(2009/07) July 2009 MTBs

Etirto, it's ok. Hope you gals enjoy the yoga session

BbEthan, not sure if you want to try this. Last time I went to Taka with my sis, she has the Taka credit card which the bank sent to her but she never activate it. So we just show the cashier the card to get discount and we told her we will pay by cash/nets.

Gina, the lily frog is something like that. Naomi loves it so much. She will laugh and 'talk' to her. it's smaller than your pooh, and it got ring, so you can hook it anywhere and bring when you go out.

Bbethan, you can apply the Taka member card (not credit card) at customer service. It's the red one. it can earn points. But this card need to pay $10 for application I think. the best one is the black taka credit card, because the points earn are double.

I just loaded my purchases at the Mattel sales in my FB... In total I bought 5 items at $185... Here is the breakdown:
1) Fisher Price Touch & Crawl Friend - $20
2) Fisher Price Kick & Play Piano - $25
3) Fisher Price 2-in-1 wagon plus walker - $40
4) Fisher Price Kick & Whirl Carnival - $50
5) Slide - $50

My girl loves the Touch & Crawl Friend as she seems to prefer loud/noisy toys... keke... The Kick & Play Piano a bit too soft to catch her attention...

Btw, if u going there, do check the price carefully... For one of the toy (2-in-1 wagon plus walker), it was placed at $40 shelf but the colour code indicated it as $50... I check with their staff, some say $40, some say $50... The cashier had wanted to charge us $50 for it but I insisted that it was placed at the $40 shelf... Luckily the lady boss was there and told the cashier that I was right, it should be $40... Thus, do check the colour code and the price indicated on the shelf, if not tally, better check with the boss so that they dun short-change u...

u have Taka card? I dun have wor... Only Metro...

I wanna buy men's stuff for my hubby @ Taka...
Re: Taka member card (red colour)
I just applied my card not long ago. It was $15 for 3 yrs. remember to bring a passport size photo coz you will need to submit a photo. Have to wait for a few hours if you want to collect the card on the same day.
Joanne, I have both the black and red card...haaaa so you choose...
I also bought the wagon walker, it's $40. Yeah, it's wrong sticker. I like the slide, but I want the one attach to the swing....haiz. no space in my house.
Btw, there is the activity and music table also, I bought it for my gf, $50, it's quite good. did you see?
thanks thanks Etirto...
Initially, we had wanted to buy the slide+swing also... Like wat u say, space constraint... My hubby doesnt find the swing safe, he says it topple backward easily... After that we went to Tagore Lane to collect Huggies redemption (Little Tikes toy), we saw a lot of Little Tikes toys there and one of them is the swing... It cost $70, looks safe and secure... but expensive as compared to the one at the Mattel sale...
my hubby decided to get the leapfrog musical table or the Leapfrog ride along learning truck (http://www.toysrus.com.sg/toysrus/specialoffer/jsp/showBig.jsp?lang=en&productid=1166)... He's the paymaster for girl's toys dept whereas I'm in charge of her clothings, thats y let him decide...
Paging for bestberries & littlenotes76
Your BB Bjorn Air has arrived!
I'll sms tomorrow in case u din read this..

Your Synergy is on another shipment & will be coming soon. Prob this Fri
Will contact u again..
my boi has been putting his fists into the mouth these days. however, he cant control his hands well enough. sometimes he gets angry with himself when he wana suck his fists yet not able to and start to cry. i tried to put the pacifier into his mouth but he will push it out. did anyone of u have this prob?
wow, at least u can managed to stay awake @ 6am... i cant... i was so so so so tired ytd... hai... very guilty... abt nt spending enuff time with her... but i was reallie too tired! =(
joanne, i left a comment on ur FB.
the family tee is so so so cute! where did u get it from?

and u got the touch & crawl fren ah?
that's the 1 i told u it's quite similar to the vtech one, but my nephew very scared of it lehs, reallie is waste my $! LOLz! but hor, i remembered i bot it for only $10 wor... during the sales as well... used to be @ concourse...
hi gals

i went mattel sale n here's my loot:

