(2009/07) July 2009 MTBs

wah u still bleeding? hmm go drink cinnamon tea or eat cinamon bun k.. will expel all the dirty blood out v fast one.
half of the fist is VERY BIG leh...
Juen must b irritated by Edna's cry.. dun wan friend edna liao hahahaa
i haven step outof home.. so camera still in car LOL
load pic for u later =)

HBB, it's HPL building, but lots r very limited and tight. My Jeep needs a 1.9M clearance while most parking there are only 1.7M & 1.8M.

RE:Blood clot
Gina, I knw we talk black fungus to clear the blood clot during confinement, wonder if it'll still help you now, may be u try?.

RE: Go up the lorry
Does this have a different meaning fr what it says?

I over slept this morning, w/up at 8+am..
wah looks like alot of fun in massage class.

gina - i'm officially having menses again. on off non stop light bleeding. so sian, had to go buy pads, thot can siam for 6 mths
I didn't use pampers S. The EQ diapers can cover the whole buttock and good coverage for the thighs too. Very loose on the waist though, my bb 5 plus kg.. The tape is like those drypers type. Will prefer this to drypers(cause unsightly wrinkle marks on thighs!) & HUGGIES(too small cutting,can leak fr side)
Gina, thanks for enlightenment.. this mommy learn something new today.. The Sheng Hua Tang is indeed difficult to swallow, but I had twice.
Really envy those bb that smile alot..my ger must see mood one..sometime she will smile to the ceiling when we are beside her or she will frown at us machiam like guessing who we are though i m facing her 24/7..

Lamagier, welcome back! Dun worry things will be better..when are u puttin ur ger in infant care? Mine is startin on children's Day..

Yesterday first time stepping into orchard area since delivery..feel so out of place and so underdress cos still cant fit into my jean got to wear my maternity 3/4. Somemore the crowd is making me dizzy and tired after a while..think spent too much time at home nuaing..

Btw, anyone using Graco stroller/pram? Thinking of getting frm taka bb fair, saw one that is only 4.5kg. The one i had is too heavy, hard for my MIL to handle when she pick my ger frm infant care..

Realise my menses cycle was shorter this round,came after 20days frm the prev one..how long will it take to become regular again?
re: petpet diaper
can i check whether petpet diaper is those sticker type or velcro type?
also is the cuttin big? bcos tinkin of stocking up for future use since nw haf BP. it says M size up to 11kg. true or not. bcos got 70piece. i scare cannt then super wasted.
so cute la u! keep go calculating. hahhas! i jus see got more pampers and cheaper then jiu know is cheap. but duno hw mani cents and all. lazy la me.
like tat i tink petpet M size should b ok. jus udno whether big until hw big bcos i know drypers cuttin veri small!
oh u mean that one on her head? hahaa thats jus a pc of nappy i folded into smallpc.. then roll 2 side to make it thicker so her head stay in place LOL
kim, i think i also got mood swing, sometimes i also dun understand myself getting upset over small small thing, i also feel my world is very small maybe staying at home too much, dun really interact wif people.

lamagier, my bb boy born same day as ur girl, facing same thing, asleep a lot when the sun is up and wakes up when the moon is up, well colic also during nite time. i just bought gripe water yesterday, today feed him once.

btw, anyone giving gripe water?? how much to give ahh? direction say 5ml for 0-6 months, but seems a lot leh...
Massage Class:
i wanna officially apologise to the 4 mummies n bbs..for being late.. =( cos i was out since 8 plus ytd morning..to my gynae for pap smear n check up..dragged till 11 plus den rush Jav dwn to tui na cos hes been vomitting for the past few days.. due to the boobs gonna explode n in pain.. n seeing deres a lil time left..stole some time n rush hm pump.. in the end, i was late!.. cos somewhere on the highway, there was an accident..=\ argh.. everything was nt smooth ytd.. aft the massage class supposed go church in the end, my hubbie feels deres still time n dragged a lil while, we arrived in church on time but no seats!! i had to feed Jav w one hand carrying n one hand w bottle standing at the back of church.. aft tt, we rushed hm, faster pump again n off we went to 2 b'day parties.. =S TIRING day.Lesson Learnt: nvr go so many places in a day.. will kill yrself..esp w big exploding boobs n a lil monster..

yr bb is really v cute.. although shes rather far frm us, but can see the way she behaves..so guai n i like her hair!.. really like wad Kim says: look like Jap doll!!..

