(2009/06) June 2009 MTBs

i also think desitin creamy is easier to clean off as compared to mustela and so far desitin has been rather good for me.

Today baby slept well in his cot! Very happy. Could be because it was raining today so it was cool. Hope it lasts. I didnt have to put him in the sarong at all. He usually takes 2 naps nowadays. each lasting up to 2 hrs on a good days=)

Hubby tries to come home early to play with baby. I can tell he misses baby when baby goes to sleep before coming home. Previously he would have to wait till the next morning to play with baby but now i let him do the last midnite feed so i pump out the breast milk. Hence he has more bonding time with baby. I think hubby is happier. He also helps to change diapers and clean all my pumping equipment and bottle. In addition, he washes the dishes. I think i have no complaints as long as he tries to help out. I think its tough for him as well since he has to work and it can be rather tiring. Other than that, i do everything on my own. Household chores, cooking and looking after baby. I also wake up at nite to latch.

Playgym: Wah, quite a few ppl cheonging to buy playgym? Hehe... Skyla's has the Tiny Love Gymini, got dangling toys, crackly bits, different textures, kick pad with sounds, Mozart music, mirror, flap.... Yeah, like sweethalo mentioned, mobile also from Tiny Love.

Walker: read that best not to use a walker, cos it actually slows down baby's development when it comes to walking, as it encourages them to walk on tip toes. Guess exersaucer wouldn't do the same, as they don't actually walk while in it, just sit/stand and play..?

Hubby: I'm thankful for mine. He's not perfect, but neither am I, and we're in this learning journey together. I do all the latching/feeding and day time entertaining, he does all the housework, and change her diaper and PJs before bedtime. I appreciate him very much.

Mei, Mothercare onesies are not thick nor thin, somewhere in between (to me at least). And they're starting on their autumn/winter range, so those are thick as well. The Giant 2-pc ones are thinner if I'm not wrong. Petit Bateau basic range has some that are thinnish cotton, but pricey (and not sure if it's dependent on season).

Trying to settle Skyla back into a routine since ILs have left. Won't be long before her 3mth growth spurts hits... so NOT looking forward to that!
For those mummies who pump, may I know how you clean / sterilize the pumping equipment? Do you all use sterilizer? Which brand is better?

Not sure if got time to boil water once I start work, so thinking of getting one from the baby fair or Tangs 12% sale...
<font color="cc0099"> Can't believe it... Kyle will be due his 4th month jabs in a fortnight or so. How did time fly by like that?
He chuckles now... opens his mouth in a wide gummy grin and squeals too. *swoon*

Whoa! So many Desitin Creamy fan club members! *High-five!*

Hey MummyAsh, thanks for the poncho link! I was VERY interested in the chic MEV one, but find it a bit too pricey at $45-$50. The Pupsik Mon Petit Jardin one I recommended to n was almost going to get with Tubbym~ from an online store during a SUPER WORTHWHILE AUGUST GSS sale (instead of 1 for $38, 2 for $70... they were selling 1 for $28, 2 for $46!!!)

BUT now that I've found my "dream of a cardi" (the one you saw me using at Breeks), I'm done with nursing shawls and ponchos! I now find them a rip-off. In fact, my Loved Baby nursing shawl seems to have been retired... I'd rather quickly rinse and dry my cardi than revert to the shawl. Heehee... I find ponchos and shawls much too warm for Kyle and myself anyway, so am super happy with my bargain cardi!

Re: PlayGym
Kyle's got a Tiny Love Gym-mini... I like it! 5 danglies and mirror on the bottom for tummy time, as well as 2 crinkly thingies and one little honk honk air press thing.
Re nursing shawls: I actually don't have any - just use a baby nappy and drap it over my shoulder. She seems quite happy to nurse under a cloud of white. :p

Re onesies: Hmmm...I ought to check out centres apart from Mothercare and such. Need the time and energy though coz when I don't get enough sleep at night or a nap in the afternoon, I turn into this ultra cranky bytch. T.T
nobody ever picks up the phone at tangs. does anyone know if there is also 20% off nursery brands on top of the 12% rebate? its ending tmr.

