(2009/06) June 2009 MTBs

semi-solids strike - I can totally empathise what you are going thru', exactly how I went thru' with my elder boy... hang on there! this phase will pass. it was very frustrating for me during that period as time and effort taken to prepare the food was kindda gone to waste each time he refused the food.. bo-pian, i ended up finishing his food...

tried different textures and variety of food doesn't seem to help, he just loves his MILK!! so, we will just intro the food once or twice a week and when he reaches 10-months old, he seems to "wise up" and realised that porridge and food are very yummy!! LOL!!

HAng on there! it's one of many challenges that we face during motherhood (what i am dreading and not looking forward is the terrible "twos" stage)..HAHHAA... already looking so far ahead... LOL!!

As for baby Marilyn, we have adopted "take one step at a time"...if she completes her bowl of cereal, vege, etc... we gave her a huge KISS! if she can't finish, i jolly well eat her food (infront of her and she can still laugh at me.) she is the opposite of her GOR-GOR, she only drinks 120ml of milk only and weighs around 8kg+.....

Marilyn has done her pneumoccocal jabs (the first and second jab), the last jab will be after 1-year old. good to do the jabs.

yes, i believe we are watching the same video with the maid on top of the little girl...

filipino maids,
We got a filipino maid ever since we had Marilyn, she has been with us since sept'09 and so far,is particular abt hygiene & okay in taking care of Marilyn. She does housework, cook for us too. SHe was an ex-Singapore for 4 years and so she seems to manage her time juggling these few aspects.. I totally agree with Jamie_Nov that they do not like to be told of what to do or given her schedule. Whenever we highlight an area that needs improvement, she will just keep quiet. But at the end of the day, she will still do what we told her...

It is our 1st time getting a maid and imagine i had a transfer of 2 maids at a short span of 2-mths before I finally had this filippino maid.

The 1st maid was a Myanmar and never worked before in singapore, we had communication problems and she keeps on forgetting things...and she was feeling very homesick and chose to go back home...

The 2nd maid was an Indonesian (claimed to take care of babies in Malaysia) and lagi-worse, stayed for only 2 weeks and lots of excuse and lazy! she dare not even respond whenever Marilyn cries or helps to rock the sarong.. and she dared to comment that Marilyn was very small and clumsy even in changing her diaper, and then came up with lame excuse that she has ankle pain and can't work...

Having the "LUCK" to compare the 3 nationalities, I have not much to "whine" about my current one so far..

gd afternoon all mum..sigh im feeling abit emo now..sometimes really feel like wanting to have all time with my kids and dun wanna work..but so stressed over money if no work..
i also got few different maid b4..also find that filipino is still better to handle kids..

got a myanmar one b4 too but quite bad..alot of excuses not to work, home sick and alway sick...

my indo one was quite oki..very hardworking we ask her do what she do..but bad thing is she was caught hugging and kissing with another guy at void deck when we ask her go mil house take things..after that run away lucky manage to find her back and sent her away..

got 3 filipino maid b4..so far all also oki..got patient with kids lah..but really very proud..if said they do thing not gd will shoot u back one..but can play with kids and teach them lah..current maid is a filipino also..so far so gd..
as working mum like you, i can feel the frustrations and dilemna of not being with our kids all the time, and having to share the financial bacon too. It is never easy juggling work and family. Probably you can consider other job options like flexi hours and shorter work week? may have to trade-off $$ in some jobs..

Stay positive, believe there are alternative solutions..
maids is a topic very close to my heart as I have gone through a few since I gave birth to my elder girl 4 years ago. I have only hired filipinos so far as I wanted someone who can speak english and communicate with my children. I also choose the "better educated" ones. My first one stayed with us for 2 years, the 2nd one for 1 year but I told her to leave after I found out she has a BOYFRIEND in singapore. The rest were just passing clouds and didnt stay beyond a month.

This time round, I am waiting for my Indon maid to come. It happened that this one has worked in singapore and malaysia before and can speak english. I decided to take the plunge as I was getting quite sick of the filipinos' attitude problems. my friends and family who have filipinos tell me the same thing.

but i would agree that they have initiative, are smart (at times) and hygienic. so far all the maids i have do seem very patient with my kids.

i think filipinos are good for working mothers.
<font color="cc3399"> dolly, thanks again! And yup, Kyle can go through the day (about 9am-9pm) w/o milk. I offer him the breast in the middle of the day but so far he hasn't been keen. And yup, outside of latching, he gets only solids and water.

*YIPPEE!!! Kyle fussed midway thru my post and I managed to get him to nurse from both boobs!*

Tubbym~, Doidy sounds GOOD!!! Or rather, Skyla sounds good with Doidy! Do NOT tempt me :p
Quote: "The DOIDY Cup is an ideal aid to weaning as the natural mouth action used is the same as in breast feeding."
Has this been true for Skyla?

Audrey, kyle goes out every day n has done so since he was 6 wks old. Very few exceptions.
But don't be too hard on urself - i think a lot of it is nature, a little bit nurture.

s'halo, just give water? Why must intro juice huh? Concentrated sucrose (still sugar wor) with a fraction of the nutrients from actual fruit. Good to stay off the sweet stuff if Noah's ok with water, by my reckoning...

ecmum, no worries. I know I've got a VERY chubby little man! I'm just very sensitive to the f*T remark! *keke*
My sis also had bad maid troubles so I subscribe to same 'philosophy' as Tubbym. Her first maid ran away in 5 days. Said seeing my niece reminded her too much of her 5 children and she wanted to go home. Second maid vanished without a trace and was never found on the flight to Manila, much less on the flight to Sg. Now third try, maid still applying for passport. So she's been maidless for quite some time, depending on my mum and her helper.

