(2009/06) June 2009 MTBs

Cassey & ecmum, loved the pics you shared. Ain't they just CUTE! In fact nowadys all the pics in my HP are bb pics!

Any mum successfully switch from DrBrown bottle to other brands? Am trying to switch Coz she no longer vomits after feed. Tried Avent and NUK but baby drink very little only. NUK worst she drink like 5min only 50ml usually can finish half of 6oz already. See her suck so hard but milk like not coming out. How to train her to use new teats?

Hi zmummies,

so long nevr log in...

wa can see that some babies can crawl already but my gal still cant.

How your teach crawling??

i see your also feed yogurt. do u feed the plain yougurt or the flavoured ones? Tot of letting my gal try.
Yeah! Its the weekends!! No work weekends! Gonna celebrate my niece's birthday, she's turning 2. Went toy shopping last nite with my mum and kids at tampines mall to get her pressie. Aisha was happily sling-ed all the way and slept when my mum took over. She must really like to be carried, very quiet all the way, no fussing. She also got bad separation anxiety. Think now many mummies her are carrying their bbs alot using their carriers.

Aisha is a pillion rider baby! She likes that position, whether i using sling or bb carrier. She doesn't like cradle position in sling unless she's asleep then can put in cradle position.

Aisha's third tooth finally erupted!! Its the upper front tooth. She's been teething close to 1 month already. It took 1-2 days. Now her tooth is like a white line on her gums.

Ah Ching,
Aisha also arches her back very often everytime she protests. She can even do it until she flop flat on the bed or hit her head onto something hard like her highchair... Both she and Ayuni like got some thing going on.. who can scream n cry the loudest. haiz..

i like baby einstein but havnt really let Aisha watch yet. She wasn't interested when I put it on. Maybe the tv too small, shd try put on our living room tv. Before u know it, ur bb will ask to put whatever show on repeat mode. LOL!

NUK teats are usually very small, so very hard to suck. Aisha is using Step 2 Large feed hole. Its meant for thicker liquids but I use it for water and milk.

Any mummies busy spree-ing even though now CNY over? BabyGap so irresistible. Even tot of getting their cute headband to use for myself. hah! Haiz... unless i sell away my kids pre-loved clothes which are actually still in quite good condition (in fact, some not worn yet), i won't have much space.

any mummies have done much babyproofing? aisha tends to crawl to the door from her mattress. dunno to keep door closed or not. if closed, open slowly just in case she behind it
ah ching, Baby tantrum and crying..
My boy has the same reaction. He can plays happily at one moment and the next will cry with tears drop. I am not sure why but was thinking it is either teething, constipation or want to sleep. So I will apply teething gel, then ru yi oil then put him to sleep. If all fail, will just carry him and walk ard the house or use his toys to distract him.

Shirley, give yr baby more tummy time. But think some baby skip the crawling phase and go straight to standing or walking.

My boy having fever and is diagnose as one type of hfmd. Have to be careful that babies did not suck their thumb after they touch on outside stuffs. Think my boy got it from the playground.
newmum : LOL! Sophie doesnt really watch too much tv per se but being 30 weeks pregnant and having to take care of sophie can sometimes be too overwhelming.she's like a little worm.always wriggling and crawling away from me when we sit on her playmat.so sometimes the tv is switched on so she'll be still for a few moments!!eve if i try to carry her around the house or read books to her, she tends to keep hitting my tummy for some reason! i let her watch your baby can read dvds.

safety gates : i was at ikea yesterday and they have gates which does not require drilling.white and beech coloured.
<font color="cc3399"> c'joy, Kyle's had Yoplait baby and Paul's (plain, full fat) so far.
As long as you don't give the regular (read: adult) sweetened ones, should be ok.

AhChing, Kyle poops into the toilet bowl... We just hold him so that his butt is the lowest point and his legs are splayed and pointing skywards. It looks like some (vulgar) yoga pose... and whatever comes out just plops straight into the water.

newmum, I'm still grappling with sleep (Kyle's and MY OWN!!!) too. My little sumo is NOT a good sleeper although he's improved.

