(2009/06) June 2009 MTBs

Lin, I think you better bring ur gal to see a PD by today as to play safe as it really sound alot of blood.

sweethalo, how do you know you have blocked duct? Is it totally cannot pump out or?

TubbyMummy/qi7/LFB, ya!! indeed!! i was so surprise when she can tell me it small? I still rem i ask her how big she expect the hole will be? But her replied is bigger then this. Hubby and i was thinking to wait till 19/09 appt and see what that stupid doc say as i believe it will be her again!! If she really refer Sermaine to KKH, i will then bring her to her PD to seek for 2nd opt. But if my PD say it is normal, im sure to make a complaint to MOH!!

Dolly, where to buy calendula cream? Is it for rashes?

LFB, i started 3hole teat for sermaine when she is ard 2mth half. i started 2 hole teat for sermaine when she is 1mth half. You can try the 2hole teat 1st, at 1st they sure will leak as not very use to the milk flow but after 2-3 days they should adapt to it. Did you notice your boy when drinking milk he is trying very hard to suck? I change teat for sermaine is bcos i notice when she drink milk, she tend to suck very hard and long then release then suck very hard and release. like very 'xin ku' to suck the milk as the hole too small. after i change new teat, she will gently suck release then gently suck. look more comfortable for her.

Reg Rashes: Sermaine neck (at the folded part) also have rashes. So my mil ask me to stop apply powder for her. Infant care auntie ask me to buy 'calamari lotion'. Anyone aware can bb apply it?

Reg: febm, this morning feed Sermaine febm, i notice the milk is more yellowish and the taste is also diff from immediate pump express milk. Is it normal?

Lin, I think like what others say, go see a doc please!!!

LFB, sweethalo, your babies having 3rd month growth spurt? then i think my boy having 4th month growth spurt. he kept wanting milk yesterday!!!! faint.....

Shelisa! is that doc qualified?? alamak... got such thing as tear or cut open one meh.... i think you should bring her to a pd first instead of waiting for the 19/9 appt. wait she try something funny again how and since u saw blood, doubt u want to see Sermaine going thru it again rite???

calendula cream can be bought on BP. rashes also can use. eczema also can use. can also use as diaper cream but it's ex.

regarding rashes: Dwayne has those red lines along the folds of the neck and arms. i think it's cos it was not properly dried as they are folds, hard to dry them. asked pd before and she says to use baby lotion. it does seem better but must make an effort to try to towel dry those parts after bath.

FEBM: some people say it taste more fishy and abit metallic (i dont know what's the taste of "metallic" though). think as long as not sour, it's ok.
lovelytulip, heartache lor. But ytd check her private part again, lucky the blood thread it gone. Phew~~ Err, will call infant care later to ask the auntie after bathing rem to dry the neck part well. I think maybe due to everynight I help her wipe body using a warm towel then I didn��t use another dry towel to dry it that y it didn��t recover?

Hello Anyone, care to intro any good FEMALE PD to me? I am staying at Serangoon mrt. After hearing so much advise, I would like to bring Sermaine for another re-assessment. Thanks.

TubbyMummy, if you know there is a BP that can buy calendula cream, pls let me know. Thanks
Shelisa - There's a piece of hardened flesh when the block is... been trying to massage and warm compress, it only swelled up and got more painful to touch.

Lovelytuplips - WAH! Dwayne still hving growth spurt!

LFB- same here... everything just haywiring... til i dono when to pump and when to feed!

Re: Growth Spurt
Mummies who hv been through this...

1) how long does it last?
2) will they go back to their regular 3hrly timing or remain chaotic?
TubbyMummy: Oh, your Calendula BP cancelled? Mine supposed to arrive late Sept

Shelisa: Like TubbyMummy, I uses Calendula cream for almost everything. Actually Watsons also sell Calendula cream, but it costs almost $30 bucks, so I buy in spree which cost ard $17+

Ordered Calendula cream, Calendula lotion and desitin thru this spree, maybe can wait for her next spree?

I drank one bottle of febm yesterday (cos the cap burst in my freezer) taste ok leh, no freezer smell
Are you guys interested to get the cream? my sis cancelled the spree due to poor response. If mommies could gather how much you all need perhaps I can ask her if she can get for you guys?

metallic is due to the iron in the milk that oxidize (pardon if wrong spelling) when being freeze/chilled.

yes it taste more fishy and metallic. it's better than formula, I can assure you. Although the nutrients is cut by 50% hey you left 50% not bad!
tubbymummy, mei, thank u so much for ur assurance! I will dtop worrying abt the baby's poo poo la.. so tiring with the worry really. He is in fact pooing now..haha

lin, I dont think the blood r frm ur baby, it shld be frm ur breasts tho it wont come out everytime u latch or pump.. i read somewhr that breasts can secrete blood at times bt nt sure why.. do check with a LC or gynae! esp ur baby poo has black specks too, dun drag liao, men always think everythin is ok, no need see doc, but i think better be safe than sorry.

