(2009/06) June 2009 MTBs

congrats that u got a job! yah u are right! after being a SAHM for many months and hving to wake up early is tough.. u have to start gearing up and get yrself adjust to sleep-wakey early pattern these few weeks, YOU CAN DO IT!!

tubbymummy/katelee/Styliciously / newmom2009,
hahahaa... we are in the same boat, we are so addicted in shopping for our girl eh... Marilyn has 2 wardrobes full of clothings and pretty socks and is already stuffed full. My hubby objected to placing her clothings in his wardrobe, and so lately, I have been placing new clothings in her Gor Gor's cabinet...sssshhhhhh (hush hush)...better not let my hubby know...LOL!!

Marilyn doesn't have much hair and is a pity we can't get any hair-clips, etc.. she only has a couple of head-bands.

I believe it was becos' when I had my #1 son, i wished that i could have a baby girl. I was "badly-deprived" of dressing up a baby girl, and now that this opportunity has arrived, how could I missed it!! hahhaaa..

we have a habit of getting her a new toy every month to celebrate her reaching a "new month", and this has been ongoing..

This coming Tuesday, she will be 8-months old and receiving another new toy ...and of course, ANG-BAOs!!

LOL!i seriously need to look into family planning after I give birth this time.LOL!

I'm actually 7 months preggers now and starting to slow down....Did you have any MS?
bubu - Puke a few times...better comparing to having kirsten. now still feel stuffy n burpy thou..cannot stand seafood and having poor appetite..hope it goes off fast!
Hopefully can know gender by next mth..hehe

bbmarilyn - thanks! but no tonic as of now, cos i dunno when i'll jus let it go down the drain..haha
fifi : you're heading towards your 2nd trimester so that will be much better than the first.remember to take care of yourself because a lot of people told me that it takes 1 year for your womb + body to totally recover from birth + previous pregnancy.so since we're pregnant again before the 1 year time frame, we need to rest more and have a better diet.

remember the Fish Oil!!!
fifi: Congrats! Wow... our June MTB pretty good siah!

This morning was not rushing for me at first, I could prepare myself nicely and still got around 5 minutes to spare. Then when I start to wake up my boy and wanna change diaper before going off, found that Kendrick had POOed!!!! Miss the bus because I need to clean him up! Now no wonder he keep waking up at night

Think my boy tried to stand up with feet and hands on floor and butt pointing high high ... but of course not successful lah
fifi, Congrats!

Ah Ching, enjoy the days now as when he start crawling/walking, there are other things to worry.

My boy is super sticky now. Not sure whether it is due to teething or constipation or just a phase. He also sprout his bottom right tooth yesterday. The left side is waiting anxiously too. It has the same height as the right's but has not appear on the gum yet.
<font color="cc3399"> katelee, how heartbreaking to have a rectal fissure at such a young age. A hug for you and a special cuddle for Kate. Poor girl. I might consider giving Kyle a portion of prunes every alternate day or something. Hmmm...

Tubbym, TUBBILITIS!!!! Anyway we're even! I also change Kyle about 3x a day. Haha... He usually poops in the toilet bowl now. So I change him once when he wakes, once mid-day and once after his bath.

Also, Kyle's suddenly learnt so many things in the last 2 days or so. He can stand independently now using his push toy (a gift from someone). But he needs me to hold it in place for him so it doesn't start rolling and make him fall flat on his face. He can go from back to tum to sit up, he can shuffle (his version of crawl) and then sit back, he can also pull himself up to stand and sit back down! I was SO not looking fwd to him hollering for me to help him sit down when he learns to stand. But he hasn't needed that. I am absolutely blown away!

styli~, aisha is so petite! No wonder she's so quick to stand and crawl and even cruise!

NewMom, You sound really thrilled so congrats on your little one's tooth eruption!! *haha!*
I've got a penchant for beautiful baby gummy smiles... I love their toothlessness.

Ah Ching, as per the other mummies, sit back (yeah right) and enjoy your bub and each step he progresses. Some kids achieve certain milestones quicker than others but by school age, it evens out so just enjoy your baby while he's still a baby!

