(2009/07) July 2009 MTBs

haha.. no way am i going to take the wrong train again..haha.. anw, wen i gt onto the right train i don hav a single seat till i reached tam.. so i only sat for one stop.. hw wonderful rite..haha.. my hb was shocked wen he saw me pushing the pram nt w Jav in it but a big box on it..haha he was speechless. hahaha.

haha.. i tink i'll nvr end up there..hahaha.. its too far.. unless i fell asleep on mrt..

okay.. u send me wen u r free..its okay!.. =D

ive jus got Jav's bathing photo.. i email u nw?..=)
it ends on 11oct. discount varies for different items. i tink it's better to go in the morning and asap. cos some of the items are already out of stock.
Joanne: i am thinking of gg tmrw aftn. When are you free? you are going with your hubby, right?
Leapfrog Scout: Whoever interested in Scout, i think its a better deal buying from isetan if you are their cardholder.All leapfrog toys less 20%, i believe there's additional 5% if you are a cardholder. Scotts only has 1 scout on the shelf. Metro paragon alsp have 1 scout on shelf too, no sigh of violet.
Gina & ETirto, I let him watch DVD meant for bb.. I also showed the BB Einstein shakespear, he fell asleep le.. The Praise Baby series fr church friend is his fav, so I went and get the Jesus stories DVD but he fusses, dun think he likes..
Hehe, ETirto, dh was also interested in the table set and swingnslide set, very cheap! Table is 40 and swingnslide is 90, if I remember correctly. But my house not getting bigger in the meantime no space, cept put at granny's, just let her use a booster seat at home, no choice cos got high-chair still. got the kick and whirl toy that my girl has too at the warehouse sale, can see my FB photos if you don't know how it looks like. I put her in her rocker and turn it on for her, the lights keep her entertained while I do some housework.
I'm also going tomolo... Most prob at 11 or 12... I'll be going with my hubby, someone to carry my shopping bag and pay for it... Haha... U going alone? PM me if u wanna go together...
Etirto and sam, thanks for the link on the toys sold at the mattel sale. I wanna get some of them too. So tempting....but i can only go down on wed
hello mummies...
how sian, back to work today... and still haven KO... *yawns*

have u tried redeeming the similac more than once @ metro?
winnie, haven't redeem yet, cos I forgot to print the ad out before going for my class and they are so ungreen, insist on a printout, show them the edm on my phone they don't accept.
reallie is sian lehs.... my hubby brought my ger along to fetch me from work today... hehe... nw everyday even more looking forward to KO...

ijjit? so nt flexible ah?
i scared abbott will blacklist me,,, hahahah~
Me going to the mattel sales on wed to... U bringing lucius? Haha, wedding anniversary, hubby take leave... dump bsby at my fil's and we go mattel warehouse sales to pak tor =p
that time u mention that ur fren do baking. but then i went to her blog hor, she not available leh. animore to intro? my cousin 21st birthdae coming. then she wanna customise a cake but she ask they charge her 900+ the most exp and cheapest 300+! so wanna check around. her birthdae celebration on the 7nov. so kinda rush liaos!
Winnie_mummy, Kittyng,
I will start work this Thursday…me too, haven’t started already feel very sian….

Etirto, interested in the Mum and Babes class but not sure if I can take leave on that day. paiseh if I get the pass but didn’t manage to go….if no other mummy take the pass by the dateline, can count me in?

Bestberries, my company rented a place to the infant/child care so they give us discount....and I agree that it’s a lot :p
Yeah~ I always wanted to be SAHM but looks like not possible at the moment…I wish I can start on something (something that can be done at home) to get side income so if really got chance to be SAHM, I still have some pocket money for myself...actually my ambition is to be a "tai tai"...kekeke...
winnie, that's so sweet. I think i can only dash home to see my boy after wk. Gonna knock off on time everyday haha.

lamagier, happy anniversary in advance! I'm still thinking whether wan to bring lucius along anot cox scared the warehse very hot or dusty. Sam/bell/etirto/gina, did you all bring your bb when you went? How's the place huh? If not bringing him, will leave him at my mum's place. Wat time you be there?
who's taking care of yr bb when you work?

same here... everyday rush off from work on time. feel so paiseh at times.
i think better don't bring bb there. i remembered the last time i went there, place quite hot n dusty cos some of the boxes were very old n dusty.
Beverly, sorry the list was closed yesterday and I have already submitted the names to them. Besides, the 7 days pass is best to be utilized not only for that particular Mum and Babes class, you can actually attend any class within 7 days unlimited for free.

7days complimentary yoga pass, starting: 14Oct 11am Mum and Babes class.
1. Etirto
2. HBB
3. Jes
4. bell
5. Gina
6. poohbear75
7. Gillian

Please be there ealier, like may be 10.45.
Attire: if you don't have yoga clothes, it's ok, just wear something comfortable and stretchy, like tanks and legging type.
See you gals!

Re: 8th Taka sales
Gina/ Joanne/HBB/Bell,
I think we meet at taka first bah, since from my experience the deal there will be better with the 20% plus additional 10%. then we can go lunch (any idea, where?), after that we can cross to paragon metro. How about we start at 11am?

