(2009/06) June 2009 MTBs

Hey Dolly,

Noah is also doing that these 2 nights. He wakes at 2.30 or 3am and then later ard 5pm and every hour plus after for milk... I am so tired too... wonder if this is called growth spurt.

Although he usually feeds every 3hrly, today was totally messed up. He kept crying for milk every 2hrly or less.

I was thinking if it cld be too much foremilk thingy but then his poo has been yellow mustard colour so can't be that issue right?

He is 11weeks today but calendar wise is still 2 weeks away from his 3rd mth and I thought growth spurt is until he is 3mths?

Re: Nasal Aspirator

yeah, noah also cries till turn purple and tears rolling down cheeks when I try to help him get out the mucus... very heartbreaking but no choice hv to do else he can't breathe and he will cry anyway, plus can't suck cos can't breathe... FAINT!
dolly- mine stopped breast milk so after his feeding now increase 180ml, he fall asleep unless he got playmate. (daddy like to disturb & play wif him)
these 2 days augustine has trouble sleeping in the day. I suspect its cos the weather is very hot so cant sleep well. I have been trying to put him in his cot instead of the sarong. Now with the hot weather very hard to reinforce the sleeping in the cot. I tried to switch on the aircon yest but his nose started getting a bit stuffy so i switched it off. Hmmm i wonder how im going to solve this problem.
bbaugustine: Maybe put him back at sarong? At least it's less warmth

Annie: mine drink 100ml every 3 hours at nanny place.

Sweethalo: Mine also a bit erratic, just now he didn't drink the last feed at 530pm, came back to sleep instead. We only manage to feed him the 100ml at 830pm. But then he won't settle until I latched him twice at 10pm and 11pm
Re: Steriod Jabs..
I tried oral medication for TCM...but pain come and go... havent tried acupuctual...I stay at west coast...can i have the address?
Thought I read somewhere the jabs can be breastfeeding compatible?? hais
Would like to seek some advice re: BB poo

BB is on partial bf (latch on & EBM) as well as FM. I'm trying to train her to take the bottle but it doesn't work all the time. Seems she doesn't like EBM but like to latch instead. Her feeding times and amount of milk taken also varies everytime.

Today is the first day that she haven't pooed at all (24hr period)..a bit worried. I read from previous posts that some babies might not poo everyday. When should I start to see a doctor about this then?

Thanks in advance!
Hi Mummies,

I am a cold drink and coffee lover.

Do your drink cold drinks and coffee when breast feeding?

My bb pooed yellowish, watery+sticky stools. She said that i drank too much cold drinks.

Coffee i drank once a day after i pumped out.

Do your drink these? Pls share your experience.
Shirley: Yes, I drink cold water, cold 100 Plus and eat cold stuff - in this weather, how not to drink cold drinks! Btw, the poo colour plus texture is normal.
Hi Shirley,
I take cold drinks once a while..tea about 1 cup everyday or once every two days... so far my girl's poo is seedy yellowish colour..but abit mucusy ( sticky) ..as long as it is yellowish muddy colour should be alright..not sure about sticky stools though... any mommies care to share?
Vogue mummy,

I am suffering from very bad wrist pains as well.. so bad that I cant even write properly too! .. You can try kneading the palm area, the painful area and follow all the way up to the whole hand.. get ur hubby to do for u. I went to tcm and observed her doing it. it helps.. but i reckon that our wrists will never heal .. unless we stop carrying our babies which is impossible.

