(2009/06) June 2009 MTBs

Ah Ching & Cassey,
How about the bumper playmat? Putting one in the playpen may serve as some form of 'cushion' in case they fall flat on their face (or even head). I'm not sure what thickness will be sufficient as I have not got down to buying mine. I remember tinybubu has one for sophie, in the cute crawling youtube clip. Mummies with the playmat, is it good enough to cushion a head-on fall? Tia!
the ikea plastic one may not be comfortable for sitting long in it, and i think the gap at the legs are still quite big for baby at this stage so do let him try it out first.
<font color="cc3399"> SuperBee, WHOA!!! Tabloid reporting ah! :p Was pleasantly surprised to bump into you today too. Apologies I was rather aloof at the end cos Kyle has been SO cranky. The staff were coming to talk to him, asking him why he's so upset. I'm surprised anyone actually saw Kyle SMILE at all today. Must have been at the beginning when he was still happy

bbAug~, why is Aug waking so often!? You reckon it's the dreaded 9M growth spurt? I'm glad Kyle's improved from being much worse. Hope you're getting some sort of rest. Hang in there. It's got to pass eventually.

newmum, thanks! I've been thinking about it too but am not sure I want to splurge on one seeing as Kyle is all over the place. I'll only put him in play yard when I'm in the shower or something... He's pretty steady on his feet now so hopefully I won't need to get a mat at all!

Re: Ikea highchair
Sis left niece's one at mum's and when we head out and use those provided, Kyle's pretty happy to stay in it for long when he isn't in a cranky mood.. I don't think the crotch bar is too wide... but if bub is small (or thin?), a little cushion on the back might make it more comfy.
agree its really expensive! for a mat! but hey,i guess its worth it for the mileage we can get out of it.

mine's still comfortable in her bumbo so guess we are on the slim side :D
<font color="cc3399"> Anyone has any lobang(s) for a bargain Pikkolo?

Heaps better than Baby Bjorn. BUT SO PRICEY!

dolly: how long can your boy stay in the play yard? does your boy stay in the play pen too? My boy cries once I put him in and wont stop until i bring him out.

newmum0109: the play mat can cushion sorta cushion the fall as i remember some mummies mentioned it previously.
the play mat only useful if baby stays at a fixed place. my boy crawls everywhere esp to dangerous places!
He fell when he was at the coffee table. released his hands when he snatched the remote control and fell flat on his face.

bbaug: my boy wakes up 2 hourly too. and must latch before he go back to sleep. i sleep with him so that I can sleep too.
daytime i take him on bus rides and he sleeps once I board the bus. he can try if you really zombied

mummy burnout
I'm heading towards mummy burnout...
my boy has been extremely clingy, whiny, screamy, teary and wants only mummy
even his playful face and smile is not melting my heart now...
brought him to PD today for a check up in case it's health related but PD says he is not ill or teething..
he is not taking his solids either and feeding time becomes a very testing time for me.
I've got a job offer now and is so tempted to put bb in infant care but wonder if it is really good for him esp now.
hi mummies no time to do OT roughly scan thru.. oh well, jayden is doing fine in IFC. very clingy once i fetch him after work dont know it's miss me or he's having a cold not well want me to have contact w/ him. the 1st day i couldnt even bathe without him crying despite keep the door open... morn when send him to IFC ok. 1st 2 days got cry then now no more.

haha ah ching u are in same spot as me. it really depend what u wanted.. for me i wan the CPF n $ independent. anyway i feel good to work again just that miss him alot so glad my job can knock off sharp n 5 days... hope it last forever...
if u decided to go for it u be prepared he will cry alot few days esp urs more clingy than mine. now is the time they start separation anxiety..

he's 9mth today! but having a cough nt slpg well these days hope he gd mood today aft work hope can tk some photo for him.
Hi Mommies,

if interested, please PM me

Huggies Ultra - $14.50
Huggies Pull-up - $14.50
Huggies Dry/comfort - $15.00
Collection at Punggol.
hi mummies,
been super busy with work and with lack of sleep, i'm drained!! coupled with my elder son in a super-competitive school, it's a challenge to coach him with his schoolwork.. ARGGHH!!

Compared with the rest of the babies, Marilyn seems very contented with just sitting up and playing with her toys.. SHE HARDLY CRAWLS!! we will place her favourite toys away from her and entice her to crawl towards the toys... she chose to roll over and pickup her toys!! LOL!!

