(2009/06) June 2009 MTBs

papaya123, if you are using white/brown rice powder, i will advise not to use slow cooker bcos it will dry up. so by using white/brown rice powder it is like those instant type but must cook under stove around 5-15mins depending whether you got put meat anot.

New Mom, i will advise to cook better. The auntie is doing the same thing as poohcsl.
-wash the ikan bilis
-soak the ikan bli 2-3 time to remove the excess salt
-towel dry them
-put in oven using charcoal to dry & bake to ensure the water is dried up
-cool down then grind into powder

MaryG - ok, i didnt know got such a shower 'cap'.

Yeah my daughter perspires alot in the head ...
Oh is that thing called a shower 'shield' or something like that? Anyways, good that your boy likes it!

poohcsl - thanks for sharing your experience. Hope my daughter drinks more soon. I went to buy some bigger spoons and a sippy cup during lunch time today .. will try out tomorrow.
contain huai san,fu lin,qian shi,lian zi
Will help baby or kid to increase their appetite, reduce their phelgm
Just simply add 1 teaspoon to their pooridge and it is ready to serve
Dear Mommy any query will reply you on 01/02/10 mon. Will Consolidate and close the order by 02/02/10. Once you place the order, Please make payment to POSB Savings Account 126-69639-6 to confirm order.

Mon,Wed,Fri => Serangoon MRT => 7:40AM-7:55AM OR 5:45PM-6:00PM
Tue & Thurs => Bishan MRT => 7:50AM-8:05AM OR 5:35PM-5:50PM
Mon-Fri => Newton MRT 12PM-1PM
Mon-Fri => Self Collection at my house => 7PM-8PM (Near Serangoon MRT)

By Postage
pls add
$1.00 for 250g below
$1.50 for 500g below
Shelisa! how's your girl in infantcare? one of the better teachers have moved to toddler class. nowadays seems to always handover or pick Aisha from this teacher who always complain of she refusing to drink from bottle and her long hair. I'm getting sick of it. ther e was this new malay teacher didn't say anything to me but when my mum pick her up the next day, she complained from A-Z. claiming my EBM too thin la.. When she said " Nottie girl dunt want to drink milk" to aisha, she cried! oh well. do update on ur gal ya!
Hi ECMOm, what did your maid do? Appreciate if you can share with me cos' my maid is also taking care of my kids. Haiz.. I'm thinking of investing in a surveillance camera leh...

how long can we keep the rice powder? I still have more than 2 and 1/2 pack from last order! LOL! My boi eats very little every meal, the most is half table spoon, mixed with carrot and green veggie. Think mine can last till next order.
Dolly/TubbyM, Im also keen to get the playyard as im hoping he will hold on to it to cruise along. Nowadays he seems very keen to walk even though he is not even crawling proficiently. How strange. I looked at the BP and called the Cheong Choon store also. Pricing is rather similar but Cheong Choon store tells me 6 panels can fit my 1.9m by 1.3m mat but kikismom says must have the bigger mat for the 6 panels. hmmm im confused now.

ECmom, what happened to your maid? What did she do? Hope your kids are fine.

New mom, my son does not take ebm from the bottle too. We bought so many cups and bottles and he refused to take so my mom spoonfeeds him...Its the only way...
My kids are find, they still as happy and Active. Glad we found/caught her early. Really 不幸中的大幸.

The story,
My mum scalded her hand on Sunday morning, I ask her go to see doc, at abt 10am Cayden whine wanna latch and sleep, so I no choice to leave my elder girl (Elisha) to her, at abt 10+ mum come back and she clean E’s mouth saw nothing then mum start cooking for lunch. My mum went back to clinic after cook, abt 11+ when I feed Elisha I notice both side of Elisha’s mouth is red, I ask Elisha what happen but she still cant express. I ask maid she say nothing happen.
At night I gave Elisha a banana, she point to her mouth and complain to hb she feel pain and said she fall. I ask maid again anything happen after I went into the room, again she reply nothing.
Monday morning I saw the red part blister, I ask my maid (fiercely) anything happen or did she bite on anything, then she reply Elisha bite her spoon (small plastic type) I dun thing it coz by that spoon, I took out a table spoon and put near Elisha mount, the red line is juz the size of the table spoon and Elisha dun open mount, she stick her tongue out to test is the spoon hot. We confirm with GP as well as KKH doc, both say it should done by something hot, does not look like she hurt herself.

