(2009/07) July 2009 MTBs

Josephine, welcome, when you say you are a new SAHM, do you mean you just left your previous job?

...but HBB is a great KS mom, she doesn't "baby" Edna but Edna is spoiled (with other sensible things in life) because she has a very capable mommy!

Hey to those mums who use Huggies,
I just realised that HUGGIES has BABY CONTEST!!! Just take photo of your baby in Huggies...one of the prizes (there are a few) is a month's supply of Huggies. Very easy to take part, right?

Too bad Y uses Mamy Poko (Hahahahaha), but I might change, seeing as some of you say that Huggies is not so heavy in the morning when the diaper is all full/wet...?? Between the 2, which is better? Is Pampers still the best though? I just don't like Drypers. The plastic tape is very noisy and it tears the diapers.
Dino has to use the Huggies coz that is the only one which most suit her XS butt... LOL... Mamy poko will leak coz her butt not bak bak enough to contain her "night waste"...

Thanks for the info on Huggies contest, I'm gonna check out the website now...
oh ya talkign bout edna being spoilt
indeed some1 actualy commented i spoilt edna becos edna got too many hairclips(like 50 odd? some i hand made some r gifts) and many nice dresses (mostly hand me downs)
i wonder if that is consider spoilt? she even said i shld discipline edna! otherwise she will b the headache in my life! i was pretty angry when she said all these to me...
edna use all chapalang brand now.. LOL becos she poo too often
and yes she is using huggies cos friends gave us as gifts whens he was born LOL
HBB: Hehe... I tried to be kiasi as well but my XY like to act garang and eat adult food so no choice. I understand your concerns about commercial bread. My late mum used to make bread on Kenwood breadmaker and it's really much better than the ones we buy outside. No improver ma. But as mum not ard now, dad's helper does not make everyday so I buy commercial bread now.

ChiyoJade: Thanks for your compliments.

Kim: Yes, I just left my previous job about 1 month ago but can only be temp SAHM and may be returning to work force after 1 year. Hehe I realised that about HBB

Dino-mum: I read that dino is a very good eater. So envy. So far I been wasting my time preparing all the food for XY only. She yells and struggles whenever I feed her with whatever in her bowl but loves it when we feed her with our food.

Btw, think I posted here before but due to very 自恋 I will post it again my blog add: http://our-atrina-journey.blogspot.com/
Here is the huggies link:

Must be Huggies Ultra I think....is that the better one? There are a few different types, right?

You win a Little Tikes toy, a month's supply of Huggies and also a $50 Taka voucher (if mum is DBS woman's car holder).

Hm...I'm only interested in contests with free diapers and MILK! Lol!!!! Wonder if you join the Huggies club, they'll give you free samples?

DISCIPLINE EDNA? OMG...she is sooo well behaved!!! PLS DO NOT bring this person near Y!!!
I think the person was just envious(I'm being polite here...OK, OK JEALOUS) :)
XY also used to use Huggies but as a bit hard to find near my place so we use mamy poko and pampers (when on offer LOL). Drypers is also fine. We used drypers during the day when XY used to go to daycare.

HBB: The person must be too free to make such comments. How spolit can a 7 or 8 month old be? Just by judging on material is considered spoilt?
ya i wonder hw spoilt cn edna be? i admit she is nottie.. i hav nvr praise edna as a gd girl in front of u all if u girls notice.. i feel she gt room for improvement.. i do praise her whn she obey me of cos... tt part of disciplining!
ya this ppl judge by material
n i dun spend alot of $ on material stuff since i prefer hand mi downs! the onli $ i spent on is her food n education!
alamak... think I'll jus snap at that person... I go crazy whenever anyone passed any unpleasant remarks about my girl... that person (she) is obviously jealous like wat Chiyojade mentioned... Is also none of her business that edna has many dresses, hairclips even if its not hand-me-down...
dino mum
i ignore her lo cos i know v well i pretty strict n firm w edna... i mean if the unpleasant remark if its true.. i am ok.. that is hw we improve
... but this is crazy!
Chiyojade, I can pass u a huggies pants and we can send your baby's photo to the contest... and any of us wins, we can "distribute" the diapers to each other, and collect more from them since it's only for 1 mth supply.

