(2009/06) June 2009 MTBs

<font color="cc3399"> bbjun, wrt: Sleep Separation Anxiety
I think it's still possible. Kyle happily hold arms out and lunges towards perfect strangers such as promoters at the supermarkets and salespersons or pedicurists. Although he doesn't have an stranger anxiety or separation anxiety anywhere else, he did crazy wakings some weeks/mths ago that I am pretty positive was sleep separation anxiety.

He was waking up to 10x and more a night, sometimes even 6x in an hour. It was crazy mind-blowing. He's happy with just a pat and to have his dummy reinstated. But seemed to just need to know that I was near. Boy am I glad that has passed, although he's still lousy in the sleep department. Humph. </font>

<font color="cc3399"> oh ya! after-thought - Kyle's tasted durian n lemon too.
Thought of it while enjoying durian. Mmm-mm</font>
wow.. cassey, am pleasantly surprised to see your posts. Sure misses that colour fonts of yours.

Hmm...oh dear! I hope this sleep separation anxiety thingy will get better soon. Am just counting the number of weeks i have left before I start on my new job. He better stops that before I start work, else I am starting work with panda eyes!

Wow.. Kyle is sure eating alot. Is he drinking a lot of milk as well? I have Dylan on a 3 solids meal/day, starting ytd (used to be just 2 solids with snacks). Even though he finishes every bits of food and snacks, I felt like I am overstuffing him! N yet, he will drool and chew right after his meal while watching me n daddy eat.

My headache of the moment - he is refusing water the whole day. Trying differnt bottles, spoon feeding and mixing it with gripe water, juices. As long as it's clear looking and not WHITE in colour, he doesn't even want the bottle near him!
haha.. I only let Dylan smell the durians and he wanted to grab them. Have not let him taste that though.. not as adventurous as u are!
cassey, still on the durians eh?
Ooh... elvis durian... Haven't had some in a while, and probably shouldn't, the way i'm piling on the pounds! And yes, miss your pink/magenta posts!

bbjun, how about drinking out of cup? Sippy cup, cup with straw, proper adult cup? Just bought a Doidy cup, will be trying out on S tomorrow. Hope she'll at least humour me for a bit.
tubbyM, I tried mag mag bottle, with teats, sprout and straw... not working. Adult cup.. hmm, perhaps I will try that since he likes watching me drink from a cup.

my greed for durians has caused me a sore throat, turned to a flu, then cough n now lotsa phlegm that I can't clear. I am still craving for it though, even though I am in such a state! LOL.
Thanks mummies, both kids are good, dun think they remember what had happy.
But I’m still traumatising by the cases, very tired. Try my very best to forget abt the incidents. I still no confidence to get replacement, but the money paid cant refund. dilemma

KKH did the report, police came the night abt 1am **faint** I thought hb din lock his car door properly again.

she from indo, I sent her back to agent when we found she abuse Cayden so she have no chance to harm them further.

Is your maid know you have CCTV at home? If yes, why dun you ask them to stay where the CCTV can see them? U has the right to do so.
My maid also like to carry Cayden and hide in place where out of our sign, my mum will ask her come out.

think we will not getting one with kid, in fact we want someone single.
This maid have a 11mths old girl, we thought she should be good/love baby but we realise she not patient and dun really like kid.

no the doc said they look active, should be fine.

I also against to have maid, dun really like to have a stranger at home, but we really need one as my girl is too active and Cayden is sticky to me, I can’t do anything when he is up.

What happen to your hb?

I told hb same things too, doing house chore or going to work is much easier task compare with childcare.
But it is very heart warming when the kids

BS S (rojakz),
Dun save the money, juz install one, at least u can monitor them when u work.

sometime my mum complaint to me about her I ignore, think she though I wont believe/take action when my mum complaint, she still can show her finger to my mum after she poke Cayden, scary right this maid.
Will 4-panel too small? They need bigger place when they start cruising around.

Skyla so cute, wake to plastice clapping.

Long time no ‘see’, wow Kyle is at GOOD size. Cayden still @8kg+ since 5th mth.
Good that he still grow fat despite less sleeping.