I really can’t conclude anything now, very puzzle, no evident, dun want to wrong her too, wonder why so coincident, this never happen before. So we pent the case.

Wednesday afternoon, I brought Elisha out to make phone call to agent to check on the procedure of changing maid, yes finally hb agree to change maid coz she really not what we want, ask me to call to ask.

When I reach home, my mum told me she witness the maid POKE Cayden’s back, infact spinal. when she carry him up from mat and he is crying. Cayden immediately stop crying. My mum was shocked and shout her name, she show my mum her finger and told her she got no fingernail. That means she really poke my son and she thought no fingernail means will not injured him. She trying to stop Cayden from crying by poke his back/spinal. she is so daring to do such thing even my mum is sitting near her. I approach her, she keep saying ‘no, no, no” and continue with the chore. She really look cool, I can see from her face reaction that she trying to stay calm does not look like kana blame kind.

I keep quiet and bring Cayden into the room and check his back, found two blue black, one on the waist, look like kana pinch kind, the other one on the spinal, is round shape finger size. I call agent immediately and tell them I want them to collect her back but they want me to send her back instead, so I did, I change and ask her follow me, never tell her anything.

She look very very calm in the cab never say anything. When agent ask her, she keep deny, when agent said since she claim she is innocent we should bring her to the police, then she say she dun want. So what it means? She claim she din abuse my kids but she dun dare to go police station to testify.

I rush back and brought both kids to KK to do check any internal injury, but can see from the doc face that she dun take it as serious. She dun even check on Cayden, we have to keep stress that we worry the maid did some other things which might cause internal injury then she start check on his body

Police came at 1+am coz KK made police report. as it standard procedure as this consider suspect abuse case. They wanna see my both kids, take photo and take hb’s statement. They told us social working will contact us. I over hear police ask hb why we dun make police report ourself in the first place, I so worry later they thought something fishy that why we dun report her. This hb really did a wrong move. He dun want to report coz he say we got no solid evidence and he dun want to harm her. He still that MR NICE MAN even we can 100% confirm she did harm my kids. How abt if now we let her go and she did such thing to another child with her next employer?

Next morning check on Cayden’s back again, found another blue black on spinal. Really really heartache, wonder how long she have did this to him. It damn painful when my mum demonstrate to me how she poke my son back, can’t imagine she poke his spinal. he is still so young.
sorry for the long post, juz wanna share my painful experience. Thought mine is not as serious as those we to see/hear.

We have two person at home 24/7 to watch her, but the maid still dare to do such things. Cant imagine if we leave my kids to her. live surveillance camera is strongly recommended. Till now we still dun know what happen to my girl mouth, if we install one we might be able to find out more.
bbaugustine (bbaugustine),
yes you need to bigger mat to fit 6panel. it bit wider then the yard. lenght is jus fit.
the playyard really good, I bought 8panel when my girl few mths old, my mum leave her inside to play and she did house chore, I considering to get another 8panel for Cayden.
<font color="3D6EB3"><font color="2B4D7D">@maryg</font>
i thoroughly enjoyed the botanical gdn outing too! it was my first time meeting so many mommies and babies! sadly i did nt manage to noe who's who. nt even sure if we spoke tat day. wat color were u wearing? maybe i can spot u fr the grp photo. btw, i was wearin a blue top tt day.

yr bathing method sounds gd. since my ger can sit pretty stable nw, i wld like to try out too. so muz get the shower cap lor..

same same here abt baby cannot hv me out of sight. cry n cry like very cham liddat.. but the moment
u pick her up, she stops. separation anxiety u call tis?

LASIK - i oso considerin doing lasik for the longest time.. procrastinate till i gt pregnant then on hold. wanted to do it after i deliver then realised tt bf-ing oso cannot do lasik. sianz.. so gotta tahan another yr cos i wanna bf my ger till 1 yo. oso lookin out for recommendations for lasik surgeon. my frens all recommend Dr Lee Hung Ming fr gleneagles. i hv nt gone for any assessment yet, nt even sure if i can do anot. my myopia quite bad - over 1000 degrees for both eyes. @_@ my ger oso pullin my specs n hair till i buay tahan..

