(2009/06) June 2009 MTBs

aiyoh! the babies so cute... ecmom, i agree yours look like cny ad...

anyone has part-time helper to recommend for sembawang area? i was a bit too slow in confirming the one recommended by bbjun, now she has no more slots for me...

hey, i got the bb macaroni too! i thought of start off with pasta star then the macaroni. i think they are yummy.

u haven give A meat is it? jayden's porridge got meat n veg n oftn so tasty that i wanna eat them myself :p

nope he going IFC this coming thur. hope he good boy.. kinda on milk strike since sat. used to drink 210ml all by himself. now 0ml start to pull in n out spill on over the place. use y teat he tk ages to suck finish. for no reason he like to suck the bottom of the btl. urrgghh wish a btl with both side teats is invented.

cayden so cooperative! nice pic! jayden now will crawl away very hard to tk pose pic.

anyone knows where got cartoon sticker w/ personalise name? i know there are pushcart selling that in shopping centre but now dont know where have... unfortunately the stall that papaya123 recommended at Jurpt B1 has moved... i wonder how to label the milk btl .. scare marker got toxic. n not all stickers can resist heat to sterilise..
HI mummies! Happy CNY!
Remember I posted not too long ago that my boy still cant crawl? Well he is crawling now!!

But that makes me very very busy. He keeps crawling around and pulling things!

He'll stamp he feet and cry very loudly when I remove things that he is not supposed to touch. How should we react to this?? I just feel like spanking him!

He is also sitting up in his sleep.. Argghh
Ah Ching,

I just say no no to my boy and he will know what is no no after some time (my boy know aft abt 1 mth).

Sitting up...
Just put him down to sleep with pat pat if necessary. after 2-4 wks, think yr boy will stand up half way sleeping.

My boy still sitting up half way and will drop himself off to sleep sometime but sometime will just cry and wake up.
BlueDream: My boy was crawling around me, knocking his head onto me for the past 1 hour... he's very sleepy, but only when I latch then he sleeps... huh... latch too early he dun wan, must worn out his energy then sleeps

Cassey: What a cute pic of Kyle! hahaha.... my boy dun like to sleep at night also leh, so he started to get a bit of dark eye circle liao

Yoplait: Managed to find the one for babies 6mth+ at ColdStorage parkway, but baby dun like it leh! In the end I eat it up
Ah Ching: Maybe you eat your baby porridge in front of him, then offer him a spoon and see? I found that my boy likes to imitate me. So he started to drink water from straw and doidy cup, but refuse water when offered via other means

Tried to make veggie porridge using the rice powder, he dun like the taste and rather take the plain ones
And hor, when I make tomato porridge at my hubby's mum's place, she keep telling my boy not nice loh! Then later say better dun put salt and such... damn contradicting

Have not bought any macaroni..got this thingy huh?!?

TubbyMummy: Hope S is getting better soon! My boy lost weight from his cough earlier and seems to look the same then
hi dolly,
dark eye circle sound familiar. My girl sleeps late everyday too. Wake up around lunch time! How about your boy? is it everyday 12.52am? :D
fatmom, it's quite cute when she growls, cos it's not a sound most baby makes haha. But at one point when that was ALL the sound she made, I did get annoyed. She seems to have gotten past that again, and only growl once in a while, which is fine with me. Btw, she's ok with lactose, have been on organic fm mixed with bm for a couple of months. But PD just said lactose may make her diarrhoea more in this period, so I bought Isomil (which happens to be a HORRID fm, smells funky, and clumps don't dissolve, grrrrrrr....) Oh and I also buy Bellamy's from KP!
I collect it from her mum at Old Airport Rd, very convenient hehe. And I also bought my baby bjorn from her too haha, price very good. Gonna order some CB products from her soon.

Cassey, yup, still below 10th percentile. But hey, that's her MOVING UP already! Wahahahaha! At one point, she was maybe 1st percentile?? So many full month questions. Am planning her post-illness-fattening menu now hehe

dolly, hope K put back all his weight already... S seems to be getting better. Diarrhoea stopped (for now), but she still has fever that doesn't seem to respond very well to paracetamol. It'll go down, but not completely go away, not sure why... And yes, got baby macaroni! I believe it's just normal macaroni, but in very small pieces that's manageable for babies lah... I bought Bellamy's brand.

