(2009/07) July 2009 MTBs

whole meal bread n multigrain is different leh

mygym.. igotta agree that open hse wasnt that fun.. but well.. seriously aft i went to JWT.. my gym cant b that bad LOL

Am passing ETirto all of my maternity clothes, but I think yours will be NICER than mine!!! LOL!! Thank u for prayers! :)

I want to go to Bali too!! Which part are you staying?

Will try to give him bread neat, without the milk...

I actually miss the old Dempsey. I used to go there and look at furniture and bought 1 or 2 items from there. If you want to go to The Children's Showcase, Loewen Gardens is not part of that Dempsey bit where all the restaurants are though....BTW, they also sell these gorgeous colourful plastic plates and cups and etc....all BPA free. Once again, I haven't bought any. Just go there and look only! LOL!
I finally found a way to get Max to take a bit more solid food, get ally to feed him! When she feeds him, he opens his mouth so wide. When I feed him, he refuses to open his mouth at all. But Ally got bored after a few minutes and said to him " Max, I'm tired, please feed self"
oh dear... Hope Yann recover soonest... In that case, he'll be skipping the swim lesson tomolo?
Thanks for the clear road directions, am sure the daddy knows how to get there with your given directions... I love to buy cute cute stuff... If the daddy finds it pretty enough, he'll jus buy it without looking at the price tag... Many times I had to think twice before buying... But he doesn't...
Re: bread
I didn't know about introducing wholemeal first wor... We fed her white bread at first attempt and she likes it... Didn't dip in milk either coz she knows how to chew even though still Bo gek... No more purée or v mashed food for her... She seems to take chunkier food quite well...
i finished the drink already! v soothing lehs!
hopefully can get fully well soon den can join u all @ botanic gardens on mon! ^^
Thanks for the drink again, am so surprised & touched! Hahahah!
Dino will be having her party for the adults at Fullerton... Since, it'll be an adult affair thingy, that's y we dun wanna spend too much on balloons and stuff... Save it till she's older and invite her friends to her birthday party...

as for the bad smell in sep, it's due to the forest fire in our neighbouring country... Always gonna stay indoor coz PSI level quite jialat... Atm, it seems like it's coming back again...

Re: Bread
wah... Still got multigrain bread and etc... I'm so sotong, only know white bread... Kim, I also give pandan cake...
PD said he can go for swim lesson! :)

Anyway, I'm super ks, so I always let him wear swim nappy PLUS training pants/swimwear, but I have to say that his amount of LS is less today - at least when I changed him. Not sure about when dh did that.

Ally is very cute. Can I borrow her to feed Y?
Hope Yann feels better soon! What abt a light toast for him?

Char loves her carbs too; bread and 馒头;) Mostly white bread for her thou...

Char does that too; she likes to be fed by Z. But these 3 yos hv short attention span...
Ally so so cute! i wan hire her service to feed edna too!!!

u r welcome =) hope u recover soon
happen to make lar so sicne i ard that area jus pass u lar hehe..
btw u dun hav to pay me cos i need to buy over the cereal so contra off i still gotta pay u
winnie every sat mornign is mad rush fo rmi manz.. i will b screaming to dh ' have u fed her? tot i tell u feed at 8.45 instead of 9? why haven drink milk? why pampers not change? whrs ur swim trunk? edna pls hurry up (as if she know hw to hurry)'

I love Dempsey too. There was a time that me & hb were there like 2-3 times per week. But I think I may not have ventured to the Loewen Gardens side. I also like the shop at Cluny Court but because I only go there at diiner time, it's always closed by then

As I'm typing this, there's a mozzie here having a feeding frenzy...wait...SPLAT! heh heh heh...it's now motionless. Now I've 5 bites on my thigh and 1 on my ankle. I hate mozzies...I will get very bad reactions to the bites. Once I was bitten on my foot and somehow it got infected and my foot was so swollen. Was even given MC...