<font color="2B4D7D">@bbpotato</font>
i suddenly remember the calendula cream upon seeing maryg's post. was supposed to get it fr u during the botanical gdn outing but forgot! alamak.. poor memory due to lack of sleep. haha! u gg on 4th feb? maybe can get fr u then..

<font color="2B4D7D">@first mum</font>
i prefer to give spinach / chinese spinach (xian cai - choose the pointed leaves. my mom says its tastier to use tis for porridge) instead of caixin cos the leaves are very soft after boiling. i remove the stems and only give the leaves. boil, chop and add to porridge to cook.

<font color="2B4D7D">@papaya123</font>
my ger currently takes 1 heaped soup spoon of rice cooked into porridge, mixed wif veg/tofu. i prefer to cook using a small soup jar n double boil over gas. i realise when i cook tis amt even in a 1L slow cooker, it can hardly cover the base and the porridge turns out very dry.

<font color="2B4D7D">@ecmom</font>
OMG! hw can yr maid do tt? did u report her to police or anything?

<font color="2B4D7D">@new mom</font>
congrats on the recovery of yr ger!

<font color="2B4D7D">@annie</font>
my personal opinion, i tink shld give yr father a chance to hv reunion dinner wif daughter and grandchild. dun force yr hubby if he doesnt wan to. like maryg said, u can still hv yr 3some reunion dinner after tt.

juz to share, am startin to potty train my ger. every morn will put her on the potty n ng-ng her.. so far quite fruitful n hope she will keep it up.</font>

luckily u found out fast n quickly send the maid back.

Haiz... Does any of your babies here poo watery.. Quite worried. My son drinks friso gold 2. Pls share.
Ecmom - i am so sorry to hear what had happened to your kids! My goodness! Take care, and may all go well with you and family.

bbPotato / Shelisa - thanks for the info re si sen powder!
Annie - funi you .. but i totally agree with you 100% .. Nesher does not need this .. at least not for now! LOL

Split - hihi. I think we've not "met" ... i am not too active here too. But it's nice to read and learn all the experience from the diff moms. Is yours a baby boy or girl? Mine's a girl. Just turned 7mths old last week.

bbaugustine - hahah ok ok .. ya, we're gonna try the bigger spoon i bought tmr! Wish me well!!! ahahah ...

Rosel - Wow good you are potty training your ger! Which type / brand you bought? I have been thinking about getting one recently but have not bought. Saw a few a mums n babes at AMK Hub today .. there are so many types .. i was thinking maybe i need to bring my daughter to go try to see which one she finds more comfortable!!! Am i crazy??!!??
papaya123: nvr heard of it. but so far, my bb is fine.

annie: u think abt it first &amp; weigh lo. but priority should still be nesher.

poohcsl: u r not kiasi la. its good to take precaution. no point spending so much &amp; dun take care &amp; need further enhancement if there is room.

ecmom: oh dear! where is your maid from? i mean which country? i hope the police will do something about it. meanwhile, please dun let her get near your kids anymore. she should be punished by law and not allow into s'pore anymore.

rosel: eh... forgotten what did i wear on that day le. but i came late. i'm short hair with spectacle. be careful when u try the new bathing method. becos it will be slippery n bb could slip. i let him sit on a anti-slip mat n make sure i hold on to him all the time. i think its not separation anxiety for him rather is he wanna show his acting skills. hahahaha! there's no tears at all lo! so fake!!!

baby: watery? is it lao sai? no leh. my son poo has been nice like dough. but drinking similac 2. how often is the watery poo? maybe a check with PD would be a good idea.

potty training: my son likes to poo while having his lunch/dinner... hope he dun make it a habit.

use pork or meat or carrot or ikan bilis or fish to cook the porridge. after only give carot or potato pumkin can add some bohbil vegistock they really like to eat
<font color="3D6EB3"><font color="2B4D7D">@new mom</font>
Potty Training - the potty im usin is brand-less. its the simple plastic-ky type, shaped like an inverted hat. i tink i oso used tis very type during my time as a baby. juz gotta take note to support the stability of the potty - i use my feet to clamp the base.