Re: Separation Anxiety / baby waking up,
I though Cayden’s is the worst case, he dun like to sleep, used to wake only once at night. Now only nap abt ½ hr x 2 and 1-3hr x1 in day, night sleep at 8pm wake at abt 6am will wake every two hr for milk. Sometime wake up at 4am refuse to go back to sleep
USA Grad Student Research with Singapore Parents - Quick Survey

Thank you to those who have completed my survey - I have already received 20 responses!! I am hoping to get 10 more so I can do my comparison study. Can you share this with other parents you know? I really appreciate the help and am so excited about studying in your country! Here are the details...

I am a graduate student at the University of St. Thomas in the United States (Minnesota), participating in a study abroad course in Singapore at the National Institute of Education. The study is to learn more about couple's relationship as they take on the role of parenthood.

The following people are invited to take the 5-minute survey:
* Have you had your first (and only) child in the past six months to 24 months?
* Do you live with the co-parent?
* Is it the first child for both partners?

To start the survey, please click the link below or copy and paste it into your Internet browser.


Participation in this survey is completely voluntary and confidential. Thank you for your consideration.

Robyn Maley
TubbyMummy/ecmom: Yeah, the 4-panel looks a bit small, but since the BP selling 2 panels at quite the same price (not much more expensive than getting 6-panel at the same time) think just get 4 first n see loh. And yeah, 4 looks a bit more stable.

Cassey: miss your colour! Wow, 10kg! Mine still 8kg .... seems to lose a bit after the cough
cassey, so long didn't see your post! glad to know that kyle is growing well.

createjoy, hope nothing serious with your hubby.

ecmom, i was also exploring the idea of getting a maid to help my mum, but after reading your story, i won't dare to... but at least your kids r alright...

anyone knows where i can get part-time helper? those 2x a week for a couple of hours kind... i'm staying @ sembawang...

so this thur's gathering how?

4 feb gathering 4pm
manhattan fish mkt ( 1 for 1 lobster meal leh $28.80 n lucky draw! got facebook? check out mfm promo there, we can have their mudpie or also can proceed to bakerzin after that so bb also can see new environment keep them entertain looking ard heehee)

1) jling - bakerzin / MFM
2) doveyc - bakerzin
3) bbmarilyn
4) rosel - manhattan fish mkt
5) bluedream - no pref
6) bbaugustine - bakerzin
7) ecmom
8) fat mom
9) innocentwar - no pref
10) amk_gal - no pref
styliciously, hi, so far she is doing great at the infant care as another only baby went back to india for 2 months thus my girl enjoy back her privilage to 1 to 1 attenttion. So far the supervisor that handle her didn't complaint any thing about sermaine, only tell me she become more clingy and her development. But today the bb is coming back from india already but she will stay for another 1 month and migrate back to india. Err, sound like aisha that teacher alot of stupid comment leh. So far she at home got act like what the teacher comment?

LFB, the rice powder can last for at least 3mths in air tight container and in fringe. U can email me if you need it again.

Cassey, Welcome back. High Five, simply just feed anything to our darling. So far sermaine love the most is YAMI yougort.

Ecmom, sad to hear that. Hope they recover soon.
I can recommend you a part time helper. I am using her right now. PM me and I will email you her contact details.
bbjun, dat time my girl sick and have been taking those sweet medicine and when give her water, she resisted badly cos not sweet. She used to like it very much. When i hold the water near her, her hand will sweep away or turn her head away and dun want to open the mouth. Have to force her to drink by syringe. Cannot go without water. Then my mil put some 'bin tang' (yellow type ones not so cooling) and she started to drink and didnt resisit anymore. Think since yr baby can recognise the transparent colour water, mayb u can wrap a white paper on the bottle so he tot is milk? hee

Cassey, kyle a little sumo. my girl only 8.5kg. Think baby at this stage quite stagnant on the weight liao cos she has this weight +/- for the past 1 mth.

Tubbymummy, skala so cute clap hand in the middle of the nite.. but tiring hor..

