(2009/07) July 2009 MTBs

i notice edna sleep better in her rm if i on aircon.bt i worry bout her nose n airways.so i on it before her last feed so she cn drk comfortably... before i go to slp i off e aircon which is ard 12 so eroom been cooled down already. those who let bb slp in aircon forlong hours cn try putting a cup of water in e room.

mashy: ya i cant get e gel either.actualy i foubd some1 willin to sell in bulk! bt 40odd bottle leh!

e air at punggol always smell weird...sourish sell esp at nite n early morning

i notice edna sleep better in her rm if i on aircon.bt i worry bout her nose n airways.so i on it before her last feed so she cn drk comfortably... before i go to slp i off e aircon which is ard 12 so eroom been cooled down already. those who let bb slp in aircon forlong hours cn try putting a cup of water in e room.

mashy: ya i cant get e gel either.actualy i foubd some1 willin to sell in bulk! bt 40odd bottle leh!

e air at punggol always smell weird...sourish sell esp at nite n early morning
edna destroy all 3 foam blade fans i gt for her.wat i did was go to populr buy efoam paper n cut the same shape n replace!dn need buy new fan!show u girls on monday at botanic garden!!!
thanks for the tipoff on the fan and bath toys. hehe I remove the batteries to the lights in the fan, ILs scared she got zombified looking at the swirling lights while in the stroller.

I have resorted to giving her something to hold everytime I change her diaper or simply put her down to removing and putting on clothes for baths. Most times, she gets the pigeon wipes box, at least she can be helpful when I need wipes for her bum.
Re: Batt operated fan
LOlz! So Shanna isn't the only 1! She likes tearing off the blades too but so far, still intact, hahaha... kinda scary when she still tries to go touch the blades when the fan is on. V scared she'll do the same to the real fan... faintz...

Re: diaper fight
Yes Sam!! Shanna keeps herself occupied by the pigeon wipes box too! But once hit herself on the face & cried a lil! loL! so sometimes she'll grab the similac bear, ru yi you bottle, lotion bottle, anything & everything she can get hold of... My bed has become her changing place, soooo messy... no good...
oh i thot only my terror does the fan thing. didn't know got so many kakis... kekeke
yuli, i was still thinking of getting a new one cos i cannot stand the fan with 2 blades n 1 dangling.
Hbb - wah you so clever! Yes yes, I wanna see your fan on Monday! Oh, didn't realise the ballerina dress is the same in so many shops! i actually bought her a onesie with a tutu sewn into the onesie but haven't put her in it yet cos she's so super samseng, I think she'll look ridiculous in the tutu!

Sam, yah, my hb also wonders and worries if the lights will wire her brain wrongly! haha. I also give her something to hold/play during changes but it only works for 20% of change

Winnie_mummy - yah, I also afraid she'll think all fan blades are safe!
haa if edna name is 3 letter i even tot put her name on e fan! haaa

mayb i go buy a pack of foam sheets n cut it out n lelong for free on monday to those who wan =) provided i gt time!

i jus caught edna climbng on top of her gym!wah lau..she spider gal!
Kim, i'm ok with next wed. Wat about 1/2pm? Bring your hb's ic along so that you can borrow more books

Sam/Yuli, i think mothercare also sell those cups that Sharon uses but it comes with many many cups of diff sizes. You all may wan to share.

hbb, edna is showing her new stunts heehee
i wanna get more squirt toys for jav too.. hehe..

Fan: Jav has his 3rd one alrdy.. hoping wont spoil it again.. sigh.. we haf so many fan terrors(tearers) arnd here.. hahaa
new business again.. selling replacement fan blades.hehe
I am planning on buying the squirt toys and I saw that Sharon's cups (the ones that ahe the hols so that water can flow through) are from First Years, I think. So I may go to Paragon tomorrow and check it out around lunchtime (between 12.30 -1.45)...Anyone want to share the cups or want me to get anything, PM me, OK? Not confirmed I will go, but most prob.

Great! Show us your fan blades! My fan - the WHOLE propeller thingy came out from the stand/base. Y reached for it and then grabbed it and pulled the whole thing off, so now I put it where he cannot reach it!

