(2009/08) August 2009 MTBs

afternoon ladies!

finally free to come in.

sunroute still have rooms. think u remember wrongly like you said. this hotel also hv quite good reviews. was one of my choice but i prefer to stay in ikebukuro. but after comparing prices, we decided to stay in sunroute. hope it doesn't disappoint me. haha!

this is not my first trip to japan. this trip is more for bringin my boy around & a time for me to relax. (hopefully). pls share with us where to bring kids too since you've done yr research.
i'm too lazy & no time to go research. last time only hb & i, so we can just go & walk anyway we like. oh, if u managed to find some not too expensive winter wear, do let me know. i also thinking what clothes to bring for my boy. most likely, will need to buy a jacket & just layer him up.

wat abt shoes? are you ladies letting them wear normal boots? i saw the boots tat kiki posted. very nice & cute! wondering if it's too exaggerating for my boy to wear tat when we go japan. haha!

we're not rich lah. tats y have to keep looking around for good deals. moreover my hb going to start studying again, so dunno when we can go holiday again.

dun bring yr helpers along lah. just yr hb, u & yr 2 gals. cheaper this way.
hee ya i read both reviews seem like Shinjuku have better reviews n since my sis stay there be4 so jus try lo.. we can share our experience when we r back

actually i was thinkin if norm shoe with sock is enough .. like u i find the boots v cute but dunno if the boots kiki post too kua zhang cos still spring in jap hmm u bring ur own winter wear ??? tt time i go in early apr thot not cold who knows i was freezin cos they r changin season so 1 wk cold 1 wk norm.. but if bring winter wear tink my luggage will over weight.. dunno if infant got weight allowance anot..

babies always take up the most space in the luggage. So u just hv to reduce yours. Or go daiso to buy the rolled type of vaccuum bags.

if u are just going to be in Tokyo, not so cold la. Normal shoes ok but have to wear socks. That time I went same period, Tokyo not cold just need sweater and a jacket. In the day can even wear only tshirt some days. Yokohama was very cold at night though.

i also wondering if hv infant allowance. but i think shd be dun have since we're not paying for any seat. can any ladies feedback on this? i'm not bringin winter wear. only bringin a leather jacket for myself & wearing boots. cos i only get the chance to wear boots in cold countries. so can wear i sure wear. hahaha!

my jap fren jus emailed me saying she checked last year's weather history for tis period tat we're going. lowest is 15degrees and the highest is 21degrees. but dunno how it's going to be like tis yr. but she said now still hot.

wow! That's warm. Think dun need to pack too heavy stuff. At most if cold, go to uniqlo to buy thicker jacket lor.

oh ya, they say uniqlo somerset sells baby stuff. Can check out jackets for them.
hahah i also sure wear boots learn my lesson cos tt time i go TOkyo also between 15-17deg n it was cold n i only wear norm shoe cmi... my kolig tt time also go durin end Oct she say cold but bearable but nite was v v cold....goin to bring along Hyland's cold table for Kyler jus in case... but we pay infant tix also mah.. maybe call n check lol~

i got ziplock bag but goin to bring the cereal in tin so certain thing bobian the space gotta take up.. btw u gals bring brush to wash the bott also??

is there a uniqlo in somerset? u toking abt the somerset in orchard rite? which part?

so means we got to bring dish washing liquid along to wash? wah, like to many things to pack leh. faint. first time travelling wif a small one like so many things to bring along.

i din buy the hylands cold tablets the last round. hmm..... how ah? is it necessary? then i must go see if bp selling or not.

RE: Travel Insurance
are you ladies buying? heard medical not cheap in japan. not sure if it's true.

u're flying end oct also rite? should be able to make it for kiki's boots mah. thot her hb coming back early oct?
so many mummies travelling - have a good time.

I wish i can just drop the baby and travel on my own - need a break :p

last trip with Zac on a flight was practically a nightmare. *shudders at the thought of repeating*

wat happened? you're scaring me leh. cos my ethan can't sit in car for 20mins. i wonder if he's ok wif 7hr flight.
Haha, no need buy boots already. Found the pair of furry boots that we bought in Australia last time before we had kids. We had a habit of buying a pair of children's shoes as keepsake in the countries we visit. Hehe. Finally got some use. I think my gal can wear.

yes at 313 somerset. Scared the supplier delay again like the last round. Like I already need to sell off one pair of shoes. But at least can sell these type. Boots will be difficult. So wanna get must be able to wait for them. That's the risk we take lor. In any case, I found a pair of boots already so no need to get anymore.
pigeon got small bott for the bott detergent n yes many thing to bring i alr list out... if u wan cold tablet i can spare u some la since 1 bott got 125tablet keke..

for travel insurance i usu buy NTUC 1 if go BKK nearby n HK i wun buy but further country i will buy jus in case..

btw i check alr infant got allowance wor but depend on airline.. this from my ANA{ 10kg plus one fully collapsible stroller/pushchair or infant’s carrying basket or infants car seat}

you can spare me some ah? thanks a lot!
tats good news for the baggage allowance! i'll go check out delta's website later. do you think they're too old to wear PP Pants? i was wondering if wearing PP pants can keep them warmer.
no worries la the cold table cheap cheap nia i can top up again in my nex purchase.. be4 u go remember to get from me.. i jus bott PP pant for Kyler leh cos it up to 2YO i but from gmarket $3.30 each...
although got weight allowance but hor i was thinkin how to pull 3 luggage n 1 stroller lol~~ so buyin the boots from Kiki?
I'm going to place orders for the boots this weekend. I need them on 3rd Oct, so going to buy earlier in case of any delay.