Styli~, thanks!
Aisha's so quick in her physical developments... like kikismom's girl too. And ya, I agree with the baby centre thingie about drinking flavourful breastmilk, then taking a step back to give only tasteless plain baby food. My man said we must train Kyle to eat durians seeing how we love it ourselves. So it's a selfish motive!

rosel, kudos to durian babies! I've let Kyle suck on my ice-lollies on a stick but it's more just for him to feel the coldness. He kept staring whenever I had my ice-cream thereafter, often reaching out to try and bring it to his own mouth. Kekeke..
Kyle did have his pneumo jabs. No meh? I think I opted for 6-in-1, pneumo and rotavirus for him.

bbjun, personally, I think it's good for them to drink plenty of milk. Afterall, I wasn't expecting Kyle to wean himself off so quickly cos all the articles say milk is still the main source of food til 1y/o wor. But he's still growing well, still his happy old pink-of-health self. So I'm not too bothered about it.

Where ARE caramelle &amp; bubu~?!
are ur babies outgrowing their bouncers? or just want to sit up to be part of the action? where do you place your babies during the day?

am looking for another option besides the bouncer...

what a plesant surprise to see you back here again!

may i ask what do you give kyle for breakfast? am running out of idea what to feed cae...

how much milk should our babies be taking now of they are having 3 meals a day?

babies are difficult to please, arent they? dont give up, keep on trying. they have their moods.
<font color="cc3399"> whoa... didn't expect to start a whole round of sharing on maid issues and nationalities!
I have heard it said that a lot of Filipino maids try to look for tickets out of their country.
Sg is just a place for them to find a good prospect and hopefully, bring them to USA. True? I have no idea.

I think for employers who are looking for a self-driven maid, Filipino's are great.
If you're looking for a maid that you can step all over and treat like a bit of a slave, they won't stand for it.</font>
<font color="cc3399"> First Mum, THANKS! Why, breakfast doesn't have to be different ma! Don't need to wreck your brains! They aren't demanding for variety like us. For Kyle, breakfast is usually a veggie cereal, sometimes with meat thrown in. He has his sweet cereal as the last meal of the day.

Sweet cereals have fruit in them, I mix Nestle's brown rice w milk, wheat and honey and Healthy Times mixed grain.
Savoury cereals have veg and/or meat, I mix Nestle's brown rice w milk and a local brand of brown rice with ikan bilis.
I toss in 1 or 2 homemade frozen cubes including: broccoli, carrot, spinach, sweet potato (which Kyle dislikes), apple, pear...

Kyle has a lot of the same things in varying combinations - broccoli/carrot, spinach/chicken, carrot/chicken, broccoli/chicken...
About 2-3x a week I treat him to an interesting jar - like pasta bolognaise, lamb, gel, muesli...
He still gets his fresh puree in cereal. I just add contents of jar in the usual cereal.

Sorry ah, not very specific answer cos I'm not a very disciplined, structured mum.
p.s. OH! And sometimes for an extra special treat, I give him a 2 course meal. With yogurt after the savoury cereal</font>
Thanks for the sharing on Kyle's meals, Cassey. I wanted to give yogurt but my hubby has his reservations about giving cold stuff to Cae. So I suppose its ok?

And Im so over making purees, im just so lazy. its much easier chopping up a few pieces and toss into their porridge. So you add meat into instant cereals? I havent done that, maybe I should try.

Where to get pasta jars?

About maids, I think Cassey has summed it up beautifully.
cassey, nice to see your colour here!!

hmm, so it's ok if bb drinking lesser milk now? cos i read dat milk is still their core food until they are 1yr old. and J hasnt been drinking more than 90ml of milk for the past 2 days and it's getting me worried... and he hasnt been eating alot too, only one meal porridge in the day and night... dat's all... these 2 days i din give him any puree at all, been lazy.... and not sick too.... mc for 2 days le... skali tmr go back office kenna sacked...

have been so lazy doing puree, the avent combined steamer/blender has only been used for like 5x so far only.... haha...hb says i waste money buying it...but, it's so convenient. jus dat we are lazy...

wow, seems like sumo kyle has been tasting alot of yummy stuff ar??
was also wondering how the doidy cup mimic bf-ing when i read the writeup on the BP. i just ordered 1 from the BP, hope my boy likes it and can drink from it coz having been feeding him with spoon most of the time.

glad to hear that is nothing v serious.

potty training:
tried out 2day, he cun sit still on the potty. guess have to be patient n keep trying.

is my 1st time engaging a maid too. she is an indo with experience and has 3 kids. so far so good...can cook, and can handle my boy.
Hi, anyone keen on swimming class for your babies.

The instructor will be coming over to my home at River Valley, every monday at 5.30pm.

The class will be starting on 1st March. Please let me know if you are interested. I need to get 2 more babies to start the class.
Hi everyone, been so busy that havent had time to post these few days.I apologise in advance for the uber long post!

ahnetsan : http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/581296/3585162.html?1264928740

Sophie was fine with her mag mag when she was using the stage 1 bottle teat.now i'm changed it to the stage 2 sippy cup top and she refuses to drink from it!!

