(2009/06) June 2009 MTBs

Morning ladies! Finally I can surf wifi @ home! So I can surf web liao.. Heehee

dolly, yeah this coming sun will be my son's 2nd month! Time flies real fast now...

Bluedream , my boy also prefer to slp on tummy. He usually got startled when he face up then will keep screaming madly for me to hug and coax him. He is also 6kg wk 8! Bui bui Heehee

Mittens: I started to remove his mittens and socks last wk and he scratch his face and dig his eyes! Faint arh! Then his end of eyelids always got cuts, then hb advise me to wear mittens instead! I cut and file his nails every 2 days but still got scratch. sigh

mittens: i will remove the mittens and socks on day time. I find night time quite cold these days. Therefore, I will let my boy wear them during the night.

My boy neck is getting more solid. So I will try to hold his hand (without the mitten) and pull him up slightly.
fifincash, i tink its normal for babies to be light sleepers @ tis stage. my girl is oso liddat. cannot slp for long once she leaves my arms. she oso seems to be havin alot of nitemares. on a few occasions, she woke up cryin bitterly.
bluedream- feng yan?? don think so leh but everyday got to watch out for his eyelashes as it too long & yesterday my parents got to use the clip to remove a fallen eyelashes.

shelisa even told nesher his eyelashes too long & curly & she wan pluck some & gave to sermaine ..hahahahaha

light sleeper- yah i realise Nesher also getting to sleep lesser in the day time & i really tired when he drank every two hours..yesterday i told him i wan to throw him downstair & he looked at me sadly then fall asleep
oh it seems like im not the only one managing a baby who hardly sleeps in the day. He could go without or very little sleep previously during the daytime. Now since I got the sarong, he will fall asleep but don't sleep long. At least provide me some time to rest. He is also a very light sleeper in the day. He wakes up at every little sound so i have to be very quiet around the hse.
my boy also sleep very little, but I guess he's quite used to noise (like drilling) so lucky he still can catch his "mosquito" nap once in a while. I found that he used to take 2 long nap (like more than 1 hour) in the day time, now he takes 1 such nap only
Mine too she happily sleeping on my tummy, if I put her back on her cot, she sure wake up.

Annie: cannot tell baby you throwing him downstairs. Babies now trying to understand the different tone you are using to talk to him.
Bluedream, my boy feng yan are pretty obvious! then my sis say he look ugly... So sad... But I think its okie for boys to have such feature ba?

Light slper? Daylon dun really slp during the day too. I always caught him peeping... I think they r growing fast, wanting to play now... Sumtimes i'm so tired to play, then I just put him in his playmat. Then the next thing I know that he's talking (goo goo gaa gaa) to himself! After sumtime he'll scream for my attention liao.

Feeding volume:
May I noe how much oz/ml are u feeding ur babies? And how long they last or no. Of feed per day?
hi Blurmon, just to share - my boy is 20days old. He is on total breastfeeding & consumes 100ml per bottle feed of EBM. He has 7 feeds in total; latches on 1 time & 6 bottle feeds (2 at nite; 1am&4am).

How abt the rest of the mummies? Care to share?
recently my boy has bad colic so he has reduce his intake of bottle feed ebm from 125ml to various amount frm 80-115ml. normally i'll still start off with 125ml n pour away the left over.

what will you do with the left over ebm after feeding? can the left over be use for the nxt feeding?
bbaugustine & skylermum

For the first yesterday my girl slept from 8pm to 7am. I left her with my MIL from 12 to 7pm and she let bb cry for a long time in the afternoon, I know that i wont be able to do it cos hearing my bb scream make me Xin Fan! So i let my MIL do it at her place cos her method is not to hv bb in our arms all day long and that is the only way that bb does not sleeps too much in the day. My girl can really cry i swear! can be as long as 45 mins non stop.

Of course she checks on her every 20mins and only if is necessary she hold her to calm her and put her back down. This morning i tried it at home alone, not easy though but i stay in the kitchen to do stuff and with the washing machine running and the door shut i managed to do it and finally bb sleeps on her cot for the first time!

Not saying that it will work all the time or it is easy but at least for 2 days now. If you girls are too tired sometime maybe can try to let them cry abit.
hi mummies,
long time din come in here, how is everyone.

