(2009/08) August 2009 MTBs

fatbobo, jovia also "ponteng" from cc for past 3 days oli back to cc today. also fever, flu & cough always cum as a package. Wondering would take how long for them to build-up immunity? 3mths? or longer? this is 2nd mths in CC..avg out will have fever once a mth.

babys:: thanks... tink it's juz the norm they hfta go thru.. ):

donkey:: oh dear.. hope jovia is getting stronger n fitter already.
fatbobo, the strange thing is she still gaining weights lolz! tat's why PD told us not to worry if a kid not doing well sure wun gain weights *blush*
donkey:: dat's good. hehe. jovia stil so chubby.. so cute.

last wk Mattea fever..n nw Keona fever.. we din bring to c doc. stil hv med at hm. hehe. i tink my Keona lost weight eversince she started CC.. like whole body lao hong oredi. nw the chin jiam like Mattea, not as pong liao. she went to weigh herself this mrng.. oni left 13kg niah. im not comparing their weights to that of anyone else..(cos diff ppl diff genes n all mah)...but to me, only between the both of them.. cos i dun wish them to be too far apart. they're identical twins mah.. not that everything hfta be 99.9% identical....but ya, i do hope they wun defer frm eachother too much..in omoz all aspects. sigh~
The mummies here are so considerate..leave kiddos at home if they are sick n never bring to cc. Gf was jus telling me how her girl kept getting virus from school cos there are a few sick kids.
my fren was telling me her girl is always like that.. weekends she ok, but when monday start school, she start to have mild runny nose again and its like nv ending.. every week the same.. her girl was in cc for few months liao..

but i thought if ur child is sick, they dun let u in but dunno how true also.. if not, not so many sick kids in school also..

Wah I checked prices for Cherating. So much cheaper than Bintan, but need to fly to Cherating while Bintan's ferry is already included. But still, very much cheaper. Wonder why?

Birth cert

I never noticed what's on Sam's BC!

Sickness in CC

I heard some people say be prepared for being sick for up to 6 mths
I have that, the seat and sack. A very very good investment. Cos not everywhere got hi chair. Though a bit pricey, no regrets buyin it.
I am going in May!!!! Been waiting since March. *wonders why i book it in may*

Those who are going! Do review on the food & stuffs must do/see!

Btw, Travel fair is coming. Location is suntec

Mid Year Downtown Travel Fair 2011
16 April 2011 - 17 April 2011
Rei, unless u intend to bring zach for the theme park, only other thing is to shop and eat lor.

When we went up we didnt go theme park. Cos we felt shayna still too young to enjoy all the rides and not worth to pay the entry fee simce she can only enjoy a few rides. But still, the cool weather is something very enjoyable.
Sandra, yah we will be going to outdoor theme park (praying it wont rain) cos it is already included in our package. =) cant wait!
baby s,

There's the indoor rides at 1st World which is free rite? They have mini roller coaster, ferris wheel and some other kind of boat ride?
Party stuffs
if there are reliable spree organizers doing party city/birthday direct, will be cheaper than BP/shops. All BP/shops purchase from there anyway.
pegs: where got free one? THink all got to pay leh..

rei: hope it doesnt rain and not foggy, cos if its foggy, they will not operate the ride one..
Haha ... really? Can u remember how much is it? Cos i remembered hubby & I literally went for all the indoor rides to pass our time!
yah i rem all need to pay

re: genting
i also want go cos we used to go yearly..haha
but with ryan cant go casino so no point going...hehe
we always go to this mushroom place for dinner
need go hotel lobby(cant rem which one) to call for the bus
super yummy zhi cha n damn cheap
cos food in genting are ex and not nice
there's an entry pass which u can pay and use for all rides.

My boy will be so thrilled.
Ok, that means hubby & I must hv been really bored to hv pay for riding those kiddy rides! Hahaha ... must have lost $$ in casino liao
Hi ladies :p
okay, i know i am like an alien here coz it has been ages since i last post.. well, just wondering if any mummies here are keen to join some of us for hi-tea/lunch next week.