mothercare rompers are the best ive known. they last a long time and aint too expensive when u actually do the math. and wide selection too.
FirstMum: Yes! If there's no special offers, then brands like Pigeon, NUK got 20%+10%+ member's rebate (that's yesterday)
good morning mummies!
wow someone bot all my polo stuff last night. can go eshopping again! hehe

i just bot the 5-pk carters rompers from querida at bp... bot 2 packs and it comes up to $2.80 per pc.. material not bad and i tot its cheap and nice for homewear
FirstMum/dolly, any idea Tangs got how many % rebate today?? Was going down to Mothercare today, but may go Tangs now instead!!
i going nuts... jayden been changing his slp pattern.. lasr rime he slp on his own w pacifier avg 12am till 11am. nw he need rock n pat slp at 1+ (swaddle nw + pacifier) till 8+ . i dying fom exhaustion after pumping once wn he slping n fed him every 3hr! he like alarm clock 2+hr stir for milk... is it he needed more milk qry? bt i follow the 150ml x weight / no. feed formula leh.. faintz.. damn tired.

anyone tried petpet vs pampers comfort? notice same price range.

dolly i use ameda lactaline, bought frm mumsfairy. i think it's qt gd but if u hav $ i heard medela empty breast better. i follow ameda recommendation sterilise once a day, keep funnels in ziplock in fridge wn nt in use.but i add another step, is to lightly rinse w hot water before i keep them without removing the valve n nt wetting the bellow.
anyone using slping bag for bb? share w me.... i wonder whether to buy one cos swaddle w nappy cloth seem dangerous. i saw him struggle till it look like strangle his neck if i wrap tightly that it doesnt open but shift up after his hands struggle. i
createjoy: My boy is in half swaddle using diaper cloth, so his hands are freed and won't move the wrap up to his neck.

Yeah, thinking of getting those 3 in 1 sterilizer cos dun think got time to boil water everyday. Thinking of placing those things in a lock&amp;lock instead of ziplock bag.

Which sterizlier is better? Avent or Pigeon or Lindam?
Dolly, I am very tempted to buy the pupsik pouch cos I am still a little hopeless in the sling... very stressed using it. So is the pouch worth buying?

Dolly< i sterilize the pump every use... nt tt difficult.. N I am using avent steriliser... pigeon is cheaper tho.. and serves its purpose too (i used pigeon one in my mil's place) .. but I prefer avent cos it has this function of keeping the contents in the sterilizer sterizlized for a period of time depending on the function u choose.

When I go back to work, i am thinking of just using hot water... or getting those medela steam bags.. talking abt that, anyone has access to posting in the overseas spree websites? I am distressed, I cannot post anything there and I need to get my medela pump parts.. sigh.. the moderators just havent approved my access yet even tho i am already a member for more than a year..
Mummy_Ash: Me too! I can't post in the overseas site, so I normally just PM them! My freestyle pump spree fell thru... so got to source for another spree.
dolly - freestyle pump can buy on ebay n vpost here?

Steriliser-using Avent IQ24

It seems good but it's already broke down on me once n s in my previous post, we got a brand new pc fr Avent as replacement cos their parts for repair cld not come in till mid Sept n we certainly cld not wait till then.

Desitin Creamy-

i also stand by it... I do layer it like cement though but fine no problem with getting it off...usually by next nappychange it's already melted off and any remainder... i just wipe off with pigeon wipes...

FirstMum- yeah i saw the decongestant being sold in Guardian too apparently safe for 4wk old bb but hb doesnt feel comfy to use it... so didnt get.

BTW, Vicks VapourRub is not safe for infants below 2yrs... i bot it and came back read the instructions then realised... there's a baby safe one tt i m gonna try to change to...
Screaming Babes..

anyone experienced this? Noah has been hving screaming bouts these few days... is it some growth spurt thingy??

wahhhahahah ... going deaf soon!
Dolly, I bought my freestyle pump myself from a usa website.. and ship to my address at borderlinx. All in paid abt S$500 including taxes and shipping charges. I can give youthe exact details if u are interested.

