(2009/06) June 2009 MTBs

TubbyMummy and Annie: Thanks! his next feed was 4am last night
And yeah, still BF...

Recently got a surplus, guess because he's onto porridge + sick no appetite, using up the glass bottles and caps...

Got BP for Haemin Play yard, may I know did anyone buy that? Thinking of getting one


i let my son try guava today... he likes it though it's a bit rough. think it's time to increase the texture!!

he bit me with his two bottom teeth when i latched him on!! smack him and he bite lightly and got smacked again. it was painful the whole day... =(
my son timing exactly like yours! you did not feed him when he wake up so he cried?
I'm also thinking of cutting his night feeds but afraid he'll be upset.
How long does your bb take to wean to 1 night feed?
Hi Gals

Looks like everyone enjoyed the Botanical Gardens gathering!

FirstMum -
wahhaha how to entertain Noah... These days he sleeps even lesser in the day and he wants to play most of the time which gets quite tiring.

Noah really loves the Jumperoo and it really amuses him for quite awhile, which is really great! He jumps in it until he gets real sweaty and tired, then I take him out and bring him into the aircon to cool off on the mat. He'll usually latch (thirsty) for awhile then wants to play again. He is quite happy playing with rattles, whatever he can get his hands on and just flinging it around. Beats me what is so fun about that. Sometimes, I will just put an object out of his reach and catch his attn, then he'll try to move towards it, in his fake crawl but guess that's how he is learning how to crawl.

After awhile he may get cranky and I will hv to carry him around and change environment. Sometimes, just swinging him in front of the mirror helps. He loves seeing himself in the mirror! whahahha... wierd but works!

O yes! He loves my 2 cats. He actually gets very tickled seeing them go by. I'm so glad he likes them although my Big Fatty is quite aloof with him.

I've not started any flashcards thingy or reading books to him yet, which I probably should :p

At my meal times, I let him watch Baby Einstein DVDs so that I can have a nice peaceful meal wahahha. He really seems to enjoy it especially when the puppets come on. I know some people say that TV is bad for them at this age but I guess a little a day is alright? whahha at least it'll keep me sane...

Wah how come you have 2 rockers?? hehehe sell off lah if no space.. or give away?

Thanks for helping me order the Alcohol wipes

AMKgal -
Wow, baby is progressing so well! congrats

Dolly -
I can totally empathise with you about the lack of sleep. I have the same sleep/nursing issues for Noah. It's getting better though. These days, my last feed for him is ard 12.30am or 1am.. he will usually fuss at 4.30am and I nurse him around 5am then next feed 8am. The hourly waking seems to have stopped for the moment.
dolly, i've been thinking about getting the Japan set for the longest time, but couple days back, I showed it to my hb, and he said not nice.
The search continues...
Wahaha! The jap one more expensive right? I like the colour scheme better leh... He prefers super boring one like the Superyard. He probably thinks like that won't clash with my house decor haha.
TubbyMummy: Yeah,thinking of the Japanese one also, cos his toys already so bright

Ah Ching: Got to let him cry loh... luckily my mum with me now,at least not like my hubby just let him cry. My mum will help sayang him. First time he wail from 3 to 5am

I bought the 6 panel ones..wahahha TubbyM same as ur hb I wan to match my home colour scheme so I bought the blue & red one. Dolly, u got to buy the largest playmat which is 2300 x 1400 in order to accommodate the 6 panel playyard. It will tend to move when our bb trying to push against the fence as the suction below is unable to suck onto the surface of the mat!!!
ya the botanical garden gathering is fun.
maybe also becos we now know each other more. less awkward le. hehehe.

my son tried xiao bai cai & minced pork. i realise for pork cannot add too much into the porridge else the porridge will taste not nice abit like powdery taste.

mommies try mashed potatoe mixed with sweet corn. its very yummy! even i have fallen for it.

calendula cream is really good. my son got cut on both his cheeks while mil carry him cos her clothes has got the flat shiny beads that cut him. i apply the cream n recovers in 1 or 2 days. very fast.

just tried letting my son shower with new method:
let him sit in his bath tub w/o water. wear the shower cap for washing hair. give him duckie. i just use shower head to bathe him.

trying very hard to change his habit of latching on... been trying for 2 days... he cry & cry cos its so near yet i wont give him... see le i heart pain... feel like giving in but cannot...
funny incident to share:

my son very attached to me especially at nite. last nite i was bathing so mil help take care of him in my room. he kept crying & crying but no tears. once i step out of bathroom, he saw me, wailing immediately stop.