Dolly, I had seen some mummies using the pupsik pouch during the mummies gathering and 1 had commented that its easier to use the pouch cos no need to adjust tt much cloth like mim sling.. no? dun tell me its more difficult!! I was abt to make payment for a second hand one until i saw ur posting!!

Shelisa, I think my pd didnt even check my boy's genitals with hand! just see only when open diaper..i seriously think tt dr has a problem.. what is the dr's name? ..shld look into it seriously.

Dolly, u drank ur own milk!! ... nice??? I havent master the courage to do tt yet!! it freaked me out just by smelling the frozen ebm!
qi, how much would the calendula cream cost then if your sister were to get it?

my son got whitish stuff and redness at the folds. PD said that was fungus and gave him a cream to apply.

u want to try toa payoh's children's clinic on your daughter's issue? the PD is a female. but she could be quite costly. a visit may cost us more than $100.

just brought both my sons to see her... spent $400 liao... going to see her again this fri... haiz... my pockets crying already... got to eat bread to save up for dear sons.
Mummy Ash,

during scheduled checkups, my PD will check my son's genital. think she is checking to see if the testicles are in the correct positioning. she also checks for rashes etc. sometimes it is also to check if the child has hernia or not.
Mummy Ash: No worries. Just the other day, I was telling my friend that it's amazing how we've come from talking about things like shopping to baby's poo. :p

Mummies: Do any of you have problems napping while your little one naps? I can never nap for more than one hour during the day and as such, never have the time to catch up on my sleep. So I end up feeling more tired than ever. Plus with the heat...the lack of sleep and heat makes me so ultra cranky.
I have same bottle refusal problem for my baby also. Hence went to TMC parentcraft for help. One of the Consultant use a method to press baby's chin upward when bottle-feeding, it seems to work, although baby will cry very badly initially. Hope this helps.
MummyAsh: Better tried out the pupsik first before buying...
haha, between throwing away the milk and drinking it, I choose to drink it loh
BTW, the milk is really oily and yeah, it tasted like milk....

Mei: Yeah, me too, hard to nap in day time! But yesterday was super tired, managed to nap for 2 hours in the afternoon when my boy was at the nanny place. Feel so good after that!
Cassey - thnks for the number of the massage lady
Today the blockage seems better so will see how it goes...

Am really trying to regulate Noah back to 3hrly feeding cos if not so tiring! Any ideas if it can be done?
ok styliciousli...my fren said der is shop at thomson plaza dat sells all d carrier brands. il check it out 1 of dis days.wait 4 hubby. hubby goin reservist on monday..juz b4 hari raya...sigh...

oh god..bb crying...gtg
qi7,For febm, it is like more yellowish is it normal?

Thanks Dolly, see whether qi sis can get for me anot?

artist, thanks, my frenz intro me to spore baby clinic, so this sat will bring her there. Sermaine neck only got some redness but no whitish stuff, so i think not fungus right?

I have just called a few PD nurse and was told there is really something call 'hole too small' but i think the poly doc shouldnt say 'hole too small' as all the nurse told me is below the hole part there got a line and it suppose to be open but it didn'tso what they will do is apply some hormones cream at the line there (or the part shld be apply) and it will help it open slowly. BUT DEFINETLY NOT USE A BLADE AND CUT IT!! Phew~~ But i ask million of ppl who have daughter and none of their GP OR PD flip open and check lor and that stupid poly doc didnt even wear a glove or wash her hand before she do that to Sermaine!! Fainted.
SUE HER I SUPPORT YOU! ahahhhahahahahah!

