(2009/06) June 2009 MTBs

Calling ecmom & shirley junbb,
pls confirm your trial dates via my pm, cos lots of mummies are signing up and the dates are going, going, gone very fast!

cassey, I was also surprised to see you there as well. I met Annie that day at Novena MRT to pass her a book that she wanted from BKK (hb helped to buy). Was pleasantly surprised to see u next! HAHA. Actually, I have been dying to see Kyle in person becos of his cute brows and very dark hair! My boy has brown hair (my mom said it's becos I dyed my hair when preggie! LOL). N I was so tickled to see that Dylan and Kyle have the same grouchy expression.

As for sleep, yeah I guess.. since he could just fall asleep on my lap while I was on the phone with hb. It has been a joke for quite a while that my daily tele-conversation with hb must have been too boring for him. :p
The concern on sleep comes back lately becos his sleep separation anxiety is back! He wakes up every other nite at ard 2am just to have me sit next to the cot so that he will set himself back to his pillow (yes, the moment he sees me walking into his bedroom, he sits down, and lies down!) However, once I am out of the room before he goes back to slumber land, he flips, sits, stands and calls me back again! I end up dozing off sitting next to his cot 2-3 times this week already.

Skylermum, D flips and hit the bumper n rail every nite but he sleeps thru most of the time. I think he has grown to live and sleep with all that knocking.
hi mummies

sorry to disturb the thread.

Have a few new items to let go off...




thanks n nice day. pls pm me for more details
hi mummies,

haven posted for some time.. need some advice here.. my gal is on HT cereals (added to her milk).. recently one mummy (sorry, cannot rem who) feedback finding worms in the cereal.. I'm thinking of changing to other brands.. any mummy could rec some organic instant cereal?
thanks in advance

you may wanna try out Happy Bellies Cereals?

My boy is on both HT and HB cereals.

I also mix his cereal with BM, cos he's pretty fussy abt his food.

You can order from evitaminstore.com, the pricing is pretty good
thanks for the sleeping info.
sadly, jarius is still waking up every 2hrly every night.
haiz dunno how and dunno why man...............

ya, if u manage to find solution to STAY asleep instead of GET to sleep, do pls share with me ok!!

re: milk
btw, need a solution to my problem now...
jarius doesnt drink fm! tried enfa, similac, mamil gold, all dun wan! it's getting on my nerves cos im nt sure hw long my bm supply can survive and his 5th tooth is sprouting out, im very very scared he will bite me one of these days.... tried btl him fm, he also dun wan! tried cup feed also dun wan! HELP
and im starting to miss wearing the nice nice NON-NURSING bras!!! give my breasts back to me man!!!

im nt taking up the package too, so drop me out of the trial too.

re: constipation
last night i almost wan to cry man. jarius, for first time,had difficulty in passing motion. he was exerting so much strength on the toilet bowl and he was crying in pain. so poor thing...
finally he managed to poo poo, but so poor thing, see him cry like dat...

same same sia... regarding btl feed and regarding sleep... damn cham hor
tubbymummy, think it's different for everyone, nothing to do with whether fertile or not. my fren who bf and never had her period during that time became immediately pregnant the moment she stopped! since u've just completely stopped bf, guess u'll be seeing ur big aunt pretty soon. maybe in a week?

haha seeing that everyone is using the mag mag straw, i've also gotten it during the wkend :p a having tried it though.

ahnetsan, previously jarius has been taking fm?? is he not drinking for all the feeds? maybe it's the taste or he still wants to latch? can try adding some cereal into the milk to cover the taste. but need to let him drink more water to prevent the constipation.
thanks for informing us! I threw my remaining cereal and puff straight into the bin! Cannot be sure whether there are worms or eggs in them or not! And the puff(new pack) isn't airtight sealed. As I squash the pack, the air escaped. Yikes!
thanks ecmom, seems like the HT cereal thread got removed... the link doesn't work anymore.

any mummies know where to get the best priced Nestle Nan 2 and 3? NTUC selling $28+... tks!

