(2009/06) June 2009 MTBs

New mom,
u can take a look at latido brand playpen. cheap and good. ;p available at kiddy palace. not sure abt taka...

i bot a latido playpen at $100 and it came with a musical toy, cot mobile and mosquito net. it has a zipper at the side for kids to get in and out when they started to crawl. perhaps you can consider this as a feature as not all playpens have this. also, consider the size of playpen, some are smaller.

sweethalo: The nanny already asked for that $50 extra b4 start work, but seems like she wanna comment on it tomorrow. Wonder if she's trying to tell me not to use cloth diaper... Some more I just went to buy a few more diaper covers cos she wanna change the cover everytime she change the diaper.

artist: Thanks for the info, this is certainly a good piece of info... when did you buy the 3in1? Maybe I can check the manufacture date.

Bambo seat is selling at Tangs at $49.9! maybe can buy one instead?

New Mom: Welcome to the thread! Hmm, my nanny buy the play pen, so maybe you can check w the baby sitter whether she provides or not.
Bumbo seat:
Anyone bought? Good or not ah? Thought of buying one previously when isetan was having a sale cos I think it's cute haha, but end up didn't buy. With that seat, baby must sit on the floor is it?? If yes then I won't buy liao, cos in future would wanna cultivate eating at the table and not all over the place (floor included).
Thanks, Artist and Dolly.
My baby sitter does not have one/will not be providing one.
Will go check out at Kiddy Palace first.
Have a good night rest!
sweethalo, what happened to your bb? I'm oso using eucalyptus oil for my bb on his tummy...cannot use ah?
morning to mommies

sweethalo- i also using eucalyptus oil for my son as found out frm polyclinic my son will have rashes if i apply ru yi you so midwives at the poly said i can apply eucalyptus oil on him.

i clear frm HFMD.. throat better thks artist & dolly i been drinking herbal honey drink & eating alot of hagan daz ice cream.. hopefully didnt put on wt...

my hubby & i work out a timetable.. my shift is daytime. his shift is after dinner till 7am. (sometimes he eat snake & rch hm at 10+pm then i made noise)
tis morning 4+am frighten me as i heard nesher cried & saw his face covered by his blanket while hubby slept like a pig beside him i quickly removed his blanket & he went back to sleep. scold hubby upside down.. cant trust man to take care
how do you get your son to sleep back in the cot? My son use to sleep sarong in day time, then night in cot. One night, he decided cot too hot for him and refused to sleep anymore. Now the cot is a white elephant(luckily a hand-me-down!). I want to have him in the cot, but think he will sure suffer from his usual sleep. Sigh. My CL said don't worry, he will get out of it after some time. Is it true? Any mommies can comment?
Annie: Glad to hear that your HFMD is cleared! It's very nice for your hubby to at least take the responsibility to take charge of your baby. My hubby is busy these few weeks, didn't even come back last night and the air-con chose to spoilt and trip our rooms
hi i m from march thread.some thing to sell

3tins of similac infant milk powder, self collect @ bedok north.
Selling @ $35.00 per tin

1 box of pigeon diaper liner @ $9.00

Pm me if interested
i bot the 3 in 1 pigeon sterilizer during OG sales in around Jan 08. it was the button on the sterilizer got spoilt and i couldnt press start to sterilize. the button difficult to press too. i also wasnt quite sure of the mfg date....

the normal sterilizer got a separate bottle warmer too if i am not wrong. the sterilizer got a simple, one button to start sterilization. so much simplier and easy to use.

when is the tangs sales ending? got no time to go yet leh... also not sure whether my son would like to sit on bumbo seat so dare not to buy. any comments on bumbo seat?

Annie, yeah! you are well already. :p
wah you and your hubby serious. got time table some more. hehe. good to share responsibilities.
Hi Mommies going back to work...
Anyone knows of places to tailor nice ladies shirt / pants? Getting ready for work soon...