i think cos Edna's tired.. mine is knocked out b4 hand liao.. n don think he v guai okay.. wen we stepped out of the class.. he was screaming w daddy outside..=|

haha..thanks!.. my hubbie says Jav n Kaelen looks alike thou.. xcept for the hair.. their face looks similar.hahaha..

yah.. cos i think hes jealous tat Kaelem's nearest to the 2 girls.. n so he decided to behanve himself n stay in class..hahaha.. but in the end, he fell asleep n din have any chance to play w the 2 girls.. haha.. mus find a chance n sit btw Edna n Ju En..n try to jio either one.. hahaha.. maybe Edna higher chance cos will meet her sometimes at tui na..haha..

im using huggies frm newborn till nw.. tried pampers leh..but don really like it..
Wow. Your daughter sounds like a little darling. So happy for you that she is a cheerful little girl. So old wives tale that pregnant mother's mood after fetus not neccessary true =p Just that it's always good to have a happy pregnant mother.

thanks for sharing. I was starting to wonder if there's something wrong with me, why is it I get hit by blues when other people are done with them. I'll monitior and see how. Cos I'm alone with bb, afraid i might just lose it and start yelling at her when she fusses and I'm stressed...

Same here. Start in Oct. Crappt infant care said they charge by fiscal month, which starts on the 1st of each month. So even though i go back to work on 26th Oct, they charge me for the whole month. So I guess I have plenty of time to slowly ease my girl into infant care... start half day every other day then slowly increase the duration i leave here in infant care. My husband thinks it's good to slowly ease here in to avoid me getting separation anxiety....

haha, nearly forgot.you and me gave birth same day. Always reading about how other babies already on such nice routine, why mine so cranky... haha, keep forgeting the other babies are older... ours are born near end of the month one.

I give ridwind instead of gripe water. I guess same effect?

re: Water
Gave my girl a few sips of water today to cleanse her tounge. Silly girl scrunged up her face and cried like I just gave her ridwind. Think she just cries when she taste anything other than milk. Any other mummies with babies who hates water? Thinking if it's a good idea to give her a few sips a day to let her get use to water else will have a horrible time introducing her to water at 6 months...
nvm lar.. which mama w baby can always b on time one? haa jus need some practising on gg out hehe...
aft the class i was rushing off too... 2 parties to attend also..somemore is journey to the WEST.. i almost DIED.. gt another party to go aft sending edna home by then i dead tired.. i jus told dh i am not gg out liao..guess he is damn happy that i stay home w him haaa

haaa Javier met edna many times liao.. soon they will know they r tui na and massage kaki LOL
pprincess, give once a day or can give more ahh? this morning i give 2.5ml, just now give 1.2ml when he becomes cranky. dunno if give too much or not.

lamagier, do u feel the ridwind helps? do u give only when bb cranky or regular once a day???
i find ridwind works better than gripe water. But baby definitely won't like ridwind. i give at least once a day. can give 3 times a day.
Gina, pls go to e hospital now. It sounds like a case of post partum hemmorage. I had 3 episodes of it and am still monitoring my condition. No pain, just lotsa blood gushing out like urine with blood clots.. Pls get urself admitted. Get an ambulance if u need to.
Jes, no prob wz you being late, I was too! Which church u go? got svc so late? 5pm svc?. My MIL has all praises of all babies ystd!!

RE: BB Massage
I think in future, we hv to sit boy-girl-boy-girl-boy, then every boy just rotate to be the centre one so all will hv a chance to be btwn both girls.. but too bad only 1 more chance left so lets see who's on time lor.

Lamagier, Kaelem has rid wind prescriped by PD, works well. I started with gripe water this morning but doesnt seem to work as well as ridwind. Loshita's bb took gripe water and it worked like miracle! I think also Kaelem has too many new thing intro to him ths wk so it kinda stress him a bit, plus he is spoilt by the grands.. If he's still has lots of wind, I will try HBB's Tuina plc.
RE: Blues-- one thing I know abt my blues is that I nvr seem to get angry with Kaelem no matter how tired I was, but it's little little things in life that'll throw me off, so I decided to ask for happy pills fr my doc n that's how I was refered to the psych.

Gina, how you feel well soon! Post us aft u see doc.
Hi all mummies out there

Anyone who had piles and given birth via normal delivery? Pls share your experience and how bad the piles became after delivery?