When at home, if u are breastfeeding, try feeding lying on the bed so that our hands can rest... dun take the steroids jabs. My mum started on it.. and cldnt stop cos got addicted to it. In the end, she went for op for permanent pain relief.
<font color="0077aa">sorry, it's a long one!

re pupsik, think it's the cheaper version of hotslings and few other US brands. would suggest u buy 2nd hand from another mummy cos it takes abit of getting used to, especially for baby cos it's so snug. Alya was screaming when i put her inside it. just mind that pupsik got sizes so maybe u can go to mothercare and try first, get the right fit then buy 2nd hand. haha! but now im using MIM sling, i find it's better cos when i put her in it's quite loose then i slowly tighten. i only use 1 style which is what my hubby taught me. when she's bigger maybe can try other styles cos this crossing of legs..Alya doesnt really like so much.

re sterilizer: createjoy, you said sterilize once a day and then keep in ziplock bag in fridge? how abt if after use? can just wash and keep is it? right now im sterilising like all the time! i bought medela microwave bags from another mummy, can use each bag 20 times so will use that when i go back to work. pack of 5 bags is abt $25 at taka baby fair. just put water and microwave, takes abt 3mins.

re walker/exersaucer: ahnet, taka fair got good deal. saw one selling for $169 (evenflo brand). another one mummies like to buy is jumperoo. i think for babies to learn to walk on tiptoes cos their feet initially is curved inwards and will slowly open up. my niece used walker and for few mths after that was still walking on tiptoes so not so good. jumperoo some ppl say the impact on toes not so good and exersaucer can injure baby with all the twisting. so nothing's perfect but it keeps baby occupied and as long as we keep an eye on baby should be ok i think. i also wanted to buy the exersaucer, but now not sure if my mum can take care of her. if send to infantcare like no point get exersaucer, cos nobody will monitor her and think it'll be underused.

btwn jumperoo and exersaucer i think serves different purpose. jumperoo is more fun and not much activity, just jump and play. exersaucer got toys and cant really jump much..like allow baby to experience sounds, texture etc and i find baby will need to walk more in it because the toys are all around and they are in a swivel chair. btw, exersaucer seat is less padded than jumperoo.

re watching tv: wow, it's good that Jarius likes to watch tv. go get those educational dvds can play for him and keep him occupied! but i think babies cannot see far yet now..only 1m? not sure..cos i read somewhere. i think SAHM or like me only have 1 kid is very privileged and may not need tv to distract baby. sometimes even i need a break to wash clothes, heat up food etc. rather than leaving them alone, i think safer for her to watch tv and be focussed, even if for 15min only. too bad tv in my room too far from bed/cot so have to bring her closer to watch..too much hassle so i just let her watch her mobile. actually baby's life very boring hor..feed, sleep, watch mobile and play silly games with mummy...hehehe

Tubby, i think my hubby has TV addiction. cant sleep w/o watching tv. when we had our own place, he fought tooth and nail to put tv in the room. it's actually very unhealthy because tv emits a radiation which continues even after it's switched off. and of course bedroom activity is challenging when the last thing he wants to do is watch tv before sleeping. even put timer so he'll sleep before TV's off!

re bumbo: my girl thighs quite chunky to go in when i tried it the other day, so hubby said no need to buy. often parents stop using bumbo because of this thigh issue, so let ur baby try on the display set before buying.

re steroid jabs: my mum's a nurse so she advise me not to go for this. it's a temporary relief only. best is to let ur hand rest and carry baby properly (with forearm power, not wrist)

Mei: yah few neighbourhood shops sell carters very cheap cheap one. as u may know, carters (as well as gap, osh kosh etc) made in china so these retailers buy it cheap and in bulk there and that's why can sell for $5. great for home and sleepwear i find!

Sharon Limb, taka baby fair got sell Spiffies or Dental wipes for baby, got flavor some more. i just use clean cloth to clean before i bath her...learnt frm mummies here. hee

Dolly, my hubby also army and he was also in the field on wed and thu night..same unit maybe? which camp is ur hubby at?

Raudha, i have bb bjorn and it's supposed to be able to carry bb up to 12kg. if ur boy 3mths now, better buy 2nd hand cos u wont use for more than another 4-5mths. by then heavy leh to carry in front! i use bb bjorn synery, by far one of the best investments i've made.

any mummies tried to wean baby off pacifier? Alya must use it to sleep (so it means she sleeps on her own w/o much rocking/patting. and anywhere also can sleep e.g her cot, my bed, her high chair. but she's so dependent on it..am thinking if i should wean off or not in the first place. any advice pls?</font>
ANNticipating, Im prob the 1 you see mentioning most frequently that my girl poos only once every few days, sometimes up to a week. Her PD says that BF babies sometimes poo only every 2-5 days. As long as the stools (when she DOES poop) are soft/watery like usual and colour is normal, then nothing to worry about. See doc if poo is hard, has blood streaks, is abnormal colour (e.g. blackish), or if baby hasn't pooped in more than 1wk.