So dolly, is the pouch gd to buy?
MummyAsh: I only use the pouch in public twice, my boy seems to like it cos he can sleep in it. However, it get pretty heavy compared to using stroller, so I normally bring both, when he cranky then put him in pupsik. So far no regret buying it! But I need to sit down to put him in though, remember to cross baby's leg before putting in

The pump is around $500 also from spree and I have not done any borderlinx / vpost before, so might be better to get from spree.
sweethalo, mine doesn't really scream but babbles non-stop when he is awake. if no one responds to him, he will increase his volume. Sometimes to the point of shouting and screaming but not so much. I think it's the stage where they are exploring their vocals and wanted to test what sounds cld come out. At least for Dylan, if he manage to make a new sound once, he will try to repeat it a few times, each time a bit louder.
bbjun - heheh... yeah my fren also told me he might be exploring his vocals... but then he is also crying with tears leh.. *scratch head* Maybe it's some pre 3mth growth spurt going on...
Re tops: Will definitely check them the bulk sprees out - at the moment, a bit difficult to make payment since I have yet to open an SG bank account (collecting my DP this Sat).

Just wondering about something...yesterday, Eva has problems sleeping at night - I suspect it's coz she didn't sleep at her usual time (around 1130pm) and that we installed a night light (blue) so she was staring at it and all. Ended up fussing the entire night and only sleeping for like one or two hours before waking up and trashing around - not much crying though. Then she fell asleep at 4am and woke up at 7am.

The moment my hubby left for work, she started having problems napping. To cut the story short, she won't sleep unless she's on my chest. My friend comments that she's clingy but I dunno - she's always been that way, as in close to me, want to sleep in my arms at night, etc, etc.

Also, about two days ago, her poo was green - I thought it was some allergy or foremilk-hindmilk imbalance so I started making sure that she's feeding longer - but it is starting to clear. It's now a mix of yellow and green. I hope it's normal.

Am going to Bedok Poly after I collect my DP - was told to walk in with her at 730am (the moment the clinic opens) to avoid the crowds. Any tips on what would be a good day or since I'm coming early, it won't matter?
don't be surprised if u see ppl queuing up at 7am even b4 open. usually elderlys who got alot of free time. u try go ard 11am or afternoon instead. its confirm crowded in the morning u cannot beat the crowd. lol
re: walker/exersaucer
i din knw dat walker can slow down bb's development when it comes to walking..i tot it's supposed to encourage walking development! gosh... and the KTB at my hse was using dat... think i shd invest in exersaucer...

last night my fren was telling me abt this website where we can rent toys...www.rent-a-toy.com.. i find it quite good cos i dun haf to buy so many toys and theres no storage for them. heehee...btw, hw much does an exersaucer cost?

but walker is bad cos it encourages walking on tip toes, then how do we teach our baby to walk? everyday hold his/her hand and walk wif him? damn shiong sia...

re: hubbies
im most relieved and most humane when my hb comes hm everyday... once he's back, i totally feel at ease, and i can start to wash bb clothes or our laundry, wash stuff, bathe, relax, watch tv...before he's bck, i'll be in my room with Jarius, taking care of him... and hoping no one opens the door and snatch Jarius away! i hate it whenever my mil or fil wan to carry Jarius...well, nt dat i dun let them carry, but they always like to hum those buddhist songs whenever they carry Jarius, and i hate dat very much... ytd fil carried Jarius and brought him walk walk along the corridor and he was humming lor! and i cld hear it lor! he think i cant hear! but i can!! and i got pissed, i banged the mouse on the table, to show dat HELLO, I CAN HEAR DAT!!!

im always very happy when i hear my hb's footsteps.. i knw dat Jarius is in good hands and i can do chores without any worries.

re: refuse bottle feed
anyone can advise? Jarius refused to be bottle fed these few days... he's still ok on nipple... PD say cld be due to oral thrush... gave me a spray to spray on his tongue after feed and see how...

each night my hb or i tried to btl feed, put the teat in Jarius' mouth, den he will make alot of noise, machiam complaining like dat...den take out the teat, he will smile and ok again. haiz... dunno why like dat leh....how ar?

if cannot btl feed, den hw am i gg to go out alone? damn cham leh..

hi 5! i also use baby nappy cloth and drap it over my shoulder nia.. it seems unglam lah, but i dun care lah, i din buy any nursing top or shawl, din wanna waste $ on dat...and the nappy cloth is thin enough, baby wont suffocate. haha

i love mothercare rompers too!

re: desitin creamy
im also a fan of it..i thk it's great...i applied it like cement though but it's ok leh.. nt difficult to remove at all. any leftovers, i jus use pigeon wipes and clean it lor.

nvm abt Noah being screamer lah..hehee maybe it's 'like mother like son'? haha

re: watching tv
anyone of ur babies like to watch tv? Jarius likes!! and whenever hb blocks his vision, he will lift up his head and tries to turn to other side to watch tv!!

haiz...watching tv is bad for babies right?
ahnetsan, i feel very happy whenever my hubby comes home too!.. Then I can do e hsework more at ease, including pumping! .. I hardly have the time to pump when alone with baby..whenever baby sleeps, mummy ll try to catch a wink too!

ur in laws sing buddhist songs to baby?? .. So funny.. Heh.. I cannot imagine a baby babbling buddhist songs when they learn hw to talk next time! .. Maybe u can get ur hubby to tell em gently tt he dun like, if nt u keeping urself in e rm with baby whole day will drive u crazy with boredom! ..

