(2009/08) August 2009 MTBs

had a great time at the baby day out too... thanks so much joyful. :)
... n nice meeting mummies & bbs too.

re: the indian family..
ya.. they were behind me when we sing bday song.. initially i saw the mother carrying the bb oni.. the bb obviously is younger bah. i had wanted to say it's a pre-arranged tingy..so... but i scared sekali she's with one of the VIPs. bahaha. then saw her kan cheong when she realised she doesnt hv a frame for the foot print, n then one of the organiser approached her..den i was sure she 'got lost on stage'!! haha. oni in piggy's pic den i realised her whole family was up stage too!!!

RE: GAIN IQ (stage 3)
i juz received 2x400g gain iq tins this aftnn thru the door. anyone gvg bb gain? or anyone wil enfagrow to xchg? :)
Hi gals,
i have roughly came out with the menu pls let me know if u gals prefer another dish ya...

BUffet for Birthday Bash:

Pineapple Fried Rice
Braised Pork with Bun
Prawns Fried with Cashew Nut or salad Prawn Fritters?
Satay Chix Stick
Deep Fried Prawn Roll
Sweet & Sour Fish
Broccoli With Mushrooms
Almond Jelly with Long Gan/Sea Coconut with Sago/Thai Sweet Tapioca Dessert (dessert too many i dunno which to chose)
my family enjoy & had a great time the Bady Day Out too...
It was really a well organized event. nice knowing the rest of mummies & babies as well.

many many thanks to Joyful for your co-ordination, without u edric will not hv chance to go on stage and hv his foot imprint and GOH hand imprint. It is really a good momento for him when he grow up.

the thoughtful organizing committee bring NLB is a veri good initiative, i sign Edric for library card, and borrow books at same time too.

Joyful, can tag me on FB on the group pix,m on ur facebook.

I love the bag and goodies in the bag as well. the bag I can bring it with me during sept sch holiday, Penang & KL. the sample size is useful as well.

Date: 18 Sept
TIme: 2.30pm to 4pm
Price: $45/kid

41 Sunset Way
#01-01 Clementi Arcade
Singapore 597071
Tel: 6465 4481 Fax: 6465 4431

Mini Bubbles : 12 - 21 months
Now it’s time to get mobile! Every new corner needs to be discovered, every toy tested and every new friend explored! I get to squeeze and squelch all sorts of new tactile materials and tell the world all about it (in my own very special way!) Watch me climb and balance, drink from my cup and make my own arty masterpieces! ALL BY MYSELF . . . and a wee bit of help from you !

1) piggytoh - Kyler
2) donkeymami - Jovia
3) fatBobo - Mattea
4) fatBobo - Keona
5) BabyS - Shayna
6) Kidzskidz - Sebastian (Apr 09 Bb)
7) BBnGG - Janessa
8) eboey - Lucas
9) Pegsfur - Ovann

Fatbobo, checked for u, u r entitled to 10% discount for the second child

for the rest of the mummies:they are not giving discount for the trial class, however, if we wish to sign up for four sessions, we will be giving 5% discount for the term fees.

Kindly bring apron/smock and extra towel for your child to be used for the
art activity. Snack will be provided (we will be serving cereals, dried
and fresh fruit).
piggy, i vote for prawns fried wif cashew nuts (signature dish) & longan tofu (though i dun like almond)lolx.

Thanks for re-schedule the trial class.
morning ladies..

hee i also dun like almond jelly lol~

okie if all ok shall stick to this 2
morning ladies,

been rather bz with work lately and hubby travelling. so tired from taking care of baby @ night. how's the baby bash prep coming along? anything i can help with?
Morning Mummies,

Thanks Joyful for organising Baby's day out. My girl enjoyed herself alot. She was singing and clapping thru out the whole Jazz kids session

I recognise the babies and not the mummies but it is nice to put a face to the mummies (finally)

i can only recognise the baby boys.. the baby gals look all the same to me, all so pretty..

okie lah, not all baby girls look the same.. but i will tend to mix some up.. haha..

till now i still trying my best to recall how sweetmama looks like.. i m sorry.. but i was doing my best to multi-task tat day..
haio.. good mrng ladies~

btw.. whn is sep sch holiday arh?

i hv not been to chinese garden all these while to admire the lanterns during the mid autumn fest. am tinking if shld do it this yr.. bring the little ones there. (shld hv oso this yr la hor?!?) or else, go to any park or garden to let them ti deng long... while we picnic (with our new picnic mats..haha)..njoy mooncake & tea?
bobo: dunno leh. over the past few days, she seems heavier each time i pick her up!!!! ahaha..

or maybe i getting much older as each day passes.. heee..
Hi all!!

on leave coz today is my gal's birthday! wanted to go to zoooooooooo but heaven is crying so badly and i think it is going to rain the whole day. haiz..so now staying at home with the rascal and doing nothing. got chance to read forum today. hahah

joyful, hmm, i am the skinny skinny tall tall gal. ha. i also cannot recognise some of the aug mummies as i'm as active as you gals are! heee, but glad to know some of u...

