(2009/06) June 2009 MTBs

chris: Thanks for the info! Still looking for nanny though

I've not tasted mine too! I dun have leftover! My CL say my boy drinks a lot, might need 4 ounce per feed already.

qi: I've more then 20 glass bottles, guess still enough for the time being, and each side of my breast dun yield more than 100 ml for now. I see Avent sell some plastics cups for ebm, at least can stack up and won't waste too much space.

glass bottles from hospital: the cap from the hospital pharmacy comes with a opening for teat, so we dun need to transfer the milk out to other bottle, just put the teat will do

Just finish pumping.

You taking 4mths ML right, still long time, dun worried, milk supply will increase according to baby age. remember to relax and drink more fluid. supp with FM if really not enough dun stress, for my #1 time, my supply comes after 8wks, right before I go back to work.
Try to pump abt 5-10min after latch to clear your breast, it important to send the message to your brain you need more milk.
One more tips, I used to drink 2 soup cup size of Milo + BF milk (enmum) + cereal a day. it fattening but it help to increase milk supple.

hey mummies, 1 ounce is hw many ml huh?? n where can i buy just the cap & disc for my glass btl frm hospital? talk abur bleeding i stop almost after 1wk+ is that not normal? ... die..will i have alot blood clot inside.. i using glass brl frm hospital to pump. chill within 36ht leftover i throw.i foresee got enough for the follwing day will freeze in milk bag.till now haven use as frzen milk. 7wks alread, can keep 3mth only right in those normal 2 door fridge..aiyah throw away so waste but i dont dare give pple drk.

hey ask u all huh, does ur bb poo smell sour? can anyone seeing PD "shun bian" ask for me..i only see polyclinic no $..is it i having yeast infection? what shall i do.. he been like that for amny weeks, i just realise it might not be normal.
Blurmom, feng yan is ok for boy right, most of korean guy stars has feng yan. :p

I latch my boy most of the time. He can finish ard 120-130 ml for the FM bottle feed per day. As he will spit some milk during his blur, I don't dare to give too much. He is now using M size teat.

He does not pass motion everyday. PD say it is ok as he mostly feed on bm.

The last feed at night is ard 11 and he needs two feeds (ard 3, 5/6).

I will limit his feed to two hours per feed. If he is not sleepy between the feed. If he sleep after a feed, I will wake him up ard 3.5 hour (fr starting of last feed) by trying to blur him. :p But not my boy will not sleep so long for now le. As I manage him alone, I will let him see the mobile moving or just leave him on the cot. :p

My boy also like to sleep when I latch him. So if he ask for bm after one hour, I will try pat him to sleep. He is more cranky in the afternoon till night time.

I notice my boy will leak his pee when in sarong these days. Any mother has same experience?
Just finish another feed.. my boy feeding pattern still not fixed. After 10pm, then next one is 1am (feed for 1 hr), then 4am (feed for 1 hr), then 6am and 830am. But he poo very often still, especially day time.

BlueDream: Heard that so long baby on BM, it doesn't matter how often it poo

Createjoy: You can buy the cap and disc from the hospital pharmacy. The Mt A is at the A&E entrance turn right. It costs 71cts each and can choose colour.
I will unlatch my boy after 30 min feed. He prefer my right although he will not reject my left. So, my right has more supply than left. Now one big one small, hope it will reduce to normal size when no longer bm.
hi mummies with sarongs/yao lan, need some help here.

do you all get those auto or manual one? where did you all buy it and how much? got cheap cheap, good good one? looking more towards the manual kind. pls share with me cos no time to look around yet. thanks!

Not giving in to sarong is total madness haha i went back to work yesterday for 1 day for meeting, i think my mum was dead tired, can see.. from carrying skyler
Sarong: Buy the frame from Cash Converter, around $30, buy new will cost more than $100. The spring can buy new, it's around $20 from neighbourhood shop.
my mum bot my sarong stand set (comes with spring) for $80+ from those neighbourhood shop. i got a manual one, i will stop shaking after bb falls asleep.
I still have brownish discharge I gave birth 2 mths already!

Isit? my girl havent poo for 2 days although it's fine but I can't stop worrying. Maybe I think too much... sigh... the taking care plus washing, pumping, now massage is wearing me out. Yesterday sleep at 2am, wake up 6am.
Chris 38, i have the auto sarong cos my baby takes a long time to fall asleep, can be up to an hour. Me and hubby rock him until our hands cramp haha. so the auto one works for me=)

After I got the sarong, it was such a relief for me and hubby cos previously it was so hard to get baby to sleep, especially in the day.