when i approach, i sat at end of bed. bb is at other end. i gesture & call him to come to me. he crawl to me. as he crawl he cry. the crawling get more & more slow & wailing get louder & louder and sounded more & more "qi cham". the moment i pick him up he smile. no tears at all. hahaha!
try using cabbage on your breast! it works wonder. i have been using cabbage on mine to stop the engorgement. it actually soften them and feels very comfortable.
tiny_bubu: thanks for the info on the sales.
need to skip the 2 sales. been spending a lot lately... the kate spade sale is very tempting though. hehehe. you going?
hi mummies!!

i'm finally back to the forum after a long break. have been very busy with work lately, and seldom get to play with my baby

how has everyone been? i think my baby is having seperation anxiety now.
createjoy/ beemom/jamie,
so wad green vege do u give your babies. i like broccoli cos its easiest to mash, easily available and nutritious. if we give the leafy types like caixin, do we cut it all up then feed??

a playard is very useful, you should get one. its a safe place for the baby to play while you go off for a few minutes, esp if your house is not 100% child proof. and they can self-entertain inside for quite long too. also my elder girl learnt to cruise/ stand and walk using the gates.and they can play inside until they are 2-3 YO...

wow, noah sounds like a really active boy. i dont have a jumperoo, only a exersaucer which i am too lazy to set up. most of the time, i just leave cae in the cot to flip/ exercise or strap him in the bouncer to watch us. so cruel hor? need to set up the yard soon too.

im not intending to do flash cards of any sort at the moment because it isnt very interesting to me haha. reading, yes, and he enjoys it.

I love ikea high chair too!

but am tempted by Stokke lately...

anyone bought the stokke high chair?
papaya123: why bb having separation anxiety?

firstmum: if leafy vege and no blender. just chop them up with knife ba. what stokke high chair? sound expensive.

i think from 7 mths onwards, babies will start developing seperation anxiety. if i walk away for a while, my baby will start crying. she cannot be left alone now.

btw, i am about to start porridge for my girl. how do i know how much rice to cook?
audrey, vitakids at forum do carry HB puffs. u can check it out.

hmmm...am looking for a high chair too. seems like the ikea one is rather popular.

first mum, i gave my boy spinach for leafy veg, just chop into small pieces n cook.
I was real busy last few days dial with my maid issues. I sent her back coz she abuse my kids. very sad.

mummies who leave your kid(s) to maid, pls do watch them closely, my maid did it even we have someone at home all the time.
Alcohol wipes (nick, quantity, collection, total $)
1. tubbymummy, 10, Paya Lebar MRT, $18
2. lovelytulips, 5, c/o tubbym, $9
3. sweethalo, 10, c/o tubbym, $18
4. poohcsl, 10, $18 Paya Lebar MRT

Antiseptic wipes (nick, quantity, collection, total $)
1. tubbymummy, 3, Paya Lebar MRT, $6.90
2. lovelytulips, 5, c/o tubbym, $11.50
3. poohcsl, 5, $11.50

found the happybaby puffs at Marine parade's NTUC finest... guess it shd be selling at other NTUC finest.. go look for it at the organics section for bb food..

my boy oso wake up in the middle of the nite... my hb will carry him from his cot n put him on our bed.. i'll juz let down my breast for him to suck n carry on zzing... not sure wat time n how long he sucks oso!! somehow i think he dun really want a feed... juz wana sleep on our bed!! haiz me bad mummy...

u trying to wean him oredi? i'm hoping can bf him till he's one yr old... i noe of frenz who are still bf even though their kids are already 2...

I think we have some magical button... my son can be wailing n wailing... but somehow once he's passed to me, the wailing automatically stop... sometimes he can smile immediately oso!!

re: high chair
oso bgt ikea's high chair... cheap n good.. noticed tt restaurants oso seem to use ikea's...
poohscl: Yeah, think my boy also suck for comfort, cos sometimes only suck few minutes n he back to sleep.... So dun think he really needs it.
high chair: Yeah, my nanny also likes it, I got the black and white fabric foldable one from IKEA earlier, but she'd like the white plastic high chair w tray... so got to buy one more
First mum.
same here for the stokke. thinking of getting the highchair for my elder daughter coz need another one. its $519. even if when member's discounts will be $460. sounds like daylight robbery.

Anyone bought the Pigeon porridge cooker that cooks with normal rice in rice cooker? its ard $20. Want to know if really useful. need to cook porridge everyday for Aisha but no time leh... Teacher say Aisha ate only 1 tablespoon for her first try so wont give her yet. Haiz.. then after tat gave her cereal 2 scoops but all the while she's only been eating 1 scoop. How to grow like dat.. already she so skinny.
papaya123: oic. i always cook 1/4 cup of rice for porridge. Trey is able to finish all.

bluedream: i give him whole potatoe mashed and he is able to finish. sometime i mixed with sweet corn, fish, carrot, spinach. he eats a lot of solid. but little milk. however i noticed for the past 3 days he is able to finish his milk and ask for more. i tried giving him 180ml of milk this morning and he is able to finish! so happy. kekeke.