Shirley, I think the poo description sounds normal. I drink cold drinks whenever I feel like

sweethalo, noah never go thru growth spurt before is it? Lucky you! Mine did every growth spurt in the book. 1wk, 3wks, 6wks, demanding feeds every 2hrs day &amp; night. Now waiting for the 3mth one, still not here yet, hmmm... she usually v on target one leh... I'm so scared of growth spurts!!
caramelle: My hubby is on course leh, but he's out in the field on Wed and Thurs
I'm trying to intro pacifier to my son still! Else he'll suck his fist or thumb
caramelle, i just briefly rinse w hot water and keep in ziplonk bag / container then into fridge after using. i only sterilise once a day and if i want to brg out.
dolly, today i gave in and put augustine back into the sarong cos the weather is really too hot and he refuses to sleep in the cot. When he falls asleep in my arms after feeding, i pat a while and try to put him into the cot. The moment he is in the cot, he wakes up and refuses to go back to sleep!
But at nite, he sleeps well in the cot so it looks like its going to be sarong in the day and cot at nite until he is ready to make the transition.
bbaugustine: Yes, and why not if he's comfortable in the sarong? I started to put a small mattress beneath the sarong though, just in case.
My boy only sleep in the cot at night, he also dun like it in the day also, he rather sleep in the bouncer. Normally got to feed him on my bed till he sleeps, then I move him over to the cot.
dolly: since i started using sarong, i have put huge pillows below it for safety. Well, i hope to wean him off the sarong before he reaches 6 months old. I usually feed my boy before he sleeps at nite also.
Hi mommies,
If your baby is sleeping in the cot, do they move when they are sleeping? My boy like to move and when he get stuck, he will cry and I need to pat him back to sleep without moving him back to the original position. What is your method?
bluedream, my boy also moves when sleeping. Some times from the top all the way to the bottom or becomes slanted. But he usually doesn't cry when that happens. He cries when his diaper needs a change or he wants a feed.

If he is in a slanted position, I will usually move him straight and move the pillow to support his head. If he just move from one end of the cot downwards, I just move the pillow to support his head... I dun move him back up. I just try to minimise movements, especially at nite.
thanks bbjun and dolly.

My boy super like to move, imagine he can move with the nappy cloth swaddle on him. (He will find ways to release himself from the swaddle and his right hand is always out of the swaddle) The most kua zhang was he moved his body 180 degree when sleeping. Been moving his head left and right all the time too (when sleeping). He cry when he hit side of the bed(either his head or his leg).

As I swaddle him, I don't cover him with another blanket.

This morning he cried twice bcos his legs hit the side of the bed and he cannot continue his 'journey'. Haha.

As I let him sleep on his tummy, he will wet his bed with his saliva too. I will need to change the sheet every 2-3 days. And place the mattress under the sun when not raining.

my bb dun move at all leh.. maybe cos we put him in the sleep positioner (2 small bolsters joined together) and also swaddle him with both arms outside - so basically tying up his legs and acts as blanket..
there are quite a few type of baby carriers. Some carriers have weight/age limit due to its size n design. Some can last up to 2 yrs n older. If u looking for long term ie can use till 2 yrs n older, u can try backpack type of carriers like beco and pikolo. Unlike baby bjorn, these can last till toddlerhood coz there's space for ur toddler. As for MIM slings or other slings, also can use until toddler coz its adjustable. BUT the weight of ur toddler will be on one shoulder - u cannot carry ur toddler for very long in slings. I have tried, very heavy. Backpack style carrier will distribute the weight on to both shoulders and also versatile enough to use as front carry when ur child is younger. Think beco is the more popular ones but also more expensive. Maybe u can look out for BPs or older designs which are slightly cheaper. I dont have a beco/pikkolo but my other friends with kids same as as Ayuni uses/upgrade to these type of carrier when their kids are older.