HOw was yr new job? Happy 9-month of Jayden! am glad that Jayden is coping good in IFC..and hope he recovers fast from the cold/ cough.

how's Ashton today? it's heartaching esp when he can't eat cos' of mouth ulcers and cranky.. hang in there!! My elder son had HFMD twice when he was in the childcare, and could only accept cold-stuff like ice-cream and yogurt (it's more for replacing the loss of fluids as he doesn't want to drink water then).

how is yr right thumb? better see a doc if still oozing... take care!
found the sticker at cck BUT it's not heat resistant!! curl up after sterilise haha luckily our nice maryg printed some for me!

job ok, still new so v eng ..chop chop leave at 5.33pm past 2 days. supervisor is nice lady, chin chye.. GM treated me lunch on 1st day. everyday they jio me go lunch toether.. although all guys... but i still tag along. my lady superv is saint , dont eat lunch... so i no kakis..
same as bbaugustine, J has been waking up 2hrly or even hrly every night! i dun thk it's the 9mth growth spurt, cos J has been doing tat for months!!! and it's realy very very tiring

i plucked out the kernels, abt 20 den i jus steam the corn until they are soft (cooked i guess), den i blend into puree form, wif a bit of texture so dat he can learn to chew the food. den i feed J wif it.
newmum: i hv the playmat frm ssw. it's gd. does helpp tp cushion falls cuz hailey didnt cry the few times she bumped her head. i put in inside the play yard so she can crawl ard safely. mine is abt 12mm thick. =)
HellO mummies!!
good to read the updates on ur babies and their developments. Guess its the separation anxiety period for most.

Cassey, Ahnetsan
i guess most times constant supervision is the way to go. That's what i tend to do also. Its tiring so I will try to let her be on her own if she's not crying. Aisha has been more adventurous in her crawling. She will crawl out of the mat area/mattress to almost everywhere. I even let her crawl under the dining table and high chair. Once, she got stuck under her high chair when she tried to stand! LOL.. bad mummy! When she gets bullied by big sis, she'll cry and i'll ask her to crawl to me, offering to carry her. hahaha.. I bought an roomba last mth, so it really helps to keep floors clean for Aisha to crawl everywhere.

Blue Dream,
hope ur lil one is getting better! The HFMD virus is out there! Both CCs my kids going reported 1 cases each recently. Aisha no longer sucks her fingers at home but not so sure at IFC.

think Jayden misses u lah...esp when only get to see u in evenings after long day. try to spend more time bonding with him. hope u are coping well.

Ah Ching,
try to break ur usual routine or go somewhere with ur baby. Maybe some distraction will do the trick for u and baby. Some weeks i try to go out on thur/fri in the evening after work. Coz tats the time I tend to feel the mummy burnout. When i get tired, i will sleep as early as 9pm while bfing! I won't feel so tried/shagged if got adequate rest but of coz, will miss out on watching tv at nite etc.
bbmarilyn, ahnetsan n styliciously,
Ashton seem better le. Just hope his constipation will end after the diarrhoea session. :p

sometime I feel if baby learn to stand up and cruise more is better than learn to crawling. I feel that my boy is pro in crawling now that he don't feel the need to learn to walk.

where did you bought the roomba? I too ask ashton to crawl to me when he cry.. so I don't need to go over and carry him. :p when he reach me, I will ask him to stand up.. Think it is better than dragging his legs fr the floor. Then he will hug my neck with his both hands and I feel soreness sometime when he hugs too tight.

be careful when washing next time. How's is your thumb now? Still bleeding?

wow.. you very good mummy, plunk out the corn husks.. I just blend everything. :p

Think I would let my boy sit in the cushion high chair when I let him watch. Will try to strap him and c how.

Ah Ching,
You will still need to wake up often after you take up the new job if your baby sleep did not improve when u place him in IFC. Is your hubby able to help out and let u rest during the wkend? The reason I m not working now is my hubby cannot help me during the wkday (work till quite late) and during the wkend, he may be recalled back to work. I fear that I cannot cope both work and baby at the same time.

knocking on the head...
My boy still find his head straight to the floor after practice standing up and cruising for two months. Cos of the hot weather, he sweats a lot (sweaty palms) and has to find difference ways to balance himself. N maybe he think he is pro standing up and he will try to do it faster but find his head on the floor the next min.

baby proofing.. think no full proof.. our babies can surprise us everyday.. He kind of hurt his fingers after find his ways to pull the drawer out. He is so happy and he pushes his hands with the drawer back and hurt himself in the next min.
hi everyone...

haven't gotten time to catch up on the archives! But come in to drop a quick note.