Reprimanding baby:
I tell her "NO!" and remove the item from her, and/or move physically move her away. S has a new trick now. She used to grin and look all cheeky when I scold her. These few days, when I raise my voice, she will stare at me with huge eyes, then pout for about 10secs, looking more and more miserable by the second, then finally WAIL. With huge tears. Sigh.
My boy also show me his best smile when I say no no. When I shout at him, he will stop for a while and wail 2. But as what his did is not acceptable, I will not go pick him up and console him. He will wail for a while and go find other thing to amuse himself.

My boy super don't like me to carry him (cradle position) when he is tired. So I will carry him and he will cry for a while and when he is placed on the mattress, he will try to self-smooth to sleep.

doidy cup.. I so tempted to buy.. seem like baby like it right.

Yoplait.. Do we give them the whole potion as one meal?
Hello Mommys!

Well, technically still CNY so here's wishing everyone a very happy and prosperous CNY.

3.5 weeks of break sure fly past and here I am on the 2nd day of my new job. CNY has been a busy frenzy period with lotsa visitings and activities. Not to mention the preparation for it has almost drained me out!

Haven't finished reading all the posts but skimmed thru some.

I guess our little ones are growing up well. Pretty much Dylan has become more clingy as well and would like me to be in his presence all the time. He would crawl to the play gate, call, cry and then wail for me if he doesn't see me. He just wants me to sit with him to watch him play with his toys. Good thing is that he is still well with strangers and relatives, as long as I am not out of sight for too long or he has enuf toys to entertain him. Attempted to use a firm NO on him but he doesn't get it. Haiz.

Sleep wise - improving but he is definitely needing help to hold him down to stop him from crawling and flipping. Else he won't be able to fall asleep unless he is totally exhausted. However, whenever he gets his freedom from my grip, managed to flip and moved to a sitting position on his own, he will be so elated that he lets out a super big grin that will just melt my heart. I will always smile and laff along with him to tell him it's a good job done. He is trying hard to perfect this skill at the moment and gosh, I am getting more tired than he is!

TubbyM, Good to hear that S is recovering well.
Qn on baby pasta (been wanting to try this) - do they choke on it since it's small pieces and they don't really chew at this stage? Not to mention, Dylan is still toothless (teething though).

Cassey, am always checking out the latest photos of Kyle on FB. At least, I know there is another chubby bub like Dylan. Was so depressed that my fren commented that he has cellulite on his thighs last Sat! haiz.

Diody cup - Dylan pushes it away once he knows it's water. Running out of things to try to get him drink water except to pray. LOL.

Will be back to write more when I have time.

Bluedream, I think babies are good with emotional blackmail!

bbjun, How's the new job coming along? Hope you're liking it. Re: pasta, the pieces are too small to block off babies' throats, hence won't choke. Cook it till soft, and baby would be able to mash it with their gums. And even if they miss out on mashing a couple of them, I doubt it'll do any harm. S doesn't have teeth now either, but even babies with teeth, they don't use their front teeth to chew food anyway, so not having teeth at this point is a non-issue. Their gums are mighty strong! And hey, men in general don't get cellulite, what more babies! Hehe...
tubbym, cassey, thanks for asking abt J. he's better now..but still got cough... wonder when the phlegm will go away...heartpain to hear him cough and breathe...
and my mil keep hinting and hinting give dunno wat chinese herb to eat, sure to recover one..last time J's daddy also got eat, he also recovered almost immediately! i hear alrdy sibei TL, sibei buay song. and dat boy whom mil babysits, she tells the boy's mother to cook dunno wat chinese herbs for his cough, and he recovered... but wat i heard is dat the mother gave pearl powder lor. dunno who's speaking the truth now...damn irritating to stay here!!

needless to say, i been facing her everyday at hm nw, except when i go out... try to siam avoiding any verbal fights. but at times really buay tahan her.... eg, last night, 8pm i was watching the chn 8 show and holding J while hb feeding him, and mil was in room playing pc games.. i dunno why but she must make herself 'exist' like dat, ppl outside in living rm talking or coaxing J to eat, she must make noise or talk or make sounds in the room... this goes on for like 1hour...i in the end, sibei TL, i went to clean J's bumper mat, and the toys, and on the tv louder to destress!!!! argh