Cassey : its been too long since you've last posted!i'm glad kyle is doing well.actually,i truly believe what we read in books and see on tele about baby's milestones and what baby should be doing at a certain age is just a guideline and shouldnt be taken too seriously.you're right to say as long as healthwise,there's no problem with your child and baby seems contented,then why stress and think it's a bad thing.

even with sophie,we take one day at a time.she still hasnt learnt how to sleep through the night.i think a mummy here called it a sleep regressing phase.and she usually wakes up at around 3 or 4am to drink a few ounces of milk before she drifts off to sleep again.instead of worrying why sophie cant sleep through the night, i take it as a blessing that she decides to wake only once during the night instead of countless times.

tubbymummy : skyla sounds adorable! sophie still hasnt learnt how to wave yet but she does this weird Nazi "hail hitler" wave to me when i'm walking out of the door every morning to head to work. in a way,i'm quite sad because she tends to smile at my helper in the mornings and laugh at her daddy when he makes faces at her.but when she sees me,she just gives me a curious look and puts her arms out for me to hold her.

ec_mom : regarding the helper issue, i guess it's more of a hot and miss.i know of friends who rave about their indonesian helpers and others who cant stop gushing about their filipino ones.i felt so bad that your kids had to go through that.Even for us, we feel weird having an outsider in the house so much so that my hubby put a tv set in the helper's room so she'll be able to hang out in her room in the evenings.Since hubby and i work,he regards evenings (after sophie's asleep) as time to unwind and just chill out with me on the sofa.i hope your next helper is heaps better!

fatmom : i hope my massage lady works out for you.she smsed me telling me it was very nice talking to you!my edd is 04 May 2010 but doctor's saying to be prepared by april for this baby to pop out.i've been gaining heaps of weight for this pregnancy (blame my office being opposite marche!).since hubby's culture doesnt believe in confinement period and wont be having a confinement nanny to help me out,i'm getting ready by printing out confinement soup recipes as well as booking my massage lady so i can hopefully, not be ridiculously big after giving birth.i have so many pre-preg clothes that i feel i will never ever be able to wear....resorted to wearing hubby's boxers at home now because none of my shorts fit me anymore.heheheh.

weaning : i tried sophie out on yobaby vanilla yoghurt last week for breakfast and she loved it but not economical to spend $6 for 4 small tubs of baby yoghurt.will use tubbymummy's advice to get normal adult yoghurt for sophie.currently sophie's feeding schedule is as follows -

4am - 4 ounces milk
8.30am - 3 ounces yoghurt
11am - 8 ounces milk
1.30am - 3 ounces baby food (usually HT cereal + steamed/mashed carrots or pumpkin)
3.30pm - 3 ounces milk
5pm - little bit of juice + teething biscuit
7pm - 4 ounces milk

Me thinks i should get more creative with Sophie's meal plans...
Oh ok. Must be heart-pain ya… I hope he gets well soon!
Now that you mentioned, I think Abi’s skin at her back and chest (more of just under the neck area) was abit ‘rough’ .. now we are wondering if it was food-triggered. But we cant recall when and how and what! Hmm .. next time will take note!

Hahah .. my daughter can wriggle all over even when being swaddled too!

Do take good care of your hands.
For me, until now, my hands get numbed when I wake up in the morning. They say it’s due to water retention. Never took care not to touch water / cold water during confinement time.

Baby Weight
2 weeks ago, my baby weighed 6.7kg. She’s prob 7kg now (at least I hope!)
We’re still trying to make her drink more milk!

Yeah they love routine! They sort of know how to connect!
We still wrap her during nap time and sleep time. Eventually she’ll break herself free from the swaddle (I use the cloth diaper) … so in essence, she doesn’t really need the wrap .. but I think it’s just a connection! Swaddle = Sleep! Hahah

And yes, my baby SWEATS a lot too! Esp her head! It’s crazy! She needs 2 fans to nap and sleep!

We were abit concerned she may get confused with ‘gongxis’ and ‘clappings’. Anyways, Sweethalo, keep trying and don’t give up! They’ll eventually get it some how …

Hahah .. ok thanks! TH!

Butternut Squash:
Butternut Squash is aka Butternut Pumpkin. I got the Australians ones. It was rather watery i thot. But sorry, i think i didnt taste it or maybe i did but forgot!

May the coming surgery be very successful!

I hate the 0.5 day on Saturday! Anyways, u think through carefully and discuss with your husband again. Wish you well.

Bbmarilyn / Sweethalo:
I so wished my daughter take the milk! Ya, don’t worry too much Sweethalo .. cos the milk should have sufficient nutrients needed.

I feel that all the time! Hhaha .. but am making plans (tho very scared still) to be sahm. Sometimes cannot have the best of both worlds! Anyways I am not qualified to say all these to you now lah …
The one week or so of leave I took to take care of my baby left me very tired but fulfilled, I must say!
And I wonder how you moms who stay at home without helper cope! Cos during that one week at home, i found myself bz-ing from the time she woke up til the time she retired for the day!! After my baby’s out, my friend commented, “wow got baby your house now very different hor!”
But how to not work and yet still want to spend on getting help?!?

Jamie Jamie!
Sorry sorry! Will contact you soon! I prob get my husband to go collect from you/your helper at home.
Annie: Thanks for informing me ...

I am staying in Sembawang. Will pm you my contact later.

