(2009/06) June 2009 MTBs

that's the bra I am looking for!!! Do you know who is the spree organiser? I couldn't find it in the thread now. TIA!
<font color="0077aa">First Mum, haha i just bought both Fitti premium and Nepia yesterday. today they delivered the Fitti one for me. I find the S size my girl can wear and my girl was born 3.1kg and is now 3 weeks old. i think cutting quite small so depends on your boy.

i think if you have 4 NB packs that's more than enough cos there's 38 pcs inside right? my girl used Pampers NB, Huggies NB and Fitti NB from free samples and i really like the Fitti one. but that time i ordered Fitti for $10/pkt and they don't allow me to buy only 1 NB pack (must buy minimum 3pkts per size) so i just bought S size 3 packs and it fits well. if your boy 3.7kg should be okay to use S size.

Nepia i see the S size also quite small but i ordered 2 NB packs cos my girl quite small. each pack have 60pcs and cost $15. also for home delivery got minimum order so i took 2 NB and 2 S size. next time if i find the NB cannot fit anymore, i can keep the unopened NB pkt and exchange when i make my next order.</font>
sorry.. i am not that active in the thread.. re ur qns, my fever was quite bad.. 3 days before i finally took medication.. if urs are 2 separate occasions, may be just engorgement.. not mastitis.. cos my gynae and PD nurses also suspect engorgement initially.. it is only when the GP examine my breast then he confirmed it is mastitis.. cos my swollen part was beneath my breast.. i cant see myself until i inspect infront of mirror.. why dont u check urself in the mirror.. move ur breast a bit and check all sides.. mine was like scald by hot water kind of red

and yes, my nipple was quite painful.. like sore nipple.. and look quite bruised to me.. at first i tot it is becos i pump too hard.. then later i think it is becos of blocked milk ducts.. now i use really hot cloth to cover the nipple and breast area to clear milk ducts before i pump.. i also read online that the nipple cream if put too much can cause milk ducts.. so now i put sparingly.. at first i tot the more the better

er.. i dont remember my antibotics already.. i also threw the receipt.. think it is amoxilin plus something else.. 625mg.. 2 tablets a day.. just ask ur GP to make sure the antibotics are safe for breastfeeding should be ok
Hi Dolly,
thank you so much for emailing her. Hopefully she will still have some stock or starting another spree.

BB really took alot of milk today. Thank goodness all BM. But his appetite scares me! He can be taking like 150ml every 2 hrs. Is this normal? All BM though. Acc to my CL, BM thinner and watery, so ifhe poo/pee, he will be hungry faster. Is this true too?
LFB: No problem, hopefully she checks email and has stock.

Breastmilk is easier to disgust, so will not overwork the stomach and therefore appear not so "filling"

I dunno how much my boy drinks though, not successful in pumping
<font color="0000ff">fat mom, bbpotato

Wanna thank u for the tips on relieving the pain i had.. Really tahan today and put a super hot pad and pumped. Got 5 ounce up from the usual 2-3 ounce. Guess usually is stucked and not completely expressed out.
feels much better now..

Went gynae check today. Doc declare me ready for next kid. Haaa.. Anyway he said to pump out the excess after bb feeds cos bb often dun empty well enough, express out better than let it get stuck. Den he also said can consider do pumping totally and bottle feed, cos then easier to plan my schedule and bb's schedule too.

Kind of makes sense.. And can prevent engorgement or blocked ducts problem as long as properly express out everytime.

Now i considering that option seriously. Cos dun intend to feed beyond 4 months too.

I think he can tell i cant tahan the pain. He said "dun kill yourself over this la. Give pumping some thought."

Still considering. Cos i really pek chek when it hurts.</font>
<font color="0000ff">fat mom, bbpotato

Wanna thank u for the tips on relieving the pain i had.. Really tahan today and put a super hot pad and pumped. Got 5 ounce up from the usual 2-3 ounce. Guess usually is stucked and not completely expressed out.
feels much better now..

Went gynae check today. Doc declare me ready for next kid. Haaa.. Anyway he said to pump out the excess after bb feeds cos bb often dun empty well enough, express out better than let it get stuck. Den he also said can consider do pumping totally and bottle feed, cos then easier to plan my schedule and bb's schedule too.

Kind of makes sense.. And can prevent engorgement or blocked ducts problem as long as properly express out everytime.

Now i considering that option seriously. Cos dun intend to feed beyond 4 months too.

I think he can tell i cant tahan the pain. He said "dun kill yourself over this la. Give pumping some thought."

Still considering. Cos i really pek chek when it hurts.</font>
I am doing full pumping, without latching. Your doc is right, cos pumping can let us gauge the amt our bb consume daily. The down side is definitely you don't have bb creating that breastfeeding bond. But I believe this bonding can be created via other ways, like bottle feeding, hugging, carrying, and talking. I will still try latching when CL leave but I think pumping works well with everything. And it does help to clear the milk in our breasts. I always can feel the hardening gone when I pump. I only pump 4 times a day, 10am, 4pm, 10pm, 4am. 6 hours interval, though I will slowly increase when cL leave!