1) itsy bitsy bouncer -$40
2) self wind cot mobile - $30
3) turtle 2 in 1 playgym - $20
4) stacker - $20

My gal seems to like the bouncer. calmed her down when she was whiny just now.
My girl had the same problem also... she keep putting her fist into her mouth and sometimes refuses to suck her pacifier...

how much is the bjorn? I have the Combi Ninna Nanna carrier but finds it v difficult to use... intend to get a bjorn instead...
known to quite a few mummies here, owen is quite an easy bb. can fall asleep as long as got pacifier, rocking motion is a catalyst. but i realise he cry alot these days cos the fists cant reach the mouth. haiz. bad temper sia!
I've just reply to ur msg in fb... was playing games jus now... keke...

For the touch & crawl friend, u got it for only $10?! Thats a good deal leh... I got it at $20..

My girl v funny lor, she like loud and noisy toys... too quiet one she'll fuss... the louder it is, the more it catches her attention... thats y my FIL going to engage lion dance troupe during CNY seeing that she likes loud stuff... keke... :D
hi girls.. 1 day no chk thread, hope i din miss much.

gf called me just now, she bot the leapfrog scout fr NYC but only 1 me 2 buy her lunch, any suggestion?
how does the bouncer looks like?

my girl also quite hot-tempered these 2 days... She started fussing @ 4am the day before and continued for more than 12 hours, she makes daddy v v tired as he carried her for hours & hours...

Re: shopping on thur
can't wait to shop again on thur... keke... :D
My hubby shake his head when I told him about the shopping trip on thur... oops...
yeah, i rem $10 only lehs... gotta go get bk from my nephew & let shanna play le... lol!!

the family tee so cute! i'm gng to order! but i still gt stomach, wear polo tee will b v obvious i think... T_T

me too! feel like buying bjorn too! but scared bb outgrow it v fast.
bell & Joanne
When we ordered abt 2wks ago, Bjorn Air (Gray/White) was $120 & Bjorn Synergy (Black) was $185. The price still the same for Synergy but slightly increase for Air ($125) cos' normally amazon will chg the pricing if more demand. All incl shipment. We ordered 5 Air & 1 Synergy last time.
not to worry about the tummy, I had protruding tummy also but it's not that obvious in that polo-tee, just buy a larger size will do...
Intend to wear the family tee when girl able to sit so we can take a nice family photo in it...

Thanks for the info... really feel like getting it but afraid hubby will nag coz that Combi Ninna Nanna already set us back at $170... regret regret...

hm.. let me psycho him again... keke...
Winnie_mummy, u still need the old Similac EyeQ? Giant Vivo has both types, and lots of them.

RE: Shopping on Thu
can I join? what time u girls meeting?
hehe.. im bk fr the shopping
went crazy buying n buying and onli 1 tiny thg for edna.. cos she seem to hav almost 1 of each kind of toys fr her cousin liao so no point buying.. dh wan to buy the slide thou but i tot wan buy the little tikes one
the 1 and onli thg i wan to buy but nvr was the jumperoo!!!!!
lucky edna was cooperative... i lug her take a bus fr punggol to woodlands then mrt to boonlay!
i tot she sure get smack by me.. haa but she din misbehave! so tink at taka i must buy sth to reward her manz LOL
tink i wun b joining u girls cos timing a bit not rite... i will go myself at noon i guess hehe... mayb i shall see u girls thr!
Bell ,thanks!
Kitty, u going? I tot to take public t'port, shall we go together? I can take bus 16 fr Bt Merah, then u hop on at tiong bahru plz?
ya! i saw it the other day... lol!

oh! mummies gng metro this thurs, rem to go redeem the similac / gain! hhehehe... but must print out the ad... i want to join too but gotta work... T_T
looks liek i need to buy a new sterliser
any one know where got the best deal?taka? BHG? or where?? prob get the avent one bah
it's the similac 2, 400g de... hehehe...
sam posted a link of the ad on her FB... if u missed it, i can email u the ad... print it out, and redeem it @ with any purchase from the children's dept...

i redeemed 2 times lehs... dunnO will kenna blacklisted or nt...
I washed the polo-tee right after receiving it, it didnt shrink thou.. I got a Sports Women Polo Tee Size M... B4 preggy, I was a size S... Currently size M just nice for me... For hubby, I got him a L size but didnt realise their L size for men so huge... keke...

