(2009/06) June 2009 MTBs

LFB, first pregnancy? I used to be breathless during my first time. Not sure is it because I hardly walk and didn't work. I stayed at home most of time then.

Hahaha... I can understand your frustration. For me, i would stuff his mouth with food lo.

ahnetsan, audreyaw,
u think my boy is big huh? when i asked my gynae what range he is, my gynae says he is small to medium leh...

i think i've been eating a lot.. heheh.. and i've been skipping my supplements. Supposed to take calcium, fish oil, multi-vits and iron. now i take them once every 2-3 days. depends on my mood. heheh..

u sure u have spent $4K already? only @ dr khi? scary leh.. i haven't checked how much i spent.. dun dare to.. errrr..
dyva, waa... yours is small to medium then what is my boy size? Should have ask my gynae that day... Grr... Just keeps telling myself bb healthy can le, weight can gain after birth. Haha..

I have already stopped taking my supplements for don't know how long le. I keeps forgetting to take them and now just don't bother anymore.
<font color="0077aa">Blurmom, cos I eat a lot of Yami yogurt ma. So sweet sweet leh
Yes! Feeling hot all the time - but it's normal cos our blood circulation is super boosted! We can boldly proclaim that we're all HOT MAMAs! Yay!

ahnetsan, by God' grace, I'll be full 28 wks tmr, so technically bb should be abt 1.1kg already.
I've gained almost 2.5kg. Hope to gain only 4 more in next 2+ months. *might have to cut down on my precious Yami

Tubbym~, actually it's FOUR measurements! Head diameter, head circumference, abdominal circumference &amp; femur length.

My obgyn isn't in the habit of doing an actual weight estimation. As long as bb's measurements are progressing within a good range, he just tells me bb SHOULD BE around what weight by now. So I shall use online calculator to est. bb's weight!!

Obgyn's so steady - that's why I got concerned when he seemed worried abt bb's health after my bug attack. He frowned when he asked me to get back on the examination table and was absolutely silent while he monitored bb's heartbeat for a few minutes... Thank God for the all clear. *phew*

LFB, see?! Told you service industry men are perverts!! Hahaha... Mine got talked about all the time during my internship (I was only 20y/o at the time) - in front of me and behind my back. Lewd remarks and casual brushes against my body in the back of the house areas when they're flirting... BLEUURGH *cringe* You express milk and give that silly fella some day la. Force him to drink it all up. Else dump it over his head.

Have already been feeling a little more breathless in the last month or so... now with my bug it's even worse.
I feel like a slobbery panting dog sometimes... esp. when I'm trying to eat and have to breathe thru mouth at the same time

audrey, if can't stretch on bed, maybe you can try out these calf stretches before you go to bed..?
1. Stand on a raised curb (at toilet door?) on the BALLS of your feet
2. Using hands, brace yourself against door frame.
3. Raise on tip-toe rapidly
4. Slowly lower heels down until they extend BELOW the rest of your feet. Hold for a few seconds.
5. Repeat 3 &amp; 4 several times.

Let me know if it works for you!

For me, it's more a very sore part down the middle of my back - right side, just under shoulder blade - that I twist and arch and turn and bend and do all sorts of contortions, but can't seem to get to at all. *growl*</font>
<font color="0077aa">*sorry for flooding, but..* I saw you all talking about package prices and what's included.
Not sure who asked, but I remember at Gloria Jeans gathering that mine seemed the most affordable... Here it is:

My ObGyn package:
S$ 1k - Vaginal delivery
S$ 1.2K - Caesarian

- ALL consultations from 2nd onwards (*can opt to pay for package only after 12th week)
- Multi-vits
- Delivery

Additional charges for:
- Blood tests
- Detailed scans
- 3D/4D scans
- Fish oil supplements
- Additional tests (e.g. Cardiogram, amnio, etc.)
Tubbymummy, Shelisa,
PD called on fri and confirm that my boi kana some virus which will result in pro-long fever and cough. So was given the necessary medi.

musicalboxx <font face="symbol">Þ</font> so nice to have mum's home-cooked food. I dare not take much sour or spicy as they may lead to heartburn during late nights. Hopefully that we can still wear hot bikini soon after delivery, now I just keep applying those cream on my tummy.