My PD mentioned the usual dangers - stairs (I don't have to worry about that), tripping over rugs/carpets (!) and she also mentioned that the walking sideways bit and therefore only using a few muscles. She kept on saying that she cannot stress the importance of crawling. It helps build balnace, teaches them to break their falls, works both left/right brain, coordination, esp for boys: it works the shoulders...next time NS must do pull-ups... She also trained/worked in US and Canada and she was saying that the black (is that PC?? - They keep changing the term) kids apparently start crawling/walking very quickly.
She also mentioned that most people who are usually clumsy didn't crawl a lot. How true that is, I dunno.

The Children's Showcase at Loewen Gardens:
I don't think they are open on Sundays, dino-mum. If you google them, you should get a mobile number and you can call and find out - and that will also save you the time and trouble of going there and ask if they have ballerina outfits. Their things are NOT cheap, but oh-so-lovely!!! I have been eyeing some storage baskets sold there for a long time but they haven't on sale for...well since they opened more than a year ago!!!

Diaper fight:
Aiyoh, today Y grabbed his no-rinse cleansing liquid!! And shoved the pump in his mouth! So now, I have to remove all those bottles when I clean him there! I give him the Pigeon Wipes - packet but not that interested. Today I also tried tissue paper. I let him rip it apart (how fun! :)) but had to stop him when he wanted to put the pieces in his mouth!
nodnod, i used tissue paper @ times too. But i got tired when i kept having to stop shanna from putting the tissue paper into her mouth!

i m sooooo sleepy... i wanna go home!

RE: crawling
i think what your PD said is true in a sense abt being more clumsy if didn't crawl a lot. That's prob coz the leg muscles aren't strong enough when start to stand like my gal. Altho my boy started walking late (which also meant that he crawled a lot), his early steps were very sturdy. My gal on the other hand may walk earlier, but her legs aren't strong enough to support her well yet.
re: diaper changing

I give a toy to my gal when i change her. Stops her from turning all over sometimes. She eats up tissue paper, so can't give her that.
I got the water cups from Robinson. It's called "Caterpillar Spillers" from the brand Munchkin. It has 7 cups of different sizes and you can link it up to form a caterpillar. The biggest cup is actually a caterpillar head. Other than using as water cups, you can use it to teach baby how to stack the cups. It costs $12.90.
Re diaper fight
I also have to fight with my gal everytime I change her diapers or when I bath her. She'll be rolling everywhere and grabbing/eating everything within her reach. When I grab her legs up to clean her butt, she'll arch her back and lift/tuck in her butt which makes cleaning so difficult. I think I might have to use pull-up pants soon. So if I use pull-up pants, I can't put on diaper cream right?
la girafe: I find pull up pants even harder to put on! Max struggles, twists and kicks so I get one leg in and then he kicks it out. I still use diaper cream even with pull ups. Hb and I always dread changing him, we always say its worse than dressing a monkey.
La Girafe,

I will put diaper cream and spread it evenly then i help my notti gal to wear her pull up pant. Will not get all over the pant.

Hi Mummies,
Any suggestion where is the good place to held 1year old party?
dear all there's this free trial at my gym located at marine parade and tampiness going on. marine parade on 13, 20 march between 4-7pm each slot 1hr or tampiness at 27 march 2-7pm.
I'm going for the trial at marine parade at 4pm. anybody wanna join can call them directly for an slot.
marine parade - 64409916
tampiness - 67897061

their web http://mygym.sg
OK, thanks. Will go and check out Robinson's if I have time tom.

Y did a urine test at home(I have the dip stick, sterile bag colour chart to compare results for dip stick test) and apparently results not good. I had rung the clinic to tell them which colour range he had and then when the doc rang back, I was too frazzled to hear that I had to take him to the hospital to do a re-test that I didn't ask what it was. Think it's a UTI but there was no blood in his urine. So did another urine test and waiting for results. One result should come in today, the other one in at least 3 days' time...they have to culture it...:-(
BTW, you all have convinced me to get the LG mat! ;-)

Re Walkers: I think Canada was also the first country to ban non BPA free baby products. Very forward...so if they ban walkers....hm...must go and find out more now!
hi Gals, I missed out this thread for 2 days and so many things to catch up! I'm surviving on morning sickness. luckily, this time is not as bad as my second pregnancy with Naomi, so I suspect it would be a boy. My hb brought be twice since last week to my fave Korean restaurant. I guess I need a daily dose of Kimchi. Got to stock it up at home.kekeke....