Re: Shopping on Thurs
Kim... Join us yah... the more the merrier... Think we'll be lunching after shopping at Taka b4 going over to Metro Paragon...

I wanna get the jumperoo also... But its kinda ex...
i went to the warehse sale today too.. =D
bought quite a few stuffs for Jav.. but hubbie says the one he feels is most wasting $ is the elmo i bought.. =( but i like it!.. =P
n i bot him a new mobile.. its remote controlled! hehhh.. but nid big batteries tmr i go get en try it out..hahaha..
total damage: $165
Jav nt cooperative!.. cry n cry n cry.. in the end, the ppl dere actually asked me to go to their office for aircon.. so nice of dem.. cos they saw him crying v badly n sweating like mad.. haha.. so they told me "hes v hot.. let him go n have some aircon" in the end i fed n changed him in dere.. hes a nottie lil monster! tsk tsk..=\

oh ya girls,
my hubbie finally said ok to me having a maid cos i intend to bbsit babies.. so i need the xtra help.. jus wanna check with those who have maid.. where do u all get the maid.. n frm wad country..n hw much u all pay each mth for them?.. =D
tell ur dh..that elmo that time i bought like 6 pc fr BHg to giv away..wat waste money?!?!?!!?! the kiddies love it soooooo much
U wan Gain IQ 3 (for 1yr above)? I got 2 tins (400g) to give away... Got it from LSH goodie bags... As my girl taking enfa, we wont be using Gain... If no one taking then I got to throw away liao... haiz...

Re: Similac Redemption @ Metro
Mummies, going for shopping on Thur, can print out 1 more printout on the similac redemption for me? Jus in case I'm buying stuff from the Infant Fair, I can redeem it and pass it to u all...
steriliser also can lehs!
i bot clothes... hahah... from mothercare @ paragon metro... den next day went compasspoint metro buy pacifier... $9+, redeem similac 2, nt bad lehs... similac 2 for 6mths onwards de... hehe...

wat elmo is dat?
i like elmo too... am trying to find 1 cute elmo to cuddle lehs!!
winnie that elmo is tickling elmo ... a bit hard so cant hug hahaaaa
duno metro gt gd deal for sterliser anot leh... hmmmm...
not sure leh.. i haven been to isetan for quite a while
that price was last yr price... during 1 of the sale i saw it at PP isetan
ohhh!! dat elmo ah? okok... hahahha~

metro ah? hMmMmMmm.... i think hor, compasspoint de metro hab lehs... *think so*

hMMm... Gain IQ 3 nt suitable for my ger lehs... she only 2mths+... hahaha... but my sis is using... if u dun mind... =D
The Metro ad for the Similac 2/Follow-On/6months+ redemption can also be found on the Metro website under promotions, if you are not connected to me on my FB. Metro got a FB id so can add them and they will update on their sales/or can see people complain about it too lol.

Elmo is always irresistible one lar. I got the Tickle-me-Elmo pass-me-down from my brother's time, but haven't put in the batteries yet. Sigh, I wanna join you girls for shopping too on thurs, but she's having her vaccinations tomorrow, gotta see if she's okay. A bit restraining myself already cos going to AU next week to spend $$, working a mental checklist of things to buy, dh nag me everytime I wanna go shopping for stuff for my girl, not for myself.

ETirto, I do online/web design, since ML ending soon (aka last paycheck), gotta go set something up for a little income.
Jus check the expiry date, its on Jun 2012... If u wan u can keep it for ur girl or pass it to ur sis... I've no one to pass it to in my family...

Thnaks... I'll keep a lookout for Isetan sales... hoping to get that jumperoo soon....
You gals can't believe how long I was standing at the rainforest jumperoo at the Mattel warehouse sale, but at $200, I got a feeling is more ex than sales, cos I remember seeing it before. dh abit niao about getting walker/jumperoo this kind of thing cos worry about the devt of the legs, scared bow-legged. uhh, I had a gf who's bow-legged so I also worried if don't take care.