Mummies going for the gathering, do we need to book table? I am bring ashton and his stroller.

4 feb gathering 4pm

1) doveyc
2) bbmarilyn
3) rosel
4) bluedream
5) bbaugustine
6) ecmom
7) fat mom
8) innocentwar
9) amk_gal
hi mummies,

thanks for your comments on the bumbo (quite some time ago). i got one for my baby and it has come in really useful. so highly recommend for babies that are not too meaty yet

my girl's thighs still have some way to go before filling up the space. she adores the bumbo and can sit in there for half hour (yes i ran off to do some housework!) so, good investment for me from the get-go!!

coincidentally, after reading some posts about babies waking up in the night, my girl started to do the same! luckily i dumped her back in the cot or on my bed and she wriggled herself back to sleep again. but she doesn't take any naps at all! mummies, how many hours are your babies sleeping? mine sleeps 8-12 hours only and refuses naps although she is obviously sleepy. v worrying!

i'm one of the slow mums.. baby still prefers breastmilk, even demands milk right after solids. so i think i can afford to go slow on solids (i hope)

which signing book or dvd are u using? any good ones to recommend? i tried to be cheapskate and use website but the words they teach are really limited. haha
<font color="cc3399"> FirstMum, Kyle's meat is cooked, pureed and frozen. That's why i just toss them into his cereal. Great that you can chuck chopped pieces of stuff into porridge! I'm too lazy to bother with cooking porridge. I should really stop pureeing stuff. He's getting older. Graduating him to more lumpy stuff and finger foods.

Yogurt: I give it to Kyle cool and he absolutely adores it! Seldom serve it straight out the fridge, usually let it stand at room temperature for about 5 minutes or more (like when I give him his savoury cereal first).

Pasta jars. No fuss. Just Heinz Cheesy pasta bolognaise!!! HAHA!!
Tubbymum recommended Only Organics jars. Quite interesting stuff at a reasonable price. Surprisingly MUCH more affordable than Heinz organic jars. Only Organic jars vailable at NTUC, City Sqaure Mall and separate area within Carrefour Suntec and PS.

ahnet~, thanks! I'm not going to obsess about how much Kyle is eating and drinking. Or at least, that's my goal.
As long as he's going well and diaper contents are ok, I'm quite laidback. Doidy cup: I saw a BP selling it.

beemom, exactly! I read about the doidy cup and bfg thing and thought what on earth!? Really meh...?
We hold Kyle up to poop into the toilet bowl at the mo. We got him a potty since it seems he's ready for it but it's at grandma's.
Will start him on it once we shift over and hope he CAN sit still.

bubu~, <font size="+1">YOz..!</font> Ermm.. I don't remember saying that. But yup. OK! Haha! Very soon you'll be tugging two little bubs along. Glad you sound like you're doing well what with Sophie and newbie on the way. What's his name going to be?!

And hey, hubby's culture no confinement nanny doesn't mean you shouldn't get one eh? Unless his family is over here. I mean, in Sg culture, no well-meaning friends and relatives dropping meals off or babysitters to engage at relatively short notice... I still think you deserve 1 short month of pampering for spending 20 out of 21 mths pregnant!!! Even if confinement nanny just pampers you so you can dedicate all your energy to your two bubs... it's gotta help keep the blues away, no? *sorry ah, I hope you don't mind*

Any idea which website has demo on bathing baby? i changed baby to sitting position for bath but quite awkward when applying soap on her bottom cos its in the bath water. Not sure if i should make baby stand etc. Sorry if its a silly question.. first time mum and no old folks to consult so have been popping into this forum asking for advice. tIA!
there are times I feel emo too. being a mum nv easy esp if working. I truly believe only a mum can understand how another mum feel. I have a lady as a boss but when though she try to be understanding, its different coz she got no children of her own. its all talk only. like what bbmarilyn suggest, you may consider other options or even take no pay leave for time out if possible. now I am thinking what's in for me for next 3 yrs. wanna further my studies n my mum said the best time is now when bb still small. I think better too before more brain cells die! lol..

you can try bathing her by putting her arms over your arm so that her back is facing you. I uaually wash her bum like dat. Aisha also not eating much solids n sometimes goes to waste. its hard coz of her milk feed timing and she only eat cereal once at daycare n evening she might be full after her 5pm feed. teachers reluctant to feed her porridge coz she eat so little.

Aisha amazing fast. relatives predict will walk by 9 mths coz she v lightweight. kikis mum bb also lightweight no? but now very dangerous coz accident prone
Haemin play yard arrived! The 4-panel actually is pretty big and can shape it like a rectangle. We can sit together with Kendrick inside the playyard. So far he's ok to stay inside the play yard

Kendrick fuss a lot and dun wan to fall into deep sleep, take very long to sleep and keep waking up after that. Cry out when cannot find us around... so tiring

TubbyMummy, beemom, tinybubu: Thanks! Didn't notice there's this Doidy cup! Might be a solution for my boy who dun drink water from teat or the stage 2 sippycup!
Cassey, Yami to me just nice but maybe to sermaine is sweet sweet sweet that y she love it. Wanna ask you how to mix jar food into cereal?

