(2009/07) July 2009 MTBs

Josephine, I dunno how to vote leh, cos I use the link but din see any button for voting woh.. Sorry ah, little time to surf these days.. so alot of touch and go.

I just battled with K for 1hr and he just wont go to nap!!!..

i battled with Shanna EVERY NIGHT & she doesn't want to go to bed either! The longest battle was 2hrs+! =( I reallie think she sleeps too much during the day already, i'm gng to keep her awake during the car ride home later, and see if she slps earlier 2night...

i am sure my baby goes to bed the latest here... =(
lamagier, i also bought from wok a few days ago, and loving it. bought the LG prime (2300*1400*15mm) fisher price cars. tomi hasnt crawl yet, so he likes to sit and play, lie down, and flip around. so far i think 15mm is thick enough cos when tomi flip sometime head down first, but he's ok. i'm thinking of play yard but dunno if it's too late since cannot use once they start climbing...hehehehe
kim, winnie_mummy, do u think our kids sleep lesser now? i feel tomi sleep lesser compared to 2 months ago when he can sleep 7pm to 7am, now maybe he's under nanny care, seems like sleeping later 7pm sleep but wake up 8pm and zzz again 11pm to 8am. nap is short as usual, half to an hour max.
winnie mummy

my gal now just cries for abt 5mins when she sleeps at night.

Before that, she was sleeping with me. Until i fed up, decide once and for all, she's going back to her bed. At first I tried the mtd where the moment she gets up, i put her back down. Failed miserably. I got a backache and she screamed for a very long time. Then i tried the mtd that they say to lengthen the time that u respond. Also failed miserably. Coz everytime i return to her side, she cried even louder. So fed up, i decided to just ignore her cries totally. 1st nt 1hr. After that 30mins and eventually 1 week later, after she screamed her voice hoarse, she stopped after 5mins. So now when it's bedtime, i just say good night, switch off the lights and let her cry it out. I realised after many rounds that the most she'll cry is only 5mins. So i just covered my ears during that time.
After that, she'll give up and go to sleep by herself.

my gal also didn't wanna nap just now! We struggled with each other for 2hrs i think. End up, i carried her to the living room window. As she gazed at the trains passing by, she fell asleep in less than 5mins. After that, i dumped her in her cot. sigh. I guess to her is that she has won the battle. Coz not sleeping in her cot. But I won the war. *wink*
poohbear, my #1 attended julia gabriel playclub, love the classes, the teachers are super friendly and motherly. the chinese teachers there speaks superb mandarin, love their story telling wif real act out drama which sparks her chinese interest. i put my #1 for holiday class in gug, but she always ask me if she can return back to JG, so i guess she must have enjoyed JG more.
good that it works! hehe

wah the eric carle book cheap.. is it the soft cover or board book?cos i knwo board book cost more.. (i jus bought 16 board books)
i wan the eric carle books w sound! LOL

twinkle thanx for offerign to help!

haiz duno wats up w those ppl nowadays lor... tsk..today i walk past NLB.. lucky edna sleeping.. else she prob will get reminded of hw she got punish by me hahahaaaa
today edna scare us all...
was at mum's
and she was happily playing w nephew in the room..and i saw her crawl out of the room.. towards my dad's room. and before i know.. my dh SHOUTED for me say she swallow sth.. he dig out sth fr her mouth.. a plastic ball slightly smaller than pingpong ball!
gosh... it happen so fast and we din know she got hold of that!!!!
lucky dh was ard!
hbb, it's the board boook! that's y I said it's cheap liao! $7! from the last bp I order the Brown Bear Brown Bear what do you see, it's not a board book, very dissapointed le. and it's more than $12.

hbb, better recheck again around your house, what can go inside edna's mouth. I'm so paranoid, because Nigel got lots of relatively small toys, like puzzle and the bakugan balls!