It's never too early, apparently. Some aunties (even strangers just on the streets/coffeeshops) keep telling me they started as early as 1M, most about 3M! *wha...?!* My mum herself started us early and kept telling me to train Kyle to poop at the same time every day (pre-bath). She says just lay him on changing table and mmm-mmm-mmm with diaper on until he poops. I didn't bother. He was barely 1M old at that time

Anyway, I'm not a KS mum who does formal/official teaching (whether crawling, feeding self, standing, flashcards, signing or whatever). With this poop in toilet bowl thing, it started off with us noticing his flared anus when changing his diaper... didn't want to put wet diaper back on, didn't want to waste a brand new diaper, wanted a shortcut to cleaning him up... so picked him up and ran to the toilet bowl. After that we figured, hey, since he did it great, why not? Here's the thing - pls don't think we do it all the time. We DON'T! Kyle still poops in his diaper pretty often (like 50-50?). Whenever we happen to note his poopy face and flared anus, we'll catch him and put him on the toilet or on the potty (just that ONE time)

I'm still on regular diapers... I'm not positive about this but I do think training pants is for when they're old enough to toilet independently, then they can pull it off on their own and go on the potty. I remember someone telling me that her kid got so used to pooping in a diaper that whenever she unwrapped the kid, she'd cry and "suck it all back in". Potty or toilet or newspapers all didn't work. She wanted to feel her butt nicely wrapped before she'd poop. Eventually I guess my colleague managed to toilet train cos her kid must be grown by now!

Shirley, don't worry about it! Let's just celebrate each of our bubs' new milestone regardless of what the other babies are doing huh? As for yogurt, plain, unsweetened pls. You can add your own fruit jars or homemade fruit purees in. Sweetened yogurts have a lot of sugar. Unless you buy those meant for babies (I think at our babies' ages, it's only yoplait baby. Petit Miam label says 1yr+).

Audrey, thanks!

Styli~, my babyproofing is mainly constant supervision. HA! Sigh.
At mum's now so can't really baby-proof or my dad will kick up a fuss.

BlueDream, OH DEAR! I hope Ashton will be ok really quickly. I'm totally not disciplined about cleaning hands at all, Kyle's or my own. *yikes* I can only be glad that with all the activity going on, hands no longer find so much time to make it to mouth. They're on the floor most of the time and on other surfaces like coffee tables, steps and shelves. Thanks for the warning. Must clean him up before letting him feed himself puffs next time.
AhChing: I'm using the rice powder fr Shelisa, well, din put much taste and it's definitely not tasty, but he took it so I've no urge to improve it

newmum0109: *hugggg* That night he slept @3am but din wake up for any feed till 8+

Photo w his 1t Yoplait!
Hi All Mummies,

I'm a March Mummies. Any of u using tollyjoy detergent (Powder type)? Interested 2 buy at a cheaper price? i had 9 boxes on hand to sell. Kindly PM me if you are interested. Thank you
Huggies Dry promo: Managed to find it at Shop n Save Tanjong Katong Shopping complex after checking out 2 other outlets.
audrey, Dylan switched from Dr Brown's to Avent at close to 6mths when his refluxes lessen. Attempted to switch to avent at 4mths but he wasn't v receptive to it and was refluxing more. Somehow closer to 6mths, he is just ok with Avent. Try giving your bb water with avent first ISO milk and perhaps after getting used to it, u can start giving milk with it?

bluedream, hope Ashton recovers soon. I try to clean Dylan's hands as regularly as I remember ever since he had diarrhea once due to ingestion of virus. Of cos, there are always misses. It's even more impt now since he likes to touch everything that he can lay his hands on... cars, car tyres (yes.. when he is in the pram while I am unloading things off the car), cans &amp; stuff at supermarkets.
cottonbunny, will you be renting your own tank of helium to blow up the balloons? I'm thinking of buying balloons too, but not sure how many I need, or how I want to blow them up (normal air or helium).

bbjun, katelee, I'm convinced to buy a Beco now! Hehe... where did u girls get yours from? And how much? I think I came across some website selling at $250, is that the normal price?

ahnet, all my friends write in to these authorities when they get fined for things, e.g. illegal parking etc, and they usually get the fine waived. So you might as well just try. Like what bbjun say, just say first time there, didn't see the sign...?