LFB <font face="symbol">Þ</font> you can get those storage bottles or even storage bags so no need to fix on pigeon brand. I tends to get breathless only when I climb stairs or fast pace walk. Yeeeee, why your colleague so Hum Sap one? Ignore this joker as he deprive for mama lah!

Audreyaw/firstmum <font face="symbol">Þ</font> I dare not have too much durians as my mom says that baby will grow very big soon. I was told that our baby will grow very fast during our 3rd trimester. Unless we opt for C-section then there isn't much to worry about, however those who opt for natural delivery must control their diet during 3rd trimester.
I will still sweat with full blast of fan unless I lift up my arms then I won't sweat... Heeheehee

Dyva <font face="symbol">Þ</font> Yes I have spent closed to $4k already... This sum includes oscar scan and 1 emergency hospital visit. I used to have those weekly jabs during my first trimester. What's your bb weight during last visit? and of which week?

Cassey <font face="symbol">Þ</font> Yeah! we are the HOT MAMAs! LOL... Wow, how many tubs of Yami yogurt did you have so far?

Jackie <font face="symbol">Þ</font> good to hear that your boy is fine
Hi all,

Audreyaw,Cassey, blurmom,
Ya lor, bloody ham sup! And he is only 26 lor! He always like this. I see open already!
Cassey, will try tonight. Hopefully i can stretch all the way instead of stopping halfway to prevent cramps. Hee..

Blurmom, I didn't eat durians during my 3rd trimester. Keep having craving during 2nd trimester and my dad used to call home daily to ask what i want to eat and buy them home.

Really curious abt Yami yogurt, never eat before. I feel like mountain tortoise. Haha..

LFB, so young and act like dirty old man liao. He's no hope.

By the way, I just received newsletter from mothercare. There are sales for their autumn/winter bb clothings (30% for clothings, shoes and pjs while 15% for bodysuit, sleepsuit and briefs, vests) from 7-31 Mar. Additionally 20% for cardmember. Maybe will take a look when I bring my girl for checkup end of the mth. Hee..
LFB <font face="symbol">®</font> He really really Deprive! $)@&amp;()@# I hate this kind of man!

Audreyaw <font face="symbol">®</font> Are you mothercare member too? I join their membership late last year but I have yet to rec'd any newsletter from them leh! Later I go check my postbox again.

Your father very sweet!!! Still buy for you what you wanna eat! I only dine at Mil once every weekend, somemore I ask for it one leh... My parents are busy, only dine out once or twice every month... I like ur Dad! Hahaha... Can share share?

Sweethalo <font face="symbol">®</font> Hey girl, how's your computer? Still in sickbay arh?
Blurmom, Yup yup. Actually i received their email instead of hard copy. Think they are trying to save the earth?

My dad loves children alot, in fact he will spoilt them. Hee.. But he passed away 6 years ago or else think all my children now will be totally spoilt by him. =)
Tubbymummy, mayb yr dad doesnt mind a tanned grandchildren who loves the greena and the sunshine!

Yest i went to the wedding and didnt touch the bride since my mil say so lor. But when it ended, i still go up and "nao dong fang" till wee hours at 2am+.. baby still kicking at dat time. Think she is night owl too cos sometimes in the middle of the nite woke up and can still fell her poke poke here and there..

