(2009/06) June 2009 MTBs

SkylerMum, tks! Hopefully there is slot! And I was just thinking of sending my sonny for a gym class.
Tubbymummy: Thanks! Yeah, buy one more pair of shoes for myself and a 2 more sets of clothes for K! hahaha

LFB: Did you get the tuxedo? I bought a set there, so cheap
01) Kyle (Cassey) - 18th May
02) Dwayne (lovelytulips) - 19th May
03) Skyler (Skylermum) - 22nd May
04) Josef (Jackie) - 23rd May
05) Sophie (tinybubu) - 23rd May
06) Ashton (Bluedream) - 29th May
07) Siqi (florpoh) - 1st June
08) Daylon (blurmom) - 2nd June
09) Skyla (tubbymummy) - 3rd June
10) Kaley (kikismom) - 3rd June
11) Kate Lee (Katelee) - 3rd June
12) Jayden (createjoy) - 3rd June
13) Jarius (ahnetsan) - 4th June
14) Yee Meng (annticipating) - 5th June
15) Augustine (bbaug) - 6th June
16) Sermaine (Shelisa) - 6th June
17) Trey (maryg) - 8th June
18) Genieve (creamer) - 8th June
19) Cayden (ecmom) - 8th June
20) KaiQi (innocentwar) - 8th June
21) Josh & Brianna (Poko1) - 8th June
22) Kirsten (fifincash) - 9th June
23) Amelia (Fatmom) - 9th June
24) Dylan (bbjun) - 9th June
25) Aisha (Styliciously) - 12th June
26) Jamus (beemom) - 13th June
27) Claire (Audrey) - 15th June
28) Rouxuan (toffeecat) - 15th June
29) Marilyn (bbmarilyn)- 16th June
30) Kendrick (dolly200906) - 16th June
31) Yonghao (amk_gal) - 17th June
32) Se Han (samsam) - 18th June
33) Noah (sweethalo) - 19th June
34) Nesher (annie) - 19th June
35) Arik (bbPotato) - 19th June
36) Danelle (superbee) - 21st June
37) Kaelyn (dovey) - 23rd June
38) Sofie (serene22) - 29th June
Baby Jumper Gym Trial
Venue at kembangan
Price: $20
Need only 4-5 babies to start a private trial.

Group 1 (Crawler 2 program)
1. Kikismom
2. Lovelytulips
3. Skylermum
4. LFB
5. Tiny bubu

Group 2 (can have a different timing or date depending on the mummies)
1. Newmum0109
2. ecmom
3. Junbb
Does anyone want to have trial at Thomson???

Baby Jumper Gym Trial
Venue at kembangan
Price: $20
Need only 4-5 babies to start a private trial.

Group 1 (Crawler 2 program)
1. Kikismom
2. Lovelytulips
3. Skylermum
4. LFB
5. Tiny bubu

Group 2 (can have a different timing or date depending on the mummies)
1. Newmum0109
2. ecmom
3. Junbb

Group 3 (at thomson??)
1. amk_gal
AMK-Gal, i'm keen in thomson trial

Baby Jumper Gym Trial
Venue at kembangan
Price: $20
Need only 4-5 babies to start a private trial.

Group 1 (Crawler 2 program)
1. Kikismom
2. Lovelytulips
3. Skylermum
4. LFB
5. Tiny bubu

Group 2 (can have a different timing or date depending on the mummies)
1. Newmum0109
2. ecmom
3. Junbb

Group 3 (at thomson??)
1. amk_gal
2. bbmarilyn
hi beemom, for thomson trial, you guys will have to arrange among yourselves. Please put your name down in Group 3 and I will email all of you so that you all can discuss and come up with a suitable timing for your own group. =)
It can be on weekdays or weekends, depending on the majority preference in the group.

hi newmom, the 1st group already full. Maybe Group 2 mummis will not mind weekend class as well. Let's see how k? when the booking is full =)

For Group 1, the date is confirmed! It's 8th of May (Saturday). Timing yet to be fixed. Will let you ladies know soon =)
Hi Skylermum,

thank you so much for organising! Appreciate your effort. 8 May is great. Looking fwd to bring kiddo there. Thanks again!
Baby Jumper Gym Trial
Venue at kembangan
Price: $20
Need only 4-5 babies to start a private trial.