Cassey, remember that block of organic tofu that I bought? I give S a quarter of that, augmented with other stuff like cereal + veg/fruit. Recently when I was reintro-ing solids to her, I just gave it to her neat. She loves it. But of course, a quarter block isn't enough as a meal, I was just starting her off small. Most vile combo to date: tofu+yogurt+avocado.... yeech... But she supped it all up.

fatmom, S' fever has gone off (hopefully for good), thanks. I know Ikea, Giant and pet shops also sell safety gates. In fact, most pet shops sell Lucky Baby safety gates haha! The one I have (I think it might be lucky baby?) doesn't require drilling holes, it's the tension kind, push against both walls to hold itself up, if u know what i mean.

dolly, welcome to the club... oops... Apart from falling off the bed, S just yesterday fell from standing position and hit the back of her head, cried very hard. Then just now, before bedtime, she lost balance at my bed's headboard, and hit the corner of her eye, and cried till got no sound. Sigh....

bbaug, S is the same, doing all that pulling herself up and standing for few secs without support, and starting to cruise etc, so she's completely into that now, and doesn't look like she's bothered to learn to crawl properly. She does what looks like a butterfly stroke on dry land. My mum and my friend both claim they saw her crawl proper, but hb and I haven't seen it, so we don't believe it haha!

Bluedream, oh dear, hope A has a speedy recovery! If it's viral, does it mean he doesn't have meds?

Yoplait: Hey, how come I've been to so many Cold Storage and Market Place and have never been able to find the YoBaby?? It's not the same as Petit Miam right? But anyway I'm happy feeding S the normal Paul's full fat yogurt
Recently bought another brand, Dairy-something-or-other, also good.

Carrying baby: I've been carrying baby a lot. She's super clingy, esp over the last couple of weeks when she was ill, so I can't get anything done unless I perch her on my hip and bring her along with me. When she's being carried, she likes pointing at things that catches her eye, expecting that we will carry her over to it. She's been doing this pointing thing for about a month now, and she does it all the time! We find it quite funny actually, I like it
We touch our own pointed finger tip to hers and say "ET phone home...."

Gymboree: I signed S up for Gymboree! Anyone interested, quick quick sign up by today (Sun 28th Feb), cos Harboufront branch got promo. You get $30 off their package price, and get 3 free classes (can use free classes for any of their programmes that's suitable for your child's age, it doesn't have to be the programme you signed up for). Very good deal!

Cleaning babies' hands: I try to do that more now, and am very religious about soaping up my hands. When we eat out, I also wipe down high chairs with antibacterial wipes. I think public high chairs are disgusting...
hi mummies,

just a quick post abt yoplait yogurt and amelia's reaction to it.. i fed her one big tub yesterday noon and she had very loose stools at 10pm yesterday.. pooed 3 times.. and rashes at her bum all over again.. looks like she is lactose intolerant.. so not able to digest the lactose well.. pls take note.. my mom scolded me for not feeding her a small portion..

gtg.. my hb scolding me now.. bb
re: potty training
hey, im also like cassey, i made J do it in the toilet bowl, wif me sitting behind him and propping his legs up dangling out of the toilet bowl and den i will make the mmm-mmmm sound... so far, it's been quite ok. and of cos, i dun do it all the time as well. when i hear J fart and den i see his facial expression, if i managed to catch his facial expression, den i ask him to 'wait, mummy bring u to toilet', den i quickly bring him to toilet and den take out his diaper and put him on toilet bowl.

although not successful every single time, im glad im doing this way. and, as usual, SOME PEOPLE will come and say aiyo, no need so early train lah, babies wont know one lor.... dat really irritates my ears, and im sure you gals know who im referring to....

my mum also tells me to start toilet training him soon, cos he's like alrdy 8mths, she says when i was 8mths+, i alrdy can do alot more things than J, including sucking water from straw, poo-ing, and saying gai-gai.
i wonder if she's jus boosting or making me feel im a lousy mummy. haha

my babyproofing is my CONSTANT SUPERVISION too. hahaha. i guess im the kiasi kind, very scared J will fall and knock his head...guess ive seen too much of dat KTB's knockings until im so scared alrdy. and mayb a little tiny bit of paranoid. but im jus being careful. maybe to SOME PEOPLE, it's overly careful. but who cares!

i hope ashton will recover soon. oh dear, hw come it's one kind of the hfmd? i must make sure J doesnt eat his hands when he's touched anything outside. at home, i always clean up his playmat and toys etc.

gtg bathe J first. hb nagging me le.
What a tiring weekend...Went to Ikea yest to shop for some soft toys cos i realised I didnt have any for Aug...Didn't think soft toys were impt (not very educational=P and highly allergenic) but i figured its good to get a few that might serve as security objects or at least let him feel a different texture apart from his hard toys.

