(2009/08) August 2009 MTBs

were you the one who went Hard Rock Hotel Sentosa recently? Can feedback on the hotel room?

your children cannot take eggs right? Now Emicakes got eggless cakes you can try next time

yes the 1 i recommend u be4 u go rite??? the dim sum ther v v nice my HB love dim sum n i bott my HB there once n he ask me to go everyday hahah..

Most of the MTR don't have lift or escalator during exit. U have to carry the pram up.


Will give my gal the MMR with chicken pox. Cos just the MMR jab us $70. MMR with chicken pox jab is also $70.
yes yes is me, we go for the Festive Hotel at Sentosa, I was told Hard Rock Hotel not pro family. can use the pool at the hard rock, is connected with Festive Hotel.

i agree initially i cannot take the smell too. the water i use more than the recoomendation lor. actually can go without the sterlising tablets liao since they r now above 12 mths old.

i m drooling now, now i feel like hving dim sum..
actually HK is not a v baby friendly country n liek wat the gals say not all exit got lift n escalator.. n it crowded everywhere.. i tink those nite market is quite ok la not tt diff to move ard dun go durin peak hr??

me too cravin for dim sum esp the bo lo yam bao yum yum..
anyone stay in serangoon area?

wan to check if there is playgroup..

looking at withdrawing Denson from infantcare n park him at my in-laws place ler.. but we wan him to go for playgroup for at least 2hrs to free my MIL for her cooking time..
my fren stay hougang, her boy went kinderland but I am not sure it has playgroup for 1+ toddler.

Upper Serangoon has Pat Schoolhouse, Cherie Hearts, etc
which part of serangoon area u r refering?

i love bo lo yam bao too, i dun find it at crystal jade bread. i oni see the bo lo char siew bao...so glad now compasspoint have a crystal jade bread shop.
April ,
but in sg I din manAge to find any Bo lo yam bao similar to the 1 I ate in hk
haha last sat my hb jus bring me to crystal jade to satisfy my crave..
sgoon central is starting with 4xx or 2xx plus..
me very familar with seragoon central area. i stay in sgoon ave 4 during my sec sch days...always go to the braddell heights cc
the preschool only accept children for next year born in year 2008. i enquire previously. tat y kinderland suggest me go for the flexible care programme under child care center which yio chu kang ctr have juz hv one and only class.
piggytoh: can give me the address/directions of the dim sum restaurant? Is it called 'dao-xiang' as wat donkeymami said?

mashy: now i get u..sorrie for the mis-comm earlier.

SL: I din know HK's MRT facilities so bad, no lifts/ no escalator, like that, the handicapped pple and old folks, how they take MRT? They nv consider this group of minority.

April: I still got a row of sterilising tablets lying somewhere.
Any one wan? I can post to u all.

zen: my boy took the MMR 2 wks back, without the chix pox. Is there a need for chix pox jab now? can we wait until they are entering playgroup or enrichment class that time, then quickly go n take chix pox jab?

april : thanks for the link for booking hotel. my colleag ask me to chk from www.agoda. I dun have any experience wif agoda, whichever webiste offer the cheapest, i will book

Talking of dim sum, any cheap n gd ones around?
Used to go to the one at PSA bldg, but they closed down liao.
joyful: try checking kinderland at braddel heights cc there..

Yen: i intend to bring pram but will bring my pupsik sling there, cos some of the roads not pram friendly..

there are only escalators within the station but to street level dont have, only stairs.

the area where prudential is, not those high class till cannot shop... can shop one.. i remember there is a giordano shop there that saved our lives.. (cos it started pouring when we were in HK and our jackets werent thick enough for the coldness. so we ran into this giordano after we buay tahan and bought thicker jackets. hahah
Planning to go Bintan. Anyone has just come back from Bintan? Preferably Angsana Resort. Heard they are having renovation, is the noise disturbing? Second choice Bintan Lagoon but heard many bad comments about it (all the time stayed in Angsana so a bit phobia to switch).
joyful: oh at blk 424 or 423 serangoon central there (near st gabs sec) there is a playgroup/ childcare there... used to be le petite when i was staying there. now change name and operator liao but still there.. u can check that out too.
yen: if u wanna book hotel by website hor, must book soon leh..

last saturday we tried to book for hotels during our stay. a few websites didnt have rooms available liao.

