(2009/06) June 2009 MTBs

I've added all the mummies that contributed their emails to my fb..

Nowadays i ate everything, but in moderation. I even drank some beers n wine during fren's party..but of cos i throw away the ebm.

Pacifier - used avent but kirsten kept spitting it out. so bought nuk ones to try. lagi worse. so stick to avent cos if i press n hold longer at her mouth, at least she will suckle when she realise something is there. n she sucks quite loud.. any mummies experience dat?

BlueDream, my boy started to have colic when i gave him the bottle previously cos hubby wanted to help with night feeds so i stopped the bottle. I read that babies will outgrow colic by 3 mths so i thought to play it safe, give bottle with ebm again at 3 mths. I dont want him to get colic again. its a nightmare. BBjun was saying that the Dr Browns bottles dont give colic. Anyone using Dr Brown? any feedback?
Dolly, actually even when my boy doesnt fall asleep at my breast, he still has hourly feeds haha. I will feed him until he satisfied, dont want the nipple anymore and sometimes he can empty both breasts but he max can stretch 2 hours only...I find it strange that at nite he can drag up to 3hrs for feeds but when the clock ticks 5am, he is back to hourly feeds. Very strange...

I m using Dr Brown's bottles with nuk teats for both my boys, so far so gd. If bb's cranky after feeding and changing diapers, will use some sesame oil with powder and rub them in my palm then apply on bb's stomach. Will help to ease their discomfort. My grandma taught me this.
Dolly & BBaug: thanks for your advice. Think i will think abt using sarong. I still can cope as my MIL is helping me to look after bb. Spoken to GP last night, was worried that the bb my get concussion if shake too much in sarong. She says the bb will outgrown in 3 mths time.
dolly, ya i think i over fed him..im feeding him 150ml every 3hr but lately he need to be fed every 2hrly in the day time.

Btw any idea why bb suddenly become like super sleepy? Isaac was very sleepy this few days, usually after feeding he will wanna talk but lately he fell asleep during feeding time and also when i put him on the bed and go take something come back he already fall asleep..
Hi Mummies,

See that ur have been latching ur babies. But i am giving ebm - bottle feed all day. Cos initially i had sore & painful nipples. So i didnt latched her. Now she is so used to bottles, i didnt try to latch her at all.
Colic: crying, fussing. pacifier, hug, milk all given but nothing makes the baby stop crying?

my girl drinking 100ml... at 4 hours ON THE DOT. -_-" at least I can rest a bit more. Now 2 month plus... getting better.
split: Is it heavenly that your boy wanna sleep? Haha... after 2 hourly feeding, my boy has been sleeping from 11 till now

Shirley: Why not try latching again? Initially my nipple also sore, I will squeeze some milk to put on my nipple and air dry, it helps. If it get worse, I'll put the purlan cream. The trick is to tahan the pain and continue latching. Now I dun even need to put cream, my nipples must have toughen up!

qi: your girl very discipline leh!
hihi everyone!! wanna go buy lunch but see my neighbour at home thus dash in to borrow computer from him. Bring a pillow and put sermaine on sofa and she fall slp herself.

Thanks annie for posting sermaine pic in forum.

Thanks for mommy that praise sermaine pretty n cute.

So far still total latch on sermaine. During day and noon time she will auto play with herself and fall aslp in bed herself. Evening and night time she will start to want carry and rock but always shake rock for 10-20mins then she will fall aslp. She also a light sleeper, easier wake up. Especially noon time always slp 4 15-30mins but lucky she will play with herself, tire liao slp back again. Now latch on 7-8 times a days unlike newborn 14 time a day!! Now she latch on every 2-4 hourly but night time can drag for 5-7 hours. But i will latch her on if she didnt cry for milk for more then 5 hours. As i scare she hungry. hee. But she bad temper, want means want.

How i wish i have com at home and i can share and seek advise from forum. Take care everyone.

Yipee, finally tmr is fri!! Hope tmr spore is nice weather.
Shirley, your GP said baby rock too much in sarong will get concussion? The baby will outgrow what in 3 mths time? The sarong?

Thanks Bbpotato-will try the nuk teat cum Dr Brown bottle combination. I previously used Nuk teat with Nuk bottle and baby developed colic.

Shirley, just like what qi7 said, baby will usually develop colic in the late evening/nite. He will keep on crying and nothing will pacify him. He is very uncomfortable due to wind in tummy.

