(2009/08) August 2009 MTBs


You're expecting your #2? wonderful, our #2 can be playmates too. Mine's due on 13 July
hi mrng all...

mich:: norm my default setting is excluding my SIL de.. but this time.. i PURPOSELY include her in to let her read it. MIL is in SIL's fren's list...and im prepare to let her read it too if she could.

daph:: congrats too! 13 july arh.. it's a good date arh! hehehe.. mine too! i mean..my bday too, not expecting a 13 jul bb lar! heeeee~
thanks babyS, mich,donkey & daph!

Daph congrats to u too... at least u passed the 1st tri already! i'm still stuck here praying for it to be over soon... terrible 1st trimester~ so relunctant to leave my bed in the morning...
congrats janice and daph!!!

wow janice another aug bb for you! Then u can celebrate your kids birthday together in the same month
re: go go bambini
your gals really gunho!! haha.. dunno were I over protective with my #2 but I really very worried that if I dun watched him closely any moments there will be flying kicks for him :p

Actually for my #2 age, I prefer Peek A Boo at Kallang Leisure Park, it is very suitable for him so much so that I just watched him from my coffee corner, totally can relax for me heehee.. But my #1 find it not challenging so get bored easily.
oh i hvnt been to peek a boo.. hmmm i shld try that one day too.

i oso scared the bigger kids will hurt my girls la.. like at the slides or wat.. those bigger kids will juz chiong to slide down n all, dun even check if there's another kid at the bottom..esp smaller kids.
but, i try to just let them explore lor.

i really admire rei & zac.. hehe. the way he's so independant n explore himself! well-done!

like dat day at the ball-pool.. actually i juz 'test water'.. and c hw she will react n behave niah... well, since she was able to manage it herself.. den i juz let her be.. hehe.
shayna hates the ball pool leh.. she only likes to sit at the edge and swing her legs in the pool, machiam real pool like that... hahaha
hey mummies, if baby wakes up n cries at night, like 15min-30min then poo....which is not the usual, is it possibly due to teething? seem to poo twice at night liao like 9pm and 1am recently..

also first time after drinking milk at night, fell asleep then suddenly cough n puke out all the milk he drank.....make we so worried what's happening leh

anyone got same experience?

Wow more & more good news!

Peek a Boo

That's a another place to go!


Have u been to Polliwogs? How is it in terms of size & equipment compared to that?


Nvr happened to me before. If poo at nite, it's at the most right before sleep (after milk) or after just waking up (also after milk). Is it tummy unwell?

Did he poo in the daytime?

did he something different for dinner these few days ? is he coughing ? sometimes too much phelgm will cause bb the vomit out the milk. think it's better to see a PD or a GP.

Thank you! I'm so glad you all still remember me though I haven't login for months


Hey, I didn't have a pleasant first trimester too. Was depressed most of the time due to ms. Gonna stop at two children for sure! Always forget how tough pregnancy can be after giving birth. Haha. Thank God I'm feeling better since yesterday though I'm still vomiting.

Oh yes, this time round I'm trying out the same Gynae as you. Err... I find him cold leh. Don't really like. But nevermind la, good thing it's #2. can save alot of $$$ with his package.
Aaarrgghh ... thot i had a great time at the buffet last nite. I think it's retribution cos dunno why my tummy was uneasy and i vomitted 5 times last nite ... i'm so tired and weak now . still feeling queasy

Peek-a-boo slightly larger than Bouncing kids but smaller than Polliwogs
Next time can go when u on leave again

Hmm for me, I had a good pregnancy. Except for the last few mths when the baby really started to press down. On the contrary, my life has not been easy since Sam popped out haha


oh.. u've been there too? Have u been to ALL the indoor playgrounds? haha

Oh No!!!! Where did u eat? Ate a lot of raw stuff?
daph, he is abit cold la but so long no big issues still ok to go to him.. really save alot cos cheap ma the package.. u went to him @ CCK?

any feeling whether boy or ger? u had the same MS when u were havin seth?

mine i suspect also boy cos everything almost same as ethan

Haha, yes been reading about your complains on sam! Have a second one, think it'll be better. Coz two kids get to play together.


