(2009/06) June 2009 MTBs

ahnetsan: hmmm... but my boy's redness is only at the chin area... so not eczema? did yr mil listen when u say no? mine wont listen... she will keep pestering me... since bb 4mths lo! i managed to tahan till 5.5mths then i gave in to cereal then now porridge. i try to google online on the nutrients self-cooked porridge has n discovered that the vitamin n minerals r so low in content. commercial one still better as they r high in iron.

papaya123: ya! impatient is the word! she will say to my son y i so slow at cooking his porridge or making his cereal/puree. actually its not me who is slow but she cant wait lo! she will tell my son "mama so slow..boy boy so hungry liao...dying of hunger liao" looks whose toking. my boy is happily playing lo! impatient impatient. i hate it! arghhhh! sorri... need to vent it out... always fight with me to feed bb. she feed nvr wash hands... use finger to dip into the porridge to test temperature... once she's not well n she even taste it before feeding my son!!! today the spoon drop onto the floor, she didnt bother to wash n continue feeding!! i got dogs at home lo! wah lau! whenever i feed bb she will give me black face... then try to carry him then make him sit n stand up repeatedly...how can i feed??? then say i feed till so dirty whole face have... i cant tahan i shoot her back saying she got her licence liao i still L plate lo!

i admire u leh. working mom still got time to make puree in the morning. wat time do u wake up every morning?

saty_positive: try feeding bb with the porridge water.


I had 1 tin of 400g of Dumex Mamil Gold Step 2 (Expire on 23/07/2011) + $5 voucher off for 700g Mamil Gold Step 2 Newgen (Valid until 31/12/2009) letting go $9. Self collect at Admiralty/Raffles place(Weekday only). If interested can sms me at 97905232.

MaryG- u still staying wif yr in laws rite? how u tahan?
if me sure quarrel wif them already ..
las sat i quarrelled wif them as they like to gossip behing our back without clarify the truth so i told them off loudly u all nvber ask clearly & like to gossip here & ther & report to relatives & make a shame of yr own son.. nvber spare a thoughts for ppl & think u r always rite .. wat ridiculous or watever all tis nonsense r always started becos u all r so low educated & nvber clarify & they got a shock..

hubby got back home & when he knew i said hurting words to them he said next time cannot put me alone wif them as i so direct & shuld have jus ignore them but i cannot...

The meet up still on? I can join but will bring my son along.

i think our mil is the same kind. when hb and i go out without our bb, eg for grocery shopping, she'll say to my bb 'your mummy dont want you already'. really a stupid comment!!! but i think they dont really care about hygiene, cos that is the way they brought up their kids, and their kids turned out to be fine as well.

i wake up at 5.30 every morning

Can anyone teach me how to make avocado puree? scrape out, and mix with water in the blender?
Hi Papaya123,

scrape out the flesh and put it in the blender, take it out and mix it with FM. That's the way i did it. At least the FM will give some taste to the baby .. (tho i like it bland myself!)

As far as i know, only Avocado and Banana no need to steam/cook. All other fruits need to steam/cook. And it is good to start with Avocadoes cos they are 'tasteless'!
jack's didi not red and itchy already but i realise that everytime we take out the diapers, his hands will explore that area just like how he explore his legs initially.

Jack finally flip from back to tummy, not very fast but good enough, now waiting or trying to motivate him to flip from tummy to back and to crawl.
Guess what? i woke up today to steam the carrots using the 3-tier steamer ... careless me (still in dream land) didnt check to make sure power socket attached properly ... half an hour later, realised carrots still not steamed! And too late to re-do .. wont make it for her 8am feed and i need to leave the house for work...
So, i quickly opened a jar of carrots ... i just checked and learnt that she didnt like it!
hey papaya my mil also like that. i tend him whole day like i dont let her carry, wn i morn let her care while i wash up she also say that! but i also particular lah wn she carry more than 10min i will say why dont put him down.. aiyoh she can carry 10kg rice home i having prob carrying jayden around so cant spoilt him.
mon he was playing on the bumper mat n he fell nicely didnt hit his head didnt cry just abit awkward position after that she carry him for qt some time i ask here y dont put him down it's ok to fall then she not happy yday whole day no talk to me & jayden. but other than jayden she doesnt care what i do lah, she dont come in my room too n if i keep jayden in my room she also seldom come in to carry him out. she is nice like she know i BF hungry will cook more and sometie call if i want supper. but u knw old ppl talk v loud and harsh and gossip kind of things which mk me defensive. maryg i also like u lor cannot keep quiet ignore her. my hb also says the samedont be so direct hint will do but what the heck, own family member also cannot say must go around the corner to hint for what??