FEBM put in fridge is yellowish colour=fats. No worry. But you store FEBM using milkbags after 24 hours down the freezer into the normal chiller compartment you got to shake it like you use EBM so the fats will be mixed with the milk. Rem, fats float and tend to stick on whatever they can stick on. When you start freezing whichever position your fats sure move to the top, unless you didn't pump till hindmilk and too much foremilk with lactose is very transparent colour which is less fat.
qi7, my PD say how to sue the poly doc? No black and white!! But thanksfully all mommies advise me to seek for 2nd opt. Im using Avent VIA cup and glass bottle to freeze ebm, then today i warm up the febm using warmer then i notice the top part is floating a layer of oil so i shake damn hard in order for them to mi well. But when i wash the VIA cup, i notice it is very super oily compare to those i store and use it within the next day. Is urs the same?
Lovelytulip, sweethalo,
after thinking my boi got grow spurt, he immediately went into eating less! Strange! Till now, he only have 4 feed since day break. And total is 360ml! But he is active and playful. Constantly need companion to play and talk to. So I guess it is ok then! Re putting baby on 3 hr schedule, mine is usually 2 hr, so can't really advice.

Calendula cream
I am interested to get one too. If there is a BP, can also inform me? In the meantime, will check the thread.
SAME congrats! you are giving oily milk to your girl! weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

You got to wash well with the baby bottle detergent and steam. I'm using VIA cup to store the EBM (same) sometimes when I feed her, I saw OIL (really drops of oil) floating in her milk bottle. It's very very very good. my girl now is finally 4+KG.

Sometimes the oil does not go into her mouth after feeds, it stays in the bottle so I just throw it inside the next bottle of her feed. DON't waste any drop man! SO precious!
qi, you sure if this feed she cannot finish we can still store back the ebm? I tho once it is out of the normal/frozen fringe it must be consume within 1 hour if we had warm it up?
qi, ok. understand. Thanks

Check with other mommies, when u ladies warm the ebm/febm, usually within how long musr consume it? As some ppl say 1-4hrs. How u ladies practise?
shelisa, if can't sue her, at least make a huge complain so she knows...

can i ask, if i store EBM in the fridge (lower compartment), can i move it to the freezer? i understand EBM can only b stored in the lower compartment for not more than 48 hours.
Dovey, that time i got call breastfeeding group to ask them the same question too. They say once we express out we "CANNOT" immediately put in the freezer. We must put in lower compartment, when it is cold then can put in the freezer. That time she told me best within 12hrs at lower compartment shift up to freezer.
dolly, I wanted to order from that BP, but forgot about it, then missed the deadline

Qi7, glad you've fully recovered
And congrats on your girl's weight, she's doing well! I missed the BP dolly ordered from, then wanted to order from the link you posted (that one is your sis is it?), but she said BP cancelled due to poor response!
So I went to look for another BP instead, see how it goes on that one... I'm interested in the calendula Everyday lotion

1) Skyla's 1wk & 3wk growth spurt lasted for about 2 days each, 6wk growth spurt lasted for ONE WEEK. She fed 1.5-2hrly in that period. Hardly finish nursing for 1 round, then must start again liao. I almost went crazy, and seriously contemplated switching her to full FM once and for all.
2) Went back to normal 3hrly schedule after that. So don't worry, there really is an end to the misery
MOMMIES ...Need advice!
My girl has fever after a jab and everytime i tried to feed her oral medicine, she will vomit her previous feed shortly after...
qn) Is it safe to feed her medicine again after she vomit? Assuming she vomit out the medicine??
qn) Any good ways to ensure she takes her medicine?
qn) Any idea if paracetamol causes drowiness?
LFB & TubbyM-

It seems Noah suddenly is not so interested in feeding today. He's more or less back to his 3hr routine and even had a 4hr stretch just now. His 8pm feed, he only took 1breast for 10min and started wailing away.. seems like dont wana eat anymore!

So unpredictable! 180deg change!

precisely! Mine also like that. So difficult to predict! I am totally lost. But think abt it, he never has a routine, ha ha ha! So my que he is hungry is when he is not interested to talk/play/sit/sleep.
<font color="0077aa">mummies, sorry to ask if this was answered before. do u know which hospitals (besides glenE: thanks Cassey!) selling the bottle cap and sealing disc? did someone mention Mt A selling for $0.50 per set?</font>
vogue mum,
dont feed her with medicine again after she vomitted the medicine. might cause overdose. (i remembered watching a documentary on health. a grandma kept feeding with her grand daughter medicine when she vomitted and ended up she got over dose and died) so when my child vomitted out the medicine, i will not feed him again till the next timing reached.

i also learnt that we should not feed child with medicine immediately after feeding. she will tend to vomit out medicine and milk. so wait a while like 1 or 2 hrs later then medicine. else feed medicine first then half an hr later milk (if no specific instructions where medicine should be taken after food).

