(2009/07) July 2009 MTBs

yesyes! even lizard
lizard not such a problem cos we will use plastic bag catch then let it be airborn.. throw downstairs then it shall live... LOL spider end up in my handheld vacum which is overwork in my house... ants.. sigh.... oki keep finger cross no ants at home now.. haven seen one for near 10 mth liao... yes i clear them out 2 mth before i pop LOL

and talkin bout dirtying the house... jus now let edna roam in my study room.. now study room floor sticky fr her sweat! arghhhh kill mi !
so urs also huh? i hate the webs lehs... yucks...
and nw dat nana crawl here crawl there, i so scared i day she get hold of the webs & put inside her mouth! am gng to restrict her play area le... wahhahaha... okok, dun say le, ltr say le 1 ant appear right b4 u!

i K.O. le, gng to the wake now... seeya all! ^^
Sorry mummies,a little off the thread..
Anyway for mummies who wanna sign up with them(Bugis branch) after the LNT Trial,kindly take note that for weekday class,they still have a couple of slots for April intake(2nd term),but then for mummies who wanna sign up for the weekend class,I'm afraid it's full.I had just went to make enquiry reg this.Anyway was given a form by them today for the registration of next intake.
It was on a weekday thou.But I changed it to a weekend class for April intake.

Mummies who wanna sign up might like to call them up and check it out yea
hardlyc an fidn web in my hse cos my dh clear the hse EVERYDAY includin the ceiling haa

wake? oops.. oki c ya
will get the cereal fr postman soon =)
Dino-mum, Regis has similar sleeping pattern. 3 or 4 naps, each time ranging from 45mins to 2hrs max. On average total nap time per day is abt 3-5 hrs. He sleeps at almost 9pm, and wakes at 6+ with 1 night feed at abt 1am.
How I wish he can sleep more so that I can have more time of my own.
Yuli: the MP diapers, yellow bag is the cheaper one but the cutting is really strange. As my mom puts it, its like wearing a G-string for your child. Its really very odd and looked so uncomfortable. Tried it for my #1 who is very slim so I can't even imagine how it would fit Max. But their normal blue bag is really very good, their pull ups are great, they can last the whole night. Its pretty expensive but just stock up when there is a sale

Hbb: You're as anal as my hb, he hates the floor to be dirty and if I drip water on the floor, I'll be in deep trouble. He actually goes on his hands and knees to polish the parquet.
hahaha i got trained by my dh!!!!!!
he is worse than me.. i can stand a few drop of water(clean water) but he cant!! he cant even stand hairs on the floor!he will pick up 1 by 1

and yes u r right if i dn bother to clean these i b in deep trouble like u hahahahahaa
i can stand mess but not dirt now =p
Re: Seimpi Preview (it's a talk and demo, not a trial)
Thanks Lagirafe for the PM. Twinkle, I don't think I got your details, and Kitty, did you change your number after you lost your phone? The other mummies on the current list, I have contacted before, so I have your numbers, unless you've recently changed your contact details, then pls do PM me. I have just sent them an inquiry for a separate preview for us. Shall see what is their response, then I'll send them our contacts.

btw if there are more of us interested, pls add on to the latest list for the 2nd group. I might later take this off the forum when I get a reply from Seimpi with regards to the session and more families.
(*blush*) Paisay, you & dh must have been freaking out at my place the other sat.... strands of hair on white marble floor =p ANd I didn't mop for a few days liao...

SIgh, I do love a clean home, free of ants, dust and stray hair. but limit to what I can do cos the husband immune to all these... I person cleaning is very tiring so I have learnt to lower my standards...
Sam, my no. is still the same cox i requested for a replacemment of sim card but currently, i have yet gotten a new phone. Thanks for organising
ehh i was about to tell u ur floor clean leh i din see hair!! and felt clean also!!
i din explore other part of the floor thou hahahahahahaa
mayb i too busy admiring the white marble flooring haha i so envy u hav marble flooring oki!!!!
Welcome back...

If u haven get a walker yet, then might not be worth it to introduce now since they'll soon be learning to walk... MIL put her in walker so that she would have time to do housework and stuff while the lil dino follow behind her instead of screaming her lungs out when no one is ard to accompany her...
born in dragon year, must be difficult to apply for schools and stuff since the kiddo population during dragon year always v high...