for mummies who travelled without baby before, did u freeze the EBM and hand carry them back? but once taken out of freezer considered defrost liao, right? so must b consumed within 24 hours? tks!
jarius all the while on bm. recently let him try fm, he dun wan. now worse, even ebm, he also dun wan. really dunno how leh... this morning tried btl ebm, dun wan, tried spoon also dunwan. in the end, added cereal in ebm, took a few mouths nia also dun wan in the end..... nw he jus fell asleep, but i got latch him.

eh wat was the HT thread abt? i tried to go in, cannot leh, think the thread was removed? J's HT cereal gg to finish le, can someone summarise for me wat's gg on wif HT stuff?
wat worms wat egg?

den if dun HT cereals, give wat brand of cereal nw?
chidori ,
i giving happy bellies too, i think it's value for $. organic, in tin , probiotic and doesnt "melt" like HT!

u got fridge to go? if have think can tahan 36hr.as in once u rch home trf to chiller.

anutie visit
talk abt that anyone as weird as me? mine cm 24/12,24/1,24/2, 29/3 alittle late that's fine then 16 apr! just 2 week+ come again.. i wonder the next visit will be wn..

btw anyone haven got a good thermometer? i getting 1 frm BP, not braun but changi hospital selling $180 online selling $65 n this BP only $46 but response not that good. made in Taiwan, spore company. still waiting for more orders to hit MOQ closing today. http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/581296/3882352.html?1272332405
RE: HT cereal
Wat about the HT cereal got worm tingy news? The forum link got remove liao, cant see. Affect which HT cereal? When is this news? in Spore? Is HT cereal all remove from shelves now? Cos i still give my baby last weekend leh.
bbpotato, thks for the info! So local store didnt sell huh? Cos my girl didnt consume so many packs and wanted to buy 1 to try first. Cos my girl likes HT. Does yr baby prefer happy bellies to HT? Hows the taste?

you can get it @ the organic stores as well however it's at a higher price.

i m giving HT @ my place and HB @ my aunt's place during the day.

my aunt said it smell nicer than HT.

so far he's ok with both as we are mixing it into the BM
anyone consolidating orders then?
i jus saw the link. i bot the HB puff at $7+ at vitakids. if the link is selling in 6 in a pack, den it's damn cheap wor!
Hi all,

for your info re HT cereal hooha!

One mummy found out that her HT cereal were infested with worms when she opened a new box, exp 2011. So she posted pictures and also complained abt the HT manager who handled her case. Eventually, the whole situation was blown up and HT contemplating suing her, for framing the company and destroying the name. So I think because this is going to be a lawsuit, the mod took it out. Was quite a big thingy cos many mummies posted and supported the mummy. Moreover, the pic really gross. I immediately threw away my remaining cereal and also the puff. Reason? I saw black dots in my cereal(dunno what's that!)and the puff, although in the box(new, but there was an opening. The bag wasn't seal well. Now I have to hunt for new cereal cos boi only take that and he quite like it. Sigh, hopefully I can get a replacement soon!
Re: Add on
many mummy reply to the post that they found their HT product not properly seal. Worried will there be worm egg that is invisible.
LFB, thks for the sharing on the hooha! hmm now comtemplating whether to throw cos mine no black spot.. Mayb i go buy happy bellies first..
thanks ecmom n LFB for the updates. i see...
hmm, i remb there was once i saw black dots in HT cereal leh, but i din think it was something serious. oh dear!!!
ya lor the 1st round we consoildate order here before, i subsq read may got a mummy complain think i got mention here before then i switch to bellamy now i trying happy bellies n happy with it. i rem someone asked about black spot also.
scary hor who know our boys have already gobbled up all, maybe that's y certain day shit more often haha.