dolly.2009.06: what other method of latching on? my son has been on fm & bm since birth cos my bm is not enuff. but he likes to latch a lot especially when he wanna sleep. so now i trying to kick this habit also i wan to stop bf totally as i planned to go for lasik before i get pregnant again.

ecmom: your maid from indonesia? what did she do? that's why i always try to handle my bb on my own.

poohcsl: our magical button is the bonding from breastfeeding. ya i trying to wean him off. cos i planned to do lasik. in order to do so u must totally stop breastfeeding. and my son likes to suckle to sleep. he will throw away the pacifier & onli wants mine. so need to kick this bad habit.

ikea chair: plastic. comfortable to sit in. easy to clean. kekeke. that's y i like. most of all, my son cannot stand up on it. but he still managed to "kiao ka".

styliciously: i cook my porridge with normal pot and blend it so whole process abt 15-20mins. if bring out, i just put into the food jar that can keep the heat after blending.
Hi mommies,

Good to hear that you guys are all enjoying the botanic gardens picnic! I think I saw some pixs that some of u posted on fb. Nice pixs!

Brought my baby to the doc that Saturday morning, and doc ordered her to be put on a nebulizer. She screamed and yell and cried the whole time we put her on the neb! But on Sunday onwards, she was ok with it .. too comfortable that she fell asleep .. that my husband got to say “Make sure she is alive!” That was when she first fell asleep .. cos it was prob too good for us to believe when she was crying her head off on Saturday! Thinking back, it was quite funny a comment!

Brought her for review on Tue and she improved and no need nebulizer, but more oral medicine. She should be fully recovered soon!

MaryG - How did you son take the new method of bathing? He liked it? When u say wear shower cap - u mean u didnt wash his hair?

Beemom – re HIGHCHAIR: my baby is using the IKEA white highchair that a lot of pple are using. Cheap and good. But I think may not be stable when baby grows bigger and moves/climbs … and cannot leave baby unattended in that highchair.
A friend gave us a very stable highchair .. but I don’t know what brand. But not Stokke lah … But I must say it is very stable and good. Just abit too big, as in too high for my baby when we first started giving her solids in Dec. Think we should take it out again this weekend to see if she can sit in. Her body is too short for it then.

Oh I like the color of the IKEA highchair .. the white one. 

How is Jamus’ rashes on the forehead now? Gone? How about try using Calamine lotion? My relatives got us to use this for almost every kinds of rash … and it seems to work.

Broccoli – thanks mommies for the advice. I’d thot it’s the most nutritious veg around! Didn’t know about the wind part! Ha!
In fact, was about to buy some but realize they are from China … a colleague told me don’t buy china vegs. Then I saw some organics ones at Thomson NTUC finest and ignorant me thot to myself, “how expensive can it be?” and thot to just get one or 2 .. to my surprise, it was $12 per floret! So, gave up on broccoli!

Sweethalo – I am also thinking of starting on FLASHCARDS but I’ve not bought any yet. Any mommies starting using flashcards already? What is good?

ANNticipating - Hi. Good to hear that your baby’s well now. Esp no more fever!

Tubbymummy – Thanks for sharing on eating rougher textured foods. I like what you shared. Makes a lot of sense indeed!

Audrey Chee – Sorry to hear about your hand thing. Yeah, past one week when I was at home taking care of baby, I get the biting feeling on my hands when I did all the washing.
And oh, my baby also didn’t drink enough and PD asked me to encourage her to drink more, and for the longest time of cracking our heads we just could come up with some bright idea … then 2 days ago, I tried putting one spoon of cereal and mix with a lot of milk .. such that it is very watery and spoon fed her … and she took it! Kept opening her mouth for more! She like it! The prob is the spoon very small! She does not seem to like drinking from the bottle ..
Any mommies know where to get “BIGGER SPOON”?

bbPotato – EYS! Haha ok Eu Yan Sang .. got it .. thanks!

Discipline – I think our babies may be too young to understand if we ‘beat’ them leh. What we did is when she misbehaves, we use a firm tone of voice and squeeze her hand hard enough to get the attention, but not painful to the point of hurting them. So, like when she is on the highchair, and when she wants to go touch/flip the bowl or put hand in the mouth and get messy, etc, we take her hand, bring the hand/s to where they should be (side of the tray) and give a tight squeeze and say “Hand here”.