Dino have tried Huggies Ultra, dry comfort, dryers, mamy poko, fitti, pampers... We still prefer Huggies Ultra coz she seldom flood her bed at night in Huggies Ultra... Flooded a couple of times in mamy poko, i guess the cutting of mamy poko doesn't suit her small butt... if u see Huggies got promotion, let me know k...

Like u, I also wish that dino can sleep more or wake up later in the morning so that I can catch up on my beauty sleep in the weekend... eh... but i cant complain much coz I'm not looking after her leh... oops...
Does anyone knows where I can buy pretty pink ballerina cotumes with matching accessories like shoes, etc?

Also, does anyone have any recommended website to download free templates for 1st birthday invitation card? I tried google search but those given quite jialat...
dino mum
cerisi hav quite a range of ballerina costume but the s size is still too big for edna so u might need to do alterration by the time bday comes.
Not sure about the Ballerina costumes, but there is a nice shop that sells some of these kind of stuff at Loewen Gardnes: The Children's Showcase...I have seen priate, but not sure about Ballerina...

1st invite: Try Martha Stewart's website??

My PD is also against the walker. I do have one )passed from a friend), so like Dino-mum's MIL I will still put Y in it when I need to get stuff done, but have told myself not to put him too long in that.

waaah...if you come over again, I must do super duper house cleaning! LOL!!!! Stress!
I've seen the cerisi ones, but the material seems quite uncomfortable... with dino's current eczema condition, I'm afraid wearing that quite irritate her to scratch further... haiz... btw, dino also kena eczema, all coz of me...
ehh edna tat set seems ok leh its cotton one! onli the tutu is not cotton
its the same one she wore for the poto shoot

i saw many shops selling the balletrina dress but all r same brand one

apply AI cream for her!!!
I walk past the shop at TM and touch the tutu which is v rough... dino itchy hand, will sure pull the tutu until she dismantle the whole dress... I brought her to PD after CNY and currently applying the cream prescribed... it does improve but came back few days after when she started scratching again... now my MIL make her wear long pants to prevent her from scratching her legs...
cannot lar, my fren ask me to catch for her bcos she veri lazy! she cant b bothered to go and chase. even at home her boy crawl and she jus gotta catch him back onli she sae it's torturing alreadi! so if ask her along we is free 'chaser' for her liao.

if she can stand wif support alreadi den maybe u wan to put a non-slip mat and put her standing, then use a cup to shower her while in the tub? maybe even better. i did that for darius. but bcos of his kypo-ish, he's trying to follow around the cup and so he will turn and twist and all. i know of a fren who put her bb in a pail(red pail) and just shower wif the shower head.

ur house de ants veri powerful sia, even inside the kettle also haf! hahahha. dey mus be veri thirsty thats why in the kettle. lately i realised my office towel bowl also haf ants! and i dun understand why. keep wondering isit somebodi's urine too sweet =x

hw to use plastic bag and catch the lizard? lizard makes my hair stand bcos dey jus look so nua and crawl so fast. i always got a shock when dey jus crawl across and im so afriad of them. mus b the story of their tail is scaring me off.

i think that regis is napping alot alreadi! darius onli nap abt 2-3 times a day. each time not more then an hr. i think alot of bb nw here are also not napping as much. my fren's bb at 8month old onli nap once a dae. even more torturing!

i think it's very cute to see gen following her ah ma around the house while ah ma is doing housework chores. but super not cute when dey try to b a terriost bcos dey haf the walker and use it to do their devil deeds! yea, i also think not worth to get the walker alreadi. so nw thinkin whether i should continue to rent exersaucer or wad. bcos nw i got nth for him to plae except to roll around on the abc mat.
u so fast alreadi looking at the invites design?! i was counting down and realised 4 more months onli! wondeirng whether i should hand make the cards, or jus do it via the computer and email them. save the tree, stamps and hassle of asking address. haha!
i didnt even qualify to apply for school bcos i fail my Os with only 2 credit. i retook and onli got an extra credit. end up went to ite. but my cousin who get gd grades also retook her Os bcos she said that she's still unable to get into the course that she wan to!
dno mum then in tat case she cannot wear tutu leh.. by right the tutu do not touch her skin oen thou except prob her hands.

lup the plastic bag over and then catch lor hahahaaa
Hi mummies,
If see facebook invite from Ng M*** S*** and no profile photo one, that's me. Creating a separate account for MR cos too many different group of people in my facebook. Some of whom I'm not comfortable sharing baby details with.

