(2009/08) August 2009 MTBs

will be v hot, so be prepared

Just got back from the mattel sale (again), but this time i went with my parents. Saw a FP baby carrier, going for $70. Bought the elephant slide set, so happy! Left 3 sets at the sale. Also have those magnetic drawing boards that you swipe clean, but instead of black, it's in colour. Just took out today. $10 each so got 2 for the girls. my dad also picked up some dinosaur toys, guess it's also for the girls. Had fun, but it was HOT!
nicole:haiya u must tell me jania mommy mah :p if nt hor too many i cant remember....though only u say hello.....me forgot wakkakakkaka :p sorry le.

Lucas also sort of sleep thru liao this week :p if nt i headache with 2 !!!! really not enough sleep
There's quite a lot of hot wheels stuff if he's into that. Some superman, spiderman stuff. Saw a disney cars track that I wanted to get too. height adjustable basketball hoop? V bulky but quite a gd buy at $80.
Think i saw you at the sale! were u trying to put the slide into the car? The slide's a good buy but i've no space to put it in my house! have to sacrifice a room for tt!!
hi all,

Those who use the PISA, ask you, your power adapter, does it produce a funny high pitch sound when you switch on the power? Mine recently does that. Wondering if it is normal.
Yeah..same as ayden..lots of phlegm, keeps choking..PD says will get better when he's older..thickener works a little though

Bjorn carrier can be front-facing as well..but only when bb's head more stable..

Yup..mich's right! The breville one is good!

i had to eat abt 1.5 bottles to see improvement. jiayou!


hmm.. i dun have enough bm to only give ebm leh. at most i can only try pure fm. how long shd i try this?


actually it's $42 for follow0up, but got 10% with tmc fbi card. it's children's clinic at toa payoh central. dr heng - lady.

phy o

no leh, no such sound with my pisa.
KTmum:nope.........not at all...just a tentage le.....maybe u can bring ur stroller...u can bottle feed standing??? maybe if driving then in the car looo

wish i can use the sling then i can also nurse like you. but either i dunno how to use it correctly or its just too uncomfortable for my girl, she screams her head off when i try to put her in.

phy o, jul

talking about PISA, do you gals sterilise after every use? read somewhere that doing that will spoil the parts faster? i have been sterilising after every use but wondering whether should continue to do that or not?
yay! today they might be delivering the swim tub to me! finally after waiting for a month! can i let Zachary swim in the evening?

anyway, is it true that it is not good to bath baby at night or when it is raining!? if it is, from what time onward i cant bath him?

mag mag
take care and hope you get well soon! and thanks for sharing with us about Post-Partum Cardiomyopathy.

my mil kept saying why Zachary always hiccup. then she shut up and havent talk about it cos i made her read the booklet Dr Ong gave me. lol if he vomit and she talk about it, i will take out that book again. save my effort to explain to her.

how do you diy the glenn doman maths kit? i think if buy cost a lot!

anyone got any good LC to recommend & contact #? Just called Mdm Rokiah to check with her about my milk blister and she said must go to hospital. HAIZ!
yep, that's me with my dad and mum
brought my #2 and bb and maid also. But ended up bb slept thru so my maid just stood at the back of the tent to wait for us. Was telling hb that I'm so happy my parents said ok to the slide being placed in their house...even happier than my gals!

was looking around and quite a few mums and babes in carriers and was wondering if anyone was from this thread ;)

i org a BP to buy the white boards from the paper supplier and red dots from another supplier.