Musicalboxx, i deliver in Mt A, guess our baby not able to say hi and "talk" to each other on their first day. hee

Amkgal, wat is the seminar at pan pac? Got sell AMeda breastpump at cheaper price huh?
Welcome BabyEthan, Sure! everymummies are welcome here!! Mayb you can update your particulars on delivery hosipital, EDD, Baby gender, no. of kids and Doctors name so our updating admistrator will update our particulars in the spreadsheet. Till date, there are oreadi 100 June MTBs!1
creamer, there's this babytalk. it's organised by cordlife and tmc together. got ameda breastpump at good price.. the flyer says must pay for registration for the seminars, but baby bazaar is open to public. not sure if it means can go into baby bazaar for free or not..

anyway it's in ocean ballroom of pan pac.

anyone going to use cordlife??
hi mommies,
i am a first time mum. will be having a baby girl.. due around 16 jun.. yesterday went for my checkup at 25 wks and bb weight at 948g which is consider to be on the heavy side at 89percentile. didnt think much abt it until my friends said i might need to do c-section. any idea what is the weight threshold? i prefer normal delivery.. worry now that my baby too big and cannot do it
hi fat mummy,
your gal is indeed large..
my gal is 852g at 25week0day, my gynae says she is fairly large but he did not mention about having csec.. i think they will just allow the baby to grow at her own pace and in the last 1 or 2 months, control our diet to ensure that they are not too large.. so do not be too worried k?
<font color="0077aa">blurmom, I don't buy Yami in tubs. I've had abt 1 regular &amp; 6 medium cups in the last 3+ weeks since 19th Feb. Heehee...

LFB (&amp; audrey &amp; Blurmom), sometimes the younger these kids are, the more they think being lewd and acting sexually liberal/agressive is 'cool'. Lots of young virgins are like that, I reckon. They talk the talk cos they can't quite walk the walk... or they think it's impressive, else it's an intimidation/put down tactic. Good thing you're indifferent to him, LFB. That won't encourage the silly kid.

Hi babyEthan, welcome to this thread! Is this your first child? Did your obgyn recommend a C-sec?
Tubbymum's our very own June MTB who's going for elective C-sec too - cos of a slipped disc prob.

Fatmom, welcome aboard! Whoa.. your girl does sound like a heavyweight!

At 25 weeks, I think bb weight is usually about 700-800g... I'm 28 wks and my little guy is about 1 kg.
Don't worry about it, though. I've heard of 4.3kg vaginal deliveries. Ppl always have their scary tales to share, not realising those are not always welcome. I say, just enjoy your pregnancy and let your little girl do her thing in your belly!
Welcome BabyEthan and fatmom!

amk_gal, I'm going to Stemcord seminar instead on 14 Mar. Will probably sign up with them there. Was wondering if I should go for Cordlife or Stemcord, cos both currently don't seem to be having massive promotion (missed the Cordlife $2888 promo during CNY period). I made an enquiry with both companies, and was more satisfied with the response I got from Stemcord. Cordlife gave me an answer that made me think "like that might as well don't answer me". Stemcord lady also told me about the promo they'll offer at their seminar, so I'll be going.

audreyaw/blurmom, how to get Mothercard membership? Must spend $xxX and above is it? Or just pay for membership? I want to buy winter baby clothing... And additional 20% discount is so tempting!

Today, I made another person instantly doze off on the MRT priority seat. Sigh.

And till now, after ALL this talk, I still haven't had my Yami!!!
hi creamer/ tubbymummy/cassey
Thanks for the welcome. Wow... there are 100+ June mummies here? That's a long list.

This is my 2nd child. #1 is a boy n is coming to 15 mths old this mth. I had c-sect for #1 due to a slow progress in dilation &amp; also baby is big. So this time round, may have to go thru c-sect again.

Hmmm... my details:
EDD: 1 Jul 09
Hospital: Gleneagles
Gynae: Dr Tham Kok Fun
Gender: Girl
Order: Baby No. 2

Re: Cordlife cum TMC seminar
Can I know the details? Didn't notice about it. I'll be signing up with Cordlife but don't know when they will offer their best deal.
Dear babyethan,welcome!

Tubbymummy, where is Stemcord seminar held and what time? I am thinking of stemcord too. Sis intro, I actually didn't bother to check both out. But I think she mentioned stemcord better.

Cassey, yep. I told him to shut up! Called him lewd names throughout the whole dinner! Will con't to do so today, hee hee hee! Anyway, my big boss also told him off!