today, was feeding J porridge, me lazy, haven been giving him any other vege or watever... so only let J eat the fish porridge which mil cooks... and i seriously think he hates the fish porridge, it's been like dat for days whenever its only fish porridge... mil decides to kpo and feeds J instead. so i hold J and let her feed. den he was naughty lah, slaps the spoon wif his hand 2x and the porridge fell on my hands and 2x on my thigh... alrdy warned him NO liao... den he did it the 3x! and i piak his hand. J pouted, eyes and nose red, but din cry, jus look at me like y u beat me. den aft dat, he finished his porridge wifout trying to piak the spoon anymore... poor thing leh, i felt so heartpain... din mean to piak him lah, but it's really irritating and frustrating for me.
smth to share-
someting suay happened to me over the wkend...brought J to upper pierce res to see monkeys.... despite me knowing dat cannot feed monkeys and i've always been against the idea of feeding them.... i was caught feeding! hb was the one feeding several times. and i only fed once, and i was caught by the NEA ppl.
and it's like drizzling le lor. damn suay, took my IC and say letter to be sent to my hse a wk later, and fine... my hb was still smiling and laughing all the way hm, i told him its no laughing matter lor. he doesnt believe, says most likely a warning letter...alas, he checked online when we went back, and to his shock, its like a fine up to $3k lor or even jail 6mths. den he realised dat its so serious.....alrdy told him liao, dun believe me...now me waiting for the letter...haiz...dunno how nw...

alrdy nt wrking le, no $ liao, stil kenna such suay thing. wat a start of the yr.

i finally renewed my IC ytd. hb took leave to accompany me go. wanted to do J's passport too, but hb dunwan...

i somehow feel dat this tiger year gonna be a bad year for me...mil stil says the only way to be good year for me is to give birth tis year. she says goats must give birth in tiger year, den goats will be good in all ways.... den i snapped back, alrdy no $ liao, stil wan to give birth, i will jump off the flat lor.and anyway, nw wat mth liao, by the time i give birth, tiger yr gg to end liao lor. lame leh. and wat if i end up giving birth to girl how? den become 'mu lao hu' (female tiger) haiz... and it's like 'sending goats to tiger's mouth'. wat good will it do to me sia!!
we started with porridge with pork but she doesnt like.. then change to silver fish still dont like.. so tot it may be too strong taste so now using only veg.. her porridge is still tasteless leh.. only sweetness from the veg.. i prefer savory stuff so need to add salt to taste

do u add salt or soya sauce? my aunt says maybe we can add kikkoman soya sauce.. i want to avoid all this stuff first

are u going to be hanging around when j goes ifc this thurs.. i heard most kids need 3 days to get use to cc

ah ching,
my gal also dont like porridge but like plain rice.. so sometimes i give her a bit of rice with baby biscuits to eat

i still havent try the yoplait..do u find it tasty? i dont like yogurt so dont dare to open

potty training
i bought the fp musical potty and she treats it as a toy.. keep on standing up and sitting down.. so we try to let her poo on the toilet bowl but she doesnt want.. we try to let her poo on the basin.. so disgusting but she likes.. now she pees and poos on the basin.. today just started this habit.. how? good to continue?

thank goodness i never buy isomil.. didnt know it is awful.. kp baby bjorn price is good.. but i dont know whether it will be a white elephant now. .it doesnt look comfortable to me.. her fatty thigh will turn red after 10 mins.. when she was smaller, hb refuses to wear a carrier.. now he says she is too heavy.. carrier will be better but she looks so squash inside

did u try those cooling plaster.. maybe it will work for her fever

mine will also pout but only if i show her the ruler.. no no doesnt work for me.. my hb says i am not fierce enough

re doidy cup
what is this? where to buy? a is using combi straw cup.. and she prefers it to drink her milk too.. so need to get another cup for her to drink water.. not sure whether get combi straw or doidy

i gave pearl powder too.. it helps.. or u may want to try the hou sao fen.. some monkey thingy.. same effect to remove phlegm.. u can get from medicinal hall

re safety gate,
any mom with lobang for safety gates and drawer locks? a can pull open drawers now.. and i cant find a bp for this
Fatmom, oh ya, I forgot to tell you, might not be a good idea for you to buy the Baby Bjorn, cos I think it can only take up to 12kg, which means you can prob only use it on A for a few more months at most. Don't think you'll get mileage out of it... I tried the cooling gel thing, pasted on forehead. It's very sticky, but it still keeps falling off, don't know why. I just give paracetamol like clockwork. Think her fever is in check already. Will still give before she goes to sleep tonight though. Prevention...
hello mummies!!

can finally spare some time to read up on all the archives. in the blink of an eye, our babies are aldy 8 mths old now!! so fast...... looking forward to the day where they learn how to crawl, and walk.

