(2009/07) July 2009 MTBs

Hi Gina, may I know how many weeks are u after delivery? Are u still experiencing heavy bleeding n blood clots or it has stopped? I had 3 major events of it and had to call an ambulance coz I passed out. I just got out of hospital last week and am still monitoring if it will happen again. Worried for u. Do ensure tat someone is at home in case of emergency ok.


me too! I also wanna find out if the slimming creams can really burn off the fats and will it affect bm. I'm also stuck with a flabby tummy. 3kg more to go.
My ger didnt finish her milk today for most feed, no fever nor tired, wonder why. Usually she will finish the full bottle at one go..is there a period when they will drink lesser than usual?
Glad you are ok. feeling better today? Thanks, I'll try to go out more. Need to figure out how to exercise with baby next to me... and need to have diaper bag and all my barang barang in tow....

I dun have msn leh. Can email me or post here =p

Kim/Jillian/Bestberries etc...
Yah, I'm also feeling very auntie. Shirt always have some baby's regurgitated milk, hair messy, always sweaty and sticky...

I'll try going to the Robinson's member preview sales on wed. Get new underwear... maybe will feel better.

Only bright spot is that I managed to fit into one of my two pre-pregger jeans =) The other one couldn't even get it up past my thighs. All mummies struggling with weight and figure jia you....

i took your advise and called up my facial place to book for my usual massage. But sigh. Got very very bad case of pregnancy acne... Sure the beauticians will all crowd around and make lots of sympathy noise... Dun feel like going fo facial... SO much zits... Sure kena poke till i cry one...
gina - if feel giddy it is still period ?? well ok, if the doc says so. yah i dont like the funnel like thing. had bleeding during 1st tri and doc used it, irritating

today i went robinsons, in my stay at home shorts and supposedly baggy T that i managed to fill up. bot pressies for my girls cos they 2 months today
also went to try on clothes for myself. tried on abt 15 pcs but dint buy any. my belly stares at you in every pc of clothing.... sigh.... anyone pick up any exercise already ?
re : postpartum figure

me too! till now i cant fit into any of my pre-pregnancy shorts/pants at all!!! currently only can wear those with elastic band.
mashy, i also *headache* how to get rid of my flabby tummy.
I think shopping for new clothes kind of put things into perspective about how many size did I go up. I still can do my t-shirts, just nothing that doesn't stretch like chiffon and cotton will fit. Went to the adidas shop today after going to the gynae for pap smear, spend about an hour in there trying on clothes, to mindwash myself into exercising and golfwear. Hips is also my biggest problem, went up at least 1 size for most of the stuff I tried.

Re: Want to exercise
I'm dying to get my membership card from dh to use the gym. Can't find time in the day at home to exercise cos I will always find things to do at home, need to block myself out for real time at exercising.
haha... i want to go to the sales... just nice i'm going back to work on wed. can go during lunch or after work. i didn't receive the mailer leh.

i also want to start my exercise too. I've got 1 yr's membership on hold. But wondering how i'm going to find time to go.
Etirto - regarding buying clothes a bigger size rather than waiting to fit prepregnancy clothes. I am only 6 weeks post delivery, I'm sure (I HOPE) I will shrink some more. If buy clothes now, should I get those elastic band type that I can still wear if my bottom gets smaller?

Kim - next week I got car liao! Maybe I can jio you and some other mummies to go vivo and chill again. No need many many mummies, just a couple of us also shiok. I missed the last outing.
I agree that staying at home and seeing the same walls (for me - even staying in my room makes me
) can drive me depressed.
Going out and seeing things, even going downstairs to open letterbox also makes things better!
During confinement I felt sad that I didn't even step out of my main door for days!

I want to walk out with baby in stroller (no matter what I don't trust my helper to be alone with baby) and go walkwalk nearby 10mins away to buy bubble tea, then my mum was like - weather so hot! Baby want to sleep, don't go out!

Today cloudy day somemore....sigh.....
re: prepreg figure
jus few more daes to 2 months since birth and i finally can fit into all my pre preg clothing. when im abt 6weeks after delivrey, still cannt fit lor. i tink the more u tink abt it, the more it wun happen. and im still 3kg awae from pre preg weight. it jus wun budge

did the gynae do a scan for u? they are supposed to do the scan for u and see whethr there's animore clot. i mean, clot in the womb after delivery is dangerous!
Not stated on the flyer what time the sales starts..

