(2009/08) August 2009 MTBs

hi babymaking, i got the same problem too at some nights. He will wake up in the middle of the night asking for milk no doubt he take two meals porridage and 3 (200ml each) formula milk. Think i need to give some biscuits after dinner at nanny place.

phy*o*> so good. my boy not clear yet. he say still 2out of 10 whizzing. so now switch to oral medication. but last nite i still decided to give my boy de neubiliser. cos i can hear de whizzing sound in his sleep =x

janice> wor. how many kg is de 2tier one?? i looking at something ard 100+ 200 i scare hubby faint =x or i as my parents pay for de cake =p
michelle.. i didn;t ask her the size... but i doubt it wld be big... i was lookin at her webby and realise that the 2tier cakes are not very big...
Reira: Im thought about baking too... but with no guide abit hard... was trying to find some baking classes but duno where to go...

Claire: Parents are like that i guess... my dad roll his eyes when i told him im quitting my job too. but emailing you about it is kinda cute... hehe

Babymaking: What i did to reduce their night feed is to give them the last feed jus before ihead to bed. for example, her usual night feed is at 8, i will feed her again at 11-12 even when she is sleeping... then if she whine at night, try not to react to it so soon and slowly drag the response time from 5 mins to 10 mins to 20 mins... after a while they will be used to not waking up anyway...
Hi good morning all mummy,

Wah! I heard cake ~~~ so it is abt time to plan our baby 1 yr old birthday liao....
Think all the home baker, the cake are more costly, gotten Kai one last year for close to $150 for his rectangular cake with the mickey mouse figuring in for his kindy last year when we were in Sg. His cake is in my fb. Overall the cake was nicer than from cake shops.
i need to eat every 2.5-3 hours myself! hahaha!
so everytime I'm eating, I will also feed my boy some snacks.
he still wakes up at night and the fastest way to pacify him is to give him milk. Will start to train him again when teething is better
I attended phoon huat baking classes before. It's quite fun.
I still can't really bake lah, every time the master shifu will come help me cos they see me leg like hand, hand like leg. kekeke!
Good Morning Mommies,
1. Parenthood Relief: My hb already claimed but when I asked him on the phone he blur blur. I talked about $5k and he thought about %tage.

2. 1yr old birthday planning now? I guess I've no plan, near to the date I'll order buffet for 60paxs and a cake. Baby still doesnt know anything yet mah. When she knows it's her birthday then I'll get the clown to amuse her and her friends to play with her lor.
kikilala: i tried their website but it seems like no classes for april... duno if its ongoing already... haiz...

BB: its Parenthood Rebate not relief... better check if he claim wrongly. it is used last on the submission to offset whatever u need to pay... ;)

As for the discussion on cakes, i always have this dilemma... Whether to get great tasting cake or really adorable ones... the previous cakes i got are consider "gourmet" cakes and cost slightly cheaper than those very nice ones.. and they taste FANTASTIC... i actually have guests coming up for 2nd serving instead of the usual "no thank you"... sad part is that i didnt manage to eat much of it...

check with you, for parent relief, it's for non-working parent rite? Means if my mum not working, i can claim rite? then my brother cannot claim on her liao is it? and if my dad also claim for spouse relief, then can i still claim for my mum? blur....
zen: I think for parent relief (Your mom in this instance), she can only be claimed once regardless of whether is it claimed as spouse relief by yr dad or parent relief by you or siblings. So the family has to decided who is going to claim for her.

So in the event that your dad is claiming for her, you will not be able to claim for her.
parenthood relief is in terms of %. So between u and hb, decide who gets how many %. Like for us, we split 50-50 since our income last yr abt the same. Child relief is $4000/child. again, u can specify how much u claim for the child, then ur hb can claim the remainder. What we did was let hb claim child relief (12000) for all 3 kids, then I claim working mother child relief (total 60% of my income).
On the tax deductions page, child relief is middle of the page (remember to click on the box to enter your child's details. It'll go to another page where u have to enter name, BC, sex, DOB etc). Parenthood relief is at the bottom of the page. Click on the box there and you specify % for you and spouse (respectively), child order and BC.

If claiming parent relief, also remember to click on the small box to enter parent details (name, IC, DOB, sex, relationship).