Chiyojade, I may be able to join us all after Nigel's berries class. the entrance is the bukit timah side, is it? I think it's the visitor center side. botanic garden is huge, so some taxi driver usually only knows the entrance from Holland Rd one.
Btw, the bath squirts: Alex brand have it. 1 small bag with a few animals (6?) in it. Tangs got 20%. but why don't you wait a while for the baby fair next thursday? and the cup with the holes that I have is actually a stacking cup from fisher price.

Mashy, can sell your Queen Seon deuk to me when you finish? btw, got english sub or not?
Re: batt opr fan
I thot k is the ONI terror here... He chompped off all 3 blades n left a tiny bit of each blade.. I was planning to punch a hole n tie some extremely light toy so they swing whn fan is on. I like the one with dancing lights cos he loves light n won't fuss..

Re: diaper fight
giving toy to distract him no longer work for me. I now dress him when he roll on his tummy, I apply diaper cream with his butt facing me.. Great thing abt this-- I dun hv to worry abt the water spout. The bad-- I still hv to flip hi
over to stick the Velcro.

Chiyojade, re: bath toy
in the today show in USA, they reported that bath toy being one of the largest bacteria breeding ground! So if u want to u make sure u clean them well.
Use 1 part chlorine: 15 parts water to kill all germs n bacteria in bath toys.

Since that day K slipped fr my hand onto the changing mat on the table, I no longer find it comfotable to chg him there, so now I move to my living room where his mattress is.

Today, I din buckle him on the rocker n walked away, k fell from it n now has a bump on his left forehead.. After the painful cry, he still kept whinning as if he was so angry that now he is less of man.. Makes me wanna laugh..

I've been to mini princess @ City Square and had bought some pretty tops for lil dino, but their smallest size still too large for dino... I'm keeping the clothes in my store till she grow bigger and more bak bak...

the air is terribly smelly in the morning at Changi... got that burnt smell every morning and wondering y coz it's not yet September...

For dino's first b'day, the daddy decided on ballerina theme (pink)... He has bought Precious Moment ballerina figurine as cake topper and we'll be making the invitation card (postcard) via Photoshop... not intending to have any decor/balloons at the venue since the hotel does not allow us to do that... but might try my luck with the manager closer to the date... if not, then save the decor $$$ le...

Thanks for the info... I dun mind going there to take a look at their cutie stuff even if there's no ballerina costume... maybe will drop by b4 the swim lesson tomolo...

Which date u going for the Mygym trial?
Hi ladies,

Thank goodness hospital bill wasn't too ex. Just below $50.

Actually Y has been LS-ing for 3 days. We saw PD 2 days ago and today, the clinic rang and asked how he was (they normally do that - they will ring the next day or 2 days later) and I said that he was still LS-ing yesterday, so they asked me to do a urine test to see if he had a UTI. He had one last year...

So I did the test and then from the result, I though it was OK, but apparently not, so the PD did say that I could repeat the test at home or go to hospital. I decided on the latter as maybe I mightn't have done the test properly. So cancelled work for those few hours and did the test. Partial results came back and is "OK". No blood in urine but there is a residual something (my dh didn't know what it was), but he said not impt and we can't do anything about it. Just have to monitor him to make sure no fever. (So Etirto, at the moment, no fever) And to give him cranberry juice ON TOP of his regular intake of whatever. The other results will only be out bext week as they have to culture his urine. :-( I hope everything will be ok.
Thanks all for your concern!