Styliciously, I think infantcare cannot totally be trusted. Usually sermaine at home don’t nap long, maybe 1 hour but sch can write 2-3 hrs nap, drink water also, at home spoon feed, refuse bottle but sch can write she drink water. To me till now everyday sermaine come back, I will give her a quick wipe and check whether any mark on her body. Usually her morning feed at 7.30am, then sch will feed 7oz milk at 11.30am then 3pm 180ml cereal, 4pm biscuit or rusk. U?
mummies,wanna ask u all smth...
im nt sure if it's jus me or wat... ive been feeling very very lousy recently... i hate my married life, i hate my hb for having me to wrk, i hate my working life.

my sister keeps saying i married a poor guy, seems dat im suffering..if only im still wif my ex bf (lawyer) den i wont be suffering like this... my mum says i so poor thing, every night bb wakes up every one or two hourly, i dun even haf enough rest and sleep.... my mother ask me to be sahm better, jus spend lesser, maybe sell the car away.... BUT, dun haf car... it's jus so pathetic, esp wif bb ard now...

we've got tons and tons of credit card bills to pay every month, and tons of debts to clear. i feel like i really married the wrong guy... to be frank, divorce has been in my mind for some time now.... and wif the arrival of j, i jus find dat everything is jus too sudden and unprepared, now wif j ard, there are even more bills and even more things to pay and buy!
and my flat is ready in 2012... and my f***king hb keep saying and saying dat i haf to wrk if not we dun haf enough $ for renovation etc

i hate it when im sick and still i haf to go to work... after 2 days of mc, i still feel sick, yet im being forced to wake up and go to wrk...

i hate it. sometimes i feel like jus ending it all, may be better for me...

tell me, someone, am i jus plain lazy or is my life damn sucky?
trey's now weighing at 8kg. Height at 75cm or maybe slightly taller then measured as hubby say his asleep with his head tilted a bit.

so glad that he is now able to finish 150ml of milk at every feed. finally able to kick his habit of latching on to sleep. i bottlefeed him every nite now &amp; he will be in is dreamland.

tried showering him as usual but today he's naughty... kept taking off the shower "cap".. in the end i just rinse the shampoo off his hair w/o the cap. i shield his eyes with my hand while i rinse with the other. immediately wipe off the water from his face after each rinse. surprising there is no fear and he seems to be enjoying it. think the shower "cap" shampooing for the past few days has mentally prepared/trained him of getting used to water showering from his head. so happy

my boy waiting for his last pneomonnocol jab after his first yr bd too.

re: maid
i think employing of maid is like gambling on luck. bo heng suay. be it philipino/indo maid, there r good ones among them just depend on our luck. we just changed maid too.

1st maid: indo maid. from ulu kampong... can't speak/understand english well...so communication break down. do not know how to operate electrical appliances..and anyhow use... she was asked to walk the dogs daily that's how she met others and thus learn all rubbish... personality from good become bad.. so we send her off. become very lazy n vain. use our nail polish etc..

2nd maid: indo maid. can speak/understand simple english. good nature. very hardworking.. but too hardworking.. refuse to rest.. kept doing till hands peeling..looks gross.. she can't tahan my mil... so request us to send her home.

3rd maid: philipino maid. can speak/understand english well.. good nature.. but changed after fil decided to return her hp. chat on hp all day.. become more n more lazy.. ultra lazy to maximum.. couldn't take the laziness anymore we decided to send her off. we clean her room &amp; found beer bottles/cans.. yakult bottles...food wrappers some still have food in them... all the rubbish from eating she kept in all the drawers u can find in her room... the dust in her room is super thick.. sigh...

4th maid(current): indo,central java. been with us for 2 weeks. good nature. understand/speak english. clean &amp; hygenic. likes my son. but i only let him carry him when someone is around or where cctv can see. crossing my fingers that she will be able to stay this way for long. i'm very please with her cleaning. previous maids all handled by mil. current maid is handled by me.
anyone heard of amway? would like to know how ppl thinks/looks at it.

please feel free to contribute yr thoughts and comments.
thanks i also tried that method but quite slippery so end up holding her tight and she needs to stand to be stable. so very tricky cos standing is also not stable in the bathtub.

some days are v blue for me too. i guess we are prone to being depressed and not sure if i can attribute it to our hormones. but just look at your baby, i am sure you will feel happy again. the rest are not important, just need to bear with things for now. when baby gets older, when you get your house, all will change. i sometimes want to log on and hollar too, but simply have no chance or time to do so. but this is a really good avenue and all mums are so helpful and kind. scream here if you have to and hope you pass this difficult period.
im going to order the doidy cup and try it on Aug cos he refuses all kinds of cups and bottles for his ebm and my poor mum has to spoonfeed him when im not around. Lets hope this works. Hopefully the bright orange cup will catch his attention and he will gleefully drink from it!!!Im running out of ideas on how to make this boy drink his ebm. He is so fussy.

with rgds to maids, i think its really a hit and miss kinda thing. I have heard really awful stories but i have also heard of helpers who really do a good job and its thanks to them that mummies can go to work in peace with all the chores taken care of. My current one is doing fine so far. Its really quite helpful to have someone take care of the cooking and chores so that you can come home and spend quality time with baby.

with rgds to waking at nite, Aug has never slept thru the nite. On good nites, he wakes up once or twice. On other nites, he can wake up 2 hourly. Dont have much hope that he will sleep thru anytime soon.

