(2009/08) August 2009 MTBs

mashy: How much did u book ar? i trying to check if its more expensive for my girl cos its around National Day. So sianz. One kid during national day, one kid during school holidays... all very expensive to celebrate.


ya, haven;t let her try. Dr said to do the skin prick test in Oct again. By then birthday over already, so have to get an eggless cake.

aloha is available.
See if u know any civil servants can help u book. A lot cheaper like this. My SIL is civil servant, so i got her password and booked at midnight. :p

i paid abt $300 for 2 nights, civil servant's rates. Ya, national day will be ex. Understand what u mean coz my boy was born on New Year's Day! Lagi worse than yours.
ohh...my sis is a teacher!
dunno can book anot...

cos PD ask me not to eat eggs...so i din eat while bf...yday i ate eggs for dinner...cant resist the cai por egg...then ryan's eczema on cheeks came back...but i started pumpkin yday...dunno its eggs or pumpkin...if its eggs...then its quite scary

dun think your hb is considered cs leh. think it excludes saf personnel. u stay in the west? can try safra or maybe jurong bird park?
hv u all submit the income tax form? i totally forgotten abt it. dateline is 15th is it? wat r the tax rebates & relief for working mummies? anyone can help? panic liao....
i also stay in the west but i'm trying to book a challet in the east too. for me, it's ok to be far since we're staying overnight there.

you can click on option 2 -
Option 2 (Go to Main Tax Form)
I have the following changes to my income/deductions/reliefs:
i. additional income from employment and/or other sources not shown in IDRS eg. trade, rental income etc;
ii. new claims for deductions/reliefs; and/or
iii. changes in claim for reliefs

hehe, actually for me, i hate chalets. Got mossies, cannot sleep. not comfy. SO i will definitely go home and sleep. But at least got a place no need to clean up after the party. :p so will just let my cousins stay over lor.
Hi zen,
I just submitted. Child relief lor. If your hb is claiming the child relief, you can just leave it $0.00 (cos only one of you can claim) but you can claim the working mother child relief at the last column. Just click "Yes".

Maid levy relief.
Only for working mother too. calculate how much you pay in year 2009 then multiply by 2.

Errr, that's all I claim, sigh...
oh yah..lucky u remind me
need make changes to income tax

the maid relief is the maid levy or include salary?
Hello Sharon, Maid levy relief is maid levy only. Example I paid $170 x 4months in year 2009 so I claim $1360. I asked if husband can claim or not, the tax lady said the system will reject. heehee...
oh i dun intend to stay overnight tt y...

oh is it but nvm cos my SIL teacher so no issue jus tt i dun like la :p

i claim for Workin mother relief, parenthood relief(50% for myself n HB) and maid levy nia. but i face prob submitting the form call iras they cant solve for me also end up they submit for me so to play safe faster submit in case got error can call them in time to settle for u..
Piggytoh, what do you mean 50% for you and hb? I was told that if you are claiming child relief, child order 1 is $4000 flat so I told my hb to claim $4000.
i also blur with all the relief. must go read up tonite then submit. regarding relief for our non-working parents, if i claim due to my mum, my brother cannot claim rite?

maybe i shd go cc too. save my trouble to read up. hahaha! what must we bring along?
under parenthood relief u mus indicate the percentage u n ur HB sharin.. the total is 100% mah so i put 50% for myself n 50% for my HB meanin we share the relief lor... if u wan to claim all the 100% u jus put 100% ur self 0% for ur HB.
Zen, it's very easy to e-file the tax. You click the system, it will show the explanation. Still blur then call them. I call them twice today and not very long wait. I spent 30mins to submit my tax including wasting time calling my insurance company to check my policy no. and end up cannot claim.
These are those that can be rebated:
- Course fees relief
- CPF cash top-up relief
- CPF/provident fund relief: For employees only
- CPF/provident fund relief: For self-employed/employee who is also self-employed
- Earned income relief (Automatic one)
- Foreign maid levy relief
- Grandparent caregiver relief
- Handicapped brother/sister relief
- Life insurance relief
- NSman (self/wife/parent) relief
- Parent/handicapped parent relief
- Qualifying/handicapped child relief
- Supplementary Retirement Scheme (SRS) relief
- Spouse/handicapped spouse relief NEW!
- Working mother's child relief
Liz, I also go through the list in the IRAS. Same as you pasted. No Parenthood relief leh.

Anyway, tomorrow I'll call them again. First child should have $5000 parenthood claim. I'll re-submit the tax if can claim. Heehee...
BB, i filed mine already... have the parenthood rebate. if i rem correctly, it is the last step... it is to offset whatever tax u need to pay after all the deductions. You and your spouse can decide who to get how much %...
piggy & mashy, think saf have their own chalets so does Stat. board so they are not included in CS chalet. I used PA bungalow for Ray's 1st month.