Cassey, i was reading your post abt your colleague having a child who will only poop in a diaper. I have a friend whose daughter is like that too! Her daughter is almost 3 yrs old and she will only pee/poo in the diaper. When placed on the potty, she will cry and cry and will hold it in. That really scares me. I am trying to potty train Aug too, but sometimes I forget to bring him to the potty after his feed. Usually he is on the potty when he wakes up and after feeds. We usually catch the poo but pee is harder to catch.

Now that our babies are much more curious and touching everything and moving everywhere, its hard to clean their hands after they touch things. Unless its something that looks really dirty, i dont usually clean his hands. But I agree with TubbyM that the highchairs at some places can be rather disgusting so i clean with wet wipes. Actually i think its good to expose babies to a little bit of dirt so that they can build up their immune system.

TubbyM, you are so funny...doing the ET phone home with S. I was giggling at the com=P Its so challenging to keep Aug quiet nowadays...he babbles/screams and moves around so much. His favourite phrase is mamamama now, always calling for me or milk...Today I noticed he was shaking his head from side to side. I checked on the web and realised some babies do that cos they are tired...hmmm this is new.

I notice Aug scratches his ears alot nowadays and now his ear has red scratches and dry skin. Any other babies doing this? I try to use calendula cream to soothe the dry skin.
Tubbymummy:Am only gng to the shops like the florist, party us etc to blow up the balloons i bought.

Safety gates: Lucky baby, Lindam gates are mostly munted by pressure. No drilling needed
tubbyM, I got mine from the WTS section at $150... brand new considered that she only washed and used once. $250 is the usual price... $230 when there is a promo.

Potty training - totally unsuccessful becos Dylan refuses to even sit on the potty or be near the potty. But not giving up yet.. but neither am I super diligent with it. My Nanny tries her best at it as well... but we have the same prob of not able to hold Dylan long enuf at the bowl or potty becos of his weight! LOL.

bbaug.. Dylan has been scratching his ears since 3 months old. His ears always have scratches and I am so immune to it that I don't bother to apply anything these days unless he is scratching far too much.
Tubbymummy- I got it from cozybabies.com.sg I think that's the website. Seller is Ashley who lives at duchess road. I got thr promo one Avery design at 10 or 15% off the Normal price of $250. It was christmas promotion at that time.
Ashton super like to place his hands on the newspapers and on the wheels of his stroller so I need to have extra attention on what he is doing. So sometime think he clingyness is good as he will be near to me and I can see what he is doing.

As he is having fever, pd give paracetamol. For his mouth ulcer, Leftose syrup and biotene mouthwash is given. Bcos of his mouth ulcer, he is evern less keen on taking solid. So 90% on milk feeds now. He has been diarrhoea, cough with rashes for 2 days. Will monitor if he get better today else will bring him to the pd in the afternoon.

S is super keen in communicating. Ashton just give me burr look when I teach him signs or ask him to say ma ma. Not keen at all.

Knocking and falling...
I tell ashton that he need to learn that the action he did make him pain. This is part of learning so he will not make the same mistake. :p I placed some small letter mat around my sofa and the areas that he like to pull himself up so when he fall, he will not hurt so much.

babies develope in different speed. Just don't give up lor. Pd say not as serious as hfmd but similar kind.

Toilet training,
Ashton just cry n cry n cry whenever i place him on it.

I also feel the same abt exposing him to dirt till ashton get the fever.
<font color="cc3399"> Gracious me! Kyle's now climbing up the 2 "free standing" steps that lead to dining hall. How to baby proof that?!
Not possible to install gate. So it's just me, my eyes, my hands n me. *sheesh*

Tubbym~, kyle likes tofu neat as well... i mix it into porridge n stuff too. just wondered how much tofu would be the equivalent of a meal n whether it'd be an amount he can eat. Ha! Anyway, he absolutely adored his porridge with chicken, pumpkin n tofu. And THANK GOD he was smart enough to reject it when i offered him it for dinner, not realising it had gone off.

So now i have to ask:
How long can rice porridge keep in a food warmer (thermos flask type thing) or in a slow cooker after it's cooked?

hi all,

i'm trying to do a bulk purchase for Healthy times products in order to get the discount.

If any of you would like, please PM me your orders. Collection will be in the north area. And!!! if possible, please let me know by today!.

cassey, porridge can be kept in a food warmer for i think at most 6 hours. After which, they will probably not be that warm.