I received the 6 panel playyard and i think its a good investment. Aug likes to play with the toys on the panel and i think its safer when you have it around the playmat so that he cant flip/crawl out of it.
bbaugustine: is it neccessary to get playyard panels? will the playyard fall on bb? i was shocked when i heard my mil telling me that she went to shower while bb is asleep in his playroom on the playmat. her room is quite far from the playroom. i cant imagine if my bb wakes up &amp; makes his way down the stairs... how much is the playyard? playyard better or playpen?

sorry so many questions.

i have the mag mag cup from pigeon also. while try to feed him using the sippy.
hi mommies,

would like to know what dvds do you let your bb watch. are they interested?

i tried letting my son watch "bb can read" but he show no interest at all...

now i show him "bbtv" and he loves it. he can get pretty engrossed while watching it.

care to share?
i also feel like that.. really lousy and blue.. but the only thing we can do is to look at the brighter side.. easier say than done.. it could be due to hormones or post natal depression.. the psychiatrist i spoke to say sometimes post natal depression kicks in only after 1 yr..

so dont worry.. u are not alone.. and u are not lazy or have a sucky life.. everyone faces stresses.. just that now we are more prone to depression and yes, it is frustrating.. i also hate my situation now.. i used to strive during my most stressful days.. but now i am very afraid of facing stress.. i dread waking up and having morning sickness, i dread driving to work during peak hours and stuck in the jam.. i dread eating cos i always puke after eating.. but now i am told to relax and think happy thoughts... so cheer up.. if need be, just come here and talk.. sometimes hubby will be too dense to understand what we are going through..

mine even say i am just getting lazy to work and waiting to be retrench.. let me know if u want to talk to someone re this.. it may be better to talk to a prof than to stay quiet and burnt out
oh yeah, ahnetsan, don't compare yourself to others.. i felt so inadequate when i see other mummies coping so well as sahm or ftwm that i feel like i am a failure.. not true.. there are some even worse and you are definitely doing your best

re hubby, maybe u want to have some couple time with him.. sometimes when both are so preoccupied in making ends meet that we tend to neglect each other's feelings..

i hope you are feeling better now
how do u find baby signing? my friend says i should learn it but my situation is quite different.. amelia doesn't stay with me during weekdays when i return to work, i doubt my mom, helper, brother even hb will sign to her.. so what is the point if i am the only one to do that? can she remember?

her gongxi gongxi got mood one.. sometimes she can gongxi for hours thinking we are playing with her.. sometimes too grouchy to even acknowledge you.. haha..

re poop, did u try giving her pureed prune? amelia starts getting constipation now that i am giving her oatmeal cereal (often cried when she pooped) so i gave her 2 teaspoons of papaya or pureed prune.. and it helps to move her bowel.. i just bought the baby yogurt, hope it helps too

sometimes i want smart maid cos i can talk to this one till i vomit blood.. but my mom always warn me abt smart maid.. my previous helper is too smart, use the phone i got her to call back philippines using 018 and can still tell me cheap cheap..

gtg bb wake up
let's change it to 3.30pm then... see u ladies and bb tmrw @ bakerzin...

bluedream, i PM u my number liao...

4 feb gathering @ 3.30pm

1) doveyc
2) bbmarilyn
3) rosel
4) bluedream
5) bbaugustine
6) ecmom
7) fat mom
8) innocentwar
9) amk_gal
<font color="cc3399"> styli~, don't you miss her little baby-ness? Kyle developing at a normal pace and while I'm excited by each new development, I miss him a little each time. Feel nostalgic putting away his itty bitty clothes, looking thru pictures of his gummy smile, tiny little him fitting within my crossed legs as he nursed... Keke. Silly me.

Shelisa, huh?! Just mix lor. Ermm... Ok, how do I do it...? I decide how much of the jar I want him to taste (half of a small one or perhaps 1/3 or 1/4 of a large one). Scoop and chuck into his feeding bowl. Then add cereal and water and mix til it's the consistency I want. Or if I took leftover jar from fridge, I add hot water first and then cereal and more water to get the consistency I want. No fuss wor...

newmum, Kyle sits up in the bath.. but I just wipe him and don't soap him. Cos the soap's already in the water. I just brace his body with mine, lift one butt cheek off and wipe that with his washcloth, then do the same for the other side
Worked so far! Also, I sometimes let him shower with me instead of popping him in the bath. Much easier to clean his little butt. But you need a place to put up a foot so he can perch on your thigh though.

MaryG, We just shampoo Kyle as we would ourselves. Is it that Trey (am I getting this right?) doesn't like water in his face? It was easy to wash suds off w/o touching their faces when they consented to lying on their backs. We've sprinkled, then splashed, then pour water on and over Kyle's face starting from about 8 weeks. Now that he's sitting up and playing, thankfully we can just pour water down all over his face and he takes it like a little trooper!</font>
<font color="cc3399"> ahnet~, poor you going through a rough time. I think it's exhaustion and the blues setting in. Hey, it's easy to be overwhelmed by the negatives in our lives, but perhaps try to consciously count your blessings? Think back on the good days - surely your man won your heart with something he had in him. Marriage takes a conscious decision towards commitment. Perhaps your man's taken you a little too much for granted and isn't romancing you as much. Let him know you need some ermm... courting?