Shelisa, think you got the ideal baby. auto play by herself and fall asleep by herself. Somoremore can sleep 5-7 hours at nite. My baby is total opp of yours haha. Always need attention and need to spend lotsa time coaxing him to sleep. At nite, usually 2 hourly feed.
hi ladies

can share how you make baby sleep or take naps?? he'll only sleep after suckling at the breast, or if my mother pat him on her shoulder.. very siong..

anyone tried the settling techniques from baby whisperer?
hi hi all mummies,

been mia too. haha... but also haf been reading on and off lah... jus dat there's nth for me to contribute, so i din post.

so how's everyone coping wif babies?
really can outgrow carrying in 3 months? my boy 2 months 1 week.. everyday wanting more attention hahah..

anyway, i'm buying the sarong later.

but another question, what if he sleeps more in the day, then end up at night sleep little? this is what i am concerned wor.. any mummies can share?
skylermum: Thats wat the Dr says. I still considering to get the sarong anot. U let me know if sarong works for your bb.
Hi Mummies,

Re: Latching:

1) Do ur express out ur bm after latching?
2) when your feed ur bb the ebm?
3) Did your ever came across bb feeding time and the time our breasts are full is different? How do ur feed?
4)Every hr latch..do ur have enough milk for ur bb to latch on every hr?
Sweethalo- i nid to go back medication on my cholestrol as i started having on & off chest & heart pain.. fyi my cholestrol level is 300 & above

Split- Nesher also starting wearing 3-6mths ..

Qi7- hehehehe I gave Nesher pacifier he split out...
dolly: only applies to drinking. She still want carry before she sleep. If noises wake her, she also cry for carry. so not really disipline in a way.

Annie: good, no pacifier, no need headache to kick the habit later
just nursed my baby to sleep.Nowadays its a struggle getting him to sleep day and nite. He is always so alert. Then at nite, he gets cranky and have to let him latch on till he falls asleep.
My boy woke up at 11pm! Just nurse him to sleep again... hope he sleep longer

Shirley: My boy born on 16 Jun, but I extended my CL by another month
well, latched him for 45min till 10pm, slept for 1 hour

Going to sleep now... hopefully dun need to wake up too soon!

I still dun feel comfortable buying bra online leh
huh? fm=formula milk right?

Anyway breast milk cannot store 2 weeks in lower compartment?

Why throw breast milk when u can throw up freezer????
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Thank you.
ya lo frozen EBM 3 mth but those i store initially week gonna exp in 3 wk time.. woder what to do.. throw so waste n the milkbag cost $ leh although is frd gave me... but i dont dare give ppl also leh my boy poo sour one dunno is it i yeast infection. but i no see PD and polyc doc suck, so i just leave it as long as he look ok. yday i knock his head on cupboard 1 red mark becos qt sharp. damn heartpain! and so scare near the center of his head, soft spot.. lucky he no cry shd be not too hard prob is sharp that' y red now not red liao phew! anyone bought the milktray frm mumsfairy? i wondering whter to buy. but then now milk also enough store extra also headache.. bb whisper bk wow lau say so easy hw to mk bb slp long! jayden every 2 hr want ebm 100ml. like alarm. at night only once he slp 2h40min on emb.even fm sometime 3.5hr he cry for milk yday 4 once he slp 5h on fm! that bcos 4h i heard him grunt i too tired go bck slp.5h he really wk up cry hard.

those giving btl, do u all wait them cry loud then feed or mk alot noise and start kungfu fighting in the air w eyes cls feed? cant inc his intk 800ml a day cannot inc liao. inc he also punctual then jialut. hw cm some latch on can slp 5hr at night, amazed!
hi, back online finally! while both babies are sleeping. Just moved house successfully, and its so tiring to take care of 2 babies alone. My no.1 recovering from fever, maybe from teething.. and super cranky.. cannot leave alone. she's starting childcare next week so looking forward to more time.

I've added those with FB. U can add mine: [email protected]

i'm planning to go n let my baby have the optional jabs coz she's going infantcare. the prices are quite standard i think..won't vary much except for the consultation fees depending if u go GP or PD.

anyone using those babycarrier that are like backpacks eg. baby bjorn? How long can ur baby last in the carrier before starts to fidget or what? if baby is facing u, then baby's head will be resting on ur chest nearer to ur breast or nearer to ur neck?
qi7, FM is formula milk as I only feed baby once per day end up the cannot finish the tin within a month. Will dispose today and keep track on which day I open for the next tin.

bbaugustine, to prevent wind, I give grip water to my baby fr wk 3 onward. Start by giving him half a teaspoon added with some water. It is good as my baby fart everyday. :p
styliciously, I carry my boy ard from wk3 onward using baby bjorn. When he cranky, I just pat him, sometime he will fall asleep. As he like to be carry, I will use it when he is cranky in the stroller.

styliciously, can help to add me in FB with other mothers. Thanks. :p
I know lower can store 2 day, freeze 3 mth, but I saw blurmom talking about adult fm=bm right?

And she said: Bluedream, adult Fm must consume within 2weeks.. I would advise u to dispose unless the Fm did state the duration period.

Which is why I become blur.

Bluedream: why not buy a smaller tin?