16 weeks maternity leave is a short time!!! It seems like only yesterday that i just gave birth!
artist: Tangs sale ends today leh! I've not started to use the bumbo seat cos my boy's neck still weak. My friend told me it's really good cos baby cannot wriggle out of the seat, it's kind of "jailed" inside. hahaha
dolly.. haha,.. i wanna my kid to stuck on seat too so he wont move or wiggle too much during feeding. hehe

alamak.. today cannot go tangs leh... mil going out to "play"again.. not one helps me look after kids
LFB: They say that it takes about 3 to 5 days to break the babies habit. You may like to try. It may be painful for you, but i think it should work (for the sake of the baby). Hopefully, your baby will get back to sleeping in the cot within 3 days! All the best!
hmmm... my nanny managed to make my son sleep in the playpan leh, but I do hear loud crying on the first day when she's trying to put him to sleep lah. Now I'll put my son in the cot after he doze off, sometimes it works, sometimes he wakes
Ahnetsan: My boy also refuses bottle these days. Not too sure what happened. I also need to be constantly around to latch him. It is not ideal because I'm going back to work soon in 3 weeks' time.

Any mothers got any suggestion to help?
<font color="cc0099"> ahnet, Re: TV You're absolutely right.
Before the age of 2, tv is not recommended <u>whatever</u> you show them - whether trash or educational stuff. Apparently it hinders motor, social and language development... if not more. It may be tempting to distract them with tv for a while and they do seem very much entertained by it. BUT coming from the SpEd field as well, I must say, nothing teaches children better than human company and interaction. Kyle keeps staring at tv at grandma and grandpa's place... I don't encourage it at home. Even if tv is on, I play with him and let him look at us and play with his toys and rattles instead.

I have some questions about feeding formula milk aimed at exclusive bf'g mummies:
1. Do all babies switch to formula instead of bm at some stage in life... e.g. 2yo/3yo?
2. If yes, do many of you subscribe to idea that tt ebf babies shld taste formula to make sure they don't reject in future?

THANKS in advance for any sharing!</font>
wah damn angry! i only asked mil to observe hygiene and she told my hubby she felt being treated like an old maid! wat the H**K! i am th maid at hm. i do all the hsework! not her. she only dream feeds my son. she only eats, sleeps, watches tv and feeds my son in her dreamland!
Stylish: Okies dokies. I just called up the polyclinic and it appears that I need my hubby's EP and my DP, so can only go next week. Hai.

Artist: *sigh* Asian MILs...sheesh.

Re TVs: I don't let Eva watch it but she sleeps on the couch in the hall where the TV is so she can hear everything. I don't plan to let her watch TV - rather she stare into space (like what she does sometimes) than into the idiot box.

Btw, did any of you mummies find the weather particularly hot today? Eva refused to nap and suddenly her face had rash and all. So I had to bath her again just now, close all the windows and doors (except her room) and turn the air-con in her room on just to cool the entire apartment. :/ Hai...
opps.. means Ayuni's develepment has been hindered already! No wonder she's too much to handle nowadays... hope she dunt have what they call the terrible twos or threes.
questions about feeding formula milk aimed at exclusive bf'g mummies:
1. Do all babies switch to formula instead of bm at some stage in life... e.g. 2yo/3yo?

Unless u plan to bf ur child until 7 yr or older and got no other babies after ur child, u'll need to switch to FM or supplement with FM. When depends on the mother and maybe the child also. Usually, SAHM can feed exclusively longer.

2. If yes, do many of you subscribe to idea that tt ebf babies shld taste formula to make sure they don't reject in future?