fat mom,
u can buy drawer locks from kiddy palace. they have a few types to choose from. as for safety gates, i've seen it at toysrus.

really very sway for u to be caught by the NEA officer!! but i think they got quota to meet one leh... sometimes i also canot stand staying with my mil. very naggy. and they dont take care of my bb the way i want them to. my mil is now not feeding my bb milk in the day, as she says milk is very fattening :S she dont want my bb to turn out being too fat. but still, milk shld be their main source of nutrients right? sigh
hi all!been a while since i last posted.hope everybody's fine.so disappointed.wanted to bring sopie to that Disney restaurant at Anchorpoint for her birthday in May but found out that it's closed down.LOL!now will have to think of something else....
fat mom: Just got a safety gate last weekend from Kiddy Palace. Was looking around places like Baby hypermart/Kingdom, Robinsons as well. Prices doesnt differ from store to store. Lindam brands costs $59 to $69. Lucky Baby $69 to 89.90. Usu they fit openings of up to 82cm only and you will need to buy extensions if your opening is wider.

ahnetsan: If NEA fine you, try to write in to appeal.
newmum0109: he just slept ... on weekdays he'll have to wake ard 8am cos I need to work. On weekends he can wake up around 9+ though

TubbyMummy: haha... at least your S response to your NO ... mine like on deaf ears

BlueDream: My boy can't self smooth to sleep loh.. I've to be next to him on the bed, he'll roll, knock at me for a long while before finally getting more and more tired, then I'll nurse him and he'll sleep

doidy cup: he started to put his hands inside...
Yoplait: he only take a few spoon loh

ahnetsan: I gave hou ning from Eu Yan Sang(similar to what fatmom said), very expensive but seems to work wor, so bo bian

fat_mom: better open the yoplait before it expires! It's not tasty though

Tinybubu: Nice to hear from you! hehe... so early think of celebrating bday liao?
tubbyM, well.. it's only the second day, so it's really too early to tell. It's good so far.

Thanks for the info on pasta. Am gg to try that out soon! Hope D will like it cos I am sick of creating so many variations of fish porridge. I don't think he is sick of them but I am tired of not cooking other things.

yeah, of cos, babies do not have cellulite but was just sad to hear that comment from a fren who has been trying to fatten her 15month boy. I have always tease D that he has sexy legs that makes all ladies go gaga over him. LOL.

Fat_mom, u can use dried scallops, ginger, different veg, meat etc. to make soup base (boil for 1hr before using it to cook the porridge for bb) for cooking porridge as well. Don't limit to just one item. U can always try a variation for different tastes. well, it's us as adults who find it tasteless. I am sure the babies can tell the difference. Ytd was the first time my nanny cooked porridge for D cos she used to just feed him with brown rice and rice cereal (two times a day). Since my break, I switched him to 3 solid meals, he is having rice cereal for BF, brown rice with fish for lunch, and fish porridge for dinner. Well, to reduce hassle for nanny, i didn't ask her to add veg and D hates it without the veg taste! He was protesting as he took the porridge the whole time. No choice but to ask the nanny to put some veg in. On a good note, I am glad he loves his veg (the reason why I tried cooking so many soup bases with different veg and also get him to taste as many veg that is suitable for him).

I can't use that ever since D surged past 9kg. It's just too much for my back (waist area) to tahan the wt and that's where bjorn transfer the bulk of the wt to. Have since switched to beco (can take up to 16kg.. or more.. I think, not too sure with the exact now). Love that carrier cos all the wt goes to the hip and it's a breeze to carry D even though he is a 10kg bub now.

ahnet, aiyo... really sway. Let's hope that luck gets better for you since that incident. I also agree with cottonbunny that u shd write in an appeal if u get fined.

tinybubu, wow! Take my hat off u that u still have the energy level to plan for Sophie's first bday! I am sure u will find somewhere that u like to celebrate her bday.

yoplait - YUCKS! I stopped giving D that after I tasted it. Even though he takes them, I really think it's yucky!

