(2009/07) July 2009 MTBs

not stroller friendly. HBB said a lot of exhibit don't allow you to bring stroller in. I saw most parents advised to park stroller next to ticketing booth.
The building is 4 storey high. So have to climb stairs.....
haha.. yes. i cannot forget that stupid painful feeling after the GA effect. i'll still curse and swear at the nurses for forgetting to put the painkiller. u must definitely insist for epidural this time. so much more comfy.

just that i keep thinking back what happened that day... walking like a big fat penguin looking for household items for my house until i gave up and hv to sit down so many times that afternoon, then my hb meet me bringing along ethan n end up i hv to carry him cos he was fussing to nap. went for my gynae's appt n waited super long... arranging for my planned csect date. and who knows she decide to pop that night. also remembered the funny part abt me still typing in front of the pc announcing to u gals that i think my waterbreak burst... haha... i seem to be retyping my birth story... sorry gals... i just keep feeling time flies so fast... it happens 1 yr ago but seems like it was just yesterday.

my nightmare begins!
I still vaguely remember you posting about your water breaking, and us going nuts posting away about it last year! Happy 1st birthday, Amanda!

Maybe try to exert your pregnant mummy status at SAM. BTW, the building for the children's exhibit is behind NTUC Trade house, you'll see a huge miffy-like bunny on the 2nd floor. We had 4 strollers along with us the whole time, and had the security guard give us lift access on every floor that we went, so we didn't need to go thru the stairs. Go from top to bottom, cos the 2nd floor is like classroom activities and the flowerpod exhibit, those can wait till later.
Amanda's birthday is 17th right? Happy 1st Birthday to the 大姐 of this thread
I didn't go check out the bird park last weekend cos the skies didn't look very good. But zoo was really packed on Sat, the queue for parking was almost 2 bus stops away from the zoo entrance after the main carpark was full due to reduced capacity from carpark upgrading. I see lots of folks coming via public buses. Guess the new show must be good, but since it starts at 12.30pm, we gave it a miss cos the crowd will be bad by then.

Science Center, go for the pixar exhibit alone if you just want to see that. Though nothing much for a toddler to do at the exhibit, J did enjoy watching the old Pixar short films. I think she entertain other visitors with her clapping and chuckles. Another feature she liked was the zoetrope, it shows stop animation when it slows down the spinning speed, and she love it. Beware there are strobe lights for the zoetrope, not advisable for people with heart problems imo. I say skip the main science center itself cos the exhibits are still as old as it is over the years, and I think I caught a sinus bug while I was inside there. Otherwise the water park outside should be fun, but the weather was poor to play outdoors.
Sam, thanks for the review. That's helpful to me. For zoo, think has to go during weekdays to avoid the crowd. Me trying to ballot free passes for either park so deciding on which one to go.
Thanks TJE!

Happy 1st Birthday to sweet amanda in advance! And to many more...I'm off to the airport in an hour, so my little one can run around and have closure with us leaving. I hope I don't start bawling when it's time for goodbye.
kekeke... Me & Gen accompanied Nigel to the restroom and waited outside for him... Had wanted to ask him over to our table to play with Gen after that but he ran off... And I thought Gen's explosive hairstyle scare him off... wahahaha... Naomi changes a lot leh, getting prettier with hair getting longer also... jio me along when u go Science Centre, i go get tickets for Science Centre & Snow City...

Amanda, happy 1st birthday to ya...
Peanut, Mashy: Thanks for sharing!

Mashy: Is beef stew difficult to cook? Cos I'm quite a lousy as well as lazy cook - only can prepare simple dishes.
it's very easy. Like abc soup. Fry the stew beef cubes, add minced onions, potatoes, carrots. After that add water or apple juice enough to cover the food. Bring to boil. Once boiled lower fire and simmer for 1-2 hours. I usually make this for the rest of the family too and I'll remove a pc of beef, carrot and potato as well as the soup and make porridge for my gal. Then I add the Japanese beef stew cubes that I buy from mediya or isetan supermarket. It's like the Japanese curry. U can make Japanese curry if u use a diff cube pack.
How come so many people's husband doing freelance photography??? Mine not interested in using my dslr at all

I go an Avent Baby Monitor. U want buy over? Only used a few times during my confinement days. MR now sleeps in my bed =( I have check which model it is though
Haha my hb smarter. He gets these freelance photographers to take our pictures for free. We just need to reimburse transport. According to him, we're helping them build their portfolio.
mashy: thanks so much for the recipe - sure looks like something i can try. :D

btw, where do u mummies usually take ur little ones for a hair cut? thinking of taking my boy for his 1st hair cut before his 1st birthday next mth, but wondering whether to go to just any salon or one specially for kids.
Helping my friend advertise. She's selling Happy Baby food. PM me if you want to get her contact

Happy Melts
Retail: $7.90
Buy 1 pack @ $7.50
Buy 3 packs & above @ $7.00 each
Buy 6 packs & above @ $6.50 each

Happy Puffs
Retail: $7.30
Buy 1 tub @ $7.00
Buy 3 tubs & above @ $6.50 each
Buy 6 tubs & above @ $6.20 each

Happy Bellies cereal
Retail: $9.40
Buy 1 tin @ $8.90
Buy 3 tins & above @ $8.50 each
Buy 6 tins & above @ $7.90 each
CJ's ToyBox,

I bring my #1 to 2 places which I quite like. The one at Suntec City next to Toys R Us and the other at Vivo in Toys R Us. They have video to entertain the kids, they give stickers & ballons and the aunty is v friendly
My #1 has been going to these 2 places since she was 1 and she loves it. Plus they let you take picture and video
Hello CJ's: I have cut my boy's hair 4 times since he has born. First 2 times we tried to cut his hair ourselves!! since i have bought the 'pigeon' scissors set. ended up all of us were sticked with his hair!!! mess up!!.. in the end we choose to go vivo that toy' r us where they do have a section for infant hair cut!! perhaps you can give try over there? =)
Poohbear75 and Mandy: Thanks! Will prob try the one at Suntec cos Vivo is a little far fr my place.