<font size="+1">CONGRATS FIFI!!!</font> Was this planned? Whoa... June 09 mums seem to be quite a passionate and fertile bunch :p Wonder if other month's mums are the same. Keke...

bubu~ &amp; fatmom, I'm so thrilled to hear that you've got little soldiers following your little princesses! Prayerfully if and when a #2 comes along for me, it'll be a girl and I can be like bbMarilyn and go crazy with the shopping that I missed out on the first time round! HA!

bubu~, POPPING SOON!! Apprehensive? Looking fwd to meeting the new arrival? Just wanting to NOT be pregnant?
styliciously, im still breastfeeding but i think baby's weight gain is slowing down. I think from 5 mths till now only gained about 1kg.

Ching, Aug hasnt started crawling also. He just pulls his body forward using his hands, like a snail. Sometimes he lifts his butt but still not crawling. But he enjoys standing and walking with our help...
oopss! i missed ur post, congrats!!! wau lau u gals are so fertile ! anyone of u are c sect last bb?? is it true we must wait after 1st bb 1yr then can mk 2nd bb then the scar wont burst?

jayden been shitting at 5+am or after 1st feed wn fully awake 9+am. damn sian man, whole night keep waking up to cry and after cleaning his shit i feeling awake, by the time i waa slp he cry again urrggh... getting panda eye for CNY.

sigh hb still very pain aft piles surgery. sian CNY no going out together brg jayden out myself sooooo sian...
cassey : EDD is on 04 May 2010 but Dr Woodworth predicts baby will be out Mid April if I'm lucky!

I've had about enough of being preggers.No more heartburn and Sudden Midnight Leg Cramps.Instead of reading up on labour breathing techniques, I find myself reading up on IUDs nowadays.LOL!

Firstmum : Mead Johnson will send you the switchover guide when they send you the free 40g Enfapro sample.As for Sophie, we just substituted 1 spoonful of Enfalac for Enfapro and increased it every 2 days so gradually,she drops her Enfalac.Hubby was a bit hesitant to switch her over to Enfapro as he compared the nutritional content and found Enfalac to be much better.However, Enfalac is higher in calories than Enfapro and he didnt want Sophie overeating (or overdrinking in this case) so we finally made the switch.

Actually, we were thinking of ordering from a local website as it appears to be much cheaper than in supermarkets.And they offer free delivery but Sophie seems to be weaning off her milk now and we plan to introduce her to cow's milk when she turns 1yr old so too much milk might be wasted.
Hi Ladies,

Morning, just to share the incident with you.
Wednesday Sermaine came back from IFC, then her teacher told me her legs was bitten by mosquito, at first my reaction was ohh ok, y like that? She told me due to the hot weather today the mosquito fly in. at first I only saw 1 small mark so I say it is ok. Usually once sermaine reach home I will bath/wipe her again even thot the sch got bath her. When I apply cream for her I notice her both legs kneel cap folded area there got 2 big bite, then left thigh got 1 small bite, left hip got 1 big bite and left hand for 1 big bites!! I was so so stunned and imm call the supervisor saying why like that? Singapore not only today hot, everyday also hot right, then how mosquito bites those folded area? I tell them im very irritated and annoy on it, on that night sermaine didn’t sleep well at all, she cried and cried at least 20 times and she keep kicking her leg, and sleep half way she will suddenly move her legs and keep turning and turning. I assume it must be so itchy and she cannot say out and she dunno how to scratch. I nearly wanted to cry with her.

Thursday morning I called IFC and scolded the supervisor up and down and want her to call her director imm!! Bcos morning before I send sermaine to IFC, I apply medicine on her legs, those 5 bites become so so huge and got a high hard lump there, each lump bigger then a 50cent, got 1 lump ard 2x50cents size. I so so pissed off and want the school to send sermaine to her own PD imm before lunch time before I call MCYS to report them. So I met the supervisor at the PD clinic, the PD scolded the supervisor, he say it can’t be a mosquito as how a mosquito bite those folded area and hip areas? He said it must be crawling insect like bed bug or ant!! I am so pissed pissed off. Then PD prescribe her 1 oral medicine and 1 cream to apply. All the medical fee paid by the school. But I give the school a chance if happen again I swear to report to MCYS.

fifi, congrats!

ecmom, i PMed u the baking information 2 days ago, did u get it?

createjoy, congrats on your new job... at least u still have 2 weeks to adjust to working time and also to spend more time with j. enjoy it!

for mummies who got their menses already, is the frequency regular? i got it in Dec 09, took 33 days for Jan's cycle to come, but now already 35 days liao, still not here yet leh... anyone's menses also irregular? hope i don't get it on first day of CNY... that will b so xian...
<font size="+1"><font color="aa00aa">CONGRATS FIFI!!</font></font>
Eh, based on the trend so far in this thread, it's no. 1 girl, then no. 2 boy,! Hehe... Hope you get your wish! Keep us updated on your progress ya?