Ameda pump
I love it! I use abt less than half an hour to get 120ml. That will usually be 45min if I use Medela mini electric. And it's quiet, just some noise, hubby also finds it very bearable, compared to medela. The holding on to both bottles can be quite tiring, but still ok. Now I hope I can get the expressionbra and may buy the shield too. Then, it will be perfect! Thanks to all who encourage me to get Ameda!
<font color="0000ff">LFB

Yup.. I like pumping cos i only hav to do it every 5 or 6 hours, but latch is every 2 hours. But i like to feed via latch cos bb seems to swallow alot of air using bottle.. So bottlefeeding sometimes drive me nuts. So i tend to ask my maid to feed bottle. I am learning how to bottle feed, but not very patient at that..

That's mainly why i'm struggling with how to feed.. If i do both, kind of end up with lots of milk in the fridge which i end up throwing away..
11_beans, u shd freeze those excess milk within 48 hrs. That's what I did when I have surplus at the initial stage. These surplus came in handy when my supply dropped due to stress and mood swings and my BB can continue to have his BM. My ss came back after a couple days when my moods got better.
ya, I freeze my milk too. Now that he is drinking alot, I will bring down the frozen overnight and heat up for him. Starting today I am pumping more frequently cos his demand increased. So I will do 3 hourly, double the time.
Hi fat_mom,
Thanks for ur reply. My GP gave me ibufen to bring down the fever. So far so good. Fever is just hovering ard 38.0 and not as high as b4 where it hit 40!

Hi 11_bean,
When i latch my gal whole day, she tends to be less fussy as nite cos she swallow less gas. However, when she is bottled fed, she will sure fuss for at least 30 min at nite. In any case, i still need to start her on bottle cos when i go back to work, she will need to be bottle fed. In fact, at 5 weeks old, she has gone on milk strike cos she insist to be latched on. From 11am to 7pm yesterday, she only took 130ml of ebm. From 7pm till this morning, she latched for at least 7 times.
TubbyM, my little one is opposite of your Skyler. In the day, he is really alert and wants to be entertained. He wakes up for feed around 7am. Then we bathe him around 8+. He can stay awake and play till noon time. Do other babies behave like that too?

In the afternoon, he fusses a little more cos his tummy will have a little more wind. In the past, if he sleeps he only sleeps for max 1 hr. And when he is asleep I literally have to tiptoe around the hse so that he wouldn't wake up! So usually I'm awake the whole day cos he is hardly asleep. I barely have enough time to eat and bathe during his sleeping time. The past few days was really exhausting for me. I couldn't even eat my dinner until hubby come home cos he had wind in his tummy so refuse to be put to bed so I had to carry him.

But yest and today things have improved a little cos we put the oil for him to soothe his tummy so he sleeps 2 hrs now in the late afternoons. Yest was really blissful. Thank God! He hardly fussed in the late afternoons and evenings so I cld get some rest and eat my meals. I was on the verge of falling sick cos I had such a bad headache and my body was aching.Now the headache comes and goes. I try to get sleep in the day now so hardly have time to do anything else.
Cassey, when my boy is awake and alert, he wants people to hold him and entertain him. He is not contented just lying on his bed to look around. He will do that for a while and then he will start to make sounds to call for people to play with him...funny guy huh. We figured he gets bored easily. I'm in for an interesting time when he grows older=P
<font color="0000ff">bbaugustine

my bb also very alert in the morning.. night time he wakes up few times for feeds, abt 3 or 4 times depending on how much he drink at each feed.

right now, he fussing alot too.. just fell asleep but suddenly wake up crying so loud.. just wiped and changed him, so hopefully he will take a short nap b4 his next feed at 6.30pm..

re : blocked duct
so sad. something's stuck in my left side. so pain and try to pump but nothing come out..!! used super hot heat pack and strong massage still not working...
if it's blocked duct, find that duct first. Massage along the duct, kneading and pushing the milk along the duct is required. If not, it will not be unblocked no matter how you massage and pump. The best way to unblock a duct - bb's sucking.

really?? i also hope so.. bb sucking less painful than pumping.. just latched bb for 15min.. lump still there

guess i have to try again later..

dunno what it is.. just a few painful and hard lumps.. i just keep pushing towards nip there.. been trying all day, lumps still there ;( aaargh
bbpotato, about the handsfree kit, do you have to sit very still as in will the pump move if you move a little? can it be adjust tightly to the breast?
11_beans, if the lumps are there for some time, it takes a few sessions to clear it. The hot compressions u are doing is a good thing. Massage is definitely painful and u just have to use a lot of strength. Not all the ducts go straight to the nipple (my jamu massage lady taught me one). So u need to try to feel it and press and push the milk along the duct.