btw mummies , pls vote for my boy Jayden thk u! http://sg.******************/wp-content/plugins/ms-photo-contests/ms-photo-contests-view.php?ms_pc_contest_id=15&ms_pc_view_album=79
thks tiny bubu if only he is a girl.. haha i can dress him up :p lucky u have bb of both sex! did the new slping method works?
annie: oops!!! i forgot to bring the list out with me. sorry. sorry. will do it tomorrow. ya. i'm staying with my in-laws. and also working together... so its like 24hrs kena watched... i can't tahan too. but becos we are staying together and i dun wan to make things difficult for hubby so i just swallow all my anger... sometimes i will go to the toilet and cry or vent my anger..

papaya123: ya! she also said that to my son! i dislike that comment. kids now adays can understand everything lo! no doubt they r just joking comments but its still not nice to imprint that into my boy's mind cos he will not know that it is a joke. hygiene... she also told me last time she also bring up her kids. "geng sim" la... i always try to bring son out with us or minimize the chances. 5.30?!! that's so early! then what time do u sleep? "salute"

new mom: do we need to steam pear before blending? because i know some pears can be pretty soft. hahaha! u still in dreamland. wake up wake up. kekeke.

jling: my son started to explore his didi also recently. he will grab his didi and ball so hard.. aiyo... duno pain or not.. everytime i change him now he will scratch his tummy or bottom. but not that it is itchy he just wanna scratch. sit car also scratch the car seat etc.
createjoy: i super buay tahan i will think of ways to indirectly say her. like maybe put it in a joking form like the licence to feeding thingy. but she very smart de. so knows that i'm not happy just that she didnt say it out only.
maryg i think nt pain. my hb nephew took his didi n stretch to a cm longer in cheeky face.. ya ya like being watched.. like u say they got licence we still L plate but we like to explore ourselves, some mistk bound to hap n i like it to hap. i dont expect a 100%/ perfect wat. she always nag u all new mom duno , not so easy to raise kids. dont believe books, these tk experience nt so easy.. i will say ya lor i no experience that's y i read to learnt frm other ppl experience thru reading n experience mistk myself. aiyah i direct intestine dont think b4 i talk one... :p

r u gonna move out later? i hoping to move out but then now not working stuck!!! so piss... yday tell hb cant start wk he still happy.. siao one. there complain long time no chill out w/ frds no $ here still like i not working.
MaryG- its okay
u can send to me tomorrow as i be in office..
i know i make hubby sandwich in btw us but if i keep it to myself i scare i will go crazy...
here i already alone relying on myself.. after work picking up nesher at nanny hse & frm jur west st.81 pushing or carrying him back to jur west st.64 by walking tats take bout 30mins & then shower & clean him up & play wif him for a while. then make milk for him & pat him to sleep while waiting for hubby to come back. really tired tats y i skip my dinner as after hubby back at 8+pm..had my shower do the laundry & hung up the clothing & pack nesher's bag then brush my teeth & go to bed before 10.30pm
Createjoy! Just voted for baby Jayden!

MaryG - good question! i also dont kn. I just chked with a colleague. She says no need so long as it is soft enough! If not i think steaming it shoud be ok ... any mommies here got any idea?

Hey now Robinson got sale goin on and the Braun Thermometer has 20%disc + $5voucher + 5%rebate(cardmember) So its a good deal but sales end TODAY.

Hope u see this in time
MaryG - just read in wholesomebabyfood.com that Fruits may be served raw after 8 months old – bananas and avocados do NOT need to be cooked ever.

Thanks for asking. Looks like i'll have to steam the payaya that i bought yesterday. Am waiting for it to be ripen first. Will prob intro banana tmr.
Newmum, wow! preparing Avocado seems so easy when u describe. The best is dun need steam and cook.
So i cut half avocado horizontally and scrape the big seed den scrape the flesh out and blend rite? S use how much? Half of the avocado into puree and add to our cereal and stir? i now give 5 tablespoon of HT brownrice with 40mlFM.
createjoy, maryg
my mil will always fight with me to feed bb with cereal, milk, etc. and she'll keep carrying my bb even though i told her umpteen times not to keep carrying her as i dont want bb to be used to it. seems like this is now turning into a mil complaint thread. lol. i have reached a point whereby i think complaining abt them is of no use, because they are never going to change the way they take care if my bb.

i slp at ard 11 plus at night. shall see how long i can last for in making fresh puree every morning. lol .

i have one tray of baby cubes to let go. brand new, still in the box. anyone interested?
i think half an avocado might be too much for our bb. probably 1/4? now i am still feeding my bb with 1/4 of an apple, made into puree
My girl after starting on solid, now her milk intake cut to half liao. Used to take 900 to 1000ml, now only take 300 to 400ML a day. Do u have the same thing? Is 400ML per day little huh?

