(2009/06) June 2009 MTBs


Mine need to pay as my package don't include such service! My gynae ask me to scan at thomson hospital and they charge around 300 plus plus.

SO sad that I need to pay so much. I don't think I will go for one, unless its half the price

I like ur package.. But how much u pay for ur package and when u started the package?

yeah i read dat bb can sense heat now.. esp if u stand by a stove...haha, ur boy so cute, keep kicking... i thk dats y u say ur cooking degrading, cos u keep sayang ur bb right? dats y ur focus nt on cooking.
Hi Blurmom,

My package started from 16 weeks and costs $450, unlimited consultation and one complimentary 3D ultrasound scan (provided condition is favourable).

However it does not include medicine, blood tests and delivery charges.

Example for normal delivery without epidural is as follow (Mt A hospital):

delivery charges 600
post delivery consultation 250
paediatrician charges 300
hospital charges for 2 beeded room 1308
total 2458
medisave deduction 1800
cash balance 658

For TMC, the difference is the hospital charges which higher by 100, so after medisave, cash balance is 758
Delivery charges for normal is $600, forcepts or vacuum is $800, C-section is $1300.

Post delivery consultation for C-section is $350 instead of $250.

But there is a note mentioning for those who request for vaginal birth after previous c-section, if vaginal birth is unsuccessful, the fee for c-section will be $1600 (higher by $300, don't know why)

my fren jus told me dat playpen at Giant costs only max $80...he got his at giant for his son, now his son is 1yr old plus le, and he's still using it... and he said dat cot bed takes up more space than playpen!!! gosh, i tot it was the other way round!!!
Hi ahnestsan,

Ya, I will be delivering at Mt A

Re: playpen & cot bed
I've got both, but both also ended up at store room, my son is sleeping with us since he was ard 3 months old. That time he was abt to learn to flip but neck not strong enough to lift up, and being kiasi, we afraid midnight he will flip over and we didn't know, so rather let him sleep with us lor. So for my 2nd bb, I will let him sleep at yao lan liao, bed no more space.. haha

But sooner got to move my son to his own room liao.. Hmmmm...
ahnetsan, I finish eating liao.. Lucky still taste pretty good...

capriho88, Your package seems attractive!
My hb ask my gynae about the charges. She say she charge 1.2k for normal delivery and plus plus plus! I am worried bout my bill already! Till to-date, I have already spend 4k already. My package is 688 not including gst, medication and others

Who got the baby weight guide? I scare that my bb too big! I want normal delivery so cannot have too big baby....
Halo to all mummies-to-be

I'm new here. I'm also giving birth to a baby boy EDD 12 June.

Just wondering if anyone cooked Birdnest for 2.5hrs and the birdnest totally melted in liquid?
Does that mean the birdnest was a fake one?
musicalboxx, welcome to the forum

Yes, your birdnest maybe fake! Soak ur birdnest for 1hr then steam it for 1-1.5hr will do. I like to add red dates and rock sugar to remove those birdie smell
wah blurmom, ur gynae charge very ex leh... my package less than 1k and i also got the 3D scan provided the bb is good position for the scan. wah now u alrdy spent $4k liao... hw come ur package was $688 den hw come can escalate to so much til now?

i based bb weight via babycenter website...but i realise nt zun one leh, the weight always lesser than my bb's weight. so i also dunno whether to follow or nt.

i also wan normal delivery... if ur gynae tell u bb is normal den it's normal... if bb too big, gynae will normally say bb is big size.

hello musicalbox...congrats and welcome to the prince club.

wah... i only know hw to eat bird nest, so i dunno abt ur case.
mayb u added too much water?

eh normally must cook for hw many hrs? my fav is also rock sugar to bird nest! hey blurmom, next time u cook, cook my share too!!
Hi Mummies,

I was going thru this thread and see tat some mummies plan to buy nepia niapers so i tot maybe i can share my experience with you. I used it for my girl and i hv to say is not bad plus the price is cheap. We were changing her so often and using so many pieces a day. The good thing about Nepia is that they have this urine indicater on the diaper, when is very wet the line is very obvious ( i rem not all diaper has this indicator) I ordered by phone most of the time and the delivery is within 2 days. Is available at NTUC but not all branches plus the they dont carry all sizes and their stock are very limited. Hope this info is useful.
wow, thanks BB, i read ur post i feel very assured dat nepia is gg to be a good and cheap brand for NB.

wah they even haf urine indicator...so cool.
Ameda Breast Pump

Oh i forgot to mentioned why i visited this thread. I was trying to find out if there is any promotion for Ameda Pump. I highly recommend this pump. Anyone can help? I am expecting my 2nd one early July. Thanks
mummies, i read somewhere tat huggies ultra cutting is small, so those who planning to buy huggies ultra for bb, mayb can consider getting a bigger size for NB.
Dear all,
Sorry to interupt...I have a brand new baby bjorn synergy carrier in black to let go at $250 (retail px $299). Never use before, with box. Cash and carry at Bedok.