To be honest, I really feel the only diaper that will feel heavy after 10+hrs (K's record) is Drypers, the pampers and Mamypoko seems fine. I haven really use Huggies, but my personal preference is Pampers. My SIL in USA loves huggies (probably bcos her bb is not as chubby as K although longer). She claimed that Huggies is the best in the USA, well, I still think different babies & parents take to diff diapers.. Thank God in USA, you can get 248pcs size 2 diapers for only $30 cos her bb will make noise every time he pee.. I will be broke if I have to chg K every time he peed!

When he was younger, the dryper seem ok, the Large size I dun like, not only I had so many diaper failure, the sticker is either too sticky to open for use or too unsticky to be reused, make lots of noise and easily pulled off the whole tab!
Pet Pet-- (prefer it to Drypers). Size wise nt much diff fr drypers but the adhesive tab is definite better.
Pureen-- my worse nightmare
Pampers-- Thinner but quite a mighty soaker, love their side stretch tab, no other brand has this that when I came back from USA, I almost want to order a whole carton. They are also longer so if bb grew oout of the L size of other brand, you can still use L of Papmers.
Huggies-- I was given a variety when K was born, but can't remember what types. I first found them very thick, causing bb legs to spread, and lots of unwanted papers when I button K's onesies.
Goon-- is slightly thinker than Pampers but thinner than Huggies, wider, can't say much because I only took a sample to try.
Nepia-- thicker, like huggies, but wider too, but no longer like Pampers. The larger size no longer have stretchy back, so compared to Pamper side stretch tab.. not as bb tummy/ waist line friendly.
I even tried NTUC house brand, I think it's even better than Pureen, and perhaps the L size Drypers.

I find that stretchy back is not as crucial now since our bb usually wont hv that watery poo like when on full bm/fm. But you always want something stretchable around the waist to provide security and comfort.

I know I sound as if I know alot about diapers, but I am not, this is my one person experience. (We actually had this discussion about half a year back, I went and got all the diff brands and took one each out to measure, compare thickness, length, width... hahaha!

HBB, the spoiling I mentioned is not about th material stuff but the fact that you know alot about what is best for Edna.. I really salute you taking great effort to give her the best. I like your parenting style too, but I just dun hv the heart to "toughen" K the way you did to Edna.
Noo.... don't snap back. Not worth it! Make you look bad. (LOL!!!) Just ask her why she thinks that - it might help her reflect as well! LOL!!!! Life is too short to say nasty thing about others! The world is already so horrible, we must not let our bbies hear us say bad things about others. I always give reason. e.g. "Why was she so horrible?" "Maybe she had a bad day". :)
She was prob jealous. :)

And mind you, Edna is NOT naughty, OK? Eh, she can sit through tea at a posh restaurant...I'm like...think dunno how many thousand times if I will bring Y to this kind of place and then won't bring because he won't behave!! LOL!!!

Never mind, I will praise E when she is good! ;-) in front of us! LOL!!!!
I'm a v "pan tang", superstituous person... Coz at such a tender age, how notti/bad can they get? so it's a nono to say anything that is not supposed to be said in front of the young baby... I'm quite anal about it...
Are the diapers in the US the same as over here? Because I heard that Pampers in France is like paper thin, but it eventually will fill up and become fatter when full!

Yeah, agree with Kim. E is very independent, which I really really like and want Y to be like that, but I also no heart to "toughen" Y out either. Plus these few days he LSing, so I extra sayang!!! Hahahahaha...
onli 1 nia.. can giv wat is best for her future i will try.. if i get twins ! no way hahahaaa tough life manz!
nvm that u dun hav the heart to parent K liek me.. so long as ultimately K is a gd boy and u r ok w him.. who cares!

edna must see mood.. gotta do loads of thg in prep for her good mood one liek make sure she eaten and nap well n etc LOL else fat hope manz

dino mum
LOL u pantang huh? ya hw nottie can they get at such age.. unless they r really pampered n spoilt!