my lesson learnt fr gettin babies to choose - wat they show @ the shop is totally different aft u buy it. i did it wif the car seat. bot the one she 'liked' but she din like sittin in it anymore rite after we bot it. -_-|||

back to potty trg, u will meet wif resistance initially. my ger kept tryin to stand up. we try to coax her to sit longer for ard 5-10mins (even when no poo) so tt she can get used to sittin on the potty and eventually pass motion in a sitting position. 1 great benefit of successful potty trg is u'll save diapers! my ger only poo once in the morn n no more afterwards. alternatively, u may wanna kickstart the potty trg by puttin baby on a potty when he/she show signs of gg to poo, disregarding the timing. when he/she is used to the potty then u train them to poo @ a fixed timing everyday.

juz sharing my experience. HTH.

<font color="2B4D7D">@papaya123</font>
usually i only add hot water but im gonna try cookin porridge wif (self made) chicken and veg stock. 1st time intro meat (chicken) into her diet. hope she is receptive!</font>
omg! hope your kids are alright.

i'm also afraid of this kind of maid abuse child matters thats why i'm working from home. My house also have CCTV but i realise the maids tend to stay at areas where the camera cannot detect. Now i'm getting even more worried, recently i see that they cannot tahan my boy's cries.
beemom &amp; poohcsl, thanks for the info abt the puffs, am currently not in town will get hb to go check it out.

highchair - i got mine from Ikea too! loving it coz its easy to clean up, Claire is very very difficult to feed!

Just sharing that i have tried feeding Claire with cheese she loves it! She can easily finished up a cube and wanting more but im limiting her to 1 cube per day. I have also mix some cheese into her cereal and she is taking her cereal as well! So happy
Anyone know where i can get organic cheese?

Something cute to share. Claire is addicted to pacifiers and must have it to go to sleep. Sometimes mid-sleep she will wake up crying and we will put back her pacifier and she will continue her sleep. Last nite mid-sleep she cried so as usual so i went into the room wanting to find her pacifier and give to her but to my surprise she has already found her pacifier in the darkness with eyes closed and was trying to mouth it already and she succeeded
My hb is always joking saying Claire is like the doll take out pacifier will start crying put back stop immediately.

Newmom - im teaching Claire Glenn Doman flash cards now. Have started the math dots since she was 4 mths and started her reading when she was 6 mths. I got the dot cards from my sil and we printed the reading cards ourselves. If you keen you can go to http://www.brillbaby.com/# to download
kikismom, haha, ya ya, cos house decor is still v important. Your house got red couch or something like that right? My house all neutral colours, so I believe hb thinks any form of colour is very clashing. And like dolly said, all her toys are already so colourful, plus her exersaucer is super garish! Oh, was worried about the play yard moving when they use it to stand up. There's suction pad at the bottom? So if suck onto the floor it'll be ok? Oh, but wait, even if my play yard is not sitting on the mat, it will be going on the rug... lagi worse I think.

MaryG, mashed potato &amp; sweet corn does sound yummy!!
Wah, your mil's clothes sounds very dangerous...

papaya123, my girl got serious case of separation anxiety. I go out and meet friends v frequently, and my parents come over to visit on most days, so it's not from lack of interaction with other people and babies/kids (she sees at least 1 other baby a week). I think it's just that stage. I can't leave the room too. Makes me wonder I get play yard for what. Wahahaha!

bbaug, does Cheong Choon work by the same system, meaning must pay more in order to get activity and plain panel for the 6-panel set? Cos you know how the BP one works right, it goes by ballot system unless we do the "securevity" system. I couldn't care less for another activity panel actually, but I really don't like the green door! The green is sort of a nice lime-y green in their pic, but based n the pics other mummies posted up, the green looks quite garish.

ecmom, oh dear, you must have been really traumatised by your maid's irresponsible acts. I hope both your kids have healed up well by now. It's so scary now to get a helper, cos it's really hit or miss finding a good one. Hope you have better luck with the next one... Do update us on how the police is following up on the case. Hang in there!

Audrey, I saw organic cheese at NTUC City Square Mall. I bought organic tofu from there too
I also have a few forms of flash cards, but have yet to use them on the baby. Lazy mummy! Oops...

