(2009/06) June 2009 MTBs

hello everyone!!
got miss me or not...hahahhahaha

been mia, cos sian and feeling upset...

how's everyone coping wif baby?

hello mummies..

i m back... was rather worry bout Nesher as las friday nite bring him to KKH A & E as he didnt poo for two days..then the nurse insert a pills for him to shit & he cried so loud & cleared his poo ther(heart pain seeing him so much in pain & he cried till his face so red)..
after tat back home he didnt shit for days & today at last he shit on his own

this wednesday nid to go polyclinic for his jaundice..sian...

Qi7- be seeing u here soon tomorrow..
ahnetsan: How's thing? Mad at yr mil everyday?
Baby eating almost every hour in day time, but at night tend to sleep a bit more (Thank goodess!)

Annie: Are you giving Nesher BM or FM? Is jaundice still danagerous for Nesher since he already more than a week old?
mine also still yellow. I have no chice but to stop breast milk a while cos that's what Thomson did. I also try to sun him in the morning.

Did anyone of you experience this? My bb refused to sleep after fed. He wants to be carry and walk aound until his next feed then if he is too tired, then he will sleep. Been like this for the past 3 days.
haha... recently it's abt my boy lor.
dats y no mood to post in forum.

wah, so lucky to haf ur baby to sleep more at night.

did KK tell u why nesher din poo? wat's the reason for him nt pooing?
<font color="0000ff">LFB

My bb also the same. Refuse to sleep. Put down only cry. He only sleep well at night, that's my only consolation. He seems so tired, yet cannot slp. Sometimes will slp awhile and suddenly cry super loud.

But since i pick him up when he cries, esp after feed, it usually means he needs to burp again so i try to burp him. If lucky, after that he will nap abit. O dear. He slept 5 mins and now cry again..
my CL said this is common. I am glad she is pro carrying as old pple tends to let bb cries and said if too much carrying no good. But I felt that it's worse if they cried till they have colic! So I also help out when she is cooking or eating. Poor boy, yawn and yawn, but just refuses to sleep at times. CL said this is a phrase, will pass one, no need to worry.
ahnetsan: Your boy still got colic?

Recently I started to burp my boy after feed, he burp occasionally. And sometimes after feed he won't sleep also, my CL will carry him and coax him to sleep. But there are times when he needs to be feed and feed and feed again before he's able to play w himself or quiet down. I just woke up fr a 2hr nap! Baby was crying so loud till I can hear clearly fr my air-con room, CL was changing him. And he pee half way, so got to change again, we quickly put him to my bed for feeding, he quiet down straight away when he's on my bed, guess he understand that on my bed means milk coming
deerdeer: you mean when baby is sleeping or feeding? Mine sometimes make funny sound during feeding, I'll normally break his feeding and burp him half way.
did the doc ask for nesher to go back? My PD didn't ask him to go back and check leh. The nurse only asked me to sun him morning and evening. How to know whether he still have jaundice , besides seeing whether he is yellow or not?
hi ladies,

been mia for many days. it's tough work looking after baby at night. i'm so tired that it's to the point of exhaustion, and it doesn't help that my husband can only help a little on sat nights cos no work on sunday.

went to kkh for checkup of wound today. been having a fever since friday, only realised yesterday when i took temp. 39.4! thinking back, started with lumps in the breast.

made appointment with LC at kkh. superb service and expertise i must say. advised me to take panadol 1 hr before seeing her and sqeezed me into her schedule. turns out i got mastitis!

once sat down with LC, switched on pump, massaged good breast, milk started squirting out. massaged bad breast, painful like anything, put pump on, and she started to massage to push the blockage out. again super duper painful. managed to clear the ducts after a short while, but need to be on antibiotics cos already have infection... supply dropped to half of other side already... sad... last time when breasts were full both will start leaking now only one side leak. sigh. now must monitor until wed and see if the clogs clear up, if not must see LC again..
AMK gal see LC hw much huh? i wana see leh.. left breast pump 20-30ml , right pump 50-60ml so big diff. last time left as good as right think something wrong and i got prob latching he keep crying in hunger...now pump out.. leave me the contact detail pls...