Ally is so cute! It's so nice to see that Max loves/looks up to his sister.
HBB, I think it is not about when to start bread, but when can we intro wheat, grain etc. Actually my main concern on intro bread also incl yeast, if baby take to yeast well. I know for me, when I take Sunshine bread, I get bloated more than Gardenia, and the most Kimberly-friendly bread is Bonjour.
This SUnday, I will be going for a bread making lesson, heard the "teacher" started making bread bcos his son cannot take yeast.. I wonder how to make bread rise w/o yeast?
Regis fell from our bed. What else to monitor besides vomit, sleepiness? His legs and hand should be alright as he is actively kicking and waving.

Haiz, he fell from the side of our feet while all 3 of us were sleeping on the bed this morning. I heard 'pomp' and his cry followed immediately. His head was face down then.
Re: chewing food mouth then passing to baby to eat
dentists' perspective - don't do that. Baby's mouth has no bad bacteria now. Adults' mouths have different bacteria eg tooth decay causing ones and gum disease ones, even if your teeth appear healthy.
So if you chew food then pass to baby or if you blow blow blow to cool food down on the spoon, your saliva gets into baby food and your bacteria gets into baby virgin mouths.
No bad bacteria - no tooth decay or gum disease.
Don't give baby a headstart in tooth decay or gum disease.

Peanut - hope Regis is ok.

Jillian - ally is so so cute!!!

Check with u...did Yann have a fever before his LS? Any reason why the pd ask you to do UTI test? Reason I am asking is because C has been LS since Sunday and doesn't seem to be getting better. At first thought her LS was caught from her sis who had stomach flu but it has been a week and still LS and both pds I went to see all never say anything abt UTI so am wondering if I should test her for it. She has no fever or any oher symptoms just LS and is till eatin and drinking well....so heart pain cos she already lost some weight!
Read u girls writing abt Loewen Gardens. My gf just told me that there is a Loewen Gardens fair and family day on fri 12th Mar from 9.30am to 5pm and usually they sell alot of kids things and alot of entertainment. Below are the details from the pamphlet:

- Fabulous shopping for grown ups
- Children's entertainment, free play equipment and trampoline
- Scrumptious family breakfast, yummy lunches, coffees & cakes at The Pantry
- Bouncy Castle

Directions to Loewen Gardens:
Via Dempsey, follow signs to Loewen Cluster OR
From Tanglin Rd, turn onto Ridley Park Rd. Continue past the black and white homes on your left. Enter Tanglin Village and Loewen Rd. The first building on your right is Loewen Gardens. Block 75-82 Loewen Rd. Just beyond the building is a carpark.
FOZ, the $20.50 Mamypoko deal is at Giant. Enjoy yr trip 2 Bali. i lurve Bali!

Peanut, hope Regis is ok.

Muffingirl, thx 4 that valuable piece of information!

HBB, wah u bake yr own bread for Edna! My hb used 2 bake bread but I hv banned him fr making anymore cos he's too messy!

Poohbear, thx for info. I will probably go chk it out!
ya that y rustic bread is better as it uses less chemical n yeast...

yuli.. ok im train to bake w minimal mess =p so i can onli bake alone hahahahaaa

poohbear thanx for the details.. 12th is a friday rite? alamak hw to go?!?! hmmm
Y had UTI once, but I honestly don't know why she asked us to test for UTI. I was also thinking...how come LS and then test for UTI? But she was "spot on" in the sense that while there wasn't blood in urine, there was something and so she asked us to give him cranberry juice. He poo-ed once today and it was harder and it has been like that since this morning. Only once! :) Now we just have to wait for full results next week.

And he had no fever at all. I have been taking his temp and am also monitoring him this weekend.

Loewen Gardens fair:
Thanks for info!!! I have been to the fair before. If you have never been to this kind of fair, I think it's worth going to have a look, at least you know what they sell. If you have been to the hotel fairs that cater to the expats, it's the same kind of style. FYI, it is quite hot there.
I may go there between 3.30-5: in between classes, so if anyone going then, let me know. :)
I hope Regis will be fine. Just monitor him closely...