wow thks for the juicy hooha news, i read complain on their teether biscuit too but still let jayden finished it. fortunately didnt see anything weird.
Ahnetsan and Createjoy,

hee hee, my update not juicy at all, cos I scared kana sued! LOL! The whole thread was though! So hyped up and many mummies very mad! The thing is HT never explained why the worms, just kept on harping on the details of how that mummy misled them and so on, things that are not impt to us at all! Ater reading, I immediately go check my cereal. Saw some black black and told hubby. He said buang lah! Wait scarly save abit pay alot! So we did that! Anyway, individual. If you ok, I assume it's ok. Just bought Neslec cos I got nothing to give. Will go buy Happy Bellies now. I wanted organic and also plain cereal, so I guess that's the best bet! Anyone want to start 1 bp for us to buy???
i also dun mind trying happy bellies cereal...
btw, hw long u all planning to let bb eat cereal? up to 1yr or beyond? i jus realised i havent been giving J cereal on a daily basis. cham!
wah teether biscuit also can problem ar? faint
stil got half a pack lying in the fridge wor...
haha u very funnie leh, say some days our boys shit more often cos of the black black or worm thing. haha i nearly spit out my water halfway reading ur post man!!

happy bellies nt selling at ntuc or cold storage ar? wanted to buy one and try try first leh.
also been wanting to get their yogurt melts, always no stock!!!
yea, also dun mind trying happy bellies.. Createjoy got give a BP link on this. U mean if we org for more will have further disc? Cos i jus wana buy 1 to 2 boxes try try first. Dun know my girl like anot. Cos she dun like the bellamy ones.

Ahnetsan, i also didnt give G on cereal daily, my mil dun like the idea of cereal, giving porridge with nice ingredients on her meals.Cos she said cereal is heaty will cause constipation. Is it true huh??
dunno leh, i think porridge is nothing one leh, it's jus carbos leh... the ingredients are more impt for me.

all the while, i find cereals better, cos got iron and got DHA right? and it's convenient. haha.

so anyone want to share the happy bellies bp?
I am interested in HB too. But I really dunno how to organise bp. Anyone wants to organise and we join?
the HT cereal always have black dots one.. i always thot its normal.. i'm going to let my gal finish the last 2 boxes (after checking for worms) then switch to happybellies..

katelee, think bbpotato mentioned that she adds it to her boi's milk too..
hi mummies,
i saw this organic shop at harbourfront that carries HB cereal, but sometimes they run of stock. i'm giving my boy another organic brand, earth's best. is smell nicer than HT. but is packed in carton box without any plastic bag inside. they do have in sachets form.
I dun mind organising, cos wanna stock up on Melts too. Both my boys like them, however do note that the Melts are recommended to finish within 7 days.

Collection @ Jurong East/ Jurong West/ Tanjong Pagar

HB Cereals Canisters x 6 (Oatmeal, Brown Rice, Mixed Grain)

HB Puff x 6 (Green Apple, Banana, Green Vege)

HB Melt x 8 (Mango Banana, Mixed Berries, Strawberry)

sigh, collection abit difficult, esp I starting work soon. Think mailing also out, shd be ex. Aiya, fedup with myself leh! But thanks for organising.
Hi shirley (junbb),
Didnt get your reply on the BJG trial.. there is another mummy who is interested in joining our group so if you're not going i'll include her. Let me know?

Nt fr drugstore, not sure whether evitaminstore hv california baby or not.

Furthermore, nw drugstore dun hv bulk discount for the calendula cream already, so sad.
question: the yogurt melts hor, babies can eat mixed berries and mango ar? for eczema babies, strawberry is out. can eat the real fruit mango as well?
wow 7 days finish 1 pkt melt isnt it too much??? my jayden tk qt long to finish 1 puff cos i didnt wanna encourage him to gooble so much snack everyday.. i read evitamin having some promo till end of this mth if want to order must faster order liao... if not i ordering from the spree.. ordered there haven pay heehee...
HB Cereals Canisters x 6 (Oatmeal, Brown Rice, Mixed Grain)
1) createjoy - mixed grain x 1, brown rice x 1, oatmeal x 1

HB Puff x 6 (Green Apple, Banana, Green Vege)
1) createjoy - green apple x 1

HB Melt x 8 (Mango Banana, Mixed Berries, Strawberry)
1) createjoy - mango banana x1, mixed berries x 2, strawberry x 1
thanks for the Happy Bellies Cereal spree link!

Skyler took HB cereal previously and he loves it too so I wantto top up oso.. about the melts... I didnt know that have to be consumed within 7 days.. cos after 2 weeks, i still give him the same thing.. oopzz