there are also other variants of these type of carriers like mei tais and wraps, u can try google them
also just to add, its tempting to think that u dunt need to babywear ur kid once has learnt to walk. but carriers can in useful when u dunt want to bring ur stroller along for short trips. so u can alternative btw babywearing and leting ur baby walk. sometimes they just want to be carried for comfort/assurance reasons,etc. Also when crossing the road/taking the stairs, better carry ur kid coz ur kid will be too slow or have to run to keep up with u.
styliciously, thank u so so much! ya...at 1st, i was contented wif juz a sling n sumtimes stroller. but im beginning 2 tink dat i nid a carrier. coz my boy is now 6.7kg. n im beginning 2 feel d weight on 1 shoulder, like u said. oso...i tink carrier can give me d ease of being hands free n allow me 2 do simple house werk while carrying my boy.
its juz dat i wonder if its worthwhile 2 buy now coz im afraid dat d carrier cant b use long. im lukin 4 sumthing long term. thank u so so much! il luk at dis websites. i heard dat beco n pikkolo r good brands. il luk it up. so i hev 2 order online?or they hev shops in singapore?any idea?

now im clearer on d purpose of carrier n il most prob buy 1.
<font color="cc0099"> Kyle does his funny little laughs now... open-mouthed grin and gasp/chortle.

He's SO strong and sturdy now he looks way beyond his age. Someone asked me if he was 6 months. *gasp!*

Finally doing "OT" after eons of slipshod reading and posting. Heehee!

styl~, l'tulips, s'halo, thanks for responding about the formula milk! I'm thinking of giving Kyle a 1-2oz taste weekly. No more than that cos I'm too lazy to pump and will be painfully engorged and leak crazily otherwise. Decided to do this more than a fortnight ago, but still no chance cos his feed times don't coincide with when I go back to mum's so that I can steal some of niece's formula to make a quick bottle.

amkgal, belated ah... Re: Posting in marketplace, can just post as you do here. But for WTS thread you must have signed up for at least a year so now a lot of ppl wanting to sell are posting on the WTB thread instead. Try that! Response is quite good too.

Tubbym~, Re: Bumbo I seriously think it's super duper over-rated and overpriced as such. It seems an unworthy "investment" to me. Having said that, should you decide to get it, just do be careful not to put your bub in there before she's ready as it can affect/retard spinal development if introduced too early.

Raudha, I have no idea personally but my sis swears by Pikkolo. After she struggled with Pupsik and MIM slings, she looks really comfy with the Pikkolo. Maybe this will help..? She says it's costly but worthwhile cos weight distribution is good and it's not warm. Also, can easily transfer baby in carrier over to someone else. The carrier and sling ppl all say until 20kg. By my reckoning, that's provided your back doesn't give out first!! Siao la!

ANNticipating, belated too... just monitor and wait until the next round. It might be a WHOPPER of a poop!! As long as it's not hard stools, red or black... baby is fine. I've heard of babies that poo only once or twice a week.

Shirley, that mustardy seedy colour and texture sound perfectly fine! Take those comments with a BOWL of salt.
I love my bubble tea, Yami yogurt, ice-cream and coffee and Kyle's doing very well indeed.
<font color="cc0099"> Poor Kyle's dermatitis is keeping him up in the night scratching and rubbing his head *sigh*
Can only try to manage it by dousing him in moisturiser.

Ash~, Re: Wrist Pains, not sure how true this is... cos my wrists have been coping alright with the "technique" I told you about keeping wrist flexing to a minimum. But sis said that a lot of the April MTBs had this prob as well. Her wrist(s) actually swelled a little. She eventually saw a TCM therapist for her problem and it went away with acupuncture. Apparently it's some nerve sprain (if i'm not mistaken) and the dr advised NOT NOT NOT to massage it cos massaging will make it worse. So she shared this on their thread and a number agreed that it seems acupuncture is the only truly useful cure. *shrugs* I'm not sure what I believe...
But just fyi since it seems a real prob for u!