Think we're beyond cure wahahaha!
Now that katelee mentioned it, I realised I too have turned to taking over the kitchen. I have no more space to store baby food, and just over the weekend, made my hb clear out 1 cabinet to put baby stuff haha. I think I'll need to clear out 1 fridge shelf too, currently her stuff is all over the place. Reckon I'm gonna run out of space again, cos I just bought another load of baby food and baby utensils!! (I even bought toddler utensils, oops... good bargain mah, buy now save money hahaha!) But I hate packing stuff away. I'm so lame, the other day hauled out a pile of clothes that she (finally) can't wear anymore, and halfway sorting them out, I gave up. It sat in a plastic bag for 2 weeks on my couch until my hb got sick of it and dumped it back into baby's room... I really need to get those vacuum storage bags. Shall go check out bp now.

Cassey, nowadays S poops into HANDS. Sheesh. She did it the most recent 2 rounds, and did it before to my mum also. All at bath time. The recent ones, I smelled something stinky just before putting her into the bath, and just put my hand under her butt and a section of poop landed with an unceremonious PLOP on my hand. I shrieked. Then came a 2nd one. After waiting quite a while and cleaning her up, put her into bath, she did a 3rd in the water. Argh! Ended up "showering" her in the sink. Next morning, went into her room and thought there was a bit of a stinky pee smell going on, but couldn't find the source. Later found it was a shitty smell coming from the floor, and thought maybe there was a smear that I missed. Asked hb to clean the floor, and he discovered an ENTIRE POOP sitting on her bag of diapers! He was very traumatised hahaha...

The latest one, she was already in bath, and I had just cleaned her face/mouth/hair, when I smelled something stinky again. Quickly lifted her to check, found nothing, so decided it was a fart. But just in case, I made her stand up for another few seconds, and once again, put my hand there as a "landing pad". Then it came. Hollered for my mum to bring paper towels, and by the time I cleared 1, she decided to do another. Cleared 2nd one, wanted to quickly haul her to changing pad or toilet or something, she did a 3rd into the water -_-. So once again had to bathe her by alternative means cos the bath tub needed washing out.

Shelisa, poor thing, big hug for you and Sermaine! Poor baby, must be so agonising feeling an itch but not knowing how to scratch it. I'm glad you insisted on bringing her to the PD and making the school pay for it. I hope after this, they will do a thorough clean of their premises and think about getting some proper pest control. Hope her lumps clear up soon. So poor thing. *sayang sayang*

Any Madonna fans here? I was looking for a Wheels On The Bus video on Youtube to show S, and came across this video and thought it was mad funny! It's kinda like a spoof on Madonna's Ray of Light video.
hello mummies,
just came back from kkh.. i got another 3 wks of hospitalisation leave till 5mar.. though doc said i can go back to work anytime, my boss said he prefers me to stay at home during the hospitalisation leave.. well.. hope i still have my job when i return back to office.. haha

re amelia's constipation,
thanks all for your concern.. she is much better.. she still "gek" her poos but at least she doesnt cry or bleed in her stools.. it is kinda of funny to see her face turn red when she poos.. and she does need a bit of encouragement from us.. cos i think she is lazy and scared of pain..

re prune puree, she took gerber prune puree.. but not so effective for her cos she hates it.. at most she will take 2 teaspoons.. unlike kate who will half a bottle..

for her, papaya works better.. she can take a small bowl every feed.. been stocking up those unripe philippine papayas for cny.. scared no stock during this festive season..
so exciting to see kyle reach so many milestones these few days.. at least can report during cny visitations.. haha..

i hate it when those aunties keep asking her progress.. i dont think they really care.. just kpo..

i will call u next wk when i am free to arrange the pickup.. sorry for not replying earlier..