1 thg i gotta admit.. im bad.. everytime i go out w her if i wan to bring her to toy shop to buy her sth.. i willt ell her.. u r a gd girl.. mummy bring u out to shop for a reward ok.. always... out of 10 times i tink 9 times we end up w ALOT OF THG but NOTG for her.. becos she seems to hav so many thg fr her kor kor liaoz! im bad rite? yesterday also same thg.. i feel so bad manz LOL but thr is realy nothg fanciful to buy for her leh...
i tink u r pretty firm w Y too rite? mayb im jus more fierce
the other person i know who is firm enuff is jillian! hahahaaaa
at the tea party tat day she actualy said im as fierce as her to edna like her to ally LOL
LOL... It's probably my way of doing things, so used to it esp in my area of work and the ppl I handle... but some ppl jus deserve to be snap back, no use talking nicely to such person who dun even understand (doubt will have the brain to reflect) if you talk to them nicely... No need to be courteous to such ppl in my view... actually not saying bad things about them thou, jus telling them to mind their own business and not be so kay-po to step into ur life... Snap back at them once and they'll know you r not one to be messed ard with... else, there'll be more remarks to come from them... I tried it and it works... that irritating fellow never come to "disturb" me after that...
HBB, I can see than althou you think you are gonna have only ONE, but you dun spoil her like many of the ppl I know, u treat her like any parents who has many kids, more bo-chap for those things that can be bo-chap. I know how difficult for you to hv her too, but you are one very cool mom!! I was like, I want to be like you!

I think compared to when K was younger, I am alot better now, I let him fuss or talk to himself whn he w/up etc.. I dun want to bb him so much cos in case I ended up having more, then he may feel I no longer "love" him bcos of the younger one(s).. Even if he ended up being the ONLY one, he has to learn that mommy cant be there all the time.

If I had put K thru the same parenting style like you with Edna, I don;t hv to worry about the sibling politics, cos all shall be the same!

Chiyojade, I hope u be fruitful and multiply (soon)!!!
I am gonna go to sleep cos I know my Abba will wake me for church in the morning.. Nite girls!! thanks for the nite! Enjoy your Sunday, I will be busy with yeastless bread making...
yes precisely
i told her i cannot b ard to baby her .. she gotta learn to stand up aft she fall manz..
of cos when she knock or wat i also heartpain but cannot show lar.. else i tink she will tink she is princess LOL

actualy im sure u can do it! dun worry.. at least u knw that it can be done and u do agree w it.. some ppl jus tink this(the way i bring edna up) is horrible LOL
No someone said something to hbb which was not nice and dino-mum said that she would snap back, so I said don't snap back at the person! :p

Am I firm with him? :))) Yay!!! dh says I'm not! I know I give in when he's not well and I prob do it when I'm tired and when he's cranky bec I'm fed up from all the "wah, wah, wah"! So I usually carry him or take him out for a walk...I want to aim to be firm but gentle. My parents were disciplinarians (no sayang at all, even when I was ill), so I don't want to go that way. :)
Swim date photos confirm how much fun I miss out today ...weather looks perfect for the swim, mommies looking svelte and gorgeous, babies looking happy
But no choice, too many activities already scheduled, as with most weekends...

I really like this tricyle thingy for the 2-3 year olds, going forward, can you please keep me in the loop for like events? Thanks!!

Warm welcome to the thread, and your XY is very charming with her dimples...(btw I keep thinking Xiang Yun the tcs actress when I see XY!)

You are so nice and positive! I shall strive to shut my mouth whenever I feel the urge to retort or bitch about someone.

If I am in the diaper industry, I am so getting you in as my consultant!

How nice to have someone sponsor surprise cake for edna...she is a very lucky girl. So you have a slot for JG already huh? Evans or Forum?

wah, fullerton hotel for 100 people - no joke organising it, or is dino dad doing most of the work? :p

Okay lah, good night everybody, need to be up early for church tomorrow...sweet dreams and don't let the bed bugs bite!
LOL, yup yup... I'm a taoist, hubby and our families also... Thats y we are quite "pan tang" about many things in fact... I'm the most liberal among them thou, hubby is the most pan tang one... many times i accidentally say some things about dino in front of her, like "Y is she so skinny", etc.. He'll f*** me and make me shut up immediately... naturally, i kena influenced and become like him also...

eh... We also buy many toys for dino esp after her vaccination... our way for rewarding her for that crying during the vaccination...
join us nxt rnd oki =)
oh yes i got a slot at forum cos i wan a 11am slot.. and evans gt LONG wait list so i go forum 1st while waitin for evans one. 9am is way too early for a lazy bones like me.. and 1pm coincide w her lucnh time... 11am is rush too but ok lar .. at most giv her bf earlier!!!