Dolly.. I guess i will buy tt pouch then.. Maybe get a second hand one, see hw.
Mei, ahnetsan, i am currently using the swaddler white cloth frm tmc to cover too.. Bt e coverage is nt good.. It will expose my belly and back cos i dont wear nursing tops so haf to lift up my top partially.. So tot tt poncho ll solve tt problem. The one sellg in mothers vogue is quite thin i think..so really contemplating.. Sigh, bt a tad expensive leh..
styliciously: Hm...then how? Go morning or afternoon? Initially I was thinking of afternoon on Tuesday since someone told me that Mondays and mornings are packed with people. :S

ahnestan: Hm, must go check those sleeveless at Mothercare. Saw online that they were selling the 5 pack sleeveless for USD9.99 excluding shipping. After adding, it's about the same price as Mothercare.

I bought two sleeveless rompers from the shop near my place today for $8 each (forgot the brand - but it's one of those baby brands la). The shop was selling Carter rompers for $5. Is the price okay?
Mei, my boy oso passing out a lot of green poo for almost 2 weeks, now he is clearing up already, not to worry, just make sure his poo is not too black, greyish or with blood in stool.
i got 2 kids. different by 17mths apart. i got a maid in to help out b4 i gave birth. daytime, maid &amp; kids will b at my parents house so a lot of pple help to look after the 2 of them. but at nite &amp; weekend, i m on duty to take care both of them cos maid do housework. can drive me nuts esp both of their feeding time collides everytime. plus i need to pat my elder one to sleep else she will not sleep so my poor younger one have to wait for her turn to get her milk. haiz... it's siong to have kids with 1 year age gap...

i m using both petpet and pampers comfort for my #2. both r ok and can absorb relatively well.
Went Taka and Tangs again today, Tangs no longer got the additional 10% off

Pigeon got a 3 in 1 sterilizer + bottle and food warmer, looks good leh, thinking of buying that, anyone using it?

I've chosen nanny 2 cos nanny 1's daughter is pregnant. She started taking care of my baby yesterday, and seems like she's not good at cloth diapers! Asking me to buy more covers cos it smells everytime she changes, think I know why, cos she dun change diapers often enough, only 3 times from 10am to 5pm... is that normal? Today is the second day and she's telling me wanna speak to me regarding using the cloth diaper, she's charging $50 extra for that.

vogue_mommy: MIM sells pouch as well
wah.. din know vicks cannot be used for children under 2 yrs...and i have been using tat quite long... which one you bot that is baby safe?

thanks for sharing too. milk and nap time clashes are something i scared too... but i tend to the younger one first and get my hubby to entertain the elder one. but when hubby no time... then got to leave one of them crying. sometimes both cried hard at the same time!
Hi Mummies, I have the following items to let go, please PM me if interested:

Avent Disposable Breast Pad 50 pcs (Brand New Shrink Wrapped, comes with a box of Pigeon disposable pads 24 pcs opened box) - Selling at $20

Baby-Lucky sling (lightly used) - Selling at $10

Avent Baby Carrier (brand new) - Selling at $20

Nepia M 48 pc - Selling at $12

Prices negotiable, thanks.
Artist- went to ask pharmacist ytd aft reading the box, he said cld b the eucalyptus is too concentrated for infants.

i hvnt bot the bb safe one yet, it's some Snugglesafe brand tt i saw next to the vicks
Celaka...I just checked on the rompers I bought today coz I washed them immediately after purchase with baby detergent. The colour leeches into the cloth! So now, instead of white background with red dots and red edging, I have pink patches around the neckline and snaps. Am wondering if I should go back to the shop tomorrow and ask for a refund or replacement OR just use them as house outfits.
i'm using snugglesafe on my babies n even myself when I'm sick. I tried putting on my nose, its quite strong so just put on chest is enough. 1 tiny tub goes a long way.
btw, mopiko also can't use on babies hor. pls read label b4 buying anything off the shelf.

u can try go poly in the afternoon after ur lunch. no crowd definitely. I think u can try going back to the shop ah.. no harm trying since u bought at $8 each. if can choose safer colours.