Bought doidy cup from a BP... I dun have the link to that liao. Anyone can help?
where do u put ur safety gates? My mum got a pre-loved one from a friend but so far I don't have anywhere to put it. My kitchen already have a bi-fold door.
I put it at the kitchen door coz my is a two way glass door. My bb will push the door and crawl into the kitchen. My thots are even you have a bi-fold door, you are unable to lock it unless u are in the kitchen. So the gate is also to prevent the child from going into the kitchen once they learn to walk/climb chairs and starts opening up drawers where there could be more potential dangerous items such as knives, sicssors... so still better to have a safety gate
i let jamus tried pasta with sweet potato puree 2day. he doesn't seem to like it
din finish, have to make cereal for him in the end. probably not tasty enuff. i cooked for about 8mins, but pasta still abit chewy. any mummies started on pasta? how long do u boil the pasta? and wat sauce did u add?

diody cup:
jamus tried it too, but doesn't drink much from it. he 'played' with it, keep biting the cup with his lower teeth.
how to appeal? the slip alrdy stated 'you did feed monkeys with biscuits'.... even if i write in to appeal, on wat excuse shd i give?

re: pasta
wah, wat kinda pasta you all give babies ar? organic ones? buy from where? bb can eat ar? not too big for them?
Bbjun I also had the same problem with baby bjorn carrier. I got the synergy so not much of back problem but couldn't take the weight on the shoulders - ached so much even using it for just one hour or two. I am also using the Beco carrier now. Love it !!! I can carry my baby it it for hours and still feel ok. Beco carriers can take up to 40 pounds.
<font color="cc3399"> fatmom, thanks for asking abt the BP! Bit late ah... so nvm.
I bought alphabet soup pasta though... comparing Bellamy's (is it?!) macaroni and that size, I think Kyle can manage just plain old alphabet pasta as long as it's nicely boiled. I'm a bit of a coward though. Want to move on to bread, pasta and tofu but not sure about portions so just serve as snacks or part of a meal nia.
So now I'm kinda stuck in a cereal rut. But quite happily so

dolly, thanks! Kyle loves the Yoplait baby yogurt. Then again, he likes the unflavoured super sour and tart Paul's. So I think he's got my sour taste buds. Did you enjoy the yogurt?

bluedream, I give a pot of yogurt for a big snack. Sometimes I mix cereal in with it as a meal. Sometimes I offer part of it as dessert after a meal.

bbjun, thanks for checking out Kyle's fb albums! He's learnt to do so much in the past fortnight. Crawling, pulling himself up, cruising... just yesterday, his pincer grasp finally seems to have emerged and he can feed himself a small bowl of puffs now. Although he often licks his entire hand trying to find the puff sometimes! Keke... Has Dylan's weight stagnated too? HATS OFF TO YOU for still carrier-ing him at 10kgs! I've given up since Kyle was 7-ish 8.

Tubbm~ &amp; bbjun, Kyle DOES have cellulite on his butt!!!! Crazy many dimples! I guess it'll go away as they slim down. (Maybe I should take a pic and post on fb. Oops... sorry Kyle!)

Tubbym~, do you reckon tofu can be served as a main or is it not filling enough? Strangely, to this day, I have yet to give Kyle plain old trusty potatoes. I meant to try them within the first month of weaning. But somehow left them there to spoil and haven't gone back since. Hmm...

So sad to hear that Skyla's stuck down rather badly with this whole stomach flu episode. Must be so taxing on you. I'm glad she still seems to be quite happy though. Can't wait to see her again

ahnet~, so sorry to hear about poor Jarius. I sure hope he gets better very soon. Kyle's got a bit of the sniffles at the mo, but nothing debilitating. We've just been using SnuffleBabe on his chest at night. And ermm... The monkey incident was rather unfortunate. But what rubbish about giving birth in what and what year!! I hope you don't get too hefty a fine.
ahnet, plead innocent that u didn't see the sign until u feed the first biscuit?!?? First time at the park, so dunno lor... :p

katelee, *high five! Yeah, I love the Beco carrier, too.

Cassey, seems like our little ones are learning a lot lately. Dylan has been doing new things each day of late. Pulled himself up ytd and gave me a super big, proud grin when he did that. He likes to keep re-doing the new things he have learnt of late becos I always clapped after he had done it. LOL. Am trying very hard to get him feed himself. The puffs are always in his palms and he just doesn't know what to do with them except to keep flipping his hands! Since Dylan is 2-3 weeks younger than Kyle, I trust that he will get to that in the next few weeks.

Hmm, can't comment on the stagnated weight becos it is still increasing...very slowly since he was 5ish-6months. I hope it is stagnating ard 10kg becos it's getting tougher now that he has grown more clingy. He has also been showering me with head butts, face hugs and kisses since last weekend that I have saliva all over my cheeks and lips everyday.
As for carriering, I don't really have a choice when I have to handle him alone most of the time. Some places are just not pram frenly and carriering is just the best option. Besides, he totally loves the carrier cos he likes hugging me every now and then when he is in it.

