(2009/08) August 2009 MTBs

oh zen, hope your bb is ok. Mine also platform bed with laminating floor, he also sleep with us now cos we scare he will turn and fall from the cot

wa.. still got to call and order.. good business leh.. hee..
cant remember the name of the shop.. but i go in chewy junior website, dun tink is the one..
hi babymaking,
i'm also interested in the books. will email u once trsf is done. thanks!

Titles available:
1) Top 100 baby purees 130pg $5.75
2) The Healthy baby meal planner 208pg $7.70
3) complete family meal planner 193pg $7.33
all by Annabel karmel
4) Easy gourmet baby food 258pg $15.40
Total: $36.18

1) babymaking - 1,2,3& 4
2) Jul - 3 & 4
3) baby ja - 1, 2 & 4
4) piggytoh - 2 & 4 - rec pymt
5) Kitty - 2 & 4
6) Sophia - 1, 2 & 4
7) Dolce - 2&4
8) pegsfur -
10)patricia - 2 & 4
11)sharon - 2&4
12) joyful - 2&4
13) liz - 2 & 4
14) eboey - 2 & 4
15) daph - 2,3,4
16)msbean - 2 & 4
17) zen -2 & 3
18) su - 1 & 4

Collection of the books is from my place at Sembawang 5 working days after order is place. I will only place order once all payment has been recieved.

Postage is possible but will be at own expense.

Please transfer to POSB Savings 003-20976-8 and email [email protected] with the transaction number & let me know your collection method.

Last date for payment: Wed 14 Apr 3pm

I've tried the soya bean tarts as well, but i personally prefer egg tarts, cos i love eggs!
I'm an eggy person
the tanjong pagar 1 i tink is chewy Junior but not every outlet have it.. last time only T.pagar branch have den they stop say only J.W have den now JW also no more dunno if they shift back to T.Pagar anot... they got many flavour 1 - chilli crab, potato n ham, curry chix etc 1 beside the famous muffin shop 1 rite?

I'll make payment to u later on. Tks!

Titles available:
1) Top 100 baby purees 130pg $5.75
2) The Healthy baby meal planner 208pg $7.70
3) complete family meal planner 193pg $7.33
all by Annabel karmel
4) Easy gourmet baby food 258pg $15.40
Total: $36.18

1) babymaking - 1,2,3& 4
2) Jul - 3 & 4
3) baby ja - 1, 2 & 4
4) piggytoh - 2 & 4 - rec pymt
5) Kitty - 2 & 4
6) Sophia - 1, 2 & 4
7) Dolce - 2&4
8) pegsfur - 2&3
10)patricia - 2 & 4
11)sharon - 2&4
12) joyful - 2&4
13) liz - 2 & 4
14) eboey - 2 & 4
15) daph - 2,3,4
16)msbean - 2 & 4
17) zen -2 & 3
18) su - 1 & 4

Collection of the books is from my place at Sembawang 5 working days after order is place. I will only place order once all payment has been recieved.

Postage is possible but will be at own expense.

Please transfer to POSB Savings 003-20976-8 and email [email protected] with the transaction number & let me know your collection method.

Last date for payment: Wed 14 Apr 3pm
my frend juz delivered over the weekend....her baby was 4.085kg!!!
natural w/o epidural somemore
worse thing is the day b4...gynae scan, only 3.3kg...then when delivered it was 4.085kg!
i dunno how she did it

Another eggy person!

Oh, is it becos of breastfeeding that's why u are staying off eggs? I think i'll be very sad if i can't eat eaggs leh.
hahah for egg tart the taste is stronger than bean curb tart la... personally i love both haha etc those dim sum crispy skin egg tarts my fave!!! but cos egg tart more sweet so will get sick after 1-2pcs... keke...
the finger puppets so cute.. not too ex oso.. hmmm.. wan to buy anot leh??? later hb make noise again..
muz rest more k.. get well soon.. =)
tink is the one lah coz been 3years nv go there so cant really remember the exact location.. if i wan go buy, sure got to go search around..
the finger puppet cute leh...but i scare my boi will jus snatch n put in his mouth lol~

hahah quite easy to find la cos the smell of the muffin will lead u ther lol~
for food jar, i think is: wash rice, fish, veggie. add in boiling water and cover it for 2 hrs.

maybe those who did it before can advice better. Sharon?
Thanks Michelle,

Little M went TCM before. But caught flu again and more serious, so we brought her to EL PD. Good thing we did cos it was an infection. Anyway, she more or less healed now I guess, cos mebbe still drinking BM. Force myself to pump and pump. Haha!