Anyone bought the supershields from Mumsfairy? any feedback? I am intending to buy them.
Hello ALL

MIA for so long... but reading on and off...

How's everyone? Been really tired for the past one mth since given birth.. Noah is 5wks plus oredi.. so fast but still not getting alot of sleep... haha like the rest of you.

Glad to see alot of other mummies are back online again oredi..

bbaug- yes I hv the Mumsfairy supershield... it's not bad cos u dont hv to arch forward...

Dolly - i got the Expression Bra from the BP as well.. it's great and convenient to use compared to the handsfree from Freestyle but recently after a few uses, I find it not as tight fitting so suction not as firm leh..

Annie- how come u give Nesher FM ah? I thought u hv so much milk flow???

BlueDream/ BlurMom - what is Feng Yan?
my mum say dun get auto one bcoz bb might get too used to the shaking.. i need to shake and pat his bum bum to make him fall asleep... sarong is a life-saver, manual or auto.. at least dun need to keep carrying him..
kikimom: I gave birth to my gal on 14 jun 09. I am still having spotting too. Clinic didnt says is abnormal. Is it really abnormal? I am supposed to have my pap smear done since last week but keep defering..

bbaugustine: My gal is the first granddaughter so bao bei to the daddy and grandparents. Since birth, she cries, the daddy or granny will carry her until now. I know alot pple said we spoilt her by carrying her often but since birth, she will cry until very "ke lian" and so much tears so we have no choice but to carry her whenever she cries.

Now she is so used to carrying and cries whenever we put her down on her cot or my bed. Very tiring lor..Everytime we have to pat her to sleep on our arms and slowly put her to sleep on her cot. She is very light sleeper, little sound will wake her up. My question is will sleeping in sarong? Do you turn on the motor to shake ur bb or you just put him/her in the sarong without shaking?
qi7 - she looks so cute..dun look like a premmie..

split - ur issac is so chubby..he muz be a active boy..

hi mummies, how is everyone..i hav been reading posts on and off..

my dylan always cry for something but we dunno wad he wan..try all kinds of ways..so we are quite troubled over this..any mummies experienced this..can share??

any mummies know after how many mths den baby can go overseas?? i thot of bringing bb to thailand to pray..end of this yr..

hope every mummy is coping well..
shirley, must shake the bb but will fall asleep quite fast.

Junebabyboi09, thanks Isaac drink alot of milk..anyway sometime Isaac also cry alot but i notice sometime he just want a burp, after burping he'll stop. Or maybe he wanna sleep and i keep talking to him he will cry also =x by putting him in sarong he will just fall asleep sometime even without shaking him
split: shake already. Tried everyway but she will not fall asleep...little bit sound will wake her up...must i resort to sarong? I not really keen...
sweethalo, feng yan refer to the eyes. Eyes are longer horizontal instead of round.

My boy will make funny sound when he sleep on his back. If he sleep on his chest the sound are lesser.
Hello all moms!

It has been so tiring with all the sleepless nites and fussy baby. I have also fell sick recently due to lack of rest.

I have read many articles about Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS).. and some attribute the cause to sleeping on chest/tummy. Try not to let your baby sleep too long on chest/tummy.. rather believe than not.
Hello all moms!

It has been so tiring with all the sleepless nites and fussy baby. I have also fell sick recently due to lack of rest.

I have read many articles about Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS).. and some attribute the cause to sleeping on chest/tummy. Try not to let your baby sleep too long on chest/tummy.. rather believe than not.

how are u? hows noah doing? are u taking care of him yourself? i think your boy is around the same age as mine? mine is born on 19 jun...

mine stopped after 4 weeks. i think the norm is abt 4-8 weeks?

ur boy is so chubby and cute!

ur girl looks very alert, doesnt look like a premie...
Harros again First Mum
Long time no see heheh...

Yeah Noah is born on the same day as your baby
so we just finished our confinement yah?? hehhe... ME just tasted my first french fries on Sunday but too bad I had to finish nursing Noah first so all the fries went soggy on me!! arrghh

I am fortunate to have my mum helping me look after Noah for me but still feeling tired. I think Breastfeeding is really hard work.. very peifu all the mummies that are taking care of their bbies by themselves!

Have been having some trouble lately becos suddenly Noah refuses to latch on unless he is asleep. Was rather down for the past few days as I am worried tt supply will go down without proper latching...

Lochia - mine also stopped a few wks ago oredi before confinement ended.. but now and then still get some form of spotting.