U gotta be kidding? Kyle has cellulite?!? I was telling Mom how chubby, yet muscular Dylan is for he has a FLAT stomach despite being so rounded. kekeke.
ahnetsan: Just plead for leniency on acct that it is your first time, eager to show monkey to your child etc... in hope that they will reduce the fine at the very least.
ahnetsan: Yeah, at lesat do something by write in to appeal! Think cottonbunny reason is quite good

cassey: Tasted the baby Yoplait and it's not really to my liking, a bit too sour

K fell off from my bed this morning! I was tired cos he latch every hour and starting at 530am he din went back to sleep. Was carrying him around and finally hubby bring him back to And just before 7am I heard a loud sound... he fell with the bolster! But luckily he's okay, cos I've a small computer bench breaking the fall + the bolster. So today we shift our bed and cot such that both sides are now "sealed"
oh great.. i just gotthe synergy n hb has only tried for 10 mins these few days.. not sure whether can last long.. shld hv ask around before i buy it.. i hvnt triedthe cooling gel thingy.. only bought for emergency.. dont really like paracetamol cos i always think that fever is good cos it means the body is fightingagainst the infection.. s still hving fever?

papaya and cottonbunny,
thanks.. will check it out.. iam looking for those safety gates that doesnt require drilling,if such things are available

tiny bubu,
wow.. u are planning for bday for sophie, by then ur son will be 2mths old? i can't do bday for a cos i am planning for csec on 10jun while a bday is 9jun

re yoplait,
do u feed yoplait when it is really chilled or at room temp?

thanks re the porridge tips.. hv tried dried scallops too and still no..

re bjorn vs beco,
can beco face forward? i tried beco before and the position was face inward and a cried immediately she went inside the carrier.. so didnt dare to buy.. she takes synergy better cos she get toface forward and thematerial is more cooling

my hb will be the one carrying so he refuses to buy beco cos it looks girly..

my gal like bread.. and sometimes we feed her mac filet o fish bun (those without skin)and shecan easily finish half the top bun..

re tofu,
havent tried that but we also feed her soya bean curd (without syrup) and she can finish 3/4 bowl of selegie bean curd.. hb says not healthy to eat bean curd so we stop

re potatoes,
she doesnt like boiled/steamed potatoes, only like baked ones.. even though the potatoes are the same type..mymom says baked ones are more fragrant
that's quite little sleep.. midnite to 8am is not enough yah?

tell them u were feeding your baby the biscuit and the monkeys snatched them away!!
Fatmom - baby can't face outward in Beco. But facing mom/carrier is nice and secure for the baby. Can feel the bonding especially when baby hugs you. machiam pillion rider on motorcycle kind of hug (that's what my SIL commented). Very nice feeling!
With Beco, you can carry baby on your back which I tried only once at home for a few mins for the fun of it. Din like it cuz dunno what's baby doing at the back so end up keep looking into the mirror to check baby out. Guess it's good for mommies who need to do housework?
cottonbunny, bbjun, dolly,
thanks for the advice. shall try to appeal when i receive the letter... hopefully can hor.

let me know if you find safety gates dat doesnt need drilling ok? cos im also looking for dat kind. TIA.

eh, dun thk can use ur excuse ba. cos i did wind down the window a little and threw the biscuit out wor.

haiz, shdnt haf admitted it was biscuit, shd haf said i was throwing out some white dust or fibre, things lkdat, and den monkey jump up and snatched it away, thinking it was food!!

why nt healthy to eat beancurd ar?
last night i tried giving J a few small pcs of gardenia banana walnut bread. haha. he liked it leh. keep mum-mum-ing asking for more. but hb say stop liao lah, dunno this kinda bread good for him or not.

i also wanted to try tofu, but no chance leh.

yogurt is served at chilled or room temp ar?
can bb eat yami yogurt?

yeah hope the fine is nt too hefty. will try to appeal. skali appeal le become more ex.

wah kendrick fell off the bed??!! gosh did he cry alot? hope he doesnt bump into anything.
<font color="cc3399"> Kyle's crawling superbly now. Plays (hide and) seek when mum's helper hides behind tables and couches
Squeals and chuckles when she emerges and then tries to scramble away. In the rush, usually goes flat on tummy again. Such a hoot! Mum's helper is a crazy fun playmate!