how about squeezing everything in 1 or 2 big luggage? then bring a huge foldable soft bag just in case to put all the shopping. end up you will have to push the stroller and hb manage all the bags.
traveling on tour with just the 2 little girls now...without extra pair of hands to help, will be called "CAMP" instead! hahaha.

dun wana go thru that!

im sure a local staycation is more feasible... but then, that wld mean around 10tins of FM lesser?
ya will definitely bring 2 big luggage jus tt thot of puttin those cereal n other BB stuff separately.. Nvm let me see total how much thing den decide
btw for the boots eat size u gettin from kiiron?

let me know if you're ordering hylands next time. i wan to buy the teething tablets & cold tablets. i was also browsing gmarket just now. wat size PP pants did you get for kyler? cos when i saw at pushcarts, even though the size no. is the same, when i compare the sizes it's different.
i saw ur pics oredi.. wow wow.. nice swimming pool..
.. 2 days 1 nite oso arr? ehh ur card vocuher includes breakfast? mine is feed at raffles card voucher.. no breakfast for hotel stay leh

ur ratio better than me leh. 2 adults - 1 child.. mine is 2 adults - 1 monkey 1 child.. i scaredddddddddddddddddd
ok ok .. i bott the biggest size 95.. Ethan skinny so shd be ok la..

how many days u goin for staycation? 10 tin milk??? usu local only stay 2-3day at most mah.. 1 tin shd be enough la..

no point separating the stuff. Coz u must remember that there will only be 1 pair of hands to handle the luggage, likely your hb while u handle Kyler. What I do is, we have 1 big luggage, 1 cabin sized luggage for my hb to pull. I will use carrier with H, my boy on stroller, hang 1 backpack on the stroller. At most will get hb to carry another backpack. Then I have a foldable bag. Upon return if luggage not enough space, it will come out and hang onto the cabin size luggage. Will check in everything except cabin bag if it contains fragile stuff. End of trip, the diapers are gone, milk tins also hopefully finished. Those can throw away all thrown away so should leave us some space for shopping.
its quite difficult to pack tins... but once kyler is done with it, you'll have lots of space for shopping items.

or you'll have to cut back on yours or hb's stuff...
like my hb very stange one, when traveling he will wear his outside clothes to sleep! so its like wake up, jump out of the bed and can chiong out already... siao one!

My boy's foot is about 12cm now, so I'm thinking of getting at least 15cm? KS lah...

u very kua zhang leh. I going 9 days, I cal about 2 tins. And my gal finishes 1 tin in 5 days. Even if your gals are milkoholic also no need so much bah.

haha, my hb will pick all his crappiest clothes there then he'll throw them away. Dun even need to wash. Hahaha.

Btw, most Japanese hotels provide pjs. So check first, then u dun need to bring.
haha.. mashy.. no la.. i din mean will consume 10tins of FM.. LOL~

paiseh.. must be i din put it correctly..... c la.. england not powderful! lala~

i meant.. if we were to go for any staycation... we will be say abt (juz an est of) $600 poorer = cost of 10 tins of FM.
lol i thot u wan to bring 10 tins of milk... hmm tink if it this way la goin for a short break n release ur tension which is priceless... i am goin to try see if this trip sucess anot if not tink nex few yr wun be bringin Kyler for any trip till older lol...

hee i will sure bring 2 luggage n a back pack or bag to stand by cos i always buy alot tt time i go japan 1 of my luggage is full with the food n not enough space to squeeze ..

ya tin v hard but i will try to bring jus nice hopefully can throw away trhe tin or put the balance in ziplock bag when rtn.. Kyler foot also abt 12cm i bott size 24 for Pediped still got allowance scare too big he v diff to walk but scare cuttin small also headache..

so i should get size 90? u bought frm this seller elinda rite? cos there're a few sellers.

kiki & piggy,
my boy's foot now 13.5cm. he has big feet but still cannot walk. i'm still considering whether to buy or not.
i tink i buy from sglady ah.. hmm for me i always buy bigger cos can wear longer.. actually i cant remember my boi foot how big lol~

usu i jus buy those ziplock bag from those army market from beach road v cheap den jus vacuum air out same effect n v cheap n got various size..
my naughty boy just rolled his eyes at me cos i scolded him for drawing on the wall! can u believe it?! if he's older, i sure give him a slap. he stared at me then rolled his eyes. after tat turned away & smiled. dunno where he learnt tat from. so naughty!

for the boots wif velcro at the sides, is the sole rubber or leather? cos from the picture looks like leather sole but from description like it's rubber soles.

oh dear! Expect more in future.

yay, I'm finally able to use the leg warmers that I bought prev at your spree. Singapore too hot to use. Haha. Somemore I bought 5 pairs! Can let my boy wear to warm his arms too. Haha.

the pp pants are cheap! My friend gave me a pair and my hb commented it look so warm.
ya cheap.. tt y i buy cos like u say it warm in sg wun get to wear.. n i only buy 2 i also got leg warm so all in all shd be enough to keep him warm :p

wah Ethan know how to draw ah.. i haven intro pen or crayon to Kyler yet lo..
my girl is waking up earlier and earlier... today she woke up at 5.40am. I sat next to her and patted her for an hour before letting her get up.

I am so tired!

any mummies with same problem?

hehe, I let her wear to sleep as pjs. In fact all her nice long sleeve shirts became her pjs coz really no chance to wear in the day unless it's pouring.

when my gal wakes up early, I'll pop in a milk bottle. After she's done, she'll roll over and sleep. Maybe your gal is hungry?
