(2009/06) June 2009 MTBs

11bean, did u gradually switch ? hw cm he suddenly rej FM? i think some mummies posted b4 they mix FM w BM slowly to switch wn bb rej FM

bbjun add on, if u cld, do text her to tk some tonic do a small confinem like eat ginger stuff avoid cold stuff for 2 weeks it's not only for her weak body now but also to prep for next one.
tell her later not now lah not to lose hope go join some forum who exp same like her n mgn to preg again. n let body rest few mths if wanna try again. ppl say misc is more harmful to body than giving birth.
Merry Christmas!! Enjoy the holidays!!

bbjun, your mil so insensitive ah... sigh. i guess some older elders are just like tat one lo.. like my inlaws, very seldom show concern for my boy and i during and after pregnancy. as if it's none of their business. but well, i just close both eyes and dun bother. hope u'll get over it soon. and hope your sil will get over it too. agree with createjoy, must do mini confinement..

11_beans, maybe u can try to stop bfing in phases... pump and feed first.. can try mixing some fm into bm and feed (have to discard unconsumed portion) and slowly transit to full fm?
Hi everyone! Haven't had chance to log on, and now don't have time to go through archives, cos rushing to pump, then sleep. In UK now, and it's COLD. Around -5 in the day, and -10 at night. It's such a hassle dressing the baby! Still, it's a white Christmas here, and it's beautiful

Hello! Gd morning girls!! Merry xmasssss to all ur big and small darlingssss!!!! Lol! Haven't posted at all since last wk cuz I was down with mastitis n high high fever. The lump is still nt gone bt the fever is. Feels much much better! Has anyone tried mdm rokiah to cure bad blocked ducts.astitis/engorgement?

Newmum, I usually store it in an airtight tupperware. Didn't refrigerate tho..

Tubbymummy, wow, so nice!!! Merry white xmas to u!!
wow tubbymummy so envy u ! skyla so lucky so small can hav white christmas!

shelisa, i rec my ikan bilis powder, thks!! anyone can advise do i put in in the beginning wn cook porridge or later wn almost ready together w/ the veg? must keep airtight n store fridge before opening as well? hw much to serve? 1 teasp?

HT cereal oh jayden tried oatmeal yday no diff look cos he alwasy tk cereal fast but porridge always cry N cry.. it's almost 1/2 the thickness of nestle LOL no wonder u all say not as filling, i think i need 8 scoop yday only tried 4 like lesser than 2 scoop nestle. but he hate the jasmine chk lulut.. i tried it... err.. it taste sour he hate sour food, i tried to mix in porridge he cry n cry in the end ate half i giv up then at night i mix w nestle cereal he abit better. oh dear i hav a no. of jar food n i think most are sour n he hate them lol..oh must keep air tight? i didnt know, lucky i haven threw his milk tin can use to store

btw santa gave me present yday i had my 1st mense after confinement just nice cos i dreamt i preg i freak out ! my c sect wound still pain on & off i dont dare to have another 1 so soon i dont want c sect again! i hope can natural.. but santa giv jayden the present of flipping end up is i slpless night cos i notice yday he flip wn half awk his face goes right into the bean bolster or mattress n wn his arm land on pillow it block him from flipping over, i kinda worried so i chk more often. he so funny lor the bb cot so narrow he not only flip he also turn 90 degree wn he leg cannot even straighten n he still flip. biang the cot wide is only frm his head to slightly below knee.

yday rec nestle goodie bag at last it's so pretty! they funny leh i ask for HA they give me pro sample. now asking them to resend cos finally found someone to exchange w/ me.but they so meow shd giv the new cerelac mah still giving the old nestle cereal

anyway merry xmas again!!have a nice day!
oh jamie, keep masg urself often w warm towel, it will clr off in 1-2wk.. i have a lump tk 1 mth to clr but luckily i no fever .
Createjoy! Pass me nestle contact! I tried contacting them bt always kana divert to mailbox! Yup I use hot compress bt totally stuck man! Hailey latch also not much use. Got to use massage lady help..