congrats.. and it is so hard to get a vacancy at ifc.. i am still looking for one near my new place cos intending to put a there when new bb is born

congrats.. when are u due.. mine will be due on 27jun but should be delivered earlier cos will be csec

re clothes, a is now wearing 18-24mths or T2 clothes.. i have already given away those smaller clothes to her cousin who is 5 days older.. very xin tong lor.. cos those pretty dresses never even wear more than 5-10 times and sometimes i just wish i have a 2nd daughter iso son cos i want to reuse the clothes again..haha

she has enough new clothes to wear for the whole mth of cny.. while i dont even have a brand new attire for cny..

now i am buying more neutral tomboy stuff.. like white converse white canvas.. and more blue colour toys for her.. save money..

as for her food, my bro said i have enough to last 2 mths during war time.. i think i caught the tubbilitis.. oops

btw i am splitting my post into multiples cos i just deleted one entire long post when a woke up earlier
fat mom

No prob. Hey btw, i have 2 small tins of Frisomum milk. Vanilla Flavor for pregnant and breastfeeding moms. Let me know. Can pass them to you. Both expire on March or April of 2011.
my first bb is csec.. 2nd one most prob too.. cos a was big at birth and doc guess that son should be bigger.. and since i had csec before, better to stick with it..

what is IUD? i am still having morning sickness.. guess i am one of the rare ones.. hate the feeling

sad to hear that happen to sermaine.. is she ok now? why need oral medication.. sounds so serious

can share with me the name of the ifc? now deciding btw pats and cherie hearts..

did u buy boon stuff? share share.. haha.. i was telling my designer i want bigger kitchen cabinets to stock bb food.. and i told my hubby i want to buy lots of tupperware to put bb biscuits so need lots of space too..

i also got caught her poo with my hand before.. so yucky.. but it still beats constipation

thanks for the offer.. i dont take milk regardless how nice it is.. only take calcium supplements..

gtg now.. bb wakes up and i need to drive her around to feed milk again..
Hi hi! I am like you! I will just put them in a plastic bag and sat by the sitting room. But haha .. i managed to clear them liao. Washed and hung her New Batch of New Clothes this morning! New clothes given by friend, relative and me (i almost forgot i bought them .. those i bought are for 6 - 12 mths somemore.. good thing i didnt sit on it before she outgrows them!)
But i think TubbyM, you win hands down la ... you are buying everything! I try to control control.

Hahahha .. i try not to let my hubby know when i buy stuff too. When i get neutral stuff, or foodstuff or utensils, my standard excuse is .. can pass on to my newphews who are a few months younger than my daughter! No waste, no worries!

hahah yes! Very thrilled indeed! And guess what? We spotted another tooth yesterday! This is just so exciting!
Well, yes, somehow they just look so good and charming with their toothless grin ... but i cant wait for the teeth to come too!

tinybubu / fatmom / fifi
Do keep all of us posted! Take care and be well!

Frozen Food!
I'm gonna cook tomorrow! Steam/blend and Freeze my baby's food for the next 4 days at least!

Re swimsuit, i got them from ON spree. Less than S$20.
Thanks for the offer, but i still have a can at hm n i take ages to finish. better not waste it cos i'm nt a big fan..keke

Take care! MS sux big time, i'm still gg thru this phase so I totally understand how exhausted n lousy u feel. I'm due late Aug.

I went thru natural birth for kirsten. so cant ans you on the c-sect qns.

cheers...CNY is coming..but my mood is jus nt here yet...
Cassey, yes you should add fibre to Kyle's diet on every other day now that everything is good.

TubbyMummy/styliciously/newmom2009/bbmarilyn, i love to buy stuffs but hate it when my house gets cluttered up. Even thought of renting those storage room to store my stuffs. Think it costs around $70 a month. Maybe we should all share to rent one so we can continue with our buying. haha
katelee, ON = Old Navy
Go to the spree section of this forum, I'm sure there's at least one ongoing. And don't you give us ideas on how to keep spending! hahahahaha

newmom2009, don't like that leh... I'm not so bad haha. A LOT of her clothes were gifts from relatives. Which is really nice of them, all mailed to us from overseas some more. But I still bought a few things cos I want to buy clothes for MY baby mah... But I really limit myself these days. Haven't bought a single item of baby clothing for 2mths I think. But I bought shoes. Oops!