Yes, the part of Botanics where we're meeting is the one at Bkt TImah side, from Evans Rd. Whoo-hoo!! Join us! :)

There is a shop at Cluny Court which sells nice kids things as well, and they are having a sale. It has been on for quite a while and I went in quite some time back, but didn't buy anything. No ballerina dresses though, but nice European style outfits - if u like that kind of thing. More Scandinavian in design though, I feel. Not cheap though!
Loewen Gardens at Dempsey also has a small cafe that has cupcakes and makan, so you can go and makan there if you want. They also have trampoline, but of course, our bbies are too small for that.
There is also a brand that they sell (outside The Children's Showcase, called Penny Scallion. Mainly bags and stuff. Like Lulu Australia kind of style (plastic covering) but for kids. Not cheap, but I have bought a Penny Scallion small rucksack for kids for $9 when it was on sale.
anyone knows BY RIGHT how old can baby start eating bread?
edna seems to like bread.. even the rustic bread! so i tinkign if its alrite to giv.. if its alrite then i tink i can start making bread for her liaoz...
hope Yann is okay... He still LS today?
Thanks for the info, I dun really know how to go to the places u've mentioned, tomolo get my hubby to check out and drive me there... Talking about trampoline, i've yet to inflate my little tikes bounce house trampoline... Been leaving it at my store room to rot and collect dust... Dun dare to inflate it coz it's so huge and will occupied an entire room... Next time when I inflate, come my house with Yann to bounce in it...
realy?? hmm ok thanx!
edna loves bread so i tink ic an resume my bread making liao.. but i got a huge problem jus now evenign aft she eat cereal she also ate some bread
then end up last feed dunw an her milk and went to sleep!arghhhh
When I went to see PD that day, she asked us to give him more carbs because he was LS-ing - he still is, btw :-( and she said we could give him wholemeal bread. So I bought some and dunked it in his milk(what she recommended, as they can't chew and also it doesn't melt) and he didn't like it.

But yes, this means that can give wholemeal, When I asked her white bread? She immediately said wholemeal. I forgot to ask her why not white bread though.

I love to go to these places and find things that aren't sold in the big departmental stores. LOL!
Loewen Gardens is at Dempsey. Go from the Tanglin Mall/British Council/American Embassy/etc, side. I think you have to pass St James' Kindy and the turn left. Look out for the signs. It is NOT easy to find if you are not familiar with that area.

Cluny Court is next to Serene Centre(where Island Creamery - the ice cream place - is), at the Junction of Bkt Timah and Adam Road. There is a Cold Storage there. If you do go there, go upstairs, next to the cafe called Relish (quite well known for it's burgers), there is another small shop that has kids' stuff. They have these lovely wet wipes cases, but I just couldn't bring myself to pay that amount for it. LOL!!!
Yup yup... This time is the by right standard, not the weirdo Dino standard... LOL... The book not really applicable to her, cost me 40 bucks... Haiz... Now I jus left it there to collect dust... Coz it might be the first time u feeding her with bread right after cereal, that's y she reject last feed maybe feeling full... After a few days of such routine, she should be quite used to it and should have no problem finishing the last feed... Dino loves bread also... But unfortunately, mummy dunno how to make, always buy from confectionery...
whole meal healthier n fuller
i did not dunk the bread in milk.. i tear into v tiny pieces she chew a bit thou she is toothless n swallow n SMILE
nw tat u remind me i haven gone to my fav dempsey for 8 months!!!!1 tiem to introduce edna to my fav hunt!
If only I had seen your message earlier, could have pass my maternity wear to muffingirl (she just came over to return the boxes) and she could pass to you tomorrow...never mind, if I can join in Botanic Garden on Monday, I will pass to you. Else gotta be after Bali (after 18 Mar). Anyway no worries, won't need maternity wear so quickly lah...

Which hotel is Gen having her 1st birthday party? Ballerina theme sounds so pretty...er, why bad smell only in Sept?

Mommies who said mamypoko on sales
Went NTUC earlier but did not see any leh...only Pampers on sale. Or is the promotion over?

Will pray for Yann's ok-ness

Mygym free trial
My 2 cents: I went with Sam and HBB the last time they had such a free trial and was quite turned off by the person conducting the lesson. Her voice was so shrill and loud, and her enthusiasm was quite obviously fake. Not sure if Sam and HBB agree?
Re: bread
I dun dare give multigrain (I usually take 2grain bread), so I gv k pandan bread.
Chiyojade, u try to bite with your incisors then gv yann n c if he tajes to it. I never advocate this bb food going thru our mouth before feeding idea, but wat other more effective way do moms have?? Sigh!! Felt like becoming my mom now.. Tsk tsk..

yea this is wat i worry.. whether is dino standard or by right standard haha thanx for clarifying.. u know i kia see one LOL