In a slow cooker, you can leave it as "auto" so that it continues heating and it can be from morning till evening.
I wish Kate likes tofu like Skyla and Kyle since it's so nutritious.
served it with porridge and neat as well. She took 3 mouthfuls and then clamped her mouth shut and turned her head away. She's such a fussy eater. Constantly have to change the ingredients in her porridge. Have used, carrots, ikan bilis powder, sweet potatoes, pumpkin, spinach, broccoli, pork (for sweetness only), threadfin fish,.... My mom just bought dried scallops to make her porridge sweet. Will have to try that soon.
So much efforts goes into cooking her porridge but she only finishes off less than 1/2 a bowl each time. haiz
Thermos flask - I have 2 types from Tiger. I bring the smaller one (with plastic compartments inside) for short outings and single portion and the bigger stainless steel one out when we are out the whole day and need to bring 2 portions.
The small one can last about 2-4 hours - porridge is still hot. The sales assistant said can keep warm for about 6 hours. As for the larger stainless steel one, it can easily keep hot for about 7-8 hours. Porridge is still piping hot after 7-8 hours. I think it should be able to keep hot for 10 hours but I haven't tried it out yet for that long.
Barley water - has any mommmy given your little one barley water to "relief heatiness"? Notice that Kate's lips are deep pink and she has like Huo3 Qi4 breath (think due to excessive snacking on her HB puffs) so am wondering if I should give her some barley water.
Cassey - I wish Kate likes tofu like Skyla and Kyle since it's so nutritious.
served it with porridge and neat as well. She took 3 mouthfuls and then clamped her mouth shut and turned her head away. She's such a fussy eater. Constantly have to change the ingredients in her porridge. Have used, carrots, ikan bilis powder, sweet potatoes, pumpkin, spinach, broccoli, pork (for sweetness only), threadfin fish,.... My mom just bought dried scallops to make her porridge sweet. Will have to try that soon.
So much efforts goes into cooking her porridge but she only finishes off less than 1/2 a bowl each time. haiz
Thermos flask - I have 2 types from Tiger. I bring the smaller one (with plastic compartments inside) for short outings and single portion and the bigger stainless steel one out when we are out the whole day and need to bring 2 portions.
The small one can last about 2-4 hours - porridge is still hot. The sales assistant said can keep warm for about 6 hours. As for the larger stainless steel one, it can easily keep hot for about 7-8 hours. Porridge is still piping hot after 7-8 hours. I think it should be able to keep hot for 10 hours but I haven't tried it out yet for that long.

Barley water - has any mommmy given your little one barley water to "relief heatiness"? Notice that Kate's lips are deep pink and she has like Huo3 Qi4 breath (think due to excessive snacking on her HB puffs) so am wondering if I should give her some barley water.
<font color="cc3399"> I'm blown away. Kyle's been asleep for 2.5hrs and counting... *YAY!!!*

l'tulips, it's been so long!!!!
Thanks for the heads up on porridge. And I WOULD like to order HT... but last round, I ordered cos I wanted their meat jars. Since ordering, ordered teethers and cereal too. Ended up, everything came BUT the meat jars. ARGH!!!!

Can I order, but meat jars are OOS again, cancel the whole lot? *oops*

Kate~, WAHAHA! Kyle's the opposite. He kept opening up wide and straining towards the spoon. I had to tell him to be patient pls! while I got the next spoonful ma. Silly little man. And ya, I hear of ppl taking hours to cook porridge and baby rejects. *sad* I think I shall stick to my piyopiyo porridge cooking bowl. Simpler and smaller portion. Just pop it in the middle of the rice cooker when cooking rice and VIOLA! Porridge!! How cool is that?! Not very cool if you don't want to cook rice though. Heehee...

Wrt Barley: I think can give without sweetening. I haven't given before but some people have told me to give now and then..

bluedream, poor Ashton. He must be feeling absolutely wretched. Poor you too. Is he better today?
J has been scratching and/or pulling off his ears since ages ago...and every time im late catching him pulling off or scratching his ears, i find bit of blood in the ears or dat the whole ear is red. scary. dunno y leh. asked pd before, she said dat some bbs do dat, but it's nth wrong wif the bb de. i jus pull his hands away from the ear n tell him cannot lor. and i dun apply anything on his ear too. i jus leave it to heal on its own. haha

wah, i din knw dat shaking his head from side to side indicates bb is tired. which website u found dat? any other interesting thing to share?

yeah i also agree dat some high chairs at public plc looks disgusting. we always bring the bumbo seat out if we are gg to places like coffeeshops or hawkers. den jus let J sit in his bumbo. if restaurants, we usually jus use their high chairs. din cross my mind dat they might be dirty too, and i've never wiped them too. hmmm, shall do dat next time.