ur dh so fierce ah? ehh is tat why he is 'halal'?
the stupid thg is i dun get a chance to buy edna any toys!! so far i tink i onli bought her a star stacker, a jumperoo, and a teether(if its consider a toy?)!!!
aiyo... if u spoil edna, then i spoil amanda rotten liao. in fact u r one of the few mums i know who doesn't spend so much (in terms of material stuff) on her n don't mind all the hands me down.

welcome... she's pretty!
ah... now amanda can also hold hand with xy on one hand n dino on the other hand. My gal is only 6.5kg when i weigh her just before cny n she's more than a mth old than xy.
not really a hassle doing it at hotel, but definitely a hassle if do it at chalet... Dun have to bother about setting up the place, clearing up and stuff... Am doing most of the liaising while Dino-dad do up the invitation... Luckily I'm done with most of the stuff, now only waiting for Jul...

how about u?

oh yes... Agree with FOZ... U r so positive and nice... I could never do that for sure... LOL... So many years (6 years) of facing nasty ppl, really nasty and notorious ppl that I have to snap back at them for sure... Think some of them will know wat I mean...

sort of became part of me that sometimes I reacted the same way after work... Oops...
eh... The Dino-dad fiercer than me when it comes to matters concerning his lil precious girl... But I'm fiercer than him at workplace... LOL...
I still dunno y he's halal... Often tease him that he pray to Pigsy "zhu ba jie" that's y he can't eat porky even though he's a Taoist... Only ppl in those red light district pray to pigsy, that's y he super buay tahan when I tease him that... LOL...
At least u spend quality time with Edna, toys doesn't matter... We spend on material stuff coz we dun have time for her, which I know such practice is bad bad...

LOL... Oh yes... The 3 XS babies can hold hands together with Amanda in the middle coz she's the da jie da...
dino mum
ehhh sorry bt why ppl in red light district worship pigsy?nvr heard or seen leh

i dn spend much quality time w her...cos im still trainin her to slp n entertain herself....tryin to do teachin aids for her..bt bt bt... i tink i need cut dn on my personal stuff to get thg done!
coz pigsy v lecher... So ppl at red district worship pigsy so as to "invite" more business mah... LOL... I wonder how true is that, heard many male friends/colleagues mentioning that but haven't walk into the "fish-tank" area to look see look see yet...
Went to bed early now I'm up at this strange hour and can't go back to sleep.

FOZ: Will definitely keep you guys in the loop about such events in future. It was so cute seeing all the toddlers on their tricycles. Ally was actually a bit overwhelmed by the crowd but she soon got over it.

Hbb: Yes I think I'm as strict as you. I don't have a choice, with 2 of them and only 1 of me, I need both children to be able to be independent. If not I'll never get anything done in the house. Now that Ally is older she helps out around the house as well, just simple things like putting her bowl back into the sink, putting her dirty clothes into the laundry basket and picking up the toys.

Max is always in hand me downs which is perfect cos he outgrows everything so quickly. He has 1 new toy from grandma and that's about it since Ally has so many toys to pass down to him. I personally don't feel that it matters, he's happiest if I allocate a little time each day to focus solely on him. Same for Ally. She doesn't get rewarded for being obedient, but she does get a reward for random acts of kindness to others, thoughtfulness,helpfulness..etc Her rewards vary from, staying up an extra 10 mins to hang out with me and read a book, having an extra long bubble bath, going to the park...etc We try not to make it a material item.

Discipline: Its sounds like such a harsh word, but whichever method one chooses, I firmly believe that consistency is the key. Ally knows it doesn't matter if we're at home or in public, if she misbehaves, punishments are always the same. If we let her get away with bad behaviour in public because we're pai seh to tell her off about it, then we're in for big trouble.

When she misbehaves, privileges get taken away. Ever so often she goes through these really stubborn stages, she does the complete opposite of what you told her not to do, just to see if she can get away with it. Its her way of testing the waters, to see how much she can push her luck and bend the rules. We found that being consistent with our discipline helps tide us through these trying times and she knows the boundaries as well. It would be unfair to her if we allowed one behaviour at times, and other times punish her for it. Honestly its sometimes much easier to give in or ignore the bad behaviour but we know we would have to deal with the repercussions later on.