If u get BB to suckle, it is faster. Maybe just two times, u can unblock it. That's my personal experience. It took me 2-3 days to unblock a duct by pumping and just 2 sessions with BB to unblock the same duct that got blocked frequently.

Do try to pump frequently if u know u have blocked ducts. Don't space the pumping sessions too long or wait till your breasts are full then pump (that's what happened to me when I fail to wake up for my nite pump and the same duct gets blocked almost immediately.).

I m using e freestyle handsfree kit, e pump will b position firmly to e breast, so no prob with moving. Sometimes will fix one side and e other side let bb latch at e same time. Seems to b much faster to pump when bb is sucking.
LFB: The ExpressionBra spree organizer has replied that she has just received the stock and will be organizing the spree in 2 weeks time. However, the price has increased because of some shipping agreement. I've PM you her email address. Do email her if you need the bra earlier!
<font color="0000ff">thanks alot bbjun!

yeah i also realise it gets blocked when i get lazy during the night.. argh. ok i pump more tonight.. haaa.. very scared it turn into mastitis.. </font>
<font color="aa00aa"><font size="+1">Hi mummies, just want to share a very good book on introducing semi-solids. This book was like my 'bible' when I was introducing solids to my son.

It has basic nutrition information (good for mummies who are clueless), feeding schedules &amp; appropriate foods to introduce at different age groups, tonnes of yummy and fun recipes, money and time saving tips, etc etc!
You can read more about this book here: www.superbabyfood.com

I'm selling it for $28.90 include registered mail. Brand new copies, latest edition (2nd edition).

If you want to take a look at the book before commiting to purchase, I welcome you to my place at Punggol to take a look at the book before deciding. Alternatively, you can go to borders to check out the book. I'm selling cheaper than Borders bcos I ordered these online in bulk during my private sprees to save on shipping costs.

It's good for you to start reading now even though your child may not be old enough to take solids yet. You can start reading to prepare yourself and start to plan which foods you want to introduce first. It's good to be well-prepared as the book also tells you the signs to look out for when ur child is ready to take solids

Do email me at [email protected] if keen. Thanks!</font></font>
no probs, 11_beans. It's just sharing of my experience. If u have probs finding the blocked duct which may be hidden deeper within our breast tissues, u can lie down on the bed and massage.
how much dod you pay for it? I saw the video, looks easy. Thanks. Wondering whether the bra is tight enough to hold the bottle. Currently I am like hold them with my hand and also my arm. So I still have a free hand for surfing net!
LFB: I bought the halter and the bustier at $55, think it's some kind of bundle price, and I do self collection. Now there might be a 10% increase though. So far haven't tested it out cos I cannot express. Just tried using hot towel on my breast and pump, but nothing come out.. maybe one drop or so only!
Hi all, sorry to interrupt. I have a used Kadeka Chest Freezer to let go. Good for storing EBM.

Used for less than a week. In excellent condition. Bought for $320, selling for $260 ONO.

Self-collection at Bedok. Moving house, Item Must Go.

Please PM me if interested.

Specs as follows:
Capacity: 100 litres
Dimentions (mm): W615 X D505 X H828
Energy Consumption : 1.16 kWh/24h
Weight : 31 kg

Hi all,

bb is cranky today. Fed him and he refused to sleep in the afternoon. CL just managed to make him sleep. The thunder storm didn't help much! Hopefully he can sleep and rest well. Poor fellow is so tired and restless but not getting any sleep. So sad to see him like this. I think he got colics or something. Now need to go get anti-colic bottles for him.

yours too? Think it's a phrase. Poor thing. He finished his morning fed, bathed but still unwilling to sleep. CL been carrying and cuddling him. Now going to sun him as he still got jaundice.
Yeah, but this time he slept the most (guess he also know my breast all drained liao) woke up at 6am. Normally he'll wake around 3 - 4 am
I got to throw away 2/3 of Friso formula cos it's coming to 4 weeks since i opened but bb never drink much... sayang
babysister:can you drink it then? Dun waste mah

I started to finish up those leftover milk bottles from hospital after throwing 3 bottles of leftover away. Taste quite nice
hi mummies... have been MIA for a while... i delivered on 23rd jun... bb is 14 days tday!

babysister, u mean we have to throw away the formula after 1 month if it's not finished? so wasteful... mine also still a lot left leh...

my cf auntie is still around to help for the next 15 days, so i dun wake up for nightfeeds... guess will have to start being more hands-on a week before she leaves, so i can adjust my own schedule a little...

jia you everyone!
Hi Chidori

There shld be some expiry date on the cap of the milk bottles... mine has.. and it's quite soon...so better use it up now.

Dovey: I got my own lactation milk to drink n struggling already - dont think i wanna drink baby's milk anyway. no choice lor..