Yesterday night I couldn't sleep again! I can't seems to take nap as it will interfere with my sleep in the night. Anyway, I expected it already! Sian! Today going to be like a zombie again!
Jackie, hope ur boy is getting better ard the weekend.

Welcome BabyEthan.

Creamer/Tubbymummy, we might meet each other in hospital. Mine EDD at 13th june.
we shld exchange our hp no leh.

Cassey, great to hear ur boy is doing great.

audreyaw, ur girl is huge. At that time when u start to have durian?
LETS WELCOME 2 NEW JUNE MTB - <font color="0077aa">Babyethan and Fat Mom</font>!

Babyethan <font face="symbol">®</font> Yes, we got a big family hereyah... Wow, your 2nd child and so nice to have 1 girl and 1 boy!

Fat Mom <font face="symbol">®</font> I do prefer normal delivery too, hence we need to control our diet alittle. I assume that we have to eat with pink of health and try to do more light exercise during our 3rd trimester. However we still need to be prepared for c-section if there is any hiccups (hopefully none heehee). Anyway, the baby weight is base on estimation, so just take it as a guide

Audreyaw <font face="symbol">®</font> Mailers are more costly, hahaha!

TubbyMummy <font face="symbol">®</font> We must spend at least $300 within 2/3 months for the membership. The Mothercare warehouse/biggest outlet is located at harborfront. They carry Spring Maternity brand and lots of good item which is mostly made in England. I bought all my maternal and baby wear from mothercare then manage to get their discount card.

Cassey, TubbyMummy <font face="symbol">®</font> I WANT YAMI TOO!!! Heehee

LFB <font face="symbol">®</font> Thumbs up for confronting that joker
Don't be sian... Cheer up kekeke...

Re: Big babies
Cassey <font face="symbol">®</font> 4.3kg via viginal delivery? Wow and Cool!

Sad to say that, my sister has been haunting me with all the c-section horry tales which makes me feel so depressed. After so much cries and haunted thoughts, I decided not to keep in contact with her for the moment... Hahaha - See no Devil, Hear no Evil!
Morning ladies!

Taking mc today again, stomach has not been feeling well since thurs night. Haiz.. don't know what happen to it but really tired of going toilet for so many times.

Welcome BabyEthan!
Ohh.. That is quite a near gap between 2 pregnancies so your gynae might want you to do c-sec.

amk_gal, i am not going. Saw the public cord bank and think i can donate it but havent ask my hubby if he is suitable or not, keeps forgetting about it.

fat mom, welcome here. don't worry too much. how tall r you? usually those taller and normal size ladies easier to deliver bigger baby cause bigger frame and bigger hip too. ^^
Just try to control your diet in 3rd trimester esp durians (if you eat them) which will make baby grow big.

TubbyMummy, need to spend a minimum but forgotten how much. Sometimes their sales items are quite worth it. That day I bought a set of 6 rompers cost $18 from them and get another 10% discount also.
Haha.. at least they pretend sleeping in front of u. Yesterday they just look somewhere else when i am standing near them. One father worse, get his son at least pri school to "chope" 2 seats for them lo. I am used to it le..

Shelisa, haha.. Ya lo, didn't expected her to be so heavy but she don't look chubby at all cause she is quite long/tall? I been eating the whole 2nd trimester think at least 5-6 times. Can't remember, gap too long but that was the only period i ate so much durians lo.
Good Monday Morning Ladies!

Do you have FACEBOOK to add me?

Causeway point Metro - Warner Bros mobile cot selling at $109!

Aussino Babies bedding ($69.90 - $79.90)
Bedding set includes -
1 pc Fitted sheet 132cm x 71cm x 10cm
1 pc Comforter 90cm x 120cm
2 pcs Cot bumper 25cm x 200cm
1 pc Pillowcase 30cm x 41cm
1 pc Bolstercase 10m x 48cm
Good morning everyone.