Cayden finished 100 - 120ml per feed. total abt 10-13 feed a day. no routine yet, I latch him in the day and 1-2 bottle feed during mid night.
Mitten: I last week I try to remove my boy mitten for awhile but hor this boy scratches his face till bleed. I immediately put back the mittens.

Your son and Sermaine so cute. Nesher so young know how to post ultraman :p
Btw Sermaine is who’s baby? Trying to remember all june baby name.
Hi mummies

It's been a long time since I posted..

Usually we throw away the leftover ebm.. the next time u feed ebm try to pour the amt required & keep the rest in the fridge for the next feed.

I started to remove her mittens and booties when she's 6 weeks old. I try to trim her nails every 2-3 days cos she likes to move both her hands everywhere her face & head..

feeding volume:
She is also on total breastfeeding & consumes 120ml-150ml per bottle feed of EBM every 3hr when my mum bbsit her else she latches on most of the time (cos mummy lazy to heat & wash & sterilizes bottle kekee)...I usually pump during the nite when she sleeps longer..

mummies.. are u still having menses..cos I'm still having mine since I give birth on 3 june..It's been like going to 2 months soon so it's normal???
hui_jing: Sermaine is Shelisa's girl, I still have the table to refer to

dunno how much my boy drink cos I still latch him every time unless I go out without him. My CL says he needs around 100ml to be full
think you should call your gynea instead, I still have watery blood till last sat (bb 6 weeks old), I called my gynea last thur he ask me to go down but it stop before it.
I only pump once in the morning and once at night, can get abt 160-240ml depend on last time I latch Cayden.
Sometime I pump when I feel hard, it abt 90-140ml abt 3hr after latch.

thanks, mind to e-mail me the table?
dolly, on good days in the past baby could sleep up to 2 hrs but now 1 hr very good already. They seem to be more aware of what's going on around them and are getting very curious.

Im doing full latch on so no idea how much baby drinks but he latches on very frequently. it ranges from hourly feed to 2.5hr feed. At nite sometimes, he wakes up every 3hrs but on average he feeds every 2 hrs. My boy doesn't sleep for long day and nite and he feeds a lot! Sometimes he vomits milk, maybe drink too much? Anyone's baby feeds so frequently?

BB, your baby sleep from 8pm to 7am? Thats a lot of hours. I remember when I went to see PD just after baby was born. He said not to let baby sleep for more than 4 hours..hmmm not sure if it still applies since your baby should be more than 1 mth already rite. but 8pm-7am is really long! My baby never sleeps for more than 3 hours usually=P so poor mummy has to keep waking up in the middle of the nite. I usually wake up 3-4 times at nite to breastfeed.

Kikismom, i gave birth on 6 june. My menses stopped some time back already. Maybe you should check with your gynae.
I've just pumped..I can only fetch 190ml without latching her since 9am this morning..
during latching, she seems enough but when come to bottle fed she seem to intake more than latching if I based on EBM calculation..(she can take use up 7-8 pack of 150mL per day & I can only pump like 3-4 pack of 150ml)..just wondering if I go back to work will I've enough EBM for her...sigh
me too..doing full latch on & my gal latch on very frequently too(esp when she is sleepy & sumtimes during her sleep, can stretch from 11/2hr to 2hr).. & she'll also vomit milk if I don't burp her..so u try to burp him after feed..

No No, of course she has 2 feeds in between. In fact is the first time she feeds at 11 and next at 4am. Normally she will feeds twice in the middle of the night.
Qi7- i really tired when he become cranky.. yesterday hubby was complaining our son really stubborn..wan milk & cant wait he cried so loud

EC mum- sermaine is shelisa daughter..aiyoh...
Hua_Jing: I've sent you the table

bbaugustine: No worries, my boy same as you, feed mostly hourly in the day.

kikismom: I gave birth on 16 June, now still has some spotting leh. And my gynae keep telling me shouldn't have liao

Annie: I'm still going strong w breastfeeding!
hi mummies
long time no post.. just to share, i brot zach to see pd 2 wks ago bcoz he makes this grunting sound when he drinks milk and sleep.. pd say he has reflux bcoz we are overfeeding him.. he said bb at his age shd be drinking 800ml per day... hope this is a guide for mummies asking abt milk intake. i used to feed him 100ml every 2 hrs.. now i am trying to drag the feeds to 2.5-3hrs..
hehe still here reading but no contribution la.. have sent zach to nanny during daytime with my elder girl so shaking legs at home daytime and doing night shifts.. :p peifu those mummies who can take care of bbs alone day and night.. i surrender liao... zach dun sleep much in the day and i like a mad woman keep repeating the same routine every 2hrs... i need my sanity!
Me also still total BF until i stop supply/really cannot cannot cannot x100000000000000000 take it then I stop.