WIPES: will place order now for the below:

Alcohol wipes (nick, quantity, collection, total $)
1. tubbymummy, 10, Paya Lebar MRT, $18
2. lovelytulips, 5, c/o tubbym, $9
3. sweethalo, 10, c/o tubbym, $18
4. poohcsl, 10, $18 Paya Lebar MRT

Antiseptic wipes (nick, quantity, collection, total $)
1. tubbymummy, 3, Paya Lebar MRT, $6.90
2. lovelytulips, 5, c/o tubbym, $11.50
3. poohcsl, 5, $11.50
4. sweethalo, 3, c/o tubbym, $6.90
ec mom,
so sorry to hear abt ur maid case. hard to find good maid and manage one too. will u be getting another replacement? better to get an older n more experience one who have own kids.

does slow cooker has auto off function or any other timer function? need to check it out. I won't have 1-2 hrs coz come home ard 6pm usually everyone hungry incl Aisha if she didn't have 5pm milk feed.
Halo mummies, been mia for awhile here.. Hope everyone and little ones are good! Wanted to join the botanic garden gathering but cant join.. Should be enjoying ya..

ecmon, oh dear.. the maid still so cool after poking their back till blue black.. must be painful for yr kids. So after the kk check any injuries? Take care ya..

payaya, i think its good to have the stock. I add rice, pork (ba tou) in water to boil and add potato or carrot then put them into slow cooker to cook till very soft. My girl loves it!
TubbyMummy: yeah... just ordered the Japan ones
Hope to get it fast then can leave him on the play mat with the play yard surrounding it
We got the playpen at the nanny's place, he doesn't like it at first, but now started to be ok and can stay there when nanny is mopping floor
ecmom: hope you all settle down fast, now we still against the idea of having maid cos hear all the stories from friends...etc
rosel, yes, Dr Lee Hung Ming did Lasik for my eyes n for my bro's as well. I did it long ago when he was still with TTSH. My bro did when he is at Gleneagles. Thumbs up!

ecmom, indeed, it's scary. Hope things works out well for you and that u get a better replacement maid.

audrey, haha. Same. Dylan needs the pacifier to sleep still although there are days he goes without it. If we do not give the dummy to him, he will turn to look for the dummy n stare at us. He ever took the dummy and tried to stuff into his mouth together with the cover cos he dunno how to remove that. That nite, my mom is babysitting for me n she forgotten that he wanted his dummy. She had a good laff after that.

Ladies, I won't be able to join u all on 4 Feb. Unable to find another common date with my group of frens to shift the original appt to. Have fun!

4th feb gathering

mummies , i think u gals have to go ahead w/o me. so sorry.. cos hb hospitalised. i believe he will hospitalised till at least tues after that the next few days he prob be at home to rest so i dont think i b going out.
hello mummies,
many thanks for the concern... i am feeling much better, appetite is picking up, just started my babyplus for new baby (btw, it is a boy).. i guess with deliberate efforts, i should be able to recover fast.. just that it is a painful process..

before the start of HL, i tot i have the time to log on and be more active.. fat chance.. everytime i log on and before i can type a post or reply emails, my baby will either start whining for attention or crawl towards me and want to play with the laptop.. dont know how those sahm moms cope.. she is like a duracell battery, never stop.. when i spent 1 hr with her, i need to sleep an extra hr to recharge my battery.. amelia is not into exersaucer anymore cos it is not mobile.. she now moves very fast even in walker.. and my house is not even baby proof and it is not possible to baby proof it.. so we are always playing catching game

any mommies know of good prenatal massage place to go? i want to do a good one but my massage place no prenatal package

well, plan to introduce porridge this week.. i guess i am just too lazy to do so.. amelia is very resistant to new food.. stick to the happybellies cereal only.. even those finger food or biscuits she also dont even want to hold... quite frustrating cos she is like putting all the non-food stuff in the mouth but just refuse the edible ones

re helper, my mom told her i am so stressed becos of her, that is why i on 3 wks leave.. and i think it helps.. she has been so much more competent and less attitude.. sometimes i feel like switching roles with her.. i do chores and she cares for amelia cos i think doing chores or going to work is much more manageable..