Creamer: way too late to see ur post lol! Mastitis!!! Haha! Did u gt the thermometer then? Hw much did it work out to be?
hello mummies and baby,

Cayden wish all of you

<font color="ff0000">Merry</font> <font color="119911">Christmas</font>
stay helthy &amp; happy.
wishing all mummies n bbs merry x'mas n good health!

bbjun: feel sad after reading your story. hope your SIL is recovering well. stay strong! sometimes is good to be ignorance if you can't do much.

tubbymummy: envy envy! i'm dreaming of a white christmas too......
createjoy, thanks. Ya. I am aware of the mini-confinement part but my SIL very westernized and dun believe in this. Have advised her but it's really her personal choice.

amk_gal, actually I dun mind if they dun show concern n dun bother me. The prob is if they ever show concern it's always about my baby, not me, and always taking it to extremes like asking me to wrap my boy up like a mummy when gg to a shopping mall. Likes to interfere things thinking I am just as old as my boy or someone who has no brains and no common sense.

beemom, thanks. Yes, indeed, ignorance is bliss. I play ignorant to hints my MIL dropped, even if it's super obvious. She does that only for two purposes - to be sarcastic or to avoid asking me a direct question which she knows it's a no. For e.g. ask me to go with hb to Dubai to work n leave my boy with her for a FEW YEARS! or let her take my boy to taiwan to let her show off to her siblings without me.

Anyway, my SIL is so much better today. Sounded more cheerful and kinda stopped crying. However, she is down with a bad cold. She was planning to do some retail therapy but ended staying at home to nurse the cold.
Merry Christmas to all!

Jling, I also down with flu.. hope will get better tomorrow...

Mummies, how many tablespoon of HT cereal to I need for 1 tablespoon to feed baby?
Merry Xmas to all mummies and their babes. Its our babies' 1st xmas so its extra special...

bbjun, read your story abt mil and sil. Hope your sil feels better with time. I think a miscarriage can turn your emotions upside down. Think just need to think on the bright side and perhaps try again for another child when she is ready. As for your mil, i think just maintain a cordial relationship. No point arguing with her also cos older folks do tend to have rather fixed mindset sometimes. And it makes you unhappy also. Just see her when you need to and dont bother with what she says if she is being ridiculous. For me, i just visit mil once every week and listen to what she says abt baby but i dont necessarily take her advice all the time. But i just give her the due respect so that hubby is not caught in a dilemma. I think its impt that hubby is supportive of whatever decision you make for baby and stands by you.
Cheer up, the new year will be better=)
Merry Christmas to all Mommies and your little ones! Trust you had a good but maybe tiring day today! But am sure fun ya?

For those with our first child, we survived 6mths of motherhood! Yay!

bbjun - am feeling very sorry for your sil. And yes, i guess she needs time, and am sure she'll do whatever she can to build her physical body up. It's good that you are there for her when she needs that listening ear. Pray that she will be well soon, in every area (including the thing with her mom, it's sad).
jamie i called them at 6836 7200 or u can email them [email protected] they qt prompt ard 2 wking days.

bbjun oh then let it be. for me, i chose to believe our thousand yrs of chinese custom as well as tradition medi + western medi wn i try jayden. it's good enough that she have enough faith n hav settled down. i'm sure she now know who can lend a listening ear.well then no need to mention it again unless she talk abt it. sometimes it erupt again wn a friend or relative just preg or gave birth. it hap to me before, my ex-collegaue boy was due 1 mth after my 2nd edd, i was crying to another frd after i congrat her, was really shattered into pcs.. too bad she nt in spore, also hard for u to watch her cue, may god bless her. i used to tell my forum khakis who go thru misg, may god knew hw hard we tried and hw sad we were to lose it, i believe he'll hear our prayers n grant us another when the time is right
n yes god has heard...
help! got silly question to ask.
today i just feed my gal HT brown rice cereal for the 1st time.
i used her milk to mix with the cereal.
but realise that after i mix and feed her few mouth, the cereal is cold already?!
do u all use hot milk or just warm?
wat i do is i will warm up her leftover milk (i feed her solids right after her milkfeed) and mix, and end up with cold cereal. what shld i do? add hot water and the formula to mix?
wow biang the 1st "aunt visit" hurt alot!! yday waist damn "suan" i thought was becos of bad posture wn i tking jayden's xmas eve photo till it came then i realise it's 5 times worse than 1.5yr ago. i really dont like the feeling.. serve me right to b lazy pumping lesser n shorter till it come back early.. still tot can hold for a yr then after that i can try for meimei easier to know wn edd.