the baby day out was a nice event,... my gal enjoyed waiving the flag so much... haaa almost knock into some of the babies.. paiseh.

okla, got to go accompany my ah lao and bb. haizzzzzz rain rain go awayyyyyyyyyyyyy.
Resend, Typo error ;p

Hi all!!

on leave coz today is my gal's birthday! wanted to go to zoooooooooo but heaven is crying so badly and i think it is going to rain the whole day. haiz..so now staying at home with the rascal and doing nothing. got chance to read forum today. hahah

joyful, hmm, i am the skinny skinny tall tall gal. ha. i also cannot recognise some of the aug mummies as i'm Not as active as you gals are! heee, but glad to know some of u...

the baby day out was a nice event,... my gal enjoyed waiving the flag so much... haaa almost knock into some of the babies.. paiseh.

okla, got to go accompany my ah lao and bb. haizzzzzz rain rain go awayyyyyyyyyyyyy.
morning ladies!

re: Baby's day out
haha.. actually I also did not notice the indian family until I saw piggy's pix on FB :p

but I saw a malay family trying to sit in the GOH seats, then I think someone asked them to move away :p

actually I cannot remember all the mummies and daddies faces too, but I think I can recognized the babies's faces :p Sorry gimme some time.

re: mid autumn
i am intending to bring my boys to Chinese garden to celebrate too maybe not on the actual day (scare too crowded) so they can understand this festive better
Hi ladies,

Finally, Ovann's birthday party is over. It was tiring but i think all of us enjoyed it. Some pics to share:







More pics on my FB

i was telling my hubby, both ur gals look like ur hubby.. but tink of it, ur gals look like u oso leh..

both of u got Fu Qi Xiang.. whole family look alike..
when i see the twins and bobo, i think they look like her. when i see the twins with bobo's husband i think they look like him. when they are all together, i cannot decide who they resemble..
pegsfur> wow, looks nice! cute cake!

sounds like u mummies had fun @ the baby day out on national day. hehe.. :p

btw, does any1 know where i can get a playyard? :p
but the timing of the event ah, clash with all of their nap times.

just b4 we went onto stage, most of them all conk off liao... lucas first, then shayna, then jovia, then keona/ mattea... Edric the last baby standing!
bobo/ michelle

Haha .. ya, very satisfied with the cake. I asked for something simple & sweet cos Ovann does not have any fav character. The only thing i specially ask for is to do a replica of Ovann's fav toy, his hammer
bahahhahahahhahahahahahhaaaa~ babyS.. u very funny... (no wonder shayna oso such a happy bb)..LOL~ i cld control n laughed so loud can!

joyful/babyS.. they look like me meh? all along..they jit tao ang-ku-kueh mould of my hb de.. lala~

hehe.. celine.. they dun look dat alike.. but ya.. the hairstyle kind of same! shaved at 4th mth niah. luckily nw fall down abit liao.. else, jit bu standing up on the head..so funny!

ya lor.. most of the bbs like enjoy so much of the jazz kids performance.. den when it's like not ending.. they suddenly KO liao! haha.
actually any timing is bad oso lah..

afternoon the kids need to have their afternoon nap.. morning oso nap..

it is really not easy to sit w the lil ones in the confined seat too..

i only managed to hear the alphabet song by the Jazz kids then all the time i am outside till i see the imprint session...

yes yes, the corner gal is me! rain stop... yeah!!!! going to zooooo now... but super bo hua to go now, ah... but better than nothing. i want to tell my gal next time that i bring her to zoo on her birthday day. hahah
joyful: at least u can get out... our seats, all so tight, inconvenient to go out...haha ...

bobo: i think they look a bit like u too leh.... eh, from pics ur twins look like slim, but in real life ah.. solid man! and i dunno why the emcee think they were boys.. look girl girl what..

the conductor of the chinese orchestra also very farnie lah...
hehe.. with the hair.. guess it will take a while to be sure if they were boys or girls.

OH YES! the conductor quite cute leh hor? heeeeee~
Growing Up Gifted Trial Class Programme @ Mountbatten

Any mummies interested to go for 50% off on trial lesson charge at S$50 at GUG new center at Mountbatten. The promotion end suppose to end in August. But they not sure if the mgt will extend it. So they give me the date on 29 Aug 2010.

As it is a new center currently they do not have any class on Sunday. only allow max 5 Adult and 5 kid each timing on trial class.

Address :
GUG @ Mountbatten
231 Mountbatten Centre Blk G
Singapore 397999
Tel : 6242 6992

GUG Trial Class @ Mountabtten
Price : 50% off normal charge (S$50)
Date : 29 Aug 2010
Time : 9.30am to 11am

GUG Trial Class @ Mountabtten
Price : 50% off normal charge (S$50)
Date : 29 Aug 2010
Time : 2pm to 3.30pm
1) april - Edric Ong