Re: Want to exercise
Same here... Achy back makes it hard... Went for walk on threadmill and steam bath last week... After 10 months of not being able to go stea bath..Steam bath so shiok.... haha...

re: prepreg figure
pprincess, wow. So envious. I can fit my jeans, but all the jiggly bits (arms, thighs, tummy) are sad reminders that I'm still some distance away from going back to pre-pregger size.

2nd time mummies, ard what time did the 'after baby' size become permanent? 5 months?Wondering if to give away the clothes I can't fit well now or later... cos clearing my closet
Jes, I just had an idea abt u wanting to be a nanny: why dont you consider being a "part-time" nanny? i.e. hourly paid for those couple who want to drop off bb when they go on a date night or during emergency, or like BBEthan, just want to go out to make herself prettier but dun want bb sked to screw up. I knw most couple will drop off at their parents' plc but I am sure there are those who doesn't hv this option, or parents are not on the way, like mine.

ETirto, thanks! Lamagier, if want to go facial, make sure u go wz open mind cos I feel beautician always criticize our skin until worthless so they can sell packages to us, but end of they day, still dun help.

Lamagier, so happy to hear u fit into your pre-preg jeans, I went n got new preg jeans/ caprice 2 wks ago cos I think ETirto is right, it'll be a while I fit into my pre-preg clothes, I gv myself abt 5 mths, so by X'mas, I must b able to fit in my clothes esp winter clothes cos I need them when I trvl to US..

Muffingirl, great! either that or can come my plc, ya my MIL also think up to 5 moms is good numbers. She worked with young moms on parenting before and gv me many gd advice on this. In the area she's at, they have this "mentoring mom" and she is one. Her roles besides helping young moms with adj to new life, they also organize PDs/ doc/ Children experts to give talks on kids devpt. She said she also learnt new thing from these young mothers, and calls herself "GIT", grandma-in-training.
OK, I only have appt on mon 11:30am. Let me know, I am still open to welcome you girls to my plc on Tue or Wed.
hi long time no see. Been busy catching on sleep theses days

Re: exercise
I've started on low impact walking 2 weeks ago at week 6. Last week started slow jog. I'm doing 3 times a week. I the mornings when i have to bring my elder kid to school.

Hopefully i'm back to my pre preg weigh0or even lower cos i'm overweight to start with.
any bb having e same prob? my boi keeps crying in e late am till late eve. keeps wanting to b carried. drink e milk, half way will doze off. n wake up crying again... how ah? is been like for days..
wow wow wow... the thread is reallie moving sooooooooooo fast!
haben been in here for quite a few days... =P

Avent liquid powder - where's the nursery? Pardon me for my goon doo-ness~

ah? petpet S is abt pampers NB ah?
Hi mummies,

Sorry to intrude on you like this. I'm from the Sept 08 thread. I'm relocating overseas soon and I have quite a few baby stuff especially BN bottles and shoes to let go cheap. Items are all in very good condition.

I do hope you can help me out by checking out my web album. Or sharing it with those you think may be interested.

If you are keen, do PM me or email me. I'm also open to giving further discounts if you are taking a few items.

Thanks for your help!

Enjoy your motherhood!


hi all, I hv been a slient reader.

I have a qns to ask.
For those mummies who pump + latch baby directly, do you experience pain when the baby suckle your nipple.. COs' latch n pump the suction is different. After pumping & when the baby latch on the next time round my nipple was so painful tt I wanted push the baby away? So now i am latching my baby everytime he needs milk & it's taking up alot of my time.. Pls advise..

My baby is 7th weeks now n like some babies here, he is very unstable.. Somedays he is good somedays he cry like there is no tomorrow. There is not fixed schedule.. I am deprive of sleep..
robinson got sale? not aware of though im a member.

Exercising: Just started two days ago using hand weights.Will focus on my upper body and this weekend will start my lower half and tummy. Hb taught me some exercising movement using resistance band, yet to use. Might be picking yoga during lunchtime when im back work in mid Oct.