we finally managed to get our room from asia travel, but didnt have enough rooms for all of us.

one of our relatives commented, for the price we were paying for online booking, can also check with travel agency. sometimes price is comparable and they can confirm straight away if got rooms or not.
Dim sum from Szechuan court & kitchen at Raffles City Swissotel is not bad. Dim sum is good and hv discount. Paying by Amex (dont know if it's for platinum only or not), member plus one guest 50% off. Now have a helper so member plus 2 guests 33% off. Still not bad.
Babys, I agree sometimes travel agency book hotel rooms cheaper than we book online. Sometimes hotels allow travel agency to block book so travel agency may have available rooms.
Yeah babys, I discovered it when I booked the hotel for Thailand trip. Almost wanted to book direct then recommended by a friend to drop by an agency at Bugis, they told me my desired hotel was under renovation and recommended me a promotion rate for a 5 stars hotel. When I checked online the same 5 star hotel, wowow no promotion very ex. Best recommendation ever. Same now booking Bintan trip I checked with agency and also directly with the hotels and I find agency cheaper.
I want to clear off my pigeon tablets oso, i dun need.

BabyS & BB,
i agree with both. indeed travel agency have special rate to the hotels, their price is so much cheaper than either online booking or call direct to hotel for reservation.
the dim sum restaurant got many outlet 1 but i only been to the 1 near Novotel nathan hotel which is walkin distance from Prudential also... basically jus walk straight after Novotel.. u in my f/b rite u go find my latest HK pic i got took 1 pic outside the restaurant with the chinese word.. the dimsum ther is really n cheap..
Babys / SL
I jst saw one friend she said her boy 2 yrs old than walk n its a bit slow i think. And she said he can only say papa thats all. N he neds to go speak therapy. Gosh.. My son only kw mum mum or "mum" ?? When should they really start talking?

My son gg for his mmr jab at 15mth.. Is it tok early? Im nt gg to hav another jab of chicken pox for him to save him d pain haha

Hk that time i go wan zai don hav much seatings n its so many ppl. But i saw women pushing prams so i guess should be okie?

my boy started talking at 2.5 yrs old and that's considered slow. I guess by 2 yrs old they should be able to say a few words or even form short sentences?

I think some kids are just slow in a lot of things. My boy walked at 15mths, talked at 2.5yrs old. He's now attendng speech therapy, occupational therapy.
but he is an intelligent boy. Altho his phy developments are behind time, his vocab is very wide and he learns things very quickly. He just can't pronounce the words properly. He is a bit eccentric and sometimes I wonder if he is normal.
Sbb: Shayna hasnt walked too. Also only says mama or mum mum.. But i think we gotta just let them develope in their own time. My friends son, recently know how to work at 8 months only. Then must see if got any family history of sliw boomers. My husband says he was slow to walk so dr saya shayna mght follow him too or when we didnt expect it she might walk suddenly too.
Piggy: thanks for the restaurant name. I saw from ur fb pic, 蹈香超极鱼港,cheers restaurant. U also visit Macau, how long is the travelling from hk to Macau very far?
Coz I planning to spend 3 nites in hk hotel and 1 nite in Disneyland hotel. Hv never visit Macau, so considering to go together in this trip.
Hi April: the Edmond website u introduced, really cheaper leh. I go agoda, the price for prudential hotel is like $170-180. But Edmond website quoted hk$750, after conversion, only $130.

Amazing leh... Thanks for this website, think I will book from there.
Good Morning All

this Edmond travel agency was introduced by a friend who use them to make HK hotel bookings and they are hongkongner. Edmond are travel agency in Hong Kong tat explain why their price is much cheaper.
morning ladies..

actually jus look out for 蹈香 many outlet really v nice...:p
from HK to macau v short journey only abt 1 hr or so... but i wun recommend u to go with children/toddler.. the traffic ther v v bad n u mus take bus to those tourist location n the bus squeeze like dunno wat.. unless u jus go to the venetian hotel ...

in Macau, u can flag a cab. It's pretty cheap there. The buses are so cheap too. I love Macau. I find it's less crowded than hk and it's feels so good to be there.
Good Morning Mommies....

Raining at west...luckily once i stepped out of the MRT, i dun sense right...detoured to take a cab. if not, i will be strucked at the bus-stop with no umbrella.