Ahnetsan, try to give water using syringe. When my girl didnt wan to drink from bot and i find lack of water i will use this method and works everytime.

Who wana go hua xia? My girl just went last week. She now have stranger anxiety so when the staff comes near she cry, but after she settle down, she seems to enjoy it. plenty of toys for her to play and she lick on the balls. haha.. Oh, she dun like neck float cramp her neck and she cant play. So i bought the sit float and the swimwear.. so this is a trial to see if she likes b4 i invest..
payaya, oh ok i will take 1/4. Is the avocado flesh hard? cos i dun have blender leh. possible to mashed with spoon and sieve?

Now go lunch..
i want to go hua xia leh...been wanting to go there since loooooonng ago liao....but hor, hb doesnt really like the idea leh, say bo liao, shd go to swimming pool instead of jus a floating thing....

how much is the trial?
ahnetsan,haha same as u been wanting to go for a long time when she is smaller but didnt have a chance. So, i find some time to go now at least for once.. Its $30 for 1 time. Cos i thinking whether she like swimming anot, whether to buy the pool at home, neck float or sit float. ALot of dun knows. So i tot wait buy the wrong one will cost more lor. Now i know what i should buy liao. hehe..
Creamer - the avocadoes flesh is soft and creamy. I used a blender to puree it. May not be fine enough for them at their age. When they are bigger, then i guess u do not need to use the blender for stuff like avocadoes and bananas.

Re swimming float - it seems/looks very restrictive on the baby's neck .. looks very uncomfortable ...
Have not seen the real thing yet tho. Only saw it from online.
One avocado - i used it for 3 meals (but still got left overs and i ate it myself cos keep the next day may not be too fresh and will turn brown unless frozen it). One meal about 20 - 30ml, and i add FM to it.
Newmom: i din steam the pear n papaya, is soft enough to mash it b4 giving to my boy.

ahnetsan: am comtemplating to bring him to hua xia coz i let him tried the tub at home, he cried when i put him in.
Hi mummies,

Notice my boy has red mark on his neck after the swim today... Think it is due to the neck float I gave him to wear. My son is ard 8.5kg. Mummies need to take note b4 buying the float. I will give him to try one more time before I put away the float.
<font color="0000ff">hi mummies,

not been logging in frequently lately ..

feeling down cos my son reject formula milk.. but i'm in the process of stopping bf-ing (already been 2 days since i last pumped, pretty engorged and in pain now)

supply of fbm can prob last only 5 days max. he so poor thing only wan bm.. dunno how once fbm run out.. stupid me shd have started him on fm earlier. Overconfident that he wud accept whatever milk we give him.

any suggestions how i can get him to take fm? also whihc brand fm taste is closer to ebm? Nan?

Hi Mommies,

how's everyone getting along? Here's wishing Merry Xmas to all in advance as I am not sure if I will log in the next few days.

Haven't log in for a while. Scanned thru some of the posts and saw some of you complaining about MILs, some posts on food puree and swimming at Hwa Xia.

Hwa Xia - My boy has been swimming there since 2.5mths. I don't bring him there regularly.. 1-2times a month. He enjoys it and I prefer that way cos I don't have to worry about his growing needs of having different sizes of float and the preparation of a tub, water, cleaning up after that. I think cost is really dependent on how freq u go there. The last trip there - my boy swam with two elder babies who were there the first time. One is 6mths old and the other 11 mths. Both wailed till no end and didn't really spend much time in the tub at all. Person in charge said that it's likely so when babies reach 6mths of age.

On MILs, I have my fair share of probs that I kinda stopped sharing about them for a long time. In fact, I have bad post natal blues for a while becos of her and glad to have move on and learnt to treat everything she said as rubbish, until something happened recently. It's so bad that I have been sobbing for 3days now and I can't bring myself to forgive her. It's a long story cut short below:

- my SIL (living in states) found that she was 6weeks preggie 3 weeks ago. Saw gynae, can't find heartbeat. This is her 2nd pregnancy and the first one was not normal and she went thru abortion. No one in the family knew about this except me and her hb.
- Went back one week later to check for heartbeat again. Still no heartbeat. Devastated becos it happened again. Chose to wait for the miscarriage to happen naturally instead of abortion becos the first one left her so guilty. She always wondered if she had ended it pre-maturely if the diagnosis was wrong.
- Waited 2.5 weeks for the miscarriage to happen while praying every moment for a miracle. Miscarriage started on last Fri nite. Cramps and bleeding becames severe on Sat. Lost the baby to the toilet bowl as she felt the sac passed out. Pain stopped but her heart was totally shattered.
- As the pain subsided, she felt so lost emotionally. Despite her hb by her side every sec, she needed more comfort and support. She made the greatest mistake - calling her Mom.
- She had only said that she had a miscarriage and before she cld tell the details, MIL nagged, blamed, scolded her for not being careful and held her responsible for losing the life of a non-existent grandchild. Then asked her when is she going to try for a child again.
- Unable to hear the nonsense further, ended the conversation prematurely. MIL called me to inform me and insisted that I called SIL to nag at her for not gg to the hospital immediately to have her womb "cleaned". (Gynae's instruction was to monitor the bleeding and go for followup check up.) Wanted me to tell SIL off for not taking care of herself and blamed SIL 80% of the time in the phone call.
- Called to check on SIL to understand the details and how she is emotionally. Told her to ignore MIL and rest. She was terribly hurt. The person whom she looked for for support just slapped her and pulled her down deeper into depression.
- MIL called me the next morning again and I re-assured her that SIL is well. Told her there is no need to fly to US and she can take care of herself. HB and Gynae are with her and there are no complications. She instructed me to call SIL and asked her to answer MIL's phone calls becos my SIL had not been answering. Told her to leave SIL alone becos she and HB are feeling super lousy and really need time out. There was a moment of silence when I said this. Felt as though she just realized they are humans.
- Went on to keep calling SIL and force my FIL to call my SIL as well. Number of calls made to the states between 2 hrs - 20.
- SIL got my text to ask her to continue to ignore the calls if she really needed the space to recuperate. She got so frustrated. She returned the call but can't get MIL. Called FIL and unloaded on FIL that she is really hurt. Not just by MIL's insensitivity but also her lack of faith in her that she is no longer a little helpless girl.
- FIL told MIL. MIL started to dwell in her own world again. She denied that she had been insensitive and that she really cared for SIL. Blamed SIL for not telling the full story. N still blamed SIL for the miscarriage. Called SIL an ungrateful child. Said she will never call SIL again. Playing the role of the victim again when the one in most pain doesn't get a word of comfort from her.
- I told MIL not to be silly and stopped being unreasonable. If she continues the way she is now, she is losing her son and daughter altogether. She started to change topic and said that SIL got preggie - ALL credit goes to my little one. The way she put it is as though SIL and I are having a competition!
- MIL nv really care for me. During preggie, if concern is shown, it's always in her mouth - for baby.. but not for me. Not a word of how I am since I delivered, never ask how I am managing alone with baby and work etc. All she cares - can play with my boy, make him laff n play, make him miss his nap time for her, flashes her camera non-stop with the bright flashes at my boy's eyes. She had been showing off my boy's pics to her sisters in Taiwan - saying how cute, smart blah blah my boy is. It's her competition with her sisters on who has the cutest grandchild, smartest one and more grandchildren n hence giving the pressure on SIL to have kids.
- Nearly screamed at her when she said that n told her it's nonsense and SIL and I had both wanted kids all along but it's knowing the huge burden of managing her nonsense that had been putting all of us off. She went silent.

Have not spoken to MIL since Monday then. SIL's hb (an angmo) is fuming mad and wishes to be able to speak chinese now to scold MIL. I, myself, also feel like doing that all the time, even now. Both of us felt that it's so ridiculous that we are all suffering her craziness and nonsense for so many years, not only that she doesn't learn but it's always about her being the victim. She is also getting worse each time. This time, I think she behaved far too inhumanely to her own child.

The details of what happened to my SIL kept on repeating in my mind becos I went thru different nonsense from MIL (during pregnancy and after) and had been depressed and pained. I cried for her each time I think about it and wish I could be there for her. I think the pain she had gone thru is way beyond what I can imagine and I haven't been able to find an avenue to forgive MIL for what she had done to SIL who is still crying her heart out. Already she is feeling so guilty for losing her baby and can't stop blaming herself and is thrown in deeper end now becos of her own mother.

Hb n I agreed to deprived MIL from seeing our baby at the next fortnightly visit. She doesnt' deserve any grandchildren and family love. Deep down in my heart and my SIL's hb's heart, we wish we could cut off the ties once and for all to stop the pain we are all going thru becos of one crazy woman.