Need to follow TJE's lead and spring clean my facebook friends list soon
Yuli, as far as I see, the MP is wider, huggies is slimmer. Will post aft I try tmrw.

Chiyojade, did PD say why no walker? Is it the way they will walk? K walks sideways. My gf's started walking by using one leg to 'sweep' like on a scateboard.

Kitty, next wk is ok. Thu is not gd since I hv dnr, I think we do we'd? Afternoon k? Morning seem to short to do anything..

Winnie, in future, u roll up the soiled part of the blouse (k wears onesies alot so it's usually the back flap that usually Kena) before u pull thru her head. Roll it inward. Try if this works for you like it does for me.

I made a mistake today.. I rmbr a dnr appt this evening with gf fr church cos one of them found husband in a yr n want to intro to us, but actually the appr is next thu instead.. I dunno if I really dat enthusiastic abt meeting her beau or just mother's brain..
Lamagier, can customize your postings to only show to certain people, same with album permissions. But have to group the people you want to expose it to (so that takes time depending on how big your list is). I have most of us here under a Mummies group, so that my postings don't get sent out everyone on my FB.
can block people also, sometimes there's a 2nd portion of a posting when you restrict people. But must be mutually exclusive in your groupings. I kinda check my settings everytime they upgrade, cos it's like refreshing their cache of your settings. Then again, sometimes I get lazy to customize the post settings whenever I post

Dinomum, and probably other party-excited mums,
I sometimes visit this blog for ideas, cos the stuff is just too nice and perfect, http://partyperfectblog.blogspot.com/ Probably doesn't have the template you wanted, but I find some invitations ideas really nice.
there's a shop at suntec level 3 (the kids area) that sells many beautiful princess dresses. i'm not sure if they hv ballerina outfit.
Sigh. The problem is if I don't know if they will still be able to see that I have an album there, but they can't access it. Then will create a big commotion....
where is the shop? Loewen Garden?
I'll go down on sun to take a look, slowly finding pretty lil ballerina costume for her...

I intend to wait till mid-apr to see the Dr... By then I can "officially" take leave and do my own things le... My colleague finally back from her ML and extended leave, keke... My turn to clear leave... Yeah!!!!

one thing my MIL hates about walker is that the Dino loves to purposely dash towards us and knock her down when she's squatting to pick up things or running the wheels over our feet at "high speed"... That hurts thou... Ouch... Now, she's aiming the cabinet full of red wines in the living room... I wonder when she'll use her bumper car to make the cabinet collapse... ~faintz....
I think exersaucer would be a good choice to engage Darius... If put them on mat to roll about without toys to entertain them, they would surely start screaming even before u walk to the kitchen... It happens for my Dino... I thinking of getting the buggy car which Etirto bought for Naomi... Can push them ard in it... Jus that it's quite bulky thou...

I jus went there last week, many nice party dress in one of the shops there but didn't find the ballerina...
thanks for the hyperlink... I gonna add to my favourite...

I'm bad at hand-made stuff, often flunk my A&C... I'll be asking the daddy to do the invitation card after getting some nice templates online... I need to send out invitation early coz the place I book need to give the exact number of pax 1 week prior to the event... Might be a challenge to get RSVP for that 100pax, thinking of that I v sianz...
Regarding dragon baby, that's y I told hubby cannot give birth at dragon year... It's a challenge to get into uni with so many dragon babies out there... Maybe ur friend can get into the course at other year intake, but at dragon babies' year intake, sure v tough if get moderate score... Speaking of that, I really v "pei fu" you that u are able to single-handedly bring Darius up at your young age... I could never do that myself... Sure nervous breakdown for me... And I think that u're doing a good job, juggling with work and motherhood...
This auntie Dino must learn from u to be independent...
Chiyojade: regarding the bumper playmat. We have the LG one and have had it since Ally was a baby. Its in the children's play room and its good for cushioning falls and bumps. Its even comfortable to lie on, I've taken many quick naps on it while the kids played around me. In my opinion its a really good investment cos it can be used for a long time.