Mummies who are giving Friso to your little ones.. please note that Friso is going to intro the new, improved stage 2 milk with new packaging (like those stage 3 and 4). Price increase will be about $6. Likely to happen in the next two weeks. Do stock up if u have time.

newmum0109: just came back from IKEA, that high chair is having sale now $49 (usual $69). btw, i put the play yard on alay mat, so it's
ok to fall

AhChing: I try not to be seen by him once I left the play yard, he can stay for around 30 min or so lah
But I'll peek at him from far...
My boy also wants me only, not even his daddy, but I'll still let daddy carry, his cry will subside after a while (provided he dun see me or hear me)
oh cassey,
I've never come across pikkolo at baby fairs but there's two fairs coming up - taka and mother&amp;baby. So u might wanna go n check it out.

Blue dream,
hehe.. tot i the only "mean" mum. I bought roomba model 555 @ Robinsons centrepoint. Finally! been wanting to buy since last yr. cardholders can get 5% rebate but too bad i didn't have any. so far, it has served us very well.
Ah Ching,
Got to fence 'em up with play yard. The playmat is only to cushion, not to ring them in ;)
Must be a test of your patience now. Hang in there. Have you tried putting him in things like the jumperoo? It helps to distract them for a while.

thanks for the reply. May i know if yours is LG or Parklon? Understand some say LG is better cos doesn't leave a 'dent' like parklon when pressure is applied. But i thought softer is better for the cushioning..

thanks dolly,
i will check out the high chair. But if difficult to wash then will be a problem. Was looking for something that i can just wipe actually! what's alay mat?
ecmom: My fren was still using the neckfloat for her 2yr old son. This website states that the neckfloat can be used for bbs up to 18kg http://www.babybest.sg/shop/index.php?_a=viewProd&amp;productId=67. If your child is happy in it so shd be ok. For me i stopped using it when i brought my child to the pool 3 mths ago. Mainly coz i personally find having something ard yr neck uncomfortable though bb didnt protest by crying...

Playgroups: Like to check if any mum has started looking for playgroups for their bbs... read a mum's blog with a child of the same age as us. She has already registered her child to a school.

Motivated to find one for my bb. But clueless... So many to choose in the area where i stay. Dont know which is good.
newmum: mine's parklon. i knw the dent ur talking abt. like when we press on the mat, it creates a dent. no issues with that la cuz after awhile, no more dent. =)
haha i din remove the husks wor. heehee. i jus blend together.
3rd day of trying corn, ytd night hb say i nv remove the husks. but hor, hw to remove, so many!!! jus cooked liao den blend lor. anyway, jarius eats it happily leh. hahaha. bad mummy...i din knw must remove husks until hb say so ytd lor. but i thk ok de lah

no lah, i jus blend everything... din knw must remove husks anyway. haha. nt so free until to remove the husks leh. haha

styliciously, bluedream,
wats roomba? wah u all so good hor, can let bb crawl freely on the floor in the hse and ask bb to crawl to u all when bb crying.... i cannot leh, mil's hse floor so dirty, even though she claims she got mop, i still find it dirty. so i never let J crawl on the floor. he only gets to play on his bumper playmat. haha. but at my mum's plc, i let him sit on the floor lah, cos it's clean! heheee. but haven tried letting him crawl on floor....

re: parklon mat
mine also parklon mat, also agree dat there's dents. but after a while, no more liao.so ok la. and ytd j fell backwards on the mat, den i see see hw he react, he jus stun a while den elbowed himself up and smile liao. so i guess, good enough to cushion his fall.
roomba is a robotic vacuum cleaner by iRobot. Basically able to move ard by itself to vaccum floor then when done, it will go back to its home base to charge. i bought the one with scheduling so I can set it to clean the house at a certain timing when i'm not around. mopping can actually be moving dirty water ard. the irobot version of the mop is scooba!
sometimes it's they have too much ear wax.. last time polyc gave ur olive oil drops.

really?? oh no! i heard alot feedback that friso new packing not tight attract ants.. i just bought 6tin but need to spilt IFC and house.. wonder if good to buy more now.. scare he suddenly change taste i jialut.