Group 1 (Crawler 2 program)
1. Kikismom
2. Lovelytulips
3. Skylermum
4. LFB
5. Tiny bubu

Group 2 (can have a different timing or date depending on the mummies)
1. Newmum0109
2. ecmom
3. Junbb

Group 3 (at thomson??)
1. amk_gal
2. bbmarilyn
3. beemom
4. bluedream
I have included you in group 3. SkylerMum, you can pass the contact to me so I can help to arrange.

Mummies in group 3, I think we choose a weekend since some of us are working?
Baby Jumper Gym Trial
Venue at kembangan
Price: $20
Need only 4-5 babies to start a private trial.

Group 1 (Crawler 2 program)
1. Kikismom
2. Lovelytulips
3. Skylermum
4. LFB
5. Tiny bubu

Group 2 (can have a different timing or date depending on the mummies)
1. Newmum0109
2. ecmom
3. Junbb

Group 3 (at thomson??)
1. amk_gal
2. bbmarilyn
3. beemom
4. bluedream
5. bbjun

Don't mind gg for the one at Thomsom if date and time is good. How long is the trial?
i have PM bluedream on the thomson contact.

I called up Thomson but over there i think is offering $40.50 per trial class and not $20 at kembangan.. don't know why leh...
Hi, I am also interested in the Baby Jumper Gym Trial at Kembangan

Group 2 (can have a different timing or date depending on the mummies)
1. Newmum0109
2. ecmom
3. Junbb
4. momotealeaf

I also prefer a weekend cos working.
I've asked some colleagues and they are also interested in going for the trial.

Group 1 (Crawler 2 program)
1. Kikismom
2. Lovelytulips
3. Skylermum
4. LFB
5. Tiny bubu

Group 2 (from amk_gal: may I suggest 1, 2, 8 or 9 May?? I've emailed the centre for available dates.)
1. Newmum0109
2. ecmom
3. Junbb
4. amk_gal

Group 3 (at thomson?? are we going to change venue if it's $40.50 at thomson??)
1. bbmarilyn
2. beemom
3. bluedream
4. bbjun
Group 4
1-4. amk_gal colleagues (4 9-month old babies)
5. amk_gal colleagues (12 month baby)
Here's an update..

Have emailed the kembangan branch and they do not mind having a class of 3 babies if the numbers spill over to 6 per group but still have the same price!!

I'll check with my colleagues and see if I should join them in groups of 3, or if I'll join Group 2.

Will update again. =)
junbb, momotealeaf,
great! hope ecmom doesn't mind weekends then.

i can take over coordinating for group 2. We can discuss preferred dates offline so we don't choke up this thread. Will liase with the mummies when list is full. Can pm me contact of the school? thks!

let us know again then
Hi everyone,
It's been a some time since i last logged in.
Both my baby and myself have been sick. But we are recovering so that is good news!

Now i just realised that i have this sample tin of Formula Milk sitting in my house for the longest time. If any of your babies are taking this, i'd like to give it to you. Pls let me know.

Expires on 12 December 2011.

Will catch up on your posts soon .. looks happening ya...

<font color="cc3399"> A Post Regarding Baby's Sleep

I previously shared about sleep "training" success with Baby Whisperer Tracy Hogg's problem solving book. Some of you shared my joy and expressed interest in checking her book and methods out. So I thought I should check in with those of you who are interested in an update or who may still be struggling in private.

<u>Re: BB Whisperer Techniques</u>
I have to confess that after the initial few days, I didn't have the persistence to follow through until I cracked Kyle's sleep code. I was getting SO exasperated with the whole PU/PD affair and my back was getting it hard. So I kinda left things status-quo with Kyle's sleep - feeling happy with the progress that he had made.

<blink><u>Something I PREFER</u></blink>
Recently I finally read a book that I picked up from the library: Good Night, Sleep Tight (by "The Sleep Lady", Kim West). I've been btlg instead of nursing Kyle for pre-bed feeds for the last 2 nights and decided to adopt some of her techniques. Today, decided to let dad have a go. Flawless. And all without going way out with remembering steps and procedures!

What I love about The Sleep Lady is that she works with your personal styles and preferences.
She doesn't prescribe a very specific and/or rigid way of doing things...