Blurmom, I think the beddings ranges up to $89.00 nett. $89.00 is the disney/pooh range. Comes with pillow n bolster, no just the case.

Coming down with flu today.... sniffing non-stop at my desk. I hate the weather.
im getting excited for ur sis too! is she all ready to meet the lil one? all the preparations as we approach delivery is no joke.

btw ur gynae package seems v affordable. ure delivering at GlenE right? im surprised his charges are so reasonable.

welcome babyethan and fatmom!
don't worry abt c-sect horror stories. it's nothing scary at all. I'll put it as painless childbirth n prob a bit more painful afterbirth. But normally within 1 wk, u will feel less pain. In fact, I could get down the bed n walk on the 2nd day.

Yr package is really affordable considering that it includes multi-vits n delivery. Who's yr gynae?

Btw, anyone knows if we can drink honey now? Those like manuka honey, etc
Babyethan <font face="symbol">®</font> I choose to listen to the good side... I still drink cold honey lemon at times as it helps to ease consitpation but I don't know what is manuka honey...

Re: Gynae Charges
I just called the clinic and manage to ease my mind. The lady ask me to standby $2 cash will do and the others all deduct thru Medisave... Hahaha....

BBjun <font face="symbol">®</font> Half day go home and rest? The weather is weird! So HOT! then suddenly rain!

Audreyaw <font face="symbol">®</font> Seek doctor already? Must take care, hope that you get well soon... Rest more arh...

Re: 3rd Trimester
By which week consider 3rd trimester huh?
Welcome babyethan and fatmom

Morning ladies,
Went to gynae clinic this morning and confirm i put on 2 kg!!!

N BB is 965g at 26weeks!!! Mine is confirm on the chubby side. Really need to control my diet liao.....

Re : Yami
Ladies with shiok card can get 20% off at Jurong Pt.....N those working near TP, Icon having 20% for weekday after 6pm. YUMMY
(Opps, suppose to control diet)
LFB, here's the details for Stemcord seminar:
Date: 14 march 2009, Sat
Venue: Sheraton Towers Ballroom 3
Time: 11am-1pm (interactive workshop), or 2.30pm-5pm (talks by 3 experts).
Session details at www.stemcord.com. Think need to register, can do that on their website. Entrance appears to be free.

Stemcord told me that they are offering $400 discount off the sign up fee (usual $1250). If u are signing up on that day itself, additional $50 off. So that makes it $800 for signing up, plus free first year. If got people referring u, both u and your referrer will each get $50 off the next year's fees (usual $250). It appears that for Stemcord, u simply renew year by year. I'll be asking them if they have any cheaper 10yr package or whatever.

Jackie, so happy to hear that your boy's cause of illness has been determined! At least now can concentrate on getting him better. Hang in there!

bbjun, drink more fluids ya? And try not to get caught in rain on your way to or from office. But these days it's so difficult, pouring almost everyday...

Blurmom/audreyaw, thanks for the info on Mothercare. Ya, I've been to the store at Harbourfront, I like it there. Maybe should go back and see if I can spend that amount of money or not. But offhand I don't seem to have that many things to buy to hit the $300 target leh...

Blurmom, keep your sister far far away from me! Wah, I really hate it when people tell me all kinds of horror story about c-sec. I mean come on, I've already DECIDED to go for c-sec, what do ppl gain out of telling me all kinds of horrible things so I feel even more scared. I've been very blunt (more than usual haha) since pregnancy, telling ppl to shut up cos I don't want to hear anymore (horror stories, old wives tales etc). Some get pissed off, but I don't care, cos they didn't spare a thought for my feelings either. Sorry ah, not scolding u or your sister, just getting worked up in general haha...