tje/lamagier, help me to collect can? I barely can lift up 1 book now. hehehe...
No prob =) DOn't worry I can help you collect.
How are you so far? Hope the PUPPS & pelvic pain will leave you alone this time round
Remembered you bought N a Boon snack ball. Hopw do you find it? Wreen helping her friend who's shop is closing to sell. Was think of buying but it seems like the reviews I saw online are mixed
oic then cheap! shit manz i must go thru wat i hav then see wat i wanna buy!
ehh my hse usualy nuthg much for her to take.. its my mum's house! arghh
Kim, I usually leave XY in her cot and she will stir till tired then sleep on her own. Not sure if it's a good thing but it sure lightens my job as in no need to pat or rock her to sleep. Occasionally she will ask to be carried for a while then put back in the cot.

P/S: I wrote on your wall
RE: Brushing
Mummies, do you only brush the teeth or also brush the gums as well?

RE: Jar food
I finally bought 1 jar Heinz pumpkin/beef to try. Mixed into XY's rice/oats porridge. Mixed a little each time. Abt 4 or 5 meals I think. She don't seem to like it very much but I keep feeding till she finish. The smell is quite strong though. Since she don't seem to like it, don't think I will buy it again.
Hi mummies,

I've a few tins of Nan2 Pro 400g to sell.
Expiry date: 02 Oct 2010
Px: 1 for $8, 2 for $15

Self-collect at Toh Yi Area or Science Park I

Interested parties, please email me at [email protected]. Thanks.
lamagier, thanks!
I bought the boon ball because its unique design. till now when people see me using that, they will OOHH and AHHH, and it's pretty la. so I bring it with me everywhere with naomi, can put in the puffs and the meltz and she can play with the ball in the same time. yeah, I got that email too. it's cheap liao because Boon items are costly. I fwd to hbb etc and she said she's ordering...
RE: Battle with LO's nap/ sleep
I think our LO is adjusting their nap/sleeping habit. For the battled yesterday I had with K, he won. He ended up not napping, and I just let him crawl, jump, walk until hb came home and decided to go out for dinner. At the rstn, he still cant fall asleep. Finally at 9pm, he KOed cos he can't fight himself anymore.. We got back about 10:45pm and he could barely stay awake while I wipe him.. Then at 5am he woke up. He refused to go back to sleep so hb gave up. I fed him 5oz and brought him to our bed, magic happened, he slept until 8:30!!!!!
Then that's where problems comes, he refused his nap at 9:30am, and although he seem sleepy. I let him crawl, jump, cruise and walk again until he fusses. I pick him, give his stinky pillow and he slept from 11 until now (1:30).

Wish K would just stir and go to sleep, he always roll over, crawl to the outer side bar of the bed and stood up crying.. (like in his fb video).. I see that the "leave him alone" method doesn't work for this boy, he jsut got more worried to fall asleep cos he thinks everytime he shuts his eyes, I disappeared!

RE: Books
Hey, anyone order the Usbourne "That's Not My" series? Is it SGD10/pc?

Thanks for sharing

Thank goodness your dh discovered fast and managed to take it out. Edna's incident has set me thinking that I should really go and learn first aid for babies/kids cos I really know nothing about choking, giving CPR etc.....
hbb, same here!
my MIL let Mia put this small tiny hairclip on her hair yesterday when i fetch her. then end up the whole clip goes into her mouth! she thinks it's a treat/puff i guess!? luckily i saw it.
and i told my MIL never to give her such small things again.

today at JG class, swimming playtime.
Mia was standing inside the big swimming tub, holding at the side, then she lost control and fell/slide out of the tub, face down to the ground! sigh...now she has small bruises on her left cheeks. what shld i apply on her face huh?
i just put some calendula cream on her face cos dun know what else to put.
aiyo poor mia... u can buy herrodiod(spelling??) fr pharmacy.. is sth like zambuk but not 'spicy' one... buy the gel form
Today's thread's moving so fast! Yesterday was so slow.

hbb & japa,
Read about E and M - so scary. Thank goodness pp there in time to stop them from swallowing!