Kitty, I brought Naomi there twice in baby bjorn, she was just kuai-kuai sleep, it's hot lor...but I put her with sleepless romper-going-to-warehouse-sale attire...heee...The one for sure is, don't use pram. Weekday is not so crowded. But off coz if you can, don't bring Lucius...because I was no choice have bring one of the kids. If I bring my boy is even worse, he will bring the place down...
taka sales
it's starting this thur? if there's the violet on sales cheaper than $59.90, can someone help me buy? i just cancelled my taka card cos they dun want to waive my annual fee
bbethan if i see i help u get ok...
the leap frog ppl jus got bk to mi.. they say will get their sales guy to contact me (duno when manz!)
Kitty, yar like the other mums who'd been there before, better don't bring Lucius to the warehouse sale. I didn't bring Joie in case it's crowded.

It's actually outside the warehouse in a temporary tent so it's very warm and the toys are very dusty, boxes are bulky for the Fisher Price stuff too. Most of the toys with soft/plush materials will require thorough washing cos it's grey with dust, my hands had a layer of dust on it after going thru the stuff.
Ok... We meet at Taka at 11am, as for food, me no preference, decide when we reach yah... Me in the car on my way to Lok Yang le... Hope can get some nice toys later...
Sorry to intrude. I have 3tins of 900g Enfapro A+ to let go. Overstocked and bb has decided to switch formula. Letting go at $35 each. Get all 3 at further discount.
taka sale
- a bit slow on the uptake here, taka having sale on 8th ? members get additional 10% is it ? need to stock up on bb stuff.

next outing
- when and where ? can pick those cheap (preferbably free!!) places ? haha, cos my cost is double. that day at bb breeze my bb fussing so din join class, then i had to rush home to pump. so loogi...
I have 2 package of fitti premium M size, 44 pcs each pack, letting go at $10 per package. Self-collect at Blk 663C JW St 65. PM if interested.
Thanks bbethan, sam, etirto and gina for the tips

Gina, your juen is like etirto's naomi...always guai guai one. I'm sure other mummies can help u with juen when you shop on thurs.
hello mummies,
i'm fr aug mtb..i hav a mamex gold infant formula 700gm to let go.. its not open yet and expire jul 2010 brought at NTUC at $29.95. give me your best price..
brought it jus incase milk supply not enough.. if any of yr baby taking this formula, do PM me.. will to let go at a lower price. self collect at hougang. thanks..
gina, hehe same here, went for a meeting ytd for freelance work, had to suck in the tummy man, thank god for slimming undergarments. Give a few years, can exchange ideas with your little shopping buddy, girls are so fun in that aspect.

I have been using Clarins anti-cellulite lotion/body-lift something, and wrapping the applied area with shrink wrap for at least 1/2 hr (my ML did that for me on my last session, can do the same with the ginger cream too if there's still water bloated-ness). So far look like there's results in the skin firmness. There's a massage routine instructions in the box of the lotion, but I haven't found the quiet time to do it.
yup, I think that should be the one. Maybe can still go for body toning massage, cos I did my post-natal massage quite late like week 8 or so, and the ML says sometimes the cellulite will harden and needs to be broken up before the creams can effectively do the job. I couldn't discipline myself long enough to wear the tummy binder cos I become very restricted in some ways to do housework, so using slimming wear as a way to hold up the area after applying.
my hubby's godma helping wor, initially putting her in infant care, den the godma offered to help so let her help lo... hehehe...

ytd rch hme awhile den i slp le, too tired... not much bonding with shanna... kinda sad...
Hi Mummies,

I have 3 tins of BRAND NEW Isomil Advance EyeQ (soy-protein formula) for 0-6 mths, 900g per tin. I'm letting go at S$30.00 per tin. The expiry date is Dec 2010 and self-collection in Tampines.

Please PM me should you be interested.
same same here. yest reach home at 8pm. bb wants to sleep. n she slept all the way till this morning 6am. eyes big big look at me. quickly spend some time to play wif her before leaving house again.

LS, YES! it's additional 15% liao!
Gina, I WANNA CARRY MY HANDBAG AND WEAR HEELS too, so the solution is bring your stroller and pacifier. Wear Mamy poko, so no need to change diapers for 12hours. I never change Naomi's diaper when I go out, except she poo. haaa...but then if you can tahan with the smell. Bring Ju En to Taka lor, I also will bring Naomi. Why cannot shop for clothes? Can la! somemore we got each other to help. I'm eyeing for Max and Co clothing, usually during member sale they got 30% disc, then with 15% additional will be good deal...Haaa...then I will join HBB who is most likely linger in House Hold dept. I need some advise to buy some set of plates. Btw Taka can deliver for FOC with any purchase above $100.
Mashy/BBEthan, Taka Do have Leapfrog at the baby dept, not at the toy dept. But they don't have Scout/Violet. I went there a couple of days ago.

Re; I got 1 Violet for sell. My gf helped me to buy and kiasu me also buy. it's coming in sea container, reaching singapore end of this mth. I can sell to you for $50. Who wants to take? ONLY 1. First who sms me or email me [email protected] will get it.
Hi mummies, anyone had their pap smear done? I had mine done yest and am experiencing slight staining. Is it normal?
mashy, I did ask too (at the toys dept), but they told me I can check it out at the baby dept (the pigeon area there, in the corner). Then I saw got Leapfrog. Limited pieces. I saw the Baby Counting Pal (the caterpillar one). Not sure whether this will be on sale on Thurs.