Wah, yesterday met up with a bunch of ppl I know, and all the women there all have kids. They were all telling me that I MUST do the full month celebration thing, where got ppl don't celebrate your child's "first" bday, etc. etc. I went blank at that point, cos I don't keep track of chinese age thingy, and for a moment forgot that the full month thing actually represents 1 chinese year old. I was so annoyed, but trying to be civilised cos there were so many of us. I just said stuff like "see how lah, at that time then decide". They even started saying things like even if I don't do, my mother will sure insist that I do. I was wondering what the hell? No one there even knows my mum. I got quite irritated then and said "No, my mum is very modern, unlike you all, she doesn't care if I do a full month thing or not." That shut some of them up, but one of them still went on and on about how I have to book BALLROOM, cater buffet, invite 80-100 ppl, blah blah blah. They're all nice and well meaning ppl, but still, that was super irritating! And they all self-invited to the full month buffet that I'm NOT even having. AARRRGGGHHH!!
Babyethan, can drink honey, including Manuka honey
Usual daily dose is ok, but don't drown yourself in it lah haha...

audreyaw, forgot to ask, how come your stomach so bad for so long?? Better make sure it's not stomach flu or something like that. Rest more ya? Drink a can of isotonic drink today, replenish your fluids plus electrolytes.
Blurmom... I wish I can just take MC but I have 3 meetings scheduled for today so decided to just come in.

TubbyM, I agree that the weather is totally crazy. Just the diff between my office n outside temp is enuf to make me feel sick immediately. Will consider getting an MC for tom to rest if I dun get better.

Re:full month
Haven't decided to have or not to have. My mum says - dun need cos troublesome (love my mother). We may do one with close frens. Not becos they gian the food but becos they want to see the BB la. We did consider scheduling ppl to come on diff days over a weekend so that we are not swarmed... prefer to manage small groups.
TubbyM, cannot believe these ppl who self-invite to BB's full month. It's your personal thing and whether u celebrate with BB or how u choose to do it, it's really none of their business.
Dear tubbymummy,
thanks for the info. Will check it out with my informer, aka sister.

Re: 1st month celebration
I intended too, cos my side all do so. Anyway, my company also. Then very sian cos got to invite IL(roughly 20-30 pple), my mom's side(roughly 50 pple), my colligs(roughly 40 pple). So you see, how to have it? Will prob hold it in CC. Still contemplating other venues. Anyone attended one that is nice and also quite affordable? All my siblings held their in hotels! Faint!!!!
bbjun, take care of yourself. Weather has been so hot for the past few days. And now, don't know whether it want to make up its mind to rain or not to rain. Making the surrounding so dark and warm!

Blurmom, just came back from the doc. Given 2 days mc.
after 28 weeks will consider as 3rd trimester.

Jackie, glad to hear your bb put on weight. Now my hubby keeps complaining why mine so light when he read up here. Keep asking me to eat more nowadays. -.-

TubbyMummy, i am not intending to do full mth celebration for my boy. Partly is because his relatives not in sg and too many preparations and time consuming. Guess i will only send out cakes to relatives.
Ever since i'm pregnant, my stomach tends to get upset easily. Like once a month and sometimes it last a couple of days. But this time it comes with stomach pain. =(
LFB, that's alot of people! Lucky i am not close to my colleagues, in fact I hardly talk to them. Usually those that i attended held at home. Hotels will be very expensive? Last time my mum even suggested to held it below the block. -.-
audreyaw, Ya lor.. I saw the sky just now when I went to washroom. Every day like one min hot, one min rain. Sighz.

Qn: 28 weeks onwards then 3rd trimester? Not 26 weeks meh??
Amkgal, so the cordlife and TMC joint babyfair u got the leaflet from TMC? Any idea on the price of the promo Ameda breastpump? Wondering if its open to public to buy. When is this fair?
hello mummies, as usual i MIA on weekends. today on MC because i have a ligament stretch on my left side. pain like crazy, cannot walk/stand/sleep properly. i was so worried that i went to KKH A&amp;E on sunday morning to check what's wrong because i thought it was my fibroid rupture or something. but the doc said most likely a stretch then gave me panadol! but i dont take it for the pain. anyone else encounter the same thing? they say quite common in week 24 onwards. today im in week 25. pain is unbearable so going to see my new gynae today at KKH and ask him for advice. not sure how i can go to work tomorrow because i have to walk very2 slowly.