Hey mummies, as some of you know, I'm a bit ill, so want to know if we can give bbies Vit C to boost their immunity when we are ill -so that they won't catch it from us? I've been staying away from him these few days - so sad. I miss carrying him and playing with him and if he's home, it's husband looking after, but I sent him to my mum's during the daytime. So...is there anything we can give your LOs?

Sleep - his sleep pattern has been ...well, no more pattern!! Sigh. Last night, woke up a few times. dh went to him of course, but I heard him everytime he cried - bec of the bb monitor...

I went to bed at 8 pm last night and only got out of bed at 10.10am this morning. What a luxury.
Feel better, but am off to bed early again tonight as we have such a busy Sat!
BTW, I ordered the snack ball (Etirto thanks for the suggestion!!! I rem you told me abt it when I saw you feed N last time!) from Wreen and will collect it from her, so for those who I'll meet up soon, you want me to collect for you too?

Oh yeah! I knocked into a friend's wooden fence for her house!!! ALAMAK!!!!!!! The fence was already loose, but I think I was so slow, bec not feeling well, so now I gotta pay for it(Of course, my fault) but am hoping that it won't cost much!!! It is the fence that separates two houses. No one was hurt, not even me, nor the car, only my wallet going to hurt! sigh. AND I cancelled work tomorrow = less money - because I want to rest! ARGHS!!!!

Etirto, is N (the girl "N") better? Everyone has a runny nose! Must be a bug in the air....
Hi hi everyone, I am back! All jobless and moved, so what have I missed?

HBB, read your super long and angry post, wah, what an experience, hope you are feeling better now.

Lamagier, I also want the books! I email you??

Drama story to share - when is our next play date or hi tea????
Chiyojade, so sorry to hear abt your accident but glad to know no one is injured. Get a couple of quotations, don't just agree to the first one!
Aiyah...cannot...sigh. The house is rented, I'm not close to that person and her contractor is coming in tomorrow. Just hope I won't get "ke-tok", because they are expats so hope the contractor won't "ke-tok" them...and they have got the contractor's contacts from the owner, who am sure would love to get a good job done on his fence.
Never mind! I shan't think about it! As long as no one was hurt :)

Oooh the drugs are beginning to take effect.....
Thanks Chiyojade, I love not reporting to work! Not bored yet since my last day was just last Thursday. Then the weekend flew by and it was time for the move. My new nest is comfortable and I have made a couple of friends with my neighbours. I am also 100% unpacked. Hope you get well soon...how is Y? Playdate next week??
aiyo! glad u r fine.. nvmthe pocket hurts.. so long as u r fine!! HUGZ!
ehh i order stuff fr wreen also.. if my timing dun permit then i tompang u can? hehe thanx!

im better now... dramatic week..esp i been real busy w edna also!!!

bet u settled downa lready... hehe.. hav fun in ur new home =)
I ordered too when I saw her email this morning, but I got the green toy bag and bath toys. I remember seeing the toy bag at the Taka baby fair and thought it's quite nifty when filled up with stuffed toys, and I got stuffed toys over flowing in my 2 ikea toy baskets already.

hope you'll feel better too! The lousy extreme season changes are back, hot and then cold, even if I aircon the house, just feels bad when I step out with J during the day. Don't know if babies can take any supplements at this stage, maybe a bit of juice?

Just had a nice dinner at Etna, a pizza/pasta restaurant on East Coast road. Very nice pink lobster sauce for the pasta, and cheeses on the house pizza. Makes me wonder if the 4 cheeses pizza is even better. It was a nice break to a really tiring week cos J's been really cranky this week, wailing whenever I step out of her playroom to do stuff, or even get a drink of water. She gets impatient with anything. Only relief I got was that she likes to be "nice" infront of other babies. When other babies leave, I got a cranky baby back. Argh...
sam i tot of the toy bag also cos i got 1 whole ikea cupboard of stuff toy but i chg my mind.. dunno if tat will make the toys dirty anot... nw regret not buying! cos tot wan empty that shelf for edna's stuff

J need to meet Edna LOL
chiyojade, is it possible that you get your own-selected contractor? I think it's 99% possible that you will kena ke-thok one. somemore the tenant is expat. is the house owner local? I hope he can 'control' for the price. If it's a just wooden fence, (you don't need to change the whole strech, right? unless you damaged the whole thing)...then it shouldn't be cost so much as the main gate that involve mechanism. btw, hope you get better soon!