Pre preggy size: the only consol i hv is to be able to squeeze into pre preggy exercise pants though it look like ba zhang..hah.

i heard the first 6 months after give birth is the golden time to lose weight, after that it's not so easy esp for second time mum. i still got 7kg to prepregnant, can't wear any one of the pre pregnant cloth. hv to do more exersise and eat less.


bb are like that, u hv to find out what's the reason bb cry, like want to be carried?want milk,want diaper change?want ppl to talk to him?my gal wont cry non stop, as long as i find the reason and get it solved she wont cry.
Gillian Lew - my son has pirahna kinda latch. I mostly direct feed, but I bottle feed EBM twice a day cos my mum and my hubby wants to participate in feeding.
For most of the first month, I always find it very painful when he latches on, but I just bear with it. When my massage lady came - she told me that I had a blister and a crack on my nipple, so I rest that one side and pumped it, alternating EBM (when it is the injured side's turn) and the good side.
After 24 hours, no more pain on that nipple.

The problem with my son is that he is always desperate when hungry and his latch is problematic - try to make sure his mouth is opened big big big like fish - if not use your finger to gently flick his upper lip up and push his chin down while gently pushing his head to the breast, this can improve the latch and instantly stop the pain.
Wrong latch = injured nipple
What pump are you using? Maybe lower the suction of the pump if using electric or handsqueeze. I used to hate the feeling too. Try feeding on one breast first until the baby lets go of the breast, and then pump the other breast. Cos if 1st breast not enough, you can offer the 2nd breast, and then pump after the bb is done. Afterwhich, alternate the breast for latching and pumping, so can get some relief. Don't worry about not feeding enough, breastfed bb will learn to adjust themselves to amt they need to curb their hunger.

RE: Sleep deprivation
If you haven't start any schedule for the bb to rest, I think it's high time to do so, so you won't be so tired out. Try not to keep the bb awake for more than 2hrs or so by continuing to stimulate them. If more than 2 hrs the bb show sign of tiredness whether is irritability or rubbing of face/eyes, let the bb take a nap.

Depending on when you want to start your night routine, wipe/clean the bb with a new set of clothes for sleeping. I start mine around 6-7pm. It will relax the bb. Keep the lights low where you place the bb to sleep, and begin with maintaining activities like changing/feeding/coxing in the same low-light environment. In the morning when the bb wakes, make the environment the reverse. The whole process takes time, some babies adjust quickly, some take longer. The routine helped me to get thru skipping 1 feed in the middle of the night, giving around 5 straight hours of sleep.
ya.. "nice" name rite? Edvier.. actually sounds like Evian? haha..

hey! i like yr idea!!!!... thanks for advice!.. i shall discuss with my hubbie.. =D anyone wanna try it out can tell me.. hahaha.. be guinea pig.. wahaha!.. anw, hw much do u think i can charge for an hr.. hmmm.. $30?..

hope u're feeling better.. ya, i think mayb safer if u go get 2nd opinion ya..tk care!..

i jus did a weight check at gynae last sat.. still have 3 more kgs to go..!!!!... my mum says 3kgs all in my boobs..difficult to lose.hahaha.. maybe its the same for e rest.. cos of the biggy boobs w milk..tats y got additional weight.. i can fit into last time's shorts n bottoms.. but tops r a nono.. due to the same reason:boobs. haha..
re: Robinson sale
Don't think need to have flyer to get in. Maybe I got flyer cos I just applied for the OCBC RObinson card. You mean they are so disorganized as to miss out card members during the mailing of flyers???

xman, mrsC, winnie_mummy,
Eh, my clothes always have some slack to begin with as I seldom wear tight fitting clothes. So easier to squeeze back into. Oh, so if can't lose the extra weight in 6 months prob hard to vanquish them after that?

Seriously need to come up with some way to go exercise. Must go see if I can get my fil to babysit on weekdays afternoon... then can sneak off for some exercise time

Sunsweet, who looks after your #2 while you bring #1 to school & exercise?