E.g. To soothe your baby, she would recommend you NOT use a dummy. But if you would like to, then try to help baby learn to find and plug it in themselves. Provide dummies strewn in bed to make things easier.

E.g. Try to give baby a final feed 30min before the bedtime. But she can see why some parents would prefer to tank baby up right before bed so they sleep longer. So if you prefer to do that, then just make sure you make a clear delineation btwn the feed (btl/nurse) and sleep. You may want to nurse first and do story/song after... or offer btl first. Then put the child in his crib and turn off the lights to indicate bedtime.

I've found her to be right up my alley cos she works within my comfort zone.

First night, Kyle was standing and crawling in crib for 25min. I finally dummied him and lay him down, quickly getting down to lie beside him on floor (with 2 pillows la!). Within 10min, he had soothed himself to sleep by bumping my head with his and then tapping a foot.

2nd night, it all happened within 20min. Same thing tho, in the end I had to get up from my position beside his crib and put him down. But within 5min, he had settled.

Tonight, Kyle slept with so little (no) fuss tt daddy dozed off on the floor beside his crib.

Tmr it will be time to do the first installment of "The Sleep Lady Shuffle" - moving halfway across the room instead of being right by his crib. I'm apprehensive, but feeling good about it.

Those interested, I'm not sure how much info is avail. on her website > http://www.sleeplady.com/</font>
Re: baby's sleep

Cassy, haizz.. he just keeps waking up every 2 hours or so. I tried about almost everything too. Skyler now sleeps on mattress on the floor, when I put him down, he will turn over and crawl and crawl.. and play with the door, play with wardrobe.

In the middle of the night, 2 hours apart, he will scream or shout out.. these has been happening for at least 2 weeks ler..
RE: Baby's sleep
For mummies who love their beauty sleep

Just to share, baby and I have been sleeping in the play yard, a single mattress on top of play mat.
I've managed to get my sleep till 8 in the morning as baby will play in the the play yard when he wakes up..
He still wakes 2 hourly but I'll let him suckle when he stirs and he'll fall right back to sleep.
For me, I'm always half awake and dont know how many times I wake up at night.

This arrangement is very good for me as I get my sleep and can be close to baby.
The play yard is useful as it entertains baby and I can cont to sleep as I know baby wont be
crawling away and get himself into dangerous situations.

However, in the beginning baby will wake up in the middle of the night to 'play' at the activity panel.
Hey mummies, ask u all a silly qns.. are those animal legging pants for girls only? i bought 1 for my niece but she cant wear.. i'm thinking if jayden can wear... :p

sigh jayden been fever since tues morn till now.. kinda of fluctuate btw 38.5-37.5 . running nose &amp; cough.. sigh...so tired he wk up very oftn thru the night.. then at 6am he will b wide awake!
Hi Ah Ching,
Such a brilliant idea. Will give it a go when i m desperate to get more sleep! BB also wakes up and cries loudly once or twice a night nowadays. 2 hourly is really taxing for you mummies.
hi all,
been a few days since i last posted.

went to LiveWell Baby event over the wkend and jarius managed to enter the Cat A crawling contest. so lucky, cos it's a lucky draw basis, so we were very lucky as they only pick 5.

entered the finals on sunday, there were 8 finalists but he din manage to get 1st or 2nd or 3rd prize wor, only consolation prize. haha

nevertheless, it was a good exposure for jarius.

mummies, pls vote for me and my family at the LiveWell Baby profile ok? go under the family photos and click 'like' at my photo.
thanks! but u must click LIKE at the LiveWell Baby profile first.

is the thomson trial still ongoing? i wld like to join if there's still slot.
Hi mummies going for the thomson trial,

The email i received say that the promotion $20 rate is no longer applicable. But the trial lesson fee will be waived if we decided to sign up on the spot after the trial. In addition, if we could form 3-4 babies for a confirmed class 10% of the course fee will be discounted.