LBF, see bb eye the white part look yellow and face yellow quite obvious one..

my bb always make alot sound i cant slp with him.. stretch very shiok like that... so noisy alamak
amk_gal: can baby help by latching on the infected breast?

Seeing that almost everyone can pump! It's strange that baby can latch but I cannot pump. In fact, my baby is so effective in emptying my breast sometimes I fear there's no more milk for him.
Shall I see LC if I can latch but cannot pump?
<font color="0077aa">amk_gal, was the lactation consultant called yen ping? she's very good, super pro-BF. even tell me that if i have friends who deliver at other hospitals and need help with BF, can just call her. if need be, can make appointment to see her. only pay $50. but she'll advise you to do the basics 1st i.e. cannot say want to TBF but still supplement with FM then complain that supply not good. cos she will tell you to stop the FM otherwise supply won't increase.

i just called her today to ask about when to introduce bottle feeding and she told me at 4 weeks old is okay. so now when i feed must also pump at other side and store. this is to maintain supply. i told her my boobs not only leaking, sometimes even spraying milk! she also told me that for first month especially in the daytime must continue to ensure baby feeding every 3 hours which means if need to wake her up, do so. but in the night it's okay if baby sleeps an extra hour, this is so mummy gets good rest to maintain supply.

very happy when i talk to her cos she's very knowledgeable and supportive. when i told her im still on TBF, she'll say I LOVE YOU DEAR. if ever i need help can just call her for advise. if any mummies here need help with BF, can ask me for her contact.</font>
<font color="0077aa">dolly, if you cannot pump but when you latch and baby feeding fine i.e. pee and poo normal, then i think problem should be your pump right? cos you have milk but cannot express?</font>
anyone want to buy BN Milk storage bag (the first year by learning curve) 25pre sterilizer zipper bag.want to sell off at $15 retail 19.90
Caramelle: The pump I used is Medela PIS, thot it's supposed to be good. But anyway, do you know where I can try out other pump? I only see my breast spraying milk ONCE so far when I press though, so I think supply is not as plenty as yours. Just fed my boy one side, both engorged... hopefully he will help me with the other side.
think you can go to Breastfeeding Mothers' Support Group.

They do have pumps for you to try and can advice you. My friend went and got herself a pump after trying out different model and brands.

thanks for the advice. Ya, we use that to guage too. I have been sunning him for 5 mins every morning, hoping to clear the yellow. I hate it when I have to stop feeding him breastmilk, but beside sunning, that's the next best alternative I can do.

can I have Yen Ping's number? I want to ask her whether jaundice and ginger and sesames oil got connection or not. Sigh. If not, then I will feed him breastmilk liao. Thanks.
<font color="0000ff">re : lumps / blocked ducts

been struggling with the lumps.. my boy managed to help me clear left side lump just day before yesterday, yesterday suddenly right side half of it is lumpy and hard and pain.

very sian. finally after 2 days of struggling managed to clear the ducts le.. but supply dropped liao leh.. very worried. Getting only 3 ounces from both sides combined..

anyway, i found it quite effective to latch baby in different position to clear the duct.. use the position with baby's chin pointing towards the clogged area.. kind of worked, just that my bb too sleepy.. later i try again.. now alternating between football hold and cradle hold depending on where the clog is..</font>
LFB: Thanks for the link, I'll try that, maybe Medela is not meant for me

11_beans: Yeah I also found baby very good at clearing blocked ducts! But of course because pumping doesn't work for me, so he's my only way out
I dunno how to do foot ball hold though, but will press press here and there on those lumps and they will be gone after a while.
dolly you lucky girl! i wish my boy can latch it's super tedious to pump. feed, pump, sterilise... then go out more than 3hr must think of brg pump or rush home. and need to brg exp milk out.. alot hassle.. i still hoping with better letdwn my boy would want to latch again but i guess it's really hard... yday my boy wk up every 2hr. and i wk up mk formula then pump 30min wash btl ... by the time i slp, another hr he wk up. and my MIL help to feed hor if not i lagi jialut but i think she also fedup.. if i giv up BM then i could have feed him myself. i feel paiseh but i dont want to giv up still hanging on..sian dunno how!!! i got alot block duct didnt really clr leh i so fedup!

anyone have this prob, my son always vomit milk even wn latch on... honestly didnt really burp him. he always cry wn i do that he luv to slp aft a feed... so i just briefly pat n keep him upright awhile...
createjoy: Guess both have it's pros and cons! Yeah, I only need to sterilize once a day, for my pumping "try-out". However, I need to make pumping work too cos I'll have to go back to work after the ML, and if I still could not pump, then I'll have no choice but to give FM!