usual after paracetamol, child sleeps. so i think it will as usual cause drowsiness.
<font color="0077aa">i also feed medicine before feeding. or another way is to mix with BM/FM, then baby wont spit out. paracetamol that i got is strawberry flavored, though quite yummy baby of coz wont like so use syringe to feed from side of mouth.</font>
if all mommies can gather and let me know what items you need from california baby, like i mentioned earlier, i can get my sister to help.
Caramelle: Mt A sell those cap w disc at 71 cent, you can choose colour and do mix and match
Feeding medicine: My PD advise not to feed w milk cos baby might not drink all and we dunno how much they have taken
any mummy watched the chinese documentary "qian xian zhui zhong"? it featured the issue on food consumption inside mrt. we are actually not allowed to feed children inside mrt. we are to go to a pantry available at train station to feed children...
vougemummy, I was taught to use pump in slowly (few drops)... Face ur bb and show her ur mouth/lips movement (like tasting food)... They'll imitate as well, then pump in another few drops. Have to cheat them a little bit.. Hope this works for u
Shelisa, I keep unconsumed EBM from last feed for up to 4 hours... some sources say can keep up to 6 hours (when i smell, it does smell ok) but I never dare feed it to baby..

anyway, anyone put baby in yaolan to sleep? I was thinking, since my baby doesn't sleep well in the day maybe I should start him on yaolan?? any opinions and ideas?
<font color="cc0099"> Kyle can roll over to his side now and stay there for a long long time. So silly!

MummyAsh~, after replying to you, Kyle's poop suddenly went dried-seaweed-snack green these last 2 days too. I'm not worried but it DOES look pretty gross. However, I am a little concerned that he did a pastey poop early this morning instead of the usual watery kind. It looked like formula baby poop... kinda greenish grey n creamy. And no, I still haven't tried him on that 1-2oz of formula I mentioned previously. All this poop talk is making me feel so auntie.

Shelisa, really baffled and have nothing to say about your dr... getting a second opinion's probably safest. And ermm.. it's just talk la, but you don't even need to consider sueing. Drs in sg are very well protected de. >> HILARIOUS LA YOU! CALAMARI! I think it's calamINE lotion. Quite safe for babies. I feel like calamari rings now. YUMMY!

> Re: What are Growth Spurts? These are periods when baby goes thru a spurt (sudden increase) in development - whether physical or developmental. It usually results in increased appetite, neediness and crankiness. Previous formed habits and behaviours can fly out the window during these times and parents get very hassled because routine gets thrown off. Growth spurts usually occur at about 6wks and again at 2-3months, 6 months and some other times I cannot remember. They typically last 4-5 days. Sometimes developmental milestones are also accompanied by periods of baby being very fractious (cranky la) so might termed "growth" spurt when it's actually developmental such as learning to roll over, learning to grasp objects, etc.

sweethalo, growth spurts usually last 4-5 days... usually. They should go back to usual schedule after that.

artist, REALLY!? Oops... haha. I just nursed Kyle in the train today cos he was fussing and as it was already 5+pm, I didn't want to get off and kenah peak hr when I get back on. *oops* I feel that latching baby on is ok, but not bottle feeding. I guess cos eating/drinking is not allowed to keep the stations and trains clean (machiam like train announcement like that), and latching on won't cause spillage of milk. The same cannot be said for bottles of ebm or worse, PREPARING a bottle in the train itself. My own warped logic.</font>
Thanks Cassey!

Well today is exactly 1 week from his first feeding frenzy so to say... hmm developmental milestones? heheh... think he just learnt to suck his fingers today...
vogue_mummy: My girl was already drowsy before taking the paracetamol, so not sure if the meds made her drowsy, but I won't be surprised if it does make them sleep. She used her tongue to push a lot of the meds out when I syringe feed her, so I mixed it with ebm and fed it to her in between feeds.

dolly, I mix meds with only 1oz of ebm, sure can finish one haha

tiny bubu, welcome back! you've been gone for a LONG TIME!!
Was Sophie ok with the flights and the weather?
Cassey: Yeah, give me a 5! Anyway, when I nurse, Kendrick is well covered under a shawl, so dun think anyone else can SEE that my baby is "drinking"hahaha

Another way, maybe we should all start to look for their staff resting room and latch them there, so everybody else (including their staff) will need to get OUT of that room, then maybe some day, there'll be nursing room at each MRT station. *sheepish grin*

tinybubu: hihi! I'm also going back to office next Monday .... time flies!

BTW, today and tomorrow is ROBINSON sale! I almost missed the flyer, only open it today and like... wow got sale!