Mandy: I thought of cutting his hair myself but decided not to partly cos of the mess like u said and also scared I'll spoil his hair haha.
Happy birthday to Amanda and the twin boys!

ETirto, if you haven't gone to SAM yet, then when hbb and I went there, we used the lift. Had to have a security guard accompany us though, and I have to say that we were there v early. Hardly anyone one from public there yet - except some school groups, so maybe they let us use the lift...?

But we also had to park the strollers outside the rooms...
Hello everyone (big wave from the big apple), thread seem quiet, seem like I didn't miss much
Must be all busy organising the little one's 1st birthday bash huh? Been here only 2 days and I know I heart NYC. Miss my kids though. Have a beautiful, wonderful weekend!
EARLY IN THE MORNING, 7AM, MONDAY MORNING.. HIYO HIYO.. GO TO SCHOOL!!.. this is what i sing to my 11mth old son every morning when heading to infant care centre.. muahah ahahah hahha...
Good morning everybody and nice day ahead! =)
Jerene: you are right, for me i Oready start celebrating my son beeday since yesterday ( Apart from that YOG family day on saturday. We went for hightea with his god parents on sunday. next weekend will be my side family celebrating for him next after week will be infant care centre!. So actual beeday will going for a nice quiet breakfast n tat's it! =) what about yours??
my 2cts on 1st aid course: it is sufficient 2 just pay to go for infant first aid, cos for some pple byond 7yo, they're juz walking zombies w no heart & soul. for this group, they r just byond redemption, no pt saving their lives *shake head*
Hello mummies,

the thread seems to have slowed down quite a bit.. how's everyone?

I think my gal has a boring menu.

Its either fish or pork porridge with red leave spinach.

Only comes sat then mummy here will add variety to her porridge.. e.g. tomoatoes, potatoes, liver, sweet potatoes, chicken(for a change), broccoli, carrots, xiao bai cai, lily buds, etc..

RE: Millet

Is organic Millet harder to cook then the normal millet? I got a pack of organic millet and its tough to cook. Cos my white rice becomes porridge and the millet is still grainy. anyone have such problem?
sunsweet: I bought a pack of Organic Millet too.. ermm.. It seems like my son dun like it. so i have gave away that pack which scope once only.. tsk tsk tsk..Well, i cook him porridge with dried scallop and pumkins ( Someone told me everyday pumkin will cause baby yellowish) so far my baby not reach that stage where everyday pumkinss.. porridge dried scallop with sweet potatoes, sliced chicken breast. =P

Yes too much carrots and pumpkin will cause yellow tinge on skin.

my gal had that problem even if i just feed her at most 3 orange veg a week.

Maybe bec she's fair.

I even got her to do some blood test to ensure her liver is ok.. cos my elder didn't have this problem but she is darker then her mei mei.

Sometimes i think baby food are meant to be simple. They will have their variety when they grow up. Now imptly is to achieve balance diet.

my gal also keeps turning orange even when i cut down on her orange food intake.

wanna complain abt my MIL again. Last night, the maid wasn't at home, so my MIL had to cook. Then just before dinner, she declared that my gal will eat the table food with the rest of us, oyster sauce, ketchup and everything. When we said no table food for her now, she said, ok, then how about soup? Guess what, it was herbal soup. Luckily i said no. When i asked her what herbs are inside coz some herbs babies can't take before 1 yr old. She said normal stuff lor. It was only at dinner time that she revealed how 'expensive' her soup was and it included ginseng! Fuming! Anyway, made her thaw some fish immediately and cut some cabbage and steam. Then she asked, 'no salt? then so bland how to eat.' Aiyoh, i thought we've been through this so many times already and she's still at it. Then she said, aiyah, just a while more only and she'll be one year old already, not much difference mah. Argh! She should have just called us that the maid is not there and we should prepare my gal's dinner. I wonder what goes into my gal's dinner every week. But i think she let the maid decide what to cook already. The dinner that she made last night tasted so bad.
I need opinion on baby monitor.
anyone got review for baby monitor with video? there is someone selling the motorolla brand, digital, for $100, used for 3 mths only. worth to buy? Last time I hv used chicco, then philip (not the digital one, I think), there'r always sound interference. got zzzxxxrrr sound that is not come from baby.
wah piang. Your girl's kidney will overload with all that stuff. It's might be even worse as some reactions may not be immediate. I may be over-dramatic here, but I have phobia that all the junk accumlate in their little bodies and suddenly shut down, you won't even know where to start tracing where the problem comes from.

Lucky I don't have this problem cos I prepare my girl's food. But mil did remark "will taste nice meh" when the husband told her I don't add seasoning to my girl's porridge. Guess it's a generation gap thing
Happy birthday to the bubs of this week!

Jerene, seeing you mention NY, made me miss it again! Have fun!

Mashy, maybe stand by a couple of bottles of baby food for days like when there's no time to prepare food for her, at least there's something to go with cereal. But, yeah, I get that too, when the older folks think she's ready for the adult stuff that's seasoned with don't-know-what, luckily the daddy is the more fanatic one, after reading horror stories about tods hospitalised with liver problems from too much age-inappropriate foods.

one slightly pricey ption is to get the petite Bowl frozen food. Maybe your girl will like. I haven't tried before, but I guess may taste nicer than the jar food