My girl has great movement when sleeping. I place her in the middle of my bed and she turns here and there so vigorously until mummy and daddy have to siam her and move away so she got more space to sleep. And last nite keep waking up 2-3hrs for milk. I wake up 3 times to feed her. SO tired. Used to be abt 4hrs+ to 5hrs. Dun know is it she teething again on the upper incisor. 1 has protrude out the other coming out. She still like to put everything into her mouth, plastic bag, pacifier cover, pillow, handkerchief.. u name she bites it!
GOOD Morning mummies,

dolly, bbpotato,
yeah, just curious, what's the string for?

gosh! that's terrible of the maid to do that to the innocent and young kids, and the video that i have ever seen from youtube (last year) abt this indonesian maid who pushed and jumped repeateadly over this little 2-year old girl already sent shivers down my spine and i broke down in tears after watching that vidoe...gosh! how could they be so heartless eh??!!

thank goodness yr kids are safe and sound.

my girl Marilyn also has not been sleeping well for the past few weeks, used to wake up for milk feed around 4a.m., but lately, she will wake up at least 3-4 times a night, not for milk but just wanna rock and pat her to sleep... is indeed very TIRING! especially when she will wake up for the day ard 7a.m., and poor mummy and daddy who still need to prepare for work ... SHAGGED!! am wondering how long will this phase last... can't remember well did my elder son went thru' this development milestone phase or not... now, going to bed is always praying hard that night will be smooth-going ...LOL!!

talking abt clapping hands, my girl still can't clap hands but over the last weekend, she waved at us and said a soft "HI"....that was sooo cute! and then she repeatedly do the same gesture again and again... seemingly proud and excited of herself as she will giggle after that...LOL!
bbmarilyn.. yea tiring hor. i wake up 3times yest nite also. Baby will bypass this stage one, just their part and parcel of their and OUR milestone! haha.. yea my girl also wave like Hi like dat.. this morning i say bye to her she respond and sounds like bye too.. i like this stage now. They can sit and play with us!
it has somehow been so tiring for us to drag ourselves up from the bed sometimes, we just leave her alone to roll over the bed (hoping hard that she will roll and roll till she is tired and fall asleep) but FAT HOPE! she will shout "aik aik aik" and gradually louder and louder till we responded "coming", then she will stop... she doesn't like pacifier at all and will settle down after rocking and patting her to sleep...

u r right! this stage is very fun and interactive..enjoying!
TubbyMummy – hahah ..your 2 problems already big enough! Hahahaha . yah, we when bring her out, must have the basic 3 things – diaper bag, baby carrier and stroller! Only if I run out alone for a very quick errand (and I’ll only do it after feed) then I just use the baby carrier.

Sweethalo – re HONEY – incidentally, yesterday at church 2 of the nursery helpers, one of whom is a mom and the other a nurse happened to talk about giving Honey, and they said no honey at this stage. I didn’t ask when should introduce tho. I follow and take what wholesomebabyfood.com says as a guide. I super kiasi type (hahah) very conservative … even tho our PD (the same one we visited) says can intro meat and all when my baby was 4 or 5mths old (and didn’t drink enough FM), I didn’t take that advice .. I’d rather be on the safe(r) side.

Clapping of Hands
I hold my girl’s hands and help her do the clappings too! She used to not know how to open them up as as to clap but now she knows! And we do the Hi-Fives too! She’s yet to do her own clappings and Hi-fives without assistance yet.

Sleeping on ‘crawling position’
Bbjun / TubbyMummy - It’s interesting reading that your babies are sleeping in that position .. cos this morning, when I went to check my baby, she was in that position! It was so funny! So cute! She saw another baby (or rather a one year old) crawled yesterday at the church nursery and I think she was inspired! And hopefully, her head shape will be better (and not flat anymore)!

Wow! U r one happy-go-lucky-easy-going gal! Nice to hear from you!
We saw some durians after dinner last nite and my friends were asking if my baby wanted it!!!!!!!! We said NO!!! hahahah …
We not so adventurous! 

Bbjun – hope Dylan sleeps well soon! Take care! All the best to your new job!

Creamer – hahah .. ya, we put our baby’s feet to the foot of the cot, but she’ll change her positions at different times of the night! We usually will go see her before we sleep, and we see a different position again in the morning time!