Kim: I think some PDs discourage the use of walkers cos of the high rate of accidents. From what I've read, babies that use walkers tend to have a funny gait when they first start walking independently but soon correct it later on. Do you know that baby walkers are banned in Canada? You can actually be fined or thrown in jail for owning one!I've fought my hb and MIL long and hard about not putting the children in walkers. I much prefer them to crawl around the house, its just my personal preference.
Haha, yah I have a parklon playmat in my living room and taken naps on it when I'm sick, Snuggle up with my pillow, chou chou blanket and remote control. Very good therapy and mat is cooling=) MR takens a few naps there too +)
e air is bad! smell really yucks! i told my dh n he reply:close windows n stop breathing! LOL

tink im gg to hide at e malls instead!vivo any1?
Jillian, k's walker is now our best friend (k&i) cos he can't crawl but want the ability to move arnd the house. So is either breaking my arms making me unable to do other things or in the walker..
When he is standing up with our help, he could walk step by step although his one foot may step on the other occasionally..
But hb & I decided we should make him learn to sit up himself (like Edna did) n falling..
Perhaps if I start hving trouble correcting his walking that I will say other wise of walker..
I hv to ask my Canadian cousin why it is banned there cos so far no one say why only suspect the danger of falling off the staircases.
Kim: oh yes, the siew bak recipe. My oven has given up on me so I can't make my own for the time being. But thanks for remembering!
I can understand what you mean about breaking your arms or being unable to do anything. The in-between stage is hard, Ally was constantly frustrated that she couldn't crawl so she spent a lot of time in our arms. But, we were living with my mom then so we could take turns, it would have been a different story if I was alone. With Max, he was quite contented lying or rolling around on the mat while watching Ally. We were very lucky with him, once he could crawl he has never looked back. Just found him under the dining table with Ally, she said they were playing house!
thanks for the tips on removing stained clothes! ^^

yeah... The air smells bad! Made my already dry throat drier nw!

I'm so tired, dun feel like waking up this morn, am still in the train. Late late late for work!
Jillian, I cannot imagine if k is max's size and can't crawl... *peng*

winnie, u hv 10minz... Dun think ur company will lock u out, so just be safe.. Hope something good will energize u today!
Oh!! It's Friday!! How exciting!!
(*Hi-five*) TGIF!!! Monday on leave... long weekend, here i come =)

It is so nice that Ally watches out for her brother so much.
What's their age difference? ANd how did you cultivate the sister-brother bond?

My nephew ignores his sister, doesn't play with her. Told me he likes MR and not his sister cos 'she not nice'.... My sister tried to make them be nice and loving to each other, but not qite successful. But somehow they all like MR. Maybe cos MR somehow always seems to be in a world of her own. Don't snatch attention away from them
oh kim, last time my company is so super sticky with punctuality that they will close the main gate at 8am sharp n u hv to go thru the side gate with the security guard standing there watching u n taking down don't know what kind of details on his own. hate those days manz.

re walker
my #1 was in it n he likes to go on bumper rides... had the thrills of going at fast speed n banging everything. had intended to let amanda use it but she cries every time we put her in it. probably she doesn't realise the thrills yet. but since we r also concern she'll bang into all the glasses n cabinets, we decided not to use on her. see if there's any difference when it comes to walking later.

u refering to today? what time r u going?
the air is really bad. have been turning the air con on every night. n i end up waking up v late this wk. jialat. don't know how much my electricity bill will shoot up today.
LOLz! I start work at 830am lehs, just reached office not long, went to buy breakfast still coz i'm feeling giddy. Looking forward to 530pm already. LOL!

Me too, i've been letting shanna slp in air con rm already. Stopped awhile after she gt bronchitis but now we decided to let the air con back in action. She also sleeps better thou, but then bad for her already very dry skin. Poor her, inherited my bad skin genes...
re: walker

i wonder if it actually affects when the child walks. Both my kids didn't use walker. I only got the exersaucer for them. My boy walked at 15mths. Late bloomer. My little gal at 7mths+ is already cruising in her cot and had just started to cruise along the sofas too.

So i think it probably won't affect when they walk, just that it can be dangerous if they decide to go 'running' and banging into things with it. I remember my cousin dragging stuff off tables and pulling a lot of things along the way when he was in a walker.

yah, the air is so bad and NEA can say it's not due to haze. ?????? Funny thing is that it only occurs at night and lasts till early morning.
Lamagier: before Max was born we were really worried cos Ally kept saying " no baby!" but she wasn't even 2 then so I guess she didn't really understand what was happening. But once Max was born she loved him instantly. They are nearly 2 years apart, 9 days difference between their birthdays. Max was due around her birthday but decided to arrive early. We always make sure to spend time alone with her when Max is napping and we always tell her Max is part of our family, he's her brother and she has to look out for him cos she is the big sister. I guess she likes bossing him around more than anything else.
yar, it's bad, I have been complaining to my dh for the last few nights and morning, it's like you can smell something burning in the air.