Even if they taste FM once, and not given FM on a regular basis, they can still reject in future. FM is usually sweeter than BM and children have a sweet tooth.
bumbo seat is ONLY to be used on the floor, but fear of toppling. it is to help babies who still cant sit up on their own, usually between 4 to 8 months. at the initial stage when you put baby on it, they would tend to lean forward and look like they are falling towards you cos their backs are not strong enough yet.

usually people use it for initial weaning stage when baby still cant sit on high/ booster chairs (cos you mentioned you want to train skyla to eat at the table) and you need to feed solids. for me, i used the fisher price bouncer until my girl could use the ikea hi-chair.

bumbo seats are very cute. but it didnt work for me, i sold mine.
Sorrie mummies/mtbs for interrupting,

can advise me which colour to choose for bb gal pls?
re: tv
I read somewhere that it's not good for children to watch too much tv. and what's on the programmes these days... i think more damaging than gd. but the funny thing is that, there are dvds such as "your baby can read" etc which are all for the big screen.

i have this friend who has 2 kids, becos she is busy, she always have the tv on for the kids. now, every morning, when the elder son wakes up, the first thing he wants is TV and he is only 4 years old.

Cassey, 1 of my friend told me that her friend was on total breastfeed and when the daughter turned 7 months, she rejected formula milk when it was introduced to her. and they had a hard time trying to make her drink FM.

jumperoo vs exersaucer
anyone owns either one? which is better?
dolly- thks
hubby got to do his shift or else he going to get a earful frm my dad.. i hate it if air con spoilt &amp; today weather is rather hot..
where did yr hubby go how come he didnt return home...

artist- must get serious as i keep feeling giddy nowadays.. gues not enough rest &amp; some more tis mth alot of appt. his checkup &amp; mine too
bbmoomoo, I choose 2nd one too
My girl has a black infant seat too. But then again, her stroller is in bright red haha...

lovelytulips, I'm also wondering which is better, exersaucer or jumperoo! I like the Evenflo Exersaucer Triple Fun Active Learning Centre (Jungle), wonder if it's sold in Sin. But FP stuff seems nice too, so now confused haha.

Firstmum, thanks a lot. Ya, IDEALLY I want to teach her to eat at the table, and not sit anywhere, or worse, run all over the place during mealtimes. But also wondered what to do if she's not able to sit straight in high chair by 6mths, that's why thought of Bumbo seat, but didn't like the idea of sitting on floor to eat. So conflicting haha. Think I won't buy then, cos I suspect it may be something I'll use for a very short while only. But I think it's really cute!!

TV: One of the kids in my extended family watches tv ALL THE TIME, the moment she wakes till the moment she has to leave the house for school, then the moment she comes home, all the way till bed time. She talks like the characters she watches. Accent and all. *faint* I think watching that much TV stunted her ability to communicate with normal people, stunted her development (she was using potty for the longest time, so she can continue watching tv while doing business), screwed up her diet (only eats cheese sandwiches cos it's easy to eat in front of tv). I think this is tv ADDICTION, but no one in her family seems to think so. How screwed up is that!
Re : Pigeon sterilizer
Just to share i am using the Pigeon Rapid Sterilizer(purple color) from jan 08 till 7 aug 09, it broke down due to a dead fuse(not sure of the spelling). It was out of warranty already and hubby brought it to service center. to my surprise, they replace the fuse FOC and now it works plus they clean the heating plate for me so it became new again! happy! :D the service guy also told my hubby that the rapid sterilizer(purple) is one of the most durable and better one. there are some model that are known kind of problematic ones. so if u gals are buying, get the purple color one!

Re : Bumbo seat
I put my #1 on bumbo when she is 4 mths old. by 6mths old, she can sit on her own with very minimum help and support from us. so i m a supporter of bumbo seat! however, my fren introduce her son bumbo seat when he is 6mths old, her son couldn't sit on his own till >1 yr old so her PD say bumbo affect her son the ability to sit on his own wor?!?!

anyway, tubbymummy u can always introduce skyla to sit on high chair even if u have bumbo. cos children are easy to train. my #1 been sitting on the floor to eat till i gave birth to danelle, she was upgraded to sit at the dinning table inside the high chair now...

same as u.. i always let #2 cry while quickly settle #1 first.... ended up #2 doze off while waiting for her turn... :p i kinda feel bad by always giving #1 priority..
Superbee, thanks! Now sounds like the seat could be alright afterall... confused all over again! Wahaha! Maybe I should ask my mum (she's my voice of reason).
Annie: My hubby went out to the field yesterday night, he's w the army. My air-con ok, it's the compressor at other room which spoilt and trip my air-con as well. Huh got to buy new ones or pay high price to fix!
My hubby just reach home, get him to move my baby to cot and baby wakes up... so got to feed all over again.

bbmoomoo: the red one look so much more cheerful... and having baby gal give you the reason to choose red... But what's the actual car seat colour u are going to put in?