Creamer / bbmarilyn – Agree with you that it is very fun at this stage of their lives! My daughter tried to wave last fri … she sort of hold her hand up .. and tried to turn her wrist! It was so funny! We were all very excited!
hmm seems like all the bb moving alot in the sleep.. i put J in the middle of the sleep positioner (too bolsters stuck together) - so he cant really move - so shd i take it away so that he can move ???

i think he will wake himself up with the moving though...
yup told them to stay at certain areas but they don't listen to me because i'm not the one paying them.. thats why i have to be at home most of the time...but when i have to leave for meetings, i can't help feeling uneasy.

4th Feb Gathering
I can't make it! Just received a call to go back for meetings, seems like its a whole day of meetings.. other time then... enjoy ladies..
newmom, how is ur gal? fully recovered now?

annie, hv u decided whether to go back for reunion? i think being chinese, cny is a big affair.. so normally the elders will use the opp to ask for forgiveness or to forgive others

re playyard, i have a small one at home.. she refuses to stay inside.. my friend's house as a big 6 panel or 8 panel ones.. she also cant stay inside alone.. need ppl to be with her.. even right now, one of us is always with her.. she cant play by herself

i understand ur situation.. if this happen to me, i will freak out but my hubby will say i had overreact.. he always think i overreact when my maid not doing correctly.. i hate it.. but dont worry abt ur kids, they dont remember this after a few days

btw my friend owns a maid agency (though i didnt get my maid from her), she said indo maids are not really good at taking care of kids.. cos they dont hv the tender loving care.. she is an indonesian and her mom owns a training center in jakarta.. so i took a filipino.. she dotes my gal but i find her too slow and a bit stupid and sometimes got attitude.. caught her lying a few times.. sometimes i really want to send her back to philippines..

re cctv, i tot of getting it.. esp now i am doing renovation for the new house.. but my hubby is totally against it.. he so relaxed one.. in fact when we go shopping, he let the maid push baby in her pram up and down the escalator all by herself while he walk infront.. or she will handle baby alone even walking along the road.. i totally panick when i see that.. he says i am just having depression cos i always want to be in control

re porridge, i double boil it too.. but she still dont like.. so frustrating.. i did potato, carrot, pork and it tastes so yummy.. dont know why she rejected it

so cute to hear skyla woke up to practise clapping.. sounds like she is a perfectionist.. haha.. i also taught amelia how to clap and she sort of know how to do it.. but then i went to confuse her with gongxi gongxi.. so she is now doing a mixture of gongxi gongxi and clap clap.. quite funny

wow cassey, really envious that kyle has been so open in different food varieties.. i am totally opposite.. she is good in sleep dept.. but horrible in food dept.. think hard to have the best of both worlds..

u can try giving dylan water in the cup u use.. mine also reject water at first.. but i always drink in front of her so she begin to look interested in what i am doing.. and now she loves to drink from my water bottle.. my bottles are in pink, blue and beige.. sometimes she will crawl towards the table and try to take the bottle for herself
Dolly -
thanks for the info abt Chong Choon
Have you tried out your play yard yet? Any feedback about it? Does it slide around?

Fatmom -
great that u can come online! hahah don't be envious of Cassey! At least Amelia is good at sleep dept... heheh Noah is not good at sleep dept and is nore receptive to solids... So I have great frustration trying to feed him semi-solids.

Cassey -
hahaha welcome back dear 'oldie'! heheh the forum comes alive when you start posting :p

bbjun -
congrats that you found another job opportunity and can have some break in btw to catch up with Dylan

Hope you get more rest soon though...

wahhaha! your girl 8.5kg still much bigger than my little rascal leh...kkakakakak

Yeah our that PD seems like everything we ask also can one... no opinion no value added comments.. that's why I was always so pissed with him!

Abt Honey, I think can only eat after 1 or 2 year old?

11 Beans-
Guess it's better that J doesn't move around in his sleep right? hehehe then you can have a gd nite's rest mah? keekkekeke
fat mom:
Thanks for asking. My lil baby girl’s recovered! Last day of medicine was yesterday! It was so hard making her take in the meds. She’ll cleverly spit them out!
The syringe didn’t really work … what I finally did was to put the meds onto the spoon but in small portion … then put it in to the whole mouth.
Before that, I would use a cloth diaper to wrap her up so that her hands won’t be ‘in the way’!!! =)
Am totally relieved that she’s well and good now!