how's first day at wrk? and hw's bb coping at ifc?

how do u all teach ur bb to drink water from straw? i've tried letting J see me drink from straw, but he hasnt mastered it yet leh. im quite annoyed wif the mag mag nw, i find it quite stupid leh, got to adjust the triangular label so dat it matches wif the cover and den the teat has a cross cut on it, water doesnt flow out smoothly. and J likes to bite the teat instead of sucking it and drinking water. so most of time, i think he only drinks 2 mouthfuls , but 3 mouthfuls of water will flow out.
and im quite reluctant to use the stage 1 teat leh. wan to teach him to drink from straw leh. however, when he drinks from cup, he can drink leh. aiyo, but so lay chey leh.

if im nt wrong, i thk it's 8 hrs long. for slow cooker, i switch it from high to auto mode and den jus leave it from afternoon til dinner time.

for chicken porridge, wat part of chicken do u all give ar? wif skin or wifout skin ar? chicken breast, fillet or drumstick ar? den jus shred it or cut it or mash it? and jus mix it wif the rice and cook it wif slow cooker right? no need to make wat chicken stock and den cook wif rice right?

wat kinda tofu u all give? the square white big cube? from market or from supermart?

i jus gave bb barley water last saturday. my fil made it, but i din give him the sweetened one, so he only had the non sweet one. but bb only drank like 50ml only. first time i let him drink such thing. dunno whether ok or not lah, but i reckon shd be ok, since my food chart says barley is ok! haha
cassey, ha... yea, it's been pretty long huh. i'm more active on fb and sms. haha... i checked and only the raspberry turkey is oos. the rest are available. drop me an email or pm, k?

barley water - checked with PD before and it's ok to give barley water as long as it's not sweetened.
Lovelytulips, Anetsan and Cassey - thanks for your feedback. Yeah will go ahead and give Kate unsweetened barley water.

Cassey - all i can say is you are so blessed!! You don't have to deal with the issues of having a fussy eater or i should say non-eater.
Just having afternoon tea with S hehe... Me with my Japanese Bolo bun, she with her HB puffs. Sweet!

Katelee, since it's ok for them to consume barley cereal, then surely barley boiled with water is fine, no? I've given her before, about a month ago, to ease constipation. Not sure if that actually works to ease constipation, but thought it can't hurt to try haha. I even used it to make her fm instead of regular water. No sugar of course. Oh, and at least she'll take some spoonfuls of stuff lah... Some babies won't take at all...

Bluedream, poor baby! Big hug fr Aunty Tubby! Did pd say how long it would take for him to recover? Don't worry about the food, milk is nutritious enough. You take care of yourself too ya.

AARRGGHH! She's doing the poopy face now! Post more later.
Ok back. Yuck.

Ear pulling/scratching: S does that too. Not sure why. I just leave her be, unless she's yanking with force or something. Her ears have a few small scratches.

Head shaking: Means sleepy? Interesting... So far S doesn't shake head when she's sleepy, she rubs her eyes/face. The more sleepy, the more she rubs. When she shakes head, she really means she doesn't want something, like when she doesn't want food/water (shake head, purse lips, shove/swat bowl/bottle away), or doesn't want someone to carry her (shake head and turn whole body away). A few times, she shook head and made sounds that sounded like "no no". Haha...

Yoplait: Ok, finally found the yogurt. Don't like it. It's so runny. The "vanilla" tastes so fake. Won't buy it again unless I have no other choice.

Tofu: I bought Unicurd brand organic tofu. the rectangle block kind, can find in almost all supermarkets at tofu section.
Chicken: I use chicken breast, steam then shred/chop/mash/blenderise (depending on mood). No skin. The stock that comes out in the process of steaming, I also freeze those in cubes and use in mashed potato etc.

Cassey, the piyopiyo SO wouldn't work for me haha! I didn't even own a rice cooker until my mum bought me one when I moved into my current place
In the last 1.5yrs, I've voluntarily cooked rice..... eh.... TWICE. Wahahaha! The rest of the times, the rice cooker was only used by my parents. Now that they've left, think I can store it away to make space on the kitchen counter.

createjoy, How's 1st day of work? Hope it went well!
ahnet: I skip stage 1 magmag cos he dun like teat, stage 2 he just bite so I skip that. Stage 3 he's ok n after 3 days of trying he can suck quite ok. However, I'm using the doidy cup n let him sip... cos lazy to wash.. hahaha

bbaugustine: K also scratch his ear, I put calendula cream/lotion, seems to help a bit when it's too red

TubbyM: nanny just told me K was holding on to the playpen, did a hands' free and fall on his head too! hahaha.. he cried but stopped immeidately when carried by her.