Or maybe it's your ILs doing your head in!! My dear, try to get someone to take over baby shift so you get some rest and spend some time with hubby trying to go on dates again. Perhaps that will help. Alternatively, jio me out la! Some of us can go meet you for lunch and we can stuff our faces with Yami together
In the meantime, keep remembering the blessings in your life. Jarius is a big one - so remember to count him twice! *back rub*

fatmom, I don't know if this will help or make things worse. But I REALLY think you don't need the extra stress of trying to formally teach Amelia something. Baby signing doesn't have to be formal. All mums sign to their babies actually. It's just going with what works for you instead of doing with actions that others dictate. Think about it - the famous "carry" sign (clap. clap. hold hands out." is something that we and many others use repeatedly and babies just respond to that. I never officially tried to teach Kyle to hold out his arms to be carried, but as long as we repeat something often enough, they pick it up.

Pls ignore me if you feel I'm being a bit of a wet blanket about it k? My rationale is always just enjoy your baby your way. If something causes you stress, leave it to other mums for whom these things work! E.g. I tried Cry It Out, but it really isn't me. So drop it lor... I hope this helps.
Mummies, been super busy with both kids and my spree, first time I need to take care both kids myself, very busy but happy/contented

This maid issues seems like never ending, I talk to our agent, I ask how come nowadays so many maid problem compare to last time, a maid can work for 1 house for few years without problem. She is an indo Chinese, she told us coz the older generation, they went thru hard time, they come overseas to work for money to support family living, for the new gen they come here to work to earn extra to provide “luxury” to the family so their burden is not there hence they dun have the “heart” to work.

We selected a divorce maid but I put on hold, I’m not against it but feel bit uncomfortable.

Now dilemma within indo vs phili. HEADACH

Indo maid,
Not so smart => I like
No good with kids => we dun want
Will do funny things when they dun like => scary
No pork => headache as we also cook pork

Phi maid,
Good with kids => which we want
Attitude / too smart => me scare, later end up she watch me doing the works
Need off day => headache, if she off who going to help me?

Cayden took 1st pneumo @ 5th mth, 2nd jab two mths later, he only need to take another jab after 1yo.

Nvm, money spent to save ur hb live is worth it.

your maid shoot u back? Aiyo if me sure send her back immediately.

Why you so sensitive to Fxx? In fact he is right? Ops dun ah bush me hor.
<font color="cc3399"> Hi ecmum, I don't think it's hard to understand, really. But since you ask, I'll explain:
~ FAT is an adjective with a negative connotation. (and I don't think it's just to me either)
~ Most people would prefer others to say they're nice and cuddly, than "you're fat".
~ I would NEVER call someone fat unless I don't like that person very much.
~ I endeavour to render babies and children the same courtesy I would render an adult.
In conclusion, Kyle is my precious little sumo!
createjoy, glad to hear your hb is out of hospital, and really hope his next surgery will be a successful one. As for the job, hmm...maybe just take it for now, since so nearby, until a better one comes along? Hope you'll reach a decision that works out best for your family... Take care!

newmum0109, I bought a book called "Baby Sign Language - A Practical Guide to Signing with your Baby". It's hardcover, $10.65 from Kinokuniya. It has illustrations (picture of actual man/woman doing the sign, not drawings) for 120 signs, such as drink, eat, sleep, potty, bath, how many?, play, cat, dog, walk, sorry etc. I've been lazy and only been doing the same 3 or 4 very frequently, and a few of them rarely. Should really buck up haha. Supposedly, babies 6-8mths are the best age to teach.

tinybubu, so cute, Sophie has a hitler wave! Hey, even though she doesn't smile at you immediately, isn't it the best thing when she holds out her arms for YOU?
She knows she doesn't need to smile or laugh to impress you hehe.

Firstmum, S doesn't take warm food. Oops. My bad. I don't eat hot/warm food, so it never crossed my mind to give her hot/warm food either haha! Ok, her food's warm when the water I add in happens to be freshly boiled. Otherwise, if the water's cooled down, then her food's room temp too. The other day, she shuddered when I gave her warm mashed potato, and it suddenly occurred to me that she probably did that cos she wasn't used to the temp! Oh, if whatever I feed her has stuff from the fridge added to it (e.g. yogurt, fruit purees from jars), then her food will be cold too. She doesn't care.

Shelisa, the school's report on Sermaine like very good leh, maybe at home she knows she can bully mummy, so don't wanna drink water etc haha! Or maybe the school is not being truthful? Maybe you should spot check hehe...

bbaug, I got the orange cup too
Very cheerful. Hope Aug will take to it!

bbaug/dolly, do your play yards slide around?

fatmom, I do give her prune and yogurt, occasionally papaya, and I try to make her drink more water. But her poops are still unpredictable, and definitely not daily. She's been like that even when tbf, so maybe she's just gotten the bad genes from ME! Poor girl...

As for baby signing, it's best if everyone who comes in contact with baby does the same signs to the same words to her. But I think even if it's just you doing it, as long as you do it consistently enough, she'll pick up on it, so why not give it a go? But do it only if you want to, not because your friend thinks you should, cos I know of some people for whom this signing thing just didn't work. I still can't be sure if it's working for S. If you are keen to try, like Cassey said, it doesn't have to be the official signs, can be whatever you feel comfortable with, just that once u have a sign for a word, stick to that sign, else the baby will get confused. Think your hb won't be resistant to the idea if he only needs to do a few basic ones to her (e.g. hello, bye, eat drink, milk, more, sleep). Just don't ask him to sign stories! Hehe...