fatmom, ooh... you haven't done reno for your kitchen, so you can control how much cabinet space you need! And yes, I bought the Boon stuff! Hehe... how to resist, I really like their stuff. And this Reen is another terminal tubbilitis case, so obviously she wasn't a good influence on me haha. Now headache cos no space to store the utensils... She said the items are arriving tomorrow. You wanna go to her place together some time next week to collect?
NewMom/Tubbymummy, I really have no patience for sprees leh. I like instant gratification so can't wait the usual 4-6 weeks for them to close the BP/Spree and then wait for shipment to come. I will usually order from the US site direct and arrange for the stuffs to be shipped to my Borderlinz postal address. These days have not been doing that cuz the shipping charges usually costs me a bomb. haiz
Happy Chinese New year to all! busy with preps everyone?

this morn aisha had slight fever so kena rejected by ifc. teething on turning 8 mths. she's a koala bear at times. having separation anxiety: so tiring caring for her, now resting in bed!

cassey, bbaugstine
ya she v small n skinny. but I like when using bb carrier n her skinny legs dangling. haha! actually her peak was at 6.8kg at 5-6 mths. bfed babies then to b leaner esp if latch on demand.

poor sermaine! must b heart pain. y dunt u just report to mcys so next time maybe will affect their lisence when they renew. insect bites are v hard to heal esp when it develop into bumps. u shd insist they replace the cot mattress too since its likely infested with bugs. I not so happy with ifc teachers attitude now. really like dunt want to take care of aisha. they pass remark in chinese thinking I dunt understand. maybe will transfer her once she's 18mths coz the teachers there mostly v crappy
TubbyMmmy - Must be traumatising to clean up after S poos in her bath water. Hope it's just coincidental and not real penchant to poo in water or hand
haha.. terminal is the word.. she is definitely not a good influence.. was so tempted by her to buy the bath organiser but managed to check myself in time cos amelia is too big for her tub now.. u shld see her place.. all rainforest stuff eg jumperoo, high chair, rocker, mat.. i tot i spent a lot on my amelia but she wins hands down

she did say before stock is arriving b4 cny but i think she also need time to sort out.. let me know when u are free to go.. i can go anyday as long as it is not a holiday..

all mummies,
happy cny and valentine's day.. can collect money already.. payback time.. haha
hi mummies,
still haven finish my spring cleaning, come in and say

<font color="ff0000">HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR</font>
katelee, I dropped you a PM, go check ya?
Was gonna text you, but seemed too lengthy to text haha. I join sprees only when i don't DESPERATELY need that thing. Shipping is definitely cheaper this way. My folks will be back from US in Aug, they are SO gonna be bringing home luggages full of stuff for me! Oh wait, they are limited to 1pc of luggage per pax. Darn. Must rethink my devious plan...

fatmom, Ya ya, when I gave her my order, she got tempted all over again, and wanted to order even more stuff! haha
Maybe next thur? I can go any day too, cos I have no visitations to do, super free. Yesterday she confirmed that stock will come today. Think for this, she has nothing much to sort out, cos only the few of us ordered I believe. I already got my other Organix stuff from her.
Happy Chinese New Year!
hehe, today Kendrick can pull himself up ... by holding on to my cousin's arm cos he eyeing on the bowl of food she's holding! hahaha
congrats fifi! n also createjoy for your new job!

wishing all mommies n their precious bbs happy cny and good health!
hello mummies! happy lunar new year to all!

it's been some time since my last post. now teaching so it's taking up all my time. and after school im with Alya all the time. after all that's why i took on teaching job so i can have more time with her!

life's really good now.

Alya's eating porridge 2 to 3 times a day, depending whether breakfast my mum gives her cereal or porridge. in between she takes about 100ml of BM. my BM is at it's absolute low. i have not been pumping at school cos no time, super duper guilty cos Alya deserves more milk. today didnt pump for almost 24hours and no engorgement. am working on upping it.