Ikan Bilis Powder – I just sprinkle them onto cereal and stir .. any problem??! Tell me .. oh no! 
newmom: he like it. no la. i did wash his hair. he perspire easily so i have to wash his hair often else hubby will grumble. the shower cap is those with a big hole where the hair is seen... hmmm.. duno what is the actual name of it. if u see the nafore bp, there is one like that. its for u to wash the hair w/o the water/soap getting into the eyes or ears.

ikan bilis powder: its pretty salty. so just add a pinch will do. i only add it when i cooking porridge. so it wont get too salty.
maryG- got was ther but u will super busy

ecmom- so sorry to hear tat...

newmom- ggod to hear that she recovering very well

talking bout ikan bilis i nid to get more as nesher almost finishin up the ikan bils & white rice.. shelisa said must be in bulk then the auntie will do for us... any mommies wan to get the ikan bilis & rice again...
was thinking shuld i go back for CNY reunion lunch cos nanny said my father has already push aside his pride & ask me to go back but hubby refused as both of us has prepared each fellow one jade abalone for tat afternoon...

shuld i go back
if go back hubby not going back & will eat up my abalone & it a sad thing he hide in the room alone so wat m i to do...*headache*
what happened? hvg maid is so scary... but cannot no maid oso... my maid does all the washing... no cooking and no touching of my son..

I bgt a slow cooker for the porridge. i put 1 tablespoon of porridge and abt 100ml of hot water.. juz leave it there for abt 1-2hrs... it will become thick and texture juz nice for my son... no need to blend or mash further...

did my lasik before i got pregnant... think 6mths after shd not get pregnant oso... shd do.. veri worth it... so much less hassle..

New mom,
when i wen for the 6mths check, PD oso say tt the my boy not enuf milk oso... PD say at this stage (4-7mths) they get easily distracted... so when give milk, must go one corner where there's no distraction... or give the milk when the bb is zzing... 2 weeks back, my son started drinking more suddenly... duno if itz cos growth spurt...

I grind the ikan bilis powder myself... wash the ikan bilis, towel dry them, put in toaster then blend into powder... the ikan bilis shd be considered cooked liao but i still add them to the porridge and stew for a while first before feeding my son...
annie: ya. busy cos hubby reluctant to help.. too engross with his book. hmm.. why dun u & hb have early cny reunion. then go back to have reunion lunch with yr family after that? man's pride is the hardest to swallow. since he swallow his pride to ask u back for reunion lunch, i think y not. its onli lunch. after that u can just leave... but well just a suggestion.

styliciously: ya. u can get a slow cooker if u want to. i have blender no slow cooker so i use the blending way.

poohcsl: where did u did yrs? how high is yr degree? i went for assessment recently & found out that i have thin cornea. so if i do once & there will be no room for a 2nd time if i need touch up. therefore i think very impt for me to stop bf totally. ya. the hassle of waking up to look for glasses and also trey kept grabbing my spects...

ikan bilis powder: i will try yr method when i finish my loot.
poohcsl: actually i have been wanting to do lasik but was held back becos they say degree must be stable for at least 2 years then can. also only now did i managed to save some money...
i agree that the ikea high chair is really cheap and good! alot of restaurants are using it. dont need to get something very ex.

heard that blending porridge will make baby have wind in the stomach. is it true?
MaryG- jus asking for advice frm my IT mgr who is like a brother to me..he said i nid to talk to him(my father) asking him i be coming for good intention to give some money to the children & to celebrate a new coming year but can he guarantee tat nesher & i be safe down ther since she will be down ther & wat if on tat day she caused problem for us when we go back so it be better if we dont go back since she down ther & tat he will not hold against us for being unrespectful. yesterday he asked me to move back & i told him no i will nvber move back ther as i m happy being staying alone just 3 of us.

did my lasik wif dr lee hon meng... he was at tts when i did mine... think now he has his own clinic at paragon liao.. mine was ard 400... yup, degree has to be stablised for 2 yrs first... pregnancy can cause hormonal changes which may affect ur degree... i kiasi... did my lasik in nov 06... waited till 08 then try for bb..

re: ikan bilis
i tried the porridge with my ikan bilis powder, dun find it salty... did a few wash and soak the ikan bilis before i towel dry it for toasting...

not sure abt blending porridge will hv wind or not... but i noe porridge cannot be eaten too cold else will hv wind..
dun really know your story... anywayz, most elderlys would luv to have their children home for reunion dinner... if you dun think you can go back, how abt asking your father to your place or to any restaurant for reunion dinner wif juz 3 of you? it would show ur respect n probably make the old man happy...
poohcsl- i staying at a rented room as still waiting for my BTO flat at punggol as for restaurant i think is impossible

wow alot of jobs doing the ikan bilis...
he(my father) not tat old he is 58 tis year dragon year
hi june mummies,

i m from may mummies...may i check who is helping to sell grounded ikan billi n brown rice?
i need it....
white rice 500g = $6.00
brown rice 500g = $6.00
organic brown rice 500g = $7.00
ika bli 50g = $3.50
ika bli 100g = $6.50
Si sen powder 50g = $3.50
Si sen powder 100g = $6.50
Pls take note, this pricing is only for june mommies.