MIL issue haha ya bbaug , my hb is stuck like u say dilemma. he smart lah he keep quiet wn i complain. both side don offend haha.. but i see her everyday not 1 a wk so i cant keep mum :p just that now she angry i fel bad for jayden less 1 ppl to sayang him. i like her to talk n play w him but not carry ard n treat him like baobei, i mean kids are to be sayang but they are nt fragile glass dont hav to be so particular dont cry dont pain.. i like to treat him abit more rough since he's a boy.
bbjun: Yeah, there are just jerks around, even doing this to their own child! Just leave her alone. Wonder how they can call so frequently, my hubby mum will also call him 30-40 times if he happen not to pick up call, crazy right?

Jamie: Tried lecithin for block duct, it works for me

createjoy: my wound still pain too, memses not here yet though
japa, u can put the baby dish into a bowl/dish of hot water, it'll help abit la.. jus be careful not to scald urself or baby! =D

createjoy, thx! i;ve jus emailed them! =)

dolly, im massaging alot now. with hot compress. wah so pain.. not on lecithin, currently stll on antibiotics. the lump is getting smaller tho, so im keeping my hopes up tt soon it goes away completely!!
re: hwa xia
im letting go my 3 leftover sessions with massage cuz my girl dun lk it anymore. u also can share 3 ppl to a card if u guys go together. pm or sms me ba if u guys are interested! thx thx! =)
jamie: Mine was red and painful too, but din go and see doctor cos dun wan to take medicine
Lecithin is a supplement can buy anywhere, feel safer loh.
hi japa,

what i did was: i use hot water to mix the milk formula then use it to mix the cereal. after that i put the milk bottle in a cup of hot water. after finish feeding the cereal, i give him the milk.

for cereal, did you give baby try different flavour on alternate day or mix them (brown rice + barley).
Createjoy, if you stay with mil then its a bit harder to control your emotions when she says something hurtful. I think the old saying still applies "xiang jian rong yi tong zhu nan". I still believe that 2 women cannot live in the same household, sure have conflict one.heh.

But since your mil cares alot for Jayden, then have to reach a compromise sometimes and be tactful cos old pple can be rather sensitive abt words also. well, look on the bright side, at least she helps out with jayden then you can take a break sometimes and grandparents always dote on grandchild so jayden is fortunate in that way also=)

Hayoki, after i tried white rice cereal and brown rice cereal each for 4 days then i mix or else you won't know if baby is allergic to either of them. Now i mix brown and white rice cereal for each meal cos baby doesnt like the white rice cereal so mixing it encourages him to eat his meal.
hi mummies,

my boy is down with flu.. running nose, cough with phlegm and wheezing sound. Can advise me what to do? Bought him to the PD today and gotten some medicine but the cough seems to get worst. Any other ways to make him feel better and cough lesser by not relying only on the medicine?
bbaug, ya i know...its gd to hav grdma love. i better master the art of 1 ear in 1 ear out than keep talking back. if not for her i be busy washing n ironing, i appreciate her silent help also now feel bad fr jayden few days see grdma also dont wanna carry him at all.

jling i think for adult itz common will worsen for a start coz medi irritate to cough the phlegm out or dry up the phlegm,for bb i think mayb work the same. hmm sorry i duno secret remedy, oh dear i rem he just recvr milk strike now sick must have lose weight.hope jack get well soon.
Hi Jling,
I'm one mum who doesn't fancy medication. The last time my boy had cough, phlegm and wheezing, I brought him to this physician in Kembangan. It's a place for baby massage and the physician gives 'medication' that only requires bb to wrap around his/her naval button. Not too sure if u know this place, it's Yu Guo Zhong Yi. Hubby's colleague recommended. Was really shocked the first time I was there! All bbs and children!