Superbee: Thanks for the info, so the Pigeon service center is kind too, if there's parts. The ones sold at baby fair one is white outside though.
dolly- oic.. my son still sleeping me waiting for him to wake up for his shower.. he had his milk at 6.30am tis morning &amp; he doze back to sleep while i was preparing his shower stuff...
now jus wait &amp; will reheat the water again for him.
today he seem rather tired so let him sleep.
he will sleep longer at nite &amp; have his milk in 5 hours time...eg. if he has his milk at 10.30pm he will wake up at 3.30am for his milk then in 3-4hours time for his next feeding... hopefully he can sleep much longer all the way

my dad jus came in &amp; is sleeping beside him on my bed.
lovely tulips,
my vote goes to exersaucer cos it really goes a long way! i dont think the baby would be jumping all day? baby can also be nicely seated in the padded seat ( i get the impression bb has to stand n bounce in e jumperoo?) and exersaucers usually come with different activities around the "tray" to keep your bub entertained.

i used the leapfrog one from the time my girl was 6 months (it says 4+mths on the box) till she was almost 1. its gd when you wana do some quick chores and want to place the baby in a safe place cos theres no way he can climb out before a certain age.
Dear mommies....anyone did Steriod jabs? is it breastfeeding compatible? Advise the cost?
My wrists cannot tahan already..sometimes feel okay sometimes not... going work soon..cant even hold pen properly... *sob*
bbmoomoo - i'd vote for the red one... nice! Noah's car seat and bassinet are also Red... hehehe

neeciel - dun be alarmed abt euculyptus oil... my Noah has recurring blocked nose everyday.. I think he cries too much tt's why! hahahha... so hv to suck out the mucus else he can't breathe properly and latch properly...
vogue_mommy: Where do you stay? I've a acupuncture contact in Sengkang, maybe can try that for your wrist first?

Sweethalo: Now my boy dun let me suck his mucus leh... haha, his head keep turning and cry

Annie: My boy will sleep for a few hours, then will wake around 3am and he will start drinking almost every 1+.... so tired this morning, my mum take over at 6am, he sleep until 8+ then. Wonder how I can start work!
hi bbmoomoo d red is quite nice..but i wud choose black. dun get dirty easili.

ladies..can somebody recommen a good bb carrier? ergo, bb bjorn, beco or pikkolo? im confused!!12 buy a gud 1 4 long term use. my boy now 3months.pls advise.
Dolly- ohhh.. 1 hour + is breast feeding or formula milk.. now our baby are growing &amp; i try to drag the time &amp; make him sleep longer .. my parents said must nid to train him sleep till dawn.. &amp; not feed him too much or else tummy will have more wind &amp; feel hard...
Annie: He latch on at night, anyway my breast also pretty full then. After the last feed on breast, he'll wake around 2am, then might sleep for an hour and wakes for milk again. Tried pacifier but he'll keep crying. He'll only settle down when I offer him my breasts! This morning I was so tired cos he dun sleep after the 5am feed. Lucky my mum able to take over...
Dolly: He sounds like my Eva whenever she has had a challenging day, eg too many people around, not enough sleep, new environment, etc. She'll want to tank up before sleeping and/or sleep in my arms or with my nipple in her mouth.

Give him some time and you'll find that slowly he'll settle down. Yesterday, Eva slept immediately after her 1am feed and woke up around 6am - the first time since arriving in SG. I take it as a sign that she's beginning to settle down.