For me, what i did was pour in boiling water in the jar, close it to "heat up" while i prepare the ingredients that i want to add in. wash the ingredients (fish, veg, rice, etc) and add water, boil over stove till water boiling. then pour out the existing water in the jar and pour in the ingredients with the boiling water.

You're not lousy la. Last time my ger also fell off the bed a lot of times. Now jumping up and down. Just watch out for signs. If baby is not well, bring to hosp straight away.
yeah...PD wants me to stay away from eggs for ryan (breastfeed)

baby ja,
yah lor...so big! look bigger than a man yue baby!

yeah...i wont b able to do it!

piggytoh/baby ja,
i bought a rabbit puppet for ryan from ikea...he loves it...thats y tot of buying this
i tink can only use this under supervision bah...cannot let them play by themselves, will become choking hazard
wah,.. the topic is egg tarts!

i am salivating at the tot of the famous old shop's portuguese egg tarts in lisbon. crispy, flaky, light, buttery, fragrant crust... warm, eggy, sweet egg custard.. powdered sugar n cinnamon on the table to sprinkle over them.. argh!!!!
how do i know when baby is ready to move on to other cereals? so far i feed brown rice and barley cereals only
when can i feed oatmeal n multi grain cereals?
normally baby eat cereals until wat age?

anytime bah. i already dun feed much cereal to my gal already coz she doesn't like. I feed mainly porridge and have introduced ABC pasta lately.
now u can gave oatmeal n MG cereal alr.. i intend to feed cereal till he 1 YO.. currently we feed 1 meal porridge n 1 meal cereal..
i start my boy on oats when he finished 1 can of the brown rice cereal. Will buy the multi-grain next.

there's no age limit to eating cereals, can give as long as ryan likes it. some adults are eating cereal for breakfast too, its healthy food actually. i hates it lah, looks like puke to me.
are u talking abt the tarts next to the choc n spice muffin shop? Nvr tried, though have been there a few times. always there to buy muffins! hb n i love choc n spice
oh the 1 beside the muffin we tokon abt is chewy junior only tt outlet got sell hot filling puff instead of cream quite nice.. The bean curb tarts is LE CaFe
my 3rd day back in SG, Ethan has been cranky these 2 days, i think his molar are beginning to erupt cos his gums are swollen and he bites on anything hard.

i can't leave him with my mom cos he has seperation anxiety, even for toilet break & shower. i have to eat with my left hand holding him and right hand eat.

thanks Sharon, i also pre-order hand puppet.

btw i went to isetan to check out the tiger food jar cost $65 and auntie said got sale but only use it to contain soup cannot make porridge, end up buying Thermos thermal pot which was my original intent paid $89, another BP who was selling forgos & thermos was selling for $86 and usual price is $120+, also bought another 1.5L for $89 bucks, also bought an insulated jar for $9.99 to put fruits when going out, good to keep for few hours
zen> haha. all along i've been waiting for bukit batok delivery. cos i stay nearby ma =p

reira> ya lo. dey everything oso spree one =p hehe. but u did de spree earlier =p

piggy> wat is chewy puffs? de bean curd taRt looks good. haha. maybe one day i can ask my mum buy from middle road. since she wk ard there =p

pegsfur> yum yum. me too love egggs. argh. now i feel like eating egg tarts. pregnancy syndrome =p

phy*o*> same. this time my boy one is infection with bacteria. his test results came back as heavy growth of some bacteria. cant remember wat name

sharon> i've oredi fed my boy with brown rice, oatmeal n multi grain. but i think my boy dun really like multi grain. my boy seems to get bored with cereal now.
morning ladies..