Just went to the breast feeding support website, they are looking for babies 3weeks old for some try out, wonder if it will help
Dolly- his jaundice is 158 still not below 100..sian... i been sun bath him at the balcony wif him...
i gave him both breast milk &amp; formula..

LFB- doc nvber ask me to stop breast feed him &amp; encourage me to feed him more breast milk..
still nid to bring him back for appt tomorrow..
doc advise don sun tan him as he be dehydrated..but mum said its ok..
dont know listen to who

ahnetsan- the KKH doc told me to fed more breast milk to him as too much formula milk wil make his shit hard to shit out...so now every 3 hours got to pump out milk for him
she mention two days without shitting is normal but if he didnt shit for 5 days &amp; the tummy hard &amp; he not drinkin then i must bring him to kkh..

nowadays my milk getting so much tat i nid to sit still to pump it out.. last nite pump out 220ml for both side &amp; breast still leaking but i ignore it as i m tired after pumping for 20mins..
anywher it not hard or lumpy...
Hello qi7! Welcome back! Glad to see you here again!

Annie, I read some websites and also called up Thomson's Parentcraft centre. Most encourage BM even bb has jaundice. I told hubby bb needs more liquid and BM is the best. So I resume to BM for day and FM for night.

Sunning bb
- What I did is just sun his back for 5-10min, that's all! Too much will dehydrate and also charred him! So I keep to that timing.

BM amt
just to ask, is 120ml for 2 and 1/2 week bb too much? My bb will cry if we fed 90ml of BM, think not enough, but if FM, 90ml is good. So I dunno 120ml for 1 feed is alot or not.
BM is thinner than FM. so get fuller on FM and next feed is 3hrs later. if BM, may need more amt compared to FM and don't last until 3 hrs.. times when my baby extra hungry, can still drink 50 ml more of EBM even after latching on
yeah my girl one mth plus still have jaundice, doc still ask me to feed bm which i am doing till now!
wow annie alot milk!

me every 3 hours max at 120ml both side... lucky my girl drinking 70ml only...
yest nite baby was colicky and alert at 2.30am and didn't sleep till about 4 or 5am i think. Both me and hubby were up and taking turns to calm him down because he was crying due to the wind in the tummy. Somehow the colic comes at the time when he is most alert. Because he was sleeping a lot in the day hence he was rather awake when he woke up for feeds at nite. Hubby is suggesting that we play with him in the evening so that he can sleep well at nite. My ML says breastfed babies usually dont have colic but how come my baby keeps having wind in the tummy? hmmm and somemore i have stopped using bottles. sigh. hopefully this phase will pass.

My baby also needs to be coaxed to sleep by carrying and he cannot be put down onto his bed until he is in his deep sleep or else he will cry and yell. So I let him sleep a while in my arms first before putting him down on his bed. Now his hourly feed in the afternoons is stretching to 2 hrs....thank God=) Hope his feeding schedule will be more predictable from now on cos im on my own. At least with 2 hourly feeds, i can rest in between and also have my meals.
Annie: Wow, I'm jealous! I can only manage 2 teaspoons! Compared to your 210ml!

Hi Qi! Yeah how are you! Really long time no hear! Annie pre-announce your arrival yesterday

bbaugustine: I breastfeed on the bed at night normally, so baby will just sleep there, sometimes will let him sleep for 30 min or so before bringing back to CL.
Hi bbaugustine,
I'm a silent reader of this thread. my bb was due in June but I induced in end May. my bb girl is just like your boy. she has colic altho fully breastfed. she usually starts crying from 7/8pm onwards till about 10pm. Once,she cried so bad we brought her to the doc. Doc said that it's Crying Baby Syndrome. The baby's mind is too immature to process the sights and sounds he experiences during the day and it reaches the peak at night. So he cries to ventilate out. In other words, he is over-stimulated. Not sure if it's the same case for your bb, but you may wish to see if there is anything there is too stimulating for him and by cutting down, see if it helps to reduce the colic attacks.

