(2009/06) June 2009 MTBs

dolly, I wish I can do that which is unlikely since my hb is not ard most of the time. My MIL also makes false claims to people when she talks to me, especially to her relatives in Taiwan. E.g., told her nicely that if I ever reply to her questions or requests for things to be done her way that I prefer not to, I would appreciate that she accepts and respects my decision instead of repeating and repeating and calling and calling and asking 20times because the answer will not change. She just can't accept no as an answer. So she went round telling pp that I am disrespectful when it was told to her in all politeness so as not to sour the relationship with me giving her another 20 NOs. Hence, I have made a point to my hb that I am not gg back to Taiwan, no matter what. In any case, my hb can't even rem his relatives in Taiwan and prefers that we go there on our own in private if we were to go there for a trip. She knows I totally hate it when she chain calls and she had kinda stopped or rather, trying hard to control, else I can't even sleep at nite.

I accepted the fact that she is like that and give way to her in areas where it doesn't really bother me. Now that she chose to ask questions indirectly by just dropping repeated hints each time she sees me, I just take it as a comment that goes in and out and I will not reply since it's not a question.

my boy stil on bm and my boy poo 5x ytd. and on sat he poo 4x! and it's smelly! my mum says is cos he's teething again... nw dat the bottom 2 teeth are out, his upper teeth is coming out soon le... i think he's teething again, cos his gums seem very itchy for him, gave him teething biscuits, and he will rub and rub his gums. and gosh, the bottom teeth marks are scary lor.
so i think mayb urs is teething too, dats y the frequent poos.

hope bb gets well soon. my fren's son also had bronchilities. he was coughing and den suddenly got this. it's an airway infection, smth like dat. according to my fren, her PD says its due to continuous cough for some days. some coughs are the normal kinda cough, some other cough will lead to bronchilities. dun worry, he will be fine de, after medication.
bbjun- r u staying wif yr in laws? for me we rented a room so tat i don get to see them & they will be less conflicts & quarrel so hubby was saying he rather spend the money then being sandwich in btw us.

nesher had his 1st swim yesterday & he don really like it & he cried... guess he not used to the cold water as his leg curl up once touches the water..
really thought he will love it since he love playing water in his bath tub.
LFB- now i know how elijah felt when he in the water..
nope, I don't stay with them. I think there will be volcano eruptions everyday if I were to stay with them. My Sil's HB can get discount for being frank and will not be seen as disrespectful whereas I can't becos I am a chinese. But then, they just want me to be totally submissive and be manipulated left, right and centre and that's their definition of respectful in their Taiwanese terms. I am quite sure there is no way I can be totally submissive unless I do not have a brain of my own.

Anyway, the phone is a powerful tool which my MIL is so capable of using to harrass ppl.
hayoki, cereal wise, i will let her try different ones after every 4 days to ensure she is all right with it. then after that alternate between lunch and dinner...like lunch oatmeal, then dinner is brown rice or multigrain.

styliciously, my gal yet to reach 6 months. so i want her to continue milk as her no.1 food.
that is why i feed her after the milk. but i will gradually let her drink lesser then eat then drink the remaining milk.

so confused when feeding her, she still do not know how to eat i guess. i just fed her 3 days ago. how to tell when she is full? now she eat half, spit out half...so is that indication she do not want or just that she is still not used to eating?
bbjun- i used of being label by them disrespectful behind my back to hubby relatives..& the witch even told my hubby to told me off for my words so directly to them & must respect them but they don deserve it at all & now when they complain to hubby on the phone i m rude etc & don let them carry their grandson.. blah blah hubby jus put the phone further away his ear & don bother...
he told me parents cant be choose so jus avoid going back ther
hi all,

my boy is on FM. Yesterday, i gave him FM and gerber applesauce (late afternoon). my mum says maybe is teething. so got to observe this few days. thanks.

for HT Barley: when my boy takes the barley, he can pass motion at least twice a day. is it too "liang" . the poo is more loose. but when he takes HT brown rice, the poo is harder.

can we give baby try other brand of cereal too? i have some nestle sample, feel like giving him to try.
for me, i tried the nestle rice cereals samples on my boy first, den when the HT stuff arrives, i use HT. let him try the cereals lor, no harm ba, since nestle rice cereals samples given by pd right?
Rental of room-

later viewing a room opposite nanny hse..cost $550 without aircon.
really worry about my current rental room cos las nite at 2+am hear quarrelling again worry they might fight again...
yeah i also saw her name. lucky she, had such a great bargain. i regretted not waiting a while more before buying the playmat. argh....

wah this is the 2nd time ur landlord they all quarreling le right?
wifout aircon u all can mah? update us on ur viewing ok? but good in a way, cos it's jus opposite ur nanny's hse.
ahnetsan- the 1st time was fighting.. 2+am this morning was quarrelling.. scare scare...
worry one day nesher & me kana so told hubby to come straight home immediately after work.
i think jus survive without aircon for few months shuld be alrite as i be on my two powerful fans.

thanks ahnetsan for the link. Sorry may i know which is better, the parklons or the LGs? Any mommies got these? How much do they usually cost?