Pls kindly pm me if interested. Thanks!
caramelle & Shelisa, stretch marks won't go away, it will only be lighten. Lucky mine is those tiny one, can't really see it.

ahnetsan, gas really no use de don't waste $.
I not sure about mattress also but if not sleeping in air-con then choose those more airy type. For me, i won't buy exp mattress cause bb will dirty it like milk stain, urine stain etc.

infant detergent is a more mild detergent to wash bb clothing. Our normal washing powder will be too harsh for their delicate skin.
bottle detergent is to wash milk bottles de.
sterilise tablets is to sterilise bottles using cold water, usually use it in travel when u can't get hot water or electricity.

I also don't know I had all these weird dreams. I didn't watch such movies recently. I forgot abt buying 4D. -.-

I also got playpen instead of cot bed. Mine cost $168, made in spain. I didn't buy those made in China lo..

dyva, waa.. your boy weight so much, can teach me? Mine only 655g during 24weeks 5days.

Gynae package
I pay $700 including GST without 3D or detailed scanning also. Zzz... Seems that i am one of them paying the more exp package.

welcome musicalboxx!
I don't eat birdnest so can't comment.
actually i prefer petpet to drypers. petpet may be cheap but the quality is ok for the price.

epi wasnt painful for me. and gas didnt do anything for me. so i guess it depends on your own pain threshold ba.

for bb clothes detergent, pigeon or ABD powder detergent ($7-$8) is a cheap and good option. if got bigger budget then kodomo liquid detergent (abt $15.90) smells wonderful and leaves bb clothes soft and nice!
First Mum,
I like kodomo liquid detergent, been using that since my first baby. Smell so nice and it does leaves the clothing soft too. ^^

Got no idea, think have to check with other mummies here.
LFB, think only next Thurs go for Taka Baby Fair and Isetan sale...

Weekend can try JL 60+20% sale?

Blurmommy where did u go???

Bbjun, Ahnet- yeah very surprised abt the nice guy abit malu but very touched ...ehhee
sweethalo miss me arh? hahaha

My hb took leave then got so many activities with him lor!

Then now he got back to work, I am back with my boring life again... Hahaha
wow sweethalo, the JL sale so gd?? i called and they said most items 20% nia. no more additional. anyways, when does the sale end? which is the best JL to buy baby stuff? orchard or marina?

yes yes smells so nice! but its really quite expensive loh.
First Mum, yah but usually I only use baby detergent for the first few mths and i will start to wash them together with ours so still ok for me. Hee..
60+20 abit kua zhang ley.. dnt tink baby stuff belongs to the category...

oh ok... i used baby detergent til my girl turned 2. then we used normal detergent. but during our mums' time oso no such thing as baby detergent and we grew up fine haha...
i went to tangs, but vivo branch which doesnt have bb stuff. so loser right. so didnt manage to get anything.

went ikea also. didnt see much stuff on sale. for those who are keen, the patterned bumpers $35, plain white $15 (quite ugly though).
First Mum, the ABD detergent, do u know if there's a difference between powder and liquid form? I bought the liquid one, 2 bottles. Hv been using liquid detergent all along, so more used to it.

sweethalo, Tatiana didn't make it! Yay! Heehee...
Cassey, don't keep us in suspense, how did the weigh in go??

Jackie, how's your boy? Was the final blood test result all clear???

BB, just in case you're still checking back on this thread, thanks for the feedback on Nepia, think those of us who are considering will feel more assured to go ahead to buy and try. As for Ameda breastpump, think u can get it at a $350 + free bottles if u have Breastfeeding Mothers Support Group membership. Think Nozomi mentioned in one of her earlier posts, you may need to check in the past couple of archives.

sweethalo, I fixed up the cot mobile le! So colourful. Felt so stupid when I couldn't get the thing out of the box cos I thought the handle was in the way, and my hubby just pull and it came out easily. Tsk.

Gynae package:
Same like audreyaw, $700 (before GST), starting from wk20, includes 8 scheduled consultations (meaning last min or emergency consultation, they'll charge additional), normal ultrasounds, and pee test stick. Everything else like medication, supplements, other types of scans, other types of blood/urine tests, all need to pay. Delivery charges $1k for normal, $1.5k for assisted normal, $2k for c-sec. I thought this was expensive, then I realised that there was way more expensive packages than mine haha... But also got way cheaper one also leh. Oh well, guess you can't win it all.
erh my gynae like cheaper leh... hmmz

First payment for package from 20th wk is $400

Balance payment:
- if Normal Birth is $1k
- if vacuum or forcep is $1.1k
- if c section is $1.8k
I take the pic tomoro & mms to u, I'm happily lying in bed liao, a bit lazy to get up haha.