I was suddenly thinking kaelem will look really cute all bundled up like a little snowman with his winter clothes on when you head for US. Must show us pics
Hi mummies, been missing out for quite some time cox really busy with bb esp in the day. He's not able to sleep for long at all!!! Think max sleep is abt 30mins...resulting in him being so tired and cranky
Haiz, gonna appeal to my mum to bring yaolan soon to try out on him, hopefully he can sleep longer.

Re:diaper discussion
Hav oso tried huggies (ok), drypers (dislike the loud stickers & the materials -- a bit like recycled material), pampers (ok) , mamypoko (very soft but cutting too big) and fitti. Still prefer fitti for my boy

Gina, glad to hear that wat u are going thru is usual. Do take care!

Jes/hbb/kim/twinkle who brought your bbs for massage, did u all apply anything to massage yr bb? I massage my bb after his bath everyday but using jus fingers to rub here and there. Not sure whether i m doing it right anot... but has observed that he sometimes enjoy, sometimes not.

Wah lamagier, u can fit into yr pre-preg clothes?? So gd. I can't fit into any yet and maybe shd learn from u all, to go out and shop for a few jus to pamper myself. Every part of me, esp my hips and ribcage all expanded...seems like permanently
Only thing to lose now is the extra layer of fats at tummy, haiz muz do sit up le. I still hav 10kgs to lose but hoping to jus lose 5kgs so that i m not underweight.
wen we went we were given a bottle of masage oil by dem to use..but the instructor said tat we can use like salad oil or oilve oil to massage bb as the oil gets into the skin easily..=)
my bb hasnt pass motion for 4 days already. she's on bm, with 1 fm a day. today is day 4. she seems normal, drinking as per normal, sleeping as per normal. but her farts v smelly. already tried gripe water last night and this morning and afternoon. i mix with 30ml water. still no effect leh. how ? thinking of gg to see pd tomoro. any other remedies ?
kitty, my hb said do crunch instead of sit up to burn the fat at the tummy. Sit up is more on hip movement as it need to use hip area to pull the body up whereas crunches focus on your stomach muscle.

BTW, anyone keen to take Huggies size S diapers? i still have 32pc left, abit small for my ger, got markings on the thigh liao. Selling cheap for the diapers but need to either self collect at bukit panjang or meet up at west.
RE: Nepia S
I tried Gina's S Nepia, and got to try a M, the S is rather tight on Kaelem's fat thigh, and M leaves too much diaper on the bottom.. Stress! Any one want to take over the S NEpia from me? I have pick up from MrsC. Gina, the M size Nepia got elastic band behind, S dun hv.

Jes I thot of it cos I need it.. cos in USA, it's usually done teenage girls who would come over our plc to sit the bb while they can still do their class assignments, they are very happy to make a few bucks like that. Currently, I am doing this with a gf in SEntosa, so she drop off her girl when they need (her mom in Bayshore) and if I need I will send my over, cos my mom in bedok.. so both our moms are not conv for us to drop off and then go town whh is closer to our plc.

Muffingirl, earlier we were thinking to hv it whn bbethan takes her child care leave, dunno whn leh. Whn u rtn to work? How abt 16sep (wed) or 22 (Tue)?

Winnie_mummy, taka nursery is on the same level as lingerie, when u face the lingerie, it's on your left, the far left is nusery where u find breast pumps, strollers etc.

RE: Robinson
Lamagier, last time I was told its crowd control, but a promoter say they only sent to those high spender, prob u jus applied for the card so they gv u. I hate it whn it only sent out flyers to selected m'bers.. Cant understand why cant they jus do what taka did last time whn they hv bb fair, all come together n only m'bers get add'l 10% disc. Their sale is no longer as "worth waiting for" as before, almost everyday also got sale.. Dun worry abt flyers, previously, if u din't hv, can still enter, just go cust svc counter to ask for the flyer, and ask for the rebate vouchers too.