If you are keen, I can provide you the addy!
Hello every mummies!
Its been a while since I posted anything much here. Hope everyone is enjoying ur holidays!! Life is been very tiring n hectic for me. My mum has been coming over or staying over almost everyday. Otherwise, its hard for me to cope. Esp now, dunno y I am so fragile like dat. Haiz.. Hard to be so carefree n happy as last time.

now all babies flipping and crawling already? Aisha now even trying to stand up. She's like pushing her up from low to high kneeling position. I'm so scared she'll topple over n hurt herself. She's been hurt too many times.

u should feel solids first then leftover milk after. Was told by the teacher, its whatever cereal amt followed by normal feed minus 30-50ml. So, if normally, u feeding 150ml, then its 120-100ml of milk after cereal. Usually i put hot water to cereal, so it warm while serving. Plus i put a scoop of FM to the cereal. hmm. dunno if tat's good or not coz think its makes the cereal more milky compare to adding prepared FM to cereal.

Re: Solids
I've tried brocolli with white rice cereal and carrots with white rice cereal. Both are nice esp with milk added. U can try other veg. too instead of sticking to white/brown cereals only. By the way, does anyone know if the nutrients are lost if i feed bb cooked apples/pears? will all the good nutrients be "oxidised" away? I've only started feeding Aisha in the evening. Previously, she only eat once in the morning. Once I gave her cereal for breakfast around 8am. At noon, she was hungry again! So gave her soya bean curd. But evening time, not that hungry n didn't eat much.

so good u are in UK!?! Must be freezing lah there and snowing too? A acquaintance went to UK n Paris for holidays with her 1YO n her hubby and her trip was cut short coz of the Eurostar. So unpredictable! Make sure keep as warm as u possibly can.
babyhopes , wow got much thing, is it ex? it's bb masg only wn sick or well laos got diff masg? can PM me contact , thks i think i can keep in case 'touch wood'!
oh no my Bm supply keep dropping.. sigh now not going bck bck mayb shd go back to 4 pump.. but so sian.. bside spinach, broccoli what other "green" veg can we feed? any other biscuit bb can eat bside bb bites? i keep HT teething biscuit later when his itch.he love bb bites but i feel it taste artificial to me.

shelisa the ikan bilis mk the porridge v tasty!! although he stil hmm hmm hmm dun open mouth, he must drk n eat at the same time..i cant just feed solid 1st.

i find HT cereal v thin hard to feed n need many scoops , so i mix 1-2 scoop nestle cereal, can we add corn flake??
Wonder if this is part of separation anxiety, my boy goes very cranky at night when I'm not next to him, he'll cry and cry, refuse to be carried by other people (including my hubby). Once I carry him, he'll smile!!!
hi mummies,

just came back from KKH, jack is down with high fever this morning 39.7Deg!! this stupid mummy did not realise till 6am in the morning. Don't know will affect his brain or not. Hubby decides to send him to KKH and was diagnose with Bronchiolitis, viral infection of the airway. May i know do anyone knows what causes the infection? haiz too worried that the fever will affect him and forgot to ask the doc.

can pm me the contact?
ya man, at least mil help. mine? i feel like dying. my hubby rather side her than to side me.

worst off, my hubby is lazy, refuse to help, full of excuses and give me miserable allowence. i cannot live with such man anymore.

i'm waiting for the day to go legal aid, divorce my hubby.

which explain why i disappear..
didn't go thru all the posts yet..

hope baby Jack gets well very soon...

be strong for your children. for legal aid, i understand there's certain criteria to qualify, if not cannot go thru legal aid. maybe can check www.lab.gov.sg

just saw a post to vote for baby Jayden and have done so, hope I'm in time!
bbaug, yup. I try my best to keep my relationship with my MIL cordial unless she totally oversteps boundaries. There are, of cos, things she had done that is totally agst my principles, e.g. lying to manipulate me and HB. We had a big quarrel over this before our marriage and I hope that incident stays with her so that she won't do it again.

thanks, newmom and createjoy.

hayoki, is your boy on FM or BM? as long as it's not loose liquid, it is fine. Cld be due to teething that he has looser stools. Or are u changing him to step 2 FM or intro him to any new foods?
My baby has one and only one poo today, it's very little but super stinky! Arr…. Starting of the smelly shit, now kinda miss those old poo before he started on solid

hayoki: My boy was having 4 poo a day just a few days ago, think it's OK if it's on BM.

bbjun: I dun talk to my hubby mum in private, also because she has been making false claim to people, even our friends! I have made an effort not to disclose my mobile number to her. Else when she cannot find her son she'll will chain call me