Wld u have done so? I am quite torn becos it's also bringing my hb and SIL pain by tearing their family apart.
Hey bbjun, oh dear.. your sil must be devastated by wat her mum said to her by nagging and nagging without giving her the real full support that she needs very much from her dearest mum.. Please send my regards to her to be Brave &amp; Strong. The other side of her path is gonna be BRIGHT &amp; SUNNY!! Who knows, the next may be a miracle.. Im glad her hubby was by her side all these while. Dun think about the negative things and unhappiness. Let her know that there are still more people that love and cares about her like her hubby, yourself and your hubby and her good frens out there. Unhappiness will fade in time.. Just give herself some time and she be fine.. Meanwhile will need the positive encourage from u all..

Sometimes the elderly do not know how to express their feelings and/or wordings in the rite way, they will just scream and nag non-stop and start to blame the people that has done wrong first except themselves. Her attitute or expression may not be correctly expressed but i believe mummies in the world will love their child no matter what, like we ourselves care for our own. Not sure if you agree on that.. But wana wish you all the best and look at the angle differently so will tone down and speak to her on sensitive issue and things on how she can better manage.. ALL THE BEST!
Thanks, creamer.
Yeah, we have been keeping SIL company, giving her all the support we can. I know she will be strong and get herself out of it. Just that she needs time to heal emotionally now.

What u said about the elderly is true and it's precisely that we are aware of this that we have accomodated for years. Not that we have not told MIL... in fact I totally lost count. From being nice in telling her to telling her in the face... the different ways of telling her.. u name it, I tried it. BUt she just doesn't get it. She had done very crazy things to my hb n SIL when they were young such that their frens shunned them, laffed at them and all of that left a huge dent on their self esteem that took years to heal. Even as they have become adults, she is still at it. The most drama one she did - schemed with her taiwanese sisters to bluff my SIL to go Taiwan, gg to "imprison" her there, matchmake her with this guy they think is good and force her to get married when SIL told her she is gg to be engaged to her now-HB. If not for a tip-off by SIL's cousin, I can't imagine what's life for my SIL now. This happened to another of SIL's cousin as well and she eloped and left her family. I have never seen this cousin at all. She is now like a taboo to be mentioned in any discussion.

Even as I typed now, MIL just called me to remind me that she wants a disc of my boy's fotos to bring to Taiwan to show off to her sisters. I am really disgusted by her. SIL is like none of her concern anymore. Sighz.
bbjun- when i totally cut off frm my family, sometimes i do helpless as who to ask when i need help regarding bout my son teething wat to give or apply for him..
but it been more than a month &amp; all this while, i been handling nesher all alone &amp; seeking advice frm his babysitter.
now life is more peaceful &amp; tot i living under a rented roof over my head wif stranger ard me, i jus mind my own business &amp; hide inside the room.

5+am :Heard owner crying &amp; shouting inside the room telling the youngest son don, pls stop &amp; when i went out to put the stroller outside realise it was the owner youngest son fighting wif his nephew(owner older daughter son).
Auntie &amp; the young gal pulling them apart. saw the other tenants also continue to sleep &amp; don bother.. then auntie talk to me asking how come i so early going out at 6+am, i told her i bringing my baby to nanny hse
&amp; must rch at 7am.. she smile &amp; told us not to lock the gate...
then heard fighting inside the room &amp; the gal ran inside back the room shouting for auntie... wonder shuld i look for another place although the son &amp; the owner is nice to us
halo mummies, merry xmas!!! it's finally xmas eve.. sigh i been waiting for today to tk photo of jayden for his 1st xmas theme photo but shit now raining so dark at home not nice w/ light or flash light...

Jayden yday n today do back to back flip finally but he does pause much at tummy haha think this boy still dislike tummytime or see no reason doing it.
wow bbjun just finish reading ur post.. then count my own blessing my MIL though some stuff we conflict n in fact she has ignored me since monday for telling her not to carry jayden around let him sit on bumper mat n exp pain from falling down. then she been fuming till now no talk or look at jayden...
i didnt meant to offend her i just dont want him to habit carry for no reason n he was fine playing on the mat n i'm hoping him to fall abit so he can get use to it. oh oh back to ur topic.. i have misc 2 times too... same as ur sil but 1st one was misc on its own i dont have to clean womb cos it's complete then 2nd was no heartbeat. well i call my frd who misc 3 times 1st before my sis. to be honest, those who have been thru it comfort more than any one else. but lucky for me nobody pt finger at me.. well yes, if i were u, i wuld not see her for some time let her have a lesson learnt. haha i might even spite her more.. oh oh me naughty girl again...