I had piles all along and it became very bad and painful esp after poopoo even without any straining during my last tri! It became like a bunch of grapes as many of them surrounding the anus (sorry i know its disgusting but its the best illustration I can think of). I am so worried that by natural birth it will be super big as need a lot of pushing!

Anyone choose c section becos of this reason? Can anyone whom had same experience as me pls share. Thanks.
jus fyi
the tui na hor u wun see effect in a single session.. need to go contiunously liek 3 to 5 session to see effect.. but of cos.. the fastest effect u know is when they fart alot alot... hehe
best go see doc... better safe than sorry. Update us after you go doc ok?

I only give in evening when baby colic is at its peak and only when baby cries a lot for no apparent reason or when baby keeps puking milk. try not to give baby too much med.

So far fed baby about 5 times. Think works pretty well cos baby puke a lot less milk when I give ridwind. I have tried gripe water though

You are a natural mother... never lose temper at baby. I'm just feeling lost... Cos now full time mothering my girl. i seem to have lost my identity. I just stare blankly at the TV when my girl is asleep and I finish my chores. Don't know what else to do... Seem to have lost my hobbies and lost interest in communicating with other adults... I need to get a life
bbethan, hbb, thanks thanks for info on rid wind, will see if gripe water works, if not will change to rid wind.

just as i was settling into a routine of pumping 4 times a day and latching on once or twice a day, suddenly my bb prefer latch on more than his bottles these few days. cl has a hard time feeding him bottle at nite, and i latch more during the day. i'm so used to pumping out now have to adjust and everything becomes uncertain. and plus my CL leaving in a few days time, kinda stress how to cope...my CL spoiled me by asking me not to clean up or wash dishes, and she will always offer to carry bb so i can have my time.
cheer up! u r like mi haa i will feel v sian n etc.. no life.. long gone r my baking and sugar crafting time.. onli tis few days i force myself to do it becos my weddin anni round the corner.. so sleepless nite =(
my camera cover w dust too.. so everytime force myself snap pic of edna.. =(
coolkero jia you.
Yah, have to admit it was like a tub of ice cold water being splashed on me the moment I step out of confinement and left on my own with baby. Quite at a loss on the first day....

Yah, now have to force myself to take the camera out. Now no time to sit next to my girl and wait for her to smile for camera =p So these days can't seem to take any pic of her smiling
ya lor.. wan her smile she dun smile no caemra she keep smiling
ehh u hav msn? gt some camera thgy to ask u hehe
i saw the pic. so enjoying hor. i duno hw to massage. so i alwaes press softly on darius's fatty hands and legs. then touch touch here touch touch there. like the hwa xia i see dey also lik etat. hahas!

acneery, usually during pregnancy the piles will bcome worst. ehs, i tink u haf to tell ur doc abit it. for my case, last trimester, it was like forever outside and never go in and was rather worried. plus is painful. the medicine that gynae gave cause me diahorrea and i stop so jus haf to bear wif it.
i haf normal delivery and nw it's jus a on off ting. however some ppl may haf it badly during confinement also due to too heaty. u may wan to talk to ur gynae on this and wad will ur gynae do should ur piles seems veri bad during delivery and such.
kim, fyi abt baby sling instruction.


Jes, no need to apologise. who knows next round might be me the last one to arrive. :p

Hbb/Gina/Kim/Jes, nxt sat shall we put all our bb together on the mat & took a photo of them together? hehe.
haiz... only afraid the moment i put him lie down flat he cry again how? haha.
Thanks HBB for add'l info!

Lamagier, it's not ez to gv up all & b full time mom, I felt out of control & lose that sense of "self" too! I can only say the only thing that I am hanging to is tha fact I asked God for this kid and am given, it's been my greatest joy and I can sacrifice anything for him. However when the emotional roller coaster goes downward, my eyes would flood even just watching him, and it's not a good feeling, that's why I asked for help. I think at least u are able to finish your chores n stare at the TV, I can't keep up with many things and imagine this is when I dont even need to lay my hands on many chores! If you find yourself staring blankly at the TV next time, turn it on! Even if you channel surf, you know your brain is working on choosing something you like to watch. Read a book, play computer games..

Coolkero, Jiayou! you'll be fine! Perhaps let your CL "supervise" you for a day or 2 before she leaves, do your "wet run" while she is there to give you advice before you becomes "solo".