Alya doesnt take so well to jarred foods, maybe cos i dont let her take much of it. she loves HT Cabana Banana and some others which has banana. BANANA GIRL! other than that, she likes steamed apples, carrots, prunes and raisins...hmmm...cant remember now what else she takes...

she just recovered from serious bout of fever last week, now im the sick one from all the sleepless nights.

im losing myself in the new job, should take some time to catch up with friends here again. off to sleep now, nights!
TubbyMummy thanks. Will check out my email for your message. Passengers are entitled to 2 pieces of luggages each for flights to/from States leh. So between both your parents, they should have 4. Should shop for Leapfrog stuffs cuz they should be loads cheaper there. My FIL will be visiting my SIL in Vegas next month. Hmmm I should better get busy with my online shopping too. Let's compare notes yeah. Hee hee
caramelle, HI!! Haven't "seen" you in a while, and was wondering about your new job. Glad that you're loving it!
You sound very busy, do take care of yourself ya? Hope you'll be free at some point to meet up with us.

katelee, my parents are booked on some domestic flight between LA and Vegas, and I think that airline (not sure which, maybe Southwest??) only allows 1pc of luggage. And then, because it's not the same airline for their whole journey, their luggage doesn't get checked through, so they have to collect their luggage in between and lug it to the another terminal to catch their next flight. 2 old folks nearing 70yrs old, I doubt they can handle 2pcs of big luggage each... So I have to buy very selectively haha.
<font color="cc3399"> bubu~, soon soon soon... I'm hoping for a speedy and textbook labour and delivery for you.
Do keep us posted when the time comes!! Are you active on the April 2010 MTBs thread?

Tubbym~, whoa... Skyla is SUCH an advanced and considerate darling. She knows that on hand is easiest to clear ma. Just collect and chuck into toilet bowl *WWWAAAHAHAHAHAHAAA*
Ermm, I'm baffled. How did the poop on her bag of diapers get there huh? Skyla seems to be going an awful LOT! Does it help to do an anus check? Kyle's flares when he's getting ready to do the deed... so we just hold him above the bowl and mmm-mmm and wait.

styli~, I beg to differ hey! My breastfed baby is A HUGE SUMO LOR. There was a kid 17y/o and walking fabulously at CNY... I asked his weight. Dad said 9kg. Hmm... can't wait for Kyle to start losing weight so I can throw him in the air longer

fatmom, whoa piangZ, new milestone. On 1st day of CNY, ULTIMATE UBER separation anxiety set in without warning and with a vengance. Kyle become crazy cry-ie and clingy even with the same bunch of brethren and relatives he's cool-ly hung out with heaps of times before. It's been an absolute nightmare. He cries everytime he sees me and he's NOT touching me. Even when I was having a bowl of noodles and dad sat him on lap RIGHT beside me, he turned around, saw me and wailed.

Today was worse. He can sit at my feet and try to stand using other people sitting around him. But once they help him up and he suspects they might pick him up, he starts whining. Goodness. He wept so piteously that his nose started running and he sweated profusely. SIGH. And here I thought I'd escaped this...
The uncles and aunt who came to greet him with such exuberance to take him away for a while were bitterly disappointed. I just felt hassled.

caramelle is finally back in action!! For a bit anyway! *high five* Kyle is a banana junkie too. He so digs banana that when my mum fed him banana scraped off the fruit with a spoon, he crinkled up his eyes and nose bridge and did excited full arm flaps after each spoonful. Grandma thought it was a hoot

blurmom, you doing ok? How's Day~?
Happy CNY Cassey, We are doing fine heehee... I think Daylon is really cheeky haha! He wants everyone in the house to carry him for at least few seconds. Then he just throw his hands and pushes his body towards the next person standing near him. So he was "circulated" and come back to me when HE CAUGHT ME MUNCHING GOODIES! Wahahaha

Best part is ~ His top is smeared with makeup and dunno how many brands of perfume...
cassey, one time was holding her, about to dunk into bath water, other time was already in water, both times butt pointing wrong way for checking neh... Hers doesn't flare so far in advance. Just right before the poop appears. Not much warning there. The only warning is her furrowed brow look of concentration, staring into space, stopping whatever she's doing. But that's already work in progress haha!

How did Kyle just wake up one morning and decide to get anxious?? Sigh... and I too had thought you'd been spared. Only consolation (and not much of one) - you're in good company!

Stranger anxiety: mum was carrying S, maintenance uncle from my place came up to play with her, she studies him for 10secs, and starts WAILING. So embarrassing. What's even more embarrassing? She does it AGAIN the next day. -_-

Hi Blurmom! Like that good what, you can relax your arms haha Good that he's so sociable
Hi Tubbymama... Heehee Daylon cheeky lah, Wanted all the pretty auntie and jiejie

How's everyone lunar new year house visitings? Busy collecting alot of AB for your lit darlings heehee...


hope everyone is having fun during this period and collecting many many APs for babies... also giving out lots of APs....