Annie - just opposite the nanny's! This sounds like a good one! All the best!
New Mom- my colleague was telling me LGs is better.. no place for it so can only go visit mommy staying nearby who have it for nesher to play.. & might as well meet more friends his age.. he getting very notti & he likes the organic carrots (thks) but i gave him half of it & the other half his dad have it.. dare not give him the whole bottle.

hopefully the place be a peaceful place ..
tis weekend be bringing nesher to jurong safra pool again.. hope he slowly get use of the water

any mommies staying in jur wan to meet up to bring yr babies go for a swim
new mom,
for me, i bot the parklon one. actually LG and parklon not much difference leh. only dat LG feels a bit more smoother than parklon. although ppl say LG is better lah, i think it's in terms of the touch or quality ba. but nevertheless, it's a good investment! my bb loves it.
hi mummies

hope all of u have a wonderful christmas celebration with your babes! It's a short week & soon another long weekend again!

btw, wondering if anyone has enfapro for exchange with me? I have Nestle Nan Pro 2 400g (2 cans) and Mamil Gold 400g for exchange. Can PM me if u have enfapro to exchange with me? Thanks.
hi mummies,

any other ways to use frozen BM? try mixing with fridgerated bm, rejected, used for cereal also rejected. think i have to throw away about 100 packets of BM, so wasted.
yup finally did it minutes ago. Been delaying cos can't transfer the pix to laptop so gotta upload directly from iPhone into fb instead.
thanks, will go and try the milk bath.. i don't mind donating if anyone wants...but my hubby wants me to throw away instead, he say my milk will poison other pp's baby...haha

haha nothing to be proud of but i realise its because i always fell asleep while pumping so even empty already still pumping so send signal to brain to produce more? plus at 4 months plus till now, my boy have frequent milk strikes thats why i have to freeze some and last time he takes FBM, never thought he will reject it now.

Haiz i'm not in a pro bf environment, most of my family and relatives are either hinting me to stop or telling me to stop...even my helper every week also ask me whether can throw or not cos no space in the freezer already.

For the sake of everyone, i have reduced the no. and volume of pump already, just hoping to meet everyday's demand and i'm more than happy.

Yet another sad thing that came into my mind.

Sorry mummies, so naggy

i also bought the parklon playmat. do you feel that when your knee press hard on the mat, there will be a "dent" mark. it takes quite some time for the "dents" to go off. do you experience these?

i tried on the LG ones, the "dents" will go off immediately.
Dear mummies..
Post previously to ask whether jumperoo or exersaucer is better..
Just to update, I got a preloved jumperoo for my boy but he didnt really like it.
sigh and prefer to be in my arms
jling, abt febm, i read somewhere that we should not store more than 3 days supply of ebm.
this is becos babies needs change frequently and milk expressed 1 week ago may not be suitable for them now..
maybe that's why your boy reject.
however, it may also be due to his cold/ cough.
my boy went on nursing strike when he had a cough. cos cant breathe while nursing
Hi mummies,
My baby vanessa doesnt like to be spoonfed ( i think ) at times clearly hungry but doesnt eat much... prefers to suck teat. So many a time I ended up pouring ceral into milk and let her drink...

Any mummies experience babies with tiny patches of red small dots around mouth and chin area? not sure wad is it due to? My baby seems to have it after started on ceral.. any idea how to get rid of it?
the bumper mat is really a good deal! i should have waited as well

want to ask mummies who top up with BM or FM after giving cereal, how much cereal do you give? and how much top up?

any mummies start fish porridge for their bb? i cked threadfin porridge for jamus 2day, he doesn't like it at all. gave me funny and vomit look. i threw away in the end.
mia for a while... sorry mummies, was supposed to organise a gathering @ sun plaza this week, but something came up, so can't do it liao...

just started my gal on HT brown rice cereal on xmas day, so far so good... but she has not progressed past 2 tbs yet... when to intro other food like vege/fruits?
thks babyhopes,
ya annie better move hor... scare scare
voguemommy jayden also like that.. he ok to suck but juz hmmm hmmm hmm dun open mouth, i cheat him use btl or pacifier go near he ahh open i slip in hahaha bad mama cheat boyboy... :p
ahnetsan dont say liao lah me also so angry w/ myself for not waiting better deal for bumpermat..
Hi mummies! Anybody here keen to join the Sean Lau spree, we are short of 1pax to hit 30pax and the price will be $178 (normal price $238) for the classic package. That is $60 off from the normal price and I heard he is going to revise his prices start of next yr! Package booked will be valid for 6months.