Kikismom- think u need to monitor, is urs heavy flow still? if so, must see gynae again

BlueDream - oic.. never heard of this term Feng Yan leh... hehhe
oh! born on the same day haha! i was over the moon when confinement ended. and i had fries too!

is ur boy sleeping well at night? mine will havoc every night from 9-12mn before nodding off on the bottle around 1am. he used to be able to sleep for 3-4 hrs before waking up for milk in the night but now hes back to 2 hrs again! but we tried to increase the amt and he couldnt finish. haiz.

its gd to have a mum ard eh? i wish my mum wld do the same for me, but she doesnt want she wants freedom to enjoy her golden years...

i gave up latching long ago (when he was only 5 days old cos i was badly engorged and he refused to suckle, i was stupid to give the bottle which made me refuse to latch ever since), so now giving EBM and FM as my supply is low. so i guess every mum has their own set of problems. cheer up and hang in there!

once and for all,

1)breastfeeding can eat chilli??
2)can we eat prawns already?
3)breastfeeding can take cold drinks and ice-cream?
FirstMum - Noah used to fuss around 10pm all the way to 1.30am before he will sleep.. i thot that was because of my late night habits when I was pregnant... hahah

So far he sleeps from midnight last feed till abt 3pm and then again at 5.30 or 6pm. I also tried to increase the feed at night but he could not finish.. now I am trying to cut down on FM in the night.. actually quite confused with what I am doing with him also.. especially so since he refuses to latch at 4pm onwards if he is awake...

1) breastfeeding - was told not to eat chilli by my Jamu lady cos it causes cranky baby... but i wonder how Malays and Indians do it since their food are all spicy

2) Prawns- started to eat liao... hving that for dinner tonight...kekeke... yummz...think once ur wounds are healed should be fine ba?

3) Cold drinks and ice cream- why cannot take? I thot only confinement then cannot mah? hhehe... i had my sips of coke zero on sunday but mum told me to try not to take too much...
hi mummies,

my gal is also like yours. carry her in arms sleep very soundly, put her down cry like mad.. also very light sleeper..
so hubby andI have been trying all sorts of methods to make her sleep well and longer..
I put her in sarong too but I do not rock her, just pat her buttocks.. sarong can sleep longer. once I made the mistake of rocking her and she keep wanting me to rock her even when she is asleep..
another way is to let her sleep on tummy in the day. I noticed that my gal gets awakened by her own reflux actions of her arms.. but putting her on tummy, the action gets minimised.. but only during the day coz scared of SIDS..
some ppl advised me to swaddle her but she hates to be swaddle so cannot do so..

my gal was also like yours..it was a very streeful period for me as I take care of her alone in the day.. I gave her pacifier to stop her crying so at least she does not get so much wind in tummy..
as she grows older, it seems to get better, she used to cry until face red red and no voice.. just hang on there
is there any specific time of the day that your bb is crying more?

I try for a few days then succeed, try giving just when they are sleepy.. even now she also not very good at it.. coz breastfed baby keep using their tongue to stick out and this will push out the pacifier

good to hear that you and Noah are doing well

my lochia stopped on day 8 but I already had my menses 2 times liao (at week 4 and week 5) though I'm on TBF

first mum,
)breastfeeding can eat chilli?? was told not to and I avoid it
2)can we eat prawns already? yupz.. after confinement can eat liao
3)breastfeeding can take cold drinks and ice-cream? I take cold drinks so far din notice any fussiness in my gal
Junebabyboi: Thanks

Firstmom: Hmmm... premie only means premature babies. So far she behave just like a normal baby.Does premie means not so alert??

1)breastfeeding can eat chilli??
I asked my ML, she said, eat moderately. No rules you cannot eat chilli.

2)can we eat prawns already?
If wound healed of course can eat. Then again, not excessive and moderately.

3)breastfeeding can take cold drinks and ice-cream?
I didn't have cold drinks and ice cream only once like one month because ice cream is made of milk too
hi sweethalo,
understand how you feel.. there was a two days Valerie was super fussy and refused to latch too.. except when she was sleepy.. give her EBM she also dun wan.. so worried that she is not drinking well that I brought her to PD, PD says nothing is wrong withe her.. 2 days later, she went back to normal.. not sure if its coz of something I ate coz cannot think of anything unusual that I ate..
the more stress you are, baby will feel it too and lagi refused to obey..