Domestic Helper:
I am hearing for the first time that the Indonesian maids are not good with kids! In fact, my friends all tell me that the Indonesian maids are good with kids, especially babies. They love babies. But they are not so good with the house chores etc. But their focus is not the house chores but that the babies’ basic needs are taken care of. So they didn’t mind (or close one eye) when the chores are not done properly or at all! Like one of my friends, her maid did not need to do much house work, and didn’t really need to cook too! She usually buy food back, or she was the one cooking! She’s not having the maid now as she’s moved overseas as her husband got posted overseas. Another friend who’s got 3 kids could testify that the Indonesian ones are better.
But now that you mentioned this, I think it is really not everything about race and nationality … I guess it boils down to individual personality and character.

You mean you boy doesn’t shift a bit at all? Wow .. like very kuai ya?
I don’t know what is good … maybe u can try out and see …
<font color="cc3399"> bbjun, =) kyle weaned himself off bm quicker than i anticipated. He still has his pre-bed n early morn nurses. If he wakes in the night, he often gets 1 nurse too. But other than that, he sometimes has 0 sometimes 1 nurse throughout the day. Oh! plus, he used to have 3 solids meals a day. But I've just upped it to 4 about a week ago since he refused his daytime nurses.

Maybe Dylan's very mobile? so is burning more energy despite eating a lot? Kyle has very few snacks. N thank God he adores his water! He only has milk n water. I haven't offered him any other liquids n don't plan on doing so unless for some reason, I need to.

Tubby~, thks! The durians yest were so yummy. huge with tiny seeds. Mm-mm! Let me know how u go with the doidy cup k? I'm very skeptical of it after seeing how it claimed to mimic drinking from the breast... from a cup?! Hmm...

ecmum, Cayden sounds like an excellent napper!! And oui, no calling Kyle fat hor

dolly, creamer, your little darlings seem quite a good size. Many bubs abt that weight.
My niece too.
Weighed Kyle at gynae's today - 9.9kg. No wonder my back aches.

Dovey, , thanks!

Shelisa, thanks! YAMI very sweet for bbs, no? Kyle gets plain full fat yogurt with fruit puree mixed in...

creamer, joker la you!! wrap white paper around Dylan's btl?!!!

bbMarilyn, Marilyn sounds like SUCH a sweetheart

New Mom, u can tell so much about me from just a few posts meh?! Haha. Ermm.. thanks! I think. Just a taste of things are ok la. I avoid added sugar and sodium, but durian is a natural fruit, so in my books, it gets the green light. Besides, Kyle's probably tasted it plenty of times in his amniotic fluid and in my milk :p

11Beans, sleep positioners supposed to use only til 6M, no?. All the babies I know of are shifting in the night and crazy mobile now. Creeping from head to foot of bed, shuffling from left to right, rotating 12 to 6 o'clock or 3 or 9... rolling over and over... sitting up and trying to stand. GOodness~!

fatmom, thanks! Agree. My mum's helpers have been fantastic with my niece and Kyle thus far. My mum only ever engages Filipinos. They've taught my niece so much while my sis was staying at mum's. We can happily leave babies in their care and the babies adore them. I think in terms of language skills imparted to bubs, Filipinos is the way to go too. Does this offend anyone? I hope not wor.

s'halo, "IT'S ALIVE!!!!!!...." Ha! And I'm NOT an oldie pls. *growl*
jamus's rashes din get better. in fact, it got worse, spread to body
brought him to the PD 2day, she said is ezcema. probably triggered by some food so it got worse. was asked to stop ikan bilis n all shellfish. glad to hear that abi has recovered!

sad to hear your encounter with the terrible helper. just dun understand why they can be so cruel to tose innocent kids.

your boy really v kuai, nvr shift in his cot. my boy is exactly like what cassey has described. he even pull down the bumper and hold on to the grillings with both hands n look out (like kana locked up!)

potting training: wanted to start it soon...
Hehe no leh he dun sleep well keep waking up.. But he really never roll cos got obstruction mah..

If no obstruction I think he will flip and roll also.. But he'll wake himself up doing that.. So I still use the positioned.. But dunno now still use wil hinder his development or not lor.

