(2009/08) August 2009 MTBs

anyone worked in a bank b4?

are they open and closed the same time on christmas eve?
or they closed early on christmas eve?

I'm using kodomo toothbrush for my gal. My elder boy still chews his toothbrush sometimes. It won't drop out.

now our kids are still too young to spit.
i am usin pigeon step 2 rubber brush
so far ok wor my boi also like to rub/chew the brush keke..

i tink Janice jus pop?
mashy.. our kids r actually too good at spitting.. but spit wrong ting at wrong time.... they like to spit FOOD. -.- bahaha~

hahaha, u are right. We can't control what they spit and what they don't. Like my son, I ask him to eat, he refused. Then pick up things from the floor to eat.
joycec, congratulations to your new bundle of joy !

you sending #1 to CC ? maybe can consider getting a maid to help your MIL ?

my gal likes to eat the toothpaste too, she dislikes brushing leh, always got bad breath. if she sees kor kor brushing, she only chews on her tooth brush, doesn't allow me to brush her teeth, i can only use the tooth brush to brush her tongue ...
my girls oso chew off the pigeon stage 2 liao le..... duno they swallow hw much portion of the rubber bristle....... so letting them try on stage 3 nw! LOL~
damn.. im trying to draft reply on a comment i put in status abt my MIL... to 'fight' with my SIL...

the fact dat i din not block her frm the comment.. im prepared for her to view la!

com'on la.... u tell the bb dun go to mummy la.... F**K!!! really lor.. hw u wld feel if i ask your son not to go to u!
when they're more dong shi.. i WILL SURELY TELL THEM THAT DE... TRUST ME!

hehehe~ my fren juz help me post a power de comment to shoot her! i save my time.. dun wana post anything liao.
by janice? hehe.. yes! she is power!!!

n i will (for time-being) not post anyting first.. let them 'fight' first...

but.. u all welcome to add..hahahhaa...
I popped on 28 nov. Think it's Janice who is preggy now rite?

My mil stays in those 1 room flat. Think dunno where the maid can stand. Haha plus my mil is those hands on kind, dun really like help.

Think she will miss aaden cos she took care of him since young.
maybe can employ a maid that stays with you but goes to your mil place during the day to help out with the children ? i think aaden is not yet 18 months ? still too young to attend full day cc leh ...
wahahah.. u notti la machiam enjoyin a show lol~~

ya i tink i mix up u n Janice keke... wah so ur confinement endin soon?
haha! I must say your SIL really so boliao lor. what's with a little comment on fb... its fb mah... one can make any comments about one feelings on one's fb. if she dont like then ignore lah!
anyway you want us to add more comments?! haha! add more fuel! keke!
that time my FIL told my boy "妈妈来了,快点跑!"
but that time he's only 2mths old, so dont understand. If my FIL tells him that again I will surely scream at him
no la piggy.. not say 'enjoying the show' la. but.. MIL has to know that she has to think before she speak n act. n SIL has to know that her family is not always right lor!

problem with my in-laws... my hb & his sis will owas hfta say YES to the father n mother.. of cos we MUST respect our parents..but i mean, doesn't mean that u reject, say no.. or anything against them means u dont respect the elders mah!

if my parents do or say anything wrong.. i will 'correct' them oso de. but that doesnt mean im not filial..i dun respect them!! depending on situation rite?

im sure my MIL posed no harm passing that remark.. but, if she had said.."let nainai carry longer.." or like "nainai bring u elsewhr".. smting along that line... im sure it wldnt step on my nerves or anyone else rite? plus arh.. my girl's arms were all stretched out le leh!!

even in the hse oso like dat.. when im playing with them or wat.. she will juz cut in de lor!!!!

yes mashy, my sis is still studying in oz..n i duno if she will be getting married or not.. she had a few girlfriends before!

oh but to add... isnt my MIL a mother herself?!?
oh ya kiki... u mentioned... dat's even worst i shld say!!!!

hehe.. feel free la.. if u hv any comments to put.. IT'S FB mah.. bahahahahahahhahahaaa~
she had a bf (in between sm girlfrens r/s) before la.... but ya... duno her!

her parents even went to those fengshui master.. n paid like at least $10k to do some ritual.. gave her a 'rebirth' kind...

her recent r/s juz ended niah.. then she was so depressed.. cos oso exam period.... (but this was oso predicted by the fengshui master..n the mum kept talking abt it)..........
oh my gosh mashy!!!!

wat kind of impact it will hv to your boy manz! n he's a big boy liao.. he sure understand wat it mean (the remark).. but altough wun understand the real meaning (of why n wat makes your dad say that!!)
Hmm.. I guess pple sometimes just dun use their brains to think before saying something really stupid. Then they wonder why we kick up such a big fuss when it's nothing. Of course, they think it's nothing coz they really din mean anything coz they nvr gave it a thought!

So.. no wonder poeple start wars in this world..

Blah. Dun mind me. Just spouting some philosophical nonsense coz it's 430pm *yawn*
at our age, we are also puzzled about why and wat makes someone make such horrible comment. they just talk without thinking...

but we are "old" enough to decide if something is believable or total crap. little ones usually belive what they are told
as mummies, we have to protect our children. if whoever say something that is not right to our children, i think we should correct them on the spot ?
what is the most rational way to resolve such things with inlaws ?
gosh.. tian arh....mashy.. i read u write niah.. oso so xin tong le leh!!!!!

oh.. tonite im gona hv 二人世界 wv hb..(fri his bday).. i muz rmbr to tell him abt the FB como! (hehe..but of cos aft dinr la..n all la hor! heee~).. ya..i muz tell him b4 someone else go add salt n vinegar.

ystrday i told him straight at the gathering abt it le.. but din tell him abt FB.. he doesnt hv FB ac!

then hor.. he juz called n told me tmr he gg out, so no need go my in-law's plc for dinr! HURRAY!!!!! this mrng i was juz asking him (or was it last nite? anyways..).. cos he briefly mentioned he might need to go out tmr evng..tbc. den when i asked, he said 'shld b no..go his mother's plc for dinr lor'..n added dat the sister is cmg back mah. but i added say this sun we oso gg for dinr outside le mah..... ya..so anyways.. ya.. hahahaha.. no need to go tmr!!!! YES!!!
joeey.. too bad.. im a bitch.. i cant be rational with any situations with inlaws!

but..im already a very nice bitch liao.. cos i dun screw them in the face.. oh or is this more bitchy than to talk it out face to face!?!

i tink your way better.... more guang ming zhen da.

i shld say im the timid sort.... cos i noe if i talk..i will not win..hahahahhaa..... so juz swallow back.. most show sm face to hb (at times).....n ya.. rant out to 'outsiders'..... im a loser!

anyways.. hehehehe.. loser leaving liao.. go meet ah lao... mum mum n gai gai... hooo~

bye all~

Bobo, you should put some privacy setting so that your sil cannot see your updates and make dumb comments!!!

Janice, congrats!