Lamagier, I think he is fat snow kid keke.. will post pix in FB (in 5mths time LOL)
bestberries, did you try exercising her legs in cycling motion (abit of crunch to the tummy) and massage her tummy area in inverted "C" motion? My aunt taught me that and it work for my ger.
Bestberries, I jus called the hosp about not pooing for many days cos Kaelem did poo at all ystd and MIL insisted me calling. Nurse say if on full breast milk, can last 5 days. If worried can take a cotton bud and dip with water, and insert to bb's rectum to tickle, this can trigger poo. I asked if meanwhile need to give water to prevent dehydration, she said no need. But if by 5th day still din poo, must go see doc.
thanks mrs c, kim. i googled and they also mention mrs c's method. will try it out later. sighhh... never knew i'd look forward to bb poo poo-ing this much...
the size is small huh. then tink nepia S wun fit darius too. currently he's using pampers and mamy poko S, which is too fitting. waitin for him to finish this 2 pack and then change to M size alreadi. tink have to sell awae the nepia S liao.

mrsC, twinkle
thanks! :D

yea lor! our boobs are bigger wif that milk hence cannt fit into the clothins
even my tees i also cant fit bcos tight at the boobs and at the tummy which is still flabby. i tink will take a long time for my tummy to turn back to flat one since it goes up to 43inch when im preggy.
tink we can onli save money on the bottoms but not on the top!

re: pre preg figure
i tink i regain so fast mainly is bcos most of my weight are due to water retention. super super bad water retention that last abt 2weeks after delivery. i still remb going to my boss office and tell him i realli need to wear slippers to work liaos. has!
Kim, muffingal, I'm IN for the vivo outing or at Kim's place next week!

Yeah, takes about at least 6mths before can fit into pre-pregnancy size pants (skirt or dress can fit earlier). Give yourselves 6mths to 1 year la...buy 1 size bigger, just a basic one like 1 jeans and 1 black pants. Anyway 6mths later you will be so sick wearing it already and you may be able to fit into your old jeans. so don't give away or throw away first your old bottoms. I mentioned earlier that there is this new girdle panty called Body wrap, it's very comfortable and when you wear that with jeans, there won't be muffin look in your tummy, so it's a good investment I think....For those with short torso like me, avoid wearing empire top, people will keep ask you...how many mths pregnant are you? so sad rite...
Jes, at least your extra pounds are in the "right" place.heeee...

Sale: if Robinson not worth it to go, wait for Taka member sale, and I think the most worth it is Isetan Private sale. Coming soon.
exercise: I'm dying to go exercise, but my stupid pubic bone is still painfull. Now even if walk too much also still painfull. Anybody know how long after c-sect can start exercise?
Diet: how to go on diet ah? especially after BF very very hungry!!! somemore my hb feed me cheesecake and chocolate everyday. Near his office-coffee bean got 50% disc after 6pm...heee
at ard 2months, infrequent stools is common even for breastfed babies. If by day5/6 still don't poop then go see PD, but what they do is insert a finger into the anus to check for blockage and subsequently stimulate the muscle to make the bb poop. If you can "wait" before day 5 or so, the baby's stool is still pasty and wet, that means the condition is still normal. Last resort is insert suppository in the anus to grease the pipe for her to poop more easily.

What to do:
Do the cycling motion on the legs, press the legs against the tummy like doing stomach crunch (it helps when my girl is ready to push the poop out). Massage in a clockwise direction starting from 2 fingers width below the belly button. You can also massage her lower back in an anti-clockwise direction.

If the stool is a bit hard (like pellet kind), put a bottle of water ard 20-30ml during the day. I give her prune juice (<10ml, no sugar added, from sunraiysia) diluted with boiled water, total about 30ml. Now she goes ard every 3 days or so.
Kim > I can do either 16 or 22 sep, prefer 22 if possible, cos I haven't gone out alone with baby yet. Thinking of doing dry run visiting my parents' place or grandma's place first next week.
I pm you my number hor.

So you were saying that you bought maternity jeans and maternity capris? I was wondering whether to buy non maternity bottoms but 1 or 2 sizes bigger or to buy maternity bottoms (but only worth it if I really get pregnant again hor)

Ooops, I open letterbox just now, realized that robinsons did send the sale mailer to my hubby.

Never knew that nursing rooms were so important until I need to use them!

Other than Vivocity, Tangs, Taka, Parkway Parade (isetan)...which other malls have nursing rooms and where are they located ah?

Where are the Tangs and Vivocity nursing rooms located?