does he take the bottle? dun force him to the breast if he doesn't one too.. slowly coax
bluedream: i gave nuk pacifier. becos i latch her on and she seem to take pacifier quite well. No choice because i taking care 24-7 unless i go massage that's my 2 hrs of freedom..
Chidori - he will cry from ard 5pm to his feed..den sleep awhile and cry again till 9pm..haiz..gif him pacifier he doesnt wan to suck..

first mum - seafood muz try avoid for the first 10 weeks..advised by my chinese physician..say coz of the recovering of wound..

as for cold drinks..de elders say the coldness will hit ur back and will have feng shi when u are old..but for me..i cant take too much..my stomach cant take it..i start cold drinks on my bb full mth day...haha..
Went for facial today! Incidentally, there are 3 other mummies having their facial today after giving birth ... hahaha And because I was out, notice my boy slept longer (3 hours!) on EBM, think because my CL giving him 120ml, so my breast might not be enough, he needs 2 breasts! Thinking if I should start alternating between ebm and latch.

bbaugustine, your boy also eat every hour right? Are you doing latching too?

junebabyboi: Tinybubu already brought Sophie to Australia long ago, no worries.

qi: your girl look so mature!

split: Did you overfeed Issac? So chubby!!! hahaha

BlueDream: Same here! My boy dun like pacifier.. tried a few brands, so far Avent a little success, need to press or hold at his mouth

Shirley: Think sometimes no choice, to get back some sanity, sarong could be a way!

FirstMum: I've started eating chilli and taking cold drink, haha.. think depend on you lah, I started on them but not excessively though.

sweethalo: My expressionBra also a bit looser after wash, but still good, try not to wash so often?
sweethalo, I have placed order for the supershields and also ordered the expression bra from the BP. I haven't been pumping cos doing full latch on but will start the bottle prob when he turns 3 mths. This is to avoid any recurrence of colic. I will still latch on when he turns 3 mths but will prob give him the bottle for 1 or 2 feeds.

Chris38, indeed the sarong provides a lot of relief for me or else I will need to carry, pat and rock him to sleep. I can do that for 1 hr and he will sleep for 1/2 hr then I need to nurse again. Its a never ending cycle. Very exhausting. At least the sarong is doing the rocking now so i can rest or do some other stuff.

Shirley, my son is also my 1st child and the first grandson of my mum so when he cried, my mum will rush to carry him and rock him to sleep during my confinement. He is very used to being carried and he is a super light sleeper in the day. I had a hard time trying to make him sleep in the day before i got the sarong. I will carry, pat and rock him to sleep, sometimes i even sing to him and it takes a long time for him to enter deep sleep. If he is not in deep sleep yet and i put him down in his cot, he will wake up and i have to start the whole cycle again so I really appreciate the sarong now. To answer your question, I turn on the motor to rock the baby to sleep but it only works if he is sleepy. However, if he is alert and wants to play, NOTHING will work. I have to entertain him=P I didnt want to use the sarong also, but he doesnt really sleep in the day so no choice. I think sleep is very impt for babies. Furthermore, im looking after baby by myself. if no sarong, i can be coaxing him to sleep, nursing him and playing with him the whole day with no time for meals or anything else.

Chidori, the sarong works to put baby to sleep but he still doesnt sleep long. Think it's his temperament. Cant change that. He is very active and alert most of the time. Nowadays its a struggle trying to get him to sleep even with the sarong. He will cry when placed in the sarong but stop after a while with the rocking then fall asleep.

Dolly, yes baby feeds almost every hr in the day. At nite, it stretches to 2 hrs. but strangely after 5am, it goes back to hourly feed again. I guess thats morning for baby=P And Im doing full latch on. No ebm. So i wake up about 4 times before 7am.
oh yeah, i wanted to ask if anyone is going to be a stay at home mum after maternity leave. Im probably going to stay home for 6 mths to look after baby.
bbaugustine, i like the mumsfairy supershield mk pumping less painfful n can lean bckwards abit... i got 1 brand new , size M can sell u cheaper. i using L...my frd got me both size. if u keen PM me

cvr for btl beside MT A where else. in the west..?

i also trying to resist sarong cos at nite slp cot ok but day super light sleeper...or mayb becos day slp little night too tired..i still swaddle him at night. but day too hot and even if i do & on aircon he stil wont slp. i scare slp sarong bcm day n night wan sarong... hw leh..anyway to prevent this? i heard of ppl day slp sarong nite on bed hw to mk bb slp 2 method?. MIL keep asking...cant slp on tummy, he keep lifting himself up and cry..

junebb i think 1st 6 mth if can, try not to... after basic vaccine 7mth onward mayb better...u going for leisure? if so dont brg bb lah how to shop happily w bb want feed, poo,carry and slp.u tired , bb also tired..