Can't remember how much it cost. Think abt $40 per set bah. DIY not so diff, just paste sticker only. Needed to number all the cards from 1-100 though.

some kids just don't like the sling. My boy didn't like the sling at all and prefers the stroller. My gal prefers the sling and doesn't like the stroller.

try a few days. Sometimes it could be intolerance. That's why spit up/vomit. If still have try changing the FM to HA type or non-cow's milk.
re: maths dot card
i bought ready made ones fr BP...tink ard $20-$30 only
not GD ones but model after it
also bought black n white flashcards but bb dun seem interested in it?
actually have not tried feeding EBM outside so far. i would need to have a freeze pack to bring out refrigerated EBM and also hot water to heat it up is it? more troublesome rite..

jul, thanks for the info. will continue sterilising after every use then.

reira, oh dear is your milk blister very painful? do you know why you developed it. is it becos of oversupply?
feel tempted to go to the mattel sales after reading all u post.. but go alone, i scared cannot cope n bing back th toys.. if go with hubby, scared he everything say " No need buy yet lah, baby still small"...

haiz... haaa
do u still have the contacts of the suppliers which u purchase white boards & red dots from?

yah it is painful when nursing my boy but at the start only. after i get used to the pain within a few seconds ok liao haha. thats why i hate it when he release and have to start again! i have oversupply but it has been 2 mths already, last week then this started. so i am guessing maybe it was because i nurse my boy on my left side most of the time.

T_T i dont wanna get poke by needle @ hospital. haiz...

baby neck
when will they neck be strong enough for us to dont need to support it? i put my boy on his tummy and he lift his head up for awhile. then just burp him, i only hold his body and he look at one direction for awhile.
<font color="ff0000">Any good and reasonable priced PD to recommend in the North?></font>

Hi mummies staying at AMK, Yishun, Sembawang, Woodlands,

Which PD are u seeing??? and what are the charges for 6-in-1 injections??
Can share with me?
I'm from Sept thread and looking to change a PD for all future jabs and consultation...

Please PM me!!

Nope..wanted to get one but my hub said no..lol..wait become 'white elephant'..a colleague made it with her breville machine almost everyday so i get to eat her bread everyday! It's sooo nice!

I print my own too...just haven't print the dots one..too many pages!!

If you are interested..here's the website to download! It's under Mathematics for the dot cards..but have to print on thicker paper lor..

rach:i used to go to GP at block 110 n i find him good
.my girl has roseala the last time round n his medication helps n cheap too.cn try if really dun hv.

try looking thru woodlands mommies thread

a friend of mine bring her children to 7-11 at semb mrt
weishy, i heard good reviews on kenwood breadmaker too. Do you make bread often?

kyrie, wow, I wish someone would make bread for me everyday!

i usually wash with water before feeding baby. cos singapore weather so hot, will perspire so I feel kinda not very clean if latch without cleaning.
Yay! Zachary's swim tub is here! i cant wait to let him swim for the first time tomorrow.

is it true that it is not good to bath baby at night or when it is raining!? if it is, from what time onward i cant bath him?

thanks for the link! but hor, if print isnt it expensive!?!? the ink! and u cant use a good quality thicker card to print too.

RE: clean nipples before breastfeeding
according to KKH website, only need to clean nipples with water once a day (during shower ofcourse!) and if u use breastpads, change it often.

Re: desitin cream
you can check out spree by mango if she have a current on going spree for desitin cream. i ordered lansinoh &amp; desitin cream from her before.

Pet Pet diaper
Now shop n save having promotion. $13.80 for M size 70 pieces.

oic, once a day enough huh..

how do i check out the spree by mango? do you have a link or can tell me how to search for it? Thanks!

i dun clean my nipples leh except during shower when i'll also massage &amp; clear the ducts. i just latch. :p

I just bought 2 tubes of desitin cream from overseas spree and just collected them. Think u can go check it out. I got from rainbowpooh.
I use fast draft lor..anyway only need to see the dots can liao! I print 2 pages on 1 A4 lor..sometimes print something else on the other side to save paper! Think 180gm good enuff!

I'm only starting work in Jan and i'm also changing office! So no more 爱心早餐! Going to one nearer to my home so i can drop my boy at my SIL's place in the morning before i go work! Save time/costs on transport!