ikea highchair
ya i think it's gd so convenient aft use just wipe, they are really very messy on certain days esp wn they start self feed. those cushion ones will be disasterous

my poor jayden shit 7 times yday. nappy rash.. n worse thing is 3+am he woke up i mk milk for him then he drk till very slpy but after drink he shit and it's very watery bobian clean until he very awake poor boy used to slp 12hr then nap 2 3 time 30-60min now wk up at 7+ nap not much difference. thik he still having a hard time adapting, so clingy now. as for me, the only thing is i cant fell aslp early so end up very tired.. lucky the work not that bore didnt fell aslp at work. but starting to have tension headache.. hope tonight i can slp earlier..
sounds good! is it really good? will it like only able to clean the main area that is empty alot places cant reach? how much is that?
Createjoy, i got my roomba from ebay.
mine is without scheduling, think is around 300++
but ppl are saying getting from woot.com will be way cheaper
mine is $898. u need to clear clutter like toys etc from floor. it will go anywhere that is high enuff for it to squeeze under like bed. my hubby made sofa slightly higher so can go under n clean too. it will go on bumper mat too. can feel difference when u step after cleaning. i think its better than i hire a pt maid in the long run coz others like laundry or dishes i usually do myself or my mum will help sometimes.

BabyCare! shd be able to see think link.
createjoy, ya.. got the news from my aunt who is running a provision shop. I bought some more to meet his needs till about 1yr old.

seems like our babies are having some sleep issues. Dylan who is usually good at this dept is creating havoc. Stayed awaked for 2hrs four nites ago and last nite, he woke up at 4am and only slept for about 30mins ard 5am and was awake all the way till I send him to nanny. He is waking up every nite in the crawling position and also sitting position, most of the time half asleep and feeling lost about gg back to sleep! I am so zombified. He is having a little nappy rash, teething, and that horrible heat turns him to a little monster during the day. Hope he sleeps thru tonite!!
Cassey, Aug has never been a good sleeper, day or nite. But now his daytime naps have improved from last time but there are bad days when he can stay up the whole day and take a nap only in the late afternoon. As for the nite, he has NEVER slept thru the nite. The maximum hours he can go without waking is 5 hrs but that is far and between. Usually its abt 4 hrs (usually 8pm-12mn then 12mn to 4am). But there are nites when its 2 hrly feeds at nite. thats when i get really exhausted cos i start work early in the morning. I think Aug's feeding and sleeping patterns are very similar to Dolly's boy. Both of them can shake hands and be good friends.

Createjoy, my boy is very clingy to me when i come back from work also. When i first started work, he will cry the moment i step into the hse cos he wants me to carry him. I had to go into the hse quietly and take a shower before i show my face to him. But now he understands mummy has to take a shower before carrying him so he doesnt make that much noise anymore. My mum will try to play with him and distract him.

Bluedream, glad to hear that Ashton is getting better.

Re: playyard/playmat

I think the playyard helps to ensure the baby stays within the playmat to play with toys esp now that they are so mobile. It can be rather challenging to be so vigilant all the time cos sometimes need to go toilet or leave the room to take things for a short period of time. I think the playyard/playmat ensures that baby is not crawling away to somewhere dangerous and falling flat on the floor.

Aug seems contented to drag himself and pushing his feet against the ground to everywhere. He is not on his knees to crawl yet. But he is already so mobile. He can move forward/backward and change directions. Cant imagine when he is crawling proficiently. Think I will need to chase after him. I also try to get him to move towards me when he wants me to carry him to practise his crawling skills.

The weather is so hot and Aug is getting heat rashes on the back of his neck. He has been scratching both neck and ears nowadays.
One more thing, is any baby rejecting milk cos of teething? Aug didn't want his morning milk feed today. My mum think its cos he is teething. He has been making sounds with his teeth like as if he is chewing on something. I am suspecting that his upper 2 teeth are going to sprout soon.

I really would like to know if u mummes or yr maids do clean the toys yr bbs play wif? Or at least wipe them???

My maid suka suka feel like cleaning, then will clean...

Do u use soap/dettol or just water to clean them?

Any advice is helpful!

BTW, I have been giving corn to my bbs for the past one mth.

I dun remove the husk, and the bbs are fine wif the texture.

I think how i do it is probably the same as how u do yours.

1. Wash the corn (haha....silly of me to write this)
2. Use a knife and slice thru the kennels, and it will fall out one piece, one piece.
3. Steam it till cooked
4. Use a bit of water, and grind it.
5. It becomes like "jar food texture" - soft.