For my baby, the wind in the tummy is actually a result of the crying, and not vice versa. So we give her Ridwind to help comfort her while she goes through her crying session.
<font color="0077aa">bbaugustine, breastfed babies also need to be burped. when they cry/hiccup or even during feeding they take in air. you tried ru yi oil? i heard it helps with wind in tummy. when baby is up at those odd hours, most important mummy and daddy must take turns otherwise one parent will get very tired and frustrated. what hubby and i do is:

- first i burp her for about 2/3 mins then feed her. she will unlatch very often and cry, but i need to do this to keep her calm otherwise she cry cry even more air enter.

- after feeding for abt 5 mins (sometimes even less), i will sit her up to make sure milk don't get trapped in the throat, then burp her. at this time, she doesnt really want to feed but it's soothing to her so i just give.

- after that pass to hubby to check diaper and soothe her. he likes to rock her and put in the yao lan swing, but i prefer to soothe her by putting her on my chest with her tummy on my body and pat pat her butt. when she hear mummy's heartbeat it's like being in the womb again. but when she's thrashing around, then i just force-swaddle her and rock her.

basically need to keep her calm and then try to burp her and feeding in btwn will make her poo and fart -- all these releases the gas/wind in her.

the whole routine can take about 2 hours sometimes, but hubby and i must take turns otherwise i very tired. ever happened in the afternoon and i cant even go to toilet to poo, was so fed up. in the end force-swaddled her and just put rock her from side to side. after a while she was calmer (cos kena bound mah) and then i can burp her. hope this works for you.</font>
210ml! You champion already lor! How often do you express? What's your interval?

I am doing 6 hrs and friend told me better increase cos wait BM slow down and no more. Is it true? Anyone knows? Now he is drinking at least 100ml BM. My 120-140ml pump still sufficient. I am only worried of later when he grows bigger. May have to increase my pumping later.

I bought Dentinox for my bb. Put a drop in his milk. Today he not so cranky. Hopefully he can stay on.
createjoy, i saw the same LC as caramelle (yen ping). you can reach her by calling KKH main line and say you wish to speak to lactation nurse and get her to call you back. they'll page her and she'll call you back asap.

well, my breastfeeding experience today has been tiring. baby is on the breast for more than an hour, and i get less than 20 mins rest before the next feed which is 3 hours later. practically feeding 3 hours non-stop, then the next 3 hours AGAIN. both my breasts have been sucked so soft and limp that i dunno if there's milk left. baby will drink for 15 mins, fall asleep for 5-20 mins, then cry again. nurse again for 15 mins and the same thing happens again. i hardly got any rest yesterday and ended up feeling giddy cos hardly slept. i suspect i have to redo the latching cos he's not drinking sufficiently, causing him to be always hungry, yet also sleepy, so keep falling asleep at the breast. though his urine and stools output is good, takes too much time and he's not sleeping enough at all. sigh.

end up feeding 60ml of FM now first to allow my milk supply to come. hopefully 3 hours later can let him drink and then let him sleep well then we can restart the cycle later..

i'm not sure if i'm sabotaging my own supply this way, but really i hardly slept for 3 hours last night. really tired.
LFB, my bb also have Dentinox from PD. It didn't work well when we mix with milk cos he is drinking 110-120ml now. So we syringe feed him, mixed with water. It works well for him that way.

amkgal, I also BF my boi totally when I realize he has slight colic but it didn't help at all. Sometimes, it's the way they suck (mine is a frantic sucker) and also their crying that causes the colic. After letting him drink EBM from bottle, he learnt to suck better at the breast now. At least, he doesn't throw out his milk immediately when I stop to burp him in between the feed. U need to observe if ur BB is sucking properly.

I was also totally exhausted at that time where I BF him. At the end of one week, I was mentally and physically exhausted that I realized I can't continue this way if I want to be able to take care of my baby well after my CL leaves. U may want to consider pumping out some milk for someone to help u with nite feeds. Do try to get enuf rest. U will be able to care for your bb better when u feel better too!
have u tried the lying down position?
my gal has the tendency to fall asleep during nursing and for night feeds, I nurse her lying down so both sleep tog.. this will help u get some rest..
LFB- sian ... hopefully tomorrow is below 100...