N boy got little accident for second time, knock against the granite wall just above the left eye and makes it looks like purple pingpong ball. Now he looks like wearing a smoky eyeshadow look. Haiz. apparently he raced with his friend to the lift door with the wet feet and couldn't break on time and the fatty mum can only walk slowly behind and screaming calling him but he never listen.
If the pink toy bag wasn't OOS, I think it might just match the other egg-like cushion you have. I think it just looks cute, who knows, might turn out to be a dust collector later...

J's down with a cold with a slight fever today...finally saw how miserable babies with cold can be, having to breathe heavily through the mouth. Brought her to Kinderclinic cos my reg PD is away on holiday. Think Dr Cheng too nice to her, cos she just wail at him when he tried to check her throat.
oh no. joie caught the bug as well! shucks! its terrible to hav bb down w cold.. hopefully she get well soon.. not fun to hav a cranky baby like tat.
Dr Cheng is forever so nice tat is why Edna is SMITTEN by him hahahaaa
oh ya i also tot the toy bag can match my egg cushion LOL but u knwo i scare it trap dust lar.. u kwno missy edna got her daddy's nose..forever so sensitive! my sis gt a hedge hog one fr ikea(not to put in toys thou) and it traps loads of dust!
Re: Book collection
Mummies who ordered, I'm checkig with mama21 if can deliver to my plce if I am cllecting for a few mothers. So far Etirto ask me to help. Any other mothers want to tompang?Sam, FOZ, TJE, HBB?

can i tompang you to help me collect from wreen? i ordered 2 snack balls +)
can i tompang you if she's delivering? i don't think will ask twinkle to collect as i'm ordering quite a lot. will go over yr place a weekend to collect.

hope's J's cold is not a serious one.

can visualise how Edna's look when she look at him... haha
Thanks for offering. But I intend to collect from her AMK point cos my mum asked me to pick up something from her place yesterday.

Thanks, still see some slight runny nose, but the fever broke, so she's better. Still a little nanny-poopy, need people to keep giving her hugs, and she hangs on to people like a koala, don't want to be put down.

hehe He that dreamy to girls ar? J also looked at him for quite some time, before he probed her mouth with a tongue press.
sam ya lor weird hor haha edna stared at him each time she goes thr LOL
bet his PNC jab dun hurt as much as other PD since the kids might not notice the pain hahahaaa
Am not collecting my snack ball as oos - too many orders and I was too slow!

Is it urgent? If not, then I can still try and swing by for you...but it's not here yet either, right?

Am glad that J's fever has broken! Never mind if she's clingy - she's ill! ;-P Sayang J!
J looked okay the other day we met, so fast kena bug...you must take good care too, mommies always suffer most when babies get sick. The only time I heard daddies falling ill coz of their kids was when my friend's brother kena HFMD from his daughter. Anyway hope J get well soon!

I have emailed you my super long list - please let me know if it is not manageable. Thanks!!

Enjoy your Sunday, everyone!
lamagier & mummies who r ordering the books
i'll be self collecting at TPY on tues instead. too many to trouble anyone. can help to collect for anyone who's ordering just a few. let me know

lamagier, I have told mama21 that you will be collecting on my behalf on tues, at TPY library. I'm ordering 5 books.
1. Eric carle: the tiny seed (board book)
2. Eric carle: grouchy lady bug (board book)
3. Eric carle: from head to toe (board book)
4. Eric carle: hermit crab (board book)
5. Disney cd and story
many thanks!

TJE, haha seems like you r opening a new children library in simei soon. dr seuss good meh? it's not board book ya. I don