We were still swaddling him till 2 weeks ago!!
bbmarilyn/bluedream: nanny says it's for "peace" (pin an) it's not black colour, hers is a colourful string (few strings threaded together) says just wear at the ankle and let it drop off at will.

Sweethalo: still waiting for the play yard lah... tmr night

Cassey: nice to see you back!
Cassey: You mean lil sumo sometimes dun even have a drink of milk for the whole day?

hehe, lazy mummy here brought Kendrick out, din cook porridge and he drinks milk for the whole day :p Think I got to pump less now, milk piling up cos he dun drink much at nanny's place
bbmarilyn, ooh, you must have been so thrilled when she uttered "hi"!
Skyla started waving intentionally too. I mean, previously when she waved, we weren't sure if it was coincidental that she happened to move her hand at that point haha. But I had started baby signing couple of weeks back, and "milk" "hello" and "bye" have been the 3 signs that I've been doing a lot of. Now she waves hi and bye sometimes, and looks slightly more intentional than before (cos hi and bye are waved differently, and she does seem to have 2 different kinds of waving), so I shall just ASSUME it's intentional wahahaha! Silly mummy... Anyway, hang in there ya, hopefully the night wakings will pass....

NewMom, same same! We also must have the same basic 3 items when bringing baby out hehe.

fatmom, haha, yes they get confused between the clapping thing and the gongxi thing. When Skyla was first learning to clap, she would smack her hands together, then clasp them like she was praying, and move her clasped hands left and right, thinking that she was clapping haha. Amelia very good, now can go bai nian and get ang pows!

11 Beans, S was still in half-swaddle till early Dec. We moved her over to her own room, so we thought having her half swaddle on might make her feel more secure. Then we went UK, and she had to sleep in thick sleepsuits + sleep sack, so the swaddling stopped abruptly. Then again, she was always good at wriggling all over, even with the swaddle on!

Moving in sleep:
Skyla scoots all over the bed. And every other day, she'll set her motion sensor alarm off, cos she would have moved all the way to the head or the foot of the cot, and the motion sensor can't detect her breathing, so start blaring away. And miraculously, she sleeps through the crazy alarm. But when I gently try to shift her back to the centre of the cot, SHE WAKES UP. -_-

Indo maid:
I don't have a maid (and don't want one as long as I can help it), but from my friends, I also heard the same thing. That Filipino ones are better with kids, and Indo ones are better with chores. *shrug*

Potty training:
No chance man... She doesn't even poop everyday, how to train... She poops very irregularly (no change there), sometimes twice a day, sometimes nothing for 4 days.

Doidy cup:
Tried it out today, and it's a hit! So far at least. She likes it
Super keen to drink out of it, not as keen with her sippy cup. Hopefully it continues this way. And Cassey, the doidy does not mimic bf-ing lor... how to?? Strange claim! Actually, the packaging says nothing about mimicking bfg I think...
Sweethalo, Claire putting her own pacifier back only happened that one time :p. Yah i research also before giving her cheese, read that for proceesed dairy like cheese and yogurt it shld be ok but to delay if baby is prone to allergy. So far Claire is taking it ok, no changes to her poo poo.

Tubbymummy &amp; bbjun, omg Claire also has been waking up the past 2 nights to clap and babble. So tired already still have to entertain her, i close my eyes awhile she will launch fwd to hit my face!

bbjun, im keen on the part time help too. My hand eczema not getting better so doc advise me to limit doing chores.

creamer at least your gal is above 8kg, Claire is only 7.1kg over 2 wks increase only 100gm.

How often do you all bring your bb out? Just wanna check if Claire aloofness is her character or just a passing phase. Whenever strangers say hello to her she will sulk and stare blankly at the person...
ya he used to struggle when he sense that we gonna swaddle him.. But after swaddle he will sleep cos he knows swaddle = sleep

but then, he sweat super alot

so we stop the swaddle abt 3 wks ago..

He dun chane position at all when he sleep leh.. Same position until he wake up lor.. That's y I think the positioner if take away he will keep keep waking up Liao with every little movement, voluntary or not
TubbyM &amp; NewMom - I did try to teach Noah to gongxi gongxi lo but he macham catch no ball whahhaha and clapping also catch no ball! alamak!