BlueDream, your little guy is so funny!! I'm thinking he's indicating he's ready not to be swaddled anymore! Maybe he needs a sleep bag if he's swiveling around that much.. ? Like 11Beans, I'm also thinking, how about a sleep positioner to keep him nice and snug and in position too?

caramelle, my 2-cents worth re: weaning baby off pacifier
> It's is a very individual decision. Depending on your baby's ability to self-soothe and what the alternative(s) is/are. Kyle actually weaned himself off pacifier about a month or so ago. I was really glad at first and thought WOO-HOO!! GOOD BOY! Then he had trouble sleeping and was waking multiple times in the night, unable to self-soothe to sleep. During those days, I ended up having to nurse him after trying adjusting, patting, singing, rocking and what-not.

> So after a week or so, I began re-introducing dummy cos it made things easier for me to just offer it to him if he needed to self-soothe during some periods of wakefulness in sleep. Now he can keep it in his mouth better and I help him out with a strategically placed bean pillow (trick learnt from my sis!). When he needs it, he sucks. Once he falls asleep, he sometimes spits it out. But when he's having bouts of light sleep in the night, he just hangs on to it and sucks himself to sleep each time he rouses.

> At the end of the day, I'm very glad I re-intro'd it and he was willing to take it. ESPECIALLY during his 3-month growth spurt when he was waking every hour or so! And also now, that he's waking CONSTANTLY to rub his itchy head
The last 2 nights, he's been waking every 15-30min, the poor mite! But haiya, mummy's psych make-up la. I still wake each time he stirs just to observe what he's doing. So still end up rather tired though he can self-soothe. Keke. Duh, right?</font>
Hi all mummies out there

Anyone who had piles and given birth via normal delivery? Pls share your experience and how bad the piles became after delivery?

I had piles all along and it became very bad and painful esp after poopoo even without any straining during my last tri! It became like a bunch of grapes as many of them surrounding the anus (sorry i know its disgusting but its the best illustration I can think of). I am so worried that by natural birth it will be super big as need a lot of pushing!

Anyone choose c section becos of this reason? Can anyone whom had same experience as me pls share. Thanks.
Hi Mummies,

So relieve to hear that your alson drank cold drinks.

I really cant live without cold drinks and coffee.

ohh i rem that i haven taken any raw salmon (sushi one) yet. Anyone of your taken? My mums said better dont eat while bf..But its been long time i haven taken salmon. Bad craving.

One more question to ask your:

I got frozen breast milk stored in my house and my mum's place. Cos my mum's freezer full of my frozen breast milk and my brother has no place for his ice cream...
So i need to transport some of the bm back to my own house. How do i go abt it?

Will the milk turned bad cos it was exposed to the room temp? If i were to put it in a cooler bag, can i still store it back to my own house freezer?

Anyone has similar experiences. Care to share?

i take cold drinks and sashimi. since they are digested by our body, I do not think that it will do any harm to my bb..

yes. u can put in cooler bag and transfer back to your freezer. I use the fridge to-go-cooler bag. my milk are still frozen after a 1 hour journey.
<font color="ff0000">Re : baby feeds

is it entirely up to baby to decide how much and how often he wants milk??

bb dunno learn frm where new pattern.. day time bf him, drink 5 min dun wan liao, i try to put back in his mouth, he make vomiting action and sounds and dun wan anymore. End up he wanna drink every 1 hour. then in between he either wanna play or he will fall asleep/get angry..

at night, feed ebm, usually 100ml can last 2 - 2.5 hour... now he drink 50ml he dun wan and also making vomiting sounds and action with his tongue if we put the teat in his mouth.. cos he wanna sleep, dun wan milk le.. end up, every hour also, even at night!!