Digressing, I was at Mothercare, Parkway Parade today. Had knocked a 'rack' of little girls' sandals over with the front wheel of stroller so was on the floor picking things up. *Super unglam* Then I hear someone saying "Hello, are you Kyle?" I figured, Duh. His beanie pillow says Kyle. So obviously he must be Kyle right?

The lady asks again "Are you Kyle?" And I got up to look. Realised current travel pillow is the one with only "Justus Jr." printed on it so answered, ya ya ya.. Sorry. He IS Kyle. How did you know?!" And turns out... it's one of our (not-actively-posting-anymore) forum mums! She recognised Kyle from the pics she'd seen. What a coincidence!

Hey Chris~, if you're reading this, thanks for saying hi!</font>
<font color="cc3399"> bbjun, I know Kyle used to have cellulite. I'm positive cos I laughed about it. Must check his butt out again tonight or one of these nights after his bath. HA! Babies are SO persistent. They just keep trying and trying and practicing all day. It's amazing how they don't tire of it. And hey, I thought Kyle's pincer a bit belated... Maybe not then! At least it's finally emerged. Yippee!

dolly, maybe it'll be better if you add fresh fruit to it. Kyle likes it as it is but I like it with fresh bananas or what-not. But anyway, just skip it la. Not very cheap either.

Don't worry. You're not alone. Kyle has fallen off bed, couch, bed, seat... several times now. So often it isn't a rare incident I'd post anymore. HAHA! Just yesterday he took a bad tumble right off the couch. Thank the Lord for protection as he went down head first but a little cushion went before him and shielded him from any major impact.

Same thing, he fell off our very high bed (I'm 1.7m and can dangle my legs off side without feet touching floor) once when dad was supposed to be watching him but fell asleep. By God's grace, bolster went before him. Quite a traumatic sight cos I saw him go over the edge but couldn't catch him. And saw his FACE impact first, bouncing off the bolster. Quite horrific. But praise God he only had a rude shock but no injury. Do you feel better now?

fatmom, I feed yogurt chilled. Sometimes straight from fridge (esp. on hot days) and sometimes after it's stood for some time, but before it gets to room temp. Kyle loves bread too! It must taste quite sweet and yummy. I adore bread myself and always pinch from burger buns, tim sum paos and bagels and stuff to offer to him.

ahnet~, glad to know Jarius is better now. And as per my reply to fatmom, I give Kyle yogurt chilled. I figure it's good for him to taste a wide variety of taste, textures, so why not temperatures? Shelisa also gave Sermaine Yami, but I posted some time ago, Yami is rather too sweet for babies in my opinion... So maybe not.
then u may be fined for littering instead! maybe its less hefty.. but cwo is embarassing :D

there's a BP for BabyTV now. Its $12 for each title. Is that expensive?
newmum : I know Giant is selling it for $14.90 each.Why dont you consider subscribing to the BabyTV channel?It's $4 each month and you get BabyTV 24 hours a day.
Hi mummies, no time to do OT just glance thru... jayden just went half day IFC. cried half hr then we left. theteacher says he plays after that n eating well. i hope he respond better tomolo full day the 1 march onward will be on his own.

am still pumping once a day wonder if i can still have some milk for him for long. but on the other hand wanted to totally stop n think that 100ml so little prob cant help his immunity..

initially, i will mk the stock then trf to slow cooker to cook porridge. that is b4 he start eating meat so i mk the stock for the taste. just ribs or chk bones, sweet corn w/ carrot or potato w/ carrot. sometimes i will add shelisa's iken bilis powder as well. he been tking that ard 3wk then i started throw meat direct to slower cooker to cook then tk out to chop. wn i add meat directly to slow cooker i dont put in right frm the beginning. my MIL say put early, throw away the tasteless meat but i rather let him have the texture and dont wanna cook too long lost the nutrients. i add in ard 20-30min before i about to off switch.

that's really very suay leh.. aiyoh just once got caught.say u not aware of the law lor (is there notice there? if have then jialut cant run), say 1st time brg bb to see monkey got carried away ask for leniency.. usually if u dare to write it plead they will give lightly punishment for 1st timer..

jarius so good boy already. jayden keep putting fingers into his mouth wn i feed then his dirty hand touch everyw, i shout also no use he cry n cry. end up i also give in let his put in. i find it very hard to feed him outside these days. need to wash the handtowel many times during his feed, not economic n environment friendly to use wet tissue.

so what brand yogurt u give? i'm thinking of trying but too scare to try without confirmation..
Hi mummies, not logging in that often nowadays cos busy juggling work and baby. Quite tiring cos Aug is still waking up quite a number of times at nite and he refuses to go back to his own mattress after the early morning feed so he stays on my bed till he wakes up. Hope it doesn't become a habit.