Ladies who might be keen:
Fat bobo?
Sharon mimosa?

any idea where will ur b meeting for high tea? if lunch, i m not bring javier along coz he still in cc till 4pm unless something on then i bring him back earlier..
huh... like that one ah. i am going to the theme park on 17th May. weather turing to "summer". hopefully wont be foggy or rain.

they do have all theme park package. roughly about RM80 per adult. outdoor RM60ish, indoor RM40ish.

Oh wow will go and surf online see if got any info on this! yah my friend told me a plate of fried rice can cost RM$15. lol

sharon teo
confirm going. just let me know which day
im fine with either one.. lets vote for hi-tea or lunch date.. and the day as well ya

Ladies who might be keen:
Fat bobo?
Sharon mimosa?
Sharon Teo: hi-tea/lunch is fine with me, Mon- thurs

if its hi-tea, shall we go to TWG then? Eunice recommended that though
Ladies who might be keen:
Fat bobo?
Sharon mimosa?
Sharon Teo: hi-tea/lunch is fine with me, Mon- thurs
PJ : hi tea/lunch also ok,Wed-Fri
<font color="ff0000">re: gathering</font>

Ladies who might be keen:
Fat bobo?
Sharon mimosa: hi tea, mon, tue, thu...lunch, mon, thu
Sharon Teo: hi-tea/lunch is fine with me, Mon- thurs
PJ : hi tea/lunch also ok,Wed-Fri
re: gathering

Ladies who might be keen:
Fat bobo?
Sharon mimosa: hi tea, mon, tue, thu...lunch, mon, thu
Reira: mon-wed
Sharon Teo: hi-tea/lunch is fine with me, Mon- thurs
PJ : hi tea/lunch also ok,Wed-Fri
Ladies who might be keen:
Fat bobo?
Liz: mon-fri,

Sharon mimosa: hi tea, mon, tue, thu...lunch, mon, thu
Reira: mon-wed
Sharon Teo: hi-tea/lunch is fine with me, Mon- thurs
PJ : hi tea/lunch also ok,Wed-Fri
Good evening
After catching up with some the ladies today, the conclusion is probably a hi-tea on Wednesday.

Hi-tea @ TWG (ION), Wed

Fat bobo?

Eunice :

Sharon mimosa:



Sharon Teo:

PJ :

Anymore ladies keen on it? The more the merrier :p
When u going hol?
I have got a sack n seat..loan to my frend
U want borrow mine?
Ryan didn't like it at all n refuse to sit in it
PM me?
Anyone interested to go to sembawang shopping centre splash park today? I plan to go there around 5pm and leave around 6pm. Sms/whatsapp me!
Babymaking going too.

Hi-tea @ TWG (ION), Wed

Fat bobo?
Liz: :)
Eunice : :)
Sharon mimosa: :)
Reira: :)
Dolliepollie: :)
Sharon Teo: :)
PJ : :)
Babymaking: :)

Anymore ladies keen on it? The more the merrier :p
Cherrios, I am bringing my boy along. Ion is the mall that's right above orchard mrt. We can always meet at orchard mrt control station and walk there together.
I have the totseat (similiar as sack and seat) and my boy dont really like it and I think they out-grew it already leh. now i just stack up 2 chairs for him in coffeeshop. can also borrow from me if you want to try
Re: Hi-Tea

I can't join leh, hv to bring my mum for check-up in the afternoon. Let me check if can change her appointment to the morning...
reposting.. n on cherrios' behalf.

Hi-tea @ TWG (ION), Wed


Eunice :

Sharon mimosa:



Sharon Teo:

PJ :



Anymore ladies keen on it? The more the merrier :p
Mrng ladies!

DH flew to GZ for biz trip oli back this fri night. He nearly missed the flight this mrng due to heavy rain &amp; called a cab but the cab din turn up. aft tat had prob getting anot cab.

I ve to sent my gal to CC in the rain by myself...not a good day to start wif

oh ya.. i hv a qtn.. this is such a DELAYED qtn.. but suddenly i tot of asking.. hahha.

for porridge kept in the tiger jar.. it will like 'self-cook- inside rite? n is it norm like the porridge will become dry aft awhile? wat do u all do? whn serving add water? or hw?