I'm planning to go Vivo today, need to get some placemats, and possibly HBF to look for squirters and the cups that sharon uses. Thinking of looking for more bath toys for her.
hahaa.. ya i rem u saying tat... but at least u managed to wipe out all ants in yr hse.. using the med?.. hmmmm, i shud do sth abt it also... hahaa..u r so kind to the lizards lor.. let go.. u shud see wad my hb do.. *shakes head*..

haha.. so far no spider webs spotted here.. but lizards!!..YES!!.. n quite a few.. but no longer dare appear in my hse.. cos my hb HATES lizards n will start killing dem once he sees.. hahahaa..

hmmmm.. den we shall go out w/o yr fren... ask her stay hm to catch her oy herself.. hehehe.. training first.. mus put sign arnd us wen we r out " not allowed unless self catch" hahahaa..

i see tat linda's the only one out of the list.. erm, i tink gif her my place.. cos hb jus told me tat we haf to celebrate my fil's b'day on sun.. hehe.. u all enjoy yrselves ya.. maybe i will get some info frm u aft tt?.. =P

my pd tells me no walker better as children still cant really control the amt of force to exert n the speed to 'walk' or rather run... so it can b rather dangerous.. n he has a record for quite a few accidents..

i on the a/c every single nite starting frm 8pm.. once jav changed, we'll on it thru the nite till next day arnd 11am..i can forsee my bill shooting high like rocket..=P
i hate lizards too! My hse is always infested with lizards and we've to set up regular traps. I actually dun mind them if they dun go around pooing everywhere. Now when there's those flies (dunno what u call that but they come when it's going to rain), we catch a few to be bait.

Ants are also infesting my hse. Argh! Tried to buy the ant gel which has proven to be so effective but it's out of stock! Can't get it anywhere!
okay, sure no prob. I was trying to add 1 more family what's 1 more family to 10 families anyways.

Re: Walker,
If you got cabinets with glass doors on low level, be careful, my brother shattered a whole panel to pieces when he was young by ramming into the panel in the walker.

Hbb - yah! the air smells really bad! Btw, I thot your post abt your ant extermination effort was quite funny. You are brave - can catch lizard. I am terrified of them but trying not to transfer my fear to Alexis. It does not help that a mummmy lizard has recently given birth to many many baby lizards who are now exploring our home

Jillian - Ally is soooo sweet and caring. Must be nice that she has a playmate now and nice that Max has someone to look up to. Thanks also for the feedback on the yellow pack of MP pull-ups. G-string?! My daugher is super chubby with chunky thighs and a big but so definitely no G-strings, thank you very much! haha. I think I'll got a pack to standby - for the times she fights with me and refuses to let me put on the open diapers on her.

Dino-mum - Yes, will let you know if I see lobang for cheap Huggies diapers. I also find MP open diapers get very full and heavy in the night and I am always afraid of changing her diaper in the middle of the nite for fear she'll wake and not go back to sleep.......hmm, I might go and get a pack of the Huggies Ultra to try on her for the nights. Re: ballerina outfit. There's this shop called Mini Princess (I think). I've seen it at at City Square Mall and Terminal 2. It's only got things in white and pink and maybe purple and I have seen little ballerina outfits as well as 2 piece outfits (top and tutu) but not sure if they have baby sizes.

Re: diaper fight. I am comforted to know I am not the only one constantly fighting with my daughter at each diaper change. I really don't know why she must fuss and cry each time she lies down. I really hope this is just a phase that will go away soon!

Battery operated fans - wah, I thot Alexis was the only one tearing/biting the blades off those fans! She has destroyed two fans already. Both have 2 blades now instead of 3, hmph. For those looking to get more fans, Giant has them on sale now at $3.99 BUT it does not have the dancing lights.

Sam - I also wanna get those cups that Sharon uses and the squirters sound fun. I now just use a cup to dribble water over her. I found this quite nice bath toy from Carrefour - it contained a sail boat, a frog and a penguin