At our bubs age, there isn't much wrong that they can do and even when they do it, it's not always intentional. Ally sometimes asks why Max is allowed to do certain things that she isn't, like putting his fingers in his mouth. We have to explain that he's a baby and that's one of his forms of exploration. By reminding her that she used to be a baby and she used to do the same thing he did, it makes it easier for her to accept that I treat both of them equally.

Oh no, I just realised I went on and on... sorry guys. Enjoy your Sunday! Going to try and go back to sleep before both my monkeys start waking up
ya lor!! If u spoil Edna, den hw bout me?! I always tell my hb wat a gd ger Edna is, at the mac last week I can tell already. U said she's notti, u haben seen mine!

For dunno wat reason, Shanna has been waking up v early in the morn to play! Ytd was 5am, today was 6am! And is really wake up for playing & nt milk lo! Faint! The daddy has gone for his soccer game, luckily the ger went bk to slp already, BUT the mummy can't get bk to slp le... *grumbles*
Good moring mommies, it's a beautiful day...

Well articulated, encore! :p My #1 is often testing boundaries and once in a <font color="0000ff">blue</font> moon, she does get away with it...I greatly admire moms with more than 1 kiddo and no help. I have 2 helpers and still, am exhausted most of the times. Hopefully, it's better once I complete serving my notice end March, especially since we are gonna move house in April, #1 starts her swim and music activities in addition to her current gym and kumon classes, and #2 starts JG. On top of that, we are going to BJ in end May and I am applying to be a grassroot volunteer in MP. Don't have the bandwidth to do part time...

Since we will be missing his actual birthday due to ny, we are prob gonna do it mid-June. Not sure how though...we do feel very bad for missing our son's very 1st birthday in fact, a bit ashamed, we did try very hard to change the dates. Unfortunately, none available (we are using miles and these are only certain flights one can choose).

#1 always go 11am classes at JG in the past, now I must choose 9am because this is the time #1 is in school. I will drop her and go straight, will pick her up after #2 class ends. Timing is perfect.
As for swim date, if I were to decide to join, I would be cancelling a wedding dinner, a playdate for #1, a house-viewing and a play!
jillian...yea on some days, edna's reward is go bk to cot a bit later or play a bit more in shower LOL.... hope she understand tis rewards system!!!

winnie..i tink at some point they will tend to wake up to play...aft tat the go bk to slp.... edna gt same prob..i jus ignore her.nana slp u rite?mayb u close ur eyes ignore her let her roll to slp again....

u hav a pack day! i tink i will go into depression if i hv 9am class hahaaa...nw e swim class at 10 already driving me crazy!
my milk supply is suffering..for past week at least 3 days i skip a pump or 2..nw its so miserable...i wonder cn tahan till edna 1yr old a!ot!!!

Thanks for your advice for C's LS. Will go out and buy cranberry juice for her later. She seems to be fine like her usual self except for the LS. I brought her to the 2 PDs and both sad she prob caught the stomach flu bug from the sis but it takes longer for babies to get over it (like 2-3 weeks) but I am still worried cos she is losing a bit of weight already (I like her chubby) and plus we leaving for hols end of mar so really want her to be healthy

Yes the fair was at The Shophouse
There was this store selling lovely storage baskets that I wanted to tell you about cos you said you wanted them and they are not too expensive. They are weaved baskets with very nice colours and comes in all sizes. If you want I can ask my friend for her contact and website.

Huggies diapers in US are alot thinner and nicer designs. I always get the princess series pullups for my #1

Josephine welcome!
really? Can die leh like this, sure zombie at work de. Yah, we ignored her lehs, den she climbed over my hb (w/o my hubby realising) and found me... =.= She just climbed over the diaper bag, faint!
Hm...if PDs said she had stomach flu, maybe that's just what it is?
Maybe you want to keep the cranberry juice on standby first?
The other bb who had LS for 2 weeks (and at every hour) and went on soy milk and etc also had stomach flu. His brother ended up in hospital but the bb didn't.

Pls send me contact for the storage baskets. I also have one contact, but hers also not cheap! The Shophouse stuff are v ex, but I do buy some of the stuff sometimes from the vendors when they are reasonable. It can be hit and miss. Some months good, some not so good.