Re: volume
My girl drinking 100ml/4hrly. which is 600ml per day.

createjoy: I wait for baby cry loud then feed. Because if she is hungry, can hear her tummy growling noise when she start sucking the bottle, she keeps drinking as fast as she could so the milk can fill her tummy. If we adults cannot stand the hunger, imagine a little baby?

There is no harsh and fast rule when it comes to feeding. I asked a doctor once and he said: so long as baby does not vomit after feeding=he can take the volume.

I remember my first boy drinking 120ml after 4 weeks of birth, every 3 hourly. thats more than 800ml and he seems fine. I pressume some babies need more, some need less.
Hi mommies,
Missing in action for 2week.. cos going to work on 4th Aug so trying to set SiQi into her daily routine..

Don't worry, I will not stop breastfeeding until I ask gynae on 4th Aug.. Appointment made.. to find out if I can continue to breastfeeding due to my low blood pressure

My daily routine starts at 5.30am. I have been rehearsal the daily routine so that I can fine-tune as time goes n ready to go to work.

5.30 am - Wake up, wash children clothes, boil red date drink, pump milk.
6.00 am - Feed SiQi freshly pumped milk.. then she will continue to sleep till 9:30am @ grandparent's hse.
6.30 am to 7 am - Prepare breakfast, tidy up hse and bath while hubby and Yi'En (son) eat breakfast.
7 am to 8 am - Pack son's bag, leave hse @ 8am to bring SiQi to in law's hse (Father in law will come to my hse n help) and also bring Yi'En to childcare.
8.30 am (Settle everything) - Ready to set off to work..
6.30 pm (Back from work) - Eat dinner @ in law hse n bring SiQi home before 7pm.. Later than 7pm, she will become very cranky.. dunno why.
9 pm to 10 pm - After coax SiQi to bed, is son's turn.. teach son phonic and math.. hubby or me will then coax him to bed...
11 pm to 12 pm - Do housechore and Couple time.. watching TV.. chit chat (common topics.. ie, son, daughter, work)

SiQi's routine..
12:00 am - Wake up for the last feed of milk.. (Formula milk) then sleep on bed.
4:00 am - Wake up to move from bed to sarong n continue to sleep
6:00 am - Wake up for 1st feed of milk (Freshly pumped Breast milk) then go back to sleep
9.30 am - Wake up for morning breakfast(Breast milk)
10:00 am - poopoo time, bath time, drink wood grip water, playtime with grandparents
11:30 am - lunch time (formula milk)
12:00 noon - Afternoon nap (4hr)
4:00 pm - high tea (formula milk)
5:00 pm to 6.30pm - Body cleaning & playtime with cousin
6.30 pm - goes back home
7:00 pm - Sleep time
8.30 pm - dinner time (formula milk).. SiQi always overslept for this feed.. n will only wake up @ 12.00 am for her last feed.. I will let her latch on if she wake up early

My Bio-data
Nos of child: 2, one son (Yi'En - 4yr old) & one daughter (SiQi - 9 weeks)
Caregiver - my parent in law
Stay @ - Toa Payoh
Breast pump brand - Medela PIS and Avent (Single manual)
Nos of pumping session - 6 (daily) 3-4hr
Quantity - 80ml to 90ml (avg daily for each pumping session)
Breast milk customer - Son (240ml) & daughter ( 150ml for each feed, 2 feeds dail)
Nos of hr of solid sleep - 4-5hr daily
Other - Working mother, no maid (myself is a maid)

SiQi bio-data
Born on: 1st June (4.30pm) @ TMC by Dr WH KEE
Gestation week: 38weeks
Weight: 3.49kg (@birth), 4.96kg (@4.5week), 5.4kg (7.5week)
Height: 51cm (@birth), 56cm (@4.5week), 60cm (7.5week)
Head: 39cm (@birth & 4.5week), 40cm (@7.5week)
PD: Dr Ang Poon Liat @ TMC
Nos of feed: 2 Breast milk & 3-4 Formula milk
Formula milk brand: NAN HA 1
Latch on: only allow during weekend
Pacifier: Nuby, Nuk, Avent (SiQi able to suck them well. If i want her to latch on, I will let her practise using Nuk/Nuby to avoid her bite my nipple).. sleep with pacifier but she will try to use her hand to stop it from dropping off her mouth n will try to suck back the pacifier by herself if it dropped off.
Sarong: Put her in n fall asleep without rocking unless she is really asleep.. rock to extend her sleeping time..
Bedtime: sleep with SWEET DREAM music... play throughout the night.
ya lo.. indeed.. my life is so boring hoh.. really routine (24hr by 7days)... 100% caregiver, mother, wife during weekend.. being a good wife is tough, being a good mother is a challenge.. did u see the tag in my MSN?

Hi mummies,

i store my ebm at the lower compartment (where we put milk & drinks) for most 24 hrs..

We can store it for 2 days??