gtg now.. she is climbing again.. will update again later (tonight and tomorrow will be baby off day).. my mom will be bringing her to chinatown later and malaysia tmrw.. look forward to pamper myself
tubbyM/Dolly, I also ordered the playyard from the BP. The Cheong Choon store does not have the balloting system. She says there are some pple that dont want the activity panel hence can give 2 activity panels at no extra cost but Cheong Choon has no stock now. Have to wait. They said stock shld come in before CNY. I think there is a waiting list. I didnt bother waiting so just ordered the Japan one from BP.
Luckily you found out early. it's good that you sent her back. Hopefully, she get banned from coming back to S'pore man. Such ppl who ill treat kids dun really deserve a 2nd chance. I feel that getting a maid is all about luck one lah. I interviewed so many until I sian already. So far my maid is ok but I'm worried cos' my MIL who's at home with her is recovering from stroke. really thinking of putting cctv at home.
thank u for all your advice on how to cook porridge

re: maids
it is hard to find a maid whom i can trust fully to take care of my baby. they always like to make friends from their own kampung, and they end up learning so much things from them.

sometimes i really wonder if sending the baby to infantcare will be better?
Dear Mommies,

I've got the following FM samples to exchange for SIMILAC (new formula) Stage 2. PM me. Thanks!

1. Enfapro A+ Stage 2 (400g); and
2. Nestle NAN Pro 2 Probiotics (400g)

Have a good weekend!
Thanks for sharing your experience! Oh btw, what's HTH?

Thanks, will check out the website!

Fat Mom:
Happy to hear from you! And that you are eating well! Stay well! Keep up the good work!!!

Congratulations again!

wah, yr lifestyle very active! That's v healthy! U must be expert in bring the baby out here and there and everywhere! hahah ..
bbaug, thanks for the tip on Cheong Choon. I don't mind waiting for a couple of weeks, so guess will call them up and make a comparison before I decide who to get from.

dolly, when are they delivering to you? Hope Kendrick likes it

New Mom, only 2 problems with bringing baby out:
1) So troublesome to bring all the food out... cereal, puree, biscuits, serviettes, bib, water etc etc. Next time start drinking formula lagi more things...
2) Hate lifting her pram into my car boot, so heavy! But I like the pram, so boh bian haha...
Audrey -
Your little one is so cute! Can find dummy back in her slp! Wished Noah would take the Dummy and sleep.. but he just refuses... hahaha

RE: Cheese
I thought we are not supposed to give diary products to baby until much later? Hmm.. just wondering.

Also wondered about Nestle cereal that has Honey... thought also not supposed to give honey because of harmful spores or whatever...

Wow! Thanks for sharing abt potty training. My mum also said it's possible but I was very skceptical.. hmm maybe I should try it sometime soon.

Kikismom - so does the playmat you bought fit the 6panel playard? Tempted to get one too.

ECMom- really quite scary that your maid actually had the audacity to poke Cayden in front of your mum! I really hope that this maid will not be able to work for another employer with young children anymore.

Fatmom- Glad you will have some time for yrself
TubbyM - where is Chong Choon? I think I am interested to get the playard too.. .hehehe wonder if got bargaining power if buy more?? whahhaha
Sweethalo: Think Chong Choon is at ChinaTown, one of the shops on top of the hawker center.

TubbyMummy: They can deliver today but I'm out, should be coming in either Tue/wed ... haha, can't wait to put him in! But my playmat is not big enough to put 6-panels, so just got the 4-panel
sweethalo, ya, think dolly's right, it's at chinatown somewhere. They do delivery, so I'm too bothered where they are haha. Thinking of calling them tomorrow, I'll ask them and let you know, ya? You looking at the Japan one also? 6-panel, pref with additional activity panel instead of door? Or don't mind anything? Or you want 8 panels?

dolly, I'm not using those bumper LG or Parklon playmats, I'm just using those big jigsaw foam squares, cos I'm afraid my cats will use the mat as a scratching post, and I'll be super heart pain if they do that on expensive bumper mat! I have 8 big 2ftx2ft squares currently.So I was just thinking of just getting play yard, and if not enough, I'll just buy more foam squares. Let me know what you think of the yard after getting it, ya? I wonder if having 2 extra panels makes it more wobbly...