Removing the husk is soooo troublesome hor...
poko1, I clean my bb's toys everyday, unless he didn't play with them at all that day (once in a while, that happens when we are out the whole day or he just chose to "play" with the board books only that day.)
I add a little dettol to water, use cloth (wring dry) to wipe the toys clean.
<font color="cc3399"> AhChing, thanks! *You know why*

Re: Play Yard
Yay! My haenim bargain play yard arrived tonight and Kyle's taken to it beautifully. He cried at first when I popped him in in the pre-family-dinner chaos. But put him in again after dinner and he was happily cruising along the perimeter. After letting him out to roam, he crawled back in of his own accord and cruised again. YIPPEE!!! Let's just hope this continues.

styli, thanks for the recommendation! I'm considering another more affordable alternative that a good friend *you know who you are* has recommended.
I'm rather anti-fairs. Hate crowds.

My pt cleaner comes in fortnightly and does NOT do the dishes or laundry. That's not what PT cleaners are for cos those are the daily chores that we need to tackle ourselves. She cleans the floors and toilets excellently, wipes down surfaces, changes my sheets and empties and re-lines all the trash bins for me. She's great - even taking the initiative to launder my sheets and hang them out before she leaves. SHE RULES! I've recommended her to 3 other mummies here and as far as I know, 2 are using her to their satisfaction.

bbAug, same here. Kyle hasn't and is still not sleeping through the night.
He did a handful of times... But mostly his best regularly sleep time is from 10pm to 2-3am. I wonder why...

I think it somewhat easier now that Kyle is so mobile. Cos he can just come after me and doesn't need my help to retrieve his toys and what-not. He's climbing up the steps to mum's dining hall with ease now and tackling thresh-holds and little curbs from 1 room to another. So he pretty much can choose where he wants to be without too much fuss. *I'm happy!*

Poko, I'm a laidback mum. Didn't clean Kyle's toys at all unless I NOTICE they're dirty with food or he's spat on them or something big. If I see him drooling on them, I just give them a quick wipe with his burpcloth on the spot. If I don't see, oops, too bad la. When I moved in with mum, her helper helped me wash all his toys in mild detergent cos there were ants on his toy basket. Hey! What doesn't kill them will make them stronger!!!

An easier alternative I read in a parenting mag from US though... is to spray the toy basket/box and its contents with Lysol or similar disinfecting sprays. Once the items dry, there is no risk of toxic residue being left behind. RIGHT UP MY ALLEY!!!

i clean them daily or once every few days depending on how much they are fingered and drooled on. just wipe down with mild 'edible' detergent meant for washing baby bottles followed by water.
haha i'm a lazy mummy. i dont wash toys often.. only those that he put into mouth i will wash with the liquid detergent use to wash milk btl alt day. i usually wash a batch keep in container and tk out a few at a time. those that cant wash like exersaucer i use dettol to wipe on wkend.
I only washed the handful of toys he puts into his mouth daily with bottle cleanser. The rest I wipe with just water whenever I feel like it. Which isn't often, haha.

are u still sterilizing bottles? Is it safe to stop already??
Hi all,

it's been a long time since I posted. Just came in on and off when I am free to to go online. Looks like everyone is either busy working or taking care of our lil terror!

Need some advice from those who have travelled overseas with your lil one. I am heading to HK end of the month. Was looking at what to pack for junior. How do you sterilise the bottles in HK? Can bring formula and hot water up the plane or we just bring his milk powder and rely on the hot water provided by aircraft? You think I can get cereal and jar food(like ours) there, so I just travel light? Or to lug what he is eating now? Is it safe to use HK tap water or just buy drinking water from supermart and then boil in hotel?

Sorry, just dunno where to get answer so think better ask. TIA!
hi gers!

been a long time since my last post. nt been catchin up on yr posts either. time all taken by my ger.

quick qn: for those who r oredi giving ngoh hee (threadfin) to yr babies, do u all cook it wif the skin or nt?
hi mummies,
seems like alot of bbs are having sme sleeping issues here. same goes for mine. jamus has only slept thru the nite for a couple of times. he will usually wake up 2-3times in the nite in his cot in the crawling position too! he doesn't nap well in the day as well, unless he has been out for the day, then he will nap longer in the late afternoon.

i agree the heat is terrible nowadays. jamus perspires easily! can perspire even with the fan circulating around.

re: bumper mat
mine also parklon and it cushion well enuff for his fall. so far, no cries :p
<font color="cc3399"> newmum, Kyle's had a pillow from the get-go... Starting off with a beanie and then a doughnut pillow thing.</font>

rosel: i was jus wondering whr u went to! lol!! i steam threadfin with the skin on. easier to remove when it's cooked! =)

ahnetsan: oh ok ok! shall try for hailey. =)