Love the parenting style. Boundaries and getting children involved. I actually forced my dh to attend a parenting workshop when Y was born. It was actually someone I know who ran it and her kids are SOOOOOO well behaved (right moral values - this one is v impt for me - and also intelligent), so I thought that there must be something in what she did.
Y also has mainly hand me downs. I just bought his first toy for him a few weeks ago - the V tech ball. LOL!

I'm NOT always nice and positive. My dh will say otherwise!!!. It's a whole lot easier to be nice and positive when it's NOT YOU directly involved and also when you are in a good mood (like after a party...heeheehee...).LOL!!!!
cut n sell in pkts of 6 pcs in 1.. hahahaha..

i went Giant ytd n dey still haf mamypoko on sale..

hope tat Yann will get well soon!... hes a strong boy, will get over it fast!..don worry.. =)

Welcome to Josephine.. XY is a pretty lil girl! =)

thanks so much for helping to organise the preview for Siempi.. sorry for misreading the date n made some lil trouble for u..thanks alot!.. =D
All those talking about baby-ing our babies makes me feel like I should baby-ing my baby more.hehehe...because afterall they're only being baby for once. somemore I will be having my #3 soon, so I have to divide my attention equally. my kids never cries for more than 10min, I always try to pick them up as soon as possible so they know that mommy will be there for them. As for the material goods, I feel a bit guilty after I shop too much for Naomi's dresses and toy after I found out that she's a girl! My gf sea container from US almost full of Naomi's stuff when they move back here.hehehe...

FOZ, so the JG will be Monday-Wed-Fri right?
HBB, it's ok to be at Forum for Playnest, but you can ask for transfer for Playclub to Evans (you will hv more priority, I guess), because they will have outdoor and water play by then.
Talking abt staying positive!!! I yelled at the aux polic this afternoon!!!!!!!!
I came out of suntec tower 4 (Carrefour) intended to go chinatown to fetch hb for home, stuck in bloody traffic for 1hr due road closure for bicycle race(forever)!!! So I decided I should chg course, tell hb to take train to harbor front n I will take ecp toward there. Aux police signalled that Temasek blvd n want me to drive back to suntec t4(!!!!!!!) so I had to signal him to come to me so I can tell him to let me join back traffic at raffles blvd. Meanwhile k couldn't take the wait no more n wailing loudly. I thot if temasek blvd is gonna be opened only at 1, I m not moving, but I was told it should be opened at 12:30, and ut was then already 12:38(!!!!!!). I sounded my horn intermittently to protest for such road closure, he had no choice but remove a cone to allow my car to pass.. Of course I did not left w/o being told I will still be stuck at ecp, and of course I thanked him for letting me thru. I was v thankful to god he let me thru (the only car).. The traffic in ecp arnd IR was heavy but much much better than at suntec/ marina vacinity... They were clearing the barrier but trafiic was picking up speed, then a van broke down in the mid of the ecp, slowing traffic even more.. Tsk tsk tsk! K din stop crying until I sang halleluyah all the way to harbor front...
I dunno how to stay positive if I haven't had God, seriuosly!! I prayed to Him before I spoke to the police so he'll let me thru and answered!!
I dunno how I can't stay positive
I din go for the bread making due to the traffic, and hbd already sent some1 to remind me of the polling for upgrading on fri, then called me ystd. Just as I was abt to go do it this evening, they called again. Thus time I lost it, I reminded them the closing is tmrw 10pm n it's a Sunday today!!! *angry*
breathe Kim breathe...

Welcome to the thread, Josephine.

Jes, it's okay lar. Aiyo Seimpi... don't know what to say about them now. They called me and say that since our group is so big, they can create a separate session for us, but on the 27th Mar, Sat, either 12.30pm or 6pm. Why?? Because they want the 28th Sun preview to be open to other parents too. I'm like huh??? What's the difference if I let my group of families go inquire and make a reservation for the preview themselves and I actually presenting them with a list of interested parents??? Anyways, Shirley from Seimpi says she will contact me by next week if they are giving us a separate session on the 27th. For those who have put the names down, if they want to move us to the 27th Sat, which time slot is preferable for you? lunch time/evening?? Or no-go??

I preferred evening myself to give my family some time for lunch after swimming class at Sharon's, than a mad rush without lunch to Funan.