Maid levy can only be claimed by mother, and only 1 maid. So max for concessionary levy is $4080.
HTH! We were completing it last night
re: going back to work

Actually, even if she didnt say anything, I was kinda thinking of going back on halfpay. It's just the tone and the timing of the email that got on my nerves. And I reckon she sent email coz if she tells me FTF, I'll forget/ignore it
janice> wah. tat's pretty small. n at 200bucks. abit not worth it. think i go for something not so nice, but cheaper ba =x

maybe when he is bigger like 3 or 5 den can get this kinda cute one. now he 1yrs old, oso dunno wat isit =x

pris> but hm biz no shop front, shuldn't it be cheaper?

income tax> tink there is another thing called the grandparents caregiver relieve. is a 4k relieve for wking mothers only. if ur parents are helping to look after ur baby, u might wanna claim this too
Thanks Claire and everyone,
I just submitted the parenthood relief ! I would have missed it if this wasn't discussed ! Thanks again !
your boy can take eggs at 4 months ?? wow !
i'm still afraid of giving egg yolks to my girl at 8 mth+.
fat bobo

ok, then carrefour is cheaper.

anyway i already have that during my boy's time. I'm intending to head over to get the Playskool Popping Pals.
Time to train her little fingers.
joey, mashy> yup. cos i din know baby cannot take eggs. den tat time i was eating chawamushi, my boy look at me like de chawamushi tasted so yummy. so my mum say give him some. so i say ok -_-"

after i know no eggs for babies, i stopped giving him
to make chawamushi, needs 2 part water : 1 part egg. so quite diluted.

I started to give cheese for my boy. The laughing cow cheese spread cubes. I remember seeing the cheese making process, sure must put salt one le... Anyway, I give 1 cube a day during breakfast.
Do yr babies eye your food when u r eating? Ovann does that when we were having dim sum some weeks ago. He saw his daddy using chopsticks to take the har gao and he thot it is for him and opened his mouth wide wide. It was a funny sight and we had no choice but to pinch abit of the har gao skin for him to eat.

Just now was the same. Took him to Punggol plaza cos i'm taking vegetarian meal today. He kept whinning & whinning ... no choice i pinched some strands of noodles for him to shut his mouth. Not sure if he's hungry or tam chiak though. Even at home he's also like dat. Told hubby nowadays eating at home very jiat lat .. got 2 pairs of eyes looking at me when i eat. My dog's and ovann's.
pegsfur... dun worry ethan is also like tat... and if u dun feed him he'll eehh.. eehh.. eehh... so usually whe we eat i'll bring his biscuits and let him eat himself
hi mummies.... i havent come in for so long.. (dare not cos this forum is addictive! once u come in, chat once, its hard to stop and resist refreshing the page ever so often!)

anyone ordering cupcakes for baby's 1st bday? I wanted to get cupcakes, cos more convenient to serve...
I just hold the cheese and he will bite a small piece off.

same! my boy will look at me eat... so I always standby his puffs, so that I can give him the puffs instead of my food. My doggie too, he will share the puffs with my boy.
janice/ kiki,

Hahaha .. ok, now i know. Next time will prepare his snacks when we go out for makan. Ovann was actually raising his voice at the foodcourt just now .. but lucky the foodcourt was already noisy, at least not so paiseh

Kiki - Same leh, my dog will also chiong for the puffs when ovann drop them
hi all, by the way, just wondering are ur babies crawling yet?? can sit unassisted already??
mine only rotating in a circle on the bed.
1 cupcake is about $2-$3. if order 20 pcs still less then $100. Nice and cut too

but hor, how about cake cutting? no need already? hmm...
auntyyochana is charging $65 for 6" cake. But its those custom-made cute design with themes lah... 6" is really small, I think only enough for 8-10 people...

someone checked that the 2tier is about $200.
Even if 1 cup-cake is $5, also can get 40pcs!!!

Unless invite alot of people, then if cut cake, can really cut it small and thin. :p
pegsfur: I got ur problem too.. Shayna will stare, then scream.. then if we still dont give in, she will give her 'puppy dog eyes' look and make u feel really guilty about not feeding her..

kiki: thought of getting a cupcake tier. Below will be cupcakes and one small cake on top for the candle and cutting.

Dont like how we have to cut and divide the cakes, put onto serviette/ plate, put fork then serve to everyone just to have them say "full, cannot eat now."

With cupcakes, i intend to let everyone serve themselves. no need napkins, no need forks. If they are too full to eat cake... TA BAO!! no excuses.. haha.. and not going to cater for everyone, maybe cater only about 50% of my total guest list.

And i know my husband wouldn splurge for her other birthdaays, so i'll splurge for her 1st birthday!! haha...

liz: $1? cool, thanks for sharing, will go check it out.

Jeni: mine could sit un assisted at 5 months, way b4 she could even flip onto her tummy. Must be because backside big, so her center of gravity very big and solid. haha... not crawling yet. Almost i think. NOw she will push her head up really high when she's on her tummy, then trying to move legs also.... still stuck at trying to coordinate.