any way to train bb?? or need to see doc??

he's 12 weeks today... he did this since maybe 3 days ago..</font>
<font color="119911">re : gg back to work

whe shd i start training bb on the new schedule for when i go back to work ah?? few more weeks left only.. so shd start to change to bottle feed during daytime as well??

too lazy to start, keep putting it off... cos i dun like pumping.. haaa</font>
11 Beans,

Think it depend on whether u ren xin to let your baby cry or not. :p

After my baby full month, I put him on ard 3 hours routine le. If he cry every hour, I will pat him and carry him ard the house. My boy will cry till tired and sleep. hahaha I will give in for every 2 or 2.5 hours.

I believe baby has survival instinct. If you let him feel more hungry, he will drink more in the next feed. :p
Hi 11 Bean,

My bb also like this when she was 1.5 mths old. She is on ebm (bottlefeed).

We used to coax her for 1 hr to make her drink 120 mls of milk. Now we divide her feed. 60 mls every 1.5 hrs and she is drinking well. Sometimes she doesnt want and used her tongue to put off the bottle teat. Then we dont force her, will increase her feed the next hr.

She is 11 weeks old

Did ur bb just had injection? Maybe the vaccine made him/her lost appetite...
you better start soon.. some babies may be fussy with type of teats..

anyone noticed cross eye in babies (slight)
thanx cassey n mei...i did my research. n iv narrowed down my choice to either pikkolo or beco. stil tinkin. heard both is good.smiles!!
Thanks for all Mommies' advices... have decided not to go for it..meanwhile I will continue to try TCM, found a TCM @ clementi that does acupuncture...nearer to my place.. hopefully it helps...
Meanwhile when feeding, i will put baby in sling to feed, less stressful for my arms...esp when my girl needs to be moved around when feeding..if not she doesnt want to eat...

RE: Pupsik Pouch
Have decided to use sling instead... more cloth easier to manage.. hahaa...

Going back to work next week..This week trying to "reherse" with my caregiver on how she is going to juggle when i not around..esp when i not staying with mom or mom-in-law but got to ferry caregiver and baby to and fro mom-in-law's place... mil still has another two nieces primary sch to takecare...but no choice as my mom stays too far away..my nieces just love to kiss and cuddle my girl.. hopefully they are gentle with her...
Raudha, u make me wanna get one too. LOL. Ayuni has this habit of refusing to nap in time for her Kindermusic class. She will fall asleep 1 hr before her claases starts and soon after it ends in the taxi. So heavy carrying her without carrier.
11 beans,
my girl is abit like your son, clearly she can drink more but stopped at 50 - 60ml. What i did was i carried her around using sling (less stressful for my wrists) and feed her. Although she may push her tongue at the teat after a short while but i will try to put it back into her mouth every few minutes.. meanwhile she is distracted by my homes's celling lights / fan etc as i walked around... she will drink her milk.. when she really doesnt want anymore but not aslp, i will put her on the bed to let her play by herself...then soon she may make some noise.. and i will carry her, walk around the room/house and feed her again...have managed to finish ard 110 - 120ml of milk at two intervals.. u can try
sign... Kris is down with blocked nose and cough... no wonder his milk intake reduced and wanted to carry upright.

Sweethalo, i remembered you said a nurse told you no nasal spray for infants? today Kris went to see PD and he was given a nasal spray to remove muscus to help breathing.
zach was given a nasal spray when he got reflux prob too. this spray is suitable for infant bcoz its made of pure seasalt water. not sure if its the same one prescribed to kris. he was given nose drops too, but this one can only use for 7 days continuously and break for 3 days before using it again.

<font color="0000ff">thanks mummies for your responses..

that's what's happening now lor.. cos ebm can still use even if bb already drank before (as opposed to formula milk) so everytime make 100ml and hope bb finish.. last time can finish, but dunno why recently he keeps gagging on the teat after 50ml.. and wanna drink more often.. the amt drank is the same over the same period of time but takes 2 feeds to finish!!