Me too! I have also been blowing on his food!!! Luckily u are here to tell us not to do that! :)
Hi mummies, I just called up Seimpi to arrange for the preview. Bad news is that they tell me another session for us is possibly chargeable. $5 per family? and they need to talk to the management about it.

The preview on the 28th Mar, Sun, 2.30pm, is open to 30 families. I have tentatively pushed the group of 11 families on to the 28th for the open preview. If you decided to withdraw, maybe give them a call at 67376731 (Shirley is the contact) to keep the arrangement simple, as well as make any inquiries to them if you so desire.
Thanks all! Yes I think he's alright
eating, sleeping and playing as normal.

HBB, I don't blow baby food but guese what, I taste it with the same spoon. Woah! Worst!
huh? this ppl hor! talk realy free manz.. ok thanx for organising so tentatively the trial ison the 28th then!

peanut LOL...
oh ya hw is regis?hope he is fine
Gave myself a scare just now when I was changing J's diaper. She's been having mushy poo for the last few days, and I have yet to isolate the cause with certainty, not sure if yogurt last had on Mon, puree, porridge or sishen. Though 2 times of poo a day is a nice change, I must say from hard and tough poo for such a long time. I'm also wondering is it is possible that the Friso that she is drinking finally doing its work on her, since her diet is still predominantly milk.

Okay back to why I got a scare, I saw red-dish poo...I went OMG, blood in her poo??? I shouted to dh, and he say don't scare him, what did she eat??? Then I remembered last night she had beetroot for dinner... hahaha, felt so ma-lu.
yar lor. any means to make quick buck off us parents lar. if only staccato not so far away for me, I think long term staccato's program does have it attraction. I really gotta go to my in-laws place and dig thru my beginner piano books and see what I can make out of it.

hope Regis will be fine. I hear your worry, I can't sleep thru the night too when J's in the same bed, she moves around the bed in her sleep, so I'm always in fear of hearing that "THUD".
i agree bou tthe stacatto.. mayb stacatto if ic an choose the teacher i can giv it a try LOL not that teacher that taught the kids tat day! LOL
Peanut, I also taste bb's food from his spoon. Oh dear! Guilty on all counts!!!! LOL!!! Glad to hear that he is OK. Yeah, actually I rem hearing that bb can fall off bed even though between both parents...and if u think about it, when they start to crawl, they go backwards, so maybe just put something at the foot of the bed now if he is sleeps with the both of you?

Sam, your poo story is so funny!!! When I read "..blood in the poo", my heart "stopped" and then you said beetroot!!!!! :-D
Thanks for your recommendation on Loewen Garden... Not easy to find that place thou, we lost our way and had to stopped right beside the nearby embassy and check our map again... haiz... and i thought the hubby already checked out the map b4 setting off....
Managed to buy a tutu dress for dino thou...

alamak... I've been blowing on dino's porridge b4 giving her... oh dear...

Thanks for the cake recommendation... Luckily I managed to secure a slot with her, just tt the deposit to her acc... I jus went into her website (gladcake) and she has updated that Jul 2010 is not available... So hengz that I email her right after u send me the link, now no worries about the cake issue le...

Now I am worried...C still LS as of today which makes it 1 week already...maybe I should get her tested for UTI too. I shall pray and see if tom she gets better. Today in total she LS 6 times though not alot just frequent and yellowish in colour...

Loewen Fair:
I will prob be going to the fair earlier around 10am after dropping my #1 off in school. Will sms you to let you know if it is good. The last one I went at Gilman Village also organised for expats was so so only....