I've been addressing this #2 as 'her', 'she'. Coz I want a girl mah. Seth I vomited badly until hospitalized. This one slightly better. Dunno whether it's still early or what but this bb seems very quiet leh. Always sleeping during scan. Seth was very crazy in my womb.
Daph ^5... ethan also caused to be hospialised as well... i thnk still early la... won't move so early 1 ba...


maybe by having no.2 can tame Sam abit cos now all the attention on him?
daph, janice

Haha u 2 don't tempt me lah.

I'm starting to want No. 2 liao. But really feel very scared that if it turns out to be like Sam, I really dunno what to do. maybe I'll just sit on the floor & cry!
yes like pegsfur mentioned it is smaller than polliwogs, its size is quite similar to go go bambini...

your girl very "xiao jie" dun like to dive into the pool ;)

Come to think abt it.. I used to wonder why Sam was so quiet. he was aws sleeping when the gynae is scanning. THEN in the 2nd tri, he started kicking! And he hasn't stopped kicking since!

I've nvr been to Go Go Bambini. I liked the size of Polliwogs
Bouncing Kids is way too small. I felt bored looking at it
Janice, u referring to xmas pressie is it? yes, i did bot one for my gal..else i'll feel bad cos mami buy for other kids (fren's children) but nv buy for her lolz
but the slides of polliwogs not suitable for our kiddo right? you brought him to the nursery corner? Or let him walk ard in the bigger compound?

re: xmas prezzie
i have problem thinking of what to buy for my #2 haiz...
celine: haha.. we thought she'll be excited cos she loves to play with balls mah.. then put her in liao she wants out.. hahah..

janice: i bought liao and i am resisting from buying more!!!!! so i am trying to get my parents, his parents etc to buy for her. i give them shopping list of what they can get for her!

i bought a elmo aqua doodle mat for her and made my husband get her a pair of elmo shoes we saw in HK (he didnt wanna get her a present, i protested. i chose and make him pay. haha)..

i got my mum to buy her those strollers for dolls. am trying to psycho my bro to buy her a kitchen set. hahahah!!!
its so fun buyin for them... i bought him a portable DVD player so that he can watch on the go.. daddy also bought something for him jus that not sure wat is it yet lol...
Janice, we (hubby paid thou) also bot portable DVD for jovia! hahaha will treat it as xmas pressie for her too. I bot her a Micky's shopping trolly.
I bought a toy refrigerator from tomy for Seth. Quite cool. Haha.


Yes, kitchen set is good. Though more like a girl thing but we already got one for Seth. And he loves it! I was aiming at those supermarket trolley with alot of 'groceries' inside but all pink in colour leh. Not so suitable.

Mickey shopping trolley? What's the colour like suitable for boys? Yesterday I was shopping along the hello kitty toy section at taka and I saw hello kitty shopping trolley. Very nice!!
there are some many nice things to buy for gers... haizz... daph lets keep our fingers cross...lol

on 1 hand i hoped that its a ger cos can doll her up...
on the other hand hoped its a boy at least ethan got partner and the clothes can pass down ma

anyway its all fated...
FIl keep asking MIl to keep ethan's toys say ethan nvr play... say hse very messy... if i buy more toys for him i think FIl will nag nag nag at me liaoz
Jul, 船到桥头自然直! can de la..

sam needs a partner to play with... thats y i had no.2 cos i see ethan like so lonely at times no one play with him...

I run ard with him in the older kids area at Polliwogs lor. And I will go down the slide with him in my lap - coz first time, he was rather scaredy cat hee

Xmas pressie

Dunno what to buy for Sam. he doesn't seem to like toys. He likes to open my fridge, play with the vacuum cleaner etc, but not toys!


Where did u get the toy fridge? Got any website? I wonder if I get one for Sam, he'll leave my fridge alone!

Haha I'll asl Hubs abt No 2 when he's back. he sure say I crazy

That's great. Sam has been spoilt by the ILs so nothingn is off limits to him

Sam likes to make me carry him, open the fridge, then pointout the egg, cheese. Then he will point to the jam & other bottles & make me say the names.

jul, joeey,
nothing different leh..just that he just got his pneumoccal jab on last friday.
but maybe it's just upset tummy for a night bah...
his not coughing or anything....