SAF chalet or bungalow are in changi, if i am not wrong coz we used to go when my uncle used to book.
just to inform you that my iherb spree is confirmed =) reached the amount of US$240 already. can order anytime once i received everyone's payment.

I plan to bake my own for Zachary's 1st birthday. haha. only got like 2 months to learn + practise! *dont know how to bake any* so excited! haha

for bday party, is everyone doing a big party? i plan to do a small celebration at home like donkeymami

income tax rebate
parents have $5k. my hubby submitted and then week or so later, IRAS send letter back and stated no need to pay. donno what he did tho.
my HB is consider CS jus tt like wat Pris say maybe the aloha chalet dun recognise SAF lo...

ok will transfer u later...

yup mus ask ur Hb file dun waste it:p

yes, SAF have their own chalets. Most stat boards dun have their own chalets. My hb is from stat board, no chalets

your hb is considered public service officer, not civil service officer. Public Service Officers include Stat boards, ministries, and uniformed officers. Civil Service Officers are those from ministries only (excluding Mindef). Don't ask me why SAF is not included, it's like part of history and no one could answer me when i posed that question. Hehe, I was part of the group who had to tell the pp the difference between the two. And yes, I was from CS.
i got 2 months to plan.. coz javier borned prematured on June..

for 2 tier, tink minimum around 2kg.. price mayb start from $100+.. HB was saying bbq at in-laws' house coz birthday for me & baby..

thanks for the link.. will go see see..
sorry, gotta let off some steam: argh...my mom just sent me an email pushing me to go back to work. apparently my dad is niao-ing her abt it. so irritating! He's saying that it's a waste that I'm not going back into teaching, and wasting my time at home!
Pls add me for purchase of fogoo foodjar in blue, i still can't post overseas spree, another BP selling for $36 so work out to be same, if I order can collect MMC from you in Jun, will send trf details tomorrow.
cakes> yochana's de cakes looks so nice. wonder if it's ex n yummy =p

claire> lol. y need to send email? so official? =x
Hi all,

Really very busy each day. Sigh ...

Kiki, glad you and baby are fine. Do put some oilment on your leg so you will recover faster. I have this BIG blusblack at my knee and has been for there for weeks cos I was too lazy to rub it. (Now still there).

ytd I went to dr Koh for little M's second review. Finally, thank God, he gave the all clear sign. No more meds for my poor little girl!

Tell your parents that u r taking sebatical. HAHA. No joke to go back u know. I'm thrown into a different level every two weeks, cos I replace anyone who isn't ard. Damn tiring, playing catchup, learning to know the students all over again, teaching a new level each week. Relax while u can.

If not, teach tuition to supplement income, that will shut them up a bit.
yes, you can. pls email me the template to [email protected]. one of the other mummies couldn't make it and have to give up her place.

1st yr celebration
wow, you guys are fast. I haven't thought about it yet. do you all invite relatives or just immediate ones and friends? i'm just thinking of the hassle now that we don't have a helper :p

bb's schedule
thanks for the suggestions. i am going to try for the morning 8am feed instead, cos i read somewhere not to feed baby after 6pm cos his digestive system is still im mature and if the food doesn't settle, he won't be able to sleep well.

btw i notice that most of you are feeding baby at intervals of 2.5 to 3 hours - doesn't that mean that it's more of a hassle since more bottles/food = more effort/time to prepare?

next question: how to eliminate feeding thru the night?
the last couple of months, some have trained their bb not to wake up for milk (between 12 midnight to 6am) - so now with solids - i find that ZAC does wake up more often (now at least twice) for milk, does it mean that not enough solids/milk, or is it habit now?
mashy, depending on which stat board, my cousin used to work for HDB, another from CPF and I used to work for TDB, we have our own bungalow.

Even PSA (under Stat. Board) has their own chalet and bungalow.

claire, tell them, it is important for you to spend time with your children. For me, it is mil who made noise where else my mum is fine with it. So I just ignore her.

phy*o*, it is like that coz it is hard for planning when you returned when term has started. Usually we do planning during November Hols for teacher allocation to classes according to their ability, their choice of levels. In my previous school, teachers are to stated their 3 preferred choice in levels and subjects. Then we tried to allocate them according and then plan time-table during December. So time-table are trial during the 1st 2 weeks to make sure no crashed.

bbmaking, you may want to try to increase the amount of solid Zac is taking. Ray is taking 3 solid meals - breakfast, lunch and dinner and in between snacks like rice rusks, teething rusks, fruits. He still drinks 4 rounds of milk. But he does not nurse from at night.
morning! isn't that a lot of food for the little one? or should decrease the amount given? i am currently giving ZAC a mid size pigeon bowl for breakfast & a larger pigeon bowl for lunch.

in between, he seldom snack except for water, teething bar (once/twice a day), puffs (5-15 pc per day)& chunky bits of fruits (once a day)