Ayuni has not even reach 2 and she's been watching lots of tv since ard 6 mths like dat. I guess it depends on what u show them. I showed Ayuni mostly Baby Einstein DVDs n other edu dvds. Baby einstein is good for b4 1 yrs - simulating n its pace is good. also build up ur baby's basic knowledge. Now she's coming to 2yr and still watches it and can say some of the words when the picture comes out. some cartoon n other adult shows sometimes on weekends or when we are watching but usually she does not sit thru it. But she won't watch it if it not her usual show or she got no interest in it. Aisha is also wanting to watch tv. Turn her head when i'm in front of tv with her. even if she's not watching tv, she's hearing the tv esp if Ayuni around. But i try to let her heard kids songs n nursery rhymes more, n also those musical toys.. somehow I've accumulate quite alot of those musical toys.
my pigeon sterilizer is not the 3 in 1 but it is works well. lots of space if u not using wide neck bottles. the bottle n food warmer is oklah.. they will provide the timing for BM/food at what temp. but will take sometime to warm up so need to on b4 hand. sometimes, i forget to turn off. ;( coz the light indicator is on only when it is working to bring up temperature. Once reach tat temp, light indicator will off until it need to bring up temp again to maintain that temp.
thnks styliciously

Dolly - how come the nanny lidat one... she should pre nego her price for doing cloth diapers mah.. how can start liao then ask for more...

I also rub Ru Yi You on Noah everytime after bath to rid wind... havnt tried it for nose blk
sweethalo, thanks for the info. mil taught me to use vicks and i already used it many times on my elder son when he was very young like 3 mths old.... cuz she said she always used vicks on her 3 kids when they were young to clear block nose. now if i were to tell her this.... haiz... she wont believe me... i got to throw vicks or hide it from her...

i bot the 3in1 pigeon sterilizer last time and it spoilt very fast. when brought to the service centre, was given an exchange of pigeon sterilizer to the basic sterilizer. my husband was given the understanding that 3 in 1 sterilizer got some manufacturing fault.... not sure pigeon has settled this fault and the new production is reliable...
Hi everyone! I am a June mom but i've just registered like 10mins ago. Occasionally, i'll come by here to read the stuff u guys put on, and they are very helpful.

Sorry, as i am very new in this, someone (sorry, i tried to back track but cant find who was it - pls pardon me) was asking about Baby Monitor; i'd like to share that i am using Philips Avent SCD520 (i think it was over $200, cant rem the price). The sound pick-up is good. My baby is sleeping in her own room by herself and the baby monitor has been useful to us so far, esp when we are in the kitchen or in the hall (as she goes to bed earlier), we are able to monitor her if she cries.
Need some help here.

We are thinking of getting a PlayPen when our baby goes to the baby sitter's place when i go back to work.

May i know if any of your kids' have use one and what i should look out for? Any brand/model to reccomend?

Can i find them in the Taka Baby Fair? Or where should i go look?

Thank you very much!
artist, superbee
both my kids are 15mths apart. yes very siong but no choice lor. yes sometimes the nap time and feeding times coincides, i would ask the elder one to wait awhile since they are older now, can tahan abit of hunger. if sometimes i think my #2 would feed on for abt 15min-30min, i would let my elder one have her milk first since she could finish in 5min so will let #2 cry abit and wait.

im using baby vicks vapourub. can get it from BP or spree. baby safe from i tink 3 or 4mths onwards.

augustine is starting to sleep in the cot in the day now. Im keeping my fingers crossed that he wont need the sarong anymore.

I am also realising that Augustine is producing different types of sounds now.Lotsa cooing and gurgling. Quite interesting. Think the babies are really starting to exert their vocal cords.

Ahnet, if the baby latch on exclusively for a long time, he/she can end up rejecting the bottle. My boy also resist the bottle when I re-intro one nite feed with bottle recently. My hubby does the feeding and he will protest. Now getting better. Just keep on trying. He doesnt resist that much when hubby dreamfeeds him though=P