Dolly - ooo hehe must be excited to get the yard then... BTW, my hb going to HK this week... so sad that I'm not tagging along this time... hiaz...

TubbyM - Doidy Cup
Errh... what drinks to put in Doidy Cup huh? I have not started Noah on juice. Do u feed EBM in it?

Hmm.. that's nice! Noah's going on a semi food strike again... really tired about feeding him semi solids liao... SUPER SIAN! whahahhaha

11Beans- I think J super guai leh... hmm maybe you try without positioner for one night and see how it goes?
Mummies yest maid agency call us to go and see new bio data, seems like the new maid are not so idea. We want higher education and single, but non of them meet our requirement. 

Dun scare by my experience, I post here is to alert mummies but not to scare your lah. There is good maid out there too.

We have 4 friend who go to same agency as mind, all of them are good, we like one of my friend maid, indo, abt A level, single, very auto, take care of there baby boy 24/7, still do good house chore and cook. When we go their house, the maid will auto come and help me carry baby.

you watch that one stand on top of the 2yo right? I also tear when saw that video, I only watch half way, can’t bare to watch finish.

Who pay the maid? Your hb? Although you are not the one who paid you still have the right to ask them to stay where you can watch them right? Esp if they handling baby.

Fat mom,
Think man are the same, me and hb did quarrel over maid since she came, we have been very particular in the kids hygiene, but when I cough this maid very dirty e.g. she use my girl hanky to wash potty and she din wash the dirty spoon only rinse with hot water and give it to my girl. but hb told me it is ok. 

Maid bit stupid is better the too smart right? I prefer not smart maid. Scare maid too smart I cant manage.

No, I not say Kyle fat, I means he still grow very well.
tat's good that your girl able to enjoy such attention. tat's hardly the case at any infantcare! Usually, I latch Aisha on at home coz its she will refuse the bottle. so she don't really like bottle feed. maybe she's a small eater and sometimes she will refused last 20ml which is quite common. But the teachers will die die want to give her til finish. Somedays I monitor her naps and drinking timing and noticed that she refused to drink coz she's too sleepy/tired by then. Think the teachers dunno how to read her cues sometimes! When is ur girl's last feed at the centre? Do u feed her at home in the evening or do they feed her twice a day at the centre?

tat's so cute, describing Marilyn waving and saying the soft Hi! Sounds like her is so shy trying her out her first attempt! good try!

Welcome back! Durians and lemons! So daring! The other time Aisha was sick and vomitted out her feed when my aunt put her spoon near her mouth. The spoon had a hint of durian from a durian dessert. Any citric fruit and she will make faces like as if its soo unpleasant! ehhehe
<font color="3D6EB3"><font color="2B4D7D">@newmom</font>
HTH = hope tat helps

<font color="2B4D7D">@bbjun, TubbyM</font>
my ger oso frequent wakings @ nite n its driving me C-R-A-Z-Y...

<font color="2B4D7D">@cassey</font>
my ger oso tasted durian! and chocolate ice cream too, thanks to the ever-pampering grandparents. wahaha...

i heard durian's in season nw. mom's bringing some over for me tmr, or rather later today. so excited.

<font color="2B4D7D">re: Northpoint gathering</font>
suggest we meet somewhere first then decide whr to go?

<font color="2B4D7D">Questions:</font>
i bot the butternut squash for the first time cos i ran out of ideas wat to cook for her. i read wholesomebabyfood and learnt tt its supposed to taste nutty but no leh.. even after baking / boiling, i tot its still quite 'hard'(cannot hand-mash) and barely sweet, as compared to pumpkin/sweet potato. Can someone enlighten tis mountain tortoise here if tt's the way it is or hv i bot an unripe squash? (ps: the color of the skin is beige..)

any of u intending to send yr bb for pneumoccocal jab?</font>
ecmom, i think if we have a choice, still prefer not to have a maid... still feels weird having a stranger living in the house...

4 feb gathering 4pm

shall we fix at bakerzin since 4pm is in between lunch and dinner... we can do dessert...