re washing baby clothes with tollyjoy: clothes came out nice-smelling after wash. but i dont recommend to use dryer after that cos baby clothes was furring and quite hard like starched. i havent got around to ironing them yet because the pain started for me on sat then whole weekend wasted. also putting in dryer, the nice soapy smell like not so strong.

went to ikea last night and bought baby wardrobe and 2-seater sofa to put in room. hubby say now i can BF in the room, no need to sit on bed cos our bed is very high. items will be delivered tmoro. yay! but did not like the crowds. and the parents who let their kids run around and crash into pregnant mummies like me. had to hold back a kid who was running into me and then his mum stared at me like i did something wrong.

re weird dreams: since i cannot sleep well past few nights due to the pain, have also been having weird dreams. in one, i dreamt that because i was in so much pain, the doc did a c-sect on me and baby was delivered while i was asleep. then nobody woke me up until it was time to go home. i hope to have a natural delivery though..so hope something that weird wont happen!

LFB, i had the same thing abt my colleagues and my boobs too. they say i so lucky pregnant can have bigger boobs but the one who comment is a lady so i dont say much. if men, i will tell them to shut up, like sexual harassment lor. these people if you dont put them in place they will think they can get away with nonsense like that.

sigh..wishing i can quit my job and prepare for my full-time motherhood job ahead. i dont like to take MC/leave because im not well, and now i can imagine my colleagues are prolly saying my attitude change because of my pregnancy. hate the feeling, but when i told hubby this morning he said i cannot afford to quit (yet). not feeling so great on this blue, dreary rainy monday...
Aiya caramelle, don't feel sad. It's like this. I won't quit now cos I am afraid when I am alone at home, I may be more bored and imagination may run wild! So I occupied myself with work. Moreover when I am on HL in 1st Tri, I nearly died of boredom and restlessness. Just don't bother with colligs. Pple will talk under all circumstances.

Audreyaw, ya lor, so many pple hor? How? Some of my ex customers are actually counted in as colligs, that's why so many! Ha ha ha! My hubby lagi best, told me the most on his side, 2 friends! Wah, I envious man! Now dunno how? My sis very funny, tell me don't worry cos sure can cover. My mom's said relatives quite rich, can cover. I don't want to hold it at my place cos very tiring after that, still got to clean up. Dunno where can hold party. sian......
hi mommy, so fast u'll toking abt bb full mth le...i oso hv not tot of it yet...but hb say his colik ask him to invite them over bb full mth...but quite tiring wan aft buffet still hv to clear up the hse...b4 dat still hv to rsvp how mnay ppl wanna to come &amp; also got to clean up b4 ppl coming!
regarding bb gain...dis sat is my check up wanna to chk how's heavy is my bb...cos i hv putting quite alot but tummy still not v big like dat...tink most of the wt gain is on mi rather bb lo...i hv a fren juz went f wk 21 detailed scan she doesn't put on much still look so skinny yet her bb wt is 410g at wk21....she still hv been vomiting now &amp; then...appetite not so gd...envy her wt gain on bb &amp; not on mommy!
WELCOME T_Teo! Woots 3rd one, heehee...

Audreyaw, creamer - tks for the trimester guide! Then I still got 3 more weeks of honeymoon period...
caramelle, how are you feeling now? better? wah give only panadol??!! nonsense leh.

anyway, i've also been having weird dreams or nightmares these few days... but i jus cannot remb the whole dream... haiz, think i think too much le...

cassey, hope you are feeling much better le..
wah you had so many servings of yami alrdy! envy, i only had once.

btw anyone can recommend which kinda mattress to buy for cot bed? as in wat kinda material is better for bb?
hi mummies,
long time din come here.

I received some milk sample from friend, let me know if you interested.

mamil mama

Hi mummies,

Been reading your posts for a while now so decided to join in the fun too...I am due with ger ger #2 sometime around June 12...