Qi7- welcome back... my boy drank alot &amp; still hungry..headache ..i fed him 80ml of formula milk &amp; he still crying so gave him 60ml of BM &amp; he still not full... jialat his tummy so big already.. scare i overfeed him..

capriho- my sister was telling me i scaring myself as she waited one week then consult doc when her son (1week+) didnt shit for a week.. mine only two days &amp; i worry but try not to feed too much formula as it rather heaty..

Dolly- didnt eat alot but alot of milk.. breast not big wat but dont know y so much milk..but i notice the more i pump the more my BM increase..
sometimes felt so tired tat i cry &amp; ask myself y wan have kid but when i looked at Nesher... i really hope he will grow fast then i wont be so tired
my boy now wearing size s pampers... he cant wear new born pampers..wasted as i be giving my ex colleague who be due on nov the lef over pampers
I understand what you mean by tired! My friend went thru that and she was tired out completely that she almost went into depression. After hearing her story, I got scared! So I told myself I better be prepared. What I did was I pump my milk and feed, adding 2 night feed of FM. Like this, I no need to worry abt milk supply, and I can get rest. I realised that when I breastfeed, bb tend to latch and fall asleep and it will take forever for him to wake up. I won't be able to do anything like this! So I decided to work out my own schedule!

ya, I read that the more you pump, the more milk there will be. I told hubby I wanted to add more pump, but he is worried I will be tired out and have engorgment! So I will see how. Sigh. The downside of pumping is we will have to rush back after some time, quite inconvenient.

My greatest fear now is when CL leaves. I am so fearful that I won't be able to handle! I will be alone at home and this really scares me! Anyone like me? Alone with bb? Can you cope??? My CL is very good and I really hate to have her go!
LFB- not champion lah.. every 3-4hours then pump one time... keep increase.. at 1st was 80ml then increase 100ml then 140ml follow up 160ml then 180ml &amp; yesterday onwards over 200ml...
LFB- i been alone wif baby most of the time when hubby go back to work as he had meeting when my Nesher is 4 days old... tats y now i look like panda bear...

gtg ..cant post much as got to check on him

<font color="0077aa">LFB, re BM supply dropping, it's a demand and supply thing. the more you pump the more milk your body produce. in fact if you stopped, you have up to 6 months to resume back and your body can produce the same amount of milk it did before you stopped. my LC also advise to pump pump now, freeze and store for later use as you can keep for up to 3 months.

amk_gal hey you saw yen ping too. nice lady right? im so thankful to her because on my discharge day i was ready to give up BFing because nipples were so sore, i kept thinking that it was too hard. she came in and was very supportive. re breasts going limp, mine also. but when i squueze still have milk! so it's not like a storage thing where after finish no more milk, body keep on producing more so dont worry about running out! hehe

btw, how old is your baby? maybe going through a growth spurt because what you describe sounds like cluster feeding which is common. it will pass though. if he's sleeping at the breast, must wake him up. tickle foot soles, ear lobes and what always works for me is to kacau the neck folds there. my girl also feed for 10min then fall asleep, so i kacau her. if that doesnt work, then i burp and change diaper - sure wake her up one then go back to feeding for another 10min at the same breast. very important not to stop feeding after only 5-10min because baby needs to get the fatty milk called hind milk - this keeps them full else they keep waking up hungry. you can know if you baby getting enough hind milk if the poo is mustard yellow. if my girl does the short feeds, her poo is more greenish than yellow, then i will know lor.

oh dear, you are supplementing with FM? better stop else it will fill him up and then won't suck more at your breast thus your body cannot make more milk supplies. if possible, just continue with cluster feeding - it's normal - and your supply will increase naturally.

have you considered to pump express and get CL/hubby/your mum to feed him with EBM in bottle?

chidori, nursing bras i bought online from Mumindulgence http://mum-indulgence.blogspot.com/. can call her at 81499721. for sleeping at night i bought the sleep bra (it's like a sports bra) and for normal wear i bought the Kelly bra, abt $20 each.

Annie, good supply! but why