1) doveyc
2) bbmarilyn
3) rosel
4) bluedream
5) bbaugustine
6) ecmom
7) fat mom
8) innocentwar
9) amk_gal

who lives in sembawang? we can meet and go together...

rosel, i plan to bring my bb for pneumoccocal jab... will do that after CNY. first 2 jabs must b 2 months apart and before they turn 1, right?

my gal poo 4 times yday, we suspect cos we fed her avocado 2 consecutive days... but luckily it's not watery poo, and she is still happy so should b fine... guess the qty has to b lesser next time.
4 feb gathering,

mummies can we meet at 3.30 or 3.45 instead?
think one of the mummy mentioned before, 4th, 4pm and thursday. not so good. not really pantang but juz try to avoid.
wow didnt expect need to do "OT" see post after a few days. y suddenly so active huh?

thks mummies for the concern. hb was discharged yday. had his 5pkt of blood transfusion n after endoscope cfm it's internal piles nothing very more serious *thks god*

dont know hw hb can drag til so jialut then see doc. still got cheeks to tell me A&amp;E doc say his blood level so low that he got have fainted , slipped into coma n died.. stupid man... save small $ always giddy dont see doc,now spend big $. past few days hosp w/ the blood not cheap + next wk going surgery cost $5k!!! wow y so ex?? now that i mention i recall his case is refer to hosp urgently by GP.. so it's not heavily subsidise is it so? but also dont need so ex mah.. that time i remove my cyst only 2k+ n i claim nsurance.. suai his piles not covered by insurance cos was preexisting wn we bought his insurance...

now it's really time for me to find job w this huge amt of saving gone... sigh.. last week went 1 intv just called say recruit me. 3 busstop away frm my hse but lau pay superrrr low.... $1.4k sigh.. hb say dont tk up. but i abit tempted. cos so near my hse n they say no OT but sian 5.5days.. now abit more desperate for job, wanna find ex boss who also called me last mth but the thought of working under him mean OT i abit sian.
Wakings @ nites:
Yeah... it's funny to see them so occupied with their milestones at nite BUT it's really not funny when we want to sleep. LOL.

Audrey, pls PM me so that I can send u the contact details of the part time helper. Ur PM function is not on leh.

cassey, indeed, wrapping the bottle with a white pc of paper is very funny. BUT if I end up to be that desparate, I will try creamer's idea. LOL.
Good to hear that Kyle is weaning off milk well. Dylan has bad milk cravings. He MUST taste milk every 6-7 hrs during the day. At nite, he is fine for as long as 10-12 hrs. Hence, it has made planning for feeding a bit more challenging. I have started to intro a 2 ounce milk feed with a smaller amt of rice/wheat cereal for brunch so that he can have porridge(either brown or white rice) for lunch and dinner. His tea break is another full milk feed. In betweens, he gets snacks some times.

Thanks, Sweethalo. Am really enjoying the break now though I am busy with spring cleaning, CNY marketing, pampering and spending time with Dylan. BUT this is such a happy busy-ness. LOL.
My house have two maids to take care of two babies, one paid by my mil and the other is my sil's. One filipino, one indo..both same pattern but at least they treat the babies well, only sometimes i observe when the babies cry too much, they get irritated... thats the part i'm afraid they will use violence.. overall so far still ok.
createjoy- glad yr husband is alrite
y not take the $1.4k 1st. i used to hold $1250 here but now my pay has increase to $1.7k &amp; i been here for 7 yrs already. we work mon-fri but we can jus sneak here &amp; ther &amp; nobody care unless our customers cant find us.

rosel; butternut squash texture is supposed to be like pumpkin. smells and tastes kinda lk it as well but read tt it's actually sweeter la. yup, it's beige in color and shaped like erm, "ji-gong's" water bottle. lol!

new mom, u havent colected ur HT stuff yea.. do sms or email to arrange for collection! thx!!

re: filipino maids
gd to have them cuz they are cleaner (impt since we hv babies), more disciplined (the older ones), better english. bad points of them is very arrogant, tink highly of themselves so hard will hv attitude problem. mine doesnt like us to tell her wat to do or to gif her schedule. if she does smt wrong/ nv do smt, we tell her once and if we tell her again, she dun like. she will hv MANY excuses as to y the thing wasn't done/ done properly. bt sh's gd with hailey, so, ok lor.