BlueDream: Hope your boy gets better from the HFMD real soon.
Thanks Cassy, TubbyMummy and dolly,

Ashton's fever is better but still diarrhoea, the rashes is from mosqitoe bites. Not keen in eat solid as mouth ulcers still there.
Thanks Shelisa and Annie,

Today is the 5th day since his fever. Mouth ulcers developed on the 3rd day. I was thinking whether to give him cold solid. :p
Tinybubu, Currently I've cartoon network and would like to add on babytv and boomerang, etc channel.. However starhub helpline told me that babytv is individual channel hence it will cost $4 per mth. As for kids plus package (boomerang, etc channel), I need to top up another $4 for that... Are you paying the same amount too? I wonder if they have any changes in the all the pricing, as I'm still continuing my old package.

Baby tantrum and crying, Daylon been superb cranky for the pass 2 weeks. He doesn't nap that much during day, easily gets "mang zhang" (irritated). Added on, the weather is crazily hot! So both of us Mang Zhang together :p

Bluedream, hope Aston recover real soon... So lots of work for ya? Gotta make everything speck and clean. Hang in there...
Hi Cassey,

Thanks for the yogurt info.

Re: Potty training,

My gal also refused the potty. Cried like hell..Dunno wat to do. I want to train her fats as well.
<font color="cc3399"> ahnet, thanks for porridge info. Sorry for brief text earlier today. Was occupied. Did you let Jarius have corn after all? I think you mean magmag SPOUT, not straw. Cos there's no way straw has a crossed teat... Kyle's using that too. I gave him straw cos he almost got dad's cola thru a Mc'kers straw. But he sucks it up the straw, but doesn't seem to be patient enough to wait for it to get into his mouth. So I'm just sticking with spout and trying straw out every few weeks.

I give Kyle chicken breast, skin off. As for tofu, I just give the ones from supermarket that come in a rectangular plastic "tub" with a plastic peel-off top cover.

l'tulips, THANKS FOR CHECKING!!! Ok, I'm keen. I hope you hit enough orders for BP. I'll drop you a pm shortly k.

Kate Lee, I guess all babies have some issues that their mummies have to deal with. For me, it's his sleep
But yup! I'm also very thankful to have a good eater on my hands
Can't wait for you to meet Kyle soon!

Tubbym~, you know, Kyle has little scratches on the inside of the outer ear too. He tugs on his ears when he's distressed. And as per bbAug~, I agree. He does do a vigorous headshaking that is NOT a no. So I think it could very well be that he's tired. Although he does it sometimes when he isn't tired too. Hmm...

Bought Paul's yoghurt again today. But a different one this time. This is a "SET YOGHURT" and it's scoop'able! How cool! It's kinda like jelly or melty ice-cream. Not runny like custard. I like! Kyle likes too!

BlueDream, it's been such a long ordeal. You must be exhausted. Cold solids sound like a good idea... Sure hope he eats them well and they ease his discomfort and hunger both.

Blurmom, it HAS been crazy hot weather lately. I hate staying at home. Maybe hitting the streets will help Day~ and yourself? Hang in there!

Shirley, no prob! HILARIOUS!!! I read your typo - train her fats... made me imagine Kyle and his fats being separate and having to train the slim him and the body of fat both. *kekeke* Ok, I'm going bonkers. Anyway, for yoghurt, one more thing to note: do get full cream. The labels don't usually say that... but just avoid fat free or light.
hi mummies,

wanna check, is our bb still can use neck float?
I bought the 80x80 pool with a neck float mths ago, want to let Cayden play but wonder is it still suitable for their age.
i find baby einstein quite boring (haha i know its not meant for me to watch).. it only has pictures and sound effects/music, no spoken words like babytv. So thought of getting something else for baby to watch. Anyone familiar with BabyBright dvd series?

definitely tv is a good avenue when we want to hold their attention. must be tough on you now. even without being preggie, i'm exhausted. can't imagine how you are soldering on! Is the Baby Can Learn DVD good?
Hi Mummies who bought the play yard. Is it a good investment?
My boy fell today and cut his lips on his 2 tiny teeth. Really need to find a place where he can play safely.
I have a play pen but he cries everytime I put him in it...
Thanks Cassy and blurmom,
Sometime think constipation is better. Cos constipation only clingy n cry.