I wanna save milk powder for first 6 mths man!
actually i din save much on bf cos by buying the milkbags is close to buying the milkpowder lei..

did u OB say how stop the spotting??

thanks for the info...so ur nanny can handle 2 at the same time btw how big is ur #1?
hi qi7, u using glass bottles to freeze?
Have u unfreezed any bottles and was it ok? Cos i read its not recommended so i dare not try even though i have plenty of bottles..
let me know?
kikismom: my gynae just clean me up for the last 2 visit and say it's clean loh! And I was doing Malay massage for the past weeks, so thot maybe it's due to the massage. Now not much also, only a bit

I also uses glass bottles to store my EBM. Got those sample milk bottles from hospital, just need to go to the hospital pharmacy to buy the caps and the bottles can be used for storing milk.

jetaime21: My CL also uses glass bottles to freeze. It's quite handy, but I didn't boil the bottles to sterilize, just wash and rinse it with hot water before use.
chris38, can i know whos ur PD and how many weeks is ur baby? i feel like changing PD, watever i ask, he say is normal.. always feed on demand that kind of answer..

my boy 2 mths 1 week, drinking about 130 every 3 hours. At night drink about 150ml then sleep from 9.30pm to about 2am
dolly, looks like our 2 boys quite alike, can make friends already. Don't sleep long in the day and drink so much! Think cos never sleep then expend alot of energy so need lots of milk=P
yes I need sleep!i cant rem the time when i had uninterrupted sleep at nite haha. Now i cant even sleep in the day...cos my boy dont sleep long. whenever i try to take a nap, before i can enter deep sleep, he wakes up...
dolly: heard they say the glass will crack so not safe lor
tats y i am procrastinating freezing using glass bottles (now using bags to freeze)
zach is born 10 jun, ard 6 wks now. his current pd is the one who checked the bb upon delivery, dr kh lim from kinderclinic at mt a. however, i will bring zach to kidslink cck for his jabs in future..
i oso find it strange, some pd say feed on demand, some say will overfeed.. anyway i will ask the pd at kidslink for 2nd opinion when i bring zach there 2 wks later for his jab. but i tink current pd is right bcoz i hear less of the grunting sound after i prolong his feeds...

i oso use glass bottles to freeze my ebm, then use the avent warmer to unfreeze... those are unfrozen but bb cant finish, i will throw away.

my girl is 5 yrs old already, quite independent and she is away daily for sch for 4 hrs... nanny's hb works from home so she got someone at home to help her if needed. i alone very difficult, wanna ps oso must loon bb dun wake up in the midst of my biz :p

i oso know of mummies who fed much more to their bbs than this amount.. but not all will get reflux like zach ba..
jetaime: Aiyah, if crack then throw the bottle away lah! I better ask my CL how to defroze, I dun have a warmer

BTW, think we should not waste our milk, if ever I have left over, I'll rather drink it! But so far none loh! hahaha

Chris: If you dun mind can share what's nanny rate nowadays for new born? Thanks!
i am using the avent warmer to warm up milk currently. hmm..since its proven tat its safe, i will also prolly using glass bottles

thanks ladies for sharing!
I use glass bottles to store.when it's time to feed, it will pour into another glass bottle then put in a cup of hot water.

I'm changing to pigeon bottle when she's drinking more than 100ml because the glass bottle max at 100ml.

I have a problem:
what do you mommies think of babies who never poo for few days?

i am paying $900 ($950 when bb start solids) for both kids.. got a special rate for elder one since she needs less attention. nanny says current mkt rate is $600 for bb ($650 when start solids) or more... i heard some charges $700 now!
u wan to drink ur own bm?! hehe i have never tasted mine b4..