qi i think junebb meant she's very alert, premie tend to b more slpy bah... spit my boy like issac leh 3mth clothes like cant wear liao...6mth slpsuit just nice only.. faint... so many gift set romper 0-6mth and he doesnt wear mitten already. got 2 more haven even open.. selling at forum nobody buy..

firstmum, i same as u leh 2nd wk been pumping. now night pump every 4-5hr. day 2-3hr... night give FM 2 times so day time every 2hr 100ml ebm i still can manage for the time being.. bur i notice bb slp better and long after FM.. so tempted give FM daytime wn he cranky canr slp. he hardly slp in aftn that's y MIL say use sarong so he dont cry so oftn.. but i just refuse to try... i miss the days i slp 10hr 1 shot...shiok man.. gone were the days..

pacifier, my boy use tommy tipee the bumble bee... wn he cry frantic must put there awhile then he realise it's there then suck. those of u bb dont wan pacifier , did u all put qt awhile? initially they will push it out w tongue. try few more times...

i also eating chilli not too much scare affect taste of milk.. cold drink only once.. my mum say 100days avoid prawn,egg, cold stuff etc... i try lah but sometime give in to temptation esp cold drinks.

that day who ask about facebk account huh i forgot. add me [email protected]
bbaug, i just posted afted seeing archive realised u ordered. nvm then.. unless u ordering M size want save $ then PM me. i also SAHM prob 6mth too..nt wking already think hard to find job now. gtg slp bb alsp now faster go slp.. wow lau admire those of u wk up every hr to latch! i wk up 3 time from 12pm to11am,each time 1 hr, i also cant tahan!1hr cos i need to feed, burp.coax bb slp, pump..
createjoy, i think i need L size for the supershields. I ordered already.thanks for the offer=) My baby sleeps in the sarong in the day and sleeps in the cot at nite. He can sleep in the cot at nite becos he is usually rather sleepy at nite so dont wake up so easily when sleeping in the cot. I also notice that baby sleeps really well when the weather is cool. I can put him in the cot earlier in the day when it is raining.
createjoy - thanks for ur advice..my whole family snatching to tk care of bb..so i nt so scared abt he giving me prob..wad i am concerned is abt at young age when on airplane will hav discomfort..

dolly - tinybubu brought her bb for leisure to aus?? omg..pro mummy..haha

i also forget who ask for it..haha..add me 2..
FB & MSN - [email protected]
my bb FB - [email protected]
bbaugustine: Yeah, my boy just went into hourly feed again when latch on! Guess he always sleep at our breast and he drink slower too. So cannot make him drink tat much at one go, as a result, he get hungry faster and we got to feed again.

createjoy: Any hospital near you? Or if you go back to hospital for a visit, can just buy there. Not sure if normal pharmacy sell those though
createjoy: she's sleepy during the first month. not wanting milk.

After she turns 1 month=her actual due, she's pretty much like a normal baby. gaining nice weight as compared to first month.

and now as always, she's happily sleeping on my lap.
qi: How your girl sleep on your lap? Do you sit down or lying down? I'm finding comfortable and easy position for my boy
sit down. so long as she dont start kicking her legs, one lap support her head, another support her butt. No choice, i pumping she also on my lap if she's not asleep. It's dangerous I know. My hand is on the pump, eyes fixed on her for 20mins while I pump.

Sometimes she just need the warmth to drift off to sleep. And sitting down at least I can eat, fold nappy etc otherwise can't seemt to do a single thing by just carrying her.

i will try take pic and show you soon
That sound a bit hard though, but yeah if you are alone and she needs warmth,then there's not much other choice. I'm getting the sarong soon, hopefully that'll help. My CL is leaving in 2 weeks time, better get use to it.
Thanks qi7, dolly and chidori for tips on pacifer. Will try again later when my boy fuss to sleep. :p

Dolly, I have the same problem that my boy like to sleep while nursing. That's why I think sometime when my boy cry for milk, it is actually cry to go to sleep. I will let my boy cry sometime and he can actually sleep for quite long. After he fall asleep in my arm, will need to hold him for ard 20mins before I put him down.

bbaugustine, you can start to feed your baby bottle le. My boy also has colic in my confinement. Cried till face super red too and legs keep kicking. Been giving my boy bottle from his day 5 and tried tbm when my supply increase. But when tried to give bottle again, he kinda fuss to drink. So, I give him bottle at least once a day to let him at use of the bottle feed.