Twinkle, Thanks for link, I like that idea!
Twinkle: thanks for the link, I found it very useful. Though now that Max is nearly 6kg, its much easier for me to carry him in the Beco carrier than the sling.

Lamagier, Kimberly: all these feelings are very natural, I went through that with my first child and even second time round, I still had a bit of an emotional roller coaster. As long as you're aware of your feelings and acknowledge them not suppress them, things will slowly get better. And if they don't getting professional help is nothing to be ashamed of as well.

Gina: Your girl is so cute! Saw the pics on fb. She's as dark as Max and so much hair! Like a little doll.
gina - oh no hope the bledding stops. now i q scared too cos been having this menses thing like forever. but my checkup at 7 wks my doc say everything is normal ....

yest my bb threw up milk 3 times. the entire feed. was so worried i couldnt sleep. i feel like bring bb to see the tui na at kemgangan but will monitor today first.

past few days i bring my bbies to the condo pool and they love it. not swimming yet but i think they like the natural wind and sound of water splashing. how old do they think they must be before gg swimming pool

the hua xia swimming water has chlorine ?

coolkerroo, kim, lamagier - yes i need to find myself again too. i can feel myself being sucked into full time housewife mother mode. what is shopping? what is nice clothes. i think i hit the limit when i got comfy with my new pear shape figure. force myself to book my facial and next week force myself to shop for new clothes. my pre-preg clothes are wayyyyy too small...
ya must put them together n take poto
aiya nvm let them cry a bit.. for a few sec or a min nia hahaa

the water used in hwa xia is tap water.. =)
Gina - hope everything is ok.

Bestberries - ya I feel so auntie whole day at home, wearing shorts and spag top/t shirt plus specs and messy tied up hair. Pre-pregnancy clothes also cannot get into....tops can lah, but look tighttight esp at the bust. Let's hope that in a few months we can get into the prepregnancy bottoms =/
I went shopping at Parkway for nursing tops yday...minus baby who stayed at home with daddy....and he slept the entire time I was gone....lucky hubby! He slept from 1155am to 415pm. I want good days like that when I am at home too!
ya..they r good khakis.. rem my hubbie's saying.. he wanna b ah gong.muahaha..anw, thwy mite grow up tog n say "wah..our mummies r kiasu massage mummies.."

think u better go A n E n check it out.. pls keep us updated..hope u feel better ya.. tk care n god bless..

i went to Holy Trinity.. the mass is at 6pm..=D haha, ya..i agree mus let the 3 lil boys have time btw the 2 princesses..=P lil Kaelem had his turn..next 2 lessons shall be Kaelen n Javier..hahaha!..

yup, agree tat we shud place them tog to tk photo... i hope mine cooperates next 2 lessons too!
Re: Postpartum Figure (or lack of it...)
Yesterday we went to a nice, chic place for brunch. I was looking fwd to it the entire week, but come Sunday morning, can't fit into any of my pre-pregnancy pants. No choice, ended up wearing my maternity jeans
Sian!!! Nursing top wif maternity jeans, so unflattering!! I'm back to my pre-pregnancy weight but the ugly muffin top and chunky thighs decide to stick around, urghhh...
gina, I saw ju en pic...so cuteeee! I like the hair! the tan nevermind la, looks more exotic mah...Btw, you may want to seek second opinion about your bleeding? I don't really trust the gynae in KK le.How can a normal heavy period till like that.

Lamagier, Kim, etc...Jia You! Don't be stuck at home. Find friends to talk to or lunch-date together. Go to your overdue hair appointment.Book your mani-padi or facial appointment. Go Shopping. Unless you're like victoria beckam, buy a new set of clothes (with the bigger size) don;t always think that you will wait till you get back to pre-pregnancy size to fit into your old clothes, even a bigger new clothes make you 100% better than keep wearing those maternity jeans..

re postpartum figure
does anyone know if we can apply those slimming creams? esp those that claim has caffeine to burn off fats. will affect bm?

me also stuck wif the last few kgs for the past few mths. cant seem to get rid of it. to make things worse, hb has been feeding me wif supper... arrrgh... tummy seems bigger after the malay massage.

to be able to go for hair appt, mani/pedi, facial, etc, must hv someone to look after bb leh. that day i left baby wif hb n mil n went out for hair cut. when i came back, find her schedule all haywire. slept throughout the whole afternoon, at night wide awake. so angry.