USing milk bag is a gd idea. Then in this case, i dun have to giveaway my loose pack.

petpet diaper
my hb was in jb last weekend with his customer. he went giant hypermarket and bought a new design petpet diaper in purple instead of green colour and the side is no longer using the sticky translucent vecro and now using the one huggies has. i dun see in singapore. anyone seen it? i find it better.

really? Perhaps the Venetian had a great impact on their tourism industry. When I went there last time, I loved the holiday feeling there. Maybe the major sightseeing areas are more crowded? I went there many times last time with my hk friends, to work and with hb. Not once has it disappointed me. That was a few years back though. Perhaps the budget airlines and Venetian has added more visitors to that tranquil place. What a loss!
dunno leh was quite disappointed when i go in Apr the bus was soooo squeezy n traffic v bad.. i only went to the St paul church area n over there v crowded but i love 1 of the famous bakery shop ther yummy...
ok mummies, i know it feels like recent that we just had our babies. But i totally forgotten the dos and donts when it comes to breastfeeding. Can we have DOM when we are trying to breastfeed? I had tons of it left from my first pregnancy. With the impending 2nd delivery in Dec, i thought if we can have it, i will try to finish it...
joycec.. i think can but have it after u breastfeed and wait at least 3 hours b4 u bf again.. (i think. this is what i heard, never practice cos i never drink).
piggytoh: haha...actually i wan to go Macau for their egg-tarts, and pork-chop buns. I am a eating & shopping person, Not so much a sight-seeing person..heehee . So how to go from HK to Macau? the 1hr is bus-ride or ferry?

mashy: I wan to visit macau becoz of the Korean show - "Boys over Flowers" . They went Macau to film, so nice..the venice-like hotel.

April: for some hotels ( e.g. novotel citigate), their prices not listed in the Edmond website, does it mean they dun help to book? or must contact/email them to book separately?

BabyS: I think I have to look for chinese restaurant, and order porridge for baby. If not, have to ask them for hot water, then can make cereals or milk. I believe the restaurants/food outlets/Macdonald will give me Hot water.
it depend u drink directly or add to cooking.. if u add to those tonic soup no issue cos the alcohol will evaporate durin cookin but if drink directly only pump out after 2-3hrs like wat BabyS suggest..
Good Morning Joycec. I drank DOM when breastfeeding. First 3 months I drank 5 big bottles. Errr... guess when mommies here were discussing it I've not joined this forum yet.

BTW, if travel to Bintan with my small little slow cooker, is it too much?
yes u mus take ferry to macau the terminal is somewhere in Tsim sha shui.. ya food is nice ther cos u mentioned earlier ur HB prefer aircon place n macau i find not as pram friendly as HK the road side pavement is more narrow... still can go with bb la but more challengin..
Thanks ladies for your help. I did not really drink it when i delivered Aaden that is why i still have heaps of it left. So just to clarify:

- Add to tonic soup no issues. Than i will get the confinement lady to do it.
- Drink directly, gotta wait 2 - 3 hours later than can pump milk (actually we also set about 3 hours to pump milk rite??)

So overall it is safe to consume it, just remember to set aside 2 - 3 hours after consumption. Thanks! I can finally clear the space. I think i have close to 10 bottles of it lying somewhere...
You want to cook porridge? I know some of the mummies here tried the pigeon instant porridge rite? Dunno if you wish to give that a shot. Than you need not have to bring your slow cooker there...
Ha .. the last time we went there for a day trip when we went HK. We basically just chiong to Venetian Hotel .. at first thot we wanna go abit of sight seeing but damned! Once we saw the jackpots, we cldn't resist .. hahaha
Anyway, the place is full of chinese tourist. When we took the shuttle bus, the ang mohs were really pissed with them cos they were very loud and irritating. Kena scolded by the angmohs when they got too loud. That shut them up and they diam diam for the rest of the journey.

Anyone here has installed the cables for the OpenNet? Still wondering if shld let them install now but dunno how it's gonna affect our house ... wldn't want to have unsightly trunking going everywhere in the house.
i din see it too. but i think the one my hb bought from malaysia giant is better.

the tiger jar method? since our toddlers dun need to have the cantonese porridge.


if you are shop & eat person (same like me) then you will like Macau.

we stayed at venetian macau during our june holiday but still managed to do some sight seein and ventured to alot of popular eatery, brought my 2 kids along we took cab for all our transportation for convenience.