For more info, pls visit www.seanlau.com

Anybody keen pls contact me asap, thks!
Hi mummies,
Today brought Cayden for review, good new he is find, put on weight, both kidney is normal but still need to continue with the antibiotics till next review on March.

Bad thing, Cayden felt from my bed juz now, I place him there while I clearing his cot coz saw ant, forgot he can crawl (real fast), hear a loud pang sound, he felt at the other end of the bed in less then 10sec, **sob sob** he cry non stop till I let him suckle to sleep. Tonight wont be sleep, need to monitor him. Really careless me. Mummies pls becareful but be like me.
ecmom, glad cayden is doing well! think he be fine! wow i really must learn my lesson jayden knew hw to flip already bt he dont do it very oftn so i didnt really tk extra care :p
yaya dun take thing to granded, me also think for a short while only he wont fall. but then it happen.

lucky he is crawling so is forehead down, can't imagin if he is flipping and back down then worst.
beemom: My mum just put some fish with carrot and make porridge for my baby today, he took as usual.

ecmom: good to hear that Cayden is cleared from UTL! So he didn't go for the MCU test right? Was wondering if we should opt out of this intrusive test. Hope Cayden is ok after the fall. My boy can't crawl yet though.
ecmom- went for the viewing yesterday & put deposit tis morning... told hubby we jus nid a room & it only $550 inclusive of PUB is really dirt cheap althought no aircon & if i nid help nanny staying next block jus opposite us only.

wow yr boy crawling already kekekekeke mine move his backside backwards.. ppl crawl forwards he use buttock to move backwards..LOL
Ah ching, my boy still take his milk as usual even he has the cough, but rejects febm. Maybe u r right about the needs and the milk content.
glad you found a better plc! nvm if no aircon, you got 2 powerful fans right? when ur punggol flat be ready? punggol wat name ar? at punggol field one right? is it punggol sapphire?

yeah lor, got dents leh, den after a while den it will go off, so we tell our parents and whoever sitting on it, say dun put elbows and knees on it... wah i din know LG ones dun haf dents!! hmmm... but parklon also selling very well leh... haiz... mayb jus dun put elbows and knees on it ba.

wah, dat's scary. dat day at my fren's plc, my boy fell backwards on his head on the playmat. cried! and it's the first time lor. and his first time happened at frens' house. 0_0" and wow, yours so fast can crawl liao. mine will push himself a bit forward when he wants to reach something in front of him. so dangerous right...hw i wish he never grow up, so he will forever be a little baby. haha
Hi ecmom,

Do your teach ur baby hw to crawl? or throw him on the mat, he crawl himself?

Mine still dunno hw to crawl yet
ahnetsan- Thks thks
no lah it is punggol lodge
it be ready at end of next year but might get the key early so jus bear without aircon if moved ther on Feb.
createjoy- i wish nesher can start walking then don have to carry him... he really heavy... envy mummies wif lighter baby

yesterday he refuse to sit in his pram & i have to walk frm juron west st 81 to jurong west st 64. dame notti

hi mommies, mia for awhile cos was busy at work & home. Like to take this chance to wish all mommies belated merry x'mas and happy new year!

vogue_mummy: my bb had e same type of rash as you described on his face chin n near mouth area too. this started when we he started his cereal mixed with milk. have consulted pd & she say it is due to contact with milk n gave some cream to apply. but now my boy seems to get it also from just putting toys in his mouth. more like due to saliva problem now. that is causing the rash. immediately wipe off any saliva or food residue on the face. & try to keep face clean should minimize it.

ecmom: sayang cayden for me. aiyo... he can really crawl very fast leh. my boy just started few steps only on his bumper playmat. but he can flip very fast from one end to the other. hope cayden is fine now.

createjoy: i have voted for yr bb. hope i'm not too late. we will be moving out. will be neighbours with toffeecat in future. still waiting for our flat to t.o.p. but the thing is we are only moving out for 5 yrs & will be moving back to stay with my in-laws again... they bought big house & want us to stay together. so only 5 yrs of freedom. hope to move out asap...

bbjun: send my regards to your sil. hope she is moving on. its difficult & requires time to heal the heart & soul. did she do confinement? she should to build up her health.

annie: forgetful me... kept forgetting to bring the list!!! sorry!! arghhh... so pai sei leh.. hope i will remember to put in my bag tonight. which day of this weekend will u be bringing nesher for swim? maybe i can join. u must tap tap bb with the water first before putting him into water. & need to carry him facing u to go into water together then he wont be so afraid.

bumper playmat:
i bought the parklon. i noticed the dent too. think that is why there is a price difference from LG ba. LG as they say better quality. anyway, i'm pretty happy with my parklon.