Botanic Gardens:
I'll prob drop by alone on Monday for awhile cos I forgot I have to fetch #1 after her kindermusic class at 530pm so can't bring C along cos won't be able to handle 2 kids in the car alone!
dino mum
realy!?! GREAT! if u r doin ballerina cake w her.. b assure she can do it very nicely...
if u r doin precious moment... she is good too! she is gd w everythg lar hahaaaaa

edna got a sponsor for 1 more cake! its suppose to b a surprise cake! im so excited!!!!!
Must really thank u for sending me the link in time for me to secure a slot with her... Her quotation is cheaper than Cherylshuen and she reply to my email quite fast with quite detailed explanation as compared to the latter... most importantly, from her blog, her cakes v pretty... comparable with cherylshuen and aimummy...

U mean edna got more than 1 birthday cake? wah!!!
yes she is a v detailed person! cherylshuen cake is labeled as branded in my bakign circle friends LOL.. unlike glad and aimummy who are jus mummies who do cakes craft as hobby ...

ya got an offer to do anotehr cake for her but i cant decide... so its gg to b a surprise!!
Wah... edna is so lucky... I'm sure her cakes will be v pretty and nice... post pics of her pretty cakes after her birthday for us to see wor...
Muffingirl! Oh dear!! That is so me, blow and chew for him.. and he loves to kiss my lips (although I told him many time to save that for his girlfriend..). I think K's mouth no virgin anymore... Boohoohoo...
Have you taken C to see the PD yet? If it makes you feel any better, I was speaking to someone who told me that her boy once had LS for 2 weeks! And he was LS-ing almost every hour. The PD took him off milk, gave him soy milk.

For Y, my PD told us to reduce his fibre and increase the carbs. She gave him probiotics. Today he only went twice. Morning and night At night it was a bit liquid, the one in the morning was better.

Our PD also told us to get cranberry juice for him, and give him that on top of his regular food/milk/water intake. So that was what I did last night and today.

Cranberry juice is known to help UTI(even for adults), so maybe you want to get a bottle to try first? It must be OK (read safe) if the PD said to give it to Y...?

Try to monitor her and see if she has a fever as well, or if she is more cranky than normal. IF (and that's a big "IF") she is more cranky...maybe it's because it might be more painful when she pees or something? Maybe jot down how many times she LS - how often and how much each time?

Loewen Gardesn fair/Gilman Village:
For the one at Gilman Village, was it at The Shophouse? I LURVE to go to these fairs. I dot go to them so often anymore, but I love them because their thigns are not commonly found, usually good quality (I like to throw stuff in the dryer), but not cheap, that's all! ;-P

Am glad that you found something for G!!! :) I love to carry her, she is so light! :) Can carry "longer". Sometimes, when I feel a bit guilty about carrying Y for too long - in case I spoil him, etc...I just tell myself, very soon I won't be able to do that as he'll be too heavy already, so just enjoy now. :)

U must take photos of Edna's cakeS!!!! So many cakes -shiokadoos!
Hi mummies, pls let me self introduce.
I am a new SAHM to Xiang Ying (XY) who is born on 30th July. She's quite tiny. 6.1kg and 62cm as of today. Her birth weight only 2.4kg and 48cm.

This is a very interesting thread

HBB: I am feeding XY Bonjour butterscotch bread, four leaves fromage bread, wassant from provence and gardenia focaccia bread. She's fine with all. No choice but to feed her that cuz she rejects all kinds of purees/porridge. Think very similar to TJE's baby.

Pinky: Just wanted to say a big thank you for offering the bottle the other time

P/S: Pls don't mind my silly hubby face there.
hi josephine

personally i will tink those watsort bread outside esp those flavour ones r not so good.. so im really exercisin caution!
if u read this thread logn enuff.. mayb u will hav realise HBB is a KIASEE mummy hahahaaa

oh yah... still no news from ur hubby about the ballot for the venue?

Dino is light (XS size)... LOL... but i dun like to carry her coz she likes to kick my tummy continuously and pull my hair (she pulls v hard, jus ask TJE, LOL)... at the rate she's kicking me, sure cant carry her when preggy... also she always turn toward the dino-dad and open her arms waiting him to carry...