u know chewy junior? tt the 1 but all outlet sells only cream filling... only t.pagar outlet sells other filling like curry chix, chilli crabs etc...

thanks...cos i run out of cereal...dunno how much to buy...ryan is refusing milk...so my mum will make cereal with the leftover milk to make sure he gets his milk
shall let ryan try other type of cereal...im a lazy mummy...cereal easier...heheee

re: luckyvitamin
i want get things fr there...anyone has any idea wats the optimum amt or weight to order so that shipping will be worth while?
re: refusing milk
actually im starting to think if its the bottle or the milk that ryan is rejecting
anyone face the same prob? his milk intake dropped drastically...tink gotta try feeding milk in cup to try it out?
ever since my bb take solid he only drink 70% of the milk he will push away n play or take a long time to finish... i tink as long as ur bb drink 500-600ml per day it ok...
it ok la i gave my bb abt 540ml per day but he will always have some left over so end up i tink he drink only 480/500ml nia..
Morning ladies

Anyone has any foolproof way to take out fish bones? I was feeding ovann cod fish the other day and suddenly, 1 small fish bone jutted out of his mouth. Luckily i saw it and quickly remove it. When i mashed the fish, i usually only take out a small portion each time to mash, and like dat also can slip thru my eyes.
ryan takes only a 180ml when im at work...n latch twice when i come home after work...duno exactly how much he is drinking...i would tink its less than 500ml

i haven feed ryan fish yet...mebby use a sieve?
dunno if it will work....
hi babymaking,

Can i transfer the money later. As i dun hv the IB token with me. But will passed the given time line of 12pm cos my lunch time is at 1230pm. Thanks
Hi Mummies,

I have 1 Nestle Nan HA (expiring 3Dec2010) & 1 Nestle Nan Pro (expiring 30June 2011), willing to let go $10 each.My baby is not taking this brand of FM.PM me if interested.
hi mummies
will update the recipe pymt list later.

bb day out
one mummy can't make it, anyone interested to take over her slot? pls email me [email protected] to liaise.

emailed you abt the bb einstein cd

is your baby feeding once or twice a day with solids? i find it hard to adjust the schedule to fit ZAC's mealtimes with our mealtimes.

His feeding schedule as follows:
8am - 210 ml milk
12pm lunch - 1 pigeon bowl of porridge, fish, veg + 50ml water + 1 cube fruit
3.30pm - 210ml milk
7.30pm - 210ml milk
11pm - 210ml milk
(sometimes he skips this one) 4am - 210 ml milk (diluted 3 scoops)

any idea how to space it out such that i can get in another solid meal?
maybe u can put at the 330 or 730 feed? or try drag the 330 feed to 4pm for cereal?

ryan's schedule

930-10am - 180ml
1pm - porridge
430pm - cereal
730-8pm - latch
1030-11pm - latch
2am - latch
4-430am - latch

for porridge, i cook one big tablespoon (uncooked rice)...is it too little?
pat, no worries, the deadline is tomorrow.

i rec a pymt of S$23.10 -but no corresponding email - would the mummy pls email me yr order details/collection mtd etc.
Hi Mommies,
Those going to the Saturday baby day out. I cannot remember who asked me about the disinfectant handwash I'm using. Can let me know so that I can bring along to let you try? Also the disposable nappy change sheet, I always lay on the public nappy change area before putting baby on it. If you want to try I can give some samples to u. I'm not selling them (I'm never a sales person) :p

My boy is the same. when i try to feed him BM with bottle, but he can barely take 120ml each time. If its FM, worse only 30ml. I tried feeding him milk with spoon and he can finish 150ml.

Kiiron's schedule
730am latch
9am puffs/bread/cheese/fruits
10am milk (120ml)
1230pm cereal/fruit (1/2 bowl)
330pm milk (120ml)
6pm porriage (1/2 bowl)
830pm latch
11pm latch
2am?? latch
430am?? latch

I dont now exactly what time he will wake up during the night... i just open my eyes, latch him, then go back to sleep

I also cook one tbspoon of porriage => about 1/2 bowl
my boy is VERY slow eater. 1/2 bowl of porriage/cereal can eat for 1 hr!