I set up my cot already, cos wanted to be sure it fits nicely into the space we allocated for it, and that my cupboard doors still can open properly etc. So once set up, just left it there. Will give it a good wipe down closer to the date. In the meantime, all the baby stuff I buy just get thrown into the cot, and it's a huge mess inside. Oops. I want to put everything away, but hubby still haven't arranged for the contractor to come and install drawers into the cupboard (now only got hanging rails inside). Think they can only come next weekend to do.

Cassey got no voice, so maybe no "voice" to speak here too? Wahaha... but she posted today lah, so not completely MIA
I was choosing between my current gynae and Lawrence Ang. I had not seen my current gynae before, but he was my mum's gynae (he was quite a lot younger then haha), and I thought he was very nice. As for Dr Ang, I had seen him before (recommended by my sis), so I decided to choose between these 2. I went to see my current gynae, and thought if I didn't like him, I'll go to see Dr Ang, and then compare. But from the 1st visit, I was happy with my gynae, so just stuck with him.

Only to find out later that Dr Ang would have been a lot cheaper!! His package like same price, but starts right from the very first time u visit him I think, plus unlimited visits, plus includes supplements if I'm not wrong. Delivery charges also cheaper. Hai... Oh well, I won't switch halfway anyway, cos very comfortable with my current gynae liao.
Ya, quite happy with today's trip to Tangs too
My hubby can't get over the fact that the mobile can play Mozart, Bach and Beethoven. He thinks I'm mad haha... I said I mainly bought it because it LOOKS CUTE, not because of the famous composers!

Oh ya, u think the Nepia we can safely just buy the S size? Oh but u haven't bought any NB size at all right?
yeah hvnt bought any NB yet, so need to get.

I figured we need to get for 1st wk all day usage and there after nights for at least 3 wks more right?

haha... does he like the mozart? u must tell him that ppl are selling 2nd hand of that item for more than what u paid today
Ooh, didn't tell him that. But I don't think he'll be that impressed haha.

Ya, I think first week all day usage, then maybe 4-5 more wks of nightly use? How many per night I also dunno. 2? Or more?
If they need a change of 6-8 times a day, that means every 3-4hrs needs one change ba? So prob btw 12mn to 6 am needs 2 ba... hehehe
That's what I thought too hehe, maybe 2-3pcs. But think better ask experienced mums. I'm kpo-ing other threads, and so many ppl kept saying don't stock up on NB diapers, just buy as u need, cos u'll also take back unused ones from hospital. They charge by per pack anyway, so as long as they open a new pack, u've paid for the whole pack already, so must bring the rest home.

Then now I already bought 2 x 24pcs Huggies. Does that mean I shouldn't buy anymore?? So confusing.
Morning Ladies,

Jackie, no worries, he will be fine.
pls keep us posted.

dyva, wow, ur boy is huge huge huge. what did u normally eat? Durian?? mine is 600g at week 24

Blurmom/audreyaw, i fainted liao. that time i shld really drink the stretch mark cream. sure to absorb!! apply nv absorb or help!!

capriho88, your gynae package is great deal. mine is damn ex. package start from week 12 and costs @ $800 before GST. Only include 12 scheduled checkup, urine test, only scan and consultantion without blood test or any supplement. Delivery charge is $1500 before GST for normal delivery. sob sob. so far i spend ard 3k++ for checkup only.

ahnetsan, i decided to get a playpen instead of a cot bed. As alot of ppl say bb might not wanna slp in cot. Then cot cost so much diff with playpen. thus suggest to get playpen.

welcome musicalboxx.

First Mum, i think after dryper i might get nepia as got urine indicator. good for 1st timer mommy like me as i dunno when i shld change the diaper.

sweethalo, your gynae is male or female?

TubbyMummy, Ohh.. my gynae package started from week 8, including all normal scanning, pee stick, normal medication (fish oil not included) and 2 after-natal consultation. I had forgotten the details, my hubby kept the receipt. Hee..

Changing diaper
If baby don't poop in the night, i usually don't change it. I mean i change maybe right before i sleep and the next one is the early morning. Will try to minimise night activities to allow bb to recognise that is night time (for sleeping, not for awake).

I remember mine changed to S size shortly after 1st month. I used not more than 3 packs of NB diapers, including those I brought back from hospital. I used normal pamper NB. Actually depends on how much your bb poops and how fast he/she gain weight. ^^