He is starting to walk and stand with support and skipping the crawling stage altogether. He is still dragging his body and not crawling on his knees yet. He is alot more vocal, expressing his demands thru screaming and babbling. He is also calling out to pple. Very cute. He is very clingy to me. Whenever he sees me, he wants me to carry him. After his naps, he refuses to let me put him down.

Re: safety gate
I have the lucky baby one that doesn't need any drilling. You just need to adjust it so that it fits snugly between your walls.

I have some Healthy Times cereals that I would like to sell off at a cheap price. If anyone is keen, pls PM me.
Cassey: Thanks for sharing... at least I'm not alone.
Still struggling w my boy now, he refuses ebm for the past few hours and I dun wan it wasted.. so for 100ml, he's been drinking on and off for the past 2 hours
newmum : BabyTV is until 2 years old I think.I subscribed to BabyTV for $4/mthly as well as the KIDS bundled pack (consisting of Playhouse Disney / CBeebies / Nickalodeon / Disney Channel / JimJam / Boomerang ) for $5/mthly.Maybe you can try it out for 1 month and if you dont like it,you can always call SH to cancel the channels. =]
Stress of being a parent - Quick Survey - help a grad student

Thank you to those who have completed my survey! I have until March 1 to get a few more responses so I can begin my research project. Can you share this with other parents you know? I really appreciate the help and am so excited about studying in your country! The study is to learn more about couple's relationship as they take on the role of parenthood.

The following people are invited to take the 5-minute survey:
* Have you had your first (and only) child in the past six months to 24 months?
* Do you live with the co-parent?
* Is it the first child for both partners?

To start the survey, please click the link below or copy and paste it into your Internet browser.


Robyn Maley
It seems that most of us are experiencing the same 'prob' with our babies.
It has been crazy for me the last few days. Busy baby proofing the house.
My boy has been pulling himself by supporting on the coffee table and chewing the table corner! So worried he is going to knock his head!

Bluedream:He was sitting up and clapping his hands in his sleep few nights ago. My sisters and sil say he is 'Hambin'. Dunno what that means. Luckily he stopped that last night.

Dolly/Fatmom: I have stopped giving my boy porridge. I gave him rice soaked in soup and he ate 2 tbsp. He is refusing his cereal now. Sigh.
Altho many advice cannot give salt or sugar to baby, I have relented. I just give him eat adult food. It is better than he not having any solids.

createjoy: How do you feel abt putting your baby at infant care? I found a part-time job, but when I think put baby in infant care, I very bu se de..

RE: carrier
I'm using Pikkolo and I love it. I went to the shop at Square II and tried the diff types of carrier.

RE: Sippy cup/ drinking water
I'm using the Nuby cup with silicon teat. My boy took to it easily and likes to drink water from it.

RE: Baby tantrum and crying
My boy has been crying for no reason. And it is those very loud cries with lotsa tears. Anybody know why babies are behaving like that?!!

RE: Telling baby No No
I tried to do that but my boy will still stamp his feet and arched his back and cry cry cry, his daddy was so angry and threatened to spank him...
Today I saw my boy 'geking' and I quickly took off his diapers and put him on the bowl..
His ern ern did not dropped into the bowl and curled ard his butt.
I had to clean him and got all my hands dirty.
Mummies who let baby ern ern into the bowl, how did you manage it?

Gave my boy cheese today and he vomitted it out together with his milk. yucks.

thanks! will give it a try. Sure sounds like sophie is watching lots of tv! as for my girl, sometimes 1 hour twice a day during meal times which can really stretchhhh....!

would like to hug together and cry. My girl struggles to sleep past few nights as well. Its a real torture for us isn't it. In fact, she woke in the middle of the night and made lots and lots of noise. It was like a bad nightmare which never ended till the sun came out.

Ah ching,
hambin sounds cute but scary! mommies, isn't it a bit too early to toilet train? i've read in amazement about cassey and other mommies' success with it and i'm still scratching my head. Did you all skip training pants and stuff? Here i am still grappling with the baby stuff.. like solids and sleep!