ahnet, I think some or all of us can identify with you feeling weary. Working mums have the same concerns as you, the SAHMs sometimes beg to have a bit of time away from baby, just to feel like they are their own person again. So don't feel like you're in this alone, ya? I think your hb is just being very honest with you, because if he can't afford the burdens of the household alone, then he just can't afford for you not to work at this moment. Perhaps sit down and have a good talk with him? Are you able to consider part time work arrangements? Chin up girl, we're here for you to vent to

Doidy cup:
Eh, this is how S drinks from it - she opens her mouth wide (very excitedly), then I place the rim of it on her bottom lip, and she clamps down her upper gums/lip and bites/sucks. I tip the cup forward till the edge of the water touches her mouth, and she tries to suck some in. She's beginning to figure out that she gets water in when she opens her mouth haha. Does that sound like it mimics bfg?? I doubt it. But she seems to be enjoying it FOR NOW (you know how fickle they are), so I'm not complaining.
no lah, rejected the post already. not expecting same pay as last drawn but not 1.4k it was like my 1st job, hb was qt right,he dont want me get stuck in the job cos i tend to work few years in a company.

i feel the same as u sometimes. but i tink it's we just too emo sometimes see things only frm our prospect. i'm sure ur hb loves u alot but sometimes w/ bb , the feeling seems to drift apart. to b honest i too feel if i married another suitor who was a police officer i'll b better off. now he's already married w/ own hse. i still w/ in law n at least urs 2012 coming, i still waiting for my BTO chance.

Bedrm activity also not so keen n common anymore.. but some time ago he took the initiative to ask MIl n my mum to tk care of jayden, we go out on our own. then all the loving memories are back. the days he held my hand tight and eyes only for me n not jayden... n like last week wn he almost got himself killed over a small aliment all becos trying to save $ dont see doc, i felt he was so impt to me n pity he carry the financial burden. the days he kept me company wn i was hospitalised (i hospitalised 4 times in our 3 yr marriage, each time he drop his job took leave n even changed job) , wn we go holidays...

try to recall those happy memories and have time of ur own n time of two of u together. plan short trips, bintan, msia,thailand, whatever, just 2 of u..SAHM is not exactly that glamourous. unless, yes ur hb very rich or else more or less have to give up some luxury or savings which sometimes not exactly good. for me i think i enjoy my time w/ jayden but i do heartpain we not increasing savings just stagnate mk the ends meet.talk to ex classmate or frds they talk about promotion n pay range, i dont feel good. u work u have $ to shop n buy whatever u like n have colleagues to chat. Dont raise divorce thought to hb ya. taboo...
wow, sounds like bathroom acrobatics. how is it possible to bathe yourself and kyle at the same time *scratch head* won't he catch a cold cos its double the time?

thanks for the book title.

Do your babies cling to you like koala? My girl lets out threatening bawls when I turn my back towards her. My body is perpetually in an 'S' shape from carrying her on my hips. It seems impossible to put her down and my only short respites are the bumbo, jumperoo and sometimes but rarely, the cot mobile. *helppp*! how to detach her from me physically? Are your babies also so clingy?
hehe.. the timings of feed,naps n bowel movement for aisha looks ok to me coz looks ok to me n makes sense. usually Aisha will nap abt 1-2 hr after I drop her off. bath, feed cereal n milk ard 9 to 10am. next feed is aftnn 1pm. they tend to give water only ard 2 or 3pm then milk nowadays 5.30pm. evening time she hungry sometimes not. they don't allow biscuits or rusk. I will give her the teething on in the evening til 8pm. once she was bitten by another bb at her cheeks n I didn't know til morn I read comm book. the night before I was staring at her cheek wondering how come red patchy marks like kena abuse. they put ice compression,think she must have cried like hell! think u must go down n talk to teacher then can find out more. usually is by sch bus rite?

casey, actually now is the best time coz learning a lot of thngs n more active. can see her big eyes. hahaha.. is kyle very very active? aisha naps v little now I realise n she will wake up earlier if we nap together. once he finds his legs u sure b running ard after him.

ahnetsan, take time out n go take leave. I need it sometimes too. gonna be on leave this afternn onwards til weekend. dunt worry too much n try to be positive k.

thanks for all your comments. appreciate dat...
new update, im a sahm for now...ytd was my last day of work....being terminated...cos of my frequent urgent leaves/mc and cos my dept is downsizing too. haiz...take urgent leave cos of either bb sick lah or im jus too tired to go wrk. frankly, i sort of expected tis le... cos im so unhappy at wrk and so frustrated everyday its really eating into me. and super cannot tahan le den i vent it out here ytd. but jus din expect dat termination will happen ytd right after i posted. wow..so coincident sia

well, take it as a short break lor...my mil says this tiger year is a good year for goats...so let's see ar...hopefully things get better for me... initially when i was walking home i was thinking how to tell my hb... cos i was so sure he wld kick such a big hoo-ha abt it. YET, he din. he said when i stepped into the hse, he cld sense something was wrong on my face... so he sort of "prepared" himself for the worst news. he jus say wah i expected it lor, cos u took leave quite often lor, den now how, they got compensate u mah, after cny den go find another job lor.

re: bathing
normally me and hb bathe J together for evening baths. i will hold J sitting in his bathtub while hb bathes him, including cleaning his backside. den i will be playing J bath toys n splashing water wif him, while hb will use the shower head and spray water at J, which J loves it!

re: baby signs
wow, i din know we need to learn baby signs to communicate wif bb. and i din knw there's book selling for it.

tubbymummy, wat is the sign for drinking milk, eating and sleeping ar?
