hainan coffeeshop not bad. Shoild go ah yat for dim sum breakfast if time allows but starts quite late. Start at 10 or 11. I always never get to try cos of bus schedule. There are more restaurants as u walk along the hotels. I went to one selling wanton noodled etc. Quite nice and not ex. I see if my husband can rememberthe name.

C is going to have so much fun withthe arcade games..
hi gd mrng all~

Keona was running sm temp last nite..so i decided to keep them at hm today. my mum's service activated...hooo~

PJPJ:: oh, u shld hv called me la. if i din recognised u.. i shld be the one paiseh not u lor. hehe. but dat evng, both my girls darn cranky.. it was their sleep time liao..ya still evng, but eversince they started CC.. they got real tired real soon. whr u saw me? u were at the west coast cafe or?

mich/yen:: ya, me too was surprised to receive the email frm the principal, i totally did not expect any of that sort. but prolly she's oni doing it once or twice for new joiners dat's all. so far the teacher oso called twice during their nap time to update me already...which i tink really makes us feel ease and less worry.

i tink afterall, if the parents hv confidence on the sch, the parents will feel more confidence.. n i tink this 'possitive energy' will then pass on to the kids naturally... n make them less anxious abt gg to sch or watsoever. my tots la.

juz submitted the enrolment, mcys & giro forms to the sch last evng. ya.. so late, 1wk aft we started..hahaha. (oh, prolly the email was like to remind me abt the SCHOOL..n the forms?!? bahaha) n oso ordered the uniforms! x2 kids..... FAINT big time!!!!
Yesterday I saw the youtube about the PEG PEREGO PLIKO P3, I think I getting that one. But the cost is wow..
About almost 8 kg and its sturdy.
But maybe I want buy one combi those cheap one for my mum to push my boy here and there and somemore easy to close.

Re : Genting trip
Is it about genting trip discussion? Haha..
My hubby said planning to bring my son next month or June. Don’t know how true.

I think your cc is good lor..
Got feedback one. Where got always got feedback one.

That time I go keypoint this Cherie hearts. The principal also not bad. The center not much kids. She said its about 30 only.
Than very quiet.

it's not difficult to close actually. But since it's for your mom to push, then probably better to get a light weight one. If not for baby, can get maclaren daytripper. It's light, can slightly recline for sleeping and easy to close.

For me, I got the p3 to transport 2 kids at the same time when I'm alone. I can dump my gal in the stroller while my boy rides on the footboard. So I suppose different strollers for different purpose. I've the daytripper at home for times when I go marketing with my gal. I just push that to the market. If 2 kids, I still prefer the p3.

Been busy with work & online shopping *slaps wrists*


I've the Peg perego P3 too. It's very gd & styrdy, can hang a lot of things w/o toppling over, can roll over big gaps & uneven terrain etc. But it's heavy & not that easy to fold as those one-hand fold strollers.

But I agree with mashy - gd for when you have 2 kids. One can sit, the other can stand.

Genting or other trips

I've put the idea of going to Club Med Bintan for a short trip. As for long trip, Hubs doesn't wanna go to HK or Korea coz it's near Japan (Big SIGH for my Hokkaido trip). Looks like it's gonna be Australia.

But it'll be winter in Aust during Jun/Jul right? Is it very very cold? It's a shame that we an't take advantage of Sam's cheap fare before he turns 2
I miss Sashimi & other food in Japan!
sharon, think its the big oval Indonesian kind. There is small round Beijing cabbage, but that doesn't look like coleslaw material.
it depends on which part u go. Think southern Australia will be cold. Other places aren't. I went goldcoast once in June. Just needed a light jacket. In fact, it's hot when u are under the direct sun.
i went melbourne once in early June.. hmmm... mayb i m quite afraid of cold so to me its cold lah.. generally abt 12-14dc during daytime for melbourne city.. unless u are out of city will be colder especially philips island.. for my hb, he juz have a jacker/sweater and thats it.. but now hor, weather abit haywire, so bring more warm clothes to b safe.. then day are short.. it get dark quite early, think around 5+pm, then by 7pm, whole street like 10pm in sg..
mashy, babyja

Would Perth be cold? Thinking to do the nature thing with Sam - altho I dislike nature *hiaz*

I don't really wanna go to the Gold Coast. Seems like it's just Dream World, Sea World, Movie World

Is there any place to go, other than Melbourne, Sydney, Perth? Anyone been to Tasmania?
I have P3 but till now have not try letting my #2 sit, and #1 stand together at the same time... hmm is it "safe"? :p

I guess if #1 is tall enough. My boy is a little short for it. The hood gets in his way. But he adjusted and learnt to lean to one side to get a full frontal view. Alternatively, just remove the hood.

yeah it's kinda fun hahaha

Oh but the seat needs to be upright for someone to stand behind. Cannot be reclined like for newborns k?
Club Med Bintan

Anyone been to Club Med Bintan with your tod?

It's abt $1400+ per couple for 2N till Sep, or $1200+ for 18-26 May. If we can travel by Apr, it's $300 off! Sounds like a good deal?

Just wanna know if everything's covered, eg food & activities? I suppose we shd be just bumming ard the beach or pool with Sam. No extras to pay for hor?
the party bags and napkins are all in the party pack.. the party pack is $30.. consist of 12 party bags, 12 paper plates, 12 paper cups, 12 straws, 1 table cloth, 12 x party toys x 2, 12 x party hats, 12 x party masks.. still have some other things.. havent taken all out.. i bought from bp..
Mummies, ask u hor.. I was reading the news article abt how u can now list double race on birth cert. Was looking at shayna's bc and saw no place that could be filled in to indicate her race. So its assumed she's chinese? New bc got new format huh?

Then if someone is listed as malay- chinese, next time they buy hdb how? Under chinese or malay?
hi mrng all~

babys:: errh.. i din go n notice abt the BC..hmmm, muz go hm c tonite. guess if malay-chinese, then depends on the spouse's race bah.. if malay, then under malay quota.. if chinese, then under chinese? if indian, errrh..den under the others? bahahaha~ hv no idea manz!

random:: Keona fever 2nd day, the girls at hm since ystrday.. guess will oso keep them at hm tmr bah.