Now is clingy n cry together with need to chg clothes every poo with chg mattress cover if necessary. Supply of diapers and wet tissues also running low. :p

Blurmom, Bring daylon out is a good choice. He will be busy looking ard instead of crying.

Baby watching tv...
Do we need to be ard when the baby is watching tv? Will they crawl towards the tv?
<font color="cc3399"> Crazy Kyle wakes at 4.30 and wants to talk and play and practice his crawling and standing. ARGH!!!! ARGH ARGH ARGH!!! Only managed to get him back to bed at quarter past 7. ARGH!

dolly, your little darling only likes to play with the cool yoghurt tub but not to eat it?

AhChing, I don't really think play yard is completely safe either. Although I've bought one yet to be delivered. If they fall flat on their face, it's still going to be injurious... But it's definitely good for keeping YOUR stuff safe! :p

Bluedream, I think we always have to be around whatever they are doing cos they're so mobile and easily get into accidents. They're not of an age of comprehension yet when they can be so caught up with the content of what they're watching that they sit quietly. Kyle will DEFINITELY crawl towards anything. TV does not hold his attention. He'll look every now and then, but is more focused on the tangible things around him.
yeah i meant spout, did i say straw? ok, i dun remb. hahaha.
but i gave Jarius straw from packet drink or watever drink im using straw on, he doesnt knw hw to suck it out. all he does is he will wan to 'swallow' the whole thing down!! so greedy, wan to eat up the whole straw!!! but he still dunnno hw to suck using straw leh.... as for spout, the one im using now, if J is damn thirsty, he can drink alot and wont spill out at all...but if he's nt very thirsty, but i stil make him drink, he will drink 2 mouthfuls and den 3 mouthfuls spill out. hahaha. and den i haf to clean up!!

yeah, it's alright, i guess u bz wif Kyle too. yeah, i gave him some blended corn. gave some to the ktb as well. i guess he's ok wif it. today i put some corn into his fish porridge too. 2nd day le, think it's ok for him ba. anyway, it tastes so yummy lor, so sweet! hw can he refuse it right? LOL

anyway, u knw ytd i was using the avent steamer/blender to do the corn,den while i was washing, i forgot dat the blade is sharp! and i had a damn damn deep cut on my right thumb!! blood was like oozing out like no ones biz!! and it doesnt stopped bleeding! however, the weird thing is i dun feel the pain at all. until i realise it's nt stopping, den i start to panick a little... so nw im like handicapped wifout my right thumb. touch abit only damn painful... and last night hb was helping to change the dressing for me, once the plaster is out, blood came out again!! scary!!!

tubby, cassey,
thanks for the tofu info. will go buy some soon and try it out on J.

yeah agree the weather is damn hot!!! 35deg!!! hot like mad!!

hope Ashton recovers soon!
I agree with Blurmom and Cassey....Its so hot nowadays!!!!I wanna get out of the hse most of the time also!Its aircon every nite now for Aug cos its so hot. Sometimes im so tempted to switch on the aircon in the day also but our electricity bills have increased by so much so must save a bit unless it gets crazily hot!

Aug has been waking up 11pm, 2am, 4am and 6 plus....i feel like a zombie nowadays and he doesnt wanna nap in the afternoon..

newmum0109: The high chair is from IKEA, but not easy to clean, so nanny requested for the plastic white one instead.

Ah Ching: We bought 1 playpen at the nanny already, so decided to buy the play yard at home. It's really good! I will go inside the play yard with my boy at first, so that he dun feel so isolated. Then will leave quietly, when he cries, just need to step back in. I got the 4 panel ones, it's already enough for both of us.

BlueDream: Huggies got promo, better buy now...

Cassey: Was trying to let him play around with cold thing before eating mah...
Sleeping pattern is similar! When he dun want to sleep back after latching and I'm too tired, I'll leave him on the cot just next to me, he'll "stand" beside me for quite a while, but won't sleep in the cot by himself loh. Sometimes he stand, walk around for 1 hour before crying for attention, then I bring him back to the bed and latch him ... hopefully he'll sleep.

bbaugustine: K stay up around the same time too! And last week he woke up at 5am+ for 2 consecutive night and refuse to sleep after that!