Skyla has been regressing in terms of sleep. She used to sleep through, now waking up several times a night. Sometimes just going to her and sticking in a dummy is all it takes to settle her back to sleep. Other times, dummy, patting, rocking, swaying, scolding, everything doesn't work, and can take up to 1hr to make her go back to sleep. A couple of times, I resorted to BFing her back to sleep. So many things can be causing this, most likely developmental milestones (so many skills developing at the same time, from crawling &amp; standing to chewing food, to clapping and waving bye), or separation anxiety (read that it could cause them to wake many times, cos sleep is the ultimate "separation"). The other night she woke up just to practise clapping! Seems very cute, but at that time, it wasn't cute at all lor... Sigh... so tiring...
TubbyM, after reading your post, I am glad that I am not alone. Dylan has woken up to just asked me to practice clapping hands with him cos he wants to slap onto my hands (we always play the teochew clapping rhyme and he wants that in the middle of the nite)! A couple of times, waking up just wanting a cuddle (he smiled so happily when he sees me that I cannot even grumble about waking up) before he goes back to sleep. Resorted to feeding him once when he refuses to go back to sleep after one hr. He used to fall asleep much more easily on his own but recently, he wld call me about 5 mins after settling him, to just want me to sit by the bed, singing nursery rhymes and I can only leave the room if I have stayed there for 10mins... if not, he will be calling me back in again! I think for him, it's really the developmental milestones causing all these. He is beginning to get the hang on crawling (still gg backwards most of the time). Not so sure about separation anxiety cos he is still quite easy with most ppl.
bbjun, great to know I'm not alone too! And that Skyla isn't alone in wanting to clap! Hahaha... I had also been teaching her how to clap by holding her hands, or clapping them against mine. She had clapped several times on her own before, but wasn't very good at it, fingers were curled or something. Then that night, she woke in a crawling position (yes, like Dylan, also getting the hang on this crawling thing!), and then refusing to be settled back to sleep, so I left her in the cot and just sat in the room with her, when I noticed she was concentrating very hard on her hands, and clapping properly, with fingers open and palms smacking! Then next day, she started showing off her new found ability. Everytime I said "clap clap! and clapped my hands, she would do the same
But she has pretty bad separation anxiety, cos all I have to do is take 1 step away from her, appearing like I might turn my back or leave the room, and she'd bawl. So I wonder if that's contributing to her night wakings too.

<font color="cc3399"> YO, MUMMIES!! Finally back after super long 'sabbatical'. *oops*

Kyle J.'s growing and eating beautifully (most of the time anyway). He's been about 10kg for the last 3mths or so, give and take 500g. He's been eating HEAPS:
~ Broccoli, carrots, peas, squash, sweet potato, spinach, avocado...
~ Apple, pear, prunes, bananas, peaches, guava, strawberry &amp; berries, most of the things that come in a jar too!...
~ Yogurt, cheese, beef, chicken, pork, ikan bilis (powder la!), peanut butter (yup, I don't care)...
~ Rice, brown rice, oats, barley, mixed grain, wheat with honey, wheat with ikan bilis, brown rice with ikan bilis cereals...
~ Bread, pasta, crackers, biscuits, puffs...

SHEESH! No wonder he's still a little sumo!! I'm happy though

He is, however, still a VERY POOR SLEEPER. CHEY.

Tempted to get a play-yard too. Mum has a large hexagonal (or is it octagonal) one at her place.
I WANT ONE TOO!! Shall wait til get new apartment and see if size can accommodate before going ahead.

EC-Mum, horrified and saddened to hear of the abuse of your children. I hope it doesn't get you or them down too much for too long. They're amazingly resilient and no doubt will bounce back. Don't be too hard on yourself either huh?

Quick shout-out to shelisa, ahnet~, tubby~, blurmom, and probably quite a few others I've left out (SORRY) for dropping me texts on and off when something's going on on forum. Like the HT BP. <font size="+1">THANKS!</font> for remembering not-so-little old me!

Been wondering how some old-'khaki's are - caramelle, bubu~... Can't think of who else at the moment...</font>