I am asking on the course fee details. Please update me if you still interested in going.
Bluedream, I am not keen to sign up for a confirm class. In that case, I don't think I will join the thomsom group. ahnet, u can take my slot.

cassey, thanks for sharing. There are quite a few points that I wld like to try for the longest time, e.g. having a break between the last feed bf bedtime but it's just not possible at this point becos Dylan will just be too exhausted to be kept awake after that feed. Neither can I bring the feed fwd becos he has his porridge at 6plus pm. The good thing is that he doesn't associate that milk feed with bed time cos there are times where his energy level is higher, he will be wide awake for a good 30mins bf he sleeps.
tinybubu, Dylan has a pair of robeez, a pressie from SIL who bought it from the states. Unfortunately, his feet is bigger than average. He was wearing that 12mths and above pair when he was 8 months. It is now a little bit too snug.
<font color="cc3399"> Seems like quite a few are still doing co-sleeping and nursing on demand..

SkylerMum, trouble shoot? Enough energy intake in the day to sustain him thru the night? Are you doing co-sleeping? WHOU... After your sharing, I must say I'm quite GLAD I decided not to do mattress-on-floor though my friend suggested it when I was preggers. Can't imagine what Kyle'd be doing in the room!!! He's all over the place whenever he's out of his crib. Maybe if you want to continue with mattress on floor, time to invest in a playyard like ah-ching shared?

bbjun, was surprised to see you at Nov Sq the other day. Thanks for calling out a greeting and saying hello to Kyle.

If Dylan doesn't associate feed with sleep then chances are he DOES know how to soothe himself to sleep. So ok ma!

My issue is the sleep solvers all seem to deal with self-soothing to sleep. I need to find the secret to helping Kyle <u>STAY</u> asleep... not so much GET to sleep cos he's been doing that pretty well all this while. He's very erratic wrt sleeping through til morning.

He's eating HEAPS in the day (so much so that some mummy friends commented it's quite scary how much he puts away. SHEESH!!!) and he's getting well tanked up the 2hrs before bed. I guess I'm hoping that by trying various things without being too drastic, somewhere along the way, he might stop waking... At least now it's erratic (that's how I comfort myself), it used to be that he was CONSISTENT with the wakings. Now, every night is a surprise. HA!

Bluedream, prune juice helps in constipation? wat brand of prune juice did u get? where to buy?

Ahnetsan, J's mag mag straw experience is the same as G's! Actually i wanted to use yakult straw den i lazy and try on mag mag straw see her reaction first and viola! Also choke at first sip and after see her suck up and spill a little out from her mouth den realise she can actually drink fm it at first tried but she likes to play with it after a few sips and play again after few sips.. drink fm bottle is faster. haha!

Newmum, my girl has been sleeping on those single mattress on the floor at another room until when i finish my watching tv den move her over on my bed.

Dolly, K so cute to crawl out of mattress to the living room. U can actually buy the bed guard to put on his side and the other side is u sleep so both side safe. Dats wat i do for G. So far so good.

I tried any brand that the supermarket sell but dilute with 50% water. However, it only work for the 1st few day and A's constipation when back to normal. But think different baby reacts differently you can tried.

Yeah, the thomson branch is $40.50 for each lesson and if we sign up for 24 Apr (trial for lesson 3), there is another 7 more lessons. Each lesson will b $40.50.
thks for co-ordinating the trial class. if there's no trial discount fee, i wanna give it a miss. someone can take my place. I'm SORRY! (i'm not confirmed taking the package).
Csssey, yes i kinda regret letting him sleep on a mattress on the floor! but sleeping in a cot is not good for him either cos he likes to toss and turn sometimes 360 degrees, when he hit the cot bumper, he will wake up, even worse...

I have been trying alot of things to keep him sleeping and not wake up every 2-3 hours. Thought he is too hot, the next night I changed him to short sleeve.. nothing changed, still the same.. then thought maybe diaper wet.. changed his diaper.. 2-3 hours later he still wake up. ha! particularly in the early morning from 2am to 7am.. he will wake up about 3 times.

anyway, i will just keep trying..maybe the play yard solution will help.

Cassey: Thanks for sharing! My boy worse, he has been rejecting EBM... nanny tried bottle, spoon feed, straw, he'll taste a mouthful and refuse to drink. So cannot try bottle feed leh. He do direct feed though.

Creamer: hehe, we've shifted our bed to be next to the wall, and we put the cot on the other side, so both sides secured, left with the bottom only.

K has not been sleeping in cot after coming back, he'll cry when I put him there. And depends on mood, he'll wake up and refuse to get back to sleep!

SkylerMum: Same here, my boy also likes to wake between 2 to morning!
